METZ if IT' ROADSTER $475. Winner of the Gliddon Tour The "Gearless Car"-No Clutch to Slip, No Gears to Strip-Completely Equipped, Fully Guaran teed. Four-Cylinder, 22 \ H. P., Water-Cooled Motor, Bosch Magneto. Makes 5 to 50 Miles Per Hour, 28 to 32 Miles on One Gallon Gasoline. One Hundred Miles on Pint Lubricating Oil. GREAT HILL CLIMBER WALHALLA, S. C. W. F. HETRICK, WALHALLA, S. C. ? . * .. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. .j* HH~H- ??..?..??H. *.H~h* ***** T. H. Alexander sells Kock Hill budgies. Walhalla, S. V. adv.-tf. - Holy communion services at the Lutheran church next Sunday, Janu ary 4 th. Miss May Fant will enter! ian the 4 2 Club on Thurdsay ot' this .week, January 1st, at '.\ o'clock. -For the next ten days we will sell dolls, toys, pictures and china ware at cost. Bell's Drug Store, ad. -Dick Blemann will return to morrow to Kock Hill, alter having spent several days here with rela tives. -Chas. S. Reid, ol' Woodbury, Ga., spent a short while in Walhalla with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Reid, last week. - Communion services will he held at the Walhalla Methodist church next Sunday morning at ll o'clock. The public is cordially invited to at tend and participate in the services. -Pleasant and profitable evn'doy mern for women, girls and boys. Ap ply to Hetrick Hosiery Mills, Wal halla, S. C. t. f.-adv. -The many friends ol' H. L. Brandi will regret to learn that he suffered a slight stroke of paralysis on Christmas day and was quite ill for several da.??. We are glad to re port, however, this morning that he 1s somewhat improved and is able to be about the house when niven as sistance. We trust that he will soon be completely restored to health. The new officers for tin- West minster Bank have been chosen, and on and afjer January 1st the hank will be under the charge of the fol lowing gentlemen: P. iJ. Sullivan, president; J. Paul Strlbllng, vice president; T. Peden Anderson, cash ier; C. II. Goldsmith, Jr., assistant cashier. This makes a fine corps of officers, and the bank's affairs will be in safe and conservative hands. -Married, on Sunday, December 28th. at 4 o'clock, at the home of Hie officiating minister. Rev. M. G. Holland, Miss Margie Emerson and Peter Rynn Brown. The groom is the oldest son of P. A. Brown, of the Wolf Stake section, and the bride is Hie second daughter of Mrs. Robert Emerson, also of the Wolf Stake sec tion. Their many friends wish them a long and pleasant journey through life. -A pleasant afternoon was en joyed on Thursday last, when Miss Pauline Sleek entertained a few ot' her young friends at the heme ol' her aunt, Mrs. J. A. Steck. Hearts dice was played, and Miss Marion Het rick, having highest score when time was called, waa presented with a set of "rook." Miss Sara Moss took thc consolation prize, a pretty box of sta tionery. A delicious sweet course was served hy the hostess, assisted bj Miss Meta Norman. Those enjoy ing this pleasant occasion wert Misses Marion Hetrick, Meta Xor man, Dessle Earle, Florence Hetrick and Sara Moss. -One car load genuine George E Nissen wagons, tho best wagon on th< market, (accept no substitute for th? George E. Nissen), Chase City am Hickory one-horse wagons, Norman Rock Hill and Drown buggies. N< better high grade buggies to be ha< at any price than the Norman. Al styles harness built from the bes leather; team harness, bridles, col lars, lines, robes, etc. All kind: pltecp harness. Three sizes Imperla turu plows, Imperial subsoil plows Imperial shares, molds, slides, han dies, posts, etc. Two sizes of Chat tanooga disc plows with full lin?; o repairs for same. See our line he fore you buy. Our prices are right We appreciate your patronage am will be glad to show you through on stock. Only the best of everythln In buggies, and wagons especially Repairs by parcels post. Dickson i Matheson, Westminster, S. C. adv - I will oiler for sal<>, at tho Court House in Walhalla, oil Monday, (snlesdny) January 5th, al the legal hours tor ?uihlic sales, one house and lot of one and one-fourth acre, lo cated in town o' West Union, S. C., on Main street. Ternis of sale. Cash. Whit Knox. adv. -Tlie many Oconee friends of W. J. Edmonds, formerly of Walhalla, will he glad to know that he is now located at Cheraw, having accepted a position as superintendent of the oil mill at that place. His family still remains in Greenville, where Mr. Edmonds is spending the holidays. .Miss Ollie Eskew, and