BLEASE DEFENDS HIS PARDONS. South Carolina Executive Also Talks o? A ttl tudo Toward Lyncher?. Richmond, Va., Doc. 4.-:In tho name of tho State of South Carolina, Governor Blease served notice to the Governors' Conference yesterday af ternoon that lynchers of negro as sailants of white women in his State would go unpunished. Governor Blease warmly defended his use of tho pardoning power as well, declar ing that in twenty-two months ho had pardoned or paroled approxi mately 4 00 persons, and that he hoped the number at tho end of the second term would be 800. "I have said all over tho State of South Carolina, and I say it again, now," lie declared, "that I will never order out tho militia to shoot dov n their neighbors and protect a black brute who commits tho nameless crime against a white woman. "Therefore, in South Carolina let it be understood that when a negro assaults a white woman all that is needed is that, they get tho right man, and they who got him will nei ther need nor receive a trial." Governor Blease Justified the use he had made of his pardoning power, he said, by conditions ho had found in penal Institutions in the State. "I walked through tho peniten tiary of South Carolina," ho said, "and found it a tuberculosis incuba tor, where poor devils were dying at their tasks, making money for other people-poor devils who had no choice but to stand and work or take the lasl "Just the other day Jim Roberts, a negro from Charleston, stopped mo as I was walking through tho peni tentiary grounds and respectfully asked permission to speak to me. He told me that he had been kept in prisca for twenty-two years for steal ing a $27 watch. "I said: 'If you aro telling mo tho truth you will eat your Christmas dinner with your folks at home.' Ho said: 'Governor, I have no folks.' 'Then,' I replied, 'You will oat lt away from here.' And ho will. "Another negro had sorved eleven years and seven months for stealing $9. "A judge wrote to me that he had sentenced to death a man when be did not believe the man had been convictable beyond a reasonable doubt. "Another wrote me that he sen tenced to death a man whom he did not believe should be put to death. 7*e did not bePeve at tho tim \ nor ho believe it now. These .ire Justice that I am trying to ll my power to pardon. I d of my record." PEI.. iORA CASES INCREASING. Government Report Gives Alarming Figures-Disease Growing, Spartanhnrg, Dec. (5.- lu the an nual reports of government officials that are now being submitted to Con gress Spartanburg is referred to in connection with tho recent investi gations on pellagra made by govern ment experts. Tho first report in which Spartanburg is referred to is that of Franklin M ac Vea gb, secre tary of tho treasury, who submitted his report to Congress Wednesday, which told of the study of pellagra in this section hy Dr. it. Grimm, of tho public health and marine hos pital service, who spent some time hero studying pellagra. In reference to the observations on pellagra in this section Secretary MacVeagh has the following to say: "Pellagra has been studied in Georgia, Kentucky and South Caro lina, and cases were admitted Into tho United States marine hospital at Savannah for the purpose. These stu dies Included clinical and laboratory experiments, epidemiolog?a observa tions and collection of statistics re garding tho prevalence and geo graphic distribution of the disease The results indicate that pellagra is increasing, a total of 27,700 reports of cases having been collected for the five years 1007-1911, the mor tality, based on exact ligures from eight States, being :?S.S:? por cent." The movement that has been started hy tho Spartanburg .Medical Society to establish a hospital in Spartanburg for the care and treat ment of pellagra patients may result in a city hospital which may bo sup ported by th<- government and tho State, provided the proposed institu tion is given proper local support. Eleven Killed In Wreck. Zanesville, Ohio, Dec. 4.-Eleven dead and five Injured, one probably fatally, was the toll of tho rear end collision last night between two pas senger trains In which the rear coach of tho Cleveland, Akron and Colum bus train was telescoped. An official statement says the first train stopped because of a defective air attachment, and the flagman did not have time to go far enough to warn the other train. WIVES AND GOVERNORS FLEE When (lovornor Dlcase Regius to Shout Profanity. Hichmond, Va., Doc. 5.