Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, August 20, 1913, Image 5

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To advertise mers. HOW > chaser's name ai if your bill bear 30 DAYS! RICHLAND AND COMMUNITY. Reunion Picnic Hold, Officers Elected. Other Matters. Richland, Aug. 18.-Special: Mrs. Furman Burns returned to her home I in Fountain Inn last week after a ?short visit to homefolks. J. Allen Dendy and family spent several days last week at the home of hiB brother, J. H. Dendy, and at tended tho picnic. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Jordan and children, little Miss Emily and Mr. Sloan, Esq., of Greenville, are visit ing at the home of J. P. Stribling. The many friends of Mr. Jordan will be glad to know he has recovered from the attack of blood poison he had in the spring. But his left hand (he is left-handed) ls still stiff and he can't move his fingers. Miss Ella Lewis returned to her home in Pickens last Saturday after spending several months with her aunt, Mrs. W. H. Hughs. Julius Shanklin is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Julia Shanklin. Julius joined the army a few weeks ago and is stationed at Columbus, Ohio. Miss Fredda Hughs returned last week from Atlanta, where she has been receiving dental treatment. Misses Emily Jordan, Bert Morris and Belle Stribling and Stiles and Bruce Stribling and Sloan Jordan Bpent Thursday and Friday at tho UotrwE of M. B. Stribling, lu Westmln- I ..s ? e '. Miss Pearle Vernor ls in Walhalla to nuts*- the family of Mrs. MeCaroy. Mr. and Mrs G. B. Jordan and Kev. T. M. ??ololing ate visiting meir brother and sister, M. S. Stribling, of Westm'.iistei, and Mrs. Sloan Bruce, of Avalon, Ga. Misses Beulah and Ruth Berry are visiting relatives at Greenville pnd Easley. Stiles and Belle Stribling returned 'home last Tuesday after a ten days* stay in Horse Cove, near Highlands, N. C. They report the scenery beau tiful and the climate delightful. The Wyly family and several oth ers enjoyed a trip to Tunnel Hill last Friday. Rev. Jos. R. Dendy, of Fort Mill and Ebenezer churches, preached at tho Richland church Sunday. Mrs. S. N. Hughs has a freak ge ranium in her collection. One half ia a rich red and the other half pure white. The fourth annual "Old School Reunion Picnic" was held in the grove near the school house here on last Wednesday. The crowd bogan ?early to assemble, and by 11 o'clock 'nearly all were present. No regular program had been arranged, but C. G. Jaynes, president, opened with an appropriate talk and was followed by M. R. McDonald, secretary and treasurer, and H. Hughs. It was de cided to hold the picnic every two years instead of yearly. An extem poraneous debate between M. R. McDonald, and Harry R. Hughs, on "Woman Suffrage," was enjoyed by all on account of the many witty points made by each. Later the fol lowing officers were elected: M. Stokes Stribling. of Seneca, presi dent; H?rry R. Hughs, of Walhalla, vice president, and Stiles S. Strib ling, of Richland, secretary and trea surer. After dinner had been served several of the old gaines were played. Including "bull pen" and "base." Dr. Strickland Drowned in Tugaloo. Pulaski, (Camp Yonah, Ga.,) Aug. 16.-"Special: It has been raining every day in this section and the far mers aro getting the blues, for fod der pulling will soo? be here. Dr. Strickland, of Cornelia, Ga., was drowned in Tugaloo river, near the "Shut-In," on August 13th. He carno to the river about 10 o'clock and was drowned about 2 o'clock. His comrades carried his remains back to Cornella thc night of the 13th. Mrs. Delphia Boatright suffered a second stroko of paralysis last Tues day. Her recovery is doubtful. Mrs. Boatright was 97 years old on the 3d of August. Miss Estelle Bruce opened the Pu laski school last Monday, but on ac count of her health she was compell ed to give up the school after the first v/eek. We are sorry to give her up as she was a good teacher. The government engineering corps is now encamped near J. T. Pat ten's dwelling. They expect to bo lhere about a month surveying the Jand of the Chattooga Lumber Com pany, on which tho government has options. Henry Rholetter was painfully burned on the head, arms and breast last Saturday. The roads in this section are In bad condition. We wish the supervi sor would remember ns. DAY our Thirty-Day Ha ?VE DO THIS--^ id the amount of tl s this date, you wil COME ANI j. ? IiOCALS PROM BOUNTY LAND. Church Service Greatly Enjoyed People Coming and Going. Bounty Land. Aug. 18.