Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, March 04, 1914, Image 8

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.!? ?J? ?Jr ?J? *J? .{? ?I? ?J? ?J? TWO MINDS SINGLE Tl ?41; .I ?j. ?j? WALHALL ?J. ?J? ?J. * ?J. ?J. * ?I? ?I? * TUN REASON WE SOLICIT your hank account is because wo wan) our deposits to |(l'(>tv as great ns possible, ns the benefits n> our cus tomers mow proportionate willi tho amount ot' de|M>sits. As our deposits are growing last, wo arc ulric to O lifo r our customers tho best service ob tainable now. ls not this an induce ment to bli UK youi- accounts hero? Bank of Walhalla, WALHALLA, S. 0. Tho Regular Communication of KS&b Blue Ridge Lodge, No. 92, ?ffl A. P. M., will bo held next Wm m Friday evening, March 6th, l'.U 4. at 8 o'clock. W. C. Hughs, W. M. W. O. White. Secretary. adv. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. JJ) j ? ?T.?t? ?J? ??? ? j" ??" ??? ?J? ?T? ?T? ?T" .J? ??.,. j.. j? ? j. .1, ! -Cabbage plants, Norman's. ad. - Miss Julia Maxwell returned last Friday from a pleasant visit of seve ral weeks to ber sister, Mrs. J. W. Nix, of Oreen ville. -W. M. Moore has a letter re- ' mailling In the Walhalla post ollice uncalled for for the week ending! Marci! :'. Please call for same. - I have just received a car load each Of Hughes and Kock Hill bug gies. Come and >;et one. T. E. Al exander. Walhalla. S. C. adv.-10 -Kev. .1. lt. I'mberger, ol' St. .lohn Y I.ut heran church, will preach at Ebenezer next Sunday afternoon at S..10 o'? lock. rite public is cordially Invited to attend the service. Mrs. lt. ('allaway has returned from Atlanta, having attended tho millinery openim s. selecting all the latest styles; , .so popular linos of notions and dry goods for the Nor man Dry doods Store. Try one of our famous Interna tional stalk cutteis. They do the work. Sold by W. M. Brown adv. Mrs. A. (5. Shanklln, ot" Deni son, spent some time Ins! '\e.>k in , West Union visiting her brothers and ' elster. She was accompanied by lie: charming little daughter, Miss .lanie ' Neville Sbanklln. --There will be a call meeting of the Ladies' Aid Society of tho First Baptist church at the home of Mrs. C. F. Ilotriek this (Wednesday) af-' ternoon at !t o'clock. All members of tho society are urgently requested 10 attend and be on hand promptly. -Moss ?? Ansel will show, on Fri day and Saturday, March ('.th and 7th. the bigest line of tailoring ever shown in Walhalla. Yon aro invited to inspect, the same. adv. -There will be a special service at Pitchiord's Hall to-morrow (Thurs day) night, beginning ai ?.:!(> o'clock. This week is being observed by the members of the First Ilaptisl church as a week 01 prayer, and to-morrow night a special program will be car ried ont. con-e I in., of songs and other interesting features, the whole service being filled with the mission ?Iii ri t. The service will be thor onghly non-denominational, :?nd tho members of ot IHM- denominations are urged lo attend, as are also the pas tors ol' all the local churches. Those in charge hope for a large attend ance, and the oc a ?on promises boll, interesl and profit for all who at tend. Moss <?. Ansel will show you something nice in tim tailoring line Friday and Saturday. Call and se loci that spring and summer suit. De livered when wanted and tit guaran teed. adv. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Crow, whoso son. Luther Crow, was recently kill ed at Oak Point, Wash., by being run over by a locomotive, are greatly consoled by a letter received last week in reference to their son. Tho letter was written by Kev. .1. |. Mil lei, ol' Oak l'oint, and speaks in tho highest terms of young Mr. Crow, who. he says, was a regular attend ant at his Church and a deeply con secrated young man. Kev. Mr. Mil ler is a nal Ive of North Carolina, Ke ime a son of Henry Miller, of Lake Toxaway, and bas been preaching in Washington for some time In thc. dark hour of sorrow the letter from this minister came to Mr. and Mrs. Crow as a ray of sunshine to brighten the clouds of despair and .sorrow that have come to thom so recently. 4? 4? 4* 4? *** 4? 4* 4? 