Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, August 14, 1912, Image 1

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m 4 Hfl ,,..:.?^..:.l?->) sss ?ia ?gai. K ur HU? V I I >!<, ymS.Ujt '> II. . . , ...? ? i? ? ? .?Mil "tfr^ J?y STECK, SHELOB S SCHRODER, -.. ?Ml^lll..;^: / : V ?TO THINE OWN SELF ME TRUE, ANO IT ?fUST FOLLOW AS THE NIGH^ THE DAY: THO? CANST NOT THEN BE FALSE TO ANY MAN." WALHALLA, SOUTH CAROLINA, New Serie? No. ?47.-Volume I?IV.-No. ?3. + *.*.* * * 1 ail ? * $5.0? . fifi ; ? Our enti g FL?RSHEIM v $4.00 and $5.00, $ I I I * C. W. & J. E. * Walhal * IT PAYS TO B P fy ?j, .j? fy fy fy fy ?! THE BEAVEKDAM ASSOCIATION, j -- I Session l^ast Week at Westminster Was An Ideal One. The Beaverdam Association closed its session at Westminster last week after one of the best and most har- . hionlous meetings ever held. It was j nlBO one of the largest attended1 meetings, the attendance remaining j throughout tho session larger than I ever before. During the past year the Women's Missionary societies of the associa tion raised in excess of $800 for missions, and they set as their stand ard the f**u of $1,000 for the next j year's work. Among tho most important mat ters taken up was the consideration of the proposition for the establish ment of a Baptist high school In the ) mountain section of Oconee county, nnd active work for preliminary steps was begun. A committee was appointed for the purpose of consid ering tho selection of a site for the proposed Institution and to raise / funds therefor. This committee is composed of the following gentle men: Prank M. Cary, P. P. Sullivan, j' W. M. Brown (Walhalla). A. 1*. Mar ett, M. H. Dee. with J. W. Shel or as attorney for the committee. This committee will in the near future visit tlie Dong Creek section for the purpose of looking into the availa bility of a proposed site for the school. Other committees of importance ? that were appointed by the associa tion are as follows: Executive Committee-P. P. Sulli van, P. M. Cary. J, W. Shelor, J. B. Harris. T. M. Elrod, H. C. Walker. On Laymen's Movement-J, B. Harris, W. M. Lemmons, J. W. She lor, W. N. Bruce, Dr. W. J. Carter. The next session of the association will be held at Shiloh Baptist church, in Anderson county, on Tuesday after the first Sunday In Au gust, 1913. HAVE A BLACK "BLUE BEA HI)." Atlanta Police Believe they Have a Bloodthirsty Murderer, Atlanta, Aug. 12. - In Lawton Brown, confessed murderer, tho po lice believe they have a negro "Blue Beard," who ls responsible for at least twelve of the fifteen murders of negro women in Atlanta during the last year. According to the police, Brown yesterday made a complete confession of the killing of Eva Flor ence, a mulatto, last November, and to-day detectives gathered evidence indicating that the prisoner is tile "Jack the Hipper" for whom they have been searching. Since his arrest two women lia ve claimed Brown as husband, and it ls the theory ol* the police thal the mur derer lived with each of his alleged victims as wife before doing away with them. Tho prisoner displays a remarkable knowledge of the cy!mes laid to tho dooi Of tho "Jack the Kip per," and in two Instances is said to haye declared he was a witness to tile killing. Brown denies complicity In any of the crimes except tho kill ing of the Florence negress. Brown ls a lanky, well-dressed ne gro, with small, sharp eyes that dart about nervously as though in con stant dread. He has broken down under the strain of his arrest and begs continuously for a guard to be kept near him. President Johnson Refuses. Rock HUI, Aug. \'?.-Winthrop College, Rock Hill and tho State of South Carolina have been highly complimented by the effort made iii the last three or four days to secure the services of the president of Win throp College for the greatest edu cational association in the world, at a very fine salary. President John son wits too imtch Wrapped up in Winthrop's future and had too many visions for the expansion of tho In stitution into "Creator Winthrop" to consider the proposition made him. OXFORDS, to close out at * * 4 la, S. O. f UY FOR CASH. I . ?j? ?I?, ?j. .j, t|? .j. JOHN P. SCIUKJCJS ?8 N<> HORK. Confederate Veteran, Upright Cm? /en, He Will He Missed. (Greenville News, 13th.) The friends and acquaintances of John Pollard Scruggs, Confederate veteran, and one of Greenville's old est citizens, will learn with regret of his death, which occurred at 1.30 o'clock yesterday morning nt his home on Perry avenue. Mr. Scruggs was 72 years old, and while he had been in feeble health for some time, his death was-unlook ed for. The greater part pf his life waa spent In Greenville. For many years he was Deputy Collector of In ternal Reyenue for this .' yilatri?t, I v?hlch position lib nile?