Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, January 15, 1913, Image 8

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The Regular Communication of ss?fc Blue Ridge Lodge, No. 92, A. F. M., will be held next 'Friday evening, January 17, 1913, at 8 o'clock. E. L. Horndon, W. M. W. O. White, Secretary. ?H**fr ?;?H"I"M? ?M?M??H* >I"1"I* J LOCAL AND PERSONAL. ^ - Mrs. Geo. M. Wilcox pleasantly en ter tab ' iii" members of the Em ery Circle a her homo on Main stree, yee day. -Foi de -Hard brick. See W. John Schioder. Walhalla. ad. -The Cash Grocery Co., of Wal halla, have an announcement in this issue. Head their statement con cerning the hams they sell and call on them. -Three packages raisins or cur ranis foi 25c. at Carter & Co.'s. ad. -There Will bc a meeting of the Civic League at tho home of Mrs. James M. Moss next Friday, January 17th. at 3.30 p. m. All members are urged to attend promptly. -For a siKH'ial made-to-order clothing proposition see Moss &. Ansel's announcement on the fourth page tliis week. They handle noth ing but the best, and guarantee a lit. - Moss Ai Ansel will show tl e ' Ridgely-Walker line of spring ai d j summer clothing at their store on I next Friday and Saturday, January I7tli and ISth. You will miss it If you don't call and inspect this lin??. -Read the advertisement of Low ry & Holloway, of Seneca, which will be found on the ll ft h page this week. They are making a special 13-day of fer, the special sale to begin next Saturday. January I st h. at !. o'clock a. m. Read their announcement and be sure to be on hand at tho opening. - Frosh shipment lemons, grapes, eocoanuts and cranberries at Carter & Co.'s. ad\. S. H. Snead, who has for many years resided near West Union, has changed his place of residence, hav ing moved to tho old Randolph place on Walhalla Kural Route No. 2. Mr. Snead purchased this place several years ago, hut has been renting it out until the beginning of this year, when he decided to make his home there. -Auction-At my home, near Bounty Land, on Friday. January 17, at 1 1 o'clock a. m., I will sell, to the highest bidder, 2 wagons, l horse, I I milch cow. and farming implements. Mrs. J. B. rickett. adv.-2-3 -Dickson & Matheson, of West minster, have inaugurated a special sale, which will begin January 20th and close February 2Otb. They have some Bpecial features that will inter est everybody concerned In the use of buggies, wagons, harness, etc. They are going to give away $50 In gold. Read and call on them. Their advertisement will be found on this page. -Strayed-Black hound bitch; yellow dot over each eye. Reward by Jim Jones, Madison, S. C. ndv.-2 -We have just received a hand some Christinas greeting from the far-off Philippine Islam:??. This comes to us from our i.OOd friend, Capt. J. Terrell Knox, ol' the Philip pine constabulary, who now ranks as lieutenant. The greeting was mailed from Samar, P. I., November 8th, lit I 2, and reached us on January 1 I, 1913. lt ls a pleasure indeed to be remembered h\ friends so far dist ant. -For Sale-Several farms; 50 to 200 acres. Cash or easy terms. Call on or write .las. H. Darby, Seneca Oil Mill, Seneca, S. C. adv. - K. L. Hoggs, of New Hope, one of Oconee'8 progressive farmers, and one who is ever on the lookout for the good things in agriculture, and who, therefore, notes many peculiari tjes, brought to The Courier office last week a stalk of corn taken from his field, the like of which he says he has seen hut once before in his long agricultural experience. The stalk has 15 joints, and from each joint two blades of fodder grew. There were also two matured ears of corn, .and two "ear shoots" which matured no grain. The joints are about live niches apart." and the stalk presents a most peculiar appearance. -For Sale-One 15-h.p. gasoline engine (Interantlonal Harvester), and corn mill complete; good, loca tion; plant complete, with good will to purchaser. Apply to S. K. Dendy, Walhalla. 1-3-adv. -Rev. J. 1?. Inahnit preached his first sermon at the Walhalla Metho dist church last Sunday morning at tho usual hour and was heard by a good congregation. Rev. Mr. Inahnit and family will, for the present at least, reside at Seneca, the parson age here having been sold, and it will he some time before a new ono can he hunt. Services will he held at the Walhalla church next Sunday morn ing and immediately after tho ser vices a conference will be held, at wnich matters pertaining to the ap pointments for tlu? charge will he taken up and definitely settled. All members of Mic congregation are urged to attend, and the public, is given a most cordial invitation. ?