"TO THINK OWN SELF BIB 'VRUW. AND IT MUST FOLLOW AS THE NIGHT THE DAY* THOU CANST NOT THEN BB FALSE TO ANi MAN . By STECK, SHELOH & SCHRODEH. WALHALLA. SOUTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, DEO. 21, 1010. New Series No. 801.-Volume LXI.-No. 81. Dry GCK Noti We have j Spring Dry i which is the moi we have ever op We will b( you. C. W. & J. E. WALHAL IT PAYS TO B FIGHT OVER COUNTY SKAT. Purni Hand Killed as Result of At tempt to Arrest Commissioner. Oklahoma City, Okla., Feb. 13. Wyatt Staples, a farm hand, ls dead and three county officials are In jail at Mountain Park as the result of the trouble which has arisen over the removal of records of the county from Mountain Park to Snyder. Staples, who was employed on the farm of C. K. bull, one of the county commissioners, was shot by one of the men who arrested Dull, although his Identity ls unknown. It is sahl Staples attempted to pre vent Bull's arrest. J. T. Armstrong, another commissioner, and G. B. Bristow, county clerk, wore arrested later and taken to Mountain Park. Governor Cruce has ordered Sheriff Dani ola'of Kiowa county to Mountain Park to prevent trouble. The county officials are charged with moving the coxi nt y records form the legal county seat. Thirty Years Together. Thirty years of association-think of lt. How tho merit of a good thing stands out In that time-or the worth lessness of a bad one. So there's no guosswork in this evidence of Thos. Arls8, Concord, Mich., who writes: "1 have used Dr. King's New Discovery for 30 years, and it's the best cough and cold cure 1 ever used." Once lt linds entrance In a home you can't pry It out. Many families have used it forty years. It's the most infalli ble throat and lung medicine on earth. Unequalled for la grippe, asthma, hay fever, croup, quinsy or sore lungs. Price 50c. and $1. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by all drug gists. BAKING I Absolut* MAKES HOME ? Ll D< Di Fi Fi an HIM and wholesome 1 made ?mm? at tine ttoyal Gook Booh-8 Sou il Na tn o 01 ROYAL UAKINQ P?WOl ons. ust opened our JOOC?S I Notions, st complete line ened. 3 glad to show BAUKNIGHT, lLA? S. G. UY FOR CASH. ASSEMIHJY STILL, DKADDOCKKD. Hallet After Hallet Without Result. .Several Scattering Votes. Columbia, Keb. 14.-There is no election for Associate Justice. Three more ballots were taken by the joint Assembly to-day without results, though sevqral scattering votes were cast. Tho balloting to-day resulted as follows: First ballot-Memminger 55,Watts 62, Fraser 4 6. Second-Meinlmnger ti), Watts 62, Fraser 43, J. P. Carey 6, A. G. Brice 2, J. C. Sheppard l. Third--Menimlnger 45, Watts 56, Fraser 12, J. P. Carey 13, J. W. De vore 2. You are probably aware that pneu monia always results from a cold, but you never heard of a cold re sulting in pneumonia when Cham berlain's Cough Remedy was used. Why take the risk when this remedy may be had for a trifle? For sale by all druggists. Auto Goes Down Embankment. Savannah, Ga., Keb. 12-Carrying tn ere men, a woman and two small children, a touring car leaped from the Ogoechee road at a railroad crossing here late this afternoon and turned twice over while going down a II 0-foot embankment. John Stevenson, owner, had his right leg broken, back wrenched and received probable internal Injuries. He will recover. Fred P. Oliveros had a collar-bone and rib broken and suffered Internal injuries, which probably will be fatal. Mrs. Steven son am' two children wore tossed into soft sand and were unhurt. The third man was only scratched. OWDER >fy Puro BAKING EASY ght Biscuit elicious Cake ?inty Pastries ne Puddings aky Crusts d the food ls finer, we tasty, cleanly than the ready shop or grocery, OO R?onlpt*-Frao, itl Ai ')ri. ER CO., NEW YORK. LOCAL MATTERS FROM SENECA. Great Pr?paration? for K. of 1*. Ban quets-Hon. C. H. Vernor Honored. Seneca, Keb. 14.-Special: Cards have been received In Seneca to the marriage of Miss Mdrla Dendy and M. A. Marett, at Westminster, tho 22d Instant. The ceremony will oc cur at the homo of Mr. apd Mrs. W. L. England, and a number of friends from Soneca will bo .In at tendance. Preparations for the big Knights of Pythias banquet are going on, and it will possibly be the largest gathering of tho kind In tho history of the place. The fact that the occa sion is to be a home-comers' affair add material Interest, as well as a big Increase In the number of vis itors. The banquet will be held in the opera house and covers laid for two hundred. Toasts will bo re sponded to by distinguished speak ers from a distance as well as from neighboring towns, and ti royal Hmo ls anticipated. Friday night, the 17th, is the dato. The following ls clipped from the Tuscaloosa Tlnies-Ga/.ette and will prove of interest to Mr. Venter's friends lu Oconee: "Through the efforts of Hon. W. B. Oliver, acting dean of the Univer sity Law School, two instructors have been added to the faculty of the law department, Judge Henry Bacon Foster and Hon. C. B. Vernor, of Tuscaloosa. . * * . Mr. Venter