Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, May 20, 1914, Image 7

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SOUTH UNION V W. A. HAUI/Y. M?M (in-, will Be Held on Suturday, Muy 28d. Following is tlie program for the Y. W. A. Rally at South Union Bap tist church on May 2:p 10.30 a. m.- -Devotional--M les Nannie Moore. Roll-call and short verbal repor* from Y. W. A .*s. 11 y mn. Short address, followed hy round table (Mrs. Geo. E. Davis); Ave minute papers oil following subjects: 1. Greatest Hindrances lo Y. W. A. Work-Misses Robbie Simpson and j Bewley Hunsinger. 2. The ideal V. W. A. Program.| Miss Vera Crawford. Discussion by leaders. 3. The Ideal Y. W. A. Deader- ' Mrs. H. M. Fa lia w. Hymn; adjourn; lunch 1 o'c'oek to 2 o'clock. 2 p. m. Devotional .Mrs. O. K. 1 Breazeale. Y. W. A. Processional. Reading, "The Master Calleth fer Thee"--Miss Nellie Crawford. Patter. "Giving, from a Girls' View point"-Mrs. L. M. Glymph. Special music-Misses .Marlon Pitts and Eleanor Keese. "Mission Study Work and Mission Study Reading Circles"-Mrs. Geo. E. Davis. Hymn. Practical Fenns of Personal Ser vice for Country Y ,W. A.'s. Business; hymn: adjourn. All societies are urged to send del egates just as they do to the quarter ly W. M. P. meetings. It is especially desired that churches without organ izations send representatives also. Will each divisional vice president urge every church under her care to complv with this request? Mrs. W. C. Mays, Asso. Supt. Y. W. A.'s. j Feel Dull and Sluggish ? Start Your j Uiver to Working. It heats all how quickly Foley Ca- t th artic Tablets liven your liver, over- I come constipation-make you feel I lively and active again. J. D. Mc- i Knight, Fort Worth Texas, says: , "My disagreeable symptoms were entirely removed by the thorough <deansing Foley Cathartic Tablets gave me." They're a wonder. Bell's i Drug Store.-Adv. UNION* MEETING MAY 30-i>l. Lower Division Meeting Will De Held ut Bethel Church. Following is the program tor the meeting of the Lower Division ( Hea ve! Mani Baptist Association), which will he held with Bethel chinch May 30 and 3 1 : H? a. m. Devotional oxorclsi : 11. Con way Smith 10.30- What shall we do about Saturday services? J. 1'.. Harris J. W. Dearden. II- Heading and discussion of the Church Covenant and Discipline of the Church. Rev. Sublett, Re\ 1). I. Spearman, H. .1. Myers. I ii tn. Song Ber vice, i 2.30 p. m.-Dinner L' II. m.-Song ser\ Ice, conducted hy R. L. Hall. 2. l."> Systematic Bible reading. I). I. Mulkey, P. P. Sullivan. 2.45 -The advantage of forming pastoral Heids. S. P. Hi nee, R. H. Land. W. N. Bruce. 15- Song. 3.30-The pastor and Sundav school. Kev. H. C. Smith. W. H. Cole, John Durham. Sunday. 10 a. m.- Devotional exercises, conducted hy W. C. Taylor. 10.15-Systematic giving. J. B. Harris. Rev. Sublett. 10.45-Song service, conducted hy J. A. Durham. II Missionary sermon by Rev. H. M. Fallaw. Rev. H. C. Smith. W. H. Cole. W. X. Bruce, Committee. Coughed for Three Years. .'I am a lover of your godsend to humanity and science. Your medi cine, Dr. King's New Discovery, cured my cough of three years* standing," says Jennie Flemming, of New Dover, Ohio. Have you an an noying cough? Is it stubborn and won't yield to treatment? Cet a fide, bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery to-day. What it did for Jennie Flem ming it will do for you, no matter bow stubborn or chronic a cough may he. It slops a cough and stops throat and lung trouble. Relief or money back. 50c. and $1, at your druggist. Bucklen's Arnica Salve for pim ples.-Ad v. PERFECT BROILING A steak broiled on the New Perfection Oil Cook-stove is tender and delicious. The New Perfection has a special broiler, a hood that sits away from the flame but which gets all the heat. It broils both sides at once. All the flavor of the meat is saved. New T*crf?ction ?X WICK PLUE 'JFJL: Oil Cook-Stove means easier work and a cool, clean kitchen. Made with 1,2,3, and 4 burn ers; also a new stove with fireless cooking oven. At all hardware and department stores. STANDARD OIL COMPANY Wsshlngton, D. C (New Jersey) Charlotte. fi. G. Norfolk, Va. BALTIMORE Charlesto n, W. Va. Richmond Va. ' Charleston, S. C. TTBLr THi; KIDNEYS. Wallia I hi H railers Aro I ea: nine, thc Way. lt's the little kidney ills The la ino. weak or aching back The unnoticed urinary disorders That may lead to dropsy and Bright 's disease. When the kidneys are weak. Help them with Dean's Kidney Pills. A remedy especially for weak kid neys. Dean's have been used in kidney i roubles for .">?