FEDERATION SCHOLARSHIPS. Competitive Examinations--Applies tiona Must Ile Filed by June 20. The South Carolina Federation of Women's Club? offers the following scholarships : One at Winthrop Col lege, value $104 and free tuition; one at Confederate Home College, value $100; one at Limestone Col lege, value $50; one at Coker Col lege, value $60; one at Training School for Kindergartners, given by the Sc_th Carolina Kindergarten As sociation, value $100. These schol arships are for four years, with the exception of the ono at the Training School for Kindergartners, which is for two years. These scholarships are awarded hy comp?titive examination, and are pot oj)en to any one who has attend ed college before unless there is no other applicant. Applicants must be over 15 years of age. Applicants must have the endorse ment of the president or some officer of a club belonging to the federation. No application will be received after June 20th. For further information, address Mr?. Frank B. Gary, chair man of Education Committee, Abbe ville, S. C. The ."Morn?II Reunion. A Very pleasant occasion way the gathering cf friends and relatives at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hus kamp, near West Union, on the 20th Instant, to celebrate the 7 5th anni versary of the birth of Mrs. Elizabeth Morgan, wife of the late Mattlson Morgan. Mrs. Morgan ls a Christian mother whom the children, friends and relatives delight to honor and to show their appreciation of her worth. M ra. Huskanip. daughter of Mrs. Morgan, invited the children and a large circle of friends and relatives to take part in the celebration, in response to this invitation 125 per sons assembled at this hospitable home. The day passed off very pleas antly in conversation, singing and a splendid dinner spread on a long table under the shade of trees In the yard. This was fairly laden with good things to eat that satisfied the appetites of all, and much was left. Mrs. Morgan ls the mother of 9 children, 59 grandchildren and ti groat-grandchildren. She ts a daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ezekiel Ilunni OUtt, who were, born and reared In Anderson county, and in early life moved to Octonee and settled near New Hope church, and they were active In church work during t iel ri | long lives. "Mrs. Morgan is a sliter of our esteemed citizen, J. M. Hun nlcutt, who faithfully served us as county commissioner for a number of years. She is a devoted Christian woman and Is of a family that is re ligiously Inclined. She ls anxiously looking forward to the time when she will be reunited with loved ones 'who have gone before. We trust this good woman will cel ebrate many more birthdays, and . that the remainder of her stay here wiii be bright, peaceful and happy? Seneca, R. F. D." No. 1, May 27. Troops Returning Home. Washington, May 28.-Tho navy transport Prairie ls returning from Guantanamo, Cuba, with two thou sand marine? mobilized there last winter during the Mexican disturb- . anees. Tho marines will be distrih Uted to several navy yards including Norfolk, Charleston and Port Royal. The Prairie will return to bring hack a field battery and an automatic, rifle company, the only remaining troops of the brigade in Cuba. CORTRK Roofs put on twenty-six years ag have never needed repairs. Wha every other shingle manufacturer is ti -look (or the words "Cortright Ret corrugation. It ts put there tor you ForS( Ballenger Hardware ai Seneen SMITH HAS "JIM CROW" HILL Seekft to Separate the Races, Hut Give? Equal Accommodations. Washington, May 29.-Senator E. D. Smith, of South Carolina, has In troduced a "Jim Crow" car bill in the Senate, which, If passed, will op erate to keep negroes and whites from traveling in the same railway coaches hereafter, either ordinary day coaches or sleepers. It is pro vided: "That within four months after the passage of this act each indi vidual, firm or corporation doing an inter-State transportation business and operating Pullman or sleeping ears through one or more States hav ing laws requiring separate coaches or compartments for the races, shall provide separate and distinct accom modations for the conveyance of white alu. negro passengers in .transit til rough said States. "Provided, That tho cars or com partments for each road shall be equal in all respects as to comfort and convenience. "That any Individual, firm or cor poration doing an Inter-State trans portation business and operating Pullman or sleeping cars in violation of the provisions of this act, shall be lial.de to a penalty of $500 for each and every violation thereof." Union Meeting at Whitewater. Following is the program of the Twelve-Mile River union meeting to bo held at Whitewater Baptist church on Juno 28th and 29th, 1913: Devotional exercises, by D. E. (Jar rett at 10 o'clock on the 28th. Introductory sermon by Rev. W. M. Walker at 10.30. Queries. 