KEOWEE COURIER ( ESTABLISHED 184?.) PabUshed Every Wednesday Morelng Subscription $1 Per Annum. Advertising Rates Reasonable. -By 0TECK, SHE LOR & SCHRODER. Communications of a personal char acter charged for as advertise ments. Obituary notices and tributes of re spect, of not over one hundred words, will be printed free o? charge. All over that number must be paid for at the rate of one cent a word. Cash to accompany manuscript. WALHALLA, 8. C.: WEDNESDAY, IE BRU A RY 12, 1013 UV IN A BALLOON. Magistrates and rural policemen for Oconee county have been ap pointed. Magistrates and rural policemen for Oconee county have not been ap pointed. They may be appointed, or They may not be appointed. Death and high laxes are certain - everything else seems to be "up in a balloon." During the past week rumors of the appointment of Jesse Lay, C. I*. Wal ker. J. H. Mason and C. E. Gaillard as rural policemen for the county have boen circulated, and at the same time Mr. Lay, we understand, has re reived his commission as Magistrate for the Tamassee section. Nothing is settled in the matter, so far as we are able to learn. lt has also been reported that J. B. S. Dendy. Esq.. has been appointed as Magist rato to succeed A. P. Crisp, incumbent, at Walhalla; Dr. S. S. Moroney as Magistrate at Salem, and Jack Hopkins as Magistrate at Sen eca, and that the other Magistrates lor Oconee remain unchanged. But all is uncertain; this may be the case, or it may not l>e. Are you looking for any of these appointments? "They're up in a bal loon, boys, up in a balloon!" GO TO THE CORN SHOW! There still remain a few day? dur ing which visitors will bo able to see and learn at the National Corn Ex position. Arrangements have been made whereby tho exposition will re main open for a week longer than was first anticipated-in other words, the show will be on during the remainder of this week. Those who have seen the show are loud in their praises of lt. Kew from Oconee have attended, and it ls a pity that it is so. Tito incentivo to improve and broaden that would have come from a generous attendance on tito part of Oconee farmers would have been worth much to the county. We print below a letter from lt. Harris, who is certainly farmer enough to know a good thing in the agricultural line when ho sees it : "Editor Keowee Courier: I see by this morning's papers that the great National Corn Exposition is to be open for another week. This is done for the hcnefll of those who have not yel .-?cn it. Now I want to appeal to the farmers of this State to avail themselves of this, the greatest edu cational show thal has ever been held in the United States, and probably ?ve will never have another one in the South certainly not In South Caro lina. You cannot, afford to miss see ing it. lt is Impossible for any one to imagine the greatness of this show without seeing it and studying it. Here you can learn by observation and get. information thal it would take you a life-time to study out; so, farmers, come and see it. The edu cational feature is Invaluable lo von. "B. Harris." With this week will end your op portunity to attend the exposition. Do it now. YOU THE LITTLE BLIND HOV. Contributions have been coming in for Ernest Sanders, the little blind m y, and there is now in hand enough to Justify John W. Shelor in taking the Mttle fellow to a specialist in At lanta, which he Will doubtless do this week. A specialist there has agreed to examine the child and do the best that can be done for him, making as reasonable a charge for services as can be done. But there will be need for moro funds than are now in hand, and not a penny of the amounts sent in will be misused or extravagantly expended. So add your contribu tions to the amounts acknowledged below, and your contributions will be publicly acknowledged. Mr. Shelor sends us the following acknowledgments up to Monday morning: For the Blind Boy: Unknown, Newry, S. C.$ 6 00 Cash, Walhalla. 1 00 Edgar Shanklln, Richland... io James Sanders . 10 F. S. Holleman, Seneca. 1 00 J. H. Patton, Battle Creek... 100 N. D. Roh letter, Battle Creek 25 H. E. Rohlettor, Battle Creek 25 W. L. Carter, Battle Creek .. 25 J. L. Carter, Battle Creek ... 25 John Blalock, Battle Creek. . 15 Mrs. Ollie Whitworth, B.Creek 50 W. P. Anderson, Westminster 2 00 Robert Davis, Richland .... 100 Jeff D. McMahan, Richland.. 1 00 Master Wm. Matheson, West minster . 25 Mrs. K. W. Marett, Westmin ster . 25 Oconee Station School. 60 Tainassee School . 1 90 Web Harbin. Seneca. 25 W. C. Hughs, Walhalla. 2 5 Total.