MODERN RORGIA IN ORLEANS ? Rolle? Suspect Woman of Several (V?mes-Held for Sister's Death. New Orleans, Sept. 27.-A young woman of French-American extrac tions, under arrest for the murder of a younger sister, whose life was In sured In her favor, to-night admitted to the district attorney that she had administered morphine to the girl, but had done so by mistake. If the law succeeds In enmeshing her in the network of circumstantial evidence it is attempting to cnBt about her, this woman, Annie Crawford, aged 29, may have to answer not only for the death of her sister, Elise, a pretty stenographer, but also for the poisoning of three other members of her family who have doid mysteri ously within the past 15 months, all carrying life insurance in her favor. Tho woman, who is alleged to be a drug fiend, was arrested late to-day following a report from a chemist, who analyzed the sister's stomach after her death last Saturday, to the effect that he had found traces of morphine. She declared to-night af ter hours of questioning that she had Intended to give her sister calomel and soda. She said she took mor phine from the Presbyterian hospital, where she was formerly In charge of the drug department. After discov ering her mistake she was afraid to call In the doctor and decided lo say nothing about lt. She admitted that she und hoi sister were not on good terms, asserting that Elise had not treated her right. Miss Crawford also admitted to-night that she had been addicted to tho use of morphine for five years with the exception of a brief period and that she had not had any since last Saturday morning. She said she was accustomed to getting the morphine at the hospital. The bodies of the woman's father, mother and another sister will be ex humed to ascertain whether they re ally died from the effects of poison ing. Elise Crawford died suddenly last Saturday, and under circumstances so suspicious that the coroner liad the contonts of the stomach analyzed by an expert chemist. The Unding of traces of morphine was followed by the arrest of the sister. The au thorities Indicated that the bodies of three other members of the family would be exhumed for a similar ex amination. District A i ?erin \Phill. Slr, AI'?II?H, o isl riet attorney j dc-1 dined to state to-night whether be j contemplated charging Anni.- orn-vv'-'j i ivlth cc murder of nil four members of the family, but he dic tated the following statement to the Associated Press: "lt was established to-day that An ile Crawford is a drug fiend, and probably is addicted to morphine, it s also established that Annie Craw ord had access during the past three .veeks to morphine and was in a posi lion to obtain lt in practically any liantlty during that period. During he indisposition of Elise Crawford ie bitterly complained that her food nd drink were doped. I have charg 1 Annie Crawford with the murder ' her sister Elise." Maintains Innocence. For five hours to-day thc Crawford jinan w:f : .. prc tel ie ?i hospital. She l lost her position there m ne than a j jv.... agu, alleged, _.i..^ _ disappearance of a quantity of drugs. Recently she had made several visits to the hospital. Annie Crawford is pale and frail and of small stature. She looks more like a prim and self-conscious school teacher than a person with criminal Inclinations. A wealth of dark sandy hair, arranged in an elderly fashion, causes Inn1 to look older than her 10 years. Her pale blue eyes are mag n i fled by eye glasses of large thick lenses, lier nose ls rather small and short, and her mouth Is large with full lips. Miss Crawford's Defense. New Orleans, Sept. 28.-Insanity from the excessive use of drugs will be the defense, It is reported, of Miss Annie Crawford, (dunged with poisoning IHM- mother, father and two sisters, in order to acquire their insu rance. DON'T SUFFER WITH Cuts, Bruises Strains nnd Sprains, but apply Noah's Liniment. It is anti septic and will take the poison and soreness out quickly, when all else fails. Noah's Liniment will save any amount of pain and cnn be taken internally for Colic, Cramps, etc. Nothing better for Toothache. Nonh'? Liniment ts tko host remedy for K helium! Ism, Sciatica, Linne Duck, St ilt Joints rind Musclos, Horo Thront, Colds, Strains, Hpinlos, Cuts, Bruises, Colic, Cramps, NouralglAj Toothncho, mid ntl Nerve, llano and Muscio Adios nnd Pains, Tim genuino has Noah's Ark on ?very nrokago nnd looks Uko Ink cut, hm hus RED band on trout ot pack ago Bud " Noah's Lini ment" Always