V?? INTERNA'. SUGGESTIVE QUESTIONS ON THE KEV. DH. IiINSCOTT FOR I HESS HI DI iE Tho object of tho International promote, by quostions, through the the teaching of Scripture tn coonee School Lessons. (Copyright 1910 by Rev. JUNE 4T1?, 1911, Israel's P?nitence and God's Par don. Hosea xiv. Golden Text: Tliou aro a God ready to pardon, gracious and merciful, slow to anger. Neh. ix: 17. (1.) Verso 1-"What proportion of the members of present day evangel ical churches are walking in the con scious favor of God? (2.) God's chosen people had gone away from Him, and the prophet urges them to return; what sugges tion ls there in this for pastors? (3.) What reason is there to be lieve that the avorage Christian back slides bofore he finally tots estab lished in the faith? (4.) Verse 2-When a backslider wishes to return to the Lord, what "words" will he bo likely to uso? (5.) Why is lt not possible for one to be a christian without using "words" to God? (6.) When we talk to God we en ter Into conversation. How, or in what language does He talk to us? 07.) When God takes Away all In iquity," does he make it possible for us not to commit any more? Give your reason. (8.) Verse 3-Why ls lt impossi ble to keep savod, if we depend on any earthly thing, and do not put our trust wholly In God? (9.) Why ls lt wrong for a child of God to be anxious about earthly things? (10.) Ver.o 4-How would you compare a forgiven sinner with Adam THE "SUNSHINE" PRESIDENT. A TribtUO to a Noble Work and a Faithful Worker. (The State,.25th.) Word comes to us that Miss Marye Shelor, president of the South Caro lina Sunshine Society, ls 111 at her home in Richland, Oconee county, and the organizer for that county ap peals to members of the society to Hood with tho sunshine of love and sympathy that room of mortal suffer ing. Headers of The State are familiar with the "Sunshine Society;" for years ll has had a corner In the Sun day State for its news and for the spread of Interest In Its work. But comparatively few of those unaihictcd or with unaflllcted dear ones have paused to acquire an understanding of its purposes and accomplishments, or to picture in their minds that end less chain of light which a mutual touch of sympathy carries Into the homes that lt reaches, whore Ibero are inmates stricken with long-life affliction. Through the Sunshine So ciety those who refer to themselves as "shut-Ins"-shut out from most of the innumerable avenues to the world's work, aspirations and pleas ures-are given social Intercourse and interests outside their immedi ate vicinity. Fully a dozen years ago Marye Shelor first wrote to The State In the unformed handwriting of a child; we do not know. Thoso early letters may havo been difficult, to edit, but one thing was always clear, and that was thc wish of the writer, with a heart welling with sympathy for others afflicted, to send rays of sun shine into their homes. It was fvom her we first heard of "Sunshine"-a pretty dream of an impractical girl it seemed at first. But she perse vered, and succeeded In getting an extension of the national organiza tion into South Carolina, whore tho State branch, with Miss Sbolor as Its president, now flourishes and ex pands. Just how much good lt does, just how many bright thoughts lt carries into dark homes, just how many lonoly hours It obliterates, just bow much pain and weariness it cause? to be forgotten, Is known only to the God of Love. Mrs. Shanklln, of Oconee, asks that a flood of .sunshine of sympathy