Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, September 13, 1911, Image 4

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KEOWEE COURIER ( ESTABLISHED 1840.) Published Every Wednesday Morning Subscription Si Der Annum. Advertising Huies Hensonablo. -By STECK, SHE I/O B & SCHRODER. Communications of a personal char acter charged for as advertise meats. Obltua**v notices and tributes of re spect, of not over ono hundred words, will be printed freo of charge. All over that number must bo paid for at tho rato of ono cent a word. Cash to accompany manuscript. WALHALLA, S. C.: WEDNESDAY, SEPT. Ct. IOU. CHIEF JUSTTOK RESIGNS. Chief Justice ira M. Jones, of tin; Siair Supremo Court, bas tendered his r?signation of the high ellice with which he V been honored, and which he in no less degree has hon ored. His resignation is to take ef fect on January nth. lilia. There is no small significance at tached to the resignation of the Chief Justice. While ho has as yet made no statement to such effect, it is taken as an indication that Mr. Jones will enter the Held as a candi date for Governor of South Carolina in the election ol" 19 12. On any othoi ground his resignation from the head of the Supreme Court of the State will provo a loss indeed. He is a stroag and fearless man, one not unacquainted with politics, yet ono of whom lt may be said that he stands without political taint of any nature whatever. Ile is a man whom the people of the State havo delight ed to honor, and one who has dis charged every trust reposed in him with signal ability ami tho very high est Integrity. Chief Justice Jones is a man about whom the whole State could gather and proclaim him a man worthy tho hearty support of any people, rest ing upon tho certainty that there would be no trust betrayed, no duty unperformed-a man whom politics could not sway nor swervo from the narrow path of duty and honor. Until we have heard that the Chief Justice's resignation is made with the intention of other service for the State, of South Carolina, we can but look upon it as a most regrettable occurrence. Such men as be we can ill afford to lose from the public ser vico of tho State. VERY BOSSIRL Y THEY WOULD. "Any jul s ol' 'up-to-date' young men or residents of a live eily-even of Richmond-would have freed inc."-Henry Clay Heat tie. Then wo say, thank God for the middle aged and older "old logics" who have the manhood and honor to convict, regardless of position, wealth or standing, when the evi dence warrants a conviction. We need just such "old fogy" juries as that which convicted Henry Clay Hen I lie to render valued assistance in clearing the moral atmosphere and checking the criminal tidal wave 'hal seems to be sweeping tills couu ir> Phal verdict is going to have a wonderful effect, not >>n 1 \ in Vir ginla, lint in CN cry sect ?on .>; t h<. CDU tl t I V. Continuing his remarks lo report ers who wert; anxious lo find out just how Health! fell iii regard to the verdict of the .jury in hi., case, he said: "I'll tell you, hoys, a fellow's up against it when he Is lo ho fried hy a hunch ol' countrymen from the back-woods like those thal tried me. I never had a chance from lim begin ning. They get married young, bring up hlg families, work around their farms, What do limy know anout a city or a city's lifo'.' What do they know about how easy ii is for a young fellow nowadays lo net mixed np with a girl like Heulah Bidford, In a city? S'ou newspaper men from the North all know this. lt ls almost impossible for a chap wit h a lit ; le iiit of moiu\\ and a mo tor ear to *\oid getting mls?d np with those women, He can't help I ii. t n t ; hal ric hi ? That "s what Hu y gol me oii, I his Beulah stuff. These farmers bael: hero don't un derstand, .'nat', all I want lo say again thal I'm innocent and thal any Jurj Ol up-to-date young men or res idents a. a live eily, even of Rich mond, would have freed tue." Meanie should havo qualified lils statement hi regard lo the young men ot i he ?itv, w ho m* not hy any means all "up lo dato" young men of i he Henry Heall le typo. There ls little doubt hui thal the verdict would have been the reverse ol'what it was had tho case been submitted to a jury of such ":.p lo date" young men as Beattie himself, bul wo be lieve thal there are "good men and true" in the cities, pion ty of them, Just as there aro In tho country, who would have done their duty fearless ly, giving the name result as tho twelvo men "who know nothing of a city or a city's lifo." Tho trouble with Beattle's reasoning is