Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, September 06, 1911, Image 7

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SUGGESTIVE QUESTIONS ON THE IUBV. I>K. IilNSCOTT FOR PRESS HIBLE The object of. the International promote, by questions, through the the teaching of Scripture in connec School Lessons. (Copyright 1910 by Rev. SEPTEMBER 10TH, 1911. Subject: "Daniel ami His Com panions; a Temperance Lesson." Dan. 1:8-20. Golden Text: "R ls good neither to oat flesh, nor lo drink wine, nor enytMng whereby tivy brother stum pier, h." Rom. xiv: 21. (1.) Verse 8-Who was Daniel, and bow did he get to Babylon? (2.) What did Daniel propose for his food? (3.) What are the advantages and disadvantages (1) of a meat diet, (2) of a vegetable diet? (4.) Is there any reason to be lieve that Cod originally meant man to he a meat eater? (6.) If meat is necessary for strength, how do you account, for the strength of the horse and the ele phant, ns both are vegetarians? (G.) ls there any reason to think that the craving, or desire for meat is an artificial appetite? (7.) What evidence is there that a purely vegetable diet would Increase the health and longevity of the peo ple? (8.) Verse 9-Did God lu some supernatural way cause the prince of the eunuchs to love Daniel, or in any other way than through Daniel's lov able manner? (9.) Does God turn the hearts of people to love or favor good Chris tians wholly apart from their actual attractions? (10.) Verso 10-Which people are the healthier, those who have abund ance of rich food and who eat all they can or those who have plain food and eat only enough to give them sufficient strength for their work? (ll.) Verses 11-13-What should be our rulo as to the kind and quan tity of food we eat? (12.) Which class In the commu nity is generally the healthier; tho ric'i or those respectable people who have to struggle "to make ends meet?" (r.!.) Take one hundred persons who drink nothing but water and an other hundred persons who drink In toxicating liquor and compare their probable condition as to (a) health, (b) wealth, (c) happiness. NEWS ITEMS FROM OAK WAY. Protracted Meeting Brings 37 Addi Hons to Church-Baptizing Sept. ?. Oakway, Aug. 28.-Special: I notice in last week's Westminster terns that "Rev. F, G. Lavender con ducted a successful meeting at Cross Roads." That ls a mistake, lt was at Oakway (New Bethel) Baptist church. Thirty-seven joined-34 to he baptized Saturday, September 9th. The baptizing will take place at 10 a. m. near A. Bearden's. Parties wishing to go should go to Mr. Bear den's house, then through his pas ture to the creek. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Bruce?gave the following a nice time last week: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kay, of Belton; Mr. and Mrs. Reese Fant, of Townvlllo; Miss Leda Bruce, of Anderson; Fur man and Miss Ollie Mitchell, of Honea Path, and Miss Julia Wilson, of Craytonville; Broadus Bagwell, of Seneca, and Miss Mattie Blgby, of Honea Path. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce are a jovial couple and make one feel like coming again and staying longer. Miss Eliza Sutherland and Miss Flora Mat tison, of Belton, aro visit ing at the home of A. L, Foster. Mrs. W. G. West, of Hendorson ville, N. C., is spending a few weeks with her sister. Mrs. W. D. Martin. Miss Bonnie Tompkins ls visiting her aunt at Pelzer. Mrs. A. N. Jay nos is on tho sick list, but she ls some better at this w ritlng. Rev. J. G. Graham, of King's Mountain, N. C., ls spending a week or so with relatives in this section. Miss Cordelia Dearden ls visiting her brother, C. C. Bearden, ol' At lanta. Wo aro sorry to learn that A. L. Foster has sold his place and will move to South Georgia this fall. Jesse Johns left, last Friday for Willington, Kansas. Ho will spend a few days in Atlanta visiting his aunt. Mrs. W. H. Norris is visiting rela tives and friends around Six-Mile, Bickens county. A large crowd was disappointed hy the excursion not stopping al West minster last Friday. We have prayer meeting every Wednesday night. Next. Wednesday night the subject will