brother, Rufus Eskew, of Pelzer, are spend ing tlie holidays in West Union visit ing at the home of their sister. Mrs. M. R.. Hunnicutt. Messrs. Eskew and Hunnicutt paid The Courier an ap preciated call and we were pleased to make the acquaintance of the for mer. -Geo. W. Dyar, ol Non h Augusta. S. C., spent the Christmas holidays here with his family and among friends. Mr. D\ix% has been for quite a while engaged in the saw mill bus iness at North Augusta, where he is doing well. lt is probable that ho will move his family there in the near future. - The largest shipment of auto mobiles ever made to South Carolina is now in transit-72 Korti cars and will be distributed to the fol lowing dealers: Carter Hardware Co.. Walhalla, S. C.; Summer's Ga rage, Laurens, S. C.: Summer Garage, Newberry, S. C.; Smith Auto Co., Abbeville, S. C.: A. L. Todd, Ander son, s. C.: Hatcher & Edwards, John ston. S. C.; Smith & Jones, Easloy. S. C.; G. C. Tutt, Jr., Gaffney, S. C.: t J. F. Burbank, I'nion, S. C.; Price & Britt. McCormick. S. C.; Dr. B. ll Carlton, Donalds. S. C.: H. A. Wiles Monea Path, S. C.; John I. Chipley Greenwood, S. C. adv. Miss Meta Norman entertained about twenty of her young friends at her home on Faculty Hill Saturday afternoon from ? to ll. Tlie Christ mas spirit was in evidence, the hall and parlors being beautifully deco rated with holly, mistletoe ant Christmas bells. Heart dice was en joyed by all. When several game.1 had been played it was found thai Mildred Moore held the highes score, and the first prize was lire seated to lier, the consolation prlzt going to Lucile White. A deliclOUl sweet course was served by Anni Darby and Janie Harrison, and thet a loud tap at the front door and th< ringing of bells attracted attention Santa Claus had come! With i merry Christmas greeting he govi each gueBt a souvenir horn, so th girls went home in a happy, joli mood, blowing their own horns, am singing tlie praises of their youn, hostess. - Married, on December 24th, a the home of J. A. Robertson, of Sa lem, Miss Ada Murphree and B. F Abercrombie, Rev. li. A. Whitten off elating. The groom is one of th prosperous young farmers of the Si lem section, and is to be congrati lated upon winning the heart an hand of this charming young lady < tho Keoweo section. On Decemtx 2,")th Rev. Mr. Whitten officiated ? another marriage, when Miss Ruli Barker, of Mountain Rest, and Rob Raines, of Montgomery, Ala., wei joined in the holy bonds of matr mony at the home of the bride's pa outs. The groom holds a responsih' position with the construction con pany now at work on Tallulah rive The bride, as Miss Barker, was or of tito most accomplished young 1 die? of the Mountain Rest sectlo Wo Join in wishing them a life i Joy and prosperity. -Geo. L. Wilson and son, .Tames, j were among the Christmas visitors in Walhalla. -Mr. and Mrs. W. I). Cox, of Bel ton, spent the holidays in Walhalla with relatives and friends. - Harry Karie, of Atlanta, spent the holidays in Walhalla with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Earel. -Mis? Helen Fant, of Anderson, spent the holidays in Walhalla with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Fant. - Bowie White, of Gainesville, was a visitor to his parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. White, during the holi days. -Harmon Keys, of Woodruff, S. C., is spending his Christmas vaca tion at the home of his grandfather, Col. Robt. A. Thompson, near town. -Jos. J. Norton, of Atlanta, spent the holidays in Walhalla with his sons at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Verner, and among other rela tives. I -Louis Puekhaber, of Charles ton, is spending a short while here I at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. j Brandt. He has many friends here who are pleased to meet him aga.u. - Mr. and Mrs. Alf Whltmire. of Pine Mountain, Ga., spent the holi days in Walhalla at the home of Capt. and Mrs. S. K. Dendy, visiting also among their numerous friends here. Frank IO. Harrison, of Charles ton, and Louis C. Harrison, of Green ville, spent the Christmas holidaVs in Walhalla with their parents, Mr. ami Mrs. Frank E. Harrison, and among their many friends. G. W. Davis, of Fair Play, was in Walhalla 'yesterday on business and meeting friends. Mr. Davis is a native of Anderson, but is numbered among the good citizens that Oconee has gained from our sister county. -John M. Led ford, of Central, Pickens county, spent the latter part of last week in Walhalla among rel atives and friends, of whom he has many, who were glad to meet him again, and to learn that he is pros pering in his adopted home. -James R. Farmer and wife ar rived in Walhalla from Elberton, Ga., Sunday, Mr. Farmer returning Moh j day to his home. Mrs. Farmer will leave to-morrow for her home, after a few days spent pleasantly at the home of Mr. Farmer's mother, Mrs. R. A. Waite. -Tho Westminster Oil and Ferti lizer Company will give four (4) cents each for every good cotton seed meal bag you will bring them. See that all holes are mended. Westmin ster OH and Fertilizer Co., Westmin ster, S. C. ad.