WHat We Ov (Copyright, 1912, by William L. J Published in Tho Keowee I tho Ai This is a story of lead pencils, electric lights, and graphite mines. Do you know that the lead in the pencils you use every day ls the pro duct of the earth's inferno of seve ral million years ago? And that tho carbons in the powerful electric lights that glow in our streets come from volcanoes that blazed centuries ago when the world was young? Unelo Sam's scientists have just com pleted an Investigation of graphite mining-sometimes called lead min ing-In the United States and the Old World, and the results of this Inquiry have developed many inter esting facts. Some of tho most interesting facts brought out In thiB inquiry were the few mines of graphite in the world, how artificial graphite or lead is made, and tho extraordinary manner in which it is mined in Ceylon, In dia. It is also explained how nature lays up great stores of lead for fu ture generations of school children. After making coal, it seems that na ture simply took ono step further and made graphite, for tho latter ls nearly pure carbon and was formed through the action of molten rock forced from the bowels of the earth. This rock, after being reduced to al most a fluid state by the tremend ous pressure in the center of the earth, was brought Into contact with coal. The coal was burned out through chemical actions and the graphite remained. A description by the scientists of a graphite bed in New Mexico will illustrate how nature goes about the job of making lead. "This is one of the few graphite mines in America. The graphite vein extends Into coal fields, which contain coke. In the early ages of the world molten rock was forced into the coal-bearing rocks In many places and formed na tural coke, but In some places, due to tho presence of certain chemicals, it formed graphite when it came in contact with tho coal. The coal was completely graphitized where the rock was forced into the coal bed. Some of these dcsj>osits contain 80 or 90 per cent pure graphite. This and artillclnl graphite are the materials most often used In tho manufacture of lead pencils." Every one speaks of a "lead" pen cil as though lt were really made of lead, but, as a matter of fact, there is no lead in a lead pencil. The heart or coro of a "lend" pencil, commonly known as lead. Is really graphite. It goes under three names-graphite, plumbago, and black lead. It Is known as graphite in scientific cir cles, plumbago by the custom house people, and lead by tho ordinary people. History of the lead Pencil. There is little real history to the lead pencil, lt probably goes back two or three centuries, but that, is all. Some old parchments have been found marked with lead ruling, but this must have been metallic lead. Le Moine, an authority of tho early days, speaks of documents marked -with graphite. Other writers have found papers evidently written with a piece of graphite inserted in the end of a stick. And this shows the evolution of the i>encil. The first pencil factory In America was founded by a school-girl. There was a graphito mine In England at that time called tho Barrowdale mine. A school-girl obtained some pieces of graphite and anticipated quite closely the pencil method of modern days. lu some way she crushed the graphite, either with a hammer or a stone, and then used Kum. mixing the two together. Then she cut an alder cylinder, filled It *1 Wood's Seeds For The Farm arid Garden. Our New Descriptive Catalog is fully up-to-date, giving descrip tion and tull information about the best and most profitable seeds to grow. It tells all about Grasses and Clovers, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats, Cow Peas, Scja Beans, The Best Seed Corns and all other Farm and Garden Seeds. Wood's Seed Catalog has long been recognized as a stan dard authority on Seeds. Mailed on request; write for it T. W. WOOD & SONS, SEXDSMfLN, RICHMOND, VA. ye J& To Graphite. Mtdorfer, Chevy Chase, Md., and fourier by Permission of Lithor. ? with this gum and graphite, and thus produced tho first lead i>encil made In America. This took place In Danvers, Mass. Later a man by the name of Joseph W. Wade co-op erated with the girl, and together they made a number of '?ad \ enclls after the same fashion. The girl's name was not recorded. The Barrowdale mine In England was the source of the first graphite, and the pieces quarried were said to be In such form that they could be sawed and