Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, November 06, 1912, Image 6

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KEOWEE COURIER (ESTABLISHED 1840.) Published livery Wednesday Morning inscription $1 Per Annuni. Advertising Rates Reasonable. -ny BTECK, HHMU)K & SCHRODER. Communications of a personal char acter charged fur as advertise ments. Obituary notices and tributes of re spect, of not over one hundred words, Will be printed free of charge. All over that number must be paid for at the rate of one Cent a word. Cash to accompany man usc rlpt. WALHALLA, 8. C.: \\ EDXESD.Y v, NOV. ?, li)12. RELIGHTED WITH MISSOURI. Or.cans Enjoy Novelties und Big Crops of Adopted Home. Dearborn, Mo.. Oct. 2 tl. Editor Courier: \y? arc still well and'en joying ?be linesl of autumn weather. ; We regretted to leave tho kinsfolk and friends in Oconoe as much so1 as they could lune regretted our j leaving but wc bad had a taste of thc West and naturally felt like we must try it again. Then' was one of my school leach- ? ors and some ol' my school pupils whom I did not meet while at 1 "home." This I especially regretted : as tho distance is so great I don't suppose they will ever try to visit j nie now, and 1 would have liked so much to have seen them. We "ran" away to keep from saying "good-bye" to our friends. We like traveling, and we like the West, hut we don't like "good-bye times" ono bit. We started Tuesday. October 1st, from Westminster and spent the night in Atlanta; were at Birming ham, Ala., about noon next day; passed Memphis and over the Missis sippi river the second night about i S.:tO. and woke up at Springfield, Mo., next morning to lind beautiful fields of corn and large orchards of apples, wide fields of wheat just up to a good green, and signs of frost, the first we bad seen. We reached Kansas City by noon tho second day - or rather the third, as we started on Tuesday evening late, and this was Thursday. Kansas City is a fine, large town, but built on hills looked rather funny to Texans to see such a noted city built on such a hilly site. Wc boarded the train again at 2 o'clock and reached our destination about 3.110, to lind men loading the finest Jonathan apples into cars with scoop shovels, very much like load ing cotton seed hulls in Texas. Wo had a jolly ride out to our friends' home in the brisk evening air and were ready for a gn ni square ineal Of Missouri products. We .lid jus tice to what was set before us, and i then were ready for thc music that caine later. Our fi M'in!.-. Wm. G fable, his wife mid children, all have done theil part to give us a hearty welcome io .Missouri, and we lind the people in general hospitable and glad to have us here. Crop.-, grow line. Kort Hitters are unknown that is. guanos, etc.. and not used. Rotation farming or clover lops fertilize UK- lands, and a; the same time produce good paying ?Top.-. Tin- Irish potato i-- a staple or standby dish hore. Everybody can ha\'< Iiis cellar Tull of good things for winter. Tho potato is always .-apposed to be there, I believe; can ned goods, pears and apples, to do lill almost apple time again. Tim upland corn hore looks like bottom com back ?tonie, ami ii ls mad.- with out guano or hoeing. Our friends laugh at us for talking about either guano or hoeing corn. The cattle and horses are line an I largi Hogs are scarce this fall on ace unit of cholera. People hero know nothing o!' hulls and meal for feeding stock. l'a lures are made of bluegrass, ami such. l>??;. square heel' cattle I novel' saw before not even in Texas and they sa.v tba: oven last winier. Hie coldest foi' twenty years, the cattle ran in the ?talk lield,; all winter, . now or not, Without barn or shelter lots of them, Some one said IM iel! al! the sweet "".I none of :he bitter. Maybe so, ' haven't found Hie bitter Ve!. They say it Koin pr< tty cold here in winter. Maybe that's "the bitter." but we haven't found ail) difference ?' climate yet. if tho friends and relatives kvould like we wj]| write .main sonic time ?ind toll more about that as Hine brings it io pass. We would I,,, glad to hear from kindred and friend . if there aro any who care lo write. Letters lind us now ?at Dearborn. Mo. Mrs. Lessie M. Cowan And Children. The total death lisl in last Wed nesday's fire in St. John s Orphan age, S;in Antonio, Texas, now stands at eight (Ive sisters of charity and i li rei? orphans, SOLDIERS TO JACKSON VILLE. 