1. What ts a true church member of Christ? Opened by Garsie Lee! 2. What relation should exist be tween the Sunday school and the church? Opened by Charley Atkin son . 3? Who is my neighbor? Opened by Clarence Mann. 4. (To be filled.) Executive Committee. Killed on River Bridge. Columbus, Ga., May 28/-In a shooting affray on' the river bridge to-night between 10 and ll o'clock, Perry Argo, of Phoenix City, was fatally wounded by Walter Duke, dy ing on tho way to tho hospital. Duke was arrested and placed in jail at Gi rard, Ala. Duke is a shoe salesman for a Columbus house. Argo'lived at Cochran, Ga. foman Shoulc ii WICK Uf.IJi: ILAIHL Dil Cook-si?** ool, clean kitchen, less wood to cut-no ashe t. le with 1, 2, 3 and 4 burn< cator marks amount of oil in fe V.RD OIL CO (New Jersey) BALTIMORE ed and Patented rn in 1867 Tbe Standard Ever Since Tf np METAL Xl A SLATE o are aa good as new to-day, and it is the result? Why practically rying to imitate it, so be not deceived 3. U. S. Pat. Oft." embossed on the r protection. Accept no substitute. ile by rid Furniture Company, SENATOR LUKE LEE'S WIFE Is Heing Treated With the Von Ruck Antl-Tuberculosls Serum. Washington, May 29.-Interest ot t'he Senators in the Von Ruck anti tuberculosis serum which cured Sen ator Kern, Democratic leader of the House, Increased to-day after lt be came known that the wife of Senator Luke Lee, of Tennessee, is now )e ceiving th? same 'reatment at Dr. Von Ruck's sanit?r um at Asheville Mrs. Lee has been at several sani tariums, and only about two weeks ago was removed to Dr. Von Ruck's, and although said to be in an ad vanced stage of the disease, she In reported to have been benefited by Dr. Ruck's treatment. All the Sena tors aro especially interested in hi t recovery, and the resolution of Sena tor Overman, of North Carolina, .vbIch passed the House by a unani mous vote on Monday, has airead v homo fruit. Surgeon General Rupert Blue, v charge of the public health bureau and who was directed by the Senat. to make a thorough Investigation bf the serum, said to-day that no time would be lost in obtaining cultures and distributing them among gov ernment hospitals for tests. Dr. Von lt nek bas already placed his t the disposal of the medical school, and experiments are now being made there. Senator Kern to-day talked freely ' of his experience at the sanitarium. The Democratic leader spoke of : many others who were cured by Di Von Ruck about the same time as < himself. Among them were Mrs. J. M. Trotter, wife of a wholesale gro cer of Chattanooga. Tenn., and prom inent in society there, and Mrs. Frier son, of Shelbyvllle, Tenn. "TJiere were many others there a the time and I have since met ami corresponded with a number wh> said they had not experienced any recurrent attack," said the Senator. CHICHESTER S PILLS DIAMOND ?^Sgi BRAND LADIES f ~^+^~r Arie your ?rnmrUt for CHI-CHHS-TER 9 DIAMOND 11KAND V" GOLD metallic boxes, Ribbon. TA KU NO DruRfcUt ?lid ?ak 1.. DIAMOND li lt A N I? PILLS, for twcnty.fim years regarded as Best, Safest, Always Reliable, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TIMK FVFRYW/HFRF WORTH TRIED t"tn i ?nene TESTED. THi: K. OF P. ORAN? LODGE. Next < Irand Lodge Session will be Held mi Chester-SOO In Aiken. Aiken, May 28.-The Grand Lodge of Knights of Pythias of the Domain of South Carolina, in annual ?tate Con tlon here yesterday and to day, < .-.me to a close this morning a nutes before noon. The next B?seloi will be held at Chester. T , business meeting this morn ing wurt given over to routine work, ;uul he election of Grand Lodge officers for tho ensuing twelve mont), Dr. Geo. W. Dick, of Sum . M . s elected Grand Chancellor; li. K Osborne, Spartanburg, Grand Vice - hancellor; Herbert E. Gyles, , was chosen as his al:< mate. Th*' :}rand Lodi, n by vote placed Itself on record as being opposed to a chang . in the minimum age limit for entrance into tho order from 21 to 18 voa rs. 'c made its usual appropria tions, 'inning between $80 and $100 to the Baptist, Presbyterian, Metho dist and Episcopal orphanages of I his Slate." The success marking the Grand Lodge held here four years ago char acterized the one just brought to a . ? ?r.e. ;t has been conservatively es ; ?m.