Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, November 08, 1911, Image 4

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KEOVVEE COURIER ( ESTABLISHED 1840.) Published Every Wednesday Morning Subscription $1 Ter Annum. Advertising Rates Reasonable. -Ry STECK, SHELOIl & SCHKODER. Communications of a personal char acter charged for us advertise ments. Obituary not ires and tributes of re spect, of not over ono hundred words, will be printed free of charge. All over that number must bo paid for at tho rato of ono cent a word. Cash to accompany manuscript. WALHALLA, S. C.: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER H, IOU, " WHIRLWIND CAMPAR?N." The campaign for better prices for the South's cotton crop, which was il aug?rate ! Ill Columbia last week, has been very appropriately calivil "The Whirlwind Campaign." Within an hour after the ?node of prod dare had been aureed upon, the wires were busy with messages lo every Ciovernor ol' Hie cotton States, lo every president and secretary of State Farmers' Union over the South. They were advised of the plan adopt ed, and ill every case tho plan has met with hearty approval. One very important part of that plan is the pledging ol' individual cotton growers to bold their cotton for higher prices. Thirteen cents is the price named in the pledge, and that is within one-half ?'eui per pound of the price that we have a. aid some of the cotton manufactu r?is say that they would like to see agreed upon as a standard price for cotton under present conditions. Twelve and one-half cents, it is bulli by conserv?tI\e manufacturers, wc ire told, is a pi iee I hat can he paul b> manufacturers, who could operate it a fair margin of pr j tit at that fig ure, provided they could know that that price would prevail. The u ti rea sonable tluct nat ions ai" as much a source of worry to the mills as they are lo thu '.'rower. We are not prepared lo say thal it would have been better bad I he tai m?is agreed to hold for 12 V? cent.;. That doos liol euler into the ques vlirectly Interested in that phase of thc question. The way to settle that is for each one to go up like a tuan and pledgo himself to hold all tho cotton he can, regardless of what his neighbor is ?olng lo do. Settle your own score first, and (hen interest yourself in your neighbor. 'Chat is one serious draw-back to the Sou I hern farmer ii his efforts to protect himself. Ho wants acreage decreased, bul he wants bis neigh' bor to decrease first, ll-- wants cotton held, bul "my neighbor" must hold first. When it conies to t ho real light. iv< ry Southern farmer ls "from Mis sou ii," and ho has gol to bc shown before he will believe anything, ami s 011 I hen he doubts. These pledges thal have been igreed upon have been i poived by Clerk of Court .lohn I?'. Craig, ami uro awaiting tho signatures of thc cotton planters of Oronce. There ls nothing un reasonable in them to sien simply a statement (hal each signer will hold so many bales of cotton for l cents per pound, until September 1st. r.u j, if necessary, and there is another very lin porta nt item in ll, loo. to thc effect that he will plant not exceeding UO per cenl Of his aialile land ill cotton for the 1 '.' ' - < rop. No tanner ought to plant E?n> more than thal, and il would be a greal deal helier for him it ho lid not plain that much. Vet If ?very farmer would sign that agree ment and st lek lo il. t hen. would he no worry and trouble a hon I the price of cotton lu Hie fall ?i I !. I .;. What are you going I o do about i: ? Sei ; le dial i,,i- sour.-elf. Til.- ne md ?mo" t bing to do ls t ? w alk into he Court House ami ^ i - ;i (he agree ment, tiieti go hack and attentl lo ? our own affairs until things come . our way. Von need not worry about Illings oming. The pri?e will como so noon is Ibo farmer quits glutting the mar s' ; ?ind running the price of his own products down. ('Ollie up and sign i be pledge li you '.vii ll I helier prices. \ml i hen sta nd l?