BROWN REFUSES REQjUIS1TI0N. 1 " Request i rom Governor BlcAso Held invalid by Georgia Executive. (Atlanta Journal, 22d.) Governor Brown rofused tho Fel der regulation at 1.46 o'clock Thurs day afternoon, Immediately at the conclusion of tho homing. In stating his refusal the Governor said that ho had roferrod the pa pers soon after he received them from Governor Blease, of South Car olina, to Attorney General H. A. Hall, of Georgia, and that the attorney general discovered practically tho same defects tn them as wore polntod out by tho opposition Thursday. At ll o'olock Thursday morning Governor Brown began his hearing ot the pros and con's upon the requisi tion fro m powder trust was begun by the government in 1907 and was directed against 43 corporate and individual defendants. The suit as to fifteen ot tho defend ants was dismissed because some of the concerns are out of existence or lt was not shown that they were par? ties to tho combination. To Plan Dissolution. " The court in ah interlocutory de cree fixed Octoher 16 as tho date to hear both sides In the action as to the nature of the Injunction to be granted and consider, a ''plan for dis solving said combination, which shall be submitted to the petitioner and tho defendant or any of thom, to the i end that this court may ascertain and determine upon a plan or method for such dissolution which will not deprive tho defendants of tho oppor tunity to recreate out of the ele ments now composing said combina tion a new condition which shall be honestly In harmony with and not re pugnant to the law." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAS TOR I A SCIENCE (?DOWS FLESH IN TUDE. Nervous Tissue Said to Have Deon Formed in Saline Solution. Baltimore, dune 24-Experiments made by Dr. Warren H. Lewis, of tho Johns Hopkins University, and Mar gare! Reed Lewis have resulted in the advance of scienco until it is ono stop nearerr the goal of chemists and biologists the artificial generation of lifo. By experiments made on em bryonic chicks Dr. Lewis has dis covered that lt Is- possible to induce the growth of cellular substance, actual living flesh, in saline solutions without the aid of nutritivo fluids. Dr. Lewis's plan of study has boen complicated. Knowing, as he did, that chemists and biologists have frequently observed cellular growth of embryonic substances when there was a plasma, or nutritive fluid pre sent in tho solution, ho decided to carry the experimenting one step far ther. Accordingly he took parts of the intestines of the chicks and in serted them in a solution of various sals of known density. Observation showed that not only did tho old cells enlarge, but that new cells were actually formud, and that without the aid of tho fobrln network always found In fluted plasma, which has been considered essential heretofore. Not only has there ^een cellular or muscular growth, out, lt ls said, even nervous tissue has been formed. Thus In a test tube Dr. Lewis has succeeded in duplicating tho pro cesses which since time bogan have baffled students and philosophers. The only announcement so far made of tho important discovery is a short article in tho current number of tho Journal of tho American Medical As sociation. Women men, we recommend Oar medicme. It acts snecifl ; and has a tonic, building i. It contains no harmful vegetable extract. If you female trouble, get Cardui rial. RD Ul Help You cah, Ky., tried Cardui and write*: lave been usii.p it for eleven yean, lifferent woman, since l have been bearing down ai ns, nervousness ins are all gone and I sleep good* young and old." Try it tua STORES (Prickly As! Prompt It:) bonoficial of* feels aro Ul .nilly folt very quickly P. Makes rioh, red, pur< system-clears the brain - sire A positive specific for Blee Drives out Rheumatism and ? is a wonderful tonic and body-t F. V, LIPPMAN, MRS, MARY BliENqC SMWH DEAD. Mother of Governor Hoke Smith was Prominent Woman. Atlanta, June 22.