-Half of the fifty women In attendance on the Governors' Conference this afternoon hurriedly left the hall when Gover nor Cole L. Dlcasc, of South Caro lina, for tho second Hine defending his doctrine of lynching negroes guilty of criminal assault, without a trial, shouted his platform, "To liol 1 with the constitution." Question Angered] Tills sentiment was in response to a question hurled at him by Gover nor Joseph N. Carey, of Wyoming, who desired to know if Governor Iliense had not taken an oath to up hold the constitution and laws of his State, and if those laws did not pro tect colored men as well as white men. * "1 will answer that question," re plied the South Carolinian. "And 1 hope tho newspaper men will get it right, for in my campaign in South Carolina tiley found that I am a fighter-and a cold-blooded lighter," he added, grinding the words be tween his teeth. "When the consti tution steps between me and tho de fense of th? virtue of the white wo men of my State, 1 will resign my commission and tear it up and throw lt to the breeze. 1 have heretofore said, 'To hell with the constitution.' " When Women Fled Blouse Subsided, At this point fully twenty-five wo men, som? of thom wives and daugh ters of Governors, left the hall. See ing this, Governor Bleaso subsided. Governor Albert W. Gilchrist, of Florida, instantly uttered a stinging rebuke. "The first thing," he said, "that indicates a manly man or a womanly woman ls thoughtful con sideration for other people." He was cheered. The greatest applause of the ses sion had previously greeted Gover nor Carey's question. Hater Governor John F. Shafortb, of Colorado, referred to the lynch law doctrine. "Ono mob can do moro injury to society," he said "than twenty mur derers, because a lynching permeates tho entire community and produces anarchy. The Influence of mob rule ls most reprehensible. When laws are made it should be the duty of a Governor to enforce them, whether he approves of them or not. When the law prescribes hanging for an offense, and a man ls found guilty, ho should he hung, whether white or black, and there is no excuse for mob laws. 1 conceive it to be our duty as Governors to declare for law and order." Blouse Brings l p Race Problem. Papers read by Governor Tasker L. Oddie, of Nevada, and James H. ! Hawley, of Idaho, on uniformity ill laws governing divorce were under consideration when Governor Blease spoke. Ile defended thc position of South Carolina, where no divorce ls j permitted in any cause. He pro ceeded to discuss the race problem, j and said that when an inferior race j gets in the way of a superior race thc former is swept from the face of ! Hie earth. He reverted again to his ? pardon record, boasting that he had pardoned and paroled moro negroes than all tho other Governors of his Stat? combined since . S7l>. Announcing that there lias not been a lynching in North Carolina In six years, Governor W. W. Kitchin said the sentiment for standing by th? laws daily gains strength. Ho believed there should be convictions in nearly every case where there ls a lynching. Governor Mann, of Virginia, added that he would call out every soldier in Hie State if necessary to protect a man under arrest and give him a fair trial. Reproved by the Governors. Richmond, Dec. G.-A sweeping resolution repudiating the remarks of Governor Blease, of South Caro lina, in support of lynch law was adopted at the Governors' Confer ence Friday by a vote of l I to 4. Blease, in defending himself, snap ped Iiis fingers In tho faces of tho other Governors and declared that ho cared not what, the conference did or left undone. "Four limes this morning has my lifo been threatened for the utter ances," said 131 ease. "I was quoted yesterday as saying 'to hell with the constitution.' 1 say now to tho Gov ernors of all States, to all tho peo ple of the United States, what I said then." The conference was thrown into nil uproar. The Governor of Ala bama and others denounced Blease. . ??. Onlv 02 Years to Serve. Yonkers, N*. Y., Dec. fi.-Peter Pravata. who escaped from a Hous ton. Texas, prison last December, af ter serving seven years of a ninety nine year sentence for murder, is locked hp In police headquarters hero to-night awaiting extradition. Chanrter?a?n's ?,S??Kc?nrn? Never falls. liuy it DOW. It may nave life. THE BAPTIST.; i:.\5> SESSION. Next Year's Con rout lou Will Be Held at Bcn:cUsvtlle. Abbeville, Dee. ?.- -At Bennetts ville, on Tuesday after the first Sun day in December, 1913, the 93d an nual sermon of tho Baptist State Convention will be preached by Dr. S. C. Mitchell, president of South Carolina University. Tho 1912 session, which came toa close to-night, will long be remem bered by thoso participating, not only ns one of the most pleasant and harmonious ever held, but ns ono in which wonderful progress was noted in all the lines of Christian work in which tho denomination ls engaged for the evangelization of the world, as well as ono In which foundations wero laid for a broader and more sympathetic and more effective en deavor to help the world to better living. Great stress bas been laid at this convention upon the need of Chris tian education and tho