that ho is ono of that class who, stooped in ?in and degradation, morally rotten to tho core, never tako timo to In quito as to whether or not they ure different front others. They aro too busy wading in slush and miro to lind out what goes on, what ls thought, done and said lu other cir cles than in tho slums. Beattie unwittingly pays a high tribute to tho "countrymen who do not understand." as lu? terms them, and at the same time he shows n groat lack of knowledge of that city life with which he evidently thinks ho has been part and parcel. Tho city's Ufo In reality depends little upon tho Henry Beatties of tho corn ie : tily. The passing of each indi vidual of his kind and set is but as tho amputation of a diseased and worthless member of tho human body. It ls >\ pity that they appear at all. hui it Is well when they are "amputated." ? WILL STAND KOK NOMI Ntl ION. Since tho article with reference to the resignation of Chief Justice Ira B. .iones was written tho following bidet' authority for the statement I '.wit Mr. .Iones will enter the race for Governor of South Carolina next year has boon given out: "To the Lancaster News: Von are authorized to state that if Providence permits 1 will cer tainly IK* a candidate iu the pri mary next August for nomina tion as (Jovornor. "Tra B. Jones." This announcement will receive, we are sure, the hearty approval of the citizens of the State. The course of Chief .Justice Jones commends it self as typical of the native honor and honesty of the man. Newspaper reports say thal Wil liam T. Koree "gave away" his daughter in marriage to Col. John Jacob Astor. But considering the fact that Jake had to ante up five million plunks before marriage, the transaction looks moro like a bar gain and salo than a gift. From the Land of Bounty. Bounty Land, Sept. ll.--Special: Mrs. J. M. Cillison spent a few days last week with her daughter, Mrs. C. S. St'dbllng, of Seneca. Mr. Snirley, of Honea Bath, was a recent visitor at B. E. Bagwell's. Dr. J. R. Heller, of Fair Blay, made a brief visit at J. L. Smith's yesterday. Our Bounty Land school, which has been for the short term of two months under the efficient, tutelage of Prof. J. lt. Lyles, closed Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Byles left Friday after noon for Stoneboro, where Mr. Byles will open school to-day, this being his' third term as principal of the graded school at that place. He and his estimable wife leavo many friends hero who sincerely regret their de parture. Oscar Doyle am' Misses Cary and Susan Doyle and Lura Perrin, ant] probably others, will enter tho Seneca High School to-day. Miss Bertrand Perrllt is spending a connie ol' weeks in Charleston with her staler, Mrs. A. S. Rollins, before entering upon her duties as teacher In tho Denmark school, thc opening ol' said school having been postponed until the 1 sih. Miss Sallie Davis attended tho Bal longer-Rlchardson wedding last Thursday evening at Seneca. A. \Y. Perrit! will leave Friday for Clemson, when- he will matriculate as a beneficiary from Ibis county. His friends wish for Lim a successful term. Mttle Miss Mildred Heller, who has been with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. t.. Smith, returned lober home in Fair Play yesterday. Prof. ?md Mrs. .1. lt. Byles, Oscar and Cary Doyle weill lo Clemson las' Wednesday afternoon, returning by moon light. J. H. Sh.inklin. Jr.. of Seneca, spenl II few days last week with his aunt. Miss Julia I lavis. Miss Maud Penney's visit lo rela tives hero was abruptly terminated on account of Ibo severo Illness of her rather, K. M. Penney, sim re turned ID Parole! Tuesday. Keen! reports of Mr. Penney's condition are encouraging, however, and we hope Cor his complete recovery. Mrs. Lowell Smith's friends are -lad lo learn ilia! she is convalescing from an attack of rover. HAD Cl,OS F CALL IN MAIM;. Stale Still "Dry"; "Wets" Defeated by 10.1 Votes. Portland, Maine. Sept. | -j. With all cities, towns ami plantations re ported, md all bm im; verified by clerks' returns, a majority Ol 111.") voles is show II against the rep. ,tl of . OHS! i : II i iona I prob i b? t ?on. As had been predicted, the cities were the chief strongholds of Ibo re peal faction, bm the majority of 12. 