pressed Into the wood. Scientists say, however, that pieces of this kind were not very numerous. Later it occurred to a Frechman named Conto to powder the graphite and then combine the pulverized sub stance with a binding material. He worked on his scheme until he pro duced tho graphite part of the pen cil substantially as it is made now. Not much, however, was done with it, either by Conto or by any other Frenchman. Thc Germans then took it up, and while tho Frenchman was the real Inventor, to the Germans belongs the credit of working out and putting into its present shape the lead pencil as we know it to-day. The work of pencil-making is pic turesque. It is ingenious and at tractive, and tho method reflects raro mechanical talent. The num ber of raw materials used is between '40 and 50, and the whole world contributes to the assembling of these materials. Most of the pro cesses are done by automatic ma c ilnery. Tho Mines in Ceylon. Edson S. Bastin is Uncle Sam's scientist In tho geological survey at Washington, who has made a study of graphite for many years. In speak ing of mining graphite in Ceylon, Mr. Bastin said: "Athough their existence was known in early times and mentioned In print as early as 1681, the graph ite deposits of Ceylon were not ex ploited until some time betweer 1820 and 1830. Joseph Dixon ls sale to have imported a small quantity into the United States in 1829, bu it was not until 1834 that the Indus try assumed any commercial Import ance. From that time to this, as ? result of the growth of the metal In dustries and the great demand, tin industry has developed rapidly, untl at present graphite is subordinate ii value only to tea and the product of the cocoanut palm among the ex ports from tho island. "The graphite is mined cit he from the open pits or through verti cal shafts connected with under ground workings. The majority o mines are not deeper than 100 feet though a few go as deep as 400 o 500 feet. On account of the ?ieav; rainfall, water is one of the ebie obstacles in mining. In a few mine steam pumpa and hoists are em ployed, but as a mle the mining mc thods are still crude, the acme o mechanical ingenuity being roache In a windlass operated by flvo or si men to hoist the graphite in a soi of tub. The workmen usua'ly clim rough wooden ladders hundreds c feet long. The ladders are tied wit jungle ropes and rendered very sill pery by the graphite dust and wate so you can Imagine what a hazarc ons job it is. "The mineral as it comes from th pit., usually contains about 50 pc cent of Impurities, mostly In the fon of quartz and wallrock. It, ls ca ried in bags to a dressing shei where it is picked over by hand an the impurities reduced to 5 or l I>or cent. It is then packed in barre for transportation to Colombo c Calle. At these ports it ls unpack? and submitted to further treatmei known as 'curing.' The graphil aerchants have fenced yards < 'compounds' for the final prepara tlc of the graphite for the market. "In thc methods of 'curing* thei ls some diversity, but the first ste ls usually to set aside large lum] and pass the remainder through st tionary screens of several sizes i mesh. The large lump.-, and tl screened pieces are then broken wi small hatchets by Slngalese wom< to remove the coarse Impurities, BIM as quartz, and aro then rubbed up 1 hand on a piece of wet burial) and fl ally on a pieco of screen to gi tho a polish. Finally, various grad? coming from several mines or diffc lng In size or texture, aro blended meet the demands of purchasers, process requiring skill and long e perlence. Best Pencil? Made of a Blond, "The poor material is usually bot en to a powder with wooden mau or with beaters shaped like a rollin pin, and is then sorted into diff?re grades. In some establishments t poor grades are washed In a tub pit. In this procesa the mineral ls placed in saucer-shaped baskets, and by a circular 'paling' motion of the baskets under water the graphite particles are thrown off into the pit, while the heavier impurities, especial ly pyrite, remain behind. To separ ate the very tine material the pow dered graphite is placed In a basket looking like a large dustpan. The contents of the basket are thrown into the air, and the heavier par ticles fall back Into the basket, while the finer material ls blown forward and thrown on the floor. "The use of graphite in the manu facture, of pencils probably Is both its oldest and best known application. The