Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, May 28, 1913, Image 4

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KEOWEE COURIER ( ESTABLISH BD 184?.) Published Every Wednesday Morning Subscription $1 Per Annum. Advertising Kates lleasonable. -Ry STECK, HU 111-OR Ai 8CIIKO?ER. Communlcntlons of a personal char a< ter charged for aa advertise ments. Obituary notices and tributes of re aped, of not over one hundred word--, will bo printed free of charge. All over thal number must be paid for at the rato of one ceul a word Cash to accompany manuscript. WALHALLA, H. C.: WICRNKHOA V, MAY \1H, UM il. \ RF.AI, ILLUSTRATION. Our people were given lasl Sun day a nal Illustration of the great need ol' a large and commodious au ditorium, lt is a mighty bad adver tisement for.a town when people from the outlying communities come in on speeial occasions and lind them selves crowded oui and unable to hear or see thal tor which lin y came. Many of ?mr citizens of the town were ?lau disappointed Sunday, bul that is not nearly so had as the dis appointing of our friends and neigh bors fiem <mt oi town Wo have not heard recently any thing with reference lo tho school auditorium, but if any demonstra tion was needed to hiing home to us the absolute necessity of adoiiuato accommodations for audiences on special occasions, that demonstration was given last Sunday. AN Oil NOE or PREVENTION'. In a conversation Monday with a gentleman who does not Jive in tho town of Walhalla, but who had occa sion to he in town last Sunday, and walked out. about the outskirts, our attention was called to tho horrible (condition of th?' public slaughter pen, which ls located almost on the lu wu line. The conditions ho de gcrlbes are certainly deplorable, and if but a tenth as bad as be described, they are entirely deserving of tho tributo he paid them: "A menace to health and a disgrace." We mention here this matter in order that those tn authority may have public knowl edge of a condition needing atten tion. And it may not bo amiss to call attention also, in advance of bad conditions, to another source of men ace- the emptying place of the coun ty sewerage. We do not know what conditions aro there now. but in times past they have become ex tremely obnoxious to residents near and far. lt will be well to prevent, by precautionary measures, this place again becoming a breeding place for mosquitoes and an Incuba tor for germs. "An ounce of pre vention is worth a pound of cure." THE HOV SCOUTS. 'lt ?? organization of the Hov Scouts in Walhalla has been heralded with no sn?.,11 degree of pleasure or. the pan citizens generally, ami it is to he hoped that the organization will grow and prosper. fulllUing the mission for was Intended. Wv lind these pertinent obligations U.iOng the things to wliich Hoy Scouts subscribe when they join tho organization : I will do ni j duty to Qod and the king.I will do my best to help others, whatever it costs me. . . . . I know the Seoul la w and will obey lt." ... . "A Scout's honor is to he trusted. . . The Scout's duty i> to be useful and to help oth ers.A Stout ls courteous. . . . . A Scout is thrifty." And yet we understand that the natue "Stout" does not nie.m all that it should her?- in Walhalla Take, for instance, an occurrence recently at the ope i house, when there was no small demonstration of bad ?rnler. "Is there no way to stop this?" was asked "No." was the reply, "they are i; ,. Scouts." What do you think ?>f that, boys? The organization of Hoy Scouts itrnd> for all that is good, and noble, Slid tl ie To !