Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, October 08, 1913, Image 4

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KEOWEE COURIER (ESTA III.I SI HOI? 1840.) Published Every Wednesday Morning SlubM i l;Mon $1 Ter Annum. AdvcrtlNlng Ilutes Reasonable. -Hy ?TECK, 8HELOR Al SCHRODER. Communications of a personal char acter charged for as advertise ments. Obituary notices and tributes of re sift, of not over one hundred woris. will bi? printed free of j charge. All over that number must oe paid for at tho rato of ono , cent a word. Cash to accompany manuscript. WA I.I! ALUA. S. C.: WEDNESDAY, (MM'OHEIt K, 11)1.1. SM All. (Mt \l\ t ONT EST. .lust ?ts we no *o prosa this morn- ! lng loo late for publication wo are in receipt of tho rule* for Hie 1 wheat, oats and coin contest for Oco nee ramiers for Hie year lt* l \. sent lu bj T. Y, ('balmers, chairman nf the committee. Wo regrel exceort- I ingly our iuahility to publish the ar- 1 tide (his week, but ii will appear next \\?<!;. The rules aro identical with lliose of last year. These contests lui ve added tuaterl- J nlly to the production of small ?rain j in ()i once. ;inil we hope thal even more of our farmers Mian have here- ; toforc done so will enter this con lest. Met your land ready and enter I he contest with :i determination to : win. ELECTRIC LIGHTS AND POWER. At last it seems thal Walhalla and community are about to have elec tric lights and power. Probably no one thing could do as much good for the town and community as an elec tric plant. The promoters of the new enterprise aro men interested in the development of this section, not only because they hopo to derive profit from tho development, hut be cause they are Southern men and are in tores tedd In a personal way In the development of their country. The books of subscription will be opened next week, ?nd it seems to us that every person in Walhalla who has money to Invest .should rally to the new enterprise, subscribing with reasonable liberality and in general. Such an enterprise as is proposed by ihr? Tort Hom on -.?.?>? . . ?,. cor )pt"ny - dr. Lil I ?i and C>i! Thornton - -in materially helped tong i>v M?o ?uppovt ilnnnt:i,\il> .>:* est that promises success for the un dertaking from tho beginning. Electric lights and power for this community will bo of untold benefit to all the people, and these gentle men are hill doing to-day what, we should have done for ourselves a dozen years ago. Lei ns help them j nt every nun now at the outset, al ! the launching of tho enterprise, and j Mien when tho MUM- comes for ac tively engaging In the supplying of linbt and power, lei us help anain by i unanimous support of tho plan;. w<- do not think thal wo over-es timate Hie importance of electricity ?to tho community when we make the assertion that, with elect.'- lights and power conveniently available, Walhalla will grow more in the H rsi live years after ii ; installation than .sb?' bas grown in tho preceding twenty-live years. This is an ago when it is practically ail impossibil ity to move forward without elec t ricitj. A charier for Ibo Linier Power Company bas been granted by th?4 Secretarj of Stute. \A?< tho people of Walhalla who have money lo pul to work subscribe lo the stock of t h<> enterprise. Col Thornton will return to Wal halla n< x; windi and I'roill th?' day of the opening of tho books of subscrip tion tin- plans for tho new company will begin to develop and shape themselves for actual business ope ra! ions. Keep in mind next Wcduesdaj evening al s.;;u o'clock and be al Pitchford's Hall lo learn something of the proposed electric power de velopment. You are not only invited \ OH ARE URt?EI) to attend the meeting. Represen tal ives fn.nil of town and from our sister towns will bo cordially welcomed. John T. I>uiiean bas announced that ii?' will be in the race for Gov ernor next year. That remind US of tho Btorj of the two little boys who were "playing automobile." One wen) on altead "chug-chugging" to beat the band, and the other came along behind, but made no noise. An Interested looker-on inquired of the rear boy what they were doing, and tho reply was: "Playing automobile ?-ho's the automobile and I'm the stink." Politician Kills Himself. Griffin, Ga., Oct. 8.--M. P. Morris, who bas held many offices In this county and was once one of the bes! known politicians in this part of the State, committed suicide to-day. His body was found in a shed back of his homo hero. ANDERSON $100,000 STATION. Rig Contract HOM Been Ijet Hy tl??