JUST RE A most beautiful line of Git Cloth, Curtain Scrim, Shirts, Shirtwaists, Hosiery, .... Norman's Dr) Tho Regular Communication of Blue Ridge Lodgo, No. 92, A. P. M., will bo hold next Jprlday evening, March 1st, at 8 o'clock. . E. L. Herndon, \V. M. \V. O. White, Secretary. t??M??M? .H^'M? tr IXlOAIi ANO PBRSONAI*. il, if, T?H~M* ?M**!**!**!? .I'?^#r>4"l? ?M^M* -Want good clean coal? Phone Hetrick Hosiery Mills. -Mrs. R. Callaway has just return-, od from Atlanta, having been there tho past two weeks selecting a full line of spring millinery. -Plow up your stumps with Du Pont dynamite. I carry a large stock of the best. W. M. Brown, Walhalla. -There will be preaching at the Lutheran church this (Wednesday) i evening at 7.a0 o'clock. The public | is cordially Invited to attend. -Eggs for hatching from pure bred S. C. Rhode Island Beds; $1 for lfi. U. II. Dllworth, Walhalla. The Ladies' Aid Society of Hie Walhalla Methodist church will meei at tho home of Mrs. S. N. Pitchford to-morrow (Thursday) aftornpon at It o'clock. -Por Sale-Seven-year-old .lack; guaranteed safe; or will trade for good horse or mule. (leo. M. Ansel, Walhalla. -Mrs. S. h'. .Iones and little grandson, Alvon Jones, are visiting at thc home of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Du Prc at Proctor, N. C. Many Wal halla and Oconeo friends of Mr. and Mrs. Du Pre will he interested to learn that they are entertaining ano ther visitor at their home, a daugh ter having arrived on February 19th. - Sweet milk, pure cream. De livered al your house, or can get lt by calling at John J. Busch's house. -Any one having beef or milk cattle or good feeders for sale should see .1. Whit (Inuit or T. J. Todd. Wal halla, S. (J. 13* -Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Hogsed spent last Thursday and Friday in Walhalla as guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Crisp. Mr. and Mrs. Hogsed left Friday afternoon for Toccoa, Ga., where they will visit relatives for a short while. They are making their way hack to their home at Bel grade, Mont., stopping en route to pay brief visits to relatives and (dose friends. Their visits among rela tives and old friends In this section were heartily enjoyed by those who had kno ?vu them in years gone1 by. -Ali lump coal at Hetrick Hos iery Mills. Xo dust. sold. Phone your orders. .Buy your thoroughbred Brown Leghorn eggs (all seasons) from Mrs. I. Good, Walhalla, ."nie. per set ting; $ 1 il' shipped. Last Wednesday afternoon tile frame work ol' .1. S. Abbott's new house, just south ol' Walhalla, was blown down by thc severe wind storm i bal (Kissed ibis way. lt will be re membered thal Mr. Abbott lost, his homo hy lire several months ago. and he was rebuilding. The frame work for thc reside nco was about ready to receive weatherboarding and other materials when tho wind came and leveled lt to the ground. The loss will be iitalny tho labor expended In erection, as thc material is but slight ly damaged, - Por disc and smoothing barrows call on \V. M. Brown, Walhalla. -Dr. Pahnestoek, dentist, In oflloo Wednesdays and Saturdays. Will make appointments for other days if dos I red. -At the oratorical contest, last Fri day at Westminster the honors were divided among three schools, first place going to Wilkes Dendy, of Sen eca; second to Joe King, of West minster, and third to Clyde Brown, of Wallialla. Quito a goodly num ber attended from Walhalla, and all are loud in their praise of Westmin ster and her people for the admira ble manner in which every feature of Ibo occasion was bandied. Two medals had been offered for the win ners in lids contest. They were given by Dr. C. M. Walker, of Westminster, and Superintendent M. K. Brockman, of die Seneca schools. These were presented to .Messrs. Dendy and King by Kx-Governor M. P. Ansel. - Paints, rootling, guttering, etc. See D. IQ, Good, Walhalla. S. C. |{. I. neds exclusively; none better anywhere. Bred to lay, and do lay. linga for hatching. $1 for 1 :.. Pete Schroder. 