z KEG-WEE COURTER (ESTABLISH KR 181?.) Published Every Wednesday Morning Subscription $1 Per Annum. Advertising Rates Reasonable. -By STECK, SHELOR & SCHRODER. Communications of a personal char acter charged for aa advertise ments. Obituary notices and tributes of re spect, of not over ono hundred words, will bo printed free of charge. All over that nunibor must be paid for at tho rate of one cent a word. Cash to accompany manuscript. WALHALLA, S. C.: WEDNESDAY, JULY 5, 1911. EXPORTS OF FARM PRODUCTS Will Reach tim Billion Dollar Mark For tho Fiscal Year. Washington, Juno 30.-Special: Exports of farm products will aggre gate a billion dollars In tho fiscal year which ends to-day. Tho gov ernment's fiscal year has for many years ended at tho mlddlo of the cal endar year, the purpose being to glvo opportunity to classify and arrange the year's figures In time for consid eration by Congress, whoso regular date of meeting ls tho first Monday in December. Thus tho Lureau of statistics presents its detailed yearly report of commerce for the year end ing June 30th. Figures for eleven of the twelve months of tho fiscal year 1911 are now available, and show exports of cotton $57 1,000,000, food-stuffs $354,000.000, and tobacco $35,000. 000- a total for the eleven months ending with May of $963,000.000, making it quito apparent that the sum added for tho month of June will bring the total exports of farm product? during tho fiscal year 1911 above Ihr, billion dollar line. Cotton, as abovo Indicated, is by far lin; largos! single Hom, $574, 000,000 worth Peing exported in tho fiscal year 191 I over that of any ear lier year is tine chiefly to thc high price.-;, the quantity ol' cotton ex ported in I !? I I hoing materially less than in I !. 09 or 1907, while d? value will exceed hy more I han $100.000.000 that of tho years in which the quantity was greater. Tho average export price of domestic cot ton in May, 1911, was 15.1 cents per pound, and for the nine months ending with May, 1 1.5 cents per pound, against 14.2 cent in Hie cot ton year li? 10, 12 ce.?is ill 1904, 11.4 cents in I HOS. and less than 6 cents per pound in IS95, 1898 and 1899, fhose figures being in all cases for the cotton year ending with Au gust 31st. Meat and dairy products also show a marked increase in value of ex ports in the lineal year 1911 when compared with the immediately pre ceding \ear, being for the eleven months ending with May. $135,500, 000, against $120.000,000 In the ?ame months of last year; and for the single month of May, $15,500, 000, against $0,000,000 for tho cor responding mont li of last year. This increase is due in nearly all cases to larger quantities, tho prices being In most cases lower than last year. For example, tho average export price of bacon in the mouth of May, 10 1 1,1s 12.5 cents per pound, against 15.3 cents per pound in May of last year; hams, 11.8 cents per pound against 14.6 outs in May a year ago; lard, 9.2 cents per pound, against 25.5 cents in May a year ago, nnd cheese, 11.5 cents per pound against 15.5 cents In May last year. Oilier articles showing an increase in vain, of exports lu the fiscal year J 0 I l ov<-r that of tho corresponding period of i lu* preceding fiscal year are fruits, $23,000,000, against $17,750, 000 a year ago: corn, $33,000,000, against $24,000,000 In the corres ponding period of 1910; while cot ion se* (! oil, oil enko and meal, and flour, also show slight advances in the total value ol exports when com pared >\?th tho corresponding period of last year, though wheal shows a marked decline in thc olovon months en.lin'.; with May, 191 I, IX-'HIK bul $'-' 1.500,.t in \ ;iiu.-, against $ ?7, 838*000 In tho corresponding months of 1910. lOurope ls, of course, Ibo chief pur chaser Of these exports of fa rm pre dio .- M?sl of Ibo cotton goos lo Europe, comparatively small quanti ties, however, going to Canada and! Japan; and Kuropo is also Ibo chief customer for wheat, cotton seed oil, oil cake, live cattle and tobacco. Of meat and dairy products tho South and Central American countries, Mexico and the West Indian Islands take considerable quantities, though more than half of tue meats go to Europe. Foley's Honey and Ta*1 Compound is effective for coughs and colds in either children or grown persons. No opiates, no harmful drugs. In tho yellow package. Refuse substitutos. Barton's Pharmacy, Walhalla; W. J. .Lunney, Senna. GREAT SUA Ii OF CONFEDERACY. Iloltovod to IH' in Now York, Says Historian A. S. Halley, .Jr. Tho discussion of tho question of tho whereabouts of the Great Seal of the Confederate States, In a recent issue of tho Charleston News and Courier, Induced