-tf. -The Courier is in receipt of the following information, which will be received with no little pleasure by many In the vicinity of the Brae Ridge High School. The policy of the post office authorities is to give the best possible service to all pa trons, and the changes noted below will, it is thought, result in belter service to ii great many patrons .of the rural routes. Here is the infor mation with reference to changes to lake effect January 2d: "Acting upim the recommendation of Congressman Aiken, and for the benefit of the Bitte Ridge school and those living in that immediate vicinity, the Pdft Office Department has made a sligpt change in rural route No. 1, frdjh Walhalla, effective January 2d nett The route as changed will pass ?. rectly by the Blue Ridge school. T?E) part of the present route that willjfe omitted is that portion of the rotffe -about ohe mlle In length-thatf?s now served by both the Walhalla a'n?d Westminster carriers, and conse quently no One will bo deprived nf any service whn evor, while quite a number will be particularly bene fited." ft, m - Henry Whit mire, of Atlanta, is spending the holidays with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. ll? Whltmire, in the Ebenezer section. -Zan White, of Athens, Ga., spent the Christmas holidays in Walhalla with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. White, and among friends, returning Monday morning. -Ten-room boarding bouse to rent to party with family that will furnish operatives for hosiery mill. Llood opportunity for family that wants to work and do well. Con venient house, close to mill. Apply .o Hetrick Hosiery Mill, Walhalla, ad - E. N. Holden, of Mountain Rest, was in Walhalla for a short while :his and last week, having come down for the purpose of entering his son, lohn Holden, in the Walhalla High School for tlie remainder of the pres 3ut session. The young man entered ?.he school Monday morning. He ls stopping at the home of his brother, Pate Holden, In West End. -Misses Bessie Grant, of Gibson, V. C.; Pauline Grant, of Columbia, md Miss Lettie Grant, of Townville, spent the holidays In Walhalla with ;helr aprents, Mr. and' Mrs. Thomas \.. Grant. Misses Bessie and Lettie ire engaged in teaching and return ?d to their respective schools Sun lay afternoon. Miss Pauline will re ;urn the last of this week. -John P. Beatty, of Chino, Cal., s spending the holidays with his family here. Mr. Beatty has spent several months in California, and is lellghted with the country. He will 'elurn shortly after the opening of he new year, and lt is possible that ie will take his family with him. Mr. Beatty is engaged in sugar beet cul ture in California. - Chas. Linstedt, of Seneca, paid tis annual visit to this section during .he holidays, visiting at the home of Vir. and Mrs. James Phinney, of West Jnion. Mr. Linstedt has numerous 'riends here who are always glad to neet bim. He has for some time leen engaged on contract painting vork in the city of Greenville, hough his family still reside at Sen rca. - The hospitable home of Mr. and drs. .las. H. Darby was thrown open ast Friday evening when Mr. Darby, is host, entertained a number of his riends tor an evening of progressive '42." Mefore the games were be rlin, however, an elegant dinner was lerved by Mrs. Darby, a veritable east being spread for the guests and heir host. Following the dinner and :igars the games were begun, and )r. J. W. Mell proved to be the bes! >r luckiest player of the evening, re living a handsome prize ns his re vard. N. L. Kant received a "suit ible reward" for having drawn sue :essfillly for the consolation prize The evening was heartily enjoyed bj ill. Miss Helen Pant assisted Mrs larby as the games . progressed. -Miss Kate L. Harris, eldes laughter of Mr. and Mrs. John B larris, of the South Union