Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, June 07, 1911, Image 4

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KEOWEB COURIER (ESTABLISHED 1840.) Published Every Wednesday Morning Subscription $1 l*or Aununi. Advertising Hut OH Reasonable. -Dy tyncu, SHELOR ?ft 80HRODER. Communications ot a personal .haracter charged for as advertise ments. Obituary notices and tributes of respect, of not over one hundred words, will be printed tree of charge. All over that number must be paid for at the rate of one cent a word. Cash to accompany manuscript. WALHALLA, 8. C.: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1011. THE COUNTY EA IR. Wc have not beard of any pro position that has met with such uni form favor as that of the proposed County Fair. Oconeo must have it; wo need lt for more reasons than ono; they are almost Innumerable. Only this week wo were asked by a good farmer If the County Fair ls going to bo a go. Why did he ask? Not from Idle curiosity, we can un sure you. Ho remarked, however, that he is the possessor of au un usually fine cow and calf that he wants to exhibit, and then, too, In cidcntly he stated that be had some hogs that ho believes would take a premium at any fair. But the Interest In the matter does not stop there. This farmer suld that If we are going to have a County Pair he wants to give the animals that he will exhibit a little extra care, and right there ls where one of the greatest and widest benefits will accrue to the county at large from a County Fair. There ls a large quantity of good. Improved stock In Coonee, bm it lg scattered over a wide range of territory, and few people other than the owners over soe the beal thal we have. Others are sal ?stied with poorer stock because (hey do not see that which is better; lhere i.s nothing to appeal to their pride in the matter of having stock as good as others. Wo need a County Fair and a good, live one, ?too- Ho let those who have K?M'II little attention to improved stock, improved crops and improved methods, s(><> what these bettor things mean to tho men who aro sit i\inn to attain to the best. A County Fair will appeal to our individual pride in our possessions, and it will result in the substitution of good slock in place ot common stock, good crops for Indifferent ones, and the proper care of what we have instead of haphazard methods, or no method at all, We need something to make us ashamed ot* some tilings we base, and ashamed of the fact that we have not many UiiiiKs that we ought to have. A good County Fair will have that effect. Let ns not let Hie proposition die for lack of interest or lack of workers. MK. FELDER YET AGAIN. Thomas B. Folder has come to the front again, hearing this time a "nrain of sand from a mountain of evidence," which lie projioses to hurl at Cole L. Blease, the originator of "grains of sand from mountains of evidence." And all this, and all that has gone before, is the rank growth that has sprung from (lie rotting carcass of the rottenest institution that ever disgraced South Carolina-the State Dispensary. Few men who have touched it in its life or in Its death and decay have come away from the "unclean thing" willi hands unsoiled. We do not print in full the charges of Mr. Felder against the Governor of South Carolina. Ho may or he may not bc able lo establish all that he says. And yet we can but question how Felder can afford to make these charKos without tho material at hand to make them good. lt' his charges ure falso, certainly Mr. Blouse luisa remedy, and in- ought to take it and use it to ibo ul most ol* his power, lt' Moase ls Innocent ot* Felder's charges bo (Blease) ought to be ex onerated; il lie is guilty, he ought to bo transferred from thoOovornor's chair to a cell in tho penitentiary. Either Mr. Felder or Mr. Moase, one or the other, according to state ments that have been made recently and at tho present, deserves solitary confinement behind strong bars. Wo hope Mr. Mease will accept thc challenge ol* Mr. Felder lo seek redress In the Courts; he owe? lt to himself and to the Stale to do so. Failure to do so constitutes practi cally, as we see it, an admission that what Felder says is true. Governoi Moase may reply to Felder, "You arr another," but that neither prove? Felder a crook nor in any way clears Blease of the charges broug' t against him. Such a course would ho bul the act of a coward, If not worse. There ls much in this dispensar) muddle that ought to be brough! to light. Entry at tho opening math by Folder will give opportunity to "turn on the light." That Is what le needed; lot lt reveal whom and what lt will. A GOOD ROAD SUGGESTION. Wo am Informed that the county authorities will put the county hands to work on the Seneca?Walhalla road at an early date. The road needs ?nine work badly, and lt would be well to do more than give lt an or dinary "working." lt ls an Import ant highway, and should be main tained In bettor shape than lt ordi narily ls, but wo all realize that the