responsibility entailed upon the Baptists, by rea son of their numerical strength, to meet this need. That the denomi nation is wonderfully performing Its part in this work was attested by the splendid showing made by the various denominational institutions. Two important matters decided at this convention were the establish ment of a sanitarium and tho remo val of the State headquarters from Greenville, which were both decided affirmatively by tho convention after long and free discussions. At the morning session Dr. Z. T. Cody presented the report of the ed ucation commission, endorsing the proposition of Anderson College and Greenville Female College to make a canvass for tho funds. Rev. T. H. Posey addressed the convention on behalf of tho estab lishment of an academy at Selvern. in Aiken county, where a tract of 2 00 acres had been offered for a site. Rev. Geo. E. Davis, of Orai.geburg, spoke in opposition to tho Selvern proposition, urging the concentra tion of the denomination in South Carolina upon Orangeburg College, which was rapidly coming to the front. Rev. A. J. Hall, president of Co ker College, addressed the conven tion in behalf of that institution. Rev. J. A. Brown submitted the report of the c ' ". ville Female C movement for retire the debt Tlie convent! .._ _ . lotion ottered by Rev. J. L. Ouzts calling for a Christmas contribution of $1 each from ten thousand Bap tists for an aged ministers' relief fund. The report of the committee on temperance was submitted by Dr. F. P. Covington. The report set forth the claim that fifteen times more whiskey was consumed in "wet" than in "dry" territory. Conditions in Charleston were touched upon in the report, a high crime record there be ing attributed to the lax enforcement of tlie liquor laws. J, W. Quattlebaum urged thc sending of a contribution to defray the expenses of a committee to urge upon Congress tho passage of the bill to prohibit the shipment of lhiuoi into "dry" territory. Rev. C. C. Brown, D. D., submit ted the report from the board on Baptist ministers' mutual benefit showing a membership of 107, pay ing an assessment of $1 each upon the death of a member. Twenty-one new names were enrolled in this or ganization. Hon. Chas. A. Smith submitted Ibo report of Furman University showing a splendid condition of tin university, which had an enrollment including the Fitting School, of 43*; students. Rev. Louis Bristow submitted tin report of Anderson College, showinj a total property valuo of practical!; $100,000, which tiio trustees hope< to soon be abie to tum over to th' denomination unencumbered. Rev. David Ramsey, I). D., presl dent of Greenville Female College submitted tho report of that inst i tutlon, recommending the continu ance of the canvass to raise $100, 000, and that two more buildings b erected as early as possible. Dr. V. P. Covington submitted th report of tho committee on age ministers' relief, recommending th raising of $10,000 for this purpos< and tendering tho thanks of the COI ventlon to Mr. Shlvar, of Shlvfi Springs, who had offered to the coi ventlon a tract of land upon wilie to establish a home for aged mlnll tors. On motion of Rev. C. E. Burts, I I)., tho board of aged ministers' r< lief was given power to accept tl bequest of Mr. Shlvar should tin seo (lt to do so. Flvo men were killed In an exph sion of a holler at a saw mill net Wllsendale, W. Va., last Thursdi night. TWO MEET DEATH IN AUTO. Three Others Hurt in Accident Just Out of Columbia. Columbia, Dec. B. - Hugh T. Meighan, cashier of the Carolina National Bank, and W. S. Stewart, j hardware merchant, were instantly j killed; Theodore A. Dell, seriously I injured; W. C. Swafleld and Wil liam Watson, Injured, when tho au tomobile in which they were return ing from tho Ridgewood Club skid ded and wont over Into a ditch just after tho car had crossed Smith's branch, tho car turning completely over, pinioning the occupants under neath. When assistance arrived and tho men wore pulled from beneath tho automobile, the first two were dead, and the other three injured. The Injured men were rushed to tho city and given medical attention and the bodies of tho other two removed to a local undertaking establishment. Tlie accident, one of the most de plorable In the history of the city, happened to-night just about eight o'clock. The five men had been out to the Country Club, Ridgewood, and were returning to the city In an automobile, Mr. Meighan driving, when the car skidded. At tho point where tho accident occurred the Seaboard Air Line trestle crosses the road and the ditches on both sides aro very deep. When the car skid ded the reverse lever was applied and suddenly the car toppled over Into tho ditch. The Dead. Hugh T. Meighan, who was killed Instantly, was about 4 5 years of age. He was born In Columbia, being a son of