-'with credit; to himself. At tho beginning of the Civil War he enlisted with the Fur man Guards, under Cor. W. H. Camp bell. The name of the company was changed to Earle's flattery when W. E. Earle was put in charge. Mr. Scruggs remained with the Battery until the surrender at Greensboro in 18(55. Mr. Scruggs took quite an ac tive part In all the reunions of the nattery since the war. He will he greatly missed in the community. He is survived ' three children, Misses Mamie ai 'attie Scruggs and B. \V. Scruggs, L luthrie, Okla homa. The funeral services will be from Brandon Methodist church, of which he was a member. The pastor, Rev. Mr. McFarlan, will officiate. John P. Scruggs was well known in Walhalla and throughout Oconee county. His official business fre quently called him to this place, and he counted his friends by the num ber of his acquaintances. Ho was recognized all over the State for his worth as a man, as citizen, as sol dier. He Ulled well every position he held, performing his duties hon estly and conscientiously. lt voa our privilege to know him intimately and well, and the friendly clasp of his big, honest band will bo greatly missed.--Ed. Courier. Excursionists Leave Charleston. (News and Courier, 13th.) Moro than one thousand excursion ists, the greater part of whom will bo Charlestonlans, will leave this city to-morrow on niuo trains, for the big annual mountain and North ern excursions of the Southern and Atlantic. Coast Dine railways. The advance ticket solo on both roads has already smashed all rec ords, and it. is expected that when the last of the trains shall lia ve pull ed out. of the Union depot to-nior row night, more people will have left for the annual cut-rate outing than in Hie liest of the previous years. Every one of the train-crowds will be "personally conducted." a special representative of the road going on each train from Charleston to Its destination to insure the comfort of tho passengers in every way. Drowned While Pishing. Gaffney, Aug. 12.- Edward Brady, a well known young Cherokee county farmer, who lived near tili? city, was drowned in Broad river, near Goat Island, this afternoon about 4 o'clock. A party of llshermen- loft the City this morning for a dfriynt Broad river. The party w^fa??Jn seining, and young Brady, who'was a poor swimmer, got in water .too deep for him and went out. Jesse Brady, his father, who was with the party, made a brave attempt to rescue the young man, but without avail. Brady was about 18 years of age, and enjoyed a good reputation in the community. Call Meeting, Coner?ss Local, There Will be a called meeting of Coneross Local Farmers' Union on Saturday, August 17th, at the Blue Ridge school house, at 6 o'clock p. m. All members are urged to attend. F. ll. Burley, Secretary. TILLMAN ASHAMED FOB 'f>TATH. Says Houtft Carolin?'? Fair N?mV I? Hoing H-raggcd in Miro. : Washington, Aug.. 10.-^?6nato& Tillman tooday ia a Bin?cment to the press, regarding the campaign in South Carolina, said: "Many telegrams and letters haye come to ray office since the publica tion of my letter to Mr. SiniB, nndM deem it both necessary and'proper, under the circumstances, sfor me to make a statement to the press. In that way alode can I prevent mis takes being made, and having words iand ideas put Into my mouth which ?r.6 not warranted. "I have not written any letter which was Intended, or could bo le gitimately used as Jones campaign literature. I have desired to main tain the attitude Of neutrality In the Governor's race which I announced at tho beginning. 