3,000 to Assist'Local Police to Han* Jacksonville. Fla.. Oct. .10.-On account of the inability of the local police to copo with the street car strike situation here. Governor Gil christ has ordered out tho First and Second regiments. Florina State Troops, comprising about 3,000 men, from various sections of the State. The four local companies, about lui) st ron;.;, went on duty ;:t S o'clock to night and will protect the street car ?.om patty's roperty. The board of iradi-, ai a special meeting this afternoon, passed resolution demanding that peace ami order he restored in Jacksonville, and on the strength of Ibis the troops Wero ordered ont. Scent's of wild disorder have been occurring ever sine- m o'clock ?his morning, several of thc strikebreak ers imported by thc street car com pany having I.II beaten np. Tho i police were unable to tope with the si t luiilutti-and-?U+x.^i.ulJkehrea k ors were compelled lo leave their cars ami Ileo for their lives. On Main street, in tho heart of the business district, .the mob climbed on the cars, breaking ont windows ami defacing the cars as they went through. My :', o'clock tins afternoon, after much confusion, the police suc ceeded in running the cars to the barns, anti to-night the strike-break ers, lintier heavy guard, are held t herein. Under the protection of tho State troops, the entire First r?giment be ing expected here by morning, the company will again make au attempt to operate cars. Thus far no one has been killed, but one strikebreak er is confined in a local hospital bad? ly beaten, having been attacked by the mob this morning. EKED MAXWELL WOUNDED. Well Known Young Man Was Shot Five Times hy Floyd Holt. (Anderson Intelligencer, Nov. 1.) A shooting scrape occurred seven miles from Anderson lato Monday night when Fred B. Maxwell, of An derson, was shot live times hy Floyd Holt at Co latter's home. Details of the affair are meagre and efforts were made to have the matter kop; quiet. . From what cati he learned here it appears that Maxwell, who was under the influence of whiskey, went to tho home of the Dolts, who live seven miles from Anderson, near Sandy Springs, and started to batter down the door. No reason is known for this act. When Floyd Dolt heard the noise at his door he called out, asking who was there and what was wanted. There came no reilly, it is understood, to his demand to know who wa.s at the door. Then Mr. Holt stepped Into another room and secured a pistol. He fired in tin? direction from which the sounds rame, it is stated. The pistol was emptied of its contents. I'pon further investigation Mr. Holl found thal h<' had shot Mr. Max- ; well five times, four of the shots tak ing effect in the fleshy pan of the leg and i lu* fl fr 1? in the ?rola. I'pon realizing that I ? * ? had shot some one. Mr. Molt phoned to Dr. Hutchinson, who attended thc wounded man. Dr. Hutchinson Inter brough) Mr. Maxwell to Anderson, placing him in tin- Anderson Hospital, where he now ls. lt is stated at I he hospital that Mr. Maxwell, while painfully wounded, is not dangerously injured, and his recovery ,s assured. An op eration was performed, the result of which was successful. Confesses to Killing .Miss Singer. Chicago, Nov. I.-A confession de scribing tho murder of Miss Sophia Singer, thc Baltimore heiress, who eloped lo Chicago with William Worthen and was killed Ibo day pre vious to her proposed wedding, was reported lo ibo police lo base been obtained to-day from Mrs. Ullin Be atrice Conway, wini with Conway, a circus clown, was brought here to day from Lima, Ohio. "She sa id thal Conway knocked the girl down with an Improvised bill} with tho intention of robbin); lier, and that they thought the girl had more money than she did. "All I did was to throw n blanket over her when we left. I didn't think she was dead." was thc police ver sion of Mrs. Conways confession, Worthen became hysterical with joy when the news was taken to him. Conway will bo given a chance lo con foss, "Do all tho gootl yon can. At all tho times you can. To all tho people you can. In all tho places you can. In all the ways you can. As long as ever you can." And say nothing about lt. x trman Hapgood, for many years editor of Collier's Weekly, has re tired from that position, die Strike Hints. Hi ;< Ki lli GOES TO ?BATH HOUSE. I nder Sentence of Heath-Execution Will Ho Stayed. Ossinlng. N. Y., Oct. 30.