-In the death of Mrs. Mary Brent Smith, mother of Governor-elect Hoke Smith, Georgia loses one of'its finest characters from the ranks of the women of the old South. Mrs. Smith was formerly Miss Mary Brent Hoke, of North Car olina, and came of a distinguished family. Her brother ls Gen. R. P. Hoke, of Raleigh, ranking surviving officer of the Confederacy. M rn. Smith married Dr. Hlldreth H. Smith when he wan but 18 years old, and spent the early part of her life at the University of North Caro lina, where he was a member of the faculty. She is survived by two sons, Hoke Smith and Burton Smith; two daughters, Mrs. F. S. Whiteside and Mrs. J. E. McA8han, and a nephew, Dr. Michael Hoke, and by numerous grandchildren, Including Marlon Smith, Mrs. Ronald Ransom, Misses Lucy and Calli Smith, Miss Hlldreth Smith and Brent Whiteside. Advice to the A Age brings infirmities, such-as slug gish bowels, weak kidneys and blai der and TORPID LIVBR. M's Pills have a specific effect on these organs, stimulating thc bowels, cauUng them to perform their natural functions as In youth and IMPARTING VIGOR to thc kidneys, bladder .and LIVER. They arc adapted to old and young. Strikers Win. Liverpool, June 24.-The end of the international marine strike was officially proclaimed to-day when the announcement was made that the struggle for higher wages had boon won. Foley's Kid. nev Pills What They Will Do for You They will cure your backache? strengthen your kidneys, cor rect urinary irregularities, build up the worn out tissues, and eliminate the excess uric acid that causes rheumatism. Pre., vent Bright's Disease and Dla. bates, and restore health and strength. Refuse substitutes. BARTON'S PHARMACY, Walhalla. W. J. LUNNEY, Seneca. THE CLEMSON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. Enrollment Over 70O - Value of Projicriy Over a Million mid a Quarter - Ninety Teachers aird Officers. Seven full four years' courses, In Agriculture, Engineering, etc. Cost per session of niuo months, Including all feos, board, heat, light, laundry and necessary uniforms, $121.87. Students who aro financially able, pay $40.00 tuition additional. SCHOLARSHIP AND ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS Tho College malnalns 124 Agricul tural Scholarships, and 43 Textile Scholarships, worth each $100.00 and freo tuition. ' (Students who have attended Clemson College or any other col lego or university, nre not eligible for tho scholarships unless there aro no other eligible applicants.) Next session opon Sop. 13, 1011. Scholarship and entrance examina tions will be held at tho County Heats July 14th, ? a. m. Write at once to W. M. RIGGS, President, Clemson Collogo, S. C., for catalogue, scholarship blank, otc. If you delay, you may bo crowded 24-28* SULPHUR I inillfl I'AROB, $1.00. SMALUSOo. l.l??um, KfTeotlva for KOMUA, Itoh. Ringworm. Poison Onk. Inscot stings, ?to. Ali Skin BrupUOH*. .nd son lp Ailment?. You need not go to tho Sulphur Springt) thu giro? gou n perfect Sulphur U?Us And invigorating Tonio Il t-r Utter ?u?'