-Rev. I. E. Wallace preached an excellent ser- j mon at the school house yesterday afternoon. There was a good con gregation out, many of whom have not regularly attended church ser vices for some time owing to their inconvenience to any of the churches. We hope to have Mr. Wallace with us again soon, and also to occasion ally have preaching by ministers of other denominations. The visitors at the home of Mrs. J. B. Pickett during tho past week were: H. M. Pickett and children, of Greenville; Mrs. Anna Duncan and daughter, Miss Beth, of Elberton, Ga., and Mrs. Guy T. Grove and daughter, Miss Louise, of Childress, Texas. Miss Lillian Rice, of Spartanburg, and Miss Edith Whitten, of Ander son, are expected as guests at the home of W. T. Hubbard Tuesday. E. C. Ellison, who has been on a week'B visit to his parents, Capt. and Mrs. A. H. Ellison, left Sunday for Townley, Ala., where he ls engaged in business with a coal and fuel com pany. Mrs. W. H. McDonald and daugh ter, Miss Lizzie, of Courtenay, have been guests for several days at the home of W. J. McDonald. Little Miss Prances Pickett, who j lias been vlsi'i rig bet grandmother, Mrs. J. H. Pickett, left Saturday for ' a vjajj to relatives al Sandy Springs, ? /Mrs. Robt Cochran and Miss j Mutiio, v>, cue du view auction, were recent guests at the home of Capt. and Mrs. A. H. Ellison. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rankin are visiting relatives at Mountain Rest. Miss Cary Doyle left Sunday for Toccoa, Ga., thence to Battle Creek, where she will open school for a sum mer terni. Mrs. J. G. Phillips and little daughter, of Monroe, Ala., spent last week v ith her brother, W. J. Mc Donald. Miss Julia Davis and Miss Laura Smithson, of Westminster, will leave to-day for Clinton, where they will be guests for a week or two of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Abbott. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Shanklln and children, of Anderson, made a brief visit to relatives in the community yesterday. Miss Julia Fennell, of Andersoi ts on a two weeks' visit to her r.unt, Mrs. Jasper Doyle. Her mother and sister. Mrs. Fannie Fennell and Miss Ixmise, are expected to-day .rom An derson, and will spend sc eral days' among relatives in the community. j Jesse Hubbard visited In Townvi'.le last week. Meade Davis left Saturday for Greenwood, where he will be engaged in the sale of soft drinks. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Berry, who have been visiting at the home of the for mer's parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. L. M. Berry, returned last week to their homo in Florida. W. J. McDonald was In Anderson a short time Saturday. His daughter. Miss Jessie, will spend this week with relatives in that city. . Misses Sallie Davis and Annie Mc Mahan are si>eiiding a few days nt Horse Cove, N. C., where the latter's father, J. D. McMahan, and family, have been occupying a cottage for several weeks. ALLEN EMMERSON PAROLED. Trial Was One of the Most Noted in Anderson County. Anderson, Aug. If)-Allen Emmer son, who was paroled by the Gover nor late to-day, went to the peniten tiary more than six years ago to serve a life sentence for the murder of Thomas Drake, an aged and lead ing farmer of Anderson county. While his attorneys were taking his case to the Supreme Court, Emmer son escaped from the Anderson jail by means of a key ho made from a stick of solder. During tho ten months he was a fugitive the Su preme Court affirmed tho verdict of the lower court. Emmerson later surrendered to a constable and was | taken to Columbia to commence his sentence, The trial attracted much interest and was one of the most noted over held in Anderson county. Ellison AIHO Paroled. (The State, 16th.) John C. Ellison, of Anderson, con victed of manslaughter and sen tenced to serve seven years In the penitentiary, was yesterday paroled by the Governor. Ellison came to the penitentiary less than one month ago to begin service of his sentence. Early in 1912 he shot and killed R. A. Hunt. The shots were fired near Ellison's rto?