8-1 1 -Truly "Ifs an ill wind thal blows no one good." The old Thompson blacksmith shop thal bas stood for some t?nicas a menace io Katherine street, just off the north side of Main, was illowa down hy Monday night's wind, the sidewalk and premises be ing littered with tho debris. It is a peculiar circumstance that the old building withstood the severe bl v of a week ago, yet went down lu fore a wind which was by comparison mere ly a stiff breeze It serves as a good illustration of what a menace these old buildings are. Fortunately they are getting fewer. As an old dar key, clearing away the wreckage on Katherine street, said: "De owner won't tear 'um down, but God A'mighty, Ile fix um." -Only three days! Orders for B. P. Rock eggs received up to Satur day night, March 2d. will ho nilod a( 75c. per setting. After that date $1 D. V. Smith, Walhalla, S. C. -For Oliver chjlied plows and re pairs go to W. M.' Brown, Walhalla. CEIVED: ighams, Lawns, Shirtwaist Laces and Embroidery. , Underwear, Corsets, Etc, T Goods Store ... -'Frost proof cabbage plants fresh every week at Schumacher's. -Hov. John G. Law will preach at Richland Presbyterian church next Sunday morning at 11.30 o'clock. A cordial invitation ls extended to all. -For Sale-Good horse; will work anywhere; weight about 1,000 pounds. Apply to Gray Macaulay, Walhalla, S. C. -The time for paying road tax expires on the last day of February. About one-half of those In Oconee liable to the tax have paid up to this time. Seo Treasurer Schroder now. It will bo too late to pay after thc 2Otb of February. --Now ls tho time to buy a first class middle-burster. W. M. Brown sells them, and the price ls right. -Cook cotton seed; $1.50 per bushel. One to two bales per acre, properly farmed; especially adapted to Piedmont section. J. II. Barnett, Westminster, S. C. 0* - Or. ti. C. Probst, who has been for some time engaged profession ally at Liberty, spent several days recently with his family in Wallu Ila, returning to-day to Liberty. -I will have on display Saturday a full line of spring millinery. Open ing announcement later. Mrs. It. ('allaway. Walhalla. -Read the Westminster Oil and Porilll/.er Company's advertisement this week. This well known fertili zer manufactory ls ready to serve you at all times. Give them a trial. -Senator J. lt. Karlo arrived in Walhalla Sunday afternoon. The Senate and House are still in session, and will remain until to-morrow morning to "take care of vetoes by tho Governor." -"If yofi ride, ride right!" High Point buggies are always up in qual ity, Just received a car load of beauties. W. AI. Brown, Walhalla. -Rev. J. A. Bond will preach at Double Springs next Sunday at 1 I o'clock. This will be the last ser vice conducted by Rev. Mr. Bond as i pastor of this church, and all the members are urged to attend. Pub lic cordially Invited. -For Sale-Large black horse; weight about 1,200 pounds; twelve years old; works anywhere; In good condition. Apply to J. L. Jolley, Pine Mountain, Ga. 10 + --Miss Nina Frasier and John M. Barry, of Lockhart, S. G., were mar ried last Sunday afternoon at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. J. Duffie Todd, in Walhalla. Kev. W. T. Duncan, of the Walhalla Methodist church, officiated. The young cou ple received the congratulations and good wishes of numerous friends, though the (?vent was Quite a sur prise. The bride as Miss Frasier was well known herc, being a native of Walhalla. She is ;i daughter of W. S. Frasier, who cuni' here with the young