000 in Ibo total city vote was barely suIflelonI, according tu tho latest available returns, lo ol'fsol the roto of the rural communities, Although the votc> did not equal (Ital ol' a yeai- ago, when the Demo crats swept the Slate, which for years had piled up big Republican majori! les, tho oletcion was without question ono of the most interesting contests the Stale bas ever known. Tilt: COL* XT Y IA UM BBS' UNION, Regular Meeting Will Ik- Held on September at Fairview. The Oconco County Farmers' Bn lon will meet In regular session at Fairview, with Fairview Bocal, No. S.">, on Saturday, September '?'Ad, at 10 a. m. This mooting has been call ed to take tho place of tho regular meeting in October, as there ls busi ness of importaneo that ought to be attendri! to boforo that time. * full delegation from each local ls request ed, and also as many of the members as can possibly attend aro requested to do so. A. H. Billson, Prosident. J. W. Alexander, Secretary. CHESTNUT GIVEN 15 YEAHS. Slayer of \V. H. Sabin Convicted of Manslaughter. Oraugebiirg, Sept. 9.-Fifteen years tn the Stato penitentiary or a liko period on the public works of Orangeburg county was the sentence imposed to-day upon Kobort Chest nut, following his conviction of man slaughter for the killing, on April 26 last, of William li. Sabin, a young lumber dealer of ibis city. Tho pris oner, whose slaying of a follow be ing twelve of his poors have pro nounced unjustitlable. listened with downcast eyes as Judge J. "W. De Vore uttered the words which legally deprived him of his liberty. Might Have Ileon Murder. After giving careful attention to the remarks of counsel for the pris oner, Judge DoVore stated, address ing the defendant, that sinco tho ver dict was rendered he had boen greatly concerned over the amount of pun ishment that should be meted out in his* ease. Ho told the prisoner that an Intelligent jury, after considering the law and the evidence for about ten hours, had failed to recommend him to tho mercy of the court, as they were told in thc charge they might do. The court further declar ed that In Its opinion tho verdict was a just one; in fact, Judgo DeVore stated that he felt satisfied that a verdict of murder, under tho testi mony, would have stood the test of the courts. Without attempting to lecture the prisoner or make his bur den any heavier. Judge DoVore re viewed aomo of the testimony, par ticularly that of the defendant, which the court declared, in its opinion, was sufficient to convict of either murder or manslaughter, with the elimina tion of tho evidence given by every other witness In tho case. Tho jury retired at 4 o'clock yes terday afternoon, and it was not un til 12.30 o'clock this morning that an agreement was reached. Chestnut's defense was that the man he slew had Invaded his home, wronged his wife and destroyed his peace and happiness for all time. These things were charged by the defendant against his victim, who, his Hps forever silent, can make no an swer in his defense, except his last message, given through his brothel, as ho felt the death damp gathering on his brow, that he was innocent; that he knew nothing of tho woman he was accused of wronging, and that he was ignorant of the whole af fair. Has Millions of Friends. How would you like to nun*] your friends by millions, as fi len's Arnica Salve does. It's as il lng cures In the past forty made them. lt's the best st tho world for sores, ulcers, e io burns, boils, scalds, cuts, corr eyes, sprains, swellings, bruise - sores. Has no equal for piles ? at all druggists. TARRED AND FEATHERED I Arrest? and Convictions Folio, rage of Ten Days Ago. Shady Bend, Kans., Sept. il- 1 men and boys have been arres placed under bond hero for connection with the tarrin feathering of a young school t a hoi Miss Mary Chamberlain, ten ijaj ago. A strong effort had beet i tail to keep the matter (inlet, but Count} Attorney McCandless refused i n low tho affair to go uninvest The trials of several of the su 'C have been set for next month, i arrests are expected. Miss Chamberlain belongs i n prominent family. The only u given for the affair ls Hint she had j talked about ' other women of the community. lt is charged that one of ibo men under arrest took Miss Chamberlain for a ride in a buggy, and that upon reaching a lonely spot in the road be stopped tho buggy and ran into the woods. Several men who had gone lo the place ou motorcycles, it is said, look Miss Chaiubcrltiln from the buggy, removed part of her cloth ing, applied ibo tar and feathers and lefl her. Her escort returned later lind drove Miss Chamberlain back to ber hoarding house. Miss Chnmtter ! lain was not seriously injured. \ Two of the boys, already found guilty in the court of Ibo justice! of tho peace and sentenced t() IhVee months in jail, have appealed to the dist t court and