-e, in the Brushy Creek section ol Anderson county. 'S Bl lf-Price Sale, we w fith every purchasi tie purchase. Whe 1 get every cent of ) LET US EXPLi lt J. S. vV E S T M I N S WESTMINSTER LOCAL NEWS. People Coming and Going-Large N II inlier ia Toxuway Hoad Carly. Westminster, Aug. 19.-Special: Frank Stone, of Anderson, spent sev eral days here last week. A large crowd from here attended tho school reunion picnic at Richland last Wednesday. Mrs. D. L. Norris returned last week from a two weeks' visit to her mother at Staunton, Va. Henry A. Davis, of Soilville, Ala., is spending several days in and around Westminster. Will Woolbright, of Atlanta, wes he- o for several days last week. A. P. Johns, of Toccoa, was a vis itor here last week. Rev. Jos. T. Dendy, of Rock Hill, spent Saturday here among friends. Jameson Striblinc;, who has been assisting his brother, Lieut. L. S. Stribling, In his government demon strations off the coast of Brunswick, Ga., is at home with bis father and mother for some time. Mrs. T. D. Poore returned Satur day from Anderson, where she has been visiting her daughter, Mlrs. I Geer. Miss Nellie Mulkey is spending some time with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Kelley Mulkey, of Dem orest, Ga. Miss Nettie Thompson spent last week with Miss Anna Marett. T. D. Coor?' is spending th rs week near \\ bite Plaina, Anderson county, h's old h ui o j Mrs. Long and babe, of Anderson, j aro visiting Mrs, v. M. Alexander, ! Miss Ethel Hayes ana Uttle sister, Lola Belle, of Eastanolle, Ga., are spending a few days with Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Qtonecypher. Mrs. .lames Finley is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Frank Gleason, at Cornella, Ga. R. B. Setsler returend to Greer Sunday after a week's visit to the family of G. W. Traylor. Supt. and Mrs. W. C. Taylor ar rived Saturday to begin preparations for the opening of school. Just two weeks Monday from "opening day." We are expecting a great and good school this year. We have a splendid corps of teachers, and of course we will have a large crowd of children anxious to commence the work of a new school year. After a visit of two weeks vaca tion, Andrew Norris will leave Wed nesday for lils home In Roanoke, Va., where he is engaged in the shuttle timber business. T. E. Elrod is spending several days at Oak way this week with his aunt, Mrs. J. A. F. Hutchins. Mrs. F. C. McConnell, of Waco, Texas, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. W. McGee. Quite a representative crowd from Walhalla and Westminster, consist ing of some 2f> or 30 automobile loads of men, left this morning for Anderson to attend the meeting of the Toxaway-Columbia highway con vention. Miss Louise Sheldon, of Fair Play, is visiting her brother W. Frank Sheldon. Walter S. Gaston left to-day for his home in St. Petersburg, Fla., after spending?!wo months here with rela ' tlve3. Coneross Ixicai News. Coneross, Aug. 18.-Special: Jay M. Abbott left yesterday for Gaffney, where he will spend a few days with his brother, J, W. Abbott, before his return to Columbia. Willie Walker, of Greenville, is spending this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Walker. Mrs. S. M. Hunsinger and Mr. and Mrs. Wade Alexander spent several days of last week with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. P. Dean, Avalon, Ga. About forty from here picnicked at the tunnel last Thursday. A pleas ant day was spent. A protracted meeting is in pro gress at Coneross. Services are be ing bold twice daily-10 a. m. and 8 p. m. Everybody ls Invited to at tend. Rev Machen will arrive this evening to assist the pastor in the meeting. Richard Lewis, of Clemson, spent the week-end visiting at the home of Mrs. E. C. DuBose. He will return to-day with his sister, Miss Selma, who has spent the past two weeks here. George Kell and sister, Miss Bes sie, of Charleston, are on a visit to their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kell. They are accompanied by a number of friends from Charleston. Joe Patterson and son, of Ninety Six, were visitors here several days last week. Mr. Patterson's daughter, who has been spending some time here, accompanied them to Central, where she will spend this week with her uncle, Thos. Patterson. ill refund the cash 9 (cash) we will n the sale ends we your purchase mo kIN EVERYTHIN CART TER, S. C. MAN KILLS HIS WIFE IN FICHT. Futml Battle Between Man and Wo man in u North < 'n roi i un Hotel. Hamlet, N. C., Aug. 16.