-u. i that as many as three hun dred ,ingc less, Cumberland Island, when he remains had been buried tor aim st a hundred years, and now iies Dosi le that of his distinguished ?on, . A i-'u.ga/ion from the Virginia ire carne to Cumberland Is laii'Rifler tho remains, an appropria tion this purpose having been niad? y the Virginia Legislature. Tin casket was taken to Fernan dina ii.?ard a private yacht and an its Journey to Virginia, i ried in Leo Chapel, on thc W'ishin .ion and Lee University cam* e Lexington, Va., to-day. "Get Out, or Denni to Smoke.': Washington,5 May 29.-Senator B. IX, Tlllnid ij who j)roposes to abolish un i ii:,, i executive sessions of Hie Senate, to protect lils own health, sen a > er to-day to each member or lb.-- Ca'dnet asking them to pro hibii smoking In their respective de p.artm?jiti .to protect women em ployees. ? ?i.iMtiylng tho letters were i i letter the Senator had re el fro ul a woman government onipioyee, who protested against smoking in government offices, and said: "Whenever protest ls made by any of the women we are told to 'get out or learn to smoke yourselves, and then smoking will not trouble you.' " Had Murdered Mnu's Pistol. Chester, May 28.-Monk Steven son, colored, v/as lodged in jail this morning on the charge of having had In lils possession recently a pistol belonging to John Q. Lewis, the Con federate veteran who was killed near Cornwell on the night of April 24. Stevenson claims that he purchas ed the weapon from Bob Davis, a brother of Dave Davis, who is now under arrest with (hls wife, Anna Davis, on the charge of having killed the aged soldier. It is believed that there was a conspiracy against Mr. Lewis and there will probably be several arrests before the entire mat ter will finally come to light. Hanged Herself from Piazza. Lexington, N. C., May 29.-Mrs. Laura Hinkle, wife of D. H. Hinkle, a retired capitalist, prominent social ly and the mother of six sons, com mitted suicide at her home here thlB afternoon by hanging herself from the banisters, while members of the household were absent. Continued ill health is assigned as the cause of the act. $ IO.OOM Fire at Cheraw. Cheraw, May 29.-The Hoover Lumber Company's plant on the At lantic Coast Line, six miles below Cheraw, caught fire from the boiler room to-day. The saw mill, boiler house and tank nre a complote loss. The planing mill, dry kilns and mill village were saved. This is a $500, 000 concern, owned 'by Pennsylvania people. Loss $40,000, with little in surance. Power Company Wins Suit. Clayton, Ga., May 29.-A verdict In favor of the Georgia Raliway and Power Company was returned here this afternoon at 0.15 o'clock by a Jury In the Rabun Superior Court In tho case ot the State of Georgia against the company for possession of Tallulah Falls. The jury's ver dict is that the State has na claim on the falls. An appeal by the State was indicated several days ago. P?B BITTE RS AN li KIDNEYS Trea to the treat welcomed, 1 Send (01 THE COCA-COLA CC MA Kill AUK AT SOUTH UNION. Death of Mrs, Dowls Deplored-Mat ters of liocal interest. South Union, May 27.-Special: Tho long drouth has put farmers very badly behind In this commu nity, but showers last week started cotton to coming pp. Thib community ?vas very much shocked over the death of Mrs. Mary Dowis, formerly of this place, bu; who was residing in Anderson at the time of her death. Her remains were brought to South Union for in terment. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. L. O. Mitchell. The relativ VB tia ve the sympathy of the entire community. Joe Mc.Tun kin and two sons, of Demorest, Qa., attended the funeral. Tho deceased ,v,is a sister bf Mr. McJunkin. Mrs. W. F. Casey and mother, Mrs. Richardson, visited at Hartwell, Ga., last week. T. M. Brownlee, of Holly Hill, S. C., has returned home after an ex tended visit. J. O. Partaln and mother and S. A. Lewis were at Canon, Ca., last week visiting Mr. Lewis's father, who is critically ill. Miss May Malone, of this place, and Purina" Whitworth, of Seneca, were happily married Sunday, May 11th, by Kev. L. D. Mitchell at the home of the bride's tether. After the serving of a sumptuous dinner the young couple left for Seneca, where they will make their home. Their many friends wish them much happiness and prosperity. Mr. and Mrs. Bart Young, of Par kertown, Ga., visited their sister, Mrs. Sam Burrlss, recently. Misses Georgia Belle and Bertie Thomas are visiting at Marietta, S. C., this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Harris are at tending the old soldiers' reunion at Chattanooga this week. Miss Kate Harris has closed her school ta Newry and has returned to her home here. Miss Willie Crawford, of Lavonia, Ga., was with homefolks Sunday. Lawrence Burrlss, of Anderson, is visiting relatives here. Must Have White Radishes, Washington dispatch: Secretary Bryan is not too busy with