be "The Ton Virgins." Everybody invited. J. W. and W. T. Bearden and Mr. Hill attended tho Confederate reun ion in Columbia last week. Feel languid, weak, run-down? Headache? Stomach "off"? - Just a plain case of lazy liver. Burdock Blood Bitters tones liver and stom ach, promotes digestion, purifies tho blood. SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON DY THE INTERNATIONAL QUESTION CLUB. ' Press Bible Question Club ls to press, thought and Investigation on tion with the International Sunday T. S. Llnscotl, D. D.) (14.) Who were Hananlah, Mi shael and Asarlah? (15.) Verses 14-15--Wbat was the result of the test made upon these three Hebrew young men, In eating a strictly vegetable diet, and drink ing nothing stronger than water? (16.) Should this test from expe rience bind our conscience,, and cause us to eat and drink as they did? Why, or why not? (17.) Verso IC-What in our day are tho chief evils of gluttony, and what are the chief evils of drunken ness? (18.) To what extend would the world l>o better if tho USO of intoxi cating liquor ns a beverage could be stopped? (This is one of the ques tions that may bo eanswered in writing by members of the club.) (19.) Verses 17-21-To what ex tent may all men develop their abil ity by increasing their knowledge? (20.) Why is it not possible for all persona with sufficient study to become first-rank artists, orators, poets and scientists, or to attain to supernatural powers Uko Daniel and his companions? (21.) Were the learning and wis dom of these four young men ac quired, or the gifts of (?od? (22.) Where do you draw the line as to the possibilities of present spiritual or supernatural powers? Lesson for Sunday, September 17, IOU: Daniel's Companions in the Eiery Furnace. Dan. Hi. .p?P*I*?P ?j? ?j? .j. ..j* ?j?o?<= ?jo .J. INTERNATIONAL PRESS 4* 4? BIBLE QUESTION CLUB. j. ?j. - .j. ?J? I have read the Suggestive ?J? Questions on the Sunday School ?J? .J? Lesson published iii .?j .J. THE KEOWEE COURIER, *}. .J? also Lesson lself for Sunday ?J? j SopUunb r roth, IO ti, and wilone i > <.:..> the r-erlor ?J? or fifty-two ?J* "I* 4* ?* . Name .?J. I . 4 .I- Address; . *.-* .J? Cut out and Send to thin Office. af*! END OF THE "LONE STAR ?' Propose to Divide State of Texas into Three Suites. The emhrogllo over the prohibi tion election in Texas, which was carried from the polls to the State Legislature, called to discuss finan cial matters, is producing some of the greatest sensations in the his tory of tho State. Recently the pro hibitionist members of tho Legisla ture proposed a new constitution for tho State that would contain State wide prohibition. This was in the form of a resolution introduced in the Senate providing for the calling of a constitutional convention the first Monday In March, 1913. The wording of the resolution was that "tho delegates are to bo chosen by the voters of the State qualified to vote under tho existing laws for members of the Legislature." This would eliminate the negro vote. The resolution went to a committee; where it still is. This pieco of thunder was imme diately met hy the nntl-prohiblllon ist members, who Bp ran g the great est sensation ol* all, providing to di vide tho State of Texas into three great Commonwealths, allowing North Texas to bo divided into !wo States and South Texas composing Cue ?hird. in (his way, they said, North Texas, which ls "dry," could vote State-wide prohibition without opposition, while South Texas, which Is solidly "wet," would not he ha rassed hy politics of other sections. Ti'n matter has not. reached the resolution stage, yet it is the senti ment, of tho solid anti-prohibition delegates In tho Legislature. ALCOHO! is almost the wont thin? for consumptives. Many of the "juat-as~good" pr?paration? contain as much aa 20% of alcohol; Scott's Emulsion not a drop. Insist on having Scott's Emulsion VOB SALK BY ALL DB?OaioTS / CONICROB8 AND VICINITY. Protracted Meeting Closed--22 Mem bers ?Addcil to dniren. Coneross, Aug. 28.