has already endeared himself very much in the hearts of the students by his lectures, In the absence of Mr. Oliver. He is a prominent member of the firm of Oliver, Vernor and Rice, of Tuscaloosa, and solicitor for Tuscaloosa county. Mr. Venter will take up soon the subject of corpora tions. * * * 'It ls very fortunate for the law school to be able to secure two such men as Judge Fo?ter and Mr. Ver lier In the law faculty. Judge Fos ter, when a practicing attorney, was one of the most popular men at the bar and has been an able judge. Mr. VerqOr ls one of the lead ing men at the Tuscaloosa bar and ho ls much esteemed all over the State. Ho has lectured at the uni versity a number of times and is greatly admired by the students. He ls one of the best versed lawyers in this part ol' the world. He is up on all decisions and ever since he en tered practice has been noted for his quickness and his keen appreciation of the finest points of cases. He is a very strong man mentally, and his brain power and his full fund of knowledge are made tho more valua ble by his enormous amount of en ergy and the practical methods he believes in. Mo Is Intensely practi cal, and while he knows the law'* theories fully ho also knows their ap plication in a manner hard to ap proach by any lawyer anywhere near his age. Mr. Venter has had suc cessful legislative experience, and is splendidly equipped for the position of an instructor in tho law." A splendid congregation assem bled at the Baptist church last Sun day night, it being the time for un ion services. Kev. A. IC. Drlggers preached. The Seneca Cotton Mill sounded the alarm of fire last Saturday night, but the blaze, originating In the roller shop, was soon extinguished. Mrs. Ruskin Anderson was the hostess last week to a delight tul meeting of tho Once-a-Week Club. After the business and literary pro gram was dispensed with the hostess served a two-course luncheon. A number of our people attended the oratorical contest at Richland last Friday night. Creatore nt clemson was seen by several couples from Soneca, not withstanding ?lie bad weather, and everybody was delighted " with the Splendid work of the band. The Seneca German (.dub gave a charming little dance last Friday night at the K. of Pt hall. Misses Idla and Lese Strlbling, of Pendle ton, and Miss Leila Doylo, of Cal houn, were among the visitors. Luke W. Vernor and Edward Strlb ling will probably return tho tatter part ol' thc week from a pleasure and business trip to Kentucky. Prof. and Mrs. M. E. Brockman and the track team attended tho gym nasium exhibition at Clemson last Friday night. The girls of the Seneca High School will begin practice Ibis week in gymnastics, under the leadership of Miss Margarid Morrison. A few ol' our ladles havo decided to form themselves Into a club for the purpose of growing chrysanthe mum plants and blooms commer cially, Preparations are already un der headway for Issuing price lists of plants for spring planting. These will be issued in a short while. Mrs. Bryan, of Clemson College, was In Seneca Monday, Snow fell on Saturday for several hours. Mrs. L, \V. Vernor and Mrs. T. S. Strlbling spent lest sunday with friends in Hasley. Mrs. g, P. Strlbling, of Fair Play, visited her son, T. L, Strlbling, last week. s. J. Craig visited his homofolks, "etc.," on Keowee last. Sunday. Misses Stella Flncannon and Maud Hopkins spent Monday in Greenville. Arrangements aro being made to organize a chapter of tho D. A. It. In Seneca in tho near future. APPOINTMENTS FOU OCONEE. The, County Government Bill-Elec tion on Fourth Saturday in April. Columbia, Feb. 13.-Editor Koo woe Courier: Our delegation in the General Assembly have agreed upon tho lollowing hill that will allow tho people lo change to a township gov ernment If they so desire. We hope that tho voters will get busy and elect the best men In their townships for commissioners and make an extra levy for road Improvement; this year. The Coutltj Government Hill. Be it enacted by the General As sembly ol' the State of South Caro lina: Section t. The county supervisor for Oconee county shall give I < tice of an election lo be held on tho fourth Saturday in April, IPI I, be tween tho hours of S o'clock In the forenoon and 1 o'clock In the after noon, for thc purpose of determining whether the township will adopt the township government as herein pro vided, and shall appoint three mana gers of election for each voting place as herein designated, to wit: For Center township at Oakway, for Sen eca township at Seneca, for Tugaloo township at Westminster, for Wage ner township at Walhalla, for Keo wee township at Salem, for White water township . at Little River church, for Pulaski township at Long Creek, for Chattooga township at Mountain ReBt; at which all quali fied electors residing tn the respec tive townships shall be allowed to vote. The ballots shall be substan tially In tho following form: "For -Township Commissioners," and "Against Township Commission ers;" each elector voting for