>e i Hov Scout tells to the world that the owner of the title I? ;. gentlemanly hoy a boy to whom anything mean, or little, or ungentle manly, is an offense, Aro you a Soy Stout, young friend? Keep jour obligation ever before you. and never let it be said, In derision. "He is a Hoy Scout; you can do nothing." The News and Courier's "Panama Canal Edition" issued last Friday was a hummer-lu ninety-two pages bristling from beginning to end with good, live matter on timely subject? pertaining to the commercial worth and growth of Charleston and the Stato at large. It was a conmpre henslve resume of what our State and chief city aro now and hope to become in the near future. The News and Courier may well rongrat nlate itself upon having rendered its home city and the State a real service in putting Important facts so attract ively before the outside world. LUTTER BENT TO VETERANS. Arrangements for Entertainment at ?GottyHburg I (CH II ion Sci Forth. Major (?cu. M. ll. Teague, com mantling the South Carolina Divis ion, u. c. v., has addressed to tin? veterans a letter setting forth offi cially the arrangements that have been made to care foi" them during tin- (iottyshurg reunion. July 1-4, next. T* o letter follows: To i hs Confederate Veterans of South Carolina: Thc State of Penn vylvania has extended sn Invitation to .ill Confederate veterans to unite willi tho (?rand Army of th?' Kepub !i: in I lu> colouration of he 50th an niversary of tin- battle of (Iottyshurg, Inly I, 2. and I Ol this year, on tho battlefield. The legislature of our Stale at its last session appropriated $1,000 to pay for tho transportation of such Confederate veterans residing ill South Carolina a? participated in I hat hattie. Tho Gettysburg survi vors only ?ir?' to share in this lund for their transportation, and those who purpOSO attending tile celebra tion must furnish a certificate, at tested hy a ('on federa I e veteran, sworn to before tho Clerk of Court ot tho county III which they reside, and forward the same to the com manding officer, Con. B. II. Teague. Aiken, s. c.. on or before the loth .lay of lune. With this certificate must be sent tho ot tho rail road station from which each one will start. This certificate will he recorded and returned to tho sender with a check for his proportionate share of the Stale's appropriation for railroad fares. All veterans who purpose attend ing (1m c?l?br?t ion. who were not participants in tlx1 battle ol' Gettys burg, will have to pay their own rail road fare. Free entertainment will be furnished to all veterans in a large 'amp to bo established for this pu rpofco. Remember, all Confederate vete rans who were not in tho hattie cf Gettysburg, who attend this ce'e bration, must obtain, before leaving homo, a cert ideate signed by the commander or adjutant of a camp of United Confederate veterans. This certificate will bo presented at Get tysburg to secure entertainment. While any veteran wearing civil ian's clothes will bo entertained, it ls desired that all who can will wear the gray uniform. ll. II. Teague, Major General, S. C. Division. C. C. V. Official: S. E. Welch. Attorney General, Chief of Staff. Camp Norton. In connection with the above no tice with reference to the .Inly re union at Gettysburg, lr. will provo of interest to many to read a short sketch prepared by J. W. Ilollcinan a year ago regarding the organiza tion of "('amp Norton." The article follows: Walhalla. April 7. 1912. On the 7th day of April, 1902. some Confederate Veterans met In tho Court House at this place and or ganized a "Camp of Confederate Veterans," and as this is tho tenth anniversary of said organization, I have concluded to give an account of the same, and lt may ho Interest ing to some of those old veterans who still live, and to tho descendants of some who have crossed over and answered "Roll Call" on tho other sids of the river. The organization was made as fol lows: Col. Robt. A. Thompson. Com mander, Colonel 2d Rilles. Major Stiles P. Dendy, 1st Lieu tenant Commander, Major 2d Rifles, Sergt. R. Y. H. Lowery, 2d Lieu tenant Commander, Co. C. Orr's Rides. Sergt. J. \V. Holleman, Adjutant. Co. C. 12th Regiment. Adjt. J. G. Law. D. IV. Chaplain. :'.sth Georgin Regiment. Alexander, W.H.. Co. F, 22d. Regt. Aldrich, lt. H., Ordnance Dept. Adams, Jasper, Co. C. 2d Rifles. Brandt, H. I... Co. C. Orrs Rides. Hulton. W. J. X., Co. I. Palmetto Sharpshooters. Br?cke, A. C.. Co. C.. 2d Rides. Hurley. \Y. \V.. Co. H. I 7th Regt. Burrell, Jas., Co. Il, 1st Artillery. Crenshaw, X.. Co. M. Palmetto Sba rpshooters. Campbell, J. L., Co. E, 2d Rifles. Chastain. H. A.. Co. K, I 2th Rem. Cain, Richard. Co. K, 22d Regt. Cantrell, Staten, Co. O, 12th Regt. Dendy, s. K., Co. F, Orr's Rifles. Durham, .Marion. Co. H. 2d Rifles. Davis .lohn G. Co E. 1st Artillery, Driver. B. P., Co. E, 20th Regt. Elrod, A. W., Co. C. Palmetto Sha rpshooters. KU ison. A. H., Co. F. 2d Cavalry. Fendley, J. W., Co. A, Orr's Rifles. Fendley, I). W., Co. A. Orr's Rifles. Fincannon, 1. 