* rapply you. Mat by Mau For Sale by NORMAN & COMP i ti, Poko Root and Potassium) ^ Powerful Permanent Stubborn casos Good results are yield to P. P, P. lusting-lt eurea whoa other mcdU you to stay cured cines oro useless P. P. > blood-cleanses tho entire ngthens digestion and nerves. d Poison and skin diseases. (top? the Pain; ends Malaria; milder. Thousands endorse it. SAVANNAH, GA. Government's Envelope Contract. No IOBS than 400,000,000 envel opes will be needed during the next four years to carry on the corres pondence of the government service. This estimate was made by Postmas ter General Hitchcock, who has Just closed a contraot for the envelopes with a Cincinnati firm, tbe present contractors. ?I , rV?i The contract will amount approxi mately to $233,566, a saving to the government of $26,000, or about nine por cent, as compared with the present contract price. M A no u a c. ii o NC, . -, . : Attorney-at-Law, Phone 00. Walhalla, South Carolin?. Office Over Oconeo News. E. L. HBRNDON, Attornoy-nt-IiMV, Walhalla, South Carolina. PHONE No. 61. J. P. Carey, J. W. Shohei, Pickens, S. C. Walhalla, 8. G. W. C. Hughs, Walhalla. CAREY. HR El AIR ? HUGHS, Attorney? and Counsellors, Walhalla, S. G. Practice In Stote and Federal Cour U. R. T. J A Y N E 8 , A ttornoy-at-Law, Walhalla, South Carolina. Practice In State and Federal Courts. Bell Phone No. 20. DR. 1>. P. THOMSON, DENTIST, SENECA, SOUTH CAROLINA. OFFICE OPEN EVERY DAY. DR. W. F. AUSTIN, Dentist, Seneca, South Carolina. Office over J. W. Byrd & Ga. M. R. MCDONALD, Attorney-at-Law, Walhalla, South Carolina. . Ofilco with R. T. Joyner}. JAMES M. MOSS, -INSURANCE FIRE - LIFE ACCIDENT, Walhalla, South Carollvn. AUTO REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES. Call and see me or phone 84. Prompt attention to all calla. All work guaranteed. L. O. WHITE, Walhalla. THE BLUE RIDGE RAILWAY CO. Hetwecn Bolton and Walhalla. Time Table No. ll.-Effective No vember 27, 1910. EASTBOUND- | 12 | 10 j 18 | 201 8 LvWalhalla. LvWost Union. LvHonooa. LvMordanla Junction Lv'Ariauui. I.VOhorry. LvPeiulloton. Lv'Autun. LvSandy Spring. Lv Denver. M ' Wost Andorson.... Ar Anderson-PassDeji Lv Andorson-Pass Dop Lv^Andorson-KrtDop ArBolton. A M 7 00 7 06 7 23 7 as 7 41 7 44 7 60 8 01 8 07 8 I vi 8 20 8 81 8 34 9 00 P M 3 20 3 25 8 43 3 46 4 01 4 04 4 16 4 24 4 27 4 33 4 47 4 62 4 65 6 2) AM PH 8 00 8 03 8 30 WESTBOUND ll 0 17 LvBolton. Lv?Andorson-Fr't Do ArAndorson-Pass Do LvAnilorson-Pass De Lv*Wost Andorson.... Lv#Donver. LvSandy Hprings. Lv'Autun. LvPeiulloton...... Lv*Cherry. Lv \dams. LvMordanla Juuotlon. LvBonooa. LvWost Union., ArW alitalia. PM 6 86 6 00 0 08 6 08 6 20 6 26 fi '?7 6 31 0 44 A M ll 29 ll 47 ll 60 11 67 12 10 12 16 12 18 12 20 12 36 AM 0 10 0 45 9 48 0 46 12 iii 01 12 57 7 03 1 00 7 211 1 18 7 201 1 23 A M 10 80 10 SS 1180 11 SS ll 68 11 68 12 2? 12 88 12 42 12 60 1 08 1 18 2 20 2 28 2 60 10 AM. 3 00 3 27 3 30 AU 7 00 7 08 7 26 7 88 7 88 7 ?6 8 ll 8 U 8 36 0 20 9 48 9 60 Will also stop at the followla? stations and take on and let off pas sengers: Phlnney's, James's, Toxo way, Welch. A. B. Andrews, President. J. R. Anderson, Superintendent. HANCOCK " SULPHUR COMPOUND Purifying th* Bleori, Toning Wjfaf?MS*f$& ?VJ?* ti-nntfio'it ar Catarrh, RheumalUm, Q-oak Nep^ttol?oUe7stone (a th? Kidney aiid Bta4de? ?nd r imbajro, h*. cn', .'ii.:'.. remove? Plmpl IQUIDSL'L_ o? Kxpreee, prepaid. Writ? for booklet on Ralph? ANY, Druggists, Walhalla, 8. G.