> yea i's. Endorsed by 30.000 people-en dorsed at home. Proof in a Walhalla citizen's statement. Mrs. Martha Driscoll. No. ? Fac tory Hill. Walhalla. S. C.. says: "My kidneys were in bad shape. I had severe attacks of backache and pains in my sides. I was also subject to dizzy and nervous spells. Seeing Dean's Kidney Pills advertised, I gol a supply tit Dr. Hell's drug store. They restored me to good health." Price ?Oc. at all dealer?. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy-get Doa ns Kidney Pills-the same that Mrs. Driscoll had. Foster-M ilburn Co.. Props.. Buffalo. N. Y.-Adv. IMPORTANT MEETINGS JUNE O. Democratic Clubs Are Called to Meet and Reorganize on that Date. All Democratic Clubs that have not met and reorganized are hereby re quested to meet at their respective places of meeting on Saturday, the 6th day of June, 1914, at :i o'clock p. m.. and the secretary will please send the name of the county execu tive committeeman to the county chairman. The Democratic County Executive Committee will meet at the Court. House in Walhalla on Saturday, June 13th. at 1 1 o'clock a. m., for the con sideration ol' important business. A full attendance is earnestly re quested, .las. M. Moss, County Chairman. C. H. D. Bursn, Secretary. (County papers please copy.) SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. A Vegetable Element that is Rapidly Doing'Away With the Use of Calomel. Bell's Drug Store is one of the first progressive concerns to offer for sale the new system of medicine that is fast supplanting the use of old-fashioned calomel as a liver medicine. Nearly every one knows how easily the liver becomes sluggish In this climate and how this sluggishness effects not only all the other physi cal organs, but the mind as well. The signal towers of this dread condition, which call malaria, aro coated tomine, lack of energy, dull eyes, constipation, sallow com plexion. Taken with regularity thia proven ?onttile liquid e.-labie medicine, m the torin of Carswell's Liver Aid, will prevent or promptlv relieve all liver troubles. On sale under money-return guar anteed hy Hell's Drug Storer-Adv. OcOneC Rural Carriers to Picnic. The Oconee rural letter carriers will hold their annual picnic Satur day, May 30th, 1914. at the Tunnel. At this meeting we elect otllccrs for inp ensuing year and .'.ci?gales to the State meeting. All carriers and subs are urgently requested to bo present. Postmas ters and assistants are cordi: Hy In vited. Respectfully, Ben Harper. Secretary. Baptists Favor National Prohibition. Nashville, Tenn., May M.-The Southern Baptist Convention to-day went on record as favoring national prohibition and authorized the em ployment of an agent to do educa tional work In the Interest of the movement. Action on the question was taken hy the adoption of the report of the temperance committee submitted liv Dr. A. J. Barton, of Waco, Texas. Deiioniin.itlonal coiWrol over its Sunday school lesson courses also was decided upon hy the convention, which adopted the report of the Sun day school lesson committee. DODSON'S GUARANTEE EXPLAINED 111 DODSON Rend What Dodson Says About His Liver Tone to You Who Surfer from Constipation. "Dodson's Liver Tone takes the palee of calomel. Instead of being dangerous, it is harmless and works easily and naturally, without bad after-effects. 1 have authorized II. M. Barton and Norman Company to refund purchase price (f>0c.) to you instantly without question if you are in any way dissatisfied with it. If Dodson's Liver Tone can't help you. 1 don't want your money." That's how Dodson feels about this pleasant-tasting vegetable-liquid liver regulator ano reliever of constipa tion and biliousness. Tho lives of so m ?ny people have been brightened and hollered by this great remedy that leading druggists now recoin mend it and seven of America's most prominent physicians O. K.'d it. after thorough analysis of its ingredients and effects. it is generally known that calo mel, being a poison, is a peril to many. lt stays in the system, and, while it may seem to give you a tem porary relief, often "knocks you out" for several days. With Dodson's Liver Tone you are Bet right without ache or gripe and with no bad results to interfere in tho slightest way with your regular occupations and habits. So ?reat a number of former sufferers fi."