-Guests of a local hotel yesterday rushed u,to a room from which they saw smoke issuing, and found stretched on the floor the dead body of a woman who had given her name as Mrs. George S. Nance, of Macon, Ga. Her skull was fractured in several places, ber clothing had burned off, and beside the body lay an empty beer bottle. Her husband, who came to the hotel with her this morning, was arrested in a room three doors from that of the woman, and told the police a sensational story of killing his wife after they had engaged in a struggle. According to the report given by the police, Nance said that his wife had told him she knew he was crazy, and that she was also insane "and would stop at nothing." They struggled and he seized the beer bot tle and fractured her skull; then he poured kerosene over her clothing and the furniture and set tire to the room. * After a coroner's jury had returned a verdict that Mrs. Nance had been killed by her husband, George S. Nance, he was hurried to jail at Rockingham, where he was charged with murder and arson. In Mrs. Nance's handbag was a re ceipted bill from S. B. George Sr. Co., wreenyflle, S. C., addressed to Sfrs George S. Nance. 321 Laurens street, Greenville. Her {-hoes bear th? mark hi \ Knoxville, Tenn., finn. Nance . npears to be about forty yeald Old. ile had more than $500 in his pockets, together with a gov ernment 'bond for $1,OOO? and a de posit ?lip showing $1,000 deposited in a Macon, Ga., bank. Had lil ved in Greenville. Greenville, S. C., Aug. 16.-Mrs. George S. Nance, killed by her hus band at Hamlet, N. C., yesterday, was known In Greenville. She spent three months here, and with her hus band left this city yesterday morn ing. Mrs. Nance came here three months ago and engaged in the sale of a patent medicine. She left Wed nesday for Norfolk to meet her hus band and returned with him to Greenville Wednesday to make prep arations to leave for the summer, lt is said that the ausband had just been released from an insane asylum and Mrs. Nance is said to have dis cussed her husband's mental condi tion with friends here. In Macon, Ga., Also. Macon, Ga., Aug. 16.-George S. Nance, who last night killed his wife in a hotel at Hamlet, N. C., was here for a short time last week at a hotel. He was accompanied by his wife. He docs not live here, however, and the hotel whero he stopped supi>osed him to be a traveling salesman. Be fore leaving Macon he deposited $1, 000 In cash in a local bank. Fur ther than this nothing is known of tho man. HON. JOSH ASHLEY IMPROVES. Doctors Expert! He Will Recover from Paralytic Stroke. Anderson, Aug. 17.-After visiting Rt presentative Joshua W. Ashley this morning, who was stricken with paralysis last Thursday, his entire right side being affected. Dr. Shirley issued a statement to-day which said that the patient is much better and that theie is hardly any doubt but that he will pull through this at tack. Mr. Ashley is able to articulate slightly this morning and Dr. Shirley says the fact that he has th*" use of his affected leg and arm in a small degree Increases tho hope for reco\ ery. Mr. Ashley is a very sick r.nin, says the doctor, but his 'wonderful vitality and strong constitution are working In his behalf. He Is not out of danger by any means, but unl?!Pd something unforseen happens the danger mark will have been passed In the next few days. Shoota Dog, Hit? Boy. Anderson, Aug. 16-Clyde, the 10 year-old son of Luther Erskine, was shot and wounded by Homer Elsman at 8 o'clock to-night, when Elsman flr?d on a dog supposed to be mad as it attacked young Erskine. The dog attacked one or two people before reaching the Elsman home. It had a flt in front of the Elsman place on Dickson avenue and Mr. Elsman hunted hin gun. The Erskine child was crossing the street and the dog was attempting to attack him when Elsman fired. The shot took effect in the boy and also In the dog. The boy's condition ls not considered very serious. of one day's busine re a duplicate bill b will announce the ] ney for that day rt G F?LLT. E R, 41ST REUNION ORR'S RIFLES Will He Held at Abbeville August 27th ?UKI 28 th-I*rogram. Following is the program of the 41st reunion of the Survivors' Asso ciation of Orr's Rifles, to be held at Abbeville August 27th and 28th: August 27, 8 p. m.