\ your pied ne. Laymen's Meeting*, Lay men's meetings w ill bo held . .in Newry Baptist church on thc third Sunday in November at I I a. in, Speakers, J. K. Harle and M. A. Wood. Poplar Springs Baptist church on 'tho fourth Sunday in .Nos ember at I I a. m. Speakers, C. R. I>. Burns and J, R. Harb'. Churches are urged to send In rc viuests for mee!inga that speakers .may be provided. WESTMINSTER LOCAL NEWS. Kev. R. L. Orlor Installed as Pastor. LOCUl Information. Westminster, Nov. 7.-Special: A commission of Piedmont Presbytery, composed of Kev. W. H. Mills, of Clemson College, Kev. J. 0. Law, of Walhalla, and Kider J. ?. Pickett, of Richland, Installed Kev. K. 1,. Crier' as pastor of the Presbyterian church last Sunday morning. Last Thursday afternoon tho tenth grade of the Westminster High School wont on a picnic to the Mine ral Springs. Tho members of tho class aro as follows: Misses Sue lia lev. Mary Cobb, Lilllie Miller. Margie Williams. Veattte Miller and Nellie Mu Ikey; C. D. Marett and (?aston Hall. Tho guests ot honor wore Prof. and Mrs. W. C. Taylor and Prof. P. W. Jayroe. Tho party went di rect from school to tho springs and spread dinner on the grounds. Alter a very pleasant afternoon they re turned to town about <> o'clock. Mrs. C. Ii. K?ster, accompanied by her son William, and her mother, Mrs. J. Y. Vernor, returned homo Saturday; after a very pleasant visit to relatives at (elberton, Ga. Morgan MoJunkln, of Toccoa, was in Westminster on business last Sat urday. Mrs. NV. C. Taylor is spending a while at Liberty with her parents. She was called there on account of tlu> illness of her rather. Dr. C. M. Walker al tended the State Pellagra Convention held In Columbia last week. Seaborn Hayes, who has boen con nected with Hudson & Kayes' barber business, loft bist week for Abbeville. C. P. Corbett, of Manning, visited his ?nelo, Prof. i>. w. Jayroe, the lat ter part of last week. F. H. Shirley attended tho state Fair at Columbia last week. Miss Nettle Thompson, one of tho teachers hore, spent the latter part of last week with homefolks In An derson. .lohn A. Terrell, of the Southern Railway, has boen ?it home several days this week on account of the ill ness of his little son. .lillian. Mrs. C. W. Traylor has returned from a visit to her daughters in Flor ida. Mrs. F. G. Lavender was called tc) Greenville Wednesday to the bedside of her it other. Mrs. Gentry, who has been qulti sick for several weeks. Lawrence Sheldon, of Fair Play, passed through here recently on his way to Columbia, whore he expects to make his home in tho future. Bveretl (Mover, of near Charlotte, is with J. ll. Hudson in the barber business here. Heady for Comfortable School. Richland. Nov. (?.-Special: leo has preceded frost in this conunu II lt y. J. P. Stribllng attended the State Fair Wednesday. Thursday and 1er?. ? mo rooms ano everything Is in good shape for a comfortable school year. Mrs. S. ll. Coe visited in Walhalla during tho past week. Rev. Coo. (?. Mayes will preach at the Richland Presbyterian church on thc third Sunday. November 19th, and will consider the grouping of the Richland church with tho Pair Play chu rch. Miss Pearle Hallenger attended Hie Ladies' Missionary I nion at An derson hist week as a representative from the Richland Missionary S? del y. Mr. and Mrs. ,1. p. Stribllng and Mr. and Mrs. .1. R. Pickett attended the installation servi ; at Westmin ster yesterday. The Richland school boys met Tuesday and reorganized theil 'rack loam with stiles Stribllng as mana ger They began practicing the next evening. They will be ready to run a relay raie in the near future. Miss Cromer visited in Seneca Sat II rda v and Sunday. ls tho World Crowing Retter? Many things go to prove thal it is. Tho way thousands are trying lo help otiicrs is proof. Among them is Mrs. W. W. Could, of Pittsfield, N. H. Finding good health by taking Rlec Irle Ritters, she now advises other sufferers everywhere to take (hem. "For >ears I suffered with stomach and kidney trouble." she writes. "Kvor> medicine I used failed lill I took Klee! ric Ritters. Hui this great remedy helped nie wonderfully." They'll help any woman. They're the bes: tonic and llnesl liver and kidney remedy that's made. Try they. You'll see. .".nc at all drug gists. Sometime Somewhere Someone may sell you a Shoe equal to tlie Regal, but No time No where No one will ever sell you a Shoe that is better. Lowry & LOCAL NEWS FROM SENECA. High School Pupils t<> Publish Paper. ?Matins of Local interest. Seneca, Nov. 7.