A. S. Salley, Jr., tho secretary of the historical com mission, to give tho following state ments of thc facts 111 regard to tho seal: "When the officials of the Con federate Government hurriedly left Richmond in 1SG5 the Great Seal was overlooked and loft behind. It was shortly afterwards found in the De partment of State, and the Ander kopt lt until after the war and then pre sented it to Col. John T. Plckott, a Virginian, residing In Washington. "Qol. Pickett, in order to make money out of his treasure, had copies of it made in gold, silver and bronze by the electro-process. Ho got a cer tif?cate from J. S. and A. B. Wyon, 'chlof ongravors of hor Majesty's seals,' of London, tho maker of tho Groat Seal, wherein they said that thoy had compared tho electro copy with tho proof Impression that had been retained by their house and that they had no hesitation In assorting that so porfect an impression could not havo been produced oxcopt. from tho orglnal seal." Col. Plckott. sold and gave away many of thoso electro copies and they are now scattered all over the country. "Ho gavo several of tho bronze copies to William E. Earle, a South Carolinian, who then resided In Washington, and Mr. Earlo sent ono ol them to the Secretary of State for the use of South Carolina. This simple little copy has been shown to so many mentally and physically list less sightseers who visit our State House annually, and take In just about enough of what ls told them to go out and talk stupidly about it, that the Impression has gained wide currency that the Great Seal of tho Confederacy is in the State House In Columbia. Four or five times a year I got letters ( st. met i mes from people who ought to know better.) asking If the story that we have the Great Seal of the Confederacy is true. "A very distinguished looking old gentleman once came in and asked me |? I had the custody ol' the Great Seal of the Confederacy. I told him that we bad not liing but a small bronze electro copy, and pulled it out Ho quietly remarked that lt was as had supposed; that he had one of the gold copies. After Col. Pickett's death the Seal passed to other hands, and I am assured hy two men of high standing In tho literary world that it ls now in New York, and that for some reason the owner does not wish his name made publie for tho present." Big Autos Destroyed, Greenville, June 28 - I?'iro destroy ed the automobile garage of Eugene l'\ Bates, in the rear of his residence on North Main street, entailing a loss of probably $1 0,000. or more. Three touring cars and three runabouts wore reduced to cinders, and a quan j tlty of tires and other supplies was j destroyed. FREE ADVICE TO WOMEN Women suffering from any form of Illness aro invited to promptly com municate will? Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass. All letters aro received) opened, read and answered by women. A wo man can freely talk of ber priva to ill ness to a woman ; thus bas been es tablished this con. fldenco between Mrs. Pinkham and tho women of America which bas never been broken. ivoiA E PINKHAM Never has she pub lished a testimonial or used a letter Without tho written (.unsent of tho writer, and never has tho Company (allowed these con (Iden tia! letters to get out of. their possession, as tho hundreds ol' thousands ot' them in their lib", V? ill attest. Out ol' the vast volume of exp?rience which Mrs. Pinkham bas to draw from, it is more than possible that she has gained tho very knowledge needed in your case. Shu asks nothing in re turn except your good will, and her advice has helped thousands. Surely any woman, rich or poor, should ho glad to talco advantage of this gener ous offer of assistance. Address Mrs. Pinkham, care of Lydia E. Pinkham Medicino Co., Lynn, Mass. Every woman ought to liavo Lydia 13. Pinkham's 80-pagO Text Hook. It is not a Look for general distribution, as it ls too expensive. It is free nnd only obtainable by mail. Write for it today. J., O, & O. COAL H.V.I I ; OHDHH. Authority to Establish Untes Grunted by Inter-State Commission. Washington, .lune 28.