couple and \\;is presen I at the marriage. Mr. Harry is a young business man ol' Lockhart, being nt presen I engaged as manager of tho Lockbarl Mill stoic He is to bo congratulated upon winning tho bane and heart of bis charming.bride. We join with others in extending to Mr. and Mrs. Harry every good wish. The couple left Immoldatcly after the ceremony for a bridal trip of some days in Tennessee and Georgia. - If lt's wagons you are talking about buying, then come and let me show you. We've got 'em, and prices are the lowest and terms the easiest. W. M. Brown, Walhalla, S. C. -A club meeting of unusual pleasure was that at which Mrs. J. A. Steck entertained the Whist Club on the afternoon of Washington's birthday. The lovely parlor, in which Mrs. Stock received her guests, was especially attractive with its decorations of miniature flags and hatchets. The guests found their places at the tables by means of dainty score cards, emblematic of 'be occasion, after which several exciting games of progressive whist were played. When time was call ed it was found that Miss iOlolse Strother bad scored highest, and the hostess gracefully presented her with ibo first prize, tho consolation falling to Mrs. J. II. Darby. Both prizes were beautiful and appropri ate. Tho color scheme of red and white, which had been carried out throughout the afternoon, also ap peared In the tempting sweet course which was served. Kn joying the af ternoon with Mrs. Steck were Mes dames Lockwood, Darby and Hughes; Misses Hattie Shelor. Irene Strother, l?den Beard and Flo be Strother. Horses and Mules. I have just relumed from St. Louis with a car load of fine young mules and horses. I want to sell them quick, and to do so will sid I them for less money. Vow is your chance to buy a good horse or mule. W. M. Brown, Wal halla. S. C. Unclaimed Letters. The following ls a list of letters remaining uncalled for ia the Wal halla post olllce for tho week ending February 2 0, 1912: Cole. Wm.; Ollmor, J. \\\: Crace. A. P.; Justus. Will; Mose. Miss Queen; Wilby, lt. c. Any one calling for the above will please call for advertised mall. IO. M. Sloan. I'. M. There ls no heller medicine mado for colds than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. lt acts on nature's plan, rolleves the lungs, opens tho score-; Hons, aids expectoration, and re stores the system to a healthy con dition. For salo hy all dealers. SMITH ACCEPTS VIIiGINIA CALL. Davidson's President to Head Wash ington and Loo University. (The State, 27th.) A telegram received in Columbia yesterday afternoon announced that Dr. Henry Louis Smith, president of Davidson College, has accepted the presidency or Washington and Leo University, Lexington, Va., tendered him some time ago. The announce ment will be of peculiar interest to South Carolina, especially to Colum bia, where Dr. Smith 1B well known to many. He is a brother of the late Dr. Samuel M. Smith, for years pas tor of the First Presbyterian church. Prof. Heed Smith, of the faoulty of the Unlverslt.' of South Carolina, is his nephew. Dr. Smith has been at Davidson foe 25 years as a teacher and presi dent. This is his il th year as the head of the Presbyterian college. He will romain at Davidson for the re mainder of the session, assuming his duties at .tho Virginia institution in tho summer. He succeeds Dr. George H. Denny, who on January 1 became president of the University of Alabama. Wash ington and Lee ls now headed by John L. Campbell and Henry D. Campbell as joint presidents. Pleasant Affair ut Fair Play. Fair Play, Feb. 20.