1 have never be lieved a United States Senator ought to take an actlve.';part in tho nomina tion for State Offices. What letters I have written wore penned In the hope of moderating the fury with which charges and 'countercharges were being hurled back and forth, but In stead of producing that effect, lt has seemed to increase the bitterness, and I'M resolved that I will not per mit myself to be drawn intp this light further. Carolina's Time of Need. "I am in Washington discharging the .duties of my office as Senator from South Carolina as well as my health and blighted strength will per mit. .While my health is steadily Im proving, I have no hopo of its becom ing sufficiently restored for mo to do any speaking In the campaign. God knows I wish I could, for if thofeever was a time when the people needed clearness of vision and sound advice it is now. 1 could speak what I can-, not write, and do it with more force and effectiveness. "Among the public services which I have rendered South Carolina I coli? sider none of them more valuabl? than the aid I gave In the establish ment of the primary system for State offices, with the county-to-county campaign. When rightly xv d this latterTls a great educational Loree'In instructing the people upon many ...public, questions, and brihglng vtltem face to' face with the men who are seeking 'their votes. I have been sin cerely anxious that nothing should bc done to Impair the usefulness of thia educational agency. Instead of our candidates discussing great public questions and teaching the people, the meetings have been little else than vulgar quarreling matches, in Which blackguardism, vulgarity, ob scenity and abuse, almost without limit, and all manner of filthy speeches lia ve been allowed to pre dominate. The State's good name lias been dragged in tile mire to the dis gust and shaine of all right-thinking Carolinians. Patriotic, citizens must take council to get her now to lift these meeting? back to a high plane and make them the great educators they are intended to be. Will Not Dictate to People. "Jridge Jones ought to have been content with what I said and stoppe.: there, ile had no right to incite Gov ernor Bl ease's friends to bombard me with telegrams and letters, by of fering one hundred dollars' rewan to any one who would get me to de clare Blease or Duncan was 'eminent ly qualified for the Governor's office. 1 do not feel that it is my business U dictate to the people of South Caro lina as to whom they should elec Governor. If 1 could have done that John G. Richards, Jr., would be Gov ernor now. "I am naturally frank and binn and somewhat impulsive. Therefore In writing to friends in South Caro lina, 1 have not been on the watch lest, some phrase in my letter woul< Iny me under suspicion of being ? Bleaseite, Jonesite or a Duncanite Pdr instance, some days ago, in writ lng to a friend in Marlboro. I said 'Sensible men will never weigh Sena tor Tillman and Governor Blease it the same scales. If the fools do, I is not any fault of mine.' I said thli in the same spirit in which 1 said 'No sensible man in the State believe that Judge Jones ls In favor of soda equality.' Just as no one but a foo will consider Judge Jones as being ii favor of social equality, so no on? but a fool will regard Govorno Blease as the only representative o Tillmanism, or its best exponent There are hundreds of Tillmanitos ii the State who are better exponent of both than either Jones or Bleas or Duncan. Ashamed for South Carolina. "1 do not see what that lias to d with lt anyway. The Issue ls, o ought to be, integrity of. purpose patriotism and ability ; cleanness 0 character, high ideals; capacity t lead the people and show them th best way to go; courage to execut the laws unflinchingly, and withou fear or favor: "I have been made ashamed, a every South Carolinian must bo, a the vulgarity, indecency and cow ardlee that has been shown on th stump. When my brother Senator read about the passing of tho Ho I every meeting In South Ca roil hf they, with a veiled sneer, allude to I In surprise. I have no word to sa because 1 cannot. I resented the ll with a blow on the floor of the Sen ate, and that has been regarded her as an Illustration of the State's splrh "Tile people of the State ought t compel those who seek their vote ??fc??lfc OF ROBERT A.^ COFFEY. o? Anderson's Most. Highly Respected Clthseus. - I ! (Anderson Mall, 12th.) N'-'i^lSfrtanilly and relatives of lt. A, Coffey rece)ved thc sad news of his 'doa.tjK.^.t> Highlands, N. C., Saturday nlghtiR ^Mr. Coffey was . 66 years of age ij&d one of the prominent citi zens VA?. the city. Tho Immediate cause, pf his death was heart failure, though'-.ho had been In declining health for over a year. Ile had gone to Highlands seeking to recover his health/, \ but Mi weakened condition led to the attack of heart failure, Which.-Caused his death. Tho family wont once to Highlands and re turned'.:* wi th the remains Monday morning. M'r^^pffey waa horn at Clayton, Ca.