in UKI) ink. licwiro of Imita tions, I.nrpo bottle, 25 centw, and sold hy nil deniers In mod I ein o. Ounriniteed or monoy rotuli dod hy Noun H o ni cd y C o., Inc., Ktchmoiid, Vn. For Sub* by .1. W. IIF.LL, WALHALLA; W. .1. Ll XXFV, SF.XF.CA. MA UK TWAIN AN EASY MAKK. How Hie Humorist's Monoy Came and Went-and (/arno Again. Mark Twain's Impecunlosity when he was a reporter In Virginia City, Nevada, and . when he was private secretary to Senator "Jim" Nye, of that State, in Washington, in the lat ter sixties, served to provide an in teresting background for the pros perity which came to him as soon as "Innocents Abroad" was published. He came to Hartford, says the Hart ford Times, to have his books put on tho market, and he was as poor when he first arrived here as he was rich very soon thereafter. His marriage to Miss Langdon, of Elmira, allied him with a well-to-do family, and he was in very comfortable circum stances ever afterward, in spite of the impression to tho contrary which was allowed to prevail for a time after \ho failure of his book publishing en terprise-for business rensons. The eminent humorist built his home In Hartford in the early seven ties, and he has told In hl8 reminis cences how he started out with the idea of spending $25,000, and ended by putting six or seven times asi much into the Farmington avenue, establishment, now owned by Mr. | nissell, of the Hartford Fire Insur-i ance Company. Nothing very beg garly about that. It may be well to j add a few facts about his subsequent \ financial experiences, since there is ' SO much carelessness 111 dealing with j tho subject in some of the newspaper j offices. Hundreds of thousands of dollars j came to Mark Twain in the yeai's he j spent in Hartford-say from 1 872 : until 1890. His friend, the late. Henry C. Robinson, was fond of tell-j ing of o game of billiards he played ; in Mark Twain's house with the owner of it. During the game a vis itor was announced^ The servant was told to show him Into the bil liard room. Mr. Clemens talked with him without delaying a shot on the billiard table. Tho errand of the visitor, who was a publisher's agent, was to offer him $80,000 for a series of short stories which could be | brought out In a single volume, after being published serially. The amount of material asked for was compara tively small. Clemens rejected tho offer quickly-almost abruptly. Mr. Robinson ventured, when the visitor tn express his surprise that the humorist could "turn down"! want seemed ?Ike a prddtgloua sum j for ? small amoput of "copy.'.' liol { To ?In dismissed the incident, nonchalantly. He had the narrowest kind of es cape from becoming a multimillion aire. He missed his chance to win a great fortune when he "put his money on tho wrong horse" by back ing the Paige typesetting machine against tho linotype machine. He was besought by the men who Invest ed altogther $300,000 in developing the linotype idea between 1875 and 1S90 to come Into that enterprise. But ho thought his judgment was better than theirs, and he sank $225, 000 In the Paige apparatus for set ting up movable types. The machine was not a success. With the same money he could have had a controll ing Interest. In the linotype company, and the Investment would have left as large an estate when he died as j that of his friend, Henry,H. Rogers. The Paige Illusion was only one of the "good things" in Hartford that caught him for round sums. Proba bly he sank half a million in that way altogether. Then came the Grant book-a brilliant idea-and the pub lishing firm of Webster & Co., whose Ann] failure, together with his other heavy losses, took all he had and In volved him temporarily tn debt. But the books which he wrote and pub lished between 1890 and 1900 and the lectures he delivered brought him another fortune, out of which tho ob ligations of Webster & Co. were eas ily taken care of. That, in spite or the loss of for tune after fortune in business ven tures, be actually left accumulations Of over $000.000. all gained from his books, and the copyrights which will long bring a handsome annual income to his daughter, shows what a literary genius he was. If ho bad been a cunning Investor he would have been the richest writer the world has ever produced. Take Vom* Common Colds Seriously. Common colds, severe and fre quent, lay the foundation of chronic diseased conditions of the nose and throat, and may develop Into bron chitis, pneumonia and consumption. For all coughs and colds in child rmi and In grown persons, take Foley's Honey and Tar Compound promptly. J. w. Bell. The office of thc Canadian Ex press Company at Hamilton, Ont., was robbed of $10,000 last Friday NOW ts THE TIMI TO SEMDT YOUR MATER We offer Cole'B Original not Blast Beating Stoves with confidence; they ar? th? beal mode. You bare perfect control over the fire at all tlrnea, thua the coal doe? not wanto away and you don't bare to klndl* a Are In the morning a? with other atovca. This truly Rrcat II i grow lag in popular favor year after y.