. . .?__.._>.?*_-?>-??_?. . . -*???--?? it if I itu > 14 4 #44141 1 * *"*"*". "i-"*-"?" r X LOCAL AND PERSONAL. **** ***** ***** ****? -Wheat, oats, barley, rye, vetch, crimson clover and rape seed. C. W. & J. E. Bauknight, Walhalla. adv. -The Emery Circle will inert with Mrs. .lohn A. Ansel next Tuesday af ternoon at 1 o'clock. -Are you a lover of sweot peas and other Mowers? Read the adver tisement of the Anderson Floral Company elsewhere in, this issue. -l,ost-Between Bethel church and W. II. Doyle's residence, Sunday. September 7th, ladies' coat. Leave at Moss f Wes) Union, and Charles Orr, of the Wolf Stake section. On account of the revival going on at Walhalla Mills there will be no preaching at Double Springs and Laurel Springs next Sunday. Septem ber 21st. The pastor will lie engaged at Walhalla Mills. Rev. and Mrs. .1. o. Iturnett re turned yesterday from Georgia, when? they had gone a few days be fore to attend the funeral ol Mrs. Burnett's sister, Mrs. .1. T. Griffin, who died last week at Chester, this State. The remains were taken to Cialis. (?a.. for burial in i he family plot at thal place. Miss Lizzie Gaillard. after spending a week here as the guest of Miss Annie Crisp, returned to her homo at Spartanburg yesterday morning. Miss Gaillard is one nf the Maihets in the Cedar Springs Insti tu?.1. -T. F. Alexander sells Rock Hill buggies. Walhalla, S. C. adv.-tf. ?Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Murphy, of Anderson, spent last week in Wal halla visiting at the home of Mr. and iMrs. .1. D. Isbell, Mr. Murphy re turning to Anderson tho latter part of last week. Mrs. Murphy and chil dren will he here for severn! ?lays yet. -Married, at the home of Dr. .lohn C. Law, the officiating clergyman, on Sunday last. September I Ith, Miss Pelzer Br?cke, of Walhalla. R. F. I >. No. 2, and Clifton Bell, of West Un ion. The young couple have the best wishes of numerous friends for a long life of happiness and prosperity. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Pitchford left Monday for New York, where Mr. Pitchford will be for several days selecting his fall stock. Ile is al ways in line with tin; m os I progres sive mendiants of this section, keep ing abreast of the times, and this year's stock at his store will surpass that of previous years. Por Sale -Crist mill with I h. p. gasoline engine; plant in first class condition. Dargal tl for quick sab' Good will and line patronage. S. e S. K. Dendy, Walhalla. adv. -The Seneca Implement Company carries a full line of all kinds of farm implements, buggies, wagons, oil burning engines, etc. This company will ho glad to have an opportunity to serve the public, and invites In spection of stock or correspondence. See their announcement elsewhere this week in The Courier. Mrs. Ed Mulkey, of East Point, tia., is spending some time in Wal halla visiting at tho home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse C. San ders. Mr. Sanders has been quite sick for several weeks, having con tracted malaria in southern Georgia. "Mr. Mulkey visited relatives here last week. He returned to Fast Point Sunday. -The Westminster Oil and Ferti lizer Company will give four (4) cents each for every good cotton seed meal bag you will bring them. See that all holes are mended. Westmin ster Oil and Fertilizer Co., Westmin ster, S. C. ad.-tf. We are in receipt of a very in teresting letter from Prof. C. L. Har ris, of State College, Pa., In which he states that there are now over 2,500 students In the Pennsylvania State College, in which he holds a chair. "Taking in the apprentice shops In other parts of the State." he says, "there are over 1,000 students, and wo have over L'2"> professors from almost every State in tin Un ion. Tho buildings are largo and handsome, and over thirty in num ber. One. admirable feature of this place is its climate. Frost this morn ing." Postmaster X. L, Fant has made arrangements for tho carrying of a through locked pouch from tho Wal halla post office (daily except Sun daj i for Train No. ?18 nt Seneca. This will be forwarded from Walhal la by Blue Ridge Train No. 8 (ac commodation), which leaves here at '.28 p. in. The pOUCh will be (dosed at the post ofllce at Ll ."