y .*!?. J*?J? .J??J??J??J??J??|? e J? ?J? ? J? ? J< ? J.j ?. J. . J? ? Ja c . !* I/OOAIJ APTO PERSONA!?. ?. . . . ? . ??J??J??,< ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? oJ? ?J.?J? sj? .J. ?J. ?J? ?J? t]. -Bring your cross-tics and shin gles to Carter & Co. adv. -Mrs. W. F Smith and children, alter a week's visit to Mrs. Smith's parents and brothers near Fair Play and at Bowersvllle, Ga., have return ed to their home near Salem. .-For Sale--One tine mule, two cows, one 2-horse wagon (White hickory) good as new, corn and fod der. C. Melchert, Walhalla, adv. 44 Mr. and Mrs. \V. Patrick Dick son, who live near Oak way, were among friends In Walhalla for a short while last week. Mr. and Mrs. Dick son resided here for several years and made many friends, who are al ways pleased to meet them. -Before you buy. get prices and information on Kents' clothing and Kents' shoes at .1. & .1. S. Carter's, Westminster. adv. -The Woman's Missionary Society of the Walhalla Methodist church will meet at the church next Monday afternoon, October 21st. ot 1 o'clock. All members urged to attend promptly, -Oliver chilled plows and all re pairs at Hutchison Bros. ?ft Co., West Union. adv. 13 - Mrs. W. H. Cary left last, week for Honea Bath, where she will spend the winter with her husband, who is engaged there in the cotton business. Their many friends here regret their departure. -Wanted---Renters for two one horse furms. Good stock and all nec essary tools furnished. Apply at once to Sam J. Isbell, Walhalla. adv. 43 -M. L. Alexander, of Ardmore, Okla., has two important announce ments In this issue of The Courier. They will bo found on the first and sixth pages. Read them if interested in good land propositions. - Plenty of good quality hard and soft brick. W. John Schroder, Wal halla, S. C. 4 3*. adv. - Miss Letitia Reid, who has been spending somo time at Woodstock, Ala., with her sister, Mrs. Dr. Mar tin, is in Walhalla again, to tho de light of her many friends. She will spend tho winter with Mr. and Mrs. Claud W. Reid. -Good shingle mill and engine for sale on easy terms. T. E. Alexander, Walhalla. 44-adv. -Comptroller General A. W. Jones paid his annual official visit to Oco nee about ten days ago, checking U| the financial department. Ho found the county offices in such shape as tc justify a repetition of his usual com pl 1 men tn ry remarks, stating that Oco nee officials stand at the head of tin list for general excellence, the of fices being found In first-class shape -"Regina," have you seen lt? Tin best shoo for style and .dress that li made. Another shipment of then coming In soon-tan, gun metal ant patent leather, in the latest cuts. J & J. S. Carter, Westminster. adv -Numerous friends of Mrs. Tod< Cowan and family, who for sonn time resided near Westminster, wil regret to learn that they have move? to a distant State. They are now re siding at Dearborn, Missouri. Mavin? become established in their new bonn there on October 3d, From a lette; received front Mrs. Cowan we an pleased to note that they are delight ed with their new home, and (itu conditions in that sect ?on of Missour tiulto ideal. - Hov. Rhett if. Doyle, of Cen te nary. sp.MU several days ibis and bis weeli visiting his parents, Mi and Mrs. W. H. Doyle, near town and anion:; oilier relatives and mini eroiis friends here and in the com munily. Rev. Doyle was grained ; two-weeks' vacation by his congrega tiens and spent the end of his res period at his old home. Rev. Doyh has hosts of friends in Oconee win were delighted to have him with then again. Ile returned to Centenar; lilis morning. - For Rent One good two-hors< farm wit li eight-room house. SIM L. B. Beard at Walhalla Hotel, adv - Mrs. Geo. S. Phillipa and tw( children, of Decatur, Ga., were ii Walhalla among friends for a sher while Monday. Mrs. Phillips has heel on a visit, to Mrs. S. M. Hunslllge and daughter? at Co ne ross and anion] other relatives for a few days. Sin is pleasantly remembered here b; many as Miss Lizzie llunsinger. Mrs T. .1. Hannon, of Greenville, has nisi been visiting al the home of Mrs llunsinger for some days. Mrs. Phil lips returned to lier home Monday lier visit here was 1 lie source ol' niue pleasure to a bo.it of friends. The Seneca Bank and the West minster Bank will receive payment and give receipts to those who ow nie. when ? \$ not convenient ?or yo to lind my son. Wale-; Lowry. Pleas pay promptly. I cannot carry ove any paper except