-Pleasant and profitable employ ment for women, girls and boys. Ap ply to Hetrlck Hosiery Mills, Wal halla, S. C. t. f.-adv. -The Paul Hayne Circle held its first meeting of the new year with Miss Daisy Strong on January 7th. In spite of the inclement weather a number of members answered to roll call and all Bee m ed filled with a spirit Of work. Interesting papers "The Land of the South," hy Mrs. J. A. Ansel: "Tin- New South,'- hy Mrs. L. M. Brown, and "Sketch of South ern Literature." by Miss Harrison were enjoyed by all. After a short business session the club adjourned to enjoy a social hour, during which delicious refreshments were served by the hostess. Those present were Mesdames J. A. ansel, J. H. Darby, L. M. Brown. C. W. Bauknight, Geo. Ansel, J. W. Hell K. L. Herndon, ?u*.3. F. Hetrlck. W. C. Hughs, R. L. Rogers, W. L. Vernor; Misses Mary Ansel, Katie Harrison, Janie Neville, Eloise and Irene Strother, Gertrude Smith and Ruth Walker. -Two good farm mares, weigh 900-to 1,000 pounds, for eal? at Car ter & Co.'s. adv. -Hon. J. R. Earle and his sou, Harry Earle, are lu Columbia, In at tendance upon the sessions of tho Legislature. -Columbia Record: "Frank H. Shirley, Representative from Oconee county, thinks that the next General Assembly will be a session of con structive legislation." -All the coal you want-good coal-$4.75 at mill, $5.75 delivered. Hetrlck Hosiery Mills, Walhalla, ad. - Information received in Walhal la yesterday by Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Macaulay is to the effect -that their son Gray, who is attending tho Sou thern School of Pharmacy, Atlant;., is quite ill. His many Walhalla friends hope for early encouraging news. Dr. Fahnestock, dentist, in office Wednesdays and Saturdays. Will make appointments for other days If desired. adv. .M. R. McDonald, Esq., left Mon day morning for Columbia to as sume lils duties in the General As sembly as a member of the House from Oconee. All die members of our delegation-Senator E. E. Ver lier, Representatives M. R. McDon ald and Flank ll. Shirley---are now at their posts. -Mr. and Mrs. I). H. Habens left this morning for Charleston, where they will spend the remainder of the winter. They were accompanied by their daughter and grandson, who had been spending some time with them during Mr. Rubens' illness. Their friends in Walhalla hope that the elia ugo of climate will be suffi ciently beneficial to restore Mr. Ru bens to bis usual heall li. He ex pects lo return to Walhalla in the su tn mer. - Chas. H. II ii m ph rios will have on display at our store on Friday and Saturday, January 17th and 18th, the Ridgely-Walker lim? of tailor made clothing for spring and sum mer. Call and inspect this line. Moss & Ansel, Walhalla. adv. -Prof. W. K. Tate, State Supervi sor of Rural Schools, was in Wal halla for a short while last week, at tending the meeting of the County Teachers' Association. which was held here Saturday. He also visited several of the rural high schools in the couniy. finding conditions very gratifying in many respects. His lectures were greatly enjoyed by all who attended the various meetings held. At the meeting of teachers the association was reorganized, the fol lowing officers bei af, chosen: II. Ii. Hughs, president; Miss Katie E. Har rison, vice president; A. D. Rodgers, secretary-treasurer. Tho meetings of the association will bo held mont lily. -The Seneca Bank and the West minster Bank will receive payments and give receipts to those who owe me, when it ls not con.enient for you to lind my son, Wales Lowry. Please pay promptly. I cannot carry over any paper except as already agreed. (adv.) T. M. Lowery. Double Springs and Laurel Springs. I will be at Double Springs church next Sunday. January 19th, nt ll a. m., and hope to meet all the mem bers of this church, with all others of other churches, and friends, at which time we hope to have a church conference. I beg that, all the mem bership be present. 