Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, December 24, 1913, Image 4

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KEOWEE COURIER (ESTABLISHED 184?.) Published Every Wednesday Muming WKIIHI I ?|.i i KM SI Uer A nu um. Advertising Hates Reasonable. -By .TKCK, S ll LT ?OR .V SCHRODER. Communications of a personal char acter charged for aa advertise ments. Obituary uotices and tributes of ro ri ect, of not over one hundred words, will be printed free of charge. All over that number must be paid fot at the rate of ono cent a word. Cash to accompany manuscript. WALHALLA, 8. C.: WEDNESDAY, ?ECEMHEK 21, I?Ll ON 10 HAY KARLY NEXT WEEK. Thursday of next week. January I, 1914, will h<> tl national holiday and the rural routes will not he operated from any of the post offices. For that nason, and ill order that The Cou rier shall not He In tho post offices of the county a day before going to sub scribers on rural routes, wo will go to press next Tuosday Instead of Wednesday, our regular day of pub lication. We rei ines I that correspondents, advertisers and others having mat ters of business lo transact fov our next issue will bear this fact in mind and govern themselves accordingly. On December 30th we will issue the fifty-third paper during 1913. A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL. The management of The Courier wishes for each of its patrons, sub scribers and friends, near and far, a joyous, happy Christmas? May the da) be unmixed wi til sorrow for each and every one. and may it be over flowing with joy for all. Few of us there are Into whose lives have not come some sorrow, some bereavement, some disappoint ment; yet tit this glad Christmas time let us forget the bitternesses of life as they have come to us in greater br less degree, and join In the gladsome celebration of the an niversary of the birth of the Christ, heralding the joyous tidings, "Peace on earth, good will to men." i ... ..... "n Hf* l*?n ARS AH all men, and wita ou motived. j_,v>,. ^u find something to do for the pleasure of others. That is the surest, tile quickest and tho host way to bring perfect peace into our own lives. To each and every one Tho Cou rier sends greetings of joy and good will. May thia glad season bring blessings to each "so thal there shall not be room to contain them." Send them out to others that their Joy, too, may be full. THC WORK IN SEVEN SCHOOLS. As Indicated hy Improvements Made ami I'IIIKI.S Raised. Richland, Dec 20. Editor Keo wee Courier: The following is an extract from the report I submitted to the South Carolina School Im provement Association on December 1 ? t h : Improvements made in seven ru ral schools since October I, 1912: District 7 1 Karie's: Additional tax, I Hillls; two class rooms on ap proved plans added; patent desks, black hoards, two stoves; case of 8 maps, teacher's desk, new library, ?talo Mag; individual drinking cups. Raised by improvement association, $30.50. Clean-up Day score "A." Teachers: John lt. Compton, Miss Letitia T. (irani. District 35 Keowee: Hyloplate boards, erasers, hygienic crayon; wa ler coolers; three stoves; set of S maps. Raised by improvement asso ciation, $36.85. Clean-up Day score "C." Demonstration plot. Teachers: P. E. Myers, Miss Pearle Tu rm r. Miss Wann ie Morgan. District 22 Oak Grove: llylo plate boards, set of 8 maps, globe, teacher's desk, primary chart, new library; roof of house painted, well house built; individual drinking (?ups. Clean-up Day score "A." Dem- 1 oust ration plot ; cooking class. Teachers: Mrs. mia Cobb. Mrs. Flor ence Ballengor. i ?isl viet 2 l - Blue Ridge: Sub scribed for piano, $154; new well; primary chart; Clean-up Day score "B"; trees and shrubs set out; dem onstration plot; cooking class; school inspected by Dr. J. W. Wick liffe; .ect ti re on care of tooth hy Dr. E. R. Gilbert. Teachers: J. R. Ply ler, Miss Fannie Broyles, Miss Rena I iunsinger. District 19 Richland: Two addi tional acres purchased for play grounds; auditorium celled; sani tary drinking fountain installed; 9 pictures passe partoutod ; subscribed for addition to library, $5. Clean-up Day score "0"; cooking class. Teachers: G. M. Barnett, Miss Car rie SmLh. District 10- Tabor: Additional tax; class room enlarged, partition and slide added; hyloplate. boards, ease of 8 maps, globe, State flag, U. S. flog; primary chart; water cool er, individual drinking cups; four framed pictures. Amount raised by improvement association, $30.80. Clean-up Day seor? "A"; desks var NEWS FROM LITTLE RIVER. Mrs. W. Thaddeus Holden Dead- < Other Mattera of Ijocal Nows. Little River, Doc. 22.