/tn con stipation and Inactive liver have been vastly been fited by Dodson's Liver Tone that it would seem wise for you to give lt a trial now. Children like lt and lt does wonders for thom.-Ad. KI KM. INDICTED, CONSPIRACY, Charged With Graft in fanni Zone Business-Others Accused, New York, May l l. .Joli!) Burke, whose omcial duties as manager of the commissary department of the Panania Canal Zone have been unde. investigation here, in Panania nod in Washington for several months, was indicted to-day hy the Federal grand jury, it is charged that he accepted gratuities amounting to $10.OOO from dealers in supplies in the Cai ''.one. Col. C. \V. (Joethals, Covernor ol' the Zone, suspended Burke some time ago, pending the Inquiry. The canal builder, a? the direction of Sec retary Garrison, turned Burke's ca-e over to the Federal authorities herc. Those indicted with Burke wi r Isaac Brandon, Joseph Willcox and Joseph W. Sallls, merchants in Pan ania. They are accused, with Burke, of a conspiracy to defraud the go ern nient in violation of a section of the criminal code. Knited States District Attorney Carsephen announced to-night tin? he had received information that Burke left at '}> o'clock this afternoon for Washington to surrender h i nisei to the Federal authorities. Two o' the others are said to be in Panama. Warrants have been issued for all. Sallis appeared in court, surren dered himself, was arraigned before Judge Hand and held in $1,000 ball, which he furnished. Returns to America. Panama, May 14.-John Harke, former manager of the commissary department of the Canal Zone, left to-day for New Orleans to remain permanently in the United States. His connection with the commissary department has been severed. Governor Goethals to-day said he advised Burke that he would best serve his own interests by leaving the Canal Zone, and his departure is generally regarded as the result of the Governor's advice. Burke declared that he was leav ing the Isthmus a poor man, with a darkened future. .Tl// SOOTHES KORE, TIRED, SWEATY FEET. Ah! what relief. Xo more tired feet; no more burning feet, swollen, bad-smelling, sweaty feet. No more pain in corns, callouses or bunions. No matter what aila . i feet or whs I tder tho sui re Ivied vii >ut get ting .I,.,I !, just use"TIZ." "TIZ" draws out all poison ous exudations which puff up tho feet; TIZ is magical ; TIZ is grand; TIZ will cure your foot troubles so you'll never limp or draw up your ?are in pain. Your shoes won't seem tight and your feet will never, never hurt or ge; sore, swollen or tired. Get a 25-cent box at any drug or department store, and get instant relief. Under a new rule with referen to the use of telephones In Germany, no conversation over a local line may last longer than six minutes, and no; over nine minutes on a long distance j line. A wireless telegraph tower SL'.". feet high and twenty feet in diame ter has just been erected at Tucker ton, on the New Jersey const. it is the highest structure 'n the United States and, next to the Eiffel Tower, the highes?. In the world. lt was built by a German company. \ Nobody al certified smo The best ou because it holds ness in the open C 5-Cent Pound 9??ac?e %iM Reliable evidence is abundant that women are constantly being restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Thc many testimonial letters that wc are continually pub lishing in the newspapers-hundreds of them-areal) genu ine, true and unsolicited expressions of heartfelt gratitude for the freedom from suffering that has come to these women solely through the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Money could not buy nor any kind of influence obtain such recommendations; you may depend upon it that any testimonial we publish is honest and true-if you have any doubt of this write to the women whose true names and addresses are always given, and learn for yourself. Read this one from Mrs. Waters: CAMDEN, N.J.