4?4*' WITH BUT A SOUGHT relief from sore throat-so prevale?! anil catching at this time ol i.'e year. For all hu man ills here is the place io seek the right remedies the kind that assure quick relief. We carry all kinds of Internal and external remedies in pro prietary articles, and our pre scription department leads in promptness, careful compound ing and low prices. Agency Saturday livening Post Ladies' Home Journal. IRK; STOKE* \. S. c. ?J. ?J. ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?I? ?J? Oliver chilled plows and repairs: for salo by W. M. Brown. adv. Swiss cheese 45c. per pound Pimento and Roquefort cheese 15c. per jar ai Cash Grocery Co. adv. -Miss Virginia Waddell, of Green ville, spent Sunday and Monday in Walhalla with her friends and reta-1 lives, Mr. and Mrs. S. X. Pitchford. We have just received our spring line of t'tz & Dunn slippers for wo men anil children. C. W Pitchford. Walhalla. adv. Mrs. C. M. Wilcox will entertain the Mayne Circle next friday after noon. March 6th, taking the meeting1 to ha., been held with Mrs. J. H. S. Dendy. The regular program for thal date will be carried out. .1. W. Shelor, Esq., spent yester day at Charlotte and High Point. X. C.. on business. Incidentally, while in the latter place, be was looking after tlie new seats for the Walhalla 1 Maplist church. Liver Tone. Root Juice. Wine Cardul, Black Draught, Vick's Pneu monia Salve, Dewitt's Kidney Pills, guaranteed the best, al Norman's, ad. Superintendent E. A. Miles, of j the South Union school, requests us to announce that Prof. W. K. Tate will deliver an address at the South Union school bouse on thc night of March 18th. The public is cordially Invited to attend. We are requested to announce that there will be a meeting of the Civic League on Friday afternoon next al :t.:tO o'clock at the home of Mrs. Jas. M. Moss. All members are urged to attend promptly, as the meeting is to be one of importance. -Pleasant and profitable employ ment for women, girls and boys. Ap ply to Hetrlck Hosiery Mills, Wal halla, S. C. t. f.-adv. j - I. S. P.arret, of Toccoa, Qa., has recently purchased land in the Flat Shoals section of Oeonee and moved to this county with his family. He and his are most cordially welcomed to our midst. Wc understand that Mr. Barret's purchase was made from lt. \. Nichols. -Paints, oil. varnish. stains, brushes. Norman's Drug Store, ad. During the first week ol court, beginning next Monday, the ladies of the First Raptist church will serve dinner at the Court Hotisi with their headquarters at tho law office of She lor & Hughs (upstair-;, over I he C oi lier office). These ?adie-- will use the lauds obtained through the!?* ef forts in assisting thc church lo bear i he expense of s<atin;: the new church, which will he ready foi- oc cupancy in the neai' i'm'ire. THO- .. who had the plea, .ire of taking Jin ner with these ladies at a recent term of court iiere will gladly pa tronize them again. Not only wll the ladies be glad >a serve their, friends from the county, but those of the town who desire to patronize them will be most cordially welcom ed. All who come will he served in t he very best manner Big lin<> talcum powders and toi let articles. Norman's Di ng Store, ad. ? Our good friend. J. W. Reed, of , Salem, was an appreciated visitor to The Courier office last Saturday. In | conversation we learned that Mr. Reed is .">.". years of age, and he stated ? thal he was born and raised within! a few miles of where he now lives, 1 and that he has never lived farther j than seven miles from the homo of ; his parents where lui was born. He j has in all spent only thirteen nights outside tho borders of South Carolina. ? He ls a believer In home, and he has made his home by constant endeavor i and hard work. Some years ago Mr. Reed's hearing began to fail, and to- ! day he is able to hear only by the ' use of an ear trumpet, yet ho enjoys life to thc full, and there is never a , mere cheerful visitor received at The Courier office than Mr. Reed. He is' a fanner by occupation and has made a success of his work. The tailor-made suit shows higher. See Moss &. Ansel Friday and Saturday. adv. I Mrs. Jas. H. Darby entertained most charmingly on Tuesday of last I week In honor jf the Auction Club members. Uer lovelj home was most attractive on this occasion with Its daintv decorations In commoir.oi ation of tho recent anniversary of the birth Of "the father of his country." A number of interesting games of pro gressive auction were enjoyed, and at tho close of tin hour thus pleas antly spent, Miss Irene Strother, hav ing highest score, was presented with a beautiful woven wicker sandwich basket. Mrs. A. c. Shnnklln drew se.