-Special: The health of this section is, with few exceptions, good. I The Nimrods are having a good f lime hunting this fall. There are | only a few hirds, hut plenty of rah- i hits, squirrels and opossums. When <: it conies to good shooting W. M. ( Perrj generally comea in for his i part. <)n December i'Jth lu1 killed i two squirrels at one shot, the being i (lie third time this good furn ne has ( come his way. I Mr. and Mrs. Hollins, of Walhalla cotton mill, were the guests of Alf ( Harton and family the past week. 1 .lames lludgons, of the Old Hick- J ens set t ion. has beeil doing some t painting in this -cition. His many t friends were delighted to meet him '] again after an absence of ten years | t from (his section, .lames has grown I into a lim' looking man and owns a ( nice farm in Picketts county, where < he stands well with his neighbors. Mrs. Mary K. Holden is spending \ a while with her daughter, Mrs. J Husk, in Pickens. .1. H. Talley and sou Oliver made a business 'rip to Walhalla last week. They carried some country pork with them. ? Christopher Talley has accepted employment with his brother, W. H. Talley, of Salem, for tho coming j year. The Messrs. Talley are both from Little River, and will bo en gaged in fanning and merchandising. Rev. C. li. Abercrombie Ulled the i stand at Pleasant Ridge on the sec ond Sunday evening. Ho preached j his fa rowell sermon at Little River on tho Brat Sunday at ll a. m., this ' ? ii sing Iiis your's work here. Rev. a R. A. Hudson, of Cashier's. N. C., 1 has been called to preach here ibis i year and will move to ibis section in \ the near future. Ho will occupy the house vacated by Mr. Martin on B. I ?' A. Perry's place. j N The sad news of the death of Mrs. v W*. Thaddeus Holden, of Pall Creek. 1 was received in this section the past *G week. Mrs. Holden's maiden name v was Ida Fendley, she being a (laugh- s ter of Wesley Fendley. of the same I SIM ! ion. Sho leaves her husband and I some four or live children, with a host of relativos and friends, to > mourn her death. Mrs. Holden was well and favorably known in upper > Oconee and was held in high esteem by her many friends. She was for 1 many years a consistent member of <? Fall Creek Baptist ehrlich, where the .11 romains were lowered to their last I resting place by gentle hands. In the presence of a large concourse of sor rowing relatives and friends. The bereaved family and relatives have the deepest, sympathy of many.-' friends in their time of sorrow. Charley Perry and sister, Miss j Myrtle, were among the shoppers In " Walhalla on Saturday last. ? , I ti the United ?tates ?.amit iui <iiuutlU.u on the charge of robbing the post j office at Marion, in that State. His | bond was fixed al $10,?OOO, and he: was remanded to jail and will be car ried back to Montgomery for trial. He ls closely guarded hy post office ; Inspectors. Mr. Gregory appeared against him. as did Inspector Pelts, of Alabama, and the assistant postinatser at Mont gomery. The yegg was surly and [deaded against being sent up. Killed in Motorcycle Collision. Millen, Ga., Doc. 2 2. - - A. C. Par ker, aged io, (dork ol' the Superior and City Courts, was instantly kill ed to-night in a motorcycle collision on the outskirts of tho City when Mr. Larker, who was on his way home, collided with T. W. Aaron, who was riding into the City. Mr. Parker's neck was broken. Ho is SUI vi ved by his wife and two children. Mr. Aaron's log was broken and he was otherwise seriously injured. SUMMING ll' Til li K VI DENCE. Many Walhall? People Have Been Called Xs Witnesses. Week after week has been pub lished the testimony of Walhalla peo ple kidney sufferers backache vic tims- people who have endured ! many forms of kidney, bladder or I urinary disorders. These witnesses have used Donn's Kidney Pills. All have given their enthusiastic appro-' val. lt's the same everywhere.' Thirty thousand American men and] women are publicly recommending Loan's always in the home papers. 