Major Meighan, and was prac tically reared in the Columbia Na tional Bank, in which he attained the position of cashier. Ono year ago last Juno ho married Miss Grace Klnard, who survives him. Two sis ters also survive. Mr. Meighan was one of the most popular young men in the city. W. S. Stewart, tho other victim, was about 50 years old. Ho came to Columbia a few years ago from Orangeburg. Ho opened a hardware store here, and by bis devotion to duty prospered. He waa a most es timable man and well thought of by tho wholo community. Ho was un married and leaves no relatives here. All of tho men who composed the fatal automobile party were among the most prominent people of Co ' "a. i DURHAM AGAIN CAUGHT. Moonshiner Wast in Leather Business Under Assumed Name. Spartanburg, Dec. 5.-William Durham, better known as Babe Dur ham, who for many years bas been a familiar character around Spartan burg and Greenville, was arrested in Knoxville several days ago, where be had established himself in the leather business under the name of Janies C. I lom phill. He was carried to Atlanta to serve four years in the Federal prison for distilling liquor in the Dark Corner of Greenville county. The prisoner, it will be recalled, escaped from a Southern passenger train near Aiken some time ago while being escorted to Atlanta to serve his term after having been sen tenced by Judge Smith in Charles ton. The following item from tho Char leston Post with reference to the arrest of Durham will be of interest: United States Marshal J. Duncan Adams returned to Charleston this morning from Atlanta after having safely landed Bill Durham, alias Fay Durham, alias James C. Hemphill, In the government prison. Durham is ?i notorious moonshiner of Green ville and rather than serve his sen tence of four years imposed by Judge Smith, he jumped from a train at Aiken recently en route to Atlanta and made his escape. He was re captured in Knoxville and Marshal Adams went on himself to take Dur ham to prison. Marshal Adams said that be safely saw Durham placed behind Hie bars. Ho invited him to attempt another escape to show just bow be did the trick, with tho train going at the rate of ."0 miles an hour, but Dur ham did not make it. Before starl ing from Knoxville, Durham asked leave to gel his mail and then Mar shal Adams ascertained that the moonshiner had been living at. Knox ville under tho name of Hemphill. Ho had a rubber stamp with which ho stamped his correspondence, read ing, '.lames C. Hemphill, Leather Dealer." May Break l p Happiness. New York, Dec. C.- Although Au gust Belmont, Sr., will not make any statement, it is reported that he bas offered financial inducements to Kthol Loraine Belmont, the bride of his son Raymond, to leave tho young man and agree never to mako:an ef fort to sec him again. Th| stun mentioned Is $50,000. Low F TO ' Fertile N ONE-WAY and RO at lowest prevailing r Northern ] and connect! Minnesota, North Idaho. Washington. Canadian territory. Will ?ead free illustrated litt promptly upon request. It co W. W. NE A Ii, Trnvcling PnssV Ag J. O. EATON, Traveling Iutmig. A HACINO INTERESTS ARE HOLD. Will Openly Violate Law, Then En deavor to Post pono ita Operations. Columbia, Dec. 6.-From Charles ton comos the news that tbo racing interests which last year put on a meet at Palmetto Park, near Char leston, and who plan a meet for this year, boglnning January 25 and continuing for 61 days, will make an effort to have tho time limit fixed by the anti-race track gambling in terests extended to May, 1913. The time limit was fixed by tho law at the last session of the General As sembly as July 1, 1912. Wont Racing Commission. It Is said that the racing Interests plan to make an effort to securo the enactment of a now law similar to that In effect in Kentucky, which will provide for the creation of a racing commission. It ls stated'that the law as lt now stands on the stat ute books will have to be changed in any event, since a clerical error caused the law to bo entered on the books wit bout any of the amend ments which were incorporated in It by the L?gislature, so that, accord ing to this contention, the law as it now stands on the books is not the law that was really passed. Kneing in Charleston. As stated, tho Charleston Fair and Racing Association plans to hold a race meeting at Palmetto Park, near Charleston. A big consignment of horses has already hoon sent to Char leston for the meet and a string of thoroughbreds will ho shipped from Kentucky within a few days. The headquarters of tho racing associa tion have been opened In Charles ton and many horsemen are expected to arrive in that city soon. Great preparations are being made. ' Tho Legal Status. For some mouths past it has been confidently reported by sportsmen that a racing meet would be held In this State this winter