$17 25 Many thanks. John W. Shelor. To the above The Courier adds the following amounts sent to this office, remittance of which will bo made to Mr. Shelor to-day: Louis Rlmrodt.$ .25 Miss Rena Hunslnger .1.00 Mrs. H. W. Brandt.50 nv Walhalla school s th Grade .S 1.10 ' Grade .90 1 Otb (irado.30 Miss Kate Steck . 1 . <><) $ 5. or, Mr. Shelor acknowledges ... 17.25 Total.$22 . 30 Don't hesitate to send In a contri bution. Make it as large as you ebor SO) but remember that every con tribution, however small, will help. NM WS FROM WESTMINSTER. Young Ladies Win as I > bald's-Hits of Local Information, Westminster, Fob. ll.- 'pedal: The annual meeting of tho stockhold ers of the Oconee Mills Company was held last Thursday. The following gentlemen were present: E. A. Smith, Charlotte; T. E. Huggins, New York; R. B. Hopkins, Haiti more; H. R. Buist, Charleston; H. M. Victor, Charlotte; W. O. Hamil ton, Seneca; J. M. Bruner, West minster. Tho following officers were elected for the ensuing year: E. A. Smith, president; Robert Lasaiter, treasurer; J. M. Bruner. secretary. Directors-E. A. Smith, Robt. Lasst ter, R. B. Hopkins. H. R. Buist, H. M. Victor. The report of the busi ness for last year was very satisfac tory indeed, and the outlook for the coining year's work is promising, There was a small lire at the bap tist church Sunday morning just as Sunday school convened, it was soon extinguished, however, before any serious damage was done. J. P. Tannery has moved his stock of general merchandise from Mrs. Callie Dillard's store room to one of the store rooms In the Oconee Hunk building. It. A. Hester, of Plckens, was here Wednesday to see hts son, H. M. Hes ter. J. A. Durham was at Townville last Friday on business. F. W. Cannon is helping Mitchell & Reeder In their removal sale. Walter Kilburn, representing the Nashville Tank and Construction Co., of Nashville, Tenn., was visiting his father, A. S. Kilburn, last week. Janies H. Brown, of Oakway, re turned Thursday from Columbia, j where he had been in attendance on the corn show. J. H. Barnett left Thursday for Co lumbla to take In the corn show. Lee G. Leathers an I wife returned last week from an e.\ nded visit to Nashville, Tenn., who they have been visiting Mr. Leathers' brother, W. Reid Leathers. Tho Southern Railway Company is doing some much-needed repair work on the old freight depot in the way of new platforms, flooring, etc. I). I. M ul key returned last week from a business trip to Spartanburg in his car. Mrs. Lee Leathers arrived Friday from Atlanta to visit Mr. and Mrs. W. Leathers. The second annual debaters' con test of the Calhoun Literary Society was held Friday evening at the audi torium. The judges tor this contest were Messrs. Moss an1 Steck, of Walhalla, and J, M. Bruner, of West minster. Misses Agnes Orr and Edna Mitchell were chosen to contest for the Anderson medal at the close of school. After the debate the prelim inary contest for the best orator to represent tho Westminster High School at tlie Oconee County Oratori cal Contest, and at Greenville, was held, .lack Zimmerman was chosen for the place. Mrs. T. E. Strlbllng, of Seneca, is visiting her aunt. Mrs. J. M. McClan a han. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Baptist Church will give a Valentine entertainment and supper next Fri day evening in the hall over J. 0. Breazeale's store. They will #serve oysters, coffee, chocolate and cake. They will also have a lot of fine home-made candies for sale. Dr. J. S. Stribling, wife and baby, of Seneca, visited his brother, Wm. J. Strlbllng, last week. Mrs. Tom Cllnkscales, of Atlanta,] ls visiting her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Simpson. Mrs. Blalock, of Blacksburg, spent a few hours last Friday with her daughter, Miss M. Blalock. one of the teachers of the Westminster High School. There will be a match gamo of basket ball between the Seneca and Westminster teams on tho Westmin ster grounds next Tuesday afternoon. The young people of the Baptist church met Sunday and reorganized the Baptist Young People's Union, and planned for some interesting and beneficial work. Mrs. F. W. Cannon is In Greenville this week visiting her uncle, J. H. Kl rod. Cotton is worth 12% c. on this market. Thu; is tho season of the year when mothers feel very much con cerned over the frequent colds con tracted by their children, and have abundant reason for it. as evry cold weaken? ?ho lungs, lowers the vital ity and paves the way for the more serious diseases that so often follow. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is fam ous for its cures, and Is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all deal ! ors. adv. 18,000 TT?RKS HAVE FALLEN. Report of Fierce Engagement?