1 Isn't it a wonderful, convincing mass of proof? li you are a sufferer your verdict must lu; "Try Doan's first." Herc's one more Walhalla ease: Mrs. Ida 11.dla ms, Factory Hill. Walhalla, S. C., says: "Wo have used Loan's Kidney Pills in our fam ily with line results. I know that they live up to the claims made fori them. They were obtained from Dr. 1 Bell's drug store and used for pains la the back and sides and trouble with Hw kidney secretions. Com plete and lasting relief was had." For salo by all dealers. Price ">0 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for tho Uni ted States. Remember tho name-Doan's and take no other. adv. nished; shrubs set out; demonstra tion plot; cooking class. Teachers: Miss Maude Simpson, Miss Ruth Cain. District 0-Fair Play: additional tax. 1 mills; new building on ap proved plan; four class rooms, cloak rooms, auditorium, with two ante rooms; stoves, desks, teaehor's desks, hylopiate boards, case of 8 maps, globe, U. S. flag; $l.r? for ad dition to library. Teachers: G. C. "Ryder, Mrs. O. C. Ryder, Miss Ada Simpson. (Miss) An^ie McMahan, Supervisor of Rural Schoosl. HE ?iVYH FOUR I. 'ol. M. F. Thornton lng to Sittel (Special lo Charlot Hickory, N. (!., Di .J. Thornton roto ruo rom Charlotte, whe turchased at a Bherlfl laces l'or t he smelt In >ro. One of these fi ?ration in ('harlotte h ree are In the slio onburg Iron Works Meei ion. Three of >f a ?iO-ton capacity ! ."?-tons daily. Mr. Zimmerman ? 1er and tho entire o lim. He transferre Mecklenburg Iron \ urn sold the four ! ures to Col. Thorn The Colonel I Ul med i he furnaces by tel ton. The furnace t Charlotte alone is v ir $35,000. The other tu rna' viii be shipped to I lanuary. MAKIO YOI'lt T N'S. Auditor's Office, Occ December 1 Thc Auditor's ol 0 receive returns ional property for 1 st day of .lanuary. lay of February, In Tho Heal Estate ngs- are to be a ['ax-payers will be idly t be number o ots and number of .otums, as the ass< viii stand for the Tho Township luired by law to vho fail to make vit bin the time rt lenee the difftculi ?scaping the 50 pe veil as the freque ? tilting from this i neans make your hereby save expen All able-bodied ears of age, are ta Please don't n our dogs. For t he con von ie he Auditor, or his elve returns at thi .nd places: Mount Tabor-S: Oak way-Monda) South Union Tu Fair Play-Wodi W. X. Wool bri an. S. Friendship -Frid. Tokeena (('ross lay, .lan. 10. Westminster-Mo lay. January 12 an' i. I: w ll io I :8. Newry, isa tu rda: Richland-Mond Clark's Store-1 Salem-Wednesi Little River-Tl Tamassee-Frld. Mt. Rest-Mond Henry's store-' Cannon's Store Tugaloo Academ Madison-Frida; Returns will he rom 10 o'clock in ; o'clock in the he places mention' if January. 1 Auditor Ocon? Dec. 17, 1931. .fa bo . t ti ' c A As t risti near w? e to that we epic large st iel a ?S~aa?s e> iii ai Dry ds, S ! i . >, You 1 ma at this si vher preme, y bus obtain st to } Call : ' **t tis lection Mer<*y 'istme Mo; ; 6 ,emeni hal Madison Electrocuted. Columbia. Dec. 22-Nineteen day? after the k il ling of E. P. Host, at Barnwell, Scott Madison, the negro who was convicted of the killing, was electrocuted at the State penitentiary t li ts morning. TO OCONEE STOCK RAISERS I have at my farm near Westmin ster a Registered Jersey Bull, Prin cess' Butter Hoy. No. 106078. This animal is of perfect markings, and was bred hy Samuel (!. Knglo, Ma rietta, Pa. Princess' Mutter Hoy is a son of Princess of Donegal 138000, who has a record of second best cow In Penn sylvania. She has a "ontinuous milk ing record of eight years without standing dry a day. She has a milk and butter record of S.700 pounds of milk and 61 I pounds of butter in one year. Princess' Butter Boy was sired hy Letty Rioter's Son 2d (78822 ), American Jersey Cattle Club record. Letty Rioter has a butter record of 24 pounds and 2 ounces in seven days, and her dam. Letty Coles 2d (18128), has a butter record of 21 pounds and 8 ounces in seven days. Kee for service, $3.00. J. II. BARNETT. West minster, neil ie No. 4. (Will pay extra price for heifer calves sired hy Princess' Butter Boy.) Dec. 17, 1913. NOTICE OF MUNICIPAL ELECTION Notice ls hereby given that on TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1914, an election will he held in Will halla, South Carolina, for tho election of Municipal Officers for the said town for a term of two years. The officers to be elected are: Mayor, six Alder men and four members of the Board of Health. Rolls will be open at the usual vot ing place at Walhalla Court House continuously from 8 o'clock a. m. until I o'clock p. m. The following have been appointed Managers to conduct said election: H. C. Busch, C. L. Reid, Thomas A. Grant. W. M. BROWN, Mayor. Jas. M. Moss, Clerk Council. Dec IO. 19 KL 50-1 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT AND DISCHARGE. .