-Special: One of tho most charming events or the season was a Valentine party, given by Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pullen at their beautiful country home, "Tangle wood," on February 17, In honor of Miss Hess Foster, tho attractive and accomplished teacher of the Beaver dam school. At au early hour tho guests arriv ed and were welcomed by the host, hostess and guest of honor. Various games were Indulged In, affording nundi amusement and laughter, and a merry time was spent. Xear Ibo close of the evening the strains of the fiddle wore heard In tho dancing hall, enticing tho lovers of the dance "to trip the light fantas tic toe." In the midst of all this gaiety the guests were again made happy by be ing ushered Into the dining room, vhere delicious salad and sweet (ourses were served. Then "good Lights" and "good-byes" were ex changed. The concensus of opinion of about fifty guests, representing Anderson and Oconee counties and points in Georgia, was that lt was a most enjoyable occasion. Tornado Kills Ten. Little Hock. Ark.. Feb. 26.-De tails of a double tornado which de vastated portions of Lincoln, Jeffer son and Arkansas counties, particu larly the last two, yesterday after noon, place tho Hst of dead nt 10, with .it least 2 5 persons seriously In jured. Handsome homes, plantation equipment, rico and pumping sta tions caught in the path of the storm were reduced to wreckage and strewn along in the wake of the storm for milos. Watson Will Ho Candidate. .Columbia, Feb.. 26.-E. J. .Watson will be a candidate for election tjo the ofllco of Commissioner of Agriculture, Commerce and Indu.*.' des at the pri mary this summer, and announce ment to this effect was made to-day. Ile has held this position, by appoint ment, since the oillce was first cre ated, and is well known all over tho State and throughout the country. Here Is a message of hope and good (dicer from Mrs. C. J. Martin, Boone Mill, Ya., who is tho mother of eighteen children. Mrs. .Marti.; was cured of stomach trouble and constipation by Chamberlain's Tab lets after five years of suffering, and now recommends these tablets to the public. For sale by all dealers. Xotiiied oi' Vnrdaninn's Refection. Washington Feb. 2?.-The certifi cate of elev ,. of James K. Varda man, as Senator from Mississippi, was presented to the Senate to-day by Senator John Sharp Williams. Mr. Vardaman will take his seat on March 4, 1913. Blue Serges that stay blue We guarantee absolute ly thc fast color of thc serges wc sell you. They will neither fade nor wear rusty, but will retain their pure, rich blue permanently. The Globe Tailoring Co., Cincinnati, have sent us sonic new serges with a fine, fancy stripe in them-de cidedly new fabrics for the man who wants to stick to blue-hut wants a little life ?a his summer clothes. Come in and see them. They arc well worth the effort. Let us tailor you a blue suit to your individual mensure. Prices $20 to ?40. ? Lowry & Holloway, Assaulted by ? Negro ut Aiken. Augusta, Ga., Feb. 27.-A special to tbe Chronicle from Aiken, S. C., says: . . "Mrs. F. O. Beach. H prominent New York society woman, who ls spending the winter here, to-night was attacked with a knife and seri ously injured by a negro. Hearing some one at her front gate shortly after 10.30 last night, Mrs. Beach went out to investigate, and was at tacked by a negro. An ugly wound was indicted on the side of her neck, but physicians say the injury is not necessarily fatal. "Mrs. Beach says she was called to the gate by a negro, telling her he had a note from 'Kate,' a negro em ployed at the house, and as she reach ed to take the note the man slashed her throat. . "It is said Mrs. Beach formerly was the wife of one of the Havemey Mississippi Mob Hangs Negro. Vicksburg, Miss., Feb. 26.