-Former Police Lieut. Chas. Hocker is in the death house at Sing Sing prison to day nuder sentence to die in the electric chair during the week of Do cember for the murder of Gambler Herman Rosenthal. In New York. Ile was brought hore from New York to-day Immediately after sen tence was pronounced upon bim by Justice Goff in the court room, where he was found guilty six days ago. Becker's execution will b1 stayed, j however, hy the Illing of a notice of ; appeal. In this Hes Becker's only j hope of escape from death. His last ' words before the gates of tho prison j were shut behind him this after noon were: "1 come here an inno 1 cent man. I never had a chance. I j was railroaded. But the tight has j only begun, I expect a reversal of tho verdict and a now trial." A window ot' the warden's ellice framed a woman's tear-stained face as Becker marched up the prison walk. ll was that of the convicted man's wife, who had accompanied him from New York and had driven ahead of him from tho railroad sta tion. Becker waived his hand sadly and Hie woman threw a kiss. An hour later, after tho formality of taking the prisoner's pedigree had been disposed of, Becker was lu his doatl cell in solitary confinement and entered as prisoner No. 64,499. Ten other condemned murderers oc cupy cells In tho death house. Mrs. Becker was allowed to see her husband through the steel screen of his cell door before she departed, but was forbidden entrance. . She purposes to make her residence In Osslning during her husband's con finement and will be allowed to visit him daily, but not to outer his cell. Greeks Sink Turkish Battleship. Athens. Greece, Nov. 1.-Thc Turkish battleship Feth was sunk Thursday night in the Gulf of Salo nika by a Greek torpedo boat. The Creek commander's enterprise was carried out under the guns ot' the Turkish fortress without being ob served, and tho torpedo boat es caped unscratched. 20,000 Lives Lost. Belgrade. Nov. 1.-Twentr thou sand lives were lost in the battle of Kumanovo, hot ween Serv?ais and Turks. The following list ,6f casu alties was received herc to-c\\y. I Four thousand Servians were kill ed and 2,000 wounded, j The Turks. SO,000 strong, lost 10,000 killed and thousands more wounded. Tho Turks fled, leaving behind all their artillery. I Sherman's Death Kills N. Y. Mun. 1 New York, Nov. 1.--Heart failure brought on by shock on learning of the death ol' Vice President Sherman caused Hu* death of Walter Morris. ? manager ol' the Hotel San Remo hore early to-day. While walking home with his wife from the Progressive rally at Madi son Square Carden, Mr. Morris heard a newsboy calling the news ol' the Vire President's death. "ls it true?" Mr. Morris gasped, and. as the boy displayed a newspa per with black headlines, he tell un conscious into the arms ol' his wile. Fifteen minutes later ho was dead. Pickpockets Touch Shirley. Frank ll. Shirley, ol' Westminster, encountered a pickpocket during the rush hours at the State Fair grounds in Columbia last Thursday, says the Columbia State. Mr. Shirley was leaving the grand stand, and a rush was made, evidently by confederates of thc pickpockets, during which Mr. Shirley was relieved ot' $22 front his pocket. All ol' Turkey's imports are sub ject to a tax except tobacco and salt. "RUN-DOWN PE?PUI Made Strong by Vinol. Run-down conditions are caused by overwork, worry, too close con finement, ti chronic, cough or cold which lt is difficult to euro. Wo want to say to every perron in this condition-you need Vinol, our delicious cod liver and Iron tonio without oil, tho great strength cre ntor. lt will supply iron to tho blood in tho most easily assimilated form, creato a good, healthy appetite, strengthen your digestive organs and mnko you eat hotter, sleep better and feel better. A caso has Just como to our atten tion from West Scranton, Pa., Mrs. Chas. Proper says: "For three yours I was all run down, wonk and had no appotlto, and after all that timo I am glad to sa> Vinol has brought bock my health and strength, which is Just what I was told it would do." Wo aro confldont that Vinol ls tho best body-bulldor and strongth-creator wo bavo evor sold. Try a bottle on our guaranteo to rotund you< money if it falls to boneflt you, ,1. W. Hell, Druggist, Walhalla, S. C. BLIND BYES ARE MADE TO SEK. Dowey Cantrell's Sight Partially Itc storcd by An Operation. Rev. J. T. Mann, writing in tho Anderson