-Special: Senoca is quiet tlils week after a full week, in which the circus and the flower exhibit played prominent parts. A largo crowd attended tho circus, notwithstanding tho weather was threatening/ and the merchants re port unprecedented business done for show day. The exhibit of chrysanthemums equaled in quality possibly, any ever held here. A splendid crowd attend ed, and at night oysters were served for the benefit of the library, and a neat sum was realized. A splendid program of music was rendered, and the occasion was a delightful one al together, and tho large store room, where the affair was held, was filled with representative people. The oys ters went like hot cakes, and, to gether with the other attractions, proved a big drawing card. Follow ing ls the music program rendered: Duet, Mrs. Ruskin Anderson, and Miss Margie Adams; trio, Miss Lou ise Dendy, Masters Wilkes and Mar shall Dendy; quartette, Wales Lowy cry, T. H. .jones, Harry Bryan ajld Frances Adams, Miss Carrie Hunter, accompanist; duet, Mrs. S. K. Dent? and Miss Verna Stribling; duet, MW Ruskin Anderson and Miss Maram Adams. The thanks of the pro nm tero of the entertainment are tendere* tho friends who so kindly contrib uted to tho program. Luke W. Venter ls at home for the winter, having arrived Sunday after noon. David Vernor followed on Monday, and will also be here for the winter. News of the continued illness of Hon. J. S. Vernor has been received here. The play, "Down in Maine," which is being prepared by some of our young people, is progressing nicely, and lt is Intended now to produce lt about Thanksgiving. Following is the cast of characters: Zeph Cum mings, Charles Byrd; Ralph Cum mings. Whit Holloman; Neil Went worth, Charles Lawrence: Bingle, Os acr Doyle; Tom ps, .1. W. Stribling; Mr. Holden. Luke Vernor; .limpsey. Charles Stribling; Mose Gossin, Thornley Cary; Susie Cummings. Verna Stribling: Mrs. Cummings. Sue Filen Hunter; Ke/.iah, ("forty three and desperate,") Nellie Hines; Betsy 'Pomps, Nancy Hines. These yoong folks clo their parts splendidly and they will no doubt face a fyi house upon their debut into thea tr? cal circles. far A few weeks later another play, "How the Club was Formed," will be presented hy older talent, who, on account of former appearances! will receive* a royal greeting, no doubt, by our show-going people. Those who remember the Blossom show given so successfully last winter will j he glad to learn that tho cast of the .,t,.,v<? ..'in ..i,-,. ....?i of thc for-l popi . The Seneca track team has accept ed a challenge from Newry for a re lay race next Friday afternoon. If the weather is favorable the race will come off. starting at Mowry and end ing in Seneca. Miss Cromer, of the Richland high school, spent the past week-end with Mrs. I'. II. {shell. Hrs. Iv C. and W. R. Doyle, J. S. Stribling and IO. A. Hines visited Co lumbia tho past week. News of the tragic death of Mrs. W. S. Hamiter was received here Sunday last with great sorrow by nu}? nierons friends. Rev. Mr. Hamiter and family having resided here for several years during his pastorate of the Presbyterian church, they became greatly endeared to our people, whoso sympathies go out to tho stricken family. News was also received here on Monday of the sudden death of Miss Mattie Neill, sister of William and Robert Neill, at her home at Brevard from heart disease. Miss Neill spent last winier here willi IHM- brothers and made many friends, who will re gret to learn of her untimely and sad death. Austin Morrison, of Clemson, spruit Saturday here and took in Hie