1).. Co. G, 20th X. c. Regt. Gibson. II. A. H.. Co. H. 2d Rifles. Grubbs, \V T., Co, I), 'Jd Rides. Hamilton. W. VV., Co. L, Palmetto Sha rpshooters. Hudson. J. M.. Co. C. Orr's Rifles. Hawkins. John. Co. ll. :!d Rifles. Hunnieutt, J. M.. Co. H, Jd Cav. Harri*. David. Co. F. 2d Rifles. Keaton. John. Co. K. 12th Regt. Kelley, J. H.. Co. F. 2d Cavalry. Logan, J. B., Co. C. Orr's Regt. ! Manning. I. C., Co. G. ?;\ State Reserves. Mongoid. W. H., Co. C. Orr's Regt. Mason. James. Co. K. 22d Hegt. Martin. V. F , Ordnance Dept. Moss. W. W . Co. E. Orr's Ri flo*. Mo.-?on, John lt.. State Reserves. M ch -e. H. M.. Co. B, State Re serves. Xix. ?. .?'.. Co. B. 2d Rifles. Nichols, Jas.. Co. K. 12th Regt. Pool, 8. M.. Co. E. Orr's Rifles. Ferry. John D., Co. C. 7th Csv. Phillips, X., Ferguson's Battery. Phillips. Evan. Co. E. Orr's Rifles. Powell W. P.. Co. D, 11th N. C. Regt. Pieper. F. W., Co. C. Orr's Rifle*. Rogers. Leonard C., C Rogers. I,eonard, Co.C. Orr's Regt. Rutledge, R. 8.. Co. C. Orr's Rifles. Ridley, C. M., Co. K. 12th Regt. Hamey, Albert, Ferguson's Battery Strother, W. A. Handera. J. M., Co. D, 22d Regt. Sanders, Wm., Co. B. 37th Va. Cavalry. Singleton, W. O., Co. B, Palmetto Sharpshooters. WILLIAM HI lill SKIUOlSLY ILL. Number of em/< ns o<> lo Cliattoi) ga-ViNltorH mid Other?. Westminster, May 27.- s Commencement is over, tho te liave departed to their several un* and the children are enjoying i ion. We aro sorry to learn that Kolan I T. Duke I? confined at his homo with typhoid fever. Editor Qossett, of the Tribtj was in Greenville Friday and etat unlay. Wm. Bibb was taken Borloi Saturday afternoon at the home his nephew, T. C. Bibb. The mediately w ir ?d his daughtei M. S. Y. Jameson, of Macon, (!: I his son. J. Hu&b Bibb, of A tl Moth arrived Saturday night > ;il I he bedside ol' I heir tat bel hope to hear of an Improver! lib; condition soon. Messrs. Taylor and .layioi M : Taylor and a number of tim ; of the Westminster High woni picnicking on Chauga weeli. They report an en day. Lem Martin wa? quite si hi week. We are glad to heal Improving. i>r. Otis Whitten,, or Atla here for II few days. Ile will his family ai Pendleton bef turning to Iiis work. Miss Marie Hall is nt home . cation. She has been al Chl< H 1 !'< tho past session. Mrs. I. S. Pitts and child ti RI (mending lihisi week 111 (in < nvh. With her sister, Mrs. W. K. > Mrs. Leo G. Leathers, of At I is visiting relatives here. The following left this inorj for Chattanooga to attend thi soldiers" reunion: W. H. Rngsdti 1 lt. B. Monea. Will Dillard Bdga Meares, Oscar Pitts, H. B. fl lb and Mr. and Mrs. A. Zimmerman Mrs. Vada Marett and A lt. Polger, of Seneca, were marr 1 Si day afternoon at the hom? nf tho bride's mother, Mrs. Heede it? J. J, Paysour performed tin Q?r< mony. The bride and grooi 1 on No. 4 0 Monday afternoon ' ! . home in Seneca. Wm. B. Terrell, of Pacok I? id liing his father and mother, Mr. ?nd Mrs. M. A. Terrell. Owen Cannon, 01 Tiger, H . u hero last week to seo his < 1 .ibid. Mrs. Homefield, who ls very is an uncle of our townsma I*'. \Y Can non. Keith Dearden returned Frtd from the Greenville exposit i Jones Yow, of Avalon, here last week on business. I. S. Pitts was in Green' ll? ai . Masonic meeting last week. Miss Christine Mulkey en'i rtftl a few of her friends Friday even) Another socinl featuro of I o we was the entertainment of tl B, P. U. at the home of Mr. tnd Mi D. I. Mulkey last Thursday Death of Oood Woman-Ixu'uls, Little River, May 26. This section had a good rall 23d. Cotton ls coming up flt iow and the bud worms are st il corn. Mrs. B, A. Perry has be 11 vo , | sick the past week. Her is bettor at ; is time, to the di of her many friends. Mrs. I. S. Alexander has I on the sick list tho past week, li . any friends ho|>e for her early re to health. Mrs. J. S. Holden ls sb re proving at this time from lu . sickness. Her many friend