industry In Germany and Eng land lu several centuries old, and many of the modern factories manu facture hundreds of varieties of pen-'j ells, yet the percentage of .graphite used for this purpose ls not large, being less than 10 per cent, of the world's production, and one author ity estimates lt as low as 4 per cent. "In this country the physical char acter of the graphite ls of great im portance. Crystallite graphite, how ever pure, would, If used alone, yield a 'lead' that would slip over paper without leaving more than a faint streak. Further, it is almost Im possible to grind the flake graphite into a powder of the finest grain re quired for tho better grades of pen cils. The better grades of graphite constitute the bulk of material used in pencil manufacture. For some of tho cheaper pencils only ono kind of graphite Is used, but the graphite for pencils of the better grades is a care ful blend of several kinds. Ono blend, for example, contains about one-third Ceylon graphite, one-third Bohemian, and one-third Mexican. The Ceylon graphite adds to the smoothness of the 'lead,' the Bohe mian adds blackness. "Graphite when used for pencils is mixed with carefully refined clay, which is usually imported from Ger many; no doftiestic clay has been found entirely suitable for pencil manufacture. The more graphite and the less clay the softer the pen cil; the less graphite and the more clay, tho harder the pencil. The cores of softer pencils are usually made larger than those of the harder ones in order to give them equal tensile I strength. For a pencil of medium hardness about one-third clay ls com monly used. The wet mixture of clay and graphite ls worked and re worked until it t? 00 pliable tTvK !' can be looped li . tvt In loose knots. An Ainerlcai lite Mine. "Up to a few ra .> .> American pencil manufacturer had to import his graphite from India or Bavaria. About twelve years ago a large deposit of amorphous graphite was discovered in Senora, Mexico. Tliis proved to be of excellent quality for pencil making and many other uses, and the American pencil trade now derives Its supply mainly from this source. Some Mexican graphite is also exported to European pencil manufacturers. "A use which has Increased rapidly In Importance within the last few years ls the manufacture of graphite paint, especially ror structural Iron and steel work. Much of tho graph ite used for this purpose is rather IRheumatism Neuralgia Sprains tins c. MAHOJOJT, of 2703 ic. st., W. Washington, 1). C., write? : " 1 suf fered with rheumatism for llvo years ami I have just got hold of your Lini ment, and ft hus dono mo so much good. My knees do not pulu and the swelling has gonn." Quiets the Nerves Mus. A .WEI DST AX, of 403 Thompson St., Maryville] Mo., writes : -" The nervo In my leg was destroyed llvo years ago and lott mo with a jerking at night so that 1 could not sloop. A friend told me to try your Liniment and now 1 could not do without it, I lind alter Ila uso 1 can sleep." SLOAN'S I LINIMENT ..Is a good Liniment. Ikeepiton hand all the time. My daughter sprained her wrist and used your Liniment, and it has not hurt her since." JOSEPH HATCHER, of Selma, N. o., It.K.l)., No. 4. At AH Dealers Price 25c, 60c, $1.00 Sloan's hook on lim - rn, catt IO, tlORS nnfl i? mil ry sect free. Address Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Boston, Mass. impure. Recent teste made In co operation between the office of public roads of the Department of Agricul ture and the Paint Manufacturers' Association, for the purpose of deter mining the relative merits of vari ous paint pigments as preservative coping for iron and steel, have yield ed results of great importance." What nature can do, man can sometimes do even better, and In the case of making graphite, a single company using the power generated by Niagara Falls, manufactures more artificial graphite than all the graph I ite produced by the mines of the United States. Hard coal with a small amount of ash ls the material usid, and the electric furnace does tho rest. HIS Pencils a Year for Each Mu num. The process Is a patented one. The product ls used largely as a lubri cant, known generally to the trade as plumbago, and the invention solves the problem of the supply of grease to make the world go round, so long at least as the coal supply lasts. Since 1904 this company has made fully 50,000,000 pounds of graphite at an average cost of 7 cents a pound, and a multitude