as already agreed. < adv. I T. M. Lowery. Major G. M. I.yinb, ol' ricken county, spent last week in and nea Walhalla visiting bis sons. W. lt. an tl. A. Lynch. Mr. Lynch is 7.". yeal of ago. but as orel as tin- n vc ra g man of thirty, and is rcmnrkahl well preserved. Ile is an ex-Con foi erato soldier, having served alon with Col. ic A. Thompson ami othi Oconee veterans in Hie up-ocunti regiments. Mr. Lynch has sever time,; been honored by Hie citizens i Plckens county, having served ; County Commissioner and Conn Supervisor. This was his fust vis to Walhalla in ten years, and li presenco here was tho source of linn pleasure lo many old and ne friends. Major Lynch lives in tl Oolenoy section of Plckens count This is noted as one of the finest coi sections 111 the State, but the Maj? says crops are very short In that fe tibt valley this year. Everybody ought to prepare f a rrt?hy day, and everybody likes be helped. J. ?fe J. S. Carter. Wei minster, want to h.-ip you, I kno because they have a dandy line rubber and storm coats for men a rain coals and rubber sandals i ladles and children. Don't forget call on them if you need antyhing the rainy-day line, for J. ?ft J. S. Ci ter have it for you, adv, -Recleancd Appier seed oa(8 nt C. W. & J. E. Bauknight's. adv. -John J. Busch has opened up a grist mill In the rear of the Craig Veiner storo building. -Mrs. N. L. Fant entertained most delightfully the members of the ?12 Club yesterday afternoon. -We pay highest prices for cotton on guano or account. Moss ft Ansel, Walhalla. adv. -Sheriff W. M. Kay, Revenue Offi cers Orr and Held and several others from here are attending Federal court in Greenville. - Mrs. Geo. W. Hays will move with her family to Anderson the lat ter part of this week. There are many who will regret their departure, -For Salo--Good family horse, High Point rubber-tire buggy, har ness; prlej, $175. W. H. Hetrlck, Walhalla. adv. - Hov. W. J. Spearman will preach at Xow Hope Baptist church on the fourth Sunday night in this month at 7 o'clock. Public cordially Invited to attend. -Miss Kate Smith, of West Un ion, loft last Friday for Willlamston to be with ber grandfather, M. R. Llllson, who is critically ill from a stroke of paralysis. ?-Cole grain drills at Hutchison Bros. & Co., West Union. adv. 13 - Richard Oelkers, after being con fined to bis bed for a week or ten days with Inflammatory rehumatlsm, is again able to be out and attending to business matters. -Mrs. C. W. Gentry and children, of Greenville, aro visiting the for mer's mother Mrs. S. P. Dendy. Mrs. Gentry has many friends here who are pleased to meet her again. -Four cows for sale. See R. C. Carter at Carter & Co.'s. adv. -We aro Informed that George L. Jones has purchased the John W. Davis cottage on Tugaloo street, next to the Episcopal church, and will In tho near future move his family there. -For Sale-Several farms; 50 to 200 acres. Cash or easy terms. Call on or write Jas. H. Darby, Seneca Oil Mill, Seneca, S. C. adv. -Mrs. B. F. Bradley, of Wasley, spent last week in Walhalla as the guest of Mrs. L. A. Brennecke. Mrs. Bradley has a host of friends here who were delighted to moot her. She ls the wife of the late Major Bradley, who established the first paper pub lished at Easley-the Messenger. -Good time to buy coal; $5.25 per ton delivered at your home, $4.2"? at mill. No less than 500 pounds delivered. Phono Hetrick Hosiery Mill, Walhalla. adv.-tf -Mrs. R. L. Rogers left yesterday morning for Fountain Inn, where she was called by letter announcing the serious illness ot R, W. Rogers, fa ther of the late Rev. It. L. Rogers. Mr. Rogers is quite aged, and last Saturday suffered a stroke of paraly sis. There are numerous friends of the family here who will regret to learn of Mr. Rogers' illness and hope for favorable news from him. Dr. Fahnestock, dentist, in office Wednesdays and Saturdays. Will make appointments for other days If desired. adv. -Miss Ida Riemann was at home to a number of her young friends on Thursday of last week. Several de lightful games of hearts dice were played, at which Miss Bu nice Macau lay came off victorious and was pre sented with a lox of delicious home made candy. Dot chocolate and cake wore ?.t rved, and all united in assur ing the youii", hostess of their enjoy ment of a delightful afternoon. Cole grain drills at Hutchison Bros. & Co., Wes! Union. adv. HI Misses Georgia Purus and Geor gia RI ford, who have been spending tito summer