> p. m. This arrangement will advance North bound mail several hours ami will prove a grenl convenience to the pub lic Mr. Fant is keeping a (lose watch-out for opportunities to in crease the efficiency of the service at this post ollice. and will tnk<> advant age of every opportunity as it is pre sented. - For Sale-Nice homo and seve ral desirable residence lots in Sen eca; small farm (well Improved) near Seneca, S. C. stone building 80x100, two B to rles, (now used as a carriage repository and sale stable) and business lots, well located, in Westminster, S. C.; two small farm? near Westminster. I desire to makr a quick salo of all this property, li Interested in any par! of it. please write. T, M. Lowery, Plains, Ga. ad -J. J. Norton, of Atlanta, ha? been spending several days in Wal halal with relatives. -Pleasant and profitable employ meat for women, girls and boys. Ap ply to Hotrick Hosiery Mills, Wal halla, S. C. t. f.-adv. -Mrs. W. P. DuPre and children, arter s (vend in g some time in Wal halla at tin' homo of Geo. L. Jones, returned last week to their home in Richmond, Va. Alex I. Donald, of (.marleston. ls spending a few days In Walhalla, visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. M. Moss. Mr. Donald has num erous friend here, where ho annually spends a few weeks. Miss Leone Harrier, who spent the summer in Walhalla as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Crisp, returned last Friday to her home at Danville. Va., where she will attend school. While In Walhalla Miss Harrier instructed a class In art. -Community Silver is built by overlaying solid silver upon a . back bone" of stiffer metal. This solid silver is so especially thickened at the wearing points, and toughened lo reisst wear, that In a long life time you will never soe or touch any thing but pure silver. R. A. McLees, Jeweler. Walhalla. 38-39-adv. - 'Mrs. R. C. Strother lett last week for Atlanta, where she will spend the winter, she was accom panied by her daughter, Mrs. L. W. Meakin, who had been spending some time In West Union. Mrs. Fair Dodd and son returned to Atlanta last week, after having spent the summer here. Their departure is re gretted by a host of friends. Evangelist W. P, Yarhrough, of Leesville, assisted by Rev. J, 0. Bur nett, pastor, will benin a series of revival meetings at Newry next Sun day. September L'1st. Services will begin at 7.30 o'clock in the evening, and it is probable that both day and night services will be held. On Sun day, September 28th. Rev. Yar hrough will preach a special sermon, for men and boys only, at "' o'clock in the afternoon. The Courier is in receipt ol' what ii considers reliable information to the effect that V. I.. Norman, a former resilient of Walhalla, will take charge of the Oconeo Inn ("The Motel thal Made Seneca Famous") on the Urs' ol' October. Mr. Norman is well known as a hotel man. and no better manager could be found. We, with a host ol' other friends, will be delighted to welcome Mr. .Nor man and his estimable family back lo ( )conce. Louis C. Harrison, who has for some time been filling a position with the Southern Railway at Angus a. i Ga., spent a short while here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Harri-! son. this week. Ho left yesterday for | Greenville, to which city he has been transferred. Ht? will be assistant to Commercial Agent Alex McBee and also a local freight solicitor for the Southern. His transfer from Au gusta is in the nature ol' a promotion, and Mr. Harrison is highly pleased at his return to this section of South ('anilina. Ono full carload McCormick mowers, rakes, I m plein en ts, etc. ; Mc Cormick repairs; Nissen and White Hickory wagons; Norman and Rock Illili buggies; harness, etc. Get our prices before you buy. We can save you money. Special prices on Rock Hill buggies for the next sixty days. Dickson and Matheson. Westminster, S. C. adv.