* Blue Ridge Roud. (Anderson Mail, 41ti. ? The new nassenger station of the niuo Ridge Railroad will he bulltat once. The contract for its construc tion has been let to the Elkan-Tufts Construction Company, of Baltimore, Md., and the station is to be ready for occupancy by the first of Febru ary next. Announcement to this effect was made by Capt. J. lt. Anderson, super intendent "I tl"' road, to-day. Plans for tho new station were made some months ago, .iud announcement made that it would bo ready by the hist of October. Mi ls vv *c asked for and received, but ihn question of the I North Main street bridge bobbed up ngain, and delay followed, lt was necessary that ail of the plans b<> re vised, so as to include tito bridge in the work, and is followed now hy the | announcement ot' the letting nf thc contrae) for the construction ol the new depot and bridge, both of which will tie of reinforced concrete, and cos! approximately $ I tm,(ino. There is about a month's work to be done by the Mim? Ridge on the job before the contractor takes hold. l,ero> Moore, assistant engineer of the Southern, will arrive here Mon day to begin the staking off of the property, and following this the nec essary grading, widening of the cut, ? .tc., will bc taken up. The tracks in tho cut .ile to he lowered ll' inches, giving a clearance of 22 feel above to the street level, sufficient to per mit the laying of double track, which will extend tor a distance, of about 250 feet. The excavating work calls for tho moving of 4,200 cubic yards ot* earth. Thc new station is to he erected on Hie cast side ol' North Main street, spanning the cut. lt will Hom 70 feel on Main street, the main build ing extending back lol feet, and a shed room in the rear will carry it back 3fi feet longer. lt will be of reinforced concrete construction, as stated, finished in plastered brick. Tile bridge is 10."? feet wide, and this also will be of reinforced conorote. Counting the space below the building will be three stories, two above the street level. Beneath the whole ol' this 22-ioot room will be concreted and paved, lt will be con nected with the landing above by a power elevator for barago, express, etc., a concrete stairway eight feet wide, with landing or platform half way up, leading lo the street above. The first incline ol' the steps will be 112 feet long, tho platform I tl feet long, and the second incline 12 feet, making it an easy pull up to the street, with a rest on the way. The ticket office, waiting rooms, smoking rooms, toilets, baggage and express rooms, will be on the first floor above the tracks, and the nene ral offices will be In the story above. Throughout the plans have boen lire pa red with a view to convenience in arrangement and to make avail able every inch of ?pace The build ing will be equipped with steam heat, ctriciii. f .. I lumlnatir % pur-iosr I . I lighted bj* doy from above by tc inu of a saw-to ?th roof. \Vha? the spending i f $ 100.000 on ' r] . < \T ci n nf a modi ni, wei i-equip- j ped and convenient station for the Ulue Ridge railroad' in Anderson really means for the future is left to speculation. Many say it means the completion of the road over the mountains, and tho argument doesn't sound bad. THU NEWS PROM WESTMINSTER Mon. John I). Sheldon Will Move to Town-Other Items. Westminster. Oct. 7. Special: ll. M. Hester and W. A. Smith were in Greenville Monday on business. .1. ll. (lowan has tented bis corn mi., to L. G. Gaston and will move back to his farm this week. Kev. A. P. Marett will leave for his home at Malvern, Ark., next Wed nesday. Miss Florrie Carter, of Gainesville, is visiting ber brother. .1. S. Carter, here this week. Mom. unto Mr. and Mrs. V. W Cannon, October 1st. a son. J. M. Vaughn, of Atlanta, visited his daughter, Mrs. s. L, Brownlee, Sunday. Mrs. W. .1. Strihling was called to Piedmont last Friday on account of the serious illness of little Nancy Marton, her granddaughter. She has been very ill of pneumonia, but is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leason, ol' Cornelia, are visiting relatives here. They have just returned from an ex tended I rip to Knoxv iib-. Abo,it Inn hales of cotton were I sold on this market Saturday. The j prevailing price was I %c. Kev. .1. I). Crain preached two in teresting sermons in the New West minster Baptist church Sunday. W. .1. Strihling went to Seneca Sunda) on account of Hie death of tile little (laughter of Dr. and Mrs. .1. S. Strihling. Mrs Haled Carter left Saturday for a week's visit to friends in Green \ Hie. .1. H. sheldon. Esq.. has purchased the home of ll. M. Hester, on Angus la stree!, and will move hero in the near future. Neat invitations were issued last week as follows: "The ladies of the Christian