are ont on bond. IM. .vard Itieord, who took tho girl lo the spot where the attack W08 made, ls serving a sentence ol' ti year in jail for his part in i he affair. MASTER'S S A LE, STATE OF SOUTH CA If( M.I NA, COUNTY OF OCONM10. In Court of Common Pleas. Pursuant to a decree of thc afore said Coull, in tile case named below, I will offer for stile, lo tho highest bidder, in front ol' tho Court JlottsO door, ill Walhalla, S. C., on Monday, the 2d day of October. I :?l I. between the legal hours of sale, Hie trac', of land below described: M. C. Klser Co., Plaintiffs, aga inst Lit! ?eton Bros., I lefcndnnta. That i rael of rand, containing I I <? acre-, more or less, situate In the County of Ocoiieo. Slate ol' South Carolina, adjoining lands of Madden and Colley estates, and adjoining lands ol' W. II. Husk, all lying on the east side of ('reek; said lin acres of land being the same convoyed lo NV. L. and s. M. Little ton by Angeline Littleton, and more accurately (lose ri bed by deed now on record at tho Court House at Wal halla. Terms of Sale: Cash. Thal in event ol' failure of the pt chaser or purchasers to comply with he terms of sah within live days from day of sale, the Master do re-advertise and resell said premises on the following salesday, or some convenient sales day tberafter, nt the same place and on tho same terms hertofore sdt out, at the risk of tho former purchaser or purchasers, and that he do con tinue so to do until ho has found a purchaser or purchasers who comply with tho terms of sale. Purchaser to pav extra for papers. W. ?. WHITE. Master for Oconoo County, S. C. September 13, JOH. 37-39 Statement of the Condition of THE WESTMINSTER BANK, located at Westminster, S. C., at the close of business September 1, 10 1 ii Resources. Loans and discounts ...$294787 57 Overdrafts. 2649 02 Bonds and stock owned by the bank. 17200 00 Furniture and fixtures., i 00 Banking house. 5000 00 Duo from banks and bankers . 20 2<>7 16 Currency. 2359 00 (Jobi . 4 90 00 Silver and other minor coln. 557 0 2 Checks and cash items. . 3 20 81 Total.$349632 7 8 Liabilities. Capital stock paid in...$100000 00 Surplus fund. 5000 00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid. 1395 2 09 Due to banks and bank res. 1885 70 Dividends unpaid . 52 00 Individual deposits sub ject to check. 5 1747 2 2 Timo certificates of de posit . SS955 14 Cashier's checks . 4 0 03 Hills payable. Including certificates for money borrowed. 85000 00 Total.$349032 78 State of South Carolina, County of Oconee.-Before mo came T. Peden Anderson, Cashier of the above named bank, who, being duly sworn, says that tho abovo and foregoing statement ls a true condition of said bank, as shown by the books of said bank. T. PEDEN ANDERSON. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 8th day of September. 1911. (L. S.) J. G. Breazeate, Notary Public, S. C. Corroct-Attest : W. P. ANDERSON, M. S. STRIBLING, T. PEDEN ANDERSON, Dlroctors. Statement of the Condition of THE SENECA BANK, located at Seneca, S. C., at the close of business September 1, 1911: Resources. Loans and discounts . . .$143619 46 Overdrafts. 2550 00 Furniture and fixtures.. 1400 00 Banking houso. 2600 00 Other real estate owned. 4000 00 Due from banks and bankers. 6732 23 . t rency. 5087 00 lold . 1202 50 Silver and other minor roin. 1053 07 : ii--ck? and cash lte.'ns. . 130 00 Total.$ 1 68374 2 6 Liabilities. ; idtal stock paid In .... $ 20400 00 Surplus fund . 10200 00 i. livided profits, less urrent expenses and axes paid. 7597 27 ) to banks and hank rs. 14 21 i vidual deposits sub ed to cheek . 68125 72 io certificates of de posit . 31729 94 shier's checks. 307 12 Bills payable, Including certificates for money ' orrowed. 30000 00 Total.$168374 26 .ate of South Carolina, County of nqe.-Before me came F. S. HOT.# LFMAN, Cashier of the above ued bank, who, being duly sworn, says that tho above and foregoing statement ls a true condition of said bank, as .shown by tho books of said bank. F. S. HOI.I.F.MAN. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 8th day of September, 1 '.) I I. ( L, S. ) \\ . ll. BARRON, Notary Public, S. C. Corree' Attest: J. J. BA LLENG KU, E. C. HO VLF, J. S. STRIBLING, Directors. Statement of the Condition of THE CITIZENS' RANK, located at Seneca, S. C., at tho close ol' business Sept em ber 1, 1911: Resources. Loans and discounts . . .$196739 68 Overdrafts. 7 7 7 ;! Bonds and stocks owned by tho bank. 50 00 Furniture and fixtures.. 2000 00 Banking bouse . 1? 886 2 1 Duo from banks and bankers . 45058 08 Currency. 