circus. Ami now for the carnival, which generally limes its coming with Thanksgiving. The Palmetto Literary Snidely of our IIP;h School is gelling out a pa lier, which will be issued monthly, A name has not been given yet. and the editor-in-chief will appreciate suggestions from friends who maybe interested. The editors are: Fditor in-ehief. Astor Daly: assistant edi tor. Miss Verna Stribling; tenth grade editor. Miss Paris Dillard; nial h grade editor, Miss Nancy I lines; eighth tirade editor; Wilkes Dendy; athletic editor, Fd ward N'or ner: exchange editor. Miss Florido Propst : business manager, Charles Byrd, with assistant. Duke Vernor; manager circulation depart mein. Miss Sue Kilon Hunter; subscriptions, Mis.; Sin- Daly, manager, with C. W. Crain. Thornley Cary and Miss Sue Filon Hunier, assistants. We be speak a liberal patronage for thc pa per, which these voling people de serve for (heir effort . Thc Parin md Factory will do the printing. Miss Floride Props) .spent last Cri da', i n C reen i i He. Mr. and Mrs .lames Hopkins, of Greenville county, are visiting rela tives in Seneca. The Onee-n-Week Club was de li.;hlfully entertained last week by Mrs. W. .1. Lunney. Mr. and Mrs. Filas Farlo, of lloa v erad rn, spent Saturday here. Mrs. (>. F, Bacon is displaying some very handsome specimens of chrysanthemums, which show conclu sively that she has mastered tho art of I heir cull iv al ion. There is lillie damier from a cold 01' from an attack of Hie grip except when followed by pneumonia, and lins never happens when Chamber lain's Cough Remedy is used. This remedy has won its great reputation and extensive sale by its remarkable cures of colds and grip and can be relied upon with implicit confidence. For sale by all dealers. CRANBERRIES. RAISIN'S. CURRANTS. CITRON. RATIOS. FIGS, GRAPHS. ORA NOES. Carter & "I do not l>cli vc there is any other medicine so good tor whooping cough aa Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," writes Mrs. Francis Turpin, Junction City, Oregon. This remedy is also unsurpassed for colds and croup. For sale hy all deniers. Rend This and if you liavo con sumption, or any of those troubles that, lead to lt, write me. 1 can fur nish you valuable information. Ad dress .Miss loila s. Moblev. Johnston, S. C. 4 r?* Ten More Boys The recent purchase of another building and additional tract of land will make room for ten more boys at tho Kuluin (inp Industrial School. These boys must not he less than IT? years old. They must be of good character, good health, apt to learn, ami willing to work. lu exchange for their labor during part of each day of tho school session nnil during three months of the sum mer vacation, they will receive an education, training in farm work, and their lodging and board, if they do their duty in a satisfactory man ner. After they have remained in the summer and made their part of (lie fi'nn "'i the school farm. I hov will . lld 'ie ' A. .1. Ri TCI 1110, President, Kainui Gnp, Georgi?. November 1, 1911. 44-47* COUNTY CLAIMS AUDITED. At tho regular monthly meeting of the Board of County Commission ers, held Friday, November 3, 1011, the following claims were audited: No. Roads. Dist. Amt. 2i>S:? Andrew Hamey . ,5S..$ 3 :>o 2984 .1. F. Hunnicutt ..36;, '>l 35 2985 VV. M. Collins .'...28.. IS 00 2086 IO. I.. Collins . . . . 57 . . 1 00 2087 J. Li. Cox .22 . . 38 00 20S8 J. M. Davis .1 ."> . . 10 00 2080 VV. n, M on gold 0 7."? 200 0 N. Driver .18.. 10 2? 200 1 .I.S. Abbott .72 . . :'. 00 2002 Lee Ross.7!! . . 1 00 200:: .lohn O'Leary ....48.. 44 00 200 1 Gus Denton .25 . . 1 50 2995 io. C. Harris. 7 . . 7 io 2996 IO. I). King. 8. . 12 50 2007 \v. N. Woolbrlght. I.. 2 00 200S \V. S. Cox. 77 . . 2 00 Bridges. 2000 Fred While .$42 50 3000 H. R. Cobb . 74 50 :?00 1 SV. H. Alexander .... I 85 MOO 2 W. L. M e.M a li a II . 16 60 3003 Atlas Oil Co . 20 io 3001 W. H. Alexander .... 6 I". 3 o or, J. s. Abbott . 10 50 3006 Lewis A. King. 1 00 3007 C. W. ?. J. IO. Rauknight 22 15 3008 W. L. McClellan. 2 0 1 3009 \V. C. 101 rod. S 7."