bo turned upon Miss Shelor by thoso whom oho has comforted. But after an acquaintance by correspondence through all these years lt ls not pos sible to imagine tho homo in which her spirit dwells as without sunshine. There is a life of love for others, a life of unselfish striving amid pain and poverty and hardships that Is angelic. And noble are its fruits. Perhaps ono such Soul, when lt comes before tile Throne of Mercy, pleads for ten thousand sisters whoso idle tongues, given to evil speaking,' have dragged down Instead of up lifted, and have carried' burdens of bitterness instead of blessings of halm-and perhaps, because of its own whiteness, it is hoard, Three Aeroplanes Ordered, Washington, May 25.-Tho found ation of lMiele Sam's aerial navy was laid to-day, when Assistant Secretary Winthrop signed contracts aggregat ing $33,000 for the delivery at ?he Naval Academy by July 1, next, of three aeroplanes. This will repre sent the very latest developments In aeroplanes. They will bp capable of carrying al least ono passenger and will he equipped with a wireless out fit. Thoy will bo furnished by tho Wrights. Immediately upon the delivery of the machines, a nnval school of In struction for aviators will be estab lished at Annapolis, under tho Charge of Capt. Chambers, who'lias made a specialty of aeroplanes. -.--? m - Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A 3 T O R I A UONAI*-" PRESS ?ION at?Law, Walhalla, South Carolina. Practice In State and Federal Coarta. Bell Pliono No. 20. DR. D. P. THOMSON, DENTIST, SENECA, SOUTH CAROLINA. OFFICE OPEN EVERY DAY. DR. W. F. AUSTIN, Dentist, Seneca, South Carolina. Office over J. W. Byrd & Co. M. R. MCDONALD, Attornoy-nt-Law, Walhalla, South Carolina. Office With R. T. Jay nea. JAMES M. MOSS, -INSURANCE FIRE . LIFE ACCIOKXr, Walhalla, South Coralton. AUTO REPAIRS AMD SUPPLIES. _________ ' Cull and see me or phono 84.. Prompt attention to all calls. All work guaranteed. L. O. WHITE, Walhalla. THE BLUE RIDGE RAILWAY CO. Between Bolton and Walhalla. Time Table No. ll.-Effective- No vember 2.7, 1910i BASTUOUND 12 10 LvWalhalla. LvWest Uulon. LvSonooa. Lv*Jordania Junotlon I.v* Adams. Lv?Oherry. LvPondloton. Lv'Autun. LvSnndy Springs. I.v'Donvor. Lv? Wost Andorson.... Ar Anderson-PaaaDep LvAndorson-Pass Dop Lv# Andorson-VrtDop Arllolton. A M 7 00 7 OB 7 23 7 20 7 41 7 44 7 66 8 04 8 07 8 Iii 8 20 ft 81 8 84 9 00 P M 8.20 3 24 8 48 3 40 4 Ol 4 04 j 4. 16 4 241 4 27 4 88 4 47. 18 AM 20 VII 4 62j 4. 061 6 26 ft 00 ft 084 8 30 WK?TIIOUND IiVllolton. I>v?Andorson-Kr't Do ArAndor8on-Pass De LvAndorson-Pas? De Lv'West Anderson.... I.v*Donvor. I.vSandy ?pringsi. J. VA ii tun. LvPondleton. Iw*Chorry. Lv*Adaius. LvMordanl'.. Junction I.vSoneoa., LvWost Union. ArWAlhalU. ll 9 17 PM 6 36 6 00 6 03 6 06 6 20 ? 26 6 27 6 34 6 44 0 46 7 Ol 7 03 7 21 7 W A M ll 22 ll 47 ii'?? 11 67 1210 12 16 12 18 12 26 i2 36 12 89 12 67 1 00 1 18 1 23 AM 9 10 9 46 9 '18 AM 1080 1088 1180 11 88 1168 1160 12 2? 12 88 12 42 12 60 10S 110 2 29 228 2 60 19 AM. 8 00 8 27 3 80 AM 7 00 7 08 7 28 7 88 7 86 7 66 8 ll 8 1? 8 30 0 20 9 48 0 60 Will also stop at the followla? stations and take on and let off pas sengers: Phlnney's, James'?, Toxa way, Welch. A. B. Andrews, President. J. R. Anderson, Superintendent. HANCOCK v 'SULPHUR COMPOUND [A*<3 mea.Kfdn*/. Uwr??4stomaoh AUstenM. * MAOIO wONDRn for Hemorrhoids, Puss. LIQUID SULPHUR CO., Baltimore, Mt tl cr Kn pre**, ?r?p*ia, Writs (or booklet OM BuIphuQv ? ANY, Dmggists, Walhalla, 8. C. ? !