>otice ls hereby given that the un dersigned will make application to V. P. Martin, Judge of Probate for I Oconee County, In tho State of South Carolina, at his office at Walhalla . Court House on Friday, the 23d day of January, 1914, at ll o'clock ' lu the forenoon, or as soon thereafter I as said application can be beard, for ' leave to make Anal settlement of ; the estate of John Joost, deceased, I .a.-. . ! PUBLIO SALE OF HEAL ESTATE. I will offer for sale, in front of Walhalla Court House, on MONDAY, the f>th day of JANUARY, 1914, at legal hours of sale, all that niece parcel or tract of land, known as the Home Place of Rev. J. B. Colley, deceased, containing 218 acres, ad joining land of E. A. Perry, M. A. Duncan and others. About 30 acres in cultivation, 7 acres of bottom land; two good houses; 2V> miles from Salem. Convenient to schools and churches. Terms of Sale-('ASH. W. H. TALLEY. Salem, S. C. Dec. 2 1, I 9 1 ::. 52-53 TMAS IAND nas Season draws inform the public nished our already re better prepared i needs in Clothing, Notions. Ke your selections e quality reigns su bing Here you will be bad. Help you maKe se is to all ! : Ansel, t Front, la, S. C. J t$lMT UH S WOW YOU^ OUR LIN 10 OF RANGES AND STOVES. We have only the bes! in Stoves, Ranges and Heaters, ?ind if in thc ?Harket, will make it to your interest to inspect our lines. Our Store is full of FURNITURE for nil needs. A full stock of Kitchen Utensils and House hold Supplies. Wo have just opened up an Import Shipment of BLUE AND WHITE CHINA. Something extremely pretty and reasonably priced. Wo have also the cheapest grades Porcelain Ware. Table Cutlery Carving Sets, Etc. Ballanger Hardware and Furniture Co., (UNDERTAKERS.) Seneca, South Carolina. P. S.-We have just added a small shipment of well selected Cut Glass and Hand Painted China. Vi Here to Stay ! "We are on the Ground Floor jj Vv/ ? "i * A t \.. iJlOOCIS WHAT WOULD CHRISTMAS *5? WITHOUT GOOD BREAD? We have unloaded another car of the Famoui J. ALLEN SMITH & CO.'S FLOUR-The Flou> we guarantee-the Flour that is known farand wide. Remember, we still put "FACT" in Satisfaction. THIS IS WHAT THEY SAY When you wish to bake The very best of Cake, J. Allen Smith's "ROLLER KING" Is a FLOUR that's the thing. Though "JASCO" costs some less, When you try it you'll think it BEST And when you try a biscuit made of SNOW You'll be surprised right on the go. TRADE WITH US AND DO WELL. Barron-Byrd Co., The Store of Square Deals, SENECA, SOUTH CAROLINA. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR FINAL DISCHARGE. Notice ls hereby given that the undersigned will make application to V. F. Martin, Judge of Probate for Oconee County, In the St Ue of South Carolina, at his office ti Walhalla Court House, on Saturday, December 20th, 1913, at ll o'clock a. m., or as soon thereafter as said application can be heard, for leave to make Anal settlement of the lOstato of Orphie K. Rochester, Minor, and obtain final discharge as Guardian of said estate. RUTH A. B. ROCHESTER, (Now Mrs. Ruth Rochester Sheely.) Guardian. Nov. 19, 1913. 47-50 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT AND DISCHARGE. Notice i hereby given that the undersigned will make application to V. P. MARTIN, Judge of Pro bate for Oconee County, in the State of South Carolina, at bis office at Walhalla Coutt House, oil Saturday, January 3, 1914, at ll o'clock in the forenoon, or as soon thereafter as said application can be heard, for leave to make final settle* mont of the Estate of J. J. Haley, deceased, and obtain final discharge as Administratrix of said estate. MRS. R. L. H ALFY, Administratrix. Dec. 3, 1913. / 49-62