Intelligencer of November 1st, says: Tho sixty-fifth session of tho South Carolina Institution for tho Deaf, Dumb and Blind opened Octo ber 2d with the largest opening day enrollment In its history, and with more students to follow. The last list of new pupils on opening day numbered 22, twelve deaf and ten blind. In addition Uve new pupils are reported In the colored school, located a short distance from that for whites, both being under the di rection of Dr. N. P. Walker, super intendent. Dewey Cantrell, tho noted deaf blind boy of tho State, has boen par tially restored to sight as a result of an operation performed by Dr. Phlnizy Calhoun, or Atlanta. Of this operation, tho Palmetto Deaf, tho school's weekly paper, says in part: .-v "This operation has proved suc cessful to tho extent that Dewey is able io read manual spelling slowly at close range under good light con ditions. We have written Dr. Cal houn to know whether or not the use of his partial sight in the school room would prove beneficial or inju rious." There are two deaf-blind children at Cedar Springs this session. The Palmetto Leaf has this to say of the one just received: "Last Priday we received our sec ond deaf-blind pupil. Ruby Miller, of Union, S. C. She ls seven years old. She lost her hearing and sight something more than two years ago from an attack of spinal meningitis. One month she was a robust, normal i little girl, the next she was without her two most important senses. Sho j has retained her speech to some ex I tent, hut mutters a great deal that ! ls unintelligible. Sho ls a very at ! tractive little girl and has already become the pet of our household." i Only two changes were made in tho ! faculty this session, and two new : teachers were added. Dr. N. P. Walker is superintendent, and his son, Prof. Laurens Walker, ls prin cipal. They are assisted hy 22 com petent instructors. A list of thc States represented In Cedar Spring's ! faculty, tho number of teachers from each State, follows: South Carolina. 12; North Caroli na, 1; Virginia, 2; West Virginia, 1; New York, 1; Kentucky, 3; Texas, i 1; California, 1; two teachers with place of residence not given in pub ' iished list; total 24, including su perintendent and principal. Anderson county has two repre sentatives, viz.: Prof. W. W. Donald, of Monea Path, musical director, and Prof. Jas. M. Prlerson, of Anderson, in charge of printing, and also of school room work. The campus was greatly Improved during tho summer. The Palmetto Leaf's account of these improvements follows, in part: "During thc summer practically every drive and o ve ry walk has been changed; and. tho work ls not com pleted yet. Macadam roads and paved gravel walks are being placed all over our extensive grounds. When completed we believe we will have the most beautiful public grounds in our State." , If any render of tho Intelligencer knows of a deaf or blind child in the State who ought lo be in school. I 'advise that you communicate with [ Dr. N. P. Walker. Cedar Springs, S. ; C., giving address of father or guar dian of such child. There is no tell ing what a harvest of good would ! result from such small seed sowing I on your part. Wine of ('ardui recommended and j sohl hy Norman's Drug Store. adv. Death of Henry Hum. ( Parin and Factory. ) On Tuesday, October 29th, news was received hore about I I o'clock in tho morning that Henry Hunt was dead. Ho was in school at Clemson College at Ibo time of his death, which was caused from an attack of appendicitis. He was sick only a I week. His mother was al his bed side a fow days ano. and she started home on Monday, but he begged ber to stay with him. She was with bim at the time of lils death. Mr. Hunt was a son of Mr. and Mrs. VV. T. Hunt, of Townville, and was about I? years of age. Iii? is survived l>y several brothers and sis ters, and one brother was in school with him. Ile was a good hoy and had made many friends while at the college, who bear the sorrow of his death. Ile was very eager to get an education and was just, bordering on the stage of young manhood lt is sad to see a man of his agc and abil ity called away so suddenly, hut no ono can question tho will of Cod. Many friends extend sympathy to those ho left. -?or Dr.King's New LlfePIIta Tho boat in tho world. THE SECRET O? Do not sap the springs of life by netti the accumulation of poisons in the syste restoring waste of tissue and impoverish! to take an alterative glyoerio extraot (wi( grape root, Bloodroot, Stone and Mandra ago Dr. Pierce gove to thc public tins rem Mcdiool Discovery. He found it would I incuts from food, help the liver into ootiv tho blood and vitalizing thc whole system No one over takes cold unless coifst cull malnutrition, und exhaustion of round tonio wind heart hy Imltatln of tisane, and f<?c red blood, " I suffer'*] from i ?