county ls, and has been for years, lacking tn funds to maintain the highways lu first cmss shape. It strikes us, however, that an unusually good working and broad ening of this Important highway would bc of great benefit to the pub lic, and we suggest that tho owners of property nlong the road, as well aa others Interested, confer with tho authorities, and make arrangements to give them what aid ls necessary to put the road In good shape. The direct benefit to property through or along which a good road runs is mar velous, yet wo seldom realize it suf ficiently to put Into one a little money or time and labor. Wo believe, however, that this suggestion ls well worth tho consid eration of the traveling public and property owners along tho Seneca Walhalla road. The health of Ex-President Diaz is said to be rapidly Improving. No wonder! Just think what a relief lt must be to him to be no longer re sponsible for Mexico. Discussing Presidential possibili ties In Washington tho other day Wm. J, Bryan said to his friends, "Leave me out, please." Just as though that wasn't exactly what the American people have been doing for the past twelve or fourteen years. Attorney General Lyon will leave Saturday or Sunday for Salt Lake City to attend the meeting of At torneys General of the different States of the Union. Nevertheless Mr. Lyon's political enemies need not fear that he is in danger of going up Salt Creek. "Atlanta needs a perfect govern ment- - commission form of govern ments," remarks the lion. John Temple ciases. South Carolina also needs a perfect form of government, but with certain "commissions" staring us in the face, we doubt if there will ix* many to rush In and call for a commission form. The Hun. Thos. ll. Felder, of At lanta, lawyer by profession, some what detective hy practice, grafter hy Imputation ol' Governor fJlease, and author by reason of Iiis promise to "write a book," seems to be get ting ready to start to begin to com mence to prepare material for his novelette on "The Connection of a Live ('ole wit o thc1 Firewater Sys tem." Notes from Iticliland. Richland, June f>.-Special: The crops near here are suffering for rain. We have not had a good rain for about a month. Miss Cora Wyly Improved enough last week to be brought home Tues day, and is now able to sit up a little. Miss Emily Dendy, of Anderson, spent the week-end with relatives li ere. Stokes Shelor, of Greenville, at tended the funeral of Miss Mary She lor last week. We are glad to report that Miss Lucy Dendy is still improving. Rev. J. G. Law preached hi? first sermon as supply for us yesterday. He will continue to preach for us at the regular hour until further ar rangements can be made. John Stribling and Miss bessie Belle Shelor, of Anderson, attended the funeral of Miss Shelor. Miss Lynn, 'Edward Verner and John Rallonger attended a party in Seneca Friday night. The boys here expect to organize a base lia ll team soon so that we can show the other towns how to plav hall. only Three states Pacified. Mexico City. June 3.--President Do La Barra in a speech to army generals to-day admitted that only three of twenty-seven States of the Mexican republic have been pacified - Chihuahua, Hidalgo and Zacate cas. Evidently the President fears defection in the army. Ile promised reward for soldiers remaining faith ful to Hie present government. In an effort to avert threatened famine all over the republic, Hie government has taken off Hie duty on corn and ordered enormous ship ment..-, from the United States. The government will regulate prices. Fight Indictments for bribery. Columbus, Ohio, Juno 5..The. grand jury to-day reported eight bribery Indictments, lt is not known how many are against members of tho Legislature. Representative Evans, of Stark county, pleaded guilty to soliciting a bribe of one hundred dollars. Evans was lined *r>00 hy Judge Klnkhead. A Peek into Ills Pocket would show the box of Rucklon's Ar nica Salvo that E. S. Lopor, a car penter, of Marilin, V. y., always car ries. "I have nevei hnd a cut, i wound, bruise, or sore lt would not soon heal." ho writes. Greatest . healer of burns, bolls, scalds, chap ped hands and Hps, fever sores, skin eruptions, eczema, corns and p'les. J ???ic at all druggists. 4? OLJBMSON EXTENSION WORK 4* * - N A ?U Article XMV. ? .i**!**!**^* *?"I''t"I"I"l' ?1**1**1**1* *??*J^|??