-Special: The meeting which has been in progress for the pnBt few days came to a close Saturday morning with ll o'clock services. Itev. Lee, who assisted in the meeting, and the pastor, Rev. Mitchell; left Saturday evening for I lonca Path, where they began a series of meetings. The meeting hore was the source of great good to the community and tho church. Both Mr. Lee and the pastor are men fill ed with the spirit of the Lord and they labor earnestly to bring all sin ners to Christ. They are deep think ers, but put the gospel so plainly that a child can understand. Twen- j ty-two were added to the member ship of the church. The ordinance of baptism was administered at the pool Saturday at 10 a. m. These young preachers carry with them the prayers and beet wishes of our peo ple for blessings on their labors wherever they are called to go. Miss Viola Rothell returned to her home In Georgia last week, after having spent some time with the Misses Arve here. Miss Maggie Barnett, who lives near Pleasant Hill, spent some time last week with Miss Da/.le Hesse. Miss Elsie Morgan, who ls teach ing school near Central, visited the Misses Barker recently. Jay Hubbard and father, of New Hope, visited at the boyne of S. M. Ilunnlcutt, ol' Poplar, last week. Miss Maud Coffee, after an ex tended visit to her cousin, Miss Katie Abbott, returned to her home In Clayton last Tuesday. Mrs. Josie Morgan and son, John O., of the Prathor's community, in Bickens county, visited the Barker family last week. Miss Selina Doyle, of Red Hill, vis ited ber cousins, Mesdames L, L. Al exander, Monroe Gumbrell and Miss Lucy Patterson, last week. She also visited among friends. The B. Y. P. 1!. met at the usual hour Saturday night and had a very interesting meeting. Mr. Bennett, of Anderson, gave an interesting talk. J. C. Barker will lead tho meeting next Saturday night and Miss Rosa Dilworth and W. D. Barnett will give talkB on tho lesson. Sidney Blancbott, wife and sister in-law, of near Walhalla, spent some time last week with J. D. Abbott. Miss Ada Stegall and brother, of Westminster, visited Miss Lula Phil lips last week. Mrs. Effie Dean and John Dean, of Avalon; Miss Maggie Adams, of La vonla, and Miss Mattie McWhorter, of Bowersville, were guests of rela tives and friends in our vicinity seve ral days last week. E. P. Cox and wife, of Westmin ster, visited Rev. W. Abbott and fam ily last week. Mrs Will J. Schroder and lister, die j Rull K ,. ol Walhallt? visited their grandmother, Mrs. Mary Dil vorth, Issi Orilla: and Saturday. Mrs. c. Davis sud daughter, of Westminster, visited at the home of Mrs. Hesse and family laut week. Jesse CiJffee was a week-end visi tor of bia uncle, M. Abbott. The Sunbeams will meet with Mr. Foster next Sunday at 0 a. m. Will Holden and family, of Dil lard, Ga., spent Friday night and Saturday with tho Barker family. They were en route to Seneca, Cal houn, Central and other points in Bickens county, where they will visit relatives. A. M. Alexander and wife, of Went mluster, spent several days last week with W. O. Alexander and other rel atives. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Addis spent last week with W. H. Butler and family. Mrs. Lizzie Phillips and bright lit tle children, of Atlanta, spent seve ral days last week at the home of Mrs. s. M. Hunsinger. Mr. Bennett, of Anderson, was among friends here Saturday and Sunday. S. J. Barker, of Central, spent Thursday and Friday with relatives in this section. S. M. Hunnlcutt and wife attended the Harbin-Bruce wedding at Seneca last Tuesday. Misses Christine and Ethel Clay ton, of Central, were recent guests of Miss Katie Abbott. The Y. W. A.'s will meet next Sat urday at -I p. m. Before You Reach the Limit of physical endurance, and while your condition is still curable, take Eoley Kidney Pills. Their quick ac tion and positive results will delight you. For backache, nervousness, rheumatism, and all kidney, bladder and urinary troubles. Barton's Pharmacy, Walhalla; W. J. Lunney, Seneca. Cards of Thank?. Westminster, Aug. 28. -Editor Courier: Please allow us space in your valuable paper to thank our friends and neighbors for their kind assistance during the sickness and death of our dear husband and fa ther. May heaven's richest blessings be their reward. Mrs. G. W. Browning and Children. West Union, Aug. 28.