? 3010 T. F. Moore. .". 00 3011a 11. S. Siled . 22 00 30 1 1 h Dry Cobb. soo Roods and Bridges. 30 I 2 Robt. Cobb, Jr. $2:: 58 Road .Machines. 3013 Myers Bros. & C'v . .$ 27 56 ROI -I R. IO. Key. 0 16 noir. C. VV. fi J. io. Bauk nighI . 7 35 3016 C. VV. & 1. 10. Batik night. 110 93 30 17 C. \V. AL- .1. IO. Rauk Itighl . 66.". 93 30 IN .1. A. II unter. 3 60 30 I 0 Matheson I Idw. Co. . . ? IS 3020 .lohn Harris. IO 30 3021 VV: A. Rowen . i; on 3022 . M i I (dud I .... in ll 3023 lOrvin Mauldin . 22 un 3021 Waller Collins. 7 50 3(12.". C. R. I'a liner . IS 2."? 3026 M. SV. Cain . 40 o? 3112 7 W. M. I'lier. I 06 3028 Smith & Sons Mfg. Co 7 75 3020 .1. VV. Uamby . 28 2."? 3030 I). T. Cain . 5 ni) Door Farm. 3031 VV. R. Cobb .:> ."> 1 li) 3 0 3 2a C. VV. A!- .1. IO. Ra II lt night. lol 36 3032b C. VV. ?K- .1. IO. Bauk nighl . 32 or? Court lOvpcnses, .July Tenn, 11)11. 30.(3 VV. J. Schroder, Tro'8.$ 1095 00 Aid to Soldiers. 3034 T. 10. Gambreli . $ s nu 303.'? VV. C. & IO. X. Poster. . S 00 3036 lOntorprise Hank . 7 50 3037 VV. S. Hunter & Co. . . ll un 3038a W. & .1. IO. Rank night . 42 00 30381) George R. Pike .... Il (ii) Physicians. 3030 Dr. .1. .1. 'rhode. $ S 00 3010 Dr. J. VV. Roll. 20 25 1 fPPLY YOUR WANTS FOR ?GIVING DINNER LEMONS. COCOA NUTS. PEANUT HUTTEIL COCOA. BUCKWHEAT. PUKE MAPLE SYRUP GELATINE. CHOCOLATE, o.,Wa!halla,S,C, {. ?j. .?*.{**!* .!* ?I* *l* "I* ?J? ?I* ?I* -I* *l- ?I- *{* -l* ?J? ?I? -l* ?I- 4* .I * .I? * * * * FOR THE DAYS A RUBBER RAINCOAT. 4 fr .I? .J* fr fr fr fr 4? fr fr fr ^ fr fr fr fr ^ fr fr 4? That ain't cold enough for your Overcoat, we have an exceptionally good bargain in ^ fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr * fr fr * fr fr fr fr fr ? fr fr fr fr fr fr fr 4? Quv (inc o? s<i ripies foi' 1 v 'cd Clothe still un3.urjp?fi$ed< >/* 500 beautiful samples to make your selection from. MOSS & ANSEL Cement Front. Walhalla, S. C. .j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j* ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? t|t ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j. ?|? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? BURRI SS fl ETAL ROOFING We want to sell you Metal Shingles that never leak. With paint occasionally they will last a life time. Insurance less ; no danger about fire. Our Catalogue will give you some fine testimonials from some of our customers. If you will write us same will be sent promptly. We make tin shingles, galvanized ; also barn roofing, galvanized, 2 to 8 feet long, with the Burris?? lock. j* Our goods do not require close sheeting-about same as wood shingles, ?.*> This is a home enterprise, and we want your patronage. ??* ?* <?> ?* ?*> ?* & ?/* ?/* END VIEW OF UOCK Jno.T. Bu rr ?ss & Son Manufacturers, ANDERSON, S. C. J. C. Garrison, Agent, WALHALLA, S. C. ID t I !0 I 2 ?0 I :: in I ! [0 Hi KM (! !(M7 tO 18 tO I!) tO 50 JO? I '.(>."? li 3 0."? :', i o :> -I ;?O."I."I S056 Si11 ornery. Wnlkor, lOvnns a Cogs well Co.$ Wnlkor, Evans ft Cogs vvoll Co. li. \J. Hrynn Co. Dr. .1. W. Hell . Educational I ton ni. M, IO. Brock mau.$ Mugisl rates, ,l. IO. Hopkins.$ < 'ons! libios. .1. I-f, HaulbrookH . . . . $ A. T. Heid . Geo. !.. ii II; I G Jones . . Salaries. IO. C. Buller . . . Jamos Seaborn . J. II. Hm i I li . . . R. VV. Orubbs , x. Phillips W. lt. Hunt W. M. Kay ... S 7:? 8 ! 7 I li 85 3 I f>0 34 s:t no on so in Ol) 50 50 fl li no ci; .?:\ 04 23 23 33 3058 3050 :?<M; 3003 300*1 t057n .lohn I-'. Craig . I?r? on :o.'i7i) W. J. Schroder . :; I !?i ( 'ont logout, J. (!. I.a II a I nj; .:> !? 00 James Seaborn . f> US 5000 w. J. Schroder. 17 02 tO?l lt. W. Grubbs . :; sr, C. W. ft J. IO, fiauk night. 72 30 I). A. Smith . 2 sr, W. M. Kay . IS 00 SPECIAL NOTICE. County runda In hands of tho Trea surer aro exhausted, and no claims oilier than commutation road tn*, which has not been taken up, can bo paid now. Don't write for chocks. No work must be done until fur ther notice, except by special instruc tions. N. Phillips, County Supervisor, James Seaborn, (Merk of Board.