-Social reunion and camp-fire. August 28, 10 a. m.-Meeting of the association nt city hall. Call to order by the president. Music. Prayer by the chaplain. Music. Address of welcome. Music. Response by Col. J. C. Stribling. Music. Business session. Address by Ex-Governor Martin F. Ansel, of Greenville. Music. Reminiscences, by Mrs. Ella Cox Cromer, of Abbeville. Music. Some short talks by others. Music-Oid Lang Syne. Adjournment. Dinner. W. T. McGill, for Committee. (Abbeville, Anderson, Oconee and Plckena papers please copy. ) . Minister Prniws this Laxative. Rev. ii Sluboj.voll, of Allison, la., in praising Dr. King's Now Life. Pills tor constipation, writes: "Dr. King's New Life nllls are such per fect pills no home should bo without them." No better regulator for the liver and bowels. Every pill guaran teed. Try them Price 25c. at all druggists. adv. FREE EYE TEST. Ask, my patienta about lt, then try yourself. Satisfaction giuiraiitee*!. .1. I. I. I \ LEK, Graduate Optician, (Onice at Residence), Walhalla, S. C. .* -FRESH PA Good Mixed - - - Giant Trimardeau - White, Purple or Ycllc Mrs. Nevitt Fant, Aj THE ANDERSON FLOR -FOR I have a good list of ? offer you this season. If town, or a Large Tract ? what you want. Let me know cxactl will be glad to show you ' With the Democrats n cost of most all thc articles Treasury Department turr the South, certainly it is tr to buy a good Farm for a a If you want to buy ot at my office over Westmir Frank H Box 10? w ss to our custo ?earing the pur liucky Day, and ^funded in cash. JULY 30 TO AUG. 31. BULIiETS SWEEP COU KT ROOM. Coiis'tnble Shoota Negro Acquitted ot Shooting Him. Montgomery, Ala., AUK. 16. Wild excitement was caused in the city court room early last night when Robert Sears, constable and former deputy sheriff, shot down Will Smith, a negro, a moment after a jury had acquitted the latter of a charge of shooting at Sears last De cember while the constable was try ing to make an arrest. One shot broke the negro's arm and another i>enetrated his shoulder and cheek. He will likely recover. Judgo Armstead Brown and offi cers of the court hld behind desks and furniture to escape the fusilado of bullets. Sears was finally over IMiwered and Judge Brown ordered him to Jail for contempt of court. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT AND DISCHARGE. Notice ls hereby given that the undersigned will make application to V. F. Martin, Judge of Probate for Oconee County, in the State of South Carolina, at his office at Walhalla Court House, on Tuesday, September 9th, 1913, at ll o'clock a. m., or as soon thereafter as said application can be heard, for leave to make final settlement of the Estate of Lee Sel ?gle. deceased,"alfd" obtain dual dis charge as Administrator ol sahl en ta te. c. H. MCCALL, Administrator. August ll. 1913. r. 3-3 fl An Instrument of Superior Quality. There is no flaw in the Netzow scale; it has a treble clear as crys tal; ls sympathetic as the human voice in the middle register; and full, resonant and rich in th* ..-.:*? The action of the Netro?v Plano ls so finely balanced an-I even that it gives the performe*, a means of the most accurate interpretation. For sale on right /-rms and at right prices. R. W. GRUBHS, Walhalla, S. O. NSY SEED- ^ .Package. .05 .JO )w - - - - .JO ?ent, Walhalla, S. C AL CO., Anderson, S. C. SALE' Small and Large Farms to it is a Small Farm near ?everal miles out, I have y what you want and I what I can offer you. ow in power reducing the i the farmer uses, and the ling money and favors tc ie opportune time for you home. sett a Farm call on me ister Bank, or write me, . Shirley, rOHtminster, O. 1