-u. Wi expocr to double our aalea on them tl eat . ame now and make your Bclcrtlo! We ?viii nave your Ueater ready for you whi rou wi nh lt put ap. \j> (B13), "ADVISER" PADGETT INDICTED, j Georgia Gruna Jury Pays Slight At tention to His Claims. Atlanta, Sept. 28.-Tho Fulton couti tv grrnd Jury paid little atten tion to thc "spiritual advisement" of Rev. B. L. Padgett, "holiness" preacher, yesterday, but Indicted him on two counts. Slxtcen-year-old Carrie Stockton, of King's Mountain, N. C., was the principal witness in the case against Pndgett, and it was chiefly on her story that the Indictments were re .turned. The preacher and the girl were arrested together at the Palace Hotel, In this city, several months ago. At the hotel they were regis tered as uncle and niece. N. F. McMillan, attorney for the girl's father, whose homo is in King's Mountain, was bitter in speaking of Padgett, saying that he had not only run away with the Stockton girl, but had also disrupted lils Hock In King's Mountain by affairs with other women. According to tho story told by thc girl, Padgett forced her to leave home, threatening her with death if she revealed anything, and made a tour of South Carolina, finally com ing to Atlanta, where they were Anal ly arrested after residing at three hotels in six days. Padgett ls well known throughout the Piedmont section of South Caro lina. CASTOR! A For Infants and Children. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Navy Kills 70,000 Chickens. Norfolk, Va., Sept. 21.-According to the reports from Cape Charles and other sections of the Eastern Shore, about half the chickens on that side of the bay were killed dur ing the recent bombardment of the battleship San Marcos by the battle ship Delaware and other warships. Seventy thousand chickens ls the total number of those estimated to have been killed as a result bf shock following tho dlschargeg of the big 12-lnch tuns on the warships. T> nrn*'"o Freeman 8tntr mr : CnlleeU-i. Ju.-?, back 'rom the Kast or II Shotf!. reports thal he saw grow ii rooster.--, u.-I ru i ting around M I thou t tli ' and l?nfhcd thai, ronny o? . i. nut biu'vivted were rob bed nf their coverings by the con eftsMon Foley's iney Pills Vi ?*? they Will Do for You A itey will cure your backache? strengthen your kidneys? cor rect urinary irregularities, build up the worn out tissues, and eliminate the excess uric acid that causea rheumatism. Pre? vent Bright's Disease and Dia. tates, and restore health and strength. Refuse substitutes, J. W. BEIiL, WAIJHAIA/A. FOI Sale. 150 acres of land, sit uated one mile south of Walhalla, on little Cone ross Creek. Five-room house, barn and other buildings; about 80 acres woodland ; remainder in cultivation and pasture. Can be divided into three or more tracts? PRISE REASONABLE. Terms very easy. L H. Han isi Walhalla, ?9 C, The Kind You Havo Always B in use for over 30 years, ? * and ht sonal ? Allow All Counterfeits, Imitations i Experiments that trifle' with Infants and Children-Expel What is C. ...?..? . - .sf Castoria is a harmless subs ?oric, I>rops and Soothing I contains neither Opium? Mc substance. Its age ls its gue and allays Feverishness. It Celle. It relievos Teething T and Flatulency. It assimila Stomach and Bowels, giving The Children's Panacea-Th? GENUINE The KM You Hai In Use For (V THC cr.NTRun COMPANY, TT MU SIXTY MAGOXIKTK RXECUTED. Twenty Caught, I III plicated Forty Others hi Confession. Los Angeles, Cal., Sept. 27.