-Editor Courier: Please allow ?is space through your valuable paper to ex press our thanks to our friends and neighbors who so kindly hoi pud tis during the sickness and death of our precious wife and mother. May God's richest blessings rest upon thom all. J. Allen Kelley and Family. The children of Mrs. S. E. Bell Otto wish to thank the man) friends and neighbors for their kindness and as sistance during her sickness and death. May God's blessings rest on them all ls their prayer. Tho Children. Foley Kidney Pill? will reach your individual case if you have any form of kidney and blad I der trouble or urinary Irregularities. ' Try them, Barton's Pharmacy, Wal halla; W. J. Lunney, S' oca. RICHLAND LOCAL MATTERS. lindy Goos on Excursion by Mistake. Nows of the Community, Richland, Aug. 28.-Special: The crops around hore, especially cotton, are suffering badly for rain. Mrs. T. E. Stokes and daughters, Abbie, Margaret and Eugenia, and son, Theodore, returned to their homo in Greenville Tuesday, after having spout several weeks visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Hughs. T; B. Wy ly returned to his work in South Georgia the past week. Mrs. H. P. McKey and two chil dren left Monday tor Atlanta, where she will spend a few days. She will then go on to her home nt Pamaguey, Cuba. She was accompanied by Mrs. E. D. Foster, who will spend a few days in Atlanta. Miss Marjorie Barr returned home Tuesday after a week's visit at the home of S. N. Hughs. Miss Ida McMahon, of Greenville, is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. T. Hubbard. Kasey Porter and sister, of Pick ens, visited at the homo of Jas. O. Armstrong during the past week. John Sanders, of Seneca, spent the week-end at tho homo of R. M. Davis. Joe Stribling and sister Mary, of Helena, Ga., visited at the home of T. B. Wyly recently. Asa Porter, of Atlanta, ls visiting Paul Armstrong. Jesse Hubbard was at home to a number of his friends Tuesday even ing from 8.30 to 11.30 o'clock. De licious punch was served by Miss Cora Hubbard during tho evening, and then a salad course. A contest was engaged in by all present and Miss Pauline Davis won tho prize. A large number were present. Richland Camp, No. 4 69, held their third annual picnic. In the school house grove Thursday, August 2 4. A good crowd was present, and the day was rather cool, so everybody had a good time. W. C. Hughs, Esq., made the welcome address in a few well chosen words and then Intro duced the orators as follows: J. W. Callahan), J. J, McSwain and John M. Daniel, who made speeches suit able to the occasion. He then intro duced Mrs. lary C. Delahunty, of Charleston, who has charge of the Woodman Circle (ladles' depart ment.) After her talk dinner was announced, and there was plenty there, as is always the case. There was a base ball game, to finish up tho day, between the locals and Oak way. The game was good through out, but our boys had their heads set to beat Oakway and they did lt (this being the first time) hy a score of 6 to 2. About 1,000 people were present. The Newry Brats Band furnished music throughout the day which was much appreciated by all present. Clark Wyly carried a crowd ->f our young folks to tho tunnel Friday. This crowd was not quite as fortu nate a.B the other parties which have been this year, for Miss Ada Wyly fell while there and dislocated Upr shoulder. Sho seems to be getting AloSfi oil right at present. tilJfc a numbci won! to Tallulah* FallsFridaiy on tho excursion, among! tl; iig ?slr. 