-Louis Andrews, a negro, accused of com plicity in tho killing of Koy Oakes, a young planter, who was shot to death at Tallulah, La., several weeks ago, was hanged by a mob at Tallulah to night. Andrews, a dispatch says, was captured at RayvillO, La., and con fessed that he had a part In the kill lng. He was to have been lodged in ' the Tallulah jail to-night to await trial, but when Andrews and his guard stepped from a train they were seized by members of a mob. The guard was detained while the negro was dragged to a telegraph pole and hanged. Oakes was shot to death af ter cashing a check at a Tallulah bank. Two negroes participated In the shooting and the subsequent rob bery. The second negro has not been ! captured. Services at Mountain Best. Mountain Rest. lt. F. I). No. I, | Feb. 26.-Special: Rev. .1. A. Bond will conduct services at E. W. Moore's house on Saturday night, March 2d, at 7 o'clock. Statement of tho Condition of THE BANK OF WALKALLA, located at Walhalla, S. C., ai the close ol' business February 20, 1012: Resources. Loans and discounts ...$210301 27 Overdrafts . 2890 03 Bonds and Stocks owned by the bank. 15000 00 Furniture and fixtures.. 2250 00 Banking house. 1500 00 Duo from banks nnd bankers. -I?082 ns Currency. 5508 00 Gold . 1650 00 Silver and other minor coln. 812 80 Checks and cash Items. . 351 72 Total.$285-107 00 Liabilities. Cpaital stock paid in. . . $ 50000 00 Surplus fund . 12500 00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid. 11422 02 Due to banks and band ers . 2577 67 Individual deposits sub ject to check . 71 5 20 22 Demand certificates of * deposit . 6885 59 Time certificates of de posit . 131301 50 Total.$285407 00 State of South Carolina, County of Oconee..-Before me came W. L. Vernor. Cashier of the above named Bank, wno. being duly sworn., says that tho above and foregoing state ment is a true condition of said Bank, as shown by trie booka of said bank. \V. L. VE RN ICR. Sworn to and subscribed before mo this 26th day of February, 1912. (Seal.) W. D. Moss, Notary Public. Correct-Attest: J. D. VBRNER, J. W. BELL, J. W. SHELOR, Directors. Statement of tho Condition of THE CITIZENS' BANK, located at Seneca, S. C., at the close of business February 20, 1912: Resources. Loans and discounts ...$215753 39 Overdrafts. 4 6 00 Bonds and stocks owned by the bank. 50 00 Furniture and fixtures. . 2000 00 Banking house . 1 1886 24 Due from banks nnd bankers . 8 5399 75 Currency. 5100 00 Gold . 350 00 Silver and other minor coln. 1403 26 Checks and cash items. . 29 40 Total.$322018 04 Liabilities. Capital stock paid in...$ 50000 00 Surplus fund . 7000 00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid. 218^0 50 Due to '?auks and bank ers . 7 279 98 Dividends unpaid . 49 00 Individual deposits sub ject to check. 154019 96 Time certificates of de posit. 63654 36 Cert Hied checks. 2 5 50 00 Cashier's checks . 664 24 Notes and bills redis counted . 5000 00 Hills payable, including cert I Ilea I os for money borrowed ., 10 0 00 0 0 Total.$322018 04 Stato of South Carolina, County of Oconee.-Before mo came L. A. Ed wards, President of tho above named Hank, who, being duly sworn, says that tho above and foregoing stato ment is a true condition of said Hank, as shown by the looks of said Bank. L. A. EDWARDS. Sworn to and subscribed before mo this :.?7ih day of February, 1912. . (Iv. S.) W. H. BARRON, Notary Public. Correct-Attest: A. P. BROWN, W. J, LUNNEY, W. F. AUSTIN. Directors. The Oliver Plow BEING SO EXTENSIVELY USED THROUGHOUT OCO NEE COUNTY HY AT LEAST 00 UER CENT OE THE FARM ERS, WE WERE COMPELLED TO PUT IN FOR THIS COM ING SEASON A TREMENDOUSLY LARGE ORDER FOR THESE Oliver Chilled Plows AS WELL AS REPAIRS FOR THEM. WE CAN NOW FURNISH YOU THESE PLOWS AND REPAIRS AT A LOW FIGURE. WE MEAN THE Genuine Oliver Chilled Plows, NO IMITATIONS HANDLED BY US. YOU WILL HE THE LOSER IF YOU WANT IMPLE MENTS AND DON'T GET IN TOUCH