|**r How t<> Obtain Sanitary Milk. Very few of tho consumers of milk Kl ve much thought as to where the milk thoy drink comes from or un der what conditions lt was producod. So long ns it has no bad color, taste, or smell they drink and are satisfied. If tho purity of milk could be Judged by the above standard, the milk inspector would have no work and there would bo no such office. lt is a sad fact, however, that such a standard will not hold good, as milk may have no bad taste, color, or odor and yet be very dangerous to the health. Many of the out breaks of typhoid fever, scarlet fe ver, dyontery, and othor diseases can'he traced to tho milk supply. What then Is sanitary milk? It is milk that is produced by healthy cows, and which ls bandied in a cleanly manner from the time it ls drawn until it is consumed. To be healthy the cow should not only show no outward signs of disease, but should give no reaction when tested for tuberculosis. Sho should be kept clean and her udder should be washed well before each milking. The milker should milk with dry hands and not follow the bad prac tico of dipping the fingers into the milk while milking. The milker should not bo allowed to handle the milk at all if there should be a case of contagious disease in his homo. As soon as the milking ls finished the milk should be removed from tho barn and at once strained through a good grade of cheese cloth. If lt Is to be sold at retail, lt should bo cooled and bottled. If lt 1B to be kept for home use, it should bo put aside tn as cool a place as possible and away from anything that has j much odor. Milk will very quickly ab. jrb the odor of meat, vegetables, etc., If kept near such. Especial caro should be given at this season to the milk that is fed to babies and children. Much of thc stomach troubles could be avoided If only clean milk was given them to drink. J. M. Burgess, Professor of Dalry Husbandry. "A Mother's Ignorance." ( N e w b e r ry Observer.) The Columbia Record has an edi torial under the above caption, in which it calls attention to the folly ol* women who are ignorant of the character of the'men who aro tho friends and admirers of their daught ers, illustrating its point by the ex ample of a young girl in Washing ton who recently committed suicide after a love entanglement with a young man. The mother of the girl, speaking of tho incident, remarked that she "could not recall the name of the young man In question." Wonder if there are mothers in this part of the world who do no know the young men their daughters associate with? Probably so. lt ls barely possible that if some of the mothers were to meet young men In thc street who call upon their daugh ters at their homes they would not recognize them. This is no preachment, and it is no sound of alarm. Young people, as a rule in this section of the world, usually get along together all right. There are very few scandals, be cause the sentiment here is that tho man, young or old, that wrongs a woman takes his life In his own hands and is a flt subject, for the shotgun. But there may be too much freedom among the young peo ple; too little formality. No girl should ontertaln a young man In her parents' home until her parents have made his acquaintance. That much consideration is due them from her and from him, and it shows very lit tle respect-though there may be no disrespect Intended-for a young man to be calling upon the daughter when he has never been introduced to her father and mother. When the young man calls who has not met the parents, let the young lady say: "Iix cuse me a minute, please. I want to bring my father and mother in and make you acquainted with them." If he ls the right sort of young man he will regard this as a compliment to him and an honor, and will have greater respect for the young lady. If he objects, It ls a pretty sure sign that he ls not tho right sort, and, therefore, has no business unAui their roof. There ought to be greater confi dence and more comradeship any how between parents and their chil dren. There ought to be very few secrets between them. They ought all to bo friends--the best friends any of them can have. Then home lifo will he happy, and there would not be much danger that the young people would form undesirable at tachments or alliances. There lu nothing like parental confidence and friendship to keep the young mindi and hearts pure and clean and whole some. Let parents think of tills, and cul tivate the confidence and tho friend ship and companionship of theil growing sons and daughters. O'Reilly (Jots Five Months in Pen. Now York. June 6.-Daniel O'Reil ly, former counsel for Harry Kendall Thaw, was convicted of receiving sto len goods in the Bancroft bond rob bery caso and sentenced to five month? in the penitentiary hero to day. STAGE COACH FATALITY. Ono Killed and Ten Injured in Yosemite Valley. Yosemite Cal/, Juno 4.-In a stage coach runaway in the Yosonilto Valley late yesterday, R. L. Lolsen slng," of Allentown, Ra., was killed, throe women were seriously injured and seven other persons sustained minor injuries. The coach waa on a steep grade between tho Big Tree Grove, at Wacana, and the floor of tho Yosemite Valley. The party, numbering forty porBons, occupied four big mountain stage .coaches. . At a steep grado tho horses of the front stage becamo frightened. Tho brakes failed to hold and the team galloped down the winding road, with the stage swinging from side to side between a high bank and a sharp precipice, while the passengers screamed in fright. Convinced that he could not stop the animals,:the driver tinnily turned them straight into the wau of the