-A story reaches here of a young Mexi can anny officer uncovering a Ma gonists' revolutionary plot and the execution of sixty Mexican revolu tionists of Guana Juata. The officer shaved off his head and in front of a priest obtained the con fessions of twenty Magonists, who, when told they were about to be shot, confessed a widespread revolutionary plot. They ip)plicated forty other Mexicans of the vicinity. They then had the Magonists arrested. . With these who co nf of sod t her? for ty werf! executed by i<\?doraJ soldiers last week before a large crowd in Guana Juata. - ++?m Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASX O R I A Farewell to thc Old Holler To well. (New York Globe.) The roller towel of the past has bar kened io the call; No more it leans its grimy length against the dusty wall. Though still it lu found here and there In isolated spots, Cultivating festive microbes in heap ing carload lots. Tho law has sounded "taps" for it and it has seen its day, Some one will bring a pair of tongs and carry it away. How well do I remember the old roller towel of yore, Out in t'he farmhouse kitchen, just inside thc outside door! A basin stood beneath lt and the. kitchen pump close by, And when the dinner horn would blow the hired man would fly. He'd splash some water on his face and In his place He'd climb, And the old towel on the door would have some added grime. On lonesome days and homesick days and days when wo were sad Where shall we turn for things ol' old to make our bosoms glad? Where shall we then discover by searching far and near The dear old things we loved of yore, which now are gone from here? Where shall we lind a roller towed to absorb our tears After It's wiped some gritty necks, . 4 soiled hands and glimy ears? No Man ts Strong Than Hts Sfo A strong man is strong nil over. No strong who is suffering from wenk stun consequent indigestion, or from some c of thc stomach and its associated organ pairs digestion and nutrition. Por When is weak or diseased there is n loss of i contained in food, which is tho source, o strength. When n man "doesn't feel when lie doesn't sleep weil, lias an tn feeling in thc stomach after eating, is la emt, he is losing thc nutrition needed to Such a man should uso Di Discovery. Mt cures diseases oriana ot dl?estlon and nutr invigorates the liver, stren?t the nerves, and so GIVES HE THE WHOLE ttOiJir. You can't afford to accept n secret alcoholic medicine OP KNOWN coMrosrri may (hereby muke a little bigger profit. Sought, and which has been. ias horno tho signature of is bcou made under his per iiipervision nineo its infancy* no ono to deceive you in this? md "Just-as-good" aro hut and endanger tho health of 'lenee agalnut Experiment ASTORIA iltuto tor Castor Oil? Wave, Syrups. It is JHeaeant. It trphiuo nor other Karcotlo tranteo. It destroys Worms cures Diarrhoea and Wind Troubles, cures Constip?t lon tes tlie Food, regulates tho ; healthy and natural sleep* o Mother's Friend? ALWAYS re Always Bought /er SO Years n n A v omi ET, NEW von? O ITV. ROOK HILL MAN Kl IM,S SELF. Ill Willi Fever, Superintendent Semis Bullet Through Temple. West Point, Ala., Sept. 28.-Wil liam White, superintendent of the Galllvan Construction Company, of Oreonvlllo, S. C., who had charge of building the dam across the Chatta hoochee river at Langdale, Ala., for the We&t Point Manufacturing Co., Bhot himself yesterday through tho temple, dying immediately. He had been sick with fever for two weeks, and lt ls supposed he had become despondent, over' his con* dillon wi., i his nirrae left him ho secured :< (listel he had hidden and luci! the fatul R?i?t. Tuc deceased hue. been ii charge of soveral largo engineering works, was well thought of In the commu nity and highly esteemed by the com pany. His remains were taken to his home in Hork Hill, S. C., for Inter ment. in spring and summer, it's the natural time to store up health And vitality for the year. Scott's Emulsion is Nature's best and quick? est help._All DratgUte Very Serious j Bj It is a very serious matter to ask I 1 for one medicine and have the fl I wrong one given you. For this R I reason we urge you in buying to I ? be careful to get the genuino- ' BL?CK-?MGHT Liver Medicine B The reputation of this old, .elia? fl I ble medicine, lor constipation, in- I 'j digestion and liver trouble, is firm- Ii ? ly established. It docs not imitate ? I other medicines. It is better than Sj I others, or it would not be the fa- ?I H verile liver powder, with a larger I I sale than all others combined. j SOLD m TOWN F2 I er mach innn cnn he inch with its idicr disease s, which im* tho stomach the nutrition ? all physical just right," ncomfortable inguid, nervous, irritable and despond make strength. r. Pierce's Go/den Medical i of tho stomach and other Itlon. ft enriches the blood, thens the kidneys, nourishes 7?LTII 71ND STRENGTH TO nostrum as a substituto ior this non ON, not even though thc urgent dealer Ingredients printed on wrapper,