-...?. o couirh," VT.' : jv. v. liewa l?wtVr.l ., )??> any KOVtl. Sotil ' lo liuvo UH oporr.t . n. .-and w ;i ? not hin,; t llcfcu's GVMOII J'eii' When l lind Uketi hour at <i limo, aiul cookinti utul tend (?> ll Maa. DORN. then iq good lictilth. SHELL EXPLODES, SIX ll PUT. Mother und Children Burned While Examining Dynamite Pap. (Atlanta Constitution, Nov. 1.) Believing lt powerful dynamite cap, which her six-year-old son, "Y. T.," had brought home to he a dis charged pistol cartridge, Mrs. Inez Leo, at her home on Lakewood ave nue, yesterday afternoon examined the explosive while her live children gathered around her. She probed the interior of tho shell with a hatpin, (lazing on with innocent curiosity, the littlo ones crowded around the porch swing In which she was sitting, when suddenly thc harmless-looking shell exploded with a roar that shook the house. Mrs. Lice's right hand was blown almost entirely off; the thumb of her left hand was parttally severed, and she was injured about tho face and chest. She was rendered uncon scious, and will be confined to her bed for several days. None of tho flvo children escaped. Chester was hurt about the face and hands, and "Y. T.," who had brought the cartridge to his mother, was burned about the face and body. Ju lia, the little girl, who held in her lap the baby, Davis, was humed about the face and hands, while her charge was humed upon the face and head. The least hurt was Watson, who escaped with minor burns. Three of the injured children were confined to bed, but the other two were able to walk about the house. Gangrene poisoning is feared, and physicians are taking every precau tion to prevent complications. House Damaged. A part of tho porch awing in which Mrs. Lee was sitting was splintered, and ornaments throughout the house wero shattered hy the explosion. "Y. T.," returning home from school, found the cap on the side walk. Mrs. i/oe was-sitting in the porch swing, surrounded hy Chester, Julia, Watson and Davis, when he reached home with his treasure and begged the mother to examine it. Mrs. Lee began to explain how a pis tol cartridge exploded, and as the youngsters peered over her should ers she took a hatpin and probed Into thc cap to show how the spark which exploded tho powder was produced by concussion. This was what caus ed the explosion. Mrs. Lee is the wife of Kitzhugh Lee, and is one fo the host-known residents living in Hie Lakewood Heights section. Simmons' Liver Regulator and Squaw Vino Wino Recommended and sold hy Norman's Drug Store, adv. Year in (Jang for Wren. (Atlanta Georgian, Oct. 31.) George Wren was this afternoon convicted of complicity in Hie noto rious Piedmont Hotel diamond rob bery, In the criminal division of the Superior Court, and sentenced to serve one year on the chain gang hy Judge Edwards. Wren is the last of tho three men charged with Ibo robbery to he sen tenced. Carl Roddy and deo. Katti were sentenced lo one yeal' each at a recent session ol' the court. The men slipped a jewelry sample trunk containing many thousands of dollars worth of gems from tho hotel, according to tho evidence. Most of the jewels were recover od. Melancho Women who suffer thc miseries caused periodically ailing. They endure pains to every oart of the body, producing r which make life ono long, dreary exlsh for these suffering women in DR. SS Squaw V The Womal lt ls Just the thing to overcome ?he d composed of pure vegetable Ingredients the female body. Painful Irregularities, talion of the Heart, all disappear before medicine. It bungs back the strength, and makes life worth living. Sold by Druggies and Deal C. P. SIMMONS MEDICINE SOW) AT BEWS DRUG P LONG LIFE. eot of the human mechanism, by allowing" m. An imitation of Nature's method of mont of the blood and nervous strength is :hout alcohol) of Golden Seal and Oregon ke root with Cherrybark. Over 40 years icdy, which bo culled Dr. Pierce's Golden lelp tho blood in taking up tho proper de ity, thereby throwing out tho poisons from i as well as allaying und southing a cough. ?pated, or cxhuusted, und having what wo which is attended with impoverished blood nerve loree. The " Discovery" is an alt li restores tono to thc blood, nen es and g Nature's methods of restoring waste ding the n?rvea, heart and lungs on rich l>-.