-An order was handed down by the Inter-Stato Commerce Commission yesterday, granting, under certain restrictions, tho application ol* the Carolina, Cltnchfleld and Chlo Hallway and participating carriers, for authority to establish coal rates from tho lines at Dante, Hurricane and Cllnchfield, Va., to stations In Georgia, Alabama, J North and South Carolina and Flor ida, which are less In some Instances for longer than for shorter dist ances in the same direction. Testimony and argument wero heard in tho case last April. The petitioners aro granted authority to establish rates from the aforesaid mines to the stations named, under tho following regulations, as differ entials: (a) To points on and west of tho Southern Railway, from Cohutta to Atlanta, Ga., thence via Georgia Railroad through Camak to Milledge ville, Ga., thence via an imaginary direct line to Empire, Ga., thence via tho Southorn Railway to Helena, | Ga., thence via an imaginary line to j Douglas, Ga., thence via Georgia and Florida Railway to Willacooch.ee, Ga., thence via an imaginary line to Dupont, Ga., thence via Atlantic Coast Line to Jasper, Fla., rates may be established 35 cents per ton higher than the rates to tho same points from Coal Creek, Tenn. (b) To points lying east of the line desi ' d in paragraph (a) and west of a line drawn via Carolina, CHncbheld and Ohio Railway, Mar ion, S. C., to Spatranburg, S. C., Southern Railway to Toccoa, Ga., not Including Walhalla and Picketts, S. C., thence via Southorn Railway to Elberton, Ga., through Campania, Ga., to Keysvllle, Ga., thence via Mldville, Ga., to Swalnsboro, Ga., thence via Stillmore Air Line to Still-j more, Ga., thence via Central of \ Georgia Railway to Register, Ga., thence via an imaginary line to Da llen Junction, Ga., thence via Sea board Air Line to Jacksonville, Fla., including Jacksonville, rates maybe established 2fi cents per ton higher' than tim rates front Coal Creek, Ten nessee, to ?the same points. (c) To points on and oast of the line desired in paragraph (a), in-? eluding also Walhalla and Plckens, 1 S. C., rates may he established 10 cents per ton higher than the rates front Coal Creek, Tenn., to tito same points. Reduction of Ten Cents. Washington, June 29.--A rate of $1.85 a ton on coal shipped from the Coal Creek mines in Tennessee to the Spartanburg district, in South Caro- j lina, was established to-day by the j (In'ter-State Commerce Commission. This is a reduction from the existing! rate of 10 cents a ton, and is effective August I 5. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S OASTOR I A FOURTH COTTON MILL MERGER. New Threc-Milllon-Dolhir South Car olina Textile Corporation? Columbia, June 29.-Tho fourth cotton mill merger In South Caro lina was chartered yesterday. The new merger ls the Woodside Cotton Mills Compat ', its capital stock ho ing $3,000,000. The other cotton mill mergers In this Stato aro: Par ker cotton mills, the Pelzer mill merger, the Dillon mills, represent ing capital of nearly $28,000,000. Tho Woodside Cotton Mills'Com pany is to have its principal place of business in Greenville. Tlie officers are John T. Woodsldo, president; J. D. Woodsldo and E. P. Woodside, vice presidents; E. F Woodside, secretary; J. I). Woodsldo, treasurer; directors, w. T. West, J. T. Woodside, H. A. Hines, D. M. Garrett, Ridley .Wat ts, T. F. Wood side, A. H. Carpenter, F. D. Hunter, .1. David Woodside. The charlot' fee for this company is $ J ,or?0. The general nat ce of the business of the company will be: "To pur chnse, erect, own and operate cotton mills and oilier plants for the manu facture of cotton, linen, wool and other textile substances and to finish and market tho same, and to acquire, own and dispose of stocks and bond, ol' other manufacturing corpora t ions." "Had dyspepsia or Indigestion for .\ears. No appetite, and what I did eat distressed mo terribly. Burdock Rlood Hitters cured me."-J. H. Wal ker. Sunbury. Ohio. The piano retails for $400 cash. GRKRNVII.LB.S. C.. Ofllcoof Deputy Collec tor of Internal ltovenuo, .tuno 20, 1911. - Nohen ifl hiirohy ulven that tho following do scribed property having hcon seized on tho 2lHt day of June. 1911, near Madison, (JeoncoCounty, H. C., for violation of Sections 327081-82 and S3, H. K. if. H., purtles claiming Hie samo must Hie bond in tho Collector's office within 80 days of tho ditto hereof or the same will ho forfeited to United Ktntes: One Iron gray maro mulo, top buggy and harnosH, and four gallons of corn whiskey, seized from lt. H. Gray. .INO. v. Rcnuoos, 26-27 Dep. Collector, 3d Div., Dist. 3. C. JACK TUM RIPPER IN ATLANTA. Six Negro Wemen Murdered on Six Consecutivo Sunday Nights. Atlanta, Juno 29.