WITH US. WE HAVE OUR WAREHOUSES CHOCK FULL OF THE LATEST IMPROVED IMPLEMENTS. WIRE ! WIRE ! WIRE ? WE HAVE ONE LARGE WAREHOUSE CHOCK FULL OF WIRE. THIS MEANS POUI/TRY NETTING. PLAIN WIRE. BARB WIRE. HOG FENCE. FIELD FENCE. LAWN FENCE. OUR PRICES ON WIRE FOR THIS SEASON ARE EX TREMELY LOW, AND WE DEFY COMPETITION IN THIS LINE. BUILDING MATERIAL! THIS IS OUR liONG SUIT, AS WE SELL THIS CLASS OF MATERIAL THROUGHOUT OG ON EE COUNTY. TO DO TH 18 WE MUST HAVE THE PRICE. TO GET THE PRICE FROS! THE MANUFACTURERS WE MUST BUY IN LARGE QUANTI TIES. WE MUST KEEP OUR MONEY TURNING. WE HAVE, THEREFORE, PUT THE PRICES SO LOW THAT WE GET THE BUSINESS. MAIL US YOUR LIST OF DOORS, WINDOWS, METAL SHINGLES, LIME, CEMENT, NAILS, PAINTS, ETC., AND WE WILL SHOW YOU JUST WHY WE GET SO MUCH OF THIS BUSINESS-THE PRICE AND QUALITY GET IT. Matheson Hardware Co. j Westminster, ? South Carolina. KEEPING PACE WITH KING COTTON. READ THE PRICES BELOW AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. Andrew's Sure-Shot Vermi fuge, 25c. bottle 15c; 2 for 25c. Andrew's Expectorant, 25c. bottle 15c; 2 for 25c Andrew's Llttlo Black Devil Pills, 25c bottles 15c, or 2 for 25 c. Andrew's Cold and Liver Tea, 25c. can 15c, CH* 2 for 25c Lightning Cough Syrup, 25c. bottle i 5c, or 2 for 25c. Lightning Hot Drop, 25c. bot tle 15c, or 2 for 25c. Andrew's Cold Tablets, 25 to a box, 25c boxes 10c. Lax-Phos, 50c. bottles for 25c. Pitcher's Castoria, 20c Soothing Syrup, 25c. bottles 15 c. Colgate's Talcum Powder, 25c. cans 15c Colgate's Ribbon Dental Cream. 20c Prophylactic Tooth Brushes, 35c. kind for 25c Blue Seal Vasaline, 5c bot tles for 4c. Celery Compound, $1 bottlos for 75c. Carter's Pharmacy, 11 ? DRUGS Dr. Green's Sarsaparilla Com pound, $1 bottles for 50c. Dr. Fairey'8 Sarsaparilla Compound, $1 bottles for 50c Waverly Chemical Co.'s $1 size Sarsaparilla for 75c. Waverly Chemical Co.'s Ex tract of Cod Liver Oil. with hy pophosphites, $1 bottle for 75c. Waverly Chemical Co.'s Hypo phosphltos of Limo and Soda, $1 bottle for 7 5c. Hunt's Lightning Oil, 25c bottle for 1 5c; 2 Tor 25c Hunt's Cure, for skin and itching eruptions, 25c size for 15c., or 2 for 2 5c. St. Joseph's Liver Regulator, 2 5c. cans, 2 for 25c Raymond's Cough Syrup, 25c. bottle for 15c; 2 for 25c. Raymond's Nervo and Bone Oil, 25c. size. 15c, or 2 for 25c Raymond's Relief, 25c. size, 15c, or 2 for 25c. Andrew's Pain Relief, 25c. bottles 15c, or 2 for 25c. Andrew's Chill Killer, 50c bottle for 25c. FEBRUARY. 1912. Good time to talk about Guano and Supplies. BYRD & CROMER, SENECA, SOUTH CAROLINA. For anything you want to buy. They Appreciate Your Trade. NOTICE OF FIN Ali SETTLEMENT AND DISCHARGE. isotlco ls hereby given that tho un dersigned will mako application to D. A. Smith, Judgo of Probate for Oconeo County, In tho Stato of South Carolina, at his oifh.n at Walhalla Court. House, on Saturday, tho 23d day of March, 1912, at ll o'clock In tho forenoon, or aa soon thereafter as said application can bo heard, for leavo to make final settlement of the estate of Ruben Fowler, deceas ed, and obtain final discharge as Ad ministrator of said estate. JOHN T. FOWLER, Administrator With Will Apnoxed. February 21, 1912. 8-ll NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT AND DISCHARGE. Notice is heroby given that tho un dersigned will make application to D. A. Smith, Judgo of Probate for Oconee County, in tho Stale of South Carolina, at his office at Walhalla Court House, on Friday, tho 22d day of MARCH, 1912, at 11 o'clock In tho foronoon, or as soon thereafter ns said application can bo hoard, for leavo to mako final settlement of the Estate of Mrs. Fannie Robins, deceased, and obtain final dischargo as Executor of said estate. E. .M. UAMBY, Executor. February 21, 1912. 8-11