\in nullor my rijdnt shoulder bindo also a very Inn. W. DORN, of New Brookland, S. C., to Dr. M. ' Had four dllfcront doc tom anti noiiu did paid l had consumption, other? said I would havo l \VU:t l't~dri:iden. unable to sit up for nix mont ha ?Ut -i Ibo skeleton. You advised iru to take D.-. ed Dlncovery and Dr. Piorco'a Pleasant Pellet). >.. i<?,ttiu nf tho Discovery' l could nit uv for an wi ie: i 1 had taken tine? bottle? J could do my itu child? n. I took fourteen bottles In alt and waa fly woi| !.t ?a now MW pouuda. Itl'IV. JOHN T. McllllYDK 1)10 A I). Prominent' Minister Wita u Member of Orr's Regiment ol Hilles. (Anderson Mall, Oct. 31.) J. Milos Picketts, of Pendleton, writes ol' tho death of Hov. .lohn T. MeBryde, of Jenklnsvllle, S. C. Dr. McBrydo had been ill several months Mr. Pickons says: "He was in the 07th year of his age ?tod was reared In this town. Ile left school at 17 years of ago and entered the Confederate army, en listing in Orr's Regiment early In 1802. Mo was a gallant soldier and was engaged in most of tho battles of thal regiment and served until the close of the war. Ile entered the ministry early in lifo and held many pastorates. At the time of his death ho was pastor of the Presbyterian church at Hedgosvllle, W. Va." Dr. McBrydo was for a number of years pastor of the Second Presbyte rian church In Spartanburg. His father. Kev. Thos. L. MeBryde, D. D., went to China as a missionary in 1837 and remained there several years. John T. Mell ryde was born in Anderson July 22, 1845. Gradu ated from tho University of South Carolina in 18C8 and tho Columbia Seminary In 1871. His first wife was Miss Frances Palmer Huston, and his second wife Miss Sarah Chap pell. Ile was pastor at Aiken, S. C., Americus, Ga., and Marshall, Texas, among other places. Dr. McBrydo had a war record of which any man should justly bo proud, Including tho hardships of prison life In Kort Delaware. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery recommended and sold by Norman's Drug Store. adv. Plant Breeders Held Conference. (Tho State, Nov. 1.) Tho initial steps looking to tho or ganization of a strong and active State Plant Breeders' Association were taken at a conference held yes terday In the State Library at the 1 Stale House. Tho conference was ! attended by such men as D. H. Co ker, of Hurtsville, who has done so j much for cotton; A. NV. Brabham, of I Olar, who ls tho originator of the widely known Brabham cow pea, and , others. By unanimous action tho confer ence named Commissioner Watson and President Da bbs as members of the central committee. The other members of the committee were named by Mr. Watson, under the res olution, ?ts follows: Prof. J. X. Har per. Clemson College; Swinton Wha ley, lOdisto Island; A. VV. Brabham, Olar, and Dr. A. C. Moore. Univer sity of South Carolina, Columbia. Many Oilers of Marriage, Chicago, Oct. 29.--Misses Marga ret Fitzgerald and Blanche Welter, the nurses who attended Col. Roose velt while he was a patient in a hos pital hore, have received a large num ber ol letters from men making pro posals of marriage. "You are the girl for mo," wrote one suitor to Miss Fitzgerald. "I am well off and can make a happy home for you. I foll in love with your pic ture. Marry me and save my heart." "Your care and devotion lo a hero." wrote another to Miss Welter, "have completely broken my heart. A beautiful, capable young woman like yon would make a happy wife. I Know I can make you happy." Still another wrote Miss Welter that ho had not been able to eat or sleep since he had seen her picture. ly Women by disorders In Ibo ovarian (unction, aro which extend their exhausting Influence nelancholy, nervousness, and weaknesses nice. There ls rollef and renewed hopo MMONS Ine Wine n's Medicine Iseasos which cause thhi suffering. It ls which are known to act beneficially on Ovarian Inflammation. Headaches, Palpl i the power and efficacy of this marvelous , vigor and cheerfulness of earllor years ?ra. Price $1.00 Per Bottle. CO., ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI I STORE, WATd?AIiliA, 8. O.