h< delighted to hear that, wit ance, she is able to go to for her meals. Miss Ida Holden, who has dd fever, is doing fairly well, but still confined to her room. Mrs. Andrew Cash, whom we re cently reported as seriously sick, passed away on Sunday, May 18th, nt 9 a. m. She was a bride of some 6 or 8 months and a very beautiful woman. She leaves a heartbroken husband and several relatives and friends to mourn lier departure. The bereaved ones have the sympathy of many friends in their time of sorrow. The funeral took place at Mount Carmel on Monday following her death. Karie Tow, a highly respected citi zen . some .">() years of age, died at his home In the Salem section and was buried at Saiem cemetery May 25th al :? p. m., after appropriate funeral services conducted by Kev. w ado Nicholson. Friends extend sympathy to the bereaved relatives. A tent meeting 'nan been In pro gress in Salem for the past week, conducted by Kev. Davis and others, and wiU probably continue through the coming week. The May meeting at Snlem hns passed off again. No one seriously hurt - a bond or two to make to the town authorities was all. Terrell, M. A., Co. F. Orr's Hilles. Todd. Thos. C.. Co. IO. Orr's H.fies. Taylor, Franklin. Co. B, 2d Rifles. White. N. L.. Co. K, 12th Hegt. Wilson. M. H., Co. C, Orr's Hides. Miss Salli?! Norton was elected sponsor of the Camp. I nope that some of the children or grandchildren of those old soldiers who are yet alive, and especially of those who arf) dead, will keep the copy of The Courier which has this list in lt, and when you are old. like we are. you may Uko to read over the list. Wishing all good luck and good health. I am, Yours sincerely, J. W. Holleman, Secretary, rino from IMckens District. It is an Interesting fact to not? that there were 600 soldiers from Dickens District at the Battlo of Get tysburg. Four companies from Orr's HefcUnent of Rifles were there-Com panies A, C, E and F-and two com panies from the Twelfth South Caro lina Rogim?nt-Companies G and K. Fach of these six companies muster ed In with 100 men or more, and hy a system of recruiting each wa? kept up to its full strength up to the tim? of the engagement in the Battle of Gettysburg, thus showing that thar? wer? not less than 600 from Picken? District participating In that great battl?. All-Day Singing ut Corinth. There will bo an all-day singing at Corinth Baptist church on tho second | -unday In June. All good singers lover? of muslo ar? cordially In ;tod. Come and bring well-filled . LsketB and spend the day at Cor I. Dring your books. Remember dato second Sunday in Juno. Wonderful Skin Salve. llucklen's Arnica Salvo ls known rywhere as tho best remedy made or all diseases of the skin, and also burns, bruises and bolls. Ro es Inflammation and is soothing d bealing. J. T. Sossaman, pub er Of NeWS, of Cornelius, N. C., tea that ono box helped his seri ous skin ailments after other reme ii i failed. Only 2.">c. Rceommend by all dealers. adv. Official Analysis or Sirolliei & Philly's Guanos. Clemson College, s. C., May 16, '13. Ht t'other a Phi n ney's Invincible Guaranteed on Pound by analysis, I 0.59-4.1 0-4.80 SI .other ?V- I'binney's Compound 0 naran teed on Sacks. I)-2-2 Pound by analysis, '.LSI 2.46 3.61 Strother & Pltiiinoy's Blood and Bono Guaranteed on Sacks. 9-2-2 Pound by analysis, 9.74-3.08-2.86 Strother & Phinitoy's Avid Phosphate 1 irantted on sacks . . . . n> per cent, l ound by analysis.17.07 Respectfully submitted, lt. N. BRACKBTT, Chief Chemist. ALAN JOHNSTONE, Prost. Board of Trustees. Per H. M. STACKIIOUSE. Sec't. Pert. Department, MUNICIPAL TAX N?TIGE. Treasurer's Office, Town of Wal halla, 8. C.-Notice ls hereby given ; hat tho books for the collection of ill Municipal Taxes and Street Taxes Will be open at the omeo of the Clerk nd Treasurer during the month of May. 1913. Taxes must bo paid dur ing tue month of May, as there will be no extension of time. Taxpayers will take notlco and govern them Bolves accordingly. All male citizens between the ages of 18 and f>0 years aro liable for Street Tax. .IAS. M. MOSS, Clerk and Treasurer. April 23. 1913. 