1 will also be at Laurel Springs on the same day at :{.:>() o'clock j?, m., and urge all the members to be present for a sim ilar meeting to that at Double! Springs. Everybody is invited and wanted. J. (). Burnett, Pastor Walhalla Circuit. Rev. Leo to Lecture. Rev. R. G. Lee, of Fur man Univer sity, will deliver a lecture at the Blue Ridge school house on Friday night, January 2 4th, at 8 o'clock. The sub ject of his address will be "The Cheated Man." Mr. Lee ls a very brilliant and forceful speaker and his lecture on Friday evening will be one of his best. Tho admission will be 10 and 15 cents. A. D. Rodgers, Principal. Accident at Coneross. Seneca, Jan. ll.-X. S. Dyar, a foreman on the Coneross dam works, who met with a serious accident by the breaking of a derrick chain a few days ago, is getting along very well under Dr. Strlbllng's treatment. His skull was fractured, and at one time it was thought he could not survive, but now his ci.<e is hopeful. He is from North C i roi ina. A Hero in a Lighthouse. For years J. S. Donahue, South Haven, Mich., a Civil War captain, as a lighthouse keeper, averted awful wrecks, but a queer fact is, he might have been a wreck himself if Elec tric Bitters had not prevented. "They cured mo of kidney trouble and chills," he writes, "after I had taken other so-called cures for years with out benefit, and they also Improved my sight. Now, at seventy, I am feeling fine." For dyspepsia, Indi gestion, all stomach, liver and kid ney troubles, they're without equal. Try them. Only 50c. at all drug gists. adv. Refused Candy, Shoots .Motlier. Pittsburgh, Jan. 13.-Leroy Hig gins, aged 1 1. shot and killed his mo ther in the bed room of their home at Monaca to-day. The lad was an gered because he was refused five cents to purchase candy. After the shooting, young Higgins reloaded the shotgun, and going Into tho yard fired a charge through the wall of the house, leading the police to believe, until the boy confessed, that some other person was guilty. Here is a remedy that will cure your cold. Why waste time and money experimenting when you can get a preparation that has won a world-wide reputation by Its cures of this disease and can always be de pended upon? It ls known every where as Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy, and ls a medicine of real merit. For sale by all dealers. adv. *j* I WALHALLA 4* .fr HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. 4? *fr ?fr ?fr .{. ?fr ?fr ?fr ?fr ?fr ?fr ?fr ?fr Tb?? geco&d term of the school ses sion was begun on Monday, January 13th, with a full attendant.' All teachers wore lu their places and no time was lost in getting down to work. Sevoral new pupils were ad mitted and the enrollment was in creased. The total enrollment to date is: Hoys. Girls. Total. High School. 15 39 54 7th grade. 19 26 45 r>th and 6th grades . 3.3 25 58 4th grade.2 0 20 40 2d and 3d grades .30 23 53 1st and 1st ad vanced grades 31 32 63 Totals . 148 165 313 * * ? * ? The lssaquena Literary Society has elected the following othcers to serve for the second term of three months: Mason Du Pre, president; Waddy Duncan vic?* president; Irene White, secretary au? treasurer; Marion Mo?, literary critic; Willie Kay, or derly critic. The Carolinian Society elected new officers as follows: Frank Schroder, president; Marion Hetrlck, vice president; Inez Douthlt, secretary; Filio Phillips, orderly critic. * * * * * The new officers of the Palmetto Literary Society are: Wilhelmina Bischoff, president; "Robert Macau lay, secretary. At a meeting of the "Boy Scouts" last Friday night eight boys were given the first degree in scoutoraft and will be admitted to the associa tion as the second patrol. This pa trol will he known as the "Lions." Tim hoys who form the patrol are: James Badger, Willie Cross. Edwin Hill, Fred Bischoff, Eugene Abbott. Archelaus McCarey, Marvin Hurley, Fred Fowler. * * . * * * The Issaquen I and Palmetto Soci ?t?s will hohl a joint meeting next Friday afternoon, January 17th, at 12.45 o'clock. The meeting will be held in Mrs. Crisp's class room and will be called to order by the presi dent of the lssaquena Society. After roll call by the secretary of the Pal metto Society, the following pro gram will be carried out: 1. Song. 2. Essay. Helen Lewis. 3. Indian Story, Eunice Grant. 4. Humorous reading, Alice Bar ker. 5. Essay, Estelle Badger. 6. Declamation, Boone Fitzgerald. 7. Volcal selection, Myrtle Brown. 8. Pathetic reading, Luther Davis. 9. Current events, Maggie Abbott. 10 Recitation, Fannie Ishell. 11. Song. 12. Narration, Sallie Hunt. 13. Recitation, Elise Hunnicutt. 14. Jokes, Carolyn Douthlt. 