2P00 00 Cold. 7tm 00 Silver and other minor coin. 3082 1 x Total.$262094 21 Liabilities. Capital stock paid in . . . $ 50000 00 Surplus fund . 5200 00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid . li07S 1 li 1 Due to banks and hank ers . ('."> 00 I nd! vidual deposits sub ject to clin k . 1 14145 9 I Time, certificates of de posit . 26866 93 Cashier s chocks. :: 1 7 u Notes and hills rodis counlcd . 20000 00 Bills payable, including certificates for money borrowed. 25000 on Total.$26209 1 2 1 Stato of South Carolina, County of Oconee.-Before mo came L. A. Ed wards, President of tho abovo named Bank, who, being duly sworn, says that tho above and foregoing state ment is a tine condition of said Bank, as shown by tbe books of said Bank. L. A. EDWARDS. Sworn to and subscribed bofore me this 8tir day of September, 19 11. (L. S.) W. TL BARRON, Notary Public. Correct-Attest: W. F. AUSTIN, W. J. LUNNEY, J. C. EDWARDS, Directors. I Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ! Cu MM Cold?, Croup ?ad Whooping Cough. IT DOES NOT PAY TO BUY POOR TOOLS. THEY >IOT ONLY "GO WRONG," BUT AGGRAVATE THE MAN WHO USES THEM. YOU WILL LOSE YOUR TEMPER IF YOU USE POOR TOOLS; BUT YOU WON'T LOSE YOUR TEMPER IF YOU USE OUR TOOLS. BECAUSE THEY ARE PROPERLY TEM PERED. WE HAVE THE "EEGE" ON THE HARDWARE BUSI NESS IN THIS TOWN. BECAUSE WE SELL THE BEST AND OO NOT OVERCHARGE THOSE WHO GIVE US THEIR CONFIDENCE. MATHESON HARDWARE CO Westminster, >$. C. pja *|* *J? 4* 4* "I* 4* ty 4* 'I* 4* 'I" *I* .J? ?J? ?J? ?J* 4* 4* *I* CI? ty 4" ty ty 4 * 4? * * 4 4? * ty ty + ty ty * * ty ty ty * * ty ??<. ? * 4 4? 4* 4* * 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? AT C03T One of the most up-to-date lines of OXFORDS for Men Women, Misses, Children. 500 Samples All pure wool for your inspec tion for your Fall and Winter Suit. MOSS & ANSEL, 4? 4 4^ 4* 4* ty ty ty ty 4? 4* ty 4? fr Cement Front, Walhalla, S. C. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4? 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. * 4 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. . 4 4* ty ty 4* ty .fr 4? 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty Walhalla Colored School. Tho Walhalla colored school ho gan i's session Monday with Mamie. Latimer ns (cacher. Thor? were 100 pupils present al tho opening. A nu m hov of Iho patrons were also present. Tho hearty co-operation Of all patrons is asked. I). Gadsden, E. V. Chapman. Voling Hero Loses ills Lift*. rmhiiined Leiters. Savannah, (la.. Sept. I I. While attempting lo save tho Ufo of his sis ter 14thOl, ?god Hi, William Lee. aced 12, waa drowned i:? tho Isle of Hope river. The Struggle of her child len was witnessed hy tho mo ther, whose screams brought assist ance. The girl was dually rescued hy .1. (!. I lardee, hut as she was taken ashore tho hoy wm l down for the last time. The hods was recov ered three hours later. The followilU! is a list remaining uncalled for in halla post oilier for t he wc Sept einher ll. I !. i I : Cohen, Mrs.; Ploronci ('.riggs. A.; Powell, Mrs Stallmus, St i II 1 re, car. Any ono tallinn foi of loiters tho Wal ek ondlng I lonry; Martha; Hob Smith. I ho above will please cal for advert Ised mail. A. C. Merrick, |>, M 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. .J. 4, 4. 4. 4. 4. WHIT F TO Artlmr & Reese SH EHLMA X, GA., in regard to Randolph County, Georgia, Lands-well-improved lauds that you don't have to work n life-time to build up; red and level; good roads. ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty CITATION NOTICIO. Tho State af South Carolina, County of Oconee.-- ( In Court of Probato.)-By I). A. Smith, .Judge of Probate. Whereas. C. H. I). Burns bas made suit lo mo to ginni bim Letters of Administration ol' tho Es tate of and Effects of Kl len Gadsden, deceased. Thoru are, therefore, to cito and admonlbii all and singular tho kin dred and creditors of tho said Ellen Gadsden, deceased, that they bo and appear beforo mo, In tho Court of Probate, to bo hold at Wal halla Court House, South Carolina, on Saturday, tho 23d day of Septem ber, I il 1 I, after publication hereof, at I 1 o'clock In tho forenoon, to show cause, If any they bavo, why tho said ad min ls trallon should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal this 3th day of September, A. I). 1011. (Soak) D. A. SMITH, Judge of Probato for Oconee County, South Carolina. Published on tho 13th and 20th days of September, 1911, In Tho Keoweo Courier and on the Court House door for tho timo proscribed by law. 37-38