17-21 ORDER APPOINTING GUARDIAN AD L1TEM. STATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OP OCONEE. (In Court of Common Pleas.) 'Irs. Caroline K. Casey, Lucy Duck ett, Lou Casey, Sallie C. Gaillard, Ella Casey, Olivia Casey Williams, William Oadey, Mamie Casey Step*.;, Bessie Hamilton and M. A. Casey, Plaintiffs, against G. Harper, Minnie May Casey. Manson Casey, Alma Casey, Louis Casey, Laura Casey", Andrey Casey and Bleaso Casey, Defendants. (Order Appointing Guardian Ad Litern.) Whereas, the Above Named De . mdanta, Minnie May Casey ?nd lanson Casey, are infants, above the ,.ge of fourteen years, residing at .'herman, Texas, and Hickory, North Carolina, respectively, and having certain interest in some real estate that is being partitioned to Ivo sold, within this county, and hoing unable to understand, appear and represent their interest in said action, Now, therefore, on motion by M. H. Mc Donald, Plaintiff's Attorney, It ls Ordered. That C. il. I). Burns, who is a proper and suitable person to act as such, be, and he is hereby appointed Guardian ad Litern for the above named Infant Defandants in this action. That unless said Infant Defendants, or some one In their be half, shall apply to the Court for such appointment of Guardian ad Li tern within twenty days from the service of this Ord r then the said C. it. I). Burns shad be the duly ap pointed Guardian ad Ll tem for said Infant Defendants. JOHN P. CRAIG, C. C. P. & G. S.. Oconee Co., S. C. May 26. 1913. I accept the appointment as Guar dian ad Lltem for the above named Defendants in this action. C. R. D BURNS. SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OP OCONEE. In Court of Common Plena. Mrs. Caroline K. Casey, Lucy Duck ett. Lou Casey, Sallie C. Gaillard. Ella Casey, Olivia Casey Williams, William Casey, Mamie Casey Stepp, Bessie Hamilton and Mrs. M. A. Casey. Plaintiffs, against J. G. Harper, Minnie May Casey, Manson Casey, Alma Casey, Louis Casey, Laura Casey. Andrey Casey and Bloase Casey, Defendants. Summons for Roller-Complaint (Served.) To the Defendants Above Named: You are hereby summoned and re quired to answer tho complaint In this action, which was flied In tho Office of Clerk of Court or Common Pleas for Oconee County on May 26, 1913, and to servo a copy of your answer to the said com plaint on the subscriber, at his office. In Walhalla, South Carolina, within twenty days after the service horeof, exclusive of the day of auch service; and If you fall to answer tho Complaint within the time afore said, the Plaintiffs in this action will apply to the Court for the relief de manded In the Complaint. Dated at Walhalla, 6. C., thlj 12th day of May, A. D. 1913, M. R. MCDONALD, Plaintiffs' Attorney. May 28, 1013. 22-27 " Summer Savings " ?? ?? ??$? Ali $3.00 and $?.50 Pumps and Slippers 25 per cent, off -a great saving. Specials tn Silk Hose, all shades, 50c. and $1.00. ? ? ? ? ? *?H?*@ ? ? *?H?* {?H???5> ft?? ?? Need a Waist? All $1.00 and $1.25 Waists at 89c. Specials in Tub Silks; were 25 and 35 cents-now 19c. M? ? ??? ? ? ?????? ? Hunter's, Seneca, S. C. i^Teu GOING CONE TO SEE US AND WE WILL SHOW YOU NANY CAMP NECESSI TIES. HAVE YOU A STRONG KNIFE, A POCKET AXE OR WATERPROOF MATCHBOX? BRING YOUR OWN GUN AND THINGS; DONT BORROW. YOU ARE GOING OUT FOR FUN. YOU CAN HAVE LOTS NORE OF IT IF YOU FEEL INDEPENDENT IN USING YOUR OWN THINGS. OUR LINE OF OUTING HARDWARE WILL NAKE YOU HAVE A BULLY FINE TINE. MATHFSON HARDWARE GO., WESTMINSTER, - - - S. C. SWAT THE FLY." An Universal Appeal, from Medical, City and Town Organizations, is going out to the people to "Swat the Fly'*-but nothing can be accomplished, without your homes being properly screened. We have a co?TipIcic stock of Sci ccu Doors and Windows and Gauze Wire, both Black and "No Rust." Let us know your needs and wc will do the balance. - BASEBALL SUPPLIES. - A full stock of Reach Mitts, Gloves, Masks, "Ty Cobb" Bats, Etec, to select from at right prices. - PAINTS AND OILS. - We have the best to be found in Sherwin, Wil liams and Mastic Paints, for all purposes. Let us talk Lwith you about the Paint subject. Ballenger Hardware and Furniture Co., (Successors to SENECA HARDWARE CO.,) Seneca, South Carolina.