-tf. Mr. and Mrs. Sam J. Isbell ar rived in Walhalla last week, to the delight of the many friends of Mr. Isbell. who were pleasantly surprised at the announcement ol' his marriage, which took place at Pacolet last Wed nesday, the loth, at ll o'clock, at the residence ol' the officiating min ister. Rev. A. il. Best, ol' the Metho dist church. Mrs. Isbell was Miss Nunle Myrtle Hayes, of Spartanburg. Roth Mr. and Mrs. Isbell have been most cordially greeted by many friends here, who will join with The Courier in congratulations to the groom and all good wishes for the young collide. They will be at home to their friends at the residence ot' the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Isbell, on Main street. -Tho following society item (dip ped from the Greenville Piedmont, September 13. will be read with in terest by the many friends of Miss Goodlet te, who is well known in Walhai?: "One of the first of a series of pretty parties planned for Miss Corinne Goodlet te was given by Miss Virginia King at her home on West Washington street yesterday afternoon. After several interesting rubbers ol' bridge, refreshments were served in a very lovely manner, white roses being laid on the plates, which held green and white icecream and cake. The honoree was presen t ed with a pretty luncheon set, and Miss King's house guest, Miss Mary Julia Reid, of Seneca, with a dainty piece ol' lingerie. The place, cards carried out the Idea of a bride and were very attractive." Southwest Georgia Farms-I have several farms for sale on easy terms. Can furnish each buyer the nu miter ol' acres desired. Lands near Plains are very fine; all things con sidered, tho price is reasonable. Lands in Terrell county extra good; price $1."? to ?:',.") per acre, governed by Improvements. I own these lands; you deal with nie. Write or call on T. M. Lowery, Plains, Ga. ad.-tf. The home ol' Mrs. J. A Steck, on Faculty Hill, was again thrown open on last Thursday afternoon, when Mrs. s. A. Lockwood complimented a score ol' matrons at an ideal summer party. Alter the guests assembled th.ey were presented with small pic tures of automobiles, cut apart for matching pariners for the afternoon's contest, "An Automobile Romance." Miniature automobiles were placed on the tables for each guest as the afternoon's souvenirs. When time was (ailed lt was found that some of Gie matrons had not forgotten their "auto-romantic days of yore," and these drew for first prize. Mrs. .las. H. Darby proved to be the lucky win ner of an exquisite hand-painted piece of china, while the consolation, a large toy automobile, fell to Mrs. John Ansel. A refreshing sweet course closed this pleasant occasion -one which will long be remem bered. To Rent-Two-horee farm. Apply at Courier office, Walhalla, S. C. ad. -T. B. Shelor left yesterday for Greenville to re-enter Furman Uni versity. -Miss Frances Karlo has returned from a visit to relatives and friends at Cleveland, Ga. -Just received a car of best Port land cement. If In need call and get tho best. W. M. Brown. adv. -An important meeting of Oeonee Conclave, 1. O. H., No. 82 7, is called for to-morrow (Thursday) evening at 8 o'clock. All members are urged to be present. -J. M. Sharp, of Dalton, Ga,, is spending this week at the home of J. W. Holleman. Mr. Sharp has many friends hero who are pleased to meet him again. -Gray Macaulay, of Statesville. N. C., spent tho latter part of last week and first of this with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Macaulay, and family in Walhalla. Ile was most cordially greeted by his many friends here. -Misses Norma Mooro and Mary Ellon Wilson have returned to Rock Hill and re-entered Winthrop Col lege. Miss Moore returned last week, going first to Lancaster, where she spent some days among friends. Miss Wilson left yesterday morilug. Newton Crenshaw and daugh ter, Miss Augusta, spent several days at the home of the former's brother. Samuel Crenshaw, of Pelzer, who died last Saturday. Miss Crenshaw remained at tin? bedside of