-"1 was sick for two years with nervous spells, and my kidneys were affected. I had a doctor all tho limo and used a galvanic battery, but nothing did mo any good. I was not able to go to bed, hut s'Kint my time on a couch or in a sleeping-chair, and soon became almost a skeleton. Finally my doctor went away for his health, and my husband heard of Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and got me some. In two months I got relief and now I am like a new woman and am at my usual weight. I recommend your medicine to every one and so does my husband."-Mrs. TILLIE WATEKS, 1135 Knight St., Camden, N.J. And this one from Mrs. Haddock: UTICA, OKLA.-"I was weak and nervous,not able to do my work and scarcely able to he on my feet. I had backache, headache, palpi tation of the heart, trouble with my bowels, and inflammation. Sineo taking tho Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I am better than I have been for twenty years. I think it is a wonderful medi cine and I have recommended it to others."-Mrs. M?IIY ANN HAD DOCK, Utica, Oklahoma. Now answer this question if you can. Why should a woman continue to suffer without first giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial ? You know that it has saved many others-why should it fail in your case? For SO years Lydia 1^ Pinkham's Vegetable . Compound has been the standard remedy for fe male ills. No ono sick with woman's ailments does justice to herself if she docs not t ry t his fo? mous medicine made vrora cool s and herbs, ft has restored so many suffering women to health. BWflHf^Wrlie to LYDIA L.P1NKIIAM MEDICINE CO. W^W (CONFIDENTIAL) LYNN, MASS., for advice. Your letter will bo opened, road and answered by a woman and held In strict confidence. Sh ri nora Select ^cattle, Atlanta, Maj ? -Ha?lng ?eVected Seattle as next year's meeting junee, elected officers) and Finished other business, the Shriners attending tho annual conclave? here to-day devot ed themselves to a program ol' sight seeing. Thousands in autos and suburban trains visited the battle fields of Atlanta. K ena esa w Moun tain. Peachtree Creek, stone Moun tain and other historic places. This is the last day of (he conclave here. Dr. Frederick R. Smith, of Ro ehester, X. Y., was ele ted Imperial Potentate, succeeding W. W. Irwin, of Wheeling. W. Va. Child Cross? Feverish? Sick? A cross, peevish, listless child, with coated tongue, pale, doesn't sleep; eats sometimes very little, then again ravenously; stomach sour: breath fetid; pains in stomach, with diar hoen; grinds teeth while asleep, and starts up with terror--all suggest a worm killer--something that expels worms, and almost every child has them. Kickapoo Worm Killer ls needed. Cet a box to-day. Start at once. You won't have to coax, as Kickapoo Worm Killer is a candy confection. Kxpels the worms, the cause of your child's trouble. 25c, at your druggist.-Adv. tidied in Hallway Wreck? Ludowici, (ja., May l t. - Ettgin??f o. kVUili is dead uiui Fireman Claude II. .Nettles ls dying ns the result of a rear-end collision between a South ern Railway south-bound passenger train and a freight train on the At lantic Coast Line tracks here this af ternoon. The passenger train crash ed Into thc caboose of the freight, the engine overturning and pinning Knglneer Winn beneath lt. He was badly scalded by escaping steam from a hurst pipe and could not be extricated from his position form?n? than an hour. Moth were rushed to a Savannah hospital, where thc former died to night at 1 0 o'clock. Engineer Winn, who had l>eon on a passenger run on the Southern for ? ".2 years, is survived by his widow j and one son, who were In Jackson j ville at the time. The wreck is said to have been due ! to mistaken orders. He Don't Care. If ordinary war ls hell. That mine war, then, is heller: Still he declines to arbitrate Does Mr. Rockefeller. Af arning! Ilowed on this earth except regularly kers of STAG. tdoor tobacco ? aU its good air. The best indoor tobacco because of its fresh and deli cious fragrance. Convenient Packages: The Handy Hatf-Sizo Tin, tho Full-Sizo lO-Cent'Tin, the Pound and Half, lin Humidors aod the Pound Glas? Humidor. STAC TING-tYGOOD Ml