* nVi'd spent the greater pa rt of his life 111 the mercantile business. He was wi.truG Southern gentleman of tho o?d'.school, and a devout Chris tian,'over willing to help his fellow man .-jp distress and care for the weak .and oppressed. He served In the anny of the Confederacy the two latte'B?Vjears of the war as a courier with-ti highly honorable record. Af ter tl$iwar he lived for n number of years'^. Walhalla, whence he chang ed hlb,vj| sldence to Anderson on nc co un tuff bis health. He retired from a?tlvejfli?slness life a number of years ago. HefittV survived by his wife, Mrs. Elleri|?06ffey, three daughters, Mrs. John&ftte. Mrs. H. E. Cochran, both living ;lu, Anderson, and Miss Dottie Coffeyv. Ho is also survived by a sis ter, Mys. Nan McCurry, of Greenville, and a^br.other, Harry Coffey, of Clay ton, Qa, He he?ame a member of the Baptist church in his early life and Was always identified with its work throughout his life. Mr;.Ooffey was well and favorably know$;ln Walhalla and Oconeo coun ty, and the news of his death will be Jlearrted with deep regret by many JMenas,: During lils residence here .with lils family years ago he was rtinown:. far and near for lils high Standards pf lifo and^for;his honesty and integrity.. ,., : ?-*--, W'OjhF j STA HM CAMPA IGN > [ MEET, Will1 Ile' Hold Theve Au^iist 10th as Originally Announced. The pcoplo of the Wolf Stake sec tion of Oconeo have requested that the county chairman give them a campaign meeting as originally planned. It will be remembered that tho Wolf Stake meeting wau called off by County Chairman .lames M. Moss on request, and a meeting nt Tamass?? announced In Its stead. The county chairman, upon re quest of citizens of Wolf Stake, asks us to announce that the Wolf Stake meeting will be held as originally planned, Friday, August lGth, and the Tamassee meeting is called off. The meeting will be held ?il Wolf Stake Baptist church. KN I) OF CONGRESS COME SOON. Session About to Terminate-250 Days Already Gone. Washington, Aug. 12.-Congress ls about to terminate a session that has now run over 2f)0 days. Since tba organization of the government there have been but seven continu ous sessions of greater length. Meas ured by the standard of new laws enacted, this one has not been fruit ful of much general legislation; but from the standpoint of great Issues fought out and great policies out lined, it has been of more than usual Interest. Political activities have helped to prolong lt and political differences between tho House and Senate, the ono Democratic and the other con trolled hy an Independent element of the Republican party, have served to tie up appropriation hills and im pede the progress of much general legislation. Many hugo annual apporpriatlon hills that should have become effect ive July 1, still are nt issue between the two Houses. Minor legislation and Important questions of general interest are to ho laid aside in an effort to bring about adjournment by next Saturday, or at tho latest hy the end of the following week. Run Over by Own Auto. Darlington, Aug. 10. - W. Cogges hall attempted to crank up his auto* mobile this afternoon without throw ing the same out of gear, and as a result, tho machine ran over him and broke his leg in two places. While, his Injuries are very painful It ls* not thought that they are dangerous. for high official positions to behave and speak like gentlemen. Tho peo ple can do lt, and the people alone can do lt. One can speak boldly, ag gressively and truthfully, and not flinch from stating the facts, and do it In parliamentary language, and public opinion Should demand this, and tho people should enforce it ns a rule. Else, for the Stato's good name, we had better cease having theso State campaigns at all, and they aro too valuable to give up be causo of tho manner in which they are being prosecuted, lt. is a dis grace to have them conducted In tho way they have been this year. It would ho little short of a calamity to have them cense altogether. MATTHUS. OF NKW8 AT HKNF.CA, .In?]ivo Jon? H to Speak at St,HO P. M. Next Monday. Seneca, AUK. IS.