-ond. a lovely string of beads, while Mrs. J. A. steck was presented with thc consolation, a dainty Nepon china trinket box. A delicious salad course was then served by the host ess, assisted by M\h? frene Strother. Those who were so fortunate as to enjoy this delightful afternoon were Mesdames J. A. Steck and A. G. Shnnklln, Misses Janie Neville, Roxie Reid. Anna Darby. Elaine Lord, Hlo ise and Irene Strother. Ten-room boarding house to rent lo parly with family I hat will furnish operatives for hosiery mill. Good opportunity for family that wants to work and do well. Con venient house, COlSe to mill. Apply to Hetrlck Hosiery Mill, Walhalla, ad. + 1 ?I 4 + 1 4?i 4*! * 4 . i 4 4 4 4 4 -T. B. Alexander sells Rock Hill buggies. Walkalla. S. C. adv.-tf. Rev. J. ll. Clark will preach al Mount Olive church on the third Sun day in March at ll o'clock. The pub lic is cordially invited to attend. For buggies, wagons and har ness call on W. M. Brown. adv. There will In; a congregational meeting at the Walhalla Presbyterian church immediately after the morn ing service next Sunday. The mein hers are urged lo attend, as the site for the neu- (burch will be deter mined G. M. Wilcox, Pastor. F. M. Cary. >f Seneca, was anion!; his many friends in Walhalla for a short w hile Monday. Mr. Can is still in business at Anderson, and it will be some months yet before he will wind up the season's cotton Busi ness there. Ile is always a welcome \ isitor to Walhalla. Some wonderful bargains in wool and serge snits al Norman's Dry Coeds Store. Men's and boy's panis in meat variety. adv. The Matheson Hardware Com pany, of Westminster, call attention this week to their larne linc of hard ware and builders' materials of all kinds, wire fencing, otc. Call on them when you need anything in their line. They have the goods and are ready to serve an tn the best fflnn ner possible. See advertisement on this page. Toccoa Record, Feb. 27: "Rc\. Ceo. M. Wilcox, of Walhalla, accom panied by two or three other gentle men of that town, were in Toccoa Monday looking over the ToCcoa church buildings. Kev. Wilcox is pastor of the Presbyterian church at Walhalla, and his congregation is about to benin the erection of a $1"?. 000 church building. They went from here to Elberton to examine the plans of Rev. C. I. Stacy's 'model' church." -Just received car of fresh Port land cement, w. M. Brown, adv. -The Columbia Tailoring Com pany's representative will be at the store ol* Moss & Ansel Friday and Saturday of this week, and he will be glad to attend to the wants of the customers of this popular firm. Messrs. Moss & Ansel have been handling the Columbia Tailoring Company's goods for years, and they are high class in every respect. Call at their store Friday and Saturday ol" this week and see for yourself. Their announcement can be found on the Hf th page. - -Died, at the home of W. R. Da vis, on the morning ol' February 2?, Mrs. F. L. Tate, of Elberton, Ga., daughter of the late J. Overton Lewis, of Pickens county, and Wife of R. A. Ttato. Two sons survive her-S. W. and lid ward Tate, of El berton. The deceased was 79 years of age. Mrs. Tate was a sister of F. A. I^wis. of Walhalla. There are many friends of the family here and elsewhere who will join with us in extending to the bereaved ones sin con1 sympathy in their sorrow. -To those who aro disposed to think that the recent cold snap put the local thermometers "on tho bum" wo would suggest that apparent-jta crepancles in the readings merelym dicate tho marvelous possibilities pf our ' inimitable" climate. A varia tion of ton degrees on the same date, at about the same hour, simply shows that you can get just what you w?nt in the way of temperature within the corporate limits of the town. Sonic thermometers registered as low as 10 degrees above zero Monday morning, while other varied between that point and 20. The nicest line of nobby shoes at Norman's store; also select line of hosiery. adv. -The announcement of the mar riage, last