'ititi MrsTWi C. ros-j ter any children, Edith ah ' William,.] Jr.; \:;s Elbert Foster, Mrs. M. .1. McDonalu -Mm. Lucy Burris, Miss Emily Dendy, J. P. Stribling, Stiles Stribling, Jr H Dendy and Hov. and ?Mrs. T.. M. Stribling and son Ross. All report a splendid time. Mrs. S. N. Hughs wont also by mistake, for she was meaning to get off at West minster and do some shopping, but the train did not stop, so she went on. Edward Venter gave an "at home" Friday evening, but owing to the bad weather all could not attend. Those who braved the weather had a good time. Watermelon was served; also ice cream and cake. The out-of-town guests were Miss Bess Ver uer and Harry Foster, of Westminster, and Misses Nellie and Nancy Hines, Flo rido Propst, Lucile Hamilton, Yancy 1 Sligh, Diel and Verna Stribling, and j Ben Lee Hamilton, Whit Holleman, ! Thornley Cary, Oscar Doyle, Seneca. THROW OCT THE UNE. Give Them Help and Many Walhalla People Will He Happier. "Throw Out the Life Line" The kidneys need help. They're overworked-can't get the poison filtered out of tho blood. Thoy're getting worse every min ute. Will you help thom? Doan's Kidney Pills have brought thousands of kidney sufferers back from the verge of despair. Walhalla testimony proves their worth. Mrs. J. B. Uamby, Faculty Hill, Walhalla, S. C., says: "I am glad to confirm the testimonial I gave In 1008 in prniso of Doan's Kidney Pills. For several years I was in poor health and was annoyed by pains throughout my body. I had headaches and my kidneys failed to do their work as they should. Being advised to try Donn's Kidney Pills, I got a box at Dr. Bell's drug store and they drovo away all tho symp toms of my trouble. I have no hesi tation whatever in recommending this remedy." For sale by all dealers. Prlco BO cents. Fostcr-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, solo agents for tho Uni ted States. Remember the nairf -Doan's-? and tnko no other. - Tho Recall Business. (St. Louis Post-Dispatch.) Ranging down In tho Western city tho tourist discovered a former mayor dancing a jig. "You seem In flue spirits," ho sttg gested. "I nm," answered tho other. "I have just been recalled." "I don't sen anything complimen tary about that," said tho tourist. "Oh, yes, there ls," tho Westernei Insisted. "This Is the second recall.' "How is that?" "Well, you soo, 1 wiis recalled, and then they recalled tho recall." Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which .has been In nae for over 30 years, has horno tho signataire of ^y?? - an<* nos been mado under his per? r^LJ?A^r^^r^r?r sonal supervision nineo Its Infancy* fcccc^v* Allow no ono to decoivo you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are hub iBrperlments that trillo with and endanger the health of Infants and Children-Experience. against. Experiuieufe What is CASTORIA Castor fa ls a. harmless substitute flor Castor Oil, Par? goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic .substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worina and allays Feverishness, It eures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho S to ranch and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep* Hie Children's Panacea-Tho Mother's Friend? GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tho Signature of The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC OKNTAUH OOMPAMT. TT MURRAY CTIUET. NKW TORN CITY. MAN KIM,ED NEA? KI Chi A N'S. Ii. W, Kaiser Placed in Jail? Clever Dead. -li. P. ENDED WOMAN'S SUFFERING. (The State, ?8th.) Eewls W. Balser, a farmer who resides near Killlans, was placed In tho Richland county jail yesterday on the charge of killing E. F. Clever. The shooting took place in the yard of Mr. Ealser Saturday night at 9.30 o'clock. Coroner Walker held an in quest yesterday and found that Cle ver came to his death as the resultt of a gun-shot wound by Mr. Ealser, Mr. Clever was brought to the Co lumbia hospital yosterday morning in a serions colTiRttG?i TTo died shortly after reach inf* tito hospital. According to thc! (estimo) y % fought oui a' the Impie;;! 0. E. Olo Vyr, stopped ?a fronl ol thc homo 01 LejJa Earner Saturday night about 9 ?-dock. Witness Said that Clever was ^rinking. Ile trlod to get into .the y?w by tearing down a fence. It was stated that Ealser, who was seated oY. tho front veranda of his homo with his wife and a cousin, hearing the noise, went out lo seo who was tryhg to tear down the fence. He ton Clever to come through the gate. After talking wit. Kaiser for some time it was stated b> witnosse that I Clo?or started to leave. Ealser told him to go home. Wittier. 