-Special: Memo rial exercises to the memory of Run kin Anderson, Jr., were held last Sunday afternoon at the Presbyterian church by the Willing Workers, of which he was a member. Eight boys and girl? took part In the program of songs and recitations. The touching and effective service was arranged hy Mrs. W. P. Reid, thc loader of the. Band of Willing Workers. There were forty members present, and a large number of friends, to witness the exorcises, which proved a beau tiful tribute to tho worth of Ruskin as a member. Miss Florido Propst delivered the following beautiful eu logy: "We are gathered together to-day. to pay a tribute to one of our num ber who now sleeps his last sleep. ! The occasion is one that lllls our hearts with sadness. The death of Ruskin Anderson not only caused a vacancy In our ranks, but has left an aching void in our hearts. "As a member of our little band he was always cheerful; possessed of courage -and manliness, his bright smile cast a glow of sunshine after all. The spark of life has been ex tinguished here only to bo rekindled In that blissful realm above. Me ls gone, but not forgotten. "Ile was a member of the Boy Scouts, and as such displayed that courage which in maturer years ripens into heroism. During his ill ness lt was only necessary to remind him of this, and the things which at first seemed hard for him to do be came easy, and he yielded a cheerful obedience. We, together with his loved ones, mourn his death. "As wo place this wreath of our esteem upon his little mound wo drop tho silent tear of sympathy for his dear bereaved ones." On next Monday afternoon, the 19th instant, at 3.30 o'clock, Ira B. Jones, candidate for Governor, will speak in deneen, This news will at tract many friends of Judge Jones, , and others* who-will doubtless come ??ere f roar Oak way, where Governor Colo L. Blease, will speak at ll caused *hb loss of a largo quantity gr canitod goodB a? Thornwell Orphan age recently, lt has been suggested that tho various churchos. through out the country make contributions to replace the loss. The giov? ls al ready on foot in Senecn, and doubt less a fine showing will be made, as there has been an unusual amount of canning done in the county. Miss Mary Julia Reid'silent the past week-end with her homefolks here. Rev. and Mrs. M. R. Kirkpatrick are spending their vacation at Mon trent, ami the pulpit of the Presbyte rian church was unoccupied last Sab bath. Misses Leah Harper and Maude Hopkins aro visiting in Lenoir, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lunney spent several days last week in Atlanta. A largo party of Richlandltes pic nicked at High Bridge Monday even ing. Little Miss Inicia Xlmmons enter tained a large number of her young friends at a birthday party Monday afternoon. The time was spent in games on the lawn and delicious re freshments werfc enjoyed. Mrs. F. M. Cary and children are visiting at Brevard. They are ac companied by Mrs. Loy Cary. Seneca ls naturally proud of the fact, that the two four-year scholar ships for Clemson were awarded to two Seneca boys, viz.: Earle McMa han and J. W. Stribling. Earle ls a graduate from the tenth grade, and J. W. ls a ninth grade pupil. This news will nlso be gratifying to the teachers of these grades. Miss Carrie Hunter entertained at a beautiful luncheon for the Gossip ers last Friday morning In honor of her visitor, Miss Pearle Leavello, of Mississippi. Forty-two was played, and at the close of the game luncheon was served at the tables on the pi azza where the guests were Boated. Mrs. 1). P. Thomson has been quite unwell tho past week, but her friends arc glad to learn of an im provement in her condition. Miss Norma Qlgnilllal was the I gracious hostess to a few of her friends last Friday evening. The affair was characterized by former lovely affairs, which makes the young hostess' friends eager always to accept an Invitation to this at tractive home. A few of the younger society tot met, .With Miss Marguerite Adams last .Tuesday evening informally, and en joyed dancing for it few hours, y^hornely Cary entertained a num he* of his young friends delightfully one evening the past week. Miss May Hamilton entertained for her Sunday School class Monday afternoon at a lawn party, R. K. NI m mons is off on his vaca tion, but ho declined to give the ob jective point of his travels before leaving, which fact makes his friends here suspicious as to tho extent or directions of his trip. Dr. R. L. Leavello, of Oxford, Mis sissippi, is a distlngnistied visitor to Seneca, having joined lils wire bore for a few days heforo going on to Asheville for a stay of several weeks. L. A. Edwards, cashier of tho Citi zens' Bank, and Miss Farmer were married Monday evening at Toccoa, Ga. Tho friends of tho couple here extend congratulations. CONFEDERATE HOME MUDDLE. Hltuntlon Creates Great Interest Throughout tho Stat?. Columbia, Aug. 12.