15. Reading, Gordon Fant. 16. Debate-"Resolved, That the inauguration of the parcels post Taw by the Federal government will be beneficial to the inhabitants of the United States." Affirmative (lssa quena Society), Frances Earle, Grace Beard, Edwin Hughs; negative ( Pal metto Society), Sue Annie Todd, Ru ble Garrett, James Badger. The public is cordially invited to attend. They Are Thankful. Fair Play. Jan. 10.-Editor Keo wec Courier: We desire to express through your valuable paper, our sin cerest thanks to the many people and friends of Oconee county who gave their support and assistance during the confinement in prison, and in securing the release of W. Logan Ramey. Pen cannot express our thanks to them all; also to the ju rors, judge, solicitor and Governor. May the all-seeing eye and hand of the loving Saviour be ever with them, leading them in bright paths, bestowing upon each and every one many rich blessings. Very truly. W. Logan Ramey and Family. * fr ?J? ?fr ?fr ?fr ?J? ?fr ?J. ?J? ?fr ?fr ?Jl * * ?fr PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ?fr * * .fr-?fr .fr MARCUS C. LONG, .fr ?fr Attorney-at-Law, ?fr 4? Phono No. 00, ?fr .fr Walhalla, South Carolina. ?fr ?fr - .fr .fr Office Over Oconee Newt". ?fr ?fr-* ?fr E . L . II E lt N 1) O N , ?fr ?fr Attorney-at-Law, ?fr ?fr Walhalla, South Carolina. ?fr ?fr PHONE NO. Ol. ?fr *- * .fr R . T . J A Y N E S , ?fr ?fr Attorney-at-Law, ?fr .fr Walhalla, South Cnrolina. 'fr .fr Bell Phone No. 20. ?fr ?fr - ?fr .fr Practice In State and Federal ?fr .fr Courts. ?fr ?fr- 4? .fr DR. W. F. AUSTIN, ?fr ?fr Dentist, ?fr ?fr Seneca, South Carolina. ?fr ?fr - ?fr .j. Phono 17. ?J. .fr SURVEYING. LEVELING, .fr 4? DRAINING, &c. *\> .fr W . M . FENNELL, ?fr .fr (Floyd Place ) .j. .fr Walhalla, South CaroUna. ?4* .fr-* .fr J. P. Carey, J. W. Shelor, .fr 4* Plckens, S. C. W. C. Hughs, ?j? 4? CAREY, SI I FLOR & HUGHS, .fr 4* Attorneys and Counsellors, ?fr ?fr Wnllinlh?, South Carolina. ?4? .fr Practice In. State, and Federal ?fr .fr * Courts. ?fr .fr ?fr .fr ?fr ?fr ?fr ?fr ?fr ?fr ?fr ?fr vfr MASTER'S SALES. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF OCONEE. lu Court of Common Pleas. Pursuant to decrees of tbo afore said Court, In the cases named below, I will offer for sale, to the highest bidder, In front of the Court House door, at Walhalla, S. C., on Monday, the 3d day of FEBRUARY, 1913, be tween the leg?? hours of sale, the tracts of land below described: Mrs. Sarah Ann Stone, as Adminis tratrix of the Personal Estate of John H. Stone, deceased, and as heir-at-law of said deceased, Plain tiff, against Thomas Stone et al., Defendants. Sixtw-two acres, moro or less, sit uate near the town of Seneca, in County of Oconee. and State afore said, bounded by lands of Thomas Stone, J. B. Marett and others, be ing the tract conveyed to John H. Stone by Bartlett Harvey. Terms of Sale: CASH. Purchaser to pay extra for papers. W. O. WHITE, Master for Oconee County, S. C. January 15, 1913. H. F. Douthit et al., Plaintiffs, against Jessie Douthit et al., Defendants. All that piece, parcel or tract of land situate, ly!1 g and being in the County of Oconee, and State of South Carolin;', bounded on the north hy Cane Crock and on tho south by Coneross Cieck, waters of Seneca Uiver, adjoining lands ol' J. I), ls bell, Thomas Dea ton and others, and containing eighty acres, more or less, hoing the same tract of land con veyed to the said Mrs. Hattie A. Douthit by Mrs. Mary F. Maxwell by deed dated September 4th, 1905, re corded in Clerks ellice for Oconee County, in Deed Hook "EE," page 15. Terms ol' Sale: Cash on day of sale. Thal In the event ol' the fail ure ol' t ho purchaser, or purchasers, io comply with the terms of sale promptly'on the day of sale, that the said Master resell the said premises on the same or some convenient sales day thereafter, at tito same place and on the same ternis as heretofore sid out. at the risk of the former pur chaser, or purchasers, and that he do continue so to do until he has found a purchaser, or purchasers, therefor who shall comply with the terms of the sale. Purchaser to pay extra for pai?ers. W. O. WHITE, Master for Oconee County, S. C. January 15, 1913. 