church invite you to the home o'' Mr. ami Mrs. I). M. Muller. Thursday evening, October 2d, 1913, to a measuring party, from 7 to ll o'clock. Five cents per foot and one cenf nu inch for each additional inch will bo charged." Delightful refresh ments were served, and tho evening was highly enjoyed by about 100 guests. A nice sum was realized. Eczema and Itching Cured. The soothing, healing medication in Dr. Hohson's Eczema Ointment penetrates every tiny pore ol' the skin, clears it of all Impurities stops itching instantly. Dr. Hohson's Rc zo m a Ointment 1? guaranteed to speedily heal ec zema, rash. ^, ring worm, tetter and other unsightly eruptions. Eczema Ointment is a doctor's prescription, not an experi ment. AU druggists, o.- by mall, 50c. Pfeiffer Chemical Co., Philadelphia and St. Louis. adv. .JA) MURDHRS CHARGED TO ONE. I Henry S|HMHer Gives Detulin of J? Murder* Committal by Hint. Chicago, Oct. 6.-When de/c - fives concluded a 14-hour gr; Henry Spencer early to-day, they ?(aid he had i cknowledged that th- 1; murder, committed by him ni net to tal al east twenty. He gave : he de tails of sixteen. '"?he truth ia, I've killed s ? D 1 can't remember all of the'e sa.d. He thought after he re. li could remember more. The police to-day began an I) ligation into Henry Spencer'? con fession that he had shun sixt sons. They are positive- that he kill Mrs. Mildred lt ex roa t, a dan struct or. two weeks ago, and bel his story of other crimes will confirmed. w hen Mrs. Itexroat's suit c so found in Spencer's room las. nig lu- told the police- "you've gol goods "ii me : I know I'll av i t his." Ile i hen began a re : . the murders he had. commit) I'nder questioning the lis > larger. By morning.he had ed how he had killed the follow I A farmer, near Zion City, 111 in I lOOS. Ho was then In a lea), ie . car-barn bandits. Policemen Timothy Dev Charles Pennell, in I 902, wi surprised him robbing a hon Ka un ie Thompson, in 190 rooming house on Michigan I lo robbed her of ? I ,200 worth diamonds. A former wife, at Helle Mich., beaten to death. A former wife, at Fort M cry. New York, beaten to de 111 An aged man at Washingh last spring, robbed and shot. Two ?iris, at Haw Haw, M May. bodies thrown into riv* A Kiri at Delavan Hake, .lune. He killed her with a ? .\ and threw her body in a lake A woman near the count tal. He used a hammer. A woman, ol' Halstead eight months ago. He used mer. He robbed her house. Saloon keeper, at VanBure shot. Hobbed the saloon. Man In South Side alley, ago. Shot. Ida Oliver, November 9tl ' i Body thrown in canal. Mrs. Rexroat, shot on Se 25. Body placed on railroad .< (. Spencer, as he calls himsci; not know his real name. He never knew his parents oi I names. He has spent 32 years in ' the Joliet penitentiary for robberies "My head is clear," he dec) < 11 day, saying he never -v.ed d; > .. The proceeds of his crime il last year amounted to mo thai $10.000, he said to-day. H. this on women. He had been ? ried four times. A Gentle and Eifectlve Lax ntl v< A mild, gentle and effect ve ' tlve is what people demand v lu ferlng from fronstfpatfor Thousands i ?wi JV by Dv Kin? ? New tafe MM Hugh Pallia ? <>. Bau AotoC*o5 j i xas wi es: "Thej are befind 'ju-.'stion, : he lie > ru. m> vv;fe and ? J have '? er- ta';.." ." The i nov??r ! causo pain, frice Zac. at :< " gists, or by mail. H. E. Bi Co.. Philadelphia or St. Lou ad\ Texas Lands Still Cove Houston, Texits, Oct. 4-Mo last night in Southeas checked the fall of man) . streams. The condition is acute there. However, in S hwe? Texas many thousands of . ; Ol , farm land are still Inundat en ty people are maroom -n ?i mound near Gonzales, lt is they will be rescued some to day. are now thinking aboi ,ovir, GRAIN DRILL and p our and get best results u ) HOOSIER DRILL, th t m "?ti, Remember: Wt rey < PLEMENTS; also a M ai Buggies, Wagons and I ness through and give you p; es th< have best values for yoi monc "/ours SENECA IMP SENECA, SOU NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that con ti acts for work on the new Automo bile Road Callas Mountaiu will be let at the Holden place, at the foot of Callas Mountain, on MONDAY NEXT, 13th instant, at ll a. ru. Kight to reject l?ids reserved. Plans ul sp?cifications will be shown by agtneers. W. M. BROWN. Chairman Hoad Committee. October S. 191 3. NOTICE OE OPENING OP DOOKS Ol" SUBSCRIPTION. lu accordance with tho authorized eclaration and Petition for Charter of tho Ll XI.EU POWER COMPANY, notice is hereby given that Books of Subscription to the Capital Stock of . ne said Company will ho opened ai .'he Enterprise Bank, Walhalla, outh Carolina, at nine (9) o'clock m.. on WEDNESDAY, October 15. it 1 3. MARCELLUS E. THORNTON, JOHN I 1.1.SEEK. Board of Corporators. October 8. I 9 I 3. 