at their cottage residence In West End, will return to their home in Charleston to-morrow. We learn that this is probably the h.st summer these ladies will spend in Walhalla for several years. This an nouncement will be a source of deep regret to their many friends here. -The body of John P. McCarey, who died in a hospital at Gadsden, Ala., last Wednesday, was brought to Walhalla last Friday afternoon, and tho remains wero interred in Beilud cemetery, after funeral ser vices conducted by Rev. G. M. Wil cox, of tho Walhalla Presbyterian church. Of which the deceased was a member. Mr. McCarey was taken suddenly ill with typhoid fever, and his family hero did not know of his illness until a telegram was received announcing his death. Mr. McCarey was about I .*"> years Of age and was a son of the late Janies McCarey, who resided with his family at the Hu mt 'lanyard, on Little River, for a num ber of years. Besides his wife, who was Miss Johannah Lay. he is survi ved by live children and one sister. Mrs. L. R. VanDiviero, of Savannah. Ca. We Join with otlier friends of the family in extending sympathy in i horl sorrow. We have installed a button ma chine. We can make buttons, all si/es. to match any cloth. C. W. & J. rc. Bnuknight, Walhalla. adv. .Mrs. R. L. Rogers was tho gra cious hostess to I Ho 1 layne Circle Tuesday auernoon, October 8th. An exceedingly Interesting program was well rendered as follows: "Later Now langland Writers." Mrs. Steck; an original review of "(bleed," Miss Harrison; "The Sewing Society," se lected from "Weavers ol' Dreams," Miss Ansel. After transacting its business the circle adjourned to spc.id a lively conversational hour with tho hostess, Dainty refreshments wore served by Mrs. Rog?is, assisted hy her attractive little daughter and Mis. S'<-ek. Those present wert; Mesdames C. W. Bnuknight, C. M. ? Brown, .las. Darby. J. A. Stock, J. W. Boll, George Ansel. J. P. Cmherger, lt. L. Rote?is. W. C. Hughs. K. L. Uorndon and w. L. Vernor, and , Misses Ansel. Harrison, Smith, . Strong and Strother. The annual , business meeting of the circle will f be with Mrs. Charles Hetrick on Oc 1 tolicr 22d, at I p, m. r -See our Blue Ridge steel range, > made especially for us. We will let i you take this stove homo with you - and try it Wi) days and guarantee lt. Moss A? Ansel, Walhalla. adv. m -Another cnr of best flour to sell ?it $5.50 at Moss & Ansel's. 'adv. -Frank DuEre, of Mortimer, N. C.. visited relatives In and near Wal kalla last week. - Read the advertisement of J. & J. S. Carter, of Westminster. This will be found on tho fl ft li page. They have ?omet bing to Interest you for a rainy day. -Oliver chilled plows and all re pairs at Hutchison Bros. & Co., West Union. adv. 43 - Miss Annie South, ot' Anderson, spent tho latter part of last week visiting Miss Sallie L. Williams at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Hughs, near town. -Mrs. C. ll. Humphries and child, >f Union, aro spending a while vlslt ng Mrs. Humphries' mother, Mrs. C. K. Maxwell. It is understood that Mr. and Mrs. Humphries will move :o Spnrtanburg in the near future. - Appier recleaned seed oats at [> I |ier bushel. C. W. & J. E. Batik light, Walhalla. adv. - Mrs. Stephen Hunter, of West nfnster, and Miss Alice Hunter, of riorlda, spent yesterday In Walhalla is guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Todd. Miss Hunter is visiting among num erous relatives and friends in various ?ections of Oconee. -So little Interest is manifested ii the election held yesterday for At orney General that nothing indlca ive of tho result can be given out. seventeen out of 30 precincts in tlchland county give Lyon 1,033, 'eeples 1,175. From nine precincts n Oconee Lyon received a little more han 100, while Peeples had less than !00. -W. M. Fennell and T. J. Todd lave bought out W. H. Campbell's narket, and are ready to furnish the >ost of meats at the best prices, and viii pay best prices for hides, chlck ms and eggs, beeswax. Let them see t beforo you sell. Phone No. 75, -Valhalla, S. C. adv. -D. H. Rabens ls quite ill at his lome here, having suffered an at ack of fever a few days ago. His ondltion, however, ls not thought to ie serious, and he is reported some letter to-day. We hope that he may loon be restored to health. He carno >ack to Walhalla about a year ago rom Charleston, being unable to itand the climate there longer. -The many Walhalla friends of ?lyde Smith will regret to learn that