3-5 A. Paul Johns, as Sole Executor of tho Last Will and Testament of T. William Hallenger, deceased, Plain tiff, against Mrs. Florence Ballenger et al., De fendants. All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land situate, lying and being In the County of Oconee, State of South Carolina, adjoining lands of C. H. Miller, Mrs. S. A. Ballenger, Evans Norris, Sloan Dickson and others, containing one hundred and three acres, more or less. ALSO, All that piece, parcel or tract of land, in the County of Oconee, and State of South Carolina, adjoining lands of C. H. Miller, lands of de ceased, Evans Norris, and perhaps, others, containing four and two-fifths acres, and having such shape, form, metes and bounds as aro shown by a plat of the same made by C. C. Myers, dated March 2!ith. 1907. Terms of Sale: Cash on date of sale. That In event of failure of the purchaser, or purchasers, to comply with the terms of sale immediately the Master do resell tho said premi ses on the same salesday or some convenient salesday thereafter, at the same place and on the same terms as heretofore set out, at the risk of the former purchaser, or purchasers, and that he do continue S' ro do until he has found a purchaser, or purchas ers, who shall comply with the terms of sale. Purchaser to pay extra for papers. W. 0. WHITE, Master for Oconee County, S. C. January 15, 1913. Eli Carter, Plaintiff, against Thomas N. Carter, Defendant. All that certain piece, parcel or ?ra'it of land situate, lying and be ing In thc Countv ?f Oconee, State of South Carolina, near the town of Westminster, containing thirty acres, moro or less, and being a portion of Tract No. 4 of the J. U. Kay estate lands, lying on waters of Fuller's Creek, and adjoining lands of Thomas Bibb, W. 0. McDonald, Mrs. Bertie Breazeale, Charlie Hays and others. Terms of Sale: CASH. Purchaser to pay ext ra for papers. W. O. WHITE, Master for Oconee County, S. C. January 15, 1913. -} Wood's Seeds Tor Thc Farm and Garden. Our New Descriptive Catalog is fully up-to-date, giving descrip tions and full information about the best and most profitable seedo to grow. It tells all about Grasses and Clovers, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats, Cow Peas, Soja Beans, The Best Seed Corns and all olher Farm and Garden Seeds. Wood's Seed Catalog has long been recognized as a stan dard authority on Seeds. Mailed on request; write for it. T. W. WOOD fr SONS, SEXDSMLN, RICHMOND, VA. 4H0H0H& ???? ?? @? ????@?????@?@& tm * =H A M S= ? QUALITY GUARANTEED - - COMPARISON INVITED SWIFT'S PREMIUM BRAND. Buy one and try it. If it isn't just as good or BETTER, bring the ham bacK and we will RETURN FULL , PURCHASE PRICE. J& J& J* CASH GROCERY CO., Walhalla, S. C. $ 9 In order to stimulate trade and raise some cash, we will give away fifty dollars in gold. This is no catch game. You have a good chance to get a High Grade Buggy for a trifle. HERE IS THE PLAN : Commencing January 20th and lasting until February 20th we are going to sell ten High Grade RocK Hill Top Buggies at the low price of $75 each. To each purchaser we will give a sealed ticKet with a number. After the ten Buggies are sold the purchaser having the ticKet to corre spond with the sealed ticKet in West minster Banh gets the $50. Only ten Buggies to go! Only ten chances ! You may be the lucKy one. Positively closes February 20. DICKSON & MATHESON, (Successors to T. M. Lowery,) Westminster, South Carolina. Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Chattanoog; and Avery Disc Plows', All Kinds Farming Implements and Repairs, THINGS FORfllE BUY A NEW PATENT WASHER AND SOME NEW IE SIGN IRONS AND LESSEN THE WEEKLY BURDEN OF THAT HATED "WASH DAY." WASHING IS THE HARDEST WORK A WOMAN CAN DO; SHE SHOULD HAVE EVERY CONVENIENCE THAT WILL MAKE IT EASIER AND SAVE HER HEALTH. COME SEE OUR "TOOLS" FOR THE LAUNDRY, WHICH WILL LIGHTEN THE HARD WORK. Matheson Hardware Co,, Westminster, 5. C. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. All persons Indebted to the Es tato of Anson C. Merrick, deceased, aro hereby notified to make pay ment to the undersigned, and all per sons having claims against said Es tate will present the same duly at tested within tho time prescribed by law or be barred. B. F. SLOAN, Administrator. Jan. 8, 1913. 2-6 rL._l.n.1n>n'n Colic. Choler? fttlrt Lnam?erlam 3 Diarrhea Remedy. Never falls. Buy it now. lt may save life. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. All persons Indebted to the Estate of JOHN JOOST, deceased, are hereby notified to make payment to the undersigned, and all persons hav ing claims (.gainst said estate will present the same duly attested within the time prescribed by law or be barred. MARY M. JOOST, Administratrix. Jan. 8, 1913. 2-5 Chamberlain's .iiarrhoea Kemcdy. Never fails. Buy it now. It may SAVC Hie.