Thursday. February L'fith, Of M rs. C. Omo Townsend and Rob ert T. Keys, at Savannah. Qa., carno as a pleasant surprise to many .''tills in Walhalla of the groom, who is well and favorably known here, ho having spent, his youth here at the home of his grandfather. Col. Robert A. Thompson. Tho marriage ceremony took place at thc Independ ent Presbyterian church at Savannah. Mr Keys is now located at Florence, S. C , at which place the young cou ple will reside. We join with hosts of friends of the groom in extending congratulations, and to the happy couple every good wish for a happy and and prosperous journey (brough life. -The March term of Court for Oconee \ ill convene here next Mon day, the tl th. The Courier is doing business at tho same old stand, and wo will be ^lad to welcome all our friends at nie olHce during the ses sion of Court. Come in a? make headquatrers with us. Wv a iv ys have a good, hot fire and piont: of coo) water. If the fire isn't hot enough for some of those who hap-' [ion to owe us, let thom conic in any way* and we'll "heap coals of tiro on their heads" till thoy feol lt and shell out tho long green to sonare accounts, and a little in advance. Everybody will be welcome, whether we owe thom or they owe us. If you owe us, come In and look pleasant and we'll do the best we can to follow Milt, whether you pay in full or not. We .ire always gi ad to welcome our friends from the county. -There are many fi'ends in Oco noo and elsewhere wh;> will leam with deep iegret of Hie death of Mrs Nancy Keese, widow of tho bur Tims. H. Keese, which, occurred on Friday. February 20th. nt tho home of her son, Elijah B of I ?ir Sf Ul h Union section, where she had been lng. Funeral services wore con ducted on tho 2ist, Cue interment fol lowing in the South Union cemetery. M's. Koose was quite an aged hdy. and had hosts of fri ads \vbeevor she was known. She was a consistent church member .ind earnest IA or kef, her lifo being an open book, disclos ing those traits of character which come from a close and constant fol lowing of tho Master. In her death a good woman has boon called to her reward, and many there arc who Sha]! "riso up and call hoi* biossod." To tho bereaved ones Tho Courier joins with many other friends in ex tending sincere sympathy In their hour of sorrow. -Have you seen those pretty ging hams and other dress (doth Mr. Har rison ls showing at Norman's Dry doods Store? rulv. 7Why not spend it where place when it comes to a one linc of Clothing for < ? can get. It holds its Sha ing. Wc have just recci surely please you. We have a surely move them. Glance ovc \ lot Boys' Suits, Coats and Ve Pants, sizes from 15 to 33, rej ular $5 and $6 values, only . \ lot Boys' and Small Men's O lar $5 to $8 values, for quiet sale now only. Carter ? W A Buy It Here, and -Miss Mamie Harrison has hoon chosen as one of the teachers in the Walhalla High School, and she will succeed Miss (iorirude Riemann, re signed. Miss Harrison will take charge ol' her work in about ten days. -Mrs. Chas. W. Pitchford and lit tle daughter Marie left last week for Florida for a stay of a few months. For some time past little Miss Marie has been in poor health, and it is hoped that the change will be bene ficial to her. There are many friends here who hope that the little one may be restored soon to perfect health. -.lames .M. Hell, of Clayton. Ga., is spending a few days in Oconee looking after business interests. He was in Walhalla yesterday and this morning, paying The Courier an ap preciated call. He ls the owner of several tracts of land In Oconee and came down mainly to look after the payment of taxes and returning his real estate. -Miss Marie Isbell has returned from her recent trip to New York, where she went in company with Mrs. Lee G. Holleman, of Anderson, with whom she is employed in Anderson in the milliner" business. Miss Is bell spent, a s iort while In Walhalla with her parent.:, ".ir. and Mrs. J. D. Isbell. following her return from New York. -The first quarterly conference of Walhalla Station, M. E. Church, South, will be held at the Methodist Church at 4 p. m., Sunday, March 8, Rev. Thos. C. O'Dell, P. E.. presiding. Rev. Mr. O'Dell will also All the pul pit at 7.30 p. m. This ls the drat visit of the new presiding