ie ls uu'tc sick at Anderson. The "vndorson Mall of Tuesday announced hat Mr. Smith has gone to tho hos dtal to undergo an operation for the removal of a tumor on one of his tiiees. The Mail says: "While the iperation will be painful it will not lie serious and ho will probably be .ible to he out again in less than a week. This tumor has been giving lilm conslilerable trouble of late and lils physicians advised an operation, is the malady might possibly bring Dil more serious trouble." WALHALLA I NORMAN Caf, P A complete linc usually in an up DRUG Beautiful Wedding: Gifts, Solid'Silvcr, Finest China, Cut Glass, Statuary, India Brass Goods and other Novelties. Going Shopping? Well then here' a shopping SUR gestion for you Stop in and sc< our new linc o Toilet Articles And while here be sure and se< Fashion's lates fancies in color ings in our splen did assortment o Diamonc Dyes They sell for 10 < kNorman's 1 *. Bring us your presci md the best quality drugs v The lowest prices on We will appreciate y PAROLED CONVICT KILLS MAN. After lew Months Freedom Lonni?' Hull Commits Another Crime. ( Columbia State, Oct. 14.) Kelsey Moore, who was blt on the hoad with a brick last Sunday morn ing on lower Main street by Connie Hall, who was paroled in December, IOU, by Governor Blouse, died last night at 7.10 o'clock at the Colum bia Hospital. Hall, who was convict ed in 1909 of manslaughter and sen tenced to \'? .sears in tho peniten tiary, is now lodged In tho city jail. In (lie light which occurred last Sunday morning between the two men it appears that Hall struck Moore with ,.iek swung around by means of a wire attached to it, In flicting a severe wound In tin? head. LonnlO Hall was a prominent fig ure in police and magistrate court circles in Columbia for a number of years and served sovoral sentences for petty crimes. In ?D09 he killed Ebor Ashford and was sentenced to twelve years In the penitentiary. Governor Hlcaso's "Statement of Pardons, Parioes and Commutations" devotes two pages to the parole of Lonnie Hall, which was gr.'inted on December 1th, 1911. _If you want buttons to match your suit we can make them. C. W. & J. Ii. Bauknlght, Walhalla, adv. _There will be an all-day Binging nt Mountain Grove church on the fourth Sunday in this month. October 27th. The public is invited to at tend and bring well-tilled baskets. -Fertilizer and grain drills at Carter & Co.'s, Walhalla. adv. _Mrs. George Ulumner, after spending some time in Atlanta, re ivmed to Walkalla last week, to the delight of her many friends, who are pleased to know that her health is greatly improved. ; -Prayer meeting will be held at 1 tho Walhalla .Methodist church this I (Wednesday) evening at S o'clock. The members of the congregation are | urged to attend, and a cordial invita- j tion is extended to tho public. -Paints, rooting, guttering, etc. See D. E. Good, Walhalla. adv. -The Stato and Federal elections will be held on Tuesday, November 5th. Notices of these elections will be found on the second pago of this Issue. There are several Constitu tional Amendments to be voted on by tho citizens of South Carolina at this election. -Cedar Camp. W. O. W., of Wal halla. unveiled a beautiful monument to the memory of C. A. Burton in the Baptist cemetery last Sunday after noon. Woodmen from all parts of the county were present. The cere monies were Impressive. About 200 people were present. -If you want anything next to the best shoe (the Regina) you can get the Vassar, Queen Quality and other kinds of pretty shoes at J, & J. S. Curler's, Westminster. adv. -The relay race between the boys of the junior track team of the Wal halla High School and tho boys of the West Union school resulted in a victory for the Walhalla boys last Friday afternoon. As the last boy of the Walhalla team reached the Confederate monument the last relay for the West Union boya reached the corner at the Walhalla Hotel, about 400 feet to the bad. The work of the West Union boys is considered good, however, this having been the first race in which they had participated. -The high schcol track team will have their llrst relay race of the ses sion on Friday afternoon when they meet the team from tho Seneca High School. There will be fifteen run ners for each school, each runner going for six-tenths of a mlle. The race will start at 4.30 p. m. from Seneca and tho llnish will be at the Confederate monument about 5.30 p. m. Thc Walhalla team will be se lected from the following boys: Loyd Brown, captain; Furman Hill, Robt. Macaulay, Claude Garrett, Geo. Kauf mann, Marion Moss, Joseph Riehle, Mason HuPre, Eugene Abbott, Henry King. Bishop Grant, Ents Abbott, Louis Riehle, Harley Phillips, Gordon Fant, Louis Sanders and others. DRUG STORE, ROPS. (LICENSED.) ; of everything I :cnts a package. )il Stord carried to-date STORE Post Card Headquarters,. Stationery, Toilet Articles, Combs, Brushes, Stock and Poultry Powders, Big line of Toys, Etc., Etc. options, no substitution ised. everything. rour patronage. H??M?