In spite of tho fact that those who actively opposed tho races succeeded in their efforts to have a law against race track gambling passed by tho Legislature at its last session. Tho situation as it now exists ls an interesting one. Race track gambling has been de clared Illegal, but a race meeting is to be held. Under the law, as it is generally understood, lt will bo Im possible for the race meeting to be conducted-that ls to say, bookmak ers operating in connection with the association, and with betting on the races as an important part of Hie sport. Tetter, Salt Rheum and Eczema Arc cured by Chamberlain's Salve. One nnplica* tion relieves thc itching nnd burning .Sensation. Makes a great diflerenco in most womci they suffer from hnokncho, hcndnolic, sic twitching, hot flashes, dizzy spells, or mn Tho local disorder mid inflammation sha Tablets and thc irregularity ?nd weaku strengthened with Dr. Pierce's Pnvoritc 1 woman or thc woman of middle agc-upon may be too great for lier strength. This nnd strength-giving nervine and regulator for woman's peculiar weaknesses mid distr in composition nnd its makers in prin wrapper. Thc one alcohol nor injurioi Following lette of similar ones nnd "In tho winter of writes MUD. HENRY SC Slowly hut surely (crow lorn for help. Tho doc t cition. I wan In l>et %* J* ont, IO No. Pryor St., Atlanta, Ca. gt., 40 E. 4th St., Cincinnati, ?. GIRL WAS DYING AM) MAN DEAD ? And Man's Wifo in Room Know Notliing ol Tragedy. Catlettsburg, Ky., Dec. 5.-When a door to a room in a local hotel was battered down to-day tho body of a young woman who had boon dead probably forty-eight hours, was found lying on a bed. Nearby a man lay dying, while tho third occupant of the room-a woman who had reg istered as tho man's wife-seemed unable In any way to account for the tragedy. Tho trio reached the hotel Mon day night. The girl who waa found dead to-day registered as "Miss Min nie Turner." The man gave his name as James York, of Huntington, W. Va., and tho Becond woman registered as Mrs. York. They did not appear abor1 tr.?"! hotel in tho two days after arrival, and the hotel propri?t? tormined to break down the dom their room. Mrs. York seemed not to know that tho Turner girl was dead, while York was so weak he could make no statement. Coroner Swope began an investi gation. Ho said he believed the Turner girl's death was caused by poison, and he ordered the York wo man held. The name of Hie woman who was registered as Mrs. York is said to be Mrs. Edward Gullet, of Huntington, W. Va. She was recently divorced from her husband. She lias been taken into custody to await further investigation by tho coroner. One theory of the tragedy is that it was a triangular suicido pact, while another is that jealousy was at the bottom of tho affair. Ladies who experience a feeling of nervousness, exhaustion and painful internal symptoms need thc fine re storative effect of Dr. Simmons' Squaw Vine Wine, lt is a woman's medicine. It ls especially prepared to overcome the evil effect of Irregu larities, heart palpitations and weak ness due to tho ailments to which the female body is subject. Price $1 per bottle. Sold at Hell's drug store, Walhalla, S. C. adv. Paces Death With a Song. Macon, Ga., Deo. fi.-After walk ing to thc gallows singing, "I don't know whore I'm going, but I'm on my way," Oscar Clyde, a negro, was hanged here to-day for tho murder of his wifo.and brother-in-law. Pre vious to the springing of tho trap the negro asked and received permission to tako off his shoes, tho condemned man saying, "I don't want to die with my boots on." . . . -"- V.ISSS.'L- .?'.'.a n. They aro troubled with "nerves" ?cplcssncss, a sensation ol irritability or ny other symptoms of fomnlo weakness, nhl bc treated witli Dr. Pierce's Lotion tess of thc female system corrected and i'resoription. Tho strain upon the young i thc nerve and blood forming structures is thc t!m6 to take this restorative tonio , For over forty years sold by druggists cssing ailments. The one remedy so perfect so good in curative effects ns to warrant ting its every ingredient on its outside remedy willoh absolutely contains neither is or habit-forming drugs, r selected nt random from n large number cited merely to illustrate these remarks : ll*W, I l?cumo Rrrontly run down nnd Irregular," arr, of tiwan Creek, Mich., Rou to J. Pox 49. ' I wonio, und, nt Inst, resolved to nppfy to tho doc or cult) I Imd Inflammation, onlaHjomont and lacer* von wooka und not no liettor. Tho doctor Bald I operation, hut to that I would not linton. My hus ttlosof Hr. iMerco'B Favorite Proscription. When onicdv 1 could not 'vnlk norn??, Hin (lr*>r, hut nitor lon I could fool inj/nclf gol ni n fr, m> I dropped tho oren's Knvorlto Proscription. Only for lt I think l-t roully bollovo lt eavod my Ufo. 1 fool butte* irs."