elder, and it ls hoped that good congregations will greet him at both services. -We are in receipt of a request to announce Hutt there will be a box supper al the ('ross Roads Baptist church, the purpose hoing to raise funds with which to purchase an or gan for use by the congregation. The public is cordially invited and urged to attend and patronize i he enter tainment liberally. No date, how ever, is given for thc holding of the box supper, hence that important in formation cannot he given. We are requested to print the following notice: "Rev. II. C. Smith, of Loris. S. C.. will preach at Bethel Baptist church (near Oak way) next Sunday m->niing at the regular preaching hour. Mr. Smith is a grad uate of Fur man University (1913). At present he is preaching and teach ing at Loris, Horry county. All at tending will be well repaid for their trouble. He will also preach at the South Union church In the after- ! noon." 9R fifi REWARD will be paid tC?iUU for proof to convict party who cut belt on corn mill. W. O. WHITE, Walhalla, S. C. WILL TAKE ORDERS for Potato Plants at $l.f.O per I,OOO or 20c. per 100 until the 10th of Mandi. High est prices paid for Chickens and Eggs. H. T. CRENSHAW, Wal halla. 0 WANTED-You to write and ask me any Ave que ions you wish to know. I have toi fortunes 43 years. Send your age. 2 0c. silver and a stamp. PROF. JOHN RUSSELL, Moweaqua, III. 7-9* A SELECTION OF JEWELRY is generally a matter of taste and faith in Hie Jeweler, lt is therefore imperative that you buy at. a store with ? reputation for reliability. That ours is such a store there is am ple testimony. If you have a pur chase of Jewelry in mind our assort* ment will appeal to your inste; our guarantee will justify your judg ment. If you cannot find here What you wont we wiP order it, for you. R. A. McLees, JEWELER, WALHALLA, SOUTH CAROLINA. YOU SPEND ? rOUR MONEY you will get thc most and best for it ? Right here is thc nything in thc Clothing Line. We have been handling several years, and our customers say it is the best they pe and Color, and is made up just like tailor-made cloth- ? ved the largest shipment we have ever had and wc can few specials left over to close out at real low prices which will :r these items, then call on us \ lot Boys' Suits, Coats and Vests, with Long Pants, sizes from 15 to 33, reg- d? . ular $7.50 and $10 values_%P4.yU 1 lot Ladies' and Men's Rain Coats, splendid $4 and $5 values-your choice 90 sts, with Long ..$2.00 vercoats, regu $3.90 now only ? lo. M Store, L JLi I X A. Li JLi A. Put the Difference in Your Pocket! .j. ?j. ?j? ?i? ?j? .j? ?j. ?j? ?j. ?j? ?|? .j. .j. .j. .?. .?. .?. .j. .?. .j. .j. ^ * * * * * * oose DroKcrv Hub Darvds on wheels Studebaker hub bands ore made of a sp oe Jelly refined iron perfectly adapted for this use. Hub bands are welded by electricity and then shrunK on by hydraulic pressure. There is not the slightest possibility of Studebaker hubs weakening from usage or from weather conditions. No strain or climate severa enough to Injure them. Wagons Every part-Iron or wood-ts made tn the same careful way as the hub and banding; That's why Studebaker wagons run malia* and tatt longer. Come in and see the Studebaker. JP O Et ?^JL,E BY C. W. Pitchford, WALHALLA, SOUTH CAROLINA .j. ?t? ?j. ?|, ?j? ?|? oj. ?j. ?|? ?j? .j. ?j. ?j? ?j. ?j? . ?J. ?J. ?J. .J? ?J? .J? .J. ,?. .J. .J. .J. ?J. - Jog = Your Memory in Time It does not pay to let that building rot down for want of material to cover it. We are unloading big shipments, direct from the mills, of Roofings, such as Galvanized Metal Roofing, Two and Three V Crimp, Corrugated and Rub ber Roofing, Metal Shingles, Ridge Roll, etc. We can save you money, G-et Roofing now for those out-buildings that you will need in the spring about har vest time. Now is the time to do this work. Roofings are cheaper now than they have been in years, and it takes but a little time to cover with Metal Roofing. We have everything for the builder, such as Windows, Doors, Lime, Cernent, etc. Let us know your wants. We will be glad to quote you prices on anything in this line. PITTSBURG WIRE FENCING, STEEL POSTS, BARB WIRE, POULTRY WIRE, LAWN FENCE. MATHESON HARDWARE CO-, Westminster, S. C. Cole Guano Spreaders and Distributers. MAJESTIC RANGES.