affairs of State to do the marketing foi tho Bryan household. Almost any ! morning the Secretary of State may be seen in a local market place with a largo basket swinging from his left arm. Mr. Bryan seems to enjoy mar keting. He elbows tho crowd and apparently does not mind lt any more than he did when making his political campaign tours. His fondness for the white radish ls now generally known among mar ket men, and they try to keep on hand the kind he likes. The other QUININE ANO IRON-THE MOST EFFECTUAL GENERAL TONIC Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic Combines both in Tasteless form, The Quinine drives out Malaria and the Iron builds up the System. Por Adults and Children. You know what you ate taking when you take GROVE'S TASTBLKSS chill TONIC, recognized for 30 years through out the South as the standard Malaria, Chill and Fever Remedy and General Strengthening Tonic. It is as strong as the strongest Ditter tonic, but you do not taste the bitter because the ingredients do not dissolve in the mouth but do dis solve readily in the acids of the stomach. Guaranteed bv your Druggist. We mean it. 50c._ There is Only One "BROMO QUININE Look for signature of E. W. GLtOVIt on c fer* 1 it Them of treats - always jy all, everywhere with life-delight ling-supremely -Refreshing -Quenching the Genuine : Substitutes. JA r Free Booklet. i MP ANY, ATLANTA? GA. WAS "FAITHFUL UNTO DEATH." Tink Wright, Colored, WUK True i i i <111 < i ana Pnithflul Servant. ( Hy Mrs. J. L. Shanklin.) About. 10 o'clock Monday, May 19, 1918, the spirit bf Pink Wright, colored; winged it? way to the God who gave bini Ufo and whom be tried to serve while In the flesh. Pink was over ?0 y eal's old and was one of tho old ante-bellum negroes who remained faithful to their white* friends to tho last. As a slave he was owned by Mrs. W. K. Living ston and lived on her large eBtate on Seneca river until tho beginning of tho war. Ile was body servant during the war to Whit Kilpatrick, brother of Mrs. Livingston, and when Mr. Mlpatrick died, Pink, still loyal to h t charge, brought the re mclns homo to "Old Miss," and was a staunch friend to the Livingston family as long as ho lived. Since the abolltloh of slavery he had been a most faithful servant in the family of the lato Cap' J. L. Shanklin, whom ho tenderly nursed during tho helplessness of tho last 14 years of his life. He was ever at j tho post of duty. If a physician had to bo summoned, no matter how blt ) ter and disagreeable the weather. ; Pink was ready to go. If tho snow was too deep for a horse to travel he : would cheerfully go afoot. Tho wrlUr ' of this sketch feels that in hie dcatii j she, her chlldron and grandchildren ; have not only lost a faithful servant, but a true friend. He willingly of . fered his services to the sick, white or colored. In winter he would say, "I'll see If dey need any wood cut," and in summer, "I can draw fresh water In de night, or go fo' de doc tor." Pink had been in feeble health for more than a year, during which time he was carefully attended by his white friends, who freely provided everything necessary for his comfort. There were several of his white friends with him when the end came. The pastor of Coneross church. Rev. L. D. Mitchell, made a recent visit to him, prayed with him and read to bim comforting portions of the Scripture, and to him Pink gave evidence of his faith in Christ as his Saviour. Though Pink's skin was black, his heart was white. Though tho Ethi opian can never change his color, the Lord pondereth the hearts of men and^judgoth In equity and righteous ness, and we believe that Pink's soul is at rest. "Be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life." Richland, May 27, 1913. day, however, much to tho Secre tary's disappointment, his favorite vegetable was not to be had. "You know 1 must have white rad ishes," said the Secretary to a wo man shopping beside him. "No other kind will do." RELIEVES PAIN AND HEALS AT THE SAME TIME The Wonderful, Old Reliable Dr. Porter's Antiseptic Healing OIL An Antiseptic Surgical Dressing discovered by an ' Old R.R. Surgeon. Prevents Blood Poisoning. Thousands of families know it already, and a trial will convince you that DIL PORTER'S ANTISEPTIC HEALING OIL is the most wonderful remedy ever discovered for Wounds, Burns, Old Sores? Ulcers, Carbuncles, Granulated Rye Lids. Sore Throat, Skin or Scalp Diseases and all wounds and external diseases whether slight or serions. Continually people are finding new Uses for this famous old remedy. Guaranteed by your Druggist, We mean it. 25c, 50c, $1.00 < " That is LAXATIVE BROMO QU?NINB ?very box. Cures a Cold in One Day, 25c,