11. CITATION NOTICE. 'I he State of South Carolin:-., . ounty of Oconee.-(In Court. of Probate.)- By V. E. Martin, Judge of Probate. Whereas, John E. Craig, C. C. P.. has made suit to me to .ant liiin Letters of Administration tho Estate of and Effects of Isaac . Sinit h. deceased - These are, therefore, to cite and lmonish all and singular the kin red and creditors of the said ' aae A. Smith, deceased, that they .a and appear before me, In the ? v ou rt of Probate, to be held at Wal i alla Court House. South Carolina, ?m Tuesday, the tsiii day of Novem her, 1913, aller publication hereof,' at ll o'clock In the forenoon, to show ause, If any they have, why the -aid administration should not be ranted. Given under my hand and seal this th dav ol' October, A. I). EMS. (Seal.) Y. F. MARTIN, ' udge of Probate for Oconee County, South Carolina. Published on the 8th, 15th, 22d. Oth days of October and 6th and '2th days of November, 1913, in The 'Ceoweo Courier and on the Court Hons? door for the time prescribed by law. 41-46 NOTICE OP SPECIAL ELECTION. Pursuant to an order of the Coun ty Board of Education of Oconee County, South Carolina, notice is hereby given that a Special Election viii be hold at the school house in ' Cherry School District, Xo. 3:5 on Saturday, October 18.h, 1913, for ho purpose of voting upon the ques lon of levying an adlitional extra' our-mill tax upon all the real and j > M roperty in Cherry School o. 33, for school purposes trict. u . dectlon each elector favor- . <posed levy shall cast a bal- ' . : opposed asid . ...ll ?t*| ? I ..De.. "ti ._tulum real or personal 1 roperty for taxation, and who ex-j ihit their tax receipts and registra ion certificates as required in gene al elections, shall be allowed to vote. Polls will bo opened at 7 o'clock ... m. and will close at 4 o'clock p. m. V. V. COLLIN'S. W. X. TROWBRIDGE, D. E. COLLI XS. Trustees of Cherry School District, No. 33, Managers of Election. October 8, 1913. 4 1-42 Or King's New Life Pills Tho best in the world. 1ER g oats, and why not get a ;ecd in the ground properly our labor? We have the ide. full line of FARMING IM complete line of Carriages, Will bc glad to show you it will convince you that we Yf truly, LENIENT CO., TH OAROLNA. Designed and Ratented in 1867 Thc Standard Ever Since CORTRIGHT METAL SLATE Roofs put on twenty-six years ago are as good as new to-day, and have never needed repairs. What is the result? Why practically every other shingle manufacturer is trying to imitate it, so be not deceived -look for the words "Cortright Reg. U. S. Pat. O??." embossed on the corrugation. \{ is put there for your protection. Accept no substitute. For Sale by Ballerger Hardware and Furniture Company, Farms for Sale I am offering this week my 83-acre farm, about 4 miles west of West Union, for $25.00 per acre. This is part of the Rhett place. There is a good, new four room painted dwelling and good barn. Good, strong ridge land and in a good community. Will sell for one-third or one-fourth cash and give terms on balance. Small Farms Near "Westminster. I have divided the Tom Bibb Place into three tracts. Tract No. \ contains 40 acres, five-room house, out-buildings, orchard, pasture and some good branch bottoms. Tract No. 2 contains 35 acres, small house and extra good farming land. Tract No. 3 contains 15 acres and lies well. All these tracts are just outside thc incorporate limits and will be very valuable in a few years. Prices very reasonable. 100-Acre Two-Horse Farm Sold. I have sold the 100-acre two-horse farm that I advertised for several weeks. Have also sold four other places in the past two weeks. It will pay you to see me if you are in the market for a home. Tl Ao^n XT?*%~ *>11 ~ IT tim Mil! aa at once. FRANK H. SHIRLEY, 13 ox 152 WeHtminster, S- CJ ?voitting iviin mat is a gooo oar^ain at ^zo.uuper acre. This is part of the Alexander Place and lies below the old Georgia road. It will pay you to look this over Chattanooga Disc and Mould Plows IMPERIAL PLOWS Cole Grain Drills Spike Harrows :-: Farmers' Favorite Grain Drills :-: Disc Harrows Spading Harrows Plow Repairs of all makes and general assort ment of all good Farm Tools. Building Material :-: Paints :-: Varnishes, Etc. Roofing for all purposes. New Stock of Furniture at right prices. Oils Ballenger Hardware and Furniture Co., -UNDERTAKERS SENECA, SOUTH CAROLINA. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Cure? Cold?, Croup ?nd Whooping Cough. Cures Colds, Croup ?nd Whooping Cough.