cliff. The stage turned ovor and several of the pas sengers were caught beneath lt. Lelsensing was thrown clear, but struck on his skull. Rioting in Mexico City. Moxlco City, June 5-With famine and pestilence growing throughout Central Mexico, the provisional gov ernment ls hard pressed to preserve order. Two are dead, and fifty Injured in riots last night. A pitched battle wa? fought between thc rurales and a mob of 2,500 rioters in the streets of the capital city last night. The rioters seized nine street cars and demolished them. The police are powerless. The city to-day is filled with sol diers of the Southern "army of lib eration." Saved His Wife's Life. "My wife would have been In her grave to-day," writes O. H. Brown, of Muscadine, Ala., "if lt had aot been for Dr. King's New Discovery. She was down in her bed, not able to get up without help. She had a severe bronchial troublo and a dreadful cough. I got her a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, and she soon began to mend, and was well lu a short time." Infallible for coughs and colds, lt's the best and most re liable remedy on earth for desperate lung trouble, hemorrhages, la grippe, asthma, hay fever, croup and whooping cough. 50'. and $1. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by all drug gists. COUNTY CliAIMS AUDITED. At tho regular monthly meeting of the Board of County Commission ers, held Friday, Juno 2d, 1011, the following claims were audited: No. Hoads. Amount. 2404 W R Cobb .$10 00 249f? W A Itnlth. 25 00 2496 VV C Barker . 3 20 2 10 7 James Burrell . 1 30 2408 J P Strlbllng . 1.7 00 2400 J P Allison . 2 50 Bridges. 2500 tl C Moorehead .$ 1 00 2501 j c Mulkey. 1 oo 2502 J IO Gaines . 5 8 03 2..03 W C 101 rod . 20 15 2504 II (5 Cain . 2 78 Hoad .Machine. 2506 OA Hunnlcutt.$ 30.00 2;")Of, Smith Sons Mfg Co.. 205 42 2507 Shunk Plow Co. 30 00 2508 I) II Stancll. 2 50 2500 James Clellan . 500 00 25 10 A M Brown . 100 14 2571 W R Hunt . 10 00 Chain (?aug. 2 5 12 Gus Sullivan .$30 00 2513 J W Uamby . 41 5 5 2514 W S Cross . 8 30 2515 Joe McCall . 2 50 251Ca Sam Callas. 26 50 2516b Sam Cleveland. 10 00 2517 Burt Gillespie . ll 00 2518 Louie Gillespie . 30 00 2519 John Uamby . 10 66 Poor Farm. 2520 W R Cobb .$47 62 2521 C W Pitchford . 10 10 2522 C G Jaynes . 49 30 Assessing Board. 2523 J O Campbell.$4 00 Stationery and Pi-luting. 25 2 4 Keowee Courier .$68 35 2525 Farm and Factory .... 22 50 2526 Walker, Evans & Cogs well Co . 15 4 8 2527 John F Craig. 9 92 Aid to Mol di eis. 2528 J II Allen & Bro . . . .$ 6 00 2529 C VV Pitchford. 106 00 2 53 0 Enterprise Dank .... 4 50 2531 J O Broazealo . 1 00 Constables. 2532 A T Reid .$78 00 2533 C IO Gaillard . 3 50 253 1 L W Grant . 10 40 2535 Geo L Jones . 16 90 2 53 6 J N Hopkins. il 00 Halarlos. 2537 John F Craig .$25 00 253h w J Schroder . 31 94 2 539 VV M Kay . 83 33 2510 ll W tiru bim . 3 1 94 25 11 IO C Duller . 7 00 2512 J a MICH Seaborn . 16 66 2543 VV lt Hunt . 33 33 2 511 J ll Smith . 3 3 33 2 515 N Phillipa . 58 33 Contingent. 2510 J B Owens, lunacy t ra II a i io rta lion .$ I 6 20 2 517 Dr J J Thode, lunacy examination. 5 00 2518 I) A Smith, lunacy ex aminations . 53 90 2519 Dr VV R Doyle, lunacy examination. 5 00 2550 Dr H M Darton, lunacy examination. 5 00 255 1 Dr J W Wickliffe, lu nacy examination . 5 00 25.,2 W M Kay, dieting pris oners, otc. 57 9 5 2553 W J Schroder, supplies 2 00 2551 J 0 Seaborn, public buildings . 2 OG 2555 R W Gruhbs, postage, otc. 3 45 2556 James Soahorn, freight, oxpross, telegram, etc. 17 4 3 2557 Robert Miller, damages 20 0C 2558 Strlbllng & Dendy, at torneys . 2 5 0C 2559 C IO O Mitchell, right of \ way. ll 6G N. Phillips, Supervisor. James Seaborn. Clerk of Board. YbU ?AMT-BVY POOR, TOOLS IN OUR STORE ONLY THE BEST ? loi , WE CAN'T BE ON THE LEVEL AND SELL POOR TOOLS. . BE ON THE LEVEL WITH YOURSELF. YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO BUY POOR TOOLS. OUR POLICY HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE BEST IS CHEAPEST IN THE END. WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS. WE WANT YOUR CON FIDENCE AND WE WANT YOUR GOOD WILL. COME TO SEE US. THE SQUARE DEAL IS OUR KIND OF DEAL. MATHESON HARDWARE CO. Westminster. S. C. High Qrade Fertilizers, Heal and Acid At lowest prices for money or cotton. Wc carry a full and complete stock of Clothing;, Shoes, Dress Goods, Hats and Caps: Wagons, Buggies, Harness, Stoves, Hardware, Oliver Chilled Plows, Paints and Oils, Doors, Sash, and Blinds, Dynamite. Do not fail to examine our Stock of Merchandise and get our prices on what you may need, as we arc in position to save you money on what you buy? W. P. NIMMONS, SENECA. S. C. * * * !. .!. *?. ?I? *!. *!<. ?!. -I* .j. .j. .?. .?. .j. .j. .j. .j. .j. ?j. ,?, ,j# .j. MR. SHOE WEARER, Dear Sir: We have received our Spring Shipment of "JUST WRIGHT" Shoes and we extend you an invitation to call at our store and inspect what we think is one of the prettiest selections of Shoes ever shown in Wal halla. Very Truly, MOSS & ANSEL.