of wheels of Industry have thus been made to spin more easily. Graphite greatly improves the oil as a lubri cant In every respect. Specially pre pared graphite will remain suspend ed In oil, displaying no tendency to sink, so that lt can be fed through automatic oil cups. When suspend ed in water this graphite will pass through the finest filter paper. The use of graphite In pencil mak ing is its oldest application, but the percentage of graphite used for this purpose is estimated as low as only .1 i>er cent of the total production. Still, with a world's production an nually of about 5.000,000 tons, it can be seen that allowing 4 per cent for pencils, 200,000 tons, there would be Borne pencils. Two hundred thou sand tons ls 6,400,000 ounces, and one ounce of graphite will make the "lead" for 20 pencils. This is 85 pencils for every man, woman and child In the world, Illiterate, heathen and all. Another use for graphite ls in the manufacture of crucibles for making flue grades of steel, brass and bronzes. The fa?t that graphite is nearly pure carbon, ls relatively in ert chemically, and volatilizes only at high temperature makes it of ex ceptional value for this purpose. phlte used in the Uni cruclbles is Imported he ic graphite mines of i the :al of the Ceylon pro .or t. , rpose not being found in any other locality. Stirring rods and other refractory products are made from material similar to that used in crucibles. Ancuer import ant use is as a rust preventive for stiactural iron and steel. Graphite is also largely used In various elec trical processes, for stove blacking, and as a protective coating for gun powder. The story of what is probably the oldest graphite mine within the Uni ted States is interesting. This mine became known to the whiles In 1633, and has been worked Intermittently for more than two centuries and a half. Recently a company has been incorporated which is now attempt ing to develop the property by the methods of modern mining engineer ing. Tho mine is located In the midst of a tract of land almost as wild and desolate to-day as it was a century ago near Sturbridge, Mass. The existence of this deposit of graphite was known early In tho col ony's history. About 163 3 one John Oldham, of Interesting memory In connection with the battle of Plym outh and the Massachusetts Bay Col onies, made a trip overland to Can ada, trading with the Indians on the way. He returned with a stock of hemp and beaver, and also brought along some "black lead" he found near Sturhrwlge The Indiana told him there wore great quantities of lt around that region. Governor Wlnthropo became Inter ested, and made a contract with a man named Keene for developing and working the mine. Wlnthrope was to advance 20 pounds In trad ing cloth and wampum in considera tion of which Keene agreed to go to tho Black Lead HUI with a number of men, and there to dig the black lead for which he was to be paid at "the rate of 40 shillings for every tonne when ho had digged up 20 tunnes of good merchantable black lead and put lt Into an house safe from the Indians." Tho venture came to nothing, and for a number of years tlie mine laj Idle, although schemes for Its devel opment were often under discussion It was thought then that the presenc< of graphite Indicated tho nearness ol silver, but no silver being found, the early colonists were much dlscour aged. The mine was so remote ll was hard to get workmen to go lute the wilderness or to stay there aftei they arrived. And so it remained for two centuries, until finally earl) In the nineteenth century the vain? of graphite became known, and th< Low Fa res TO THE Fertile Northwest ONE-WAY SPRING COLONIST TICKETS ON SALE DAILY MARCH 15 TO APRIL 18, 1013, to points in Western Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, British Columbia. ROUND-TRIP HOMESEEKKRS* TICKETS ON SALE 1st and Sd TUESDAYS EACH MONTH to many points in the Northurst United States and Canada. Long limit and stop-overs. Travel on tho Northern Pacific Ry and connecting lines, to MINNESOTA, NORTH DAKOTA, MONTANA, IDAHO, WASHINGTON, OREGON, or to MANITOBA, SAS KATCHEWAN, ALBERTA, BRITISH COLUMBIA. Will send free illustrated literature about the North west United States and full Information about North ern Pacific rates of fare and service promptly upon re quest. It costs you nothing. Write to-day. W. W. NEAL, Traveling Pass'r Agent, 16 No. Pryor St., Atlanta, Ga. J. C. EATON, Traveling Immig. Agt., 