--10.* OOO Ottomans Reported Captured. London, Feb. 8.-A senstalonal re port that the Turks suffered a crush ing defeat at the hands of Ruigarian troops in the Peninsula of Gallipoli and lost 15,000 killed and 10,000 prisoners, which was published in Berlin this morning, has not been confirmed. Montenegro, Uko all the rest of tho belligerents In the Balkan war, is badly in need of funds. The govern ment at Cettlnje is now trying to place a small short-term issue here, but the financiers have barred their doors. Aviator l)r?i>x Rom bs. Romo, Feb. 8.-A s|>ecial dispatch from the island of Lemnos, in the Aegean Sea, says the Greek aviator, Lieut. Mutusls, Hut night made a daring Hight over the straits of the Dardanelles in a hydro-aeroplane. The dispatch says that a thorough recon noissance of the Turkish fleet was made and that the aviator then flew over Maidas. near the southern point of the Gallipoli peninsular and over looking the Dardanelles, and dropped four bombs on tho arsenal there. The aviator rej>orts, according to thc dispatch, that as his machine passed over the fleet he saw flashes ; from the vessels' guns as they fired at him. The hydro-aeroplano was not hit. Capt. Marali mas says he was able to make observations dur ing the Hight that were far more val uable than he had expected. Hero ls a message of good cheer from Mrs. C. J. Martin, Boone Mills, Va., who is tho mother of eighteen children. Mrs. Martin was cured of stomach trouble and constipation by Chamberlain's Tablets after Ave years of suffering, and now recom mends these tablets to the public. Sold by all dealers. adv. Poplar Springs Baptist Church. All members are requested to be present at the church on Saturday, February 22d, at ll o'clock. It is the purpose of th^ church to have thc articles of fpith and the rules of church government read, after which the clerk wi ', call the roll, and those who are "rilling to abide by these rules m_iy have their names entered upon che new roll. Ail members will be expected to abide by and help to carry out the . Baptist principles as they are taught in the New Testament. Surely no member who loves the church can afford to stay away from this meet ing. This notice is given by order of the church. Z. I. Henderson, Pastor. Surprise Your Friends. For four weeks regularly use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They stimu late the liver, improve digestion, re move blood impurities, pimples and eruptions disapi fae? ano body and yo f< at once. Buy at ll Irnggtsts. adv I Will Work >con v. Rt ad . (Anderso:. M ill Otb I J. C. McConn<>: liai boen app< ed foreman of the road working forces of Oconeo county, and will en ter upon his new duties in a few days. He has been with the road forces of this county for several years, and has acquired valuable experience In road working and road building. Oconee county, with the exception of a few main roads, has been behind in road making, but is now starting In to make some real roads. Some twenty convicts will be brought to that county in a few days, and the road working system of the county reorganized, and some good work will be inaugurated. The Oconee au thorities have made a good selection in employing Mr. McConnell as fore man. Styles and Weights fo commend it where a ne Fence is wished, at a ir 3 foot Poultry Nett ?? kt u Barb Wire, all size prices. Call to see us for > will save you money. Blacksmi Bellows, Forges, B Tire Shrinkers, Stocki Tongs, etc., all carried i: Doors, Sash Nails, Locks and t ware. Roofing, all grad Farming Chattannooga Turi perial Plows and Re Oliver Plows. Full Ste before advance.) CASH OR Ballenger I Furniti UNDER! Seneca, Sou i Coneroee News Brief?. Coneross, Feb. 10.-Special: Mas ter Herclel Abbott delightfully eu- J tertained the Royal Ambassadors Friday from 3 to 6 o'clock p. m. The I young guests were treated in royal style by their young host, assisted by his pastor. Rev. L. D. Mitchell. Dur ing the afternoon delicious fruits were served, and the occasion will be remembered as one of great pleasure to the boys, who numbered 16. Paul K. Barker, of Girard, Ga., arrived here last Thursday and is spending some timo with homefolks. We ar? glad to know that Mrs. W. O. Alexander ls much improved. The Coneross Sunbeams have changed their regular meeting day to the second Sunday at 3 p. ni. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Marett, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Whitaker and Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Breazeale were recent guests at the home of W. O. Alexan der. J. C. and l\ K. Barker are visiting their brother, S. J. Barker, of Cen tral. There will be a number of deacons elecfed for Coneross Baptist church at the conference Saturday afternoon. All members are urged to attend. .Miss Rena Hunsinger attended ser vices at Rocky Knoll Sunday for the purpose of organizing a Sunbeam Hand. She was accompanied hy her mother, Mrs. S. M. Hunsinger. Do you know that moro real dan ger lurks in a commond cold than in any other of tho minor ailments? The safe way is to take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, a thoroughly relia ble preparation, and rid yourself of the cold as quickly as possible. This remedy is for sale by all dealers, ad. Rems from Oakway. Oak way, Feb. 10.-Special: Rev. Payseur filled his regular appoint ment at the Baptist church Sunday and preached an able and edifying sermon. The friends of Miss Allie Mason are pleased to see her out after a re cent Illness. Miss Beulah Smith, of Easley, is visiting he. sister. Mrs. Luther Pra ter. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF PER SONAL PROPERTY. Notice Is hereby given that I will sell, to the highest bidder, at publie auction, at the late residence of J. B. TARRANT, deceased, near James's Crossing, on THURSDAY, February 27th, 19?3, beginning at 10 o'clock a. m., the following Personal Prop erty, to wit: 2 Horses, 1 Mule, I Buggy, 1 Lot of Corn, 1 Lot of Fodder, 1 Lot Farming Tools, 1 Lot Household Goods. Terms of Sale-CASH. F S "OLLEMAN, Ilpili 1 o? Estai J. B. Tarrant, Deceased. Peb 12 1918. 7-9 :.I ICE OK THAWING JURY. State of South Carolin1' , County of Oconee. We, the undersigned Jury Commis sioners for the County and State aforesaid, will draw, in the office of Clerk of Court, on February 20th, 1913, at 9 o'clock a. m., or as soon thereafter as possible, twelve Grand Jurors for the year 1913, and at the same time and place, thirtv-six Petit Jurors, to serve for the first week of the Spring Term of Court, commenc ing March 10th, 1913. JOHN F. CRAIG. (Seal.) Clerk of Court, R. W. GRUBBS, (Seal.) County Auditor, \V. J. SCHRODKR, (Seal.) County Treasurer, Jury Commissioners. I-PERFECT -FENCING h Perfect Fencing in all r all purposes, and re at, attractive and strong ?oderate cost . . . . :ing, $1.75 per roll, 2.25 " 2.75 M 3.25 ** s and weights, at lowest 'our Fence "Wants. We th Tools ?lowers. Anvils, Vises, ; and Dies, Hammers, n stock. and Blinds. linges. Builders" Hard ies. \ Tools. i and Disc Plows, Im pairs, Lynchburg and ?ck Furniture, (bought CREDIT. iardware & ire Co., AKERS, th Carolina. If you want your gar den to "blossom like the rose 99 Get a sack of our 4 = 10 = 2 FERTILIZER, apply it liberally when you plant, and then scatter some along as you cultivate your vegetables.1 The ten per cent, of am monia in this goods will have your vegetables rioting all the summer so that they will rival the "Rose of Sharon" and the "Lily of the Valley:' of which you have doubtless heard. A 200 pound sack of this goods will be sufficient for the ordinary garden, and you will have some of it left for the "flowers that bloom in the spring," and some for your blue grass. You will find your vegetables and your flowers that bloom in the spring, and your blue grass responsive to this 4=10 = 2. ANDERSON PHOS PHATE & OIL CO., D. S. VAN DIVER, Secretary. J. R. VANDIVER, President. METAL SHINGLES Kerfee's Paints and Oil. Gutter and Repair Work. JO. E. GOOX>, TINNER, - WALHAIJIJA, S. C. AUTO REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES. Call anti soe me or phone 84. Prom pt attention to all calls. All work guaranteed. L. 0. WHITE, Walhalla. --I Price. I We Have Cut the P Wc are offering cut prices on Men's and Boys Clothing and Overcoats, Nice lot of Laches* Coats that we arc offering at big bargains. - Grocery Department. 20 lbs. Granulated Sugar for $1.00, Leggett's Full Cream Cheese for 20c. 2 pkgs Premier Brand Oat Meal for J 5c. 3 lb. can Pride of Virginia Tomatoes for 10c. Cooking Oil, best quality, 70c per gallon, ? bars Gold Band Soap for 25c, Best Quality Flour (guaranteed) $6.00. Full linc of Feet* Stuffs always on hand and guaranteed quality a >rice. Feed and Seed Oats, Corn, Bran, Shorts, Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls and Hay. You are invited to call and inspect our goods be fore making your purchases. MOSS & ANSEL, Cement Front, Walhalla, S. 0. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Cures Colds. Croup and Whtoping Cough, Cures Cold*, Croup ?ad Cough.