section o he county, and Dr. w. C. Mays, o .""air Play, were happily married 01 Wednesday afternoon last, the cere nony taking place about 2.?10 o'clocl md being performed by Rev. Robin ion, of Lavonla. Many friends wil oin with The Courier In extendini ongratulatlons and good wishes ti he young couple. The bride is harming young woman of many ac '0 m p I is ii me H i s and has a host o riends In every section of Oeonof ind Dr. Mays ls a young physician o ?igh standing not only in 'his ow lomuunlty, but in the county whei iver be is known. Ho has been prat Icing at Pair Play for'severnl year ind enjoye the osteem and confident' ?f all. We wish for our youn riends every "Joy and happiness an S long life of usefulness. For Twenty - Six Years 1888 1913 We have enjoyed the patronage of the people of Walhalla and Oconee County. During these years otar aim has been to build tip a JZ? J& BUSINESS OF CONFIDENCE as the linK binding ti.s to otir trade. How well we have succeeded may he determined by the fact that our best customers are the same men and women who patronized us the first year of our business career. Our patrons of to-morrow will be the sons and daughters of otir customers of to-day - an endless chain without bondage, forged by honest dealing and careful con sideration of the best interests of those with whom we deal. J& & THE SEASON'S GREETINGS FROM C. W. Pitchford WALHALLA, S. C. P -Norton Stabling, of Columbia, spent the holidays In Walhalla with his parents, Major and Mrs. Wm. J. Stribllng, and family. Walhalla Methodist Circuit. The annual meeting of the hoard of stewards of the Walhalla Circuit Mr. and Mrs. D. G. McAllster j will be held at the parsonage in West Union on Monday, January 5, 1914. at 1 o'clock. Let all who have offi cial connection, and any others who are interested In the growth of Meth odism in theBe parts, be on hand promptly. H. A. Wh ten, Pastor. and daughter, of Columbia, are visit lng at the home of Mrs. E. A. Bell and among other relatives. -Mrs. Mary N. Ansel, after a visit of several weeks at Cokesbury with her daughter, Mrs. G. F. Clarkson, and family, has returned to Walhalla. -Misses Cora and Alice Strong spent the holidays In Walhalla with their mother, Mrs. C. G. Strong, and nmong their many friends, who were delighted to greet them again. -Thursday of this week (New Year's Dayl, being a national holi day, the post office at Walhalla will Richest Beggar to Quit. Philadelphia, Dec. 23.-On his promise to set himself up In business, "Blind Al" Berstein, said to be the richest beggar in the vorld, his wealth being estimated at $200,000 In Now York real estate, was dib I charged by Magistrate Coward fron; Dbserve Sunday hours. The public custody on the charge of being a pro mould take note of this fact and be fesslonal mendicant, governed accordingly. -Mrs. Lena Hoffmeyer, of Flor- , ?nce, accompanied by her two chil dren, Henry and Miss Andrea, are mending this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brandt. They lave numerous friends here who are ?lad to meet them again. Biiiglai'M Strip < 'In istmias Tree. Pr?sident Get? Glfft from "Vice." Washington, Dec. 23.-Vice Presl ient Marshall's Christmas gift to President Wllflon is a copy of Kin ffubbard's "Back Country Folks." 3n the fly leaf Mr. Marshall wrote: 'To the President of the Unltod Hates from his only Vice." Armour & Company Fined. ?New York, Dec. 24.-For hiving n their possession 825 pounds of dc ?ayed chicken, unfit for human con junction, Armour & ComVany", were :o-day fined $300. The company deaded guilty. Hearings on three >thor charges of violation of the unitary law were postponed. Syracuse, N. Y., Dec. 23.-Scores or little children were robbed of their Christmas presents late to-day, when burglars broke Into the South Pres byterian church and stripped a big Christmas tree. The burglars itole a diary containing an outline of 20 sermons and eight written sermons from the pastor's Btudy. AVANTED-Beef cattle and hides. Ellison & Co., opposite Post Office, Walhalla. 38-tf.' FOR SA LF-167 Acros of Land, In high state of cultivation; 9-ro?in house, 6-stall barn, i stall cow barn, good 2-story granory; one tenant house; Berfiruda pasturo. Mum't 100 acres tri cultivation':Within three miles of Oakway HJgh School and 1 V6 miles of rural schools; with in flvi miles of Westminster. Rea son for selling, change of business. Price $7,500. Apply to G. F. MEARES, Route No. 1, Box 70, Westminster, S. C. \f*