-Apparently Jack the Ripper ia at work In Atlan ta and his purpose ls to murder ne gro women. Tho Unding of tho mutilated body .d' a comely negress In a side stroot marks tho sixth of a series of myste rious murders which have puzzled detectives and thrown the nogro pop ulation Into a state of terror. Each of six consecutive Sunday nights has seen tho murder of a negress, and lu each Instance tho body has been mutilated in such a manner as to indicate that the same cerson committed tho crime. Tho victims have all beoa young and comely, and the indications aro that they wore first strangled and thou mutilated in a manner to indi cate exact knowoldgo of anatomy. In each instance thc body of tho victim has been found in a lonely side street. Physicians say tho mur derer is undoubtedly a pervert with knowledge of anatomy. The dotec lives have no clue. The negro wo men aro so terrorized that they aro keeping off the streets at night. HELPFUL'WORDS From a Walhalla Citizen. Is your back lame and painful? Does lt ache, especially after exer tlon? Is thore a soreness in the kidney region ? TbOBe symptoms indicate weak kidneys; There ls danger in delay. Weak kidneys fast got weaker. Give your trouble prompt atten tlon. Doan's Kidney Pills act quickly, They strengthen weak kidneys. Read t li is Walhalla testimony: B. Oelkers. W. Malu street, Wal halla. S. C., says: "1 found Doan's Kidney Pills to be an excellent kid ney medicine and can recommend them. My kidneys were disordered and thc kidney secretions bothered me by passing Irregularly. I also bad hack aches. When 1 was j vised to use Doan's Kidney Pills, I proem ed a supply at Dr. Dell's drug store, and they soon brought me complete relief." For sale by all dealers. Price f?( cents. Fostcr-.Mllburn Co., Buffalo New York, sole agents for tho Uni ted States. Remember t ho name-Doan's and take no other. Watson ls Named. Commissioner Wa? :on has beer, appointed executive committeeman from South Carolina to the National Irrigation Congress to take the place of James Cosgrove, of Charleston, deceased. Tho appointment was made by B. A. Fowler, the president of the congress. Never can tell when you'll mash a finger or suffer a cut, bruise, burn or scald. Be prepared. Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil instantly relieves the pain-quickly cures the wound. Tr x TOIBE GPVETS TO SOME y X i t .I**p*M PR F cw U a^ee^t >^>e^#>^ae^#>^j l^i *I* Never need repairs -Inexpenwvc-Stormpioof -Will lrut BI long a* tho building. Roof? put on over twenty yean&go ate a? good a? j|i?A 6 now loJgy^ por further detailed information apply to SENECA HARDWARE COMPANY. SENECA, 8. O. Vjfe Want (food Agente To solicit subscriptions and pr?sent our various Clubbing, Magasins, Map and Book Offer's' with THE TRl-WEEKLY CONSTITUTION Monday, Wednesday, Friday, three times every week, almost a daily, Only $1.00 A Year With your own conveyance, you can work al! the rural routes and small towns and rural communities in your sec t?On- arraSku,^ ... i . , if $5.00 to $7.50 Per Day Can be made on this splendid proposition. If yo? will write at once, you may be first in your field and secure big orders. Write for an outfit today. All agents' supplies are furnished free. Give good references. THE TRl-WEEKLY CONSTITUTION ATLANTA, GEORGIA WINTHROP COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP AND ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. The examination for the award of vacant scholarships in Winthrop Col lege and for the admission of new students will be hold at the County Court House on FRIDAY, J ULY 7, ?it 9 a. m. Applicants must be not lesa than fifteen years of age. When scholarships are vacant after July 7 they will bo awarded to those making the highest average at this examina tion, provided they meet t'>o condi tions governing the awart Appli cants for scholarships should write to President Johnson before tho ex fini ination for scholarship examina tion blanks. Scholarships are worth $100 and freo tuition. The next sosslon will open September 20. 1911. . For fur ther information and catalogue, ad dress Pres. I), ll. Johnson, Rock Hill, 3. C. 29* Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Cures Colds. Croup and Whooping Cough. 1786 1911 COLLEGE OF OHA RLESTON. 127th Year Regina September 20. Entrance examinations at all tho county seats on Friday, July 7th, at 9 a. m. The College ls'well endowed, enab ling it to maintain the highest stand ards. it offers complete 4-ycar courses in Ancient and Modern Languages, Mathematics, History, Economics, Science and (engineering. Courses for 13. A., B. S., and B. S. degreo with Engineering. A free tuition scholarship to each county of South Carolina. Vacant Boyeo scholarships, giving $100 a year and free tuition, open to com petitive examination In September. Expenses reasonable. Terms and catalogue on application. Write to HARRISON RANDOLPH, President, Charleston, S. C. May 17, 1911. 20-2F,* LECTRIn THE BEST FOR " J?iSl BILIOUSNESS i BITTERS AND KIDNEYS HS PIANO I AWAY ON SEPTEMBER 1st OUNG LADY ABSOLUTELY x > x REE AT I PHchford's. .Mr J. * ?J??J??J??J. .J.?J..J, .J,.J. ?J??Jojo?J?fjo ?J??Jf ?J??J? ?|??|??^?|??|??^*?^?>|??y>?|'?|??|*?|?>|*?|??|??2??|**|??|**y>