****** ********* WANTS, FOR SALF, LOST AND FOUND. > Notices under this Heading one .j. cent a word each Insertion. .1? ( Initials eon nt. as words.) WANTED corn farm, balla. S. C. ******** A renier for Address Box 2 good Wal VOtt SALK-White Chostor and Du roc Jersey pigs. Apply to s ll Orr, Walhalla. FOR SALI-;-Kine pigs, six weeks old. Apply to K. 13. Fret well, Wal lalla, [toute I. , \ L \\ ANT to buy one-half million Dogwood and Persimmon Shuttle Blocks, from 1 2 >? to 23 Inchon In length. Prices range from $200.00 per thousand downward. Seo D. L. Norris, Manager, The Southern Snut tlo ic Bobbin Co., Westminster, S. C. Kelsey Moore was a native of this city. Ho is survived by his mother, Mrs. M. IO. Pickett, (loo Sumter street, and a half brother, John Pickett. YOUR HAT, 3H0ES AMD FURNISHINGS, fresh from the manufacturers, arc here ready to BECOME YOUR "Style of Beauty/' Come early; thrse goods will go fast. ?A ?fi WE CARRY SHOF3 FOR THE FA MI LY. Lowry & Holloway, Seneca, S. C. Noted from Richland. Richland, Oct. 14.-Special: The past week was very favorable for cut ting and curing hay, but those who didn't get through hauling up Satur day ure wishing they had pushed a little last week. Miss Pearle Vernor bas returned to her work In a hospital in Green ville after a ton days' visit to home folks here. Miss Pauline Hughs, of Clemson College, spent the week-end with her friend, Miss Annie McMahan. Mr. Wooley and his hands have been putting new timbers on tho Concro8s trestle the past two weeks. The Richland Gin Company have been running their gin lately and have ginned about 70 bales this sea son. Rev. P. D. Vaughan filled bis ap pointment at the Pair Play church yesterday. Fortunes in Faces. There's often much truth In the saying "her face ls her fortune," but It's never said where pimples, skin eruptions, blotches, or other blem ishes disfigure it. Impure blood ls back of them all and shows the need of Dr. King's New Life Pills. They promote health and beauty. Try them. 25c. at all druggists. adv. NOTICIO TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. All r r8ons indebted to the P?state R. C. Strother, deceased, aro hereby notified to make payment to the un dersigned, and all persons having claims against said estate will pre sent tho same, duly attested, within tho time prescribed by law or be barred. MRS. F. C. STROTHER, Executrix. West Union, S. C. Oct. 2. 1912. 40-43 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT AND DISCHARGE. iNotlce is hereby given that the un dersigned will make application to D. A. Smith, Judge of Probate for Oconee County, in the State of South Carolina, at his ofllce at Walhalla Court, House, on Friday, tho 25th day of October, 1912, at ll o'clock In the forenoon, or as soon thereafter as said application can be heard, for leave to make final settlement of tho estate of H. M. Harbin, deceas ed, and obtain final discharge aa Ad ministrators of said estate. M. L. HARBIN, W. A. HARBIN, Administrators. September 25, 1912. 39-42 fHOTY- frtftlTX (Ni 1er Jil il < Warn ;; --m mm pL ',,111*^,1, . : j, wmmw D i,... fi li:?iiiii.i!-r-i-, -A V. '. \ '. < WHEN YOU REPAIR THE OLD HOUSE OR BUILD THE NEW ONE, REMEMBER THAT GOOD PAINTS ARE ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY TO KEEP THE HOUSE FROM ROTTING. PAINT IS A PAYING INVEST MENT. PAINT IS ALSO A LUXURY. YOU KNOW YOU WILL FEEL BET TER IN A NEWLY PAINTED HOME. ASK YOUR WIFE IF SHE DOESN'T WANT THE HOUSE PAINTED? Matheson Hardware Co., Westminster, S. C. TUE ? N I VE II S A ?L. GAR Down-has come the price of Ford cars-to a point where you can no longer afford to be without one. With this reduction thc Ford ceases to bc a luxury-and becomes a necessity. Runabout Touring Car $525 $600 These new prices,,f. o. b. Detroit, with all equipment. Any errly order will mean an eaily delivery. Get full particulars from J* ?* J* J* J* L. O White or R. C. Carter.