lier aunt, wini is seriously ill. Mr. Cronshaw's death marked the third in connection with this linnie in loss than a month. ?Fifteen head ol' good country mules and horses to sell at right prices. Some of these are as lin?' as the country affords; all free from colds ami ready to work. Will make terms to suit purchaser. W. M. Drown. Walhalla. adv. -Revival services are being con ducted this week each night at the Walhalla Cotton Mill church by Rev. .1. (). Burnett, tlu Methodist pastor. lt is hoped that larri" crowds will at tend. All Christians are asked to come and unite for a revival. Ser vices at 7.30 p. m. The people of the town are urged to co-operate with us, as well as all the people ol' the village. Pastor. .Mason C. Seaborn. ol' Indian Springs, (?a., is spending this week in Walhalla with his mother, Mrs. .las. Seaborn, and other relatives and his numerous friends. Ile has just (dosed "The Wigwam Hoted." which he has been managing during the past season. During the winter months he will manage one of the most popular hotels in Birmingham, Ala. Samuel Crenshaw is No More. News of the death of Samuel Cren shaw, which occurred at his home near Pclzer on September I."Uh, was received here with much sorrow. Mr. Crenshaw had been a great sufferer from Bright's disease for some time, hut bore his suffering with little com plaint. On August 21st he came to Walhalla, accompanied by his wife, for the purpose of answering a re quest to come to tile bedside of his nephew by marriage. Arriving here Mr. Crenshaw found that the young man who had requested him had passed away and been buried. This was a shock from which he never re covered. Leaving here on September 2d for home he was Stricken with paralysis, and be lingered only a few days. Samuel Crenshaw was horn near Walhalla on July Ht. 1835, being a little more than 78 years of agc. He was a son of the late Henry I). Cren shaw and Sarah E. (Thorne? Cren shaw, and one among a family of thirteen. Ho was a gallant Confede rate soldier of Co. C, Orr's regiment. At about the age of 4 0 he was mar ried to Miss Mary Cobb, of near Wal halla, and 'o this union eight chil di- MI were horn. Those left to mourn his death, beside his wife, who is seriously ill, are four sons and two daughters-Mrs. J. J. McAhee, Pied mont; Mrs. E. Rogers. Greenville; Luther and West Crenshaw, I'elzer; T"'os. and H. F. Crenshaw, of Co lumbia; three sisters and two broth ers, N. Crenshaw, of Walhalla; Thos. 'Crenshaw, of Newry; Mrs. Sallie White. Coneross; Mrs. J. M. Kelley, Walhalla, and Mrs. C. D. Hill. San Antonio, Texas. In the death of Mr. Crenshaw this community feels the loss of a land mark and an influential citizen. He was an humble Christian, devoted husband, kind father, sincere friend, and his life was a benediction to all. WANTER-Beef cattle and hides. Ellison & Co., opposite Post Office, Walhalla. 3 8-tf. For Si Try a 10-Pound Bucket to con vince yourself that it is thc Best Lard you ever IfeEAJFMI used. ?* iKH? Cash Grocery CO? THIS IS THE BES" PAPER WHIT! ROMAN H SWEET F See Mts. Nevitt Fant, i THE ANDERSON FLOR, / NEWS FROM BOUNTY LANI). Meado Davis Brought Hom? Quit? 111. Other IXK-?I Note?. Bounty Land. Sept. 15.-Special: The September gale ls on and the cool wind and rain should remind us of the approach of winter and of lay ing in a bountiful supply of wood. Mesdames A. C. Ballenger, of Sen eca, and Guy T. Grove, of Chlldress, Texas, spent from Wednesday until Sunday with Mrs. J. B. Pickett. A. G. Shanklln, of Clemson, was a guest of hi* mother, Mrs. Julia I). Shanklln, the latter part of tho week. Miss Bertie Smith left Saturday for Lexington, Ga., where she will as sist Rev. J. I'. Dendy, who is principal of the high school at that place. M i ss Emily R. Dendy, of Augusta. Ga., spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives In tho community. O. H. Doyle will leave Tuesday for Columbia, where he will enter South Carolina University as a law student. His many friends wish him much success in the preparation for his life profession. T. (). Berry is on a visit to his kinspeoplo in Greenville. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Woolbright and son Guy, of Townville, were guests Sunday at the home of B. E. Bagwell. Miss Julia Davis, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. D. S. Abbott, at Clinton, for several weeks, return ed home Saturday, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Abbott, who aro mov ing to Seneca, to the delight of their many friends here. Miss Lucillo A'bbott. ol' Hopewell, is a guest at the home of J. ' . Cleve land. J. S. En trek! ll and daughter, Miss! Annie, ar?4 on a visit to relatives In Plckens. Misses Sallie Davis and Annie Mc Mahen expect to leave Wednesday for Whitewater, where Miss Mc Ma lian will visit a number of schools In the vicinity. They will bo guests while there of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Alexander. Mr. and M rs. J. R. Holland are visiting the hitler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Barton, of Townville, for a few 1 days. Jim Stone, of Den VIM1, and Joe ; Davis, of Walhalla, are at the home Of L. (>. Davis on a visit to ..Meade Davis, who is unite 111, having been I brought from his home at Newberry on a stretcher Saturday. We hope for an early and favorable change in his conditlon. Our other sick are all improving. Denth of Little Bessie Sullivan. On last Wednesday morning the angel of death visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sullivan and plucked i flower for the Heavenly Father's garden. Little Bessie, aged three years, had been ill for months, and all that physicians and loving hands could do was done by her fond parents, other loved ones and friends. But it pleased an All-wise God to take her home to heaven, where aches and pains are not known. When we are called on to give up our loved ones there is a scar left which Cod alone can heal, dod gath ers the buds as well as the full-blown flowers and adds them to the beauti ful bouquets of heaven. Funeral services were conducted by Kev. L. M. Lyda, after which the lit tle body was laid to rest in Neville j cemetery. To the fond parents we extend heartfelt sympathy. May they ? find comfort in the thought that Coil : doeth all things well, and that little ] l!essi<' is waiting at the pearly gates i of heaven for them. ROOMS TO RENT.-Five or six rooms. Main street residence; cool and convenient; good piazzas. Ap ply to Mrs. Adalena Oelkers, Wal halla, S. C. ?{7-39 GOOD FARM FOR SALE-Known as the Rev. J. B. Colley place, con taining 218 acres; about 30 acres in cultivation; two dwellings on place; 2 Vfe miles from town of Salem; mail route runs through nlace. For par ticulars apply to W. H. TALLEY, ?Salem, S. C. 35-38 I Norman's Drag Store. Everything in Drugs, Toilet Arti cles, Fancy Goods, Stationery, China, Cut Glass, Paints, Post Canis. Pure, clean service at our Soda Fountain. Ice Cream a specialty. Special attention given to bulles ami children. Your patronage appre ciated. ile by npany. Then buy a Case for your Fall and Winter usc. Walhalla, S. C. r TIME TO PLANT I NARCISSUS YACINTHS >EA SEED \gent, Walhalla, S. C. LL CO., Anderson, S. C. This Space is Reserved for C. W. Pitchford, Walhalla, S. C. TABLE CUTLERY, POCKET CUTLERY, WOOD CUTLERY, FACE CUTLERY" -EVERYTHING THAT CUTS IN OUR STORE. WE CUT OUR PRICES DOWN TO THE LOWEST NOTCH WHEN WE PUT THE FIGURES ON THEM. BUT WE NEVER SHAVE THE QUALITY OF ANY* 1ARDWARE WE SELL IN ORDER TO SHAVE THE PRICE. WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS, AND WILL GIVE YOU HARD-WEARING ?ARDWARE FOR HARD-EARNED WAY. MATHESON HARDWARE CO., WESTMINSTER, - - - s. C. -S E E Seneca Implement Co. They carry full line I. ff. C. Imple ments everything for improved farm ing. J& J& JET J& J& All sizes Gas and Oil Burner Engines. We handle the celebrated Vulcan and Syracuse Chilled Plows. A full linc Carriages, Buggies, Wagons and Harness. Get prices. If you can't come, phone or write us your wants. We will come to see you. SENECA iMFliEMEIfT COP, (T. M. T^owerv'? Old Stnnd.) Seneca, H.