-Old soldiers quartered there, and tho officials of the Confederate Home, aro busy writing articles to the papers ex plaining the pros and cons of the re cent difficulty reuniting In tho whole State being aroused over the situa- ' Hon; floreo rcsontment being ex pressed at what is said to have been a "hint" to ono of tho old sodllers that, unless ho voted for r?lense, ho would bo discharged; the suspen sion of a vetoran from Lancaster county, the home of Judgo Jones, for thirty days, and tho charge by .lohn J. MeMahan that tho chairman of tho board, Major Richardson, ls allowing himself salary In violation of the law. Tho Difficulty. The controversy began over tho publication of a statement, coming from an old sohller, to the offoet that an employee of the home, Edward Jones, a supporter of Judgo Ira D. Jones for Governor, had boen given a "hint" hy Major H. W. Richardson, the chairman of the board, that un less he voled for Governor Hloaso ho would be "?lr?d." The matter was aired in the press and Major Rich ardson denied any attempt at coerc ing the old soldiers or attempting to Influence them to vote for Bleaso. lt seems that Major Richardson mado a speech to this effect at the home and denied Veteran Massey tho right to reply, at least thnt is the charge. Subsequently more ehnrges and de nials passed, and then Veteran Mas sey was suspended from tho home tor thirty days on the charge of being drunk, and in a card Major Rjdnard son stated that ho had aiei?otltion signed hy a number of yetbraus ask ing that Massey bo barred from tho old Soldiers' Homo, V lt should have been stated that Major Richardson ls an ardent sup porter of Govoihor Blease. Former Representatlv<tofJ. J. McMahan, who ls running for tho Legislature In this county, wrote a lotter to the press in which he stated that the records showed that Major Richard son had boen drawing a malaryvabd* pointed out that .the"act orpatlng1 tho board" no fealaryv Ife^iTO?eL^for light. In his reply Major Richardson stated that ho had drawn tho salary as treasurer of the home, saying, "As chairman I draw no salary. The money I earn ls for my services as treasurer, book-keeper and general manager." 1 Knew Naught of Petition. The last card was signed by 30 of the old sohllers of the home and declared that they have no knowl edge of ?he petition to which Major Richardson says he holds from a number of them asking for the per manent discharge of Vetoran Mas sey. Veterans' Statement. The signed statement from tho old soldiers follows: We, the undersigned, inmates of the Confederate Home, seeing In to day's Issue of the State newspapers a statement made hy Major Rich ardson that he now holds a petition from many of the inimit?s of the home declaring that Massey In not a flt inmate of the home, and asking for his permanent discharge: We, the undersigned, declare most posi tively that we have no knowledge of any such petition. Signed: Wm. H. Vogel. S. Boin eau. 15. Black mon, Dwight West coat. N. W. Jones, J. W. Willson, W. H. Williamson, I. W. Byrd, Isaac Gregory, J. IO. Bush. Asa Tu rho ville, W. W. Edwards, J. W. James, H. M. Fortner, W. C. Perry, H. Boinoau, S. I). Boland, C. C. Horton, Sr., J. T. Hays, F. M. Carter, W. C. Cameron, I. T. Gregory, D. Y. Morgan, J. V. Bryce, J. V. Young, J. A. Lomax, L. B. (hiller, J. Gideon, L. P. Collier. MAY SH 101) LIGHT OX MYSTERY. Suspect Arrested in Case of tho Fam ous Hollo Murder. Anderson, Aug. 10 -Jesse .Murray, a white man about 3li years of age, has been lodged in jail here charged with the murder of D. Hutto, the aged Confederate veteran who was killed by having his skull crushed to a pulp in his little store on the ex tension of Greenville street last Christmas eve. The case has been shrouded il) mystery, and tho arrest is the result, of some clever detective work on the part of Deputy Sheriff Van Martin. If Murray proves to be the guilty man Deputy Martin will receive a large reward offered hy the Governor of llar State and relatives of tho mur dered man. Robbery was evidently the motive of the murder, lt is said that Murray has stated to friends tluit he and another man went to tho store lo sell tho proprietor whiskey and that they decided on tho robbery. The other man has not been arrested. Oeonee's Campaign Meetings. State campaign meeting at Wal halla Tuesday, August 20th. County Campaign. August 15th-Salem. August 16th--Wolf Stnko. August 22d-Madison. August 23d--Westminster. . .... August 23d-Westminster Cotton Mill (at night). August 24 th- -Oakway.