8aj(i that Clever commenced to curso *m\ drew his knife. Ealser fired one s,^ over his head. The two, it is said, 4inch ed, and Ealser fired the fatal >j0t Clever was wounded In tho chest. The case was reported to Corone, Walker Saturday night. Ho was also Informed that a physician was needed and that Clever might recover If given the proper treatment. Coro ner Walker secured a physician and left for Killlans lato Saturday night. Clever was hurried to the Columbia hospital, where he died shortly af ter arriving. It is said that Ealser had never niel Clever. --- Iiast of Victims Koomi. Shakers Arrested for Causing Mem ber's: Death by Poison. Kiss! m mee, Ela., Sept. 1.-Egbert Gillett and Elizabeth Sears, members of tho Shaker colony, at Ashton, near this city, wero placed ia Jail here last night, charged with caus ing the death of Sadie .Marchant, an other member of tho colony, by the use of poison. Sadie Marchant died August 22d, pud was buried on the colony land by Gillett and 0 woman known as Sister Amanda. The ofTtcers were notified of tho occurrence, and after au investigation arrested QI I lett and the Sears woman. The j admit giving the poison, asserting ih.u the victim was hopelessly ill willi' tuberculosis and- wanted-io dhKaU?~-C8cap? from her sufferings. Thoy acceded to her appeals and gavo her chloroform. The dead woman was 34 years of ago; Gillett is 53, and the woman who is implicated with him was 74 yesterday. Charleston, Aug. 31.-With tho finding to-day of the body of Mrs. M. Goodson and of tho baby, Mary Richter, the victims of the Wappoo mill tragedy, have all been recov ered. These were the only two bodies which had not been recov ered, and with their finding tho five victims of the washing away of the Cassidy home Into the Ashley river have all been found, and will be given burial. Mr. Goodson, of Waycross, arrived herc last night, coming to tako part in the search for bis wife's body. He will leave here to-morrow morning with the remains for his homo. Foley's Kidney Pills What They Will Do for Yo? **'cy will cure your backache, strenfct,en your kidneys, cocw rccturift ry irregularities, build up the wu, out ti8SUC8f and eliminate thc wc8s uric acid that causes rhe^^. Pr<u vent Bright's Dist^e and Di|U bates, and restore 4,alth ftnd fttrength. Refuse 8ub*itutea* BARTON'S PHARMACY, WlL^ W. J. TAWNEY, Seneca. Farmer Contracta Cattle Disease. Esther wood, La., Aug. 31.-Bruce Broussard, a farmer, is suffering with charbon, a disease fatal to cat tle, tho disease having been contract ed by Broussard while removing tho hide from the carcass of a cow kill ed by the disease. Cattle In this sec tion are dying by tho score, despite the effort? of tho authorities to pro vent Its spreading. Broussard's con dition is serious. The Tenderfoot Farmer It was ono of these cxperimentnl formers, who put greco spcotnolcs on Ins cow and fed ber shavings. His theory was that it didn't matter what tho cow otc so long as she was fed. The questions of digestion and nourishment haJ not entered into ids calculations. It's only a "tenderfoot" former that would try such on experiment with o cow. But many a former feeds him self regardless ol digestion and nutrition. He might almost os well eat shav ings for all tho good he gets out of his ..tod. The result is hat tho stomach grows "weak" the action of tho organs of digestion and nutriti. ? ore impaired .?md the ?oau suffern tho miseries of dyspepsia and the agonies 0 nervousness. To stren?then, the stomach, restore the activity of the or* ?ans ot digestion and nutrition and brace up the nerves* ase Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, it ls an un* talllni remedy, and has the confidence ot physicians aa well as the praise ot thousands healed by Its use. In tho strictest sense "Golden Medioal Discovery" i? ? temperance medl cine. R contains neither intoxicants nor narcotics, and is as freo from alcohol as from opium, cocaine and other dangerous drugs. AH ingredients printed ot? its outside wrapper. i, , , . Don't let a dealer delude you for his own profit. There ls no medicine for stomach, liver and blood "Just ns good" os "(.olden Medical Dieoovery.