40 E. 4th St., Cincinnati, O. | TYPEWRITER I SUPPLIES ll Ribbons - Paper - Carbons Wc can supply all Demands in Typewriter Papers Bonds, Heavy, Light and Feather Weight-any size, any quantity. High quality Carbon Paper always in stock? We represent locally a Standard Typewriter Ribbon Sales House, Best Silk Ribbons 75c. Fresh Ribbons for all machines with but little delay. Orders for Supplies Handled Promptly. KEOWEE COURIER, _ WALHALLA, S. C. FURS AND HIDES HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR RAW FURS AND HIDES Wool on Commission. Writ* for lilt mention lay this ad. Established 1887 JOHN WHITE & CO. LOUISV?LL?"KY. mining of the mineral was under taken and carried on up to the pres ent time. How'? Th!?! ? We offer one hundred dollars re ward for any case of catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and finan cially able to carry out any obliga tions made by his firm. National Bank of Commerce, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure ls taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hull's Family Pills for con stipation. adv. Six Stitches in His Heart. TO INDIA AS MISSIONARIES. Rev. a ,: Mrs. Hanson, of Cliarlotte, Sail February 15th. New Orleans, Jan. 25.-Making a half dozen stitches In a negro's heart while almost blinded by blood, which spurted from that organ, was part of a remarkable operation performed to day by Dr. J. A. Uanna, house sur geon of Charity Hospital. The pa tient, Lodge Leo, who was stabbed In a row with a woman, was con scious throughout the ordeal, and conversed with those about the table. Hospital attendants say he will live. There are more brands of cussed ness than there are brands of re ligion. (Anderson Mail.) Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Ranson, of Charlotte, N. C., are going to India as missionaries from tho Associate Reformed Presbyterian church. Rev. Mr. Ranson attended a meeting of tho board of foreign missions of the church, held at Due West a few days ago, at which time it was decided that he should take up the work. He will at once begin preparation for work in India and will sail for that country on February 15th. Much of the funds necessary for the expenses and maintenance of Mr. and Mrs. Ranson In the mission field was raised In Charlotte and In Mecklenburg county, North Caro lina, of which Mr. Ranson is a na tive. "llumau Bomb" Convicted. Los Angeles, Jan. 25.-Carl Rei delbach, the "human bomb," who terrorized the central police station several months ago, when he entered lt carrying an Infernal machine, and announced that he intended to blow everything into "kingdom come," was convicteu to-day on the charge of having -deposited dynamite in an In habited place. WOMAN'S TRIALS. The burdens a woman has to carry through life are many but they ean be lightened if she will turn to Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. A soothing and strengthening nervine - subduing nervous excitability, prostration, hysteria, hot? flashes and the many symptoms which may be caused by distressing ills peculiar* to women. For those " dragging-down " pains or distress and for the derange? ments and irregularities the " Favorite Prescription " has had many thousands ol testimonials from people living in every part of America. Another important thing to every woman is that this medicine is made from efficient medicinal roots, without the use of alcohol, narcotics, or any injurious agents. Full list of ingredi ents given on bottle-wrapper and sworn to by Dr. R. V. Pierce-who is President of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo, N. Y. Every woman is invited to write to this Institute and receive confidential and sound medical advice, entirely without cost from one who makes tho diseases of women his speoialty. "I can cheerfully rocommona vonr remedies, especlnlly your1 Favorite Prescription,' for ali female disorders," writes Mus.M. M. MOHKKI.I., of Bluff City, Tonn., Route 2. "During tho past seven years 1 suffered from pains In tho backend ovaries. Trlod many remedies but found only transient relief until I was persuaded by a friend to try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Proscription. After giving this romedy a fall ??rial. I found that lt would do Just what lt Is recommended to do. I used In all seven bottles. I cannot speak too highly of Dr. Plerco's romedles for all female derangements." Has. Mossau*. Dr. Pierce's Pleasent Pellet? regulate liver Ulm,