town ship commissioners shall write in the blank the number of township commissioners ho wishes to govern said township, which shall be not more than three, and on the same ballot shall write the name or names of one, two or three persons voted for as township commissioners. If a majority of the ballots east at such election shall be for township com missioners, then all of the provisions of this act shall apply lo such town ship; and If the greater number of votes be for one township commis sioner, then the person receiving the highest number of votes shall be the township commissioner; If the greater number of votes bo for two township commissioners, then the two persons receiving the highest num ber of votes Bhall be the township commissioners for such township, and If the greater number of votes be for three township commissioners, then the three persons receiving the highest number of votes shall be township commissioners for said township. If,a majority of the bal lots be against township commis sioners, then the said township shall operate under the law as now pro vided. The managers of elections, if a majority of the ballots be for town ship commissioner, shall certify the election to the county supervisor and to the Governor, who shall commis sion them as such upon their taking the oath provided by the Constitu tion, and who shall enter Into bond in tlie sum of five hundred dollars, to be approved by the county super visor. No particular kind of paper or size or form of ballot shall be nec essary, but If the ballot ls such as to be intelligible it shall be counted. Sec. 2. The county supervisor shall file and keep in his ollico all claims approved by the township commis sioners or commissioner, and sha1.' audit and pay 'the same and shall charge the same to the respective township, and each warrant must state to which township the same Is to be charged, and the county treas urer shall pay the same out of the funds for such township. Sec. 3. The township commission ers elected ns herein provided shall hold office until tho first Tuesday in January, IO J . and until their suc cessors have been elected and unai ded; their successors shall be elect ed at the general election of 15)12, and the term of ellice shall thereafter be for two years after the first Tues day in January after each election year. Such township commissioners and the present county commission ers and clerk of the county board of commissioners shall be removed by tho'Governor upon tho recommenda tion of tho members of the General Asesmbly, Sec. 4. The township commission ers or commissioner shall have juris diction over all matters of working, repairing and constructing and es tablishing new roads and changing location of roads, and building and repairing bridges; they shall have meetings in their respective town ships as often as may be necessary for tho discharge of their dulles; they shall have all the powers here tofore conferred upon the county conimissione.'. with the limitations herein provided. They shah not make any contracts or expend any moneys except such as is apportion ed to and levied for th dlr respective townships by tho county supervisor, und any contracts made in violation of this provision shall bo void, and such officers shall be liable for prose cution as provided by law. They shall approve all claims within their jurisdiction, keep a record thereof, and the same shall be audited by the county supervisor, and paid as all other claims against the county. Sec. 5, If lhere be three township commissioners elected as herein pro vided, 4 hoy shall each recelvo a sal ary of thirty dollars per annum; if ibero bo two township commission ors elected as herein provided, they shall receive a salary of forty-five dollars per annum each; if there be ono township commissioner elected as herein provided, he shall receive a salary of ninety dollars per annum; all of such salaries to be paid out of the funds of their respective town ships as other claims against the township. Every original claim and paper shall be forwarded by tho township commissioner to the county supervisor, to be kept on file in his office. Sec. 6. Any claimant feeling ag grieved at thc ruling or judgment of (ho township commissioners or the county supervisor shall have the right to appeal to the Court of Com mon Pleas. Sec. 7. That if the township com missioners or commissioner cannot make satisfactory contracts,then they may have the work done in any man ner that they deem for the best Inter est and welfare of their township, Sec. .S. Upon the petition of one fourth of the qualified electors ol' any township in Oconee county asking for an election upon the Question of levy ing an additional road tax, which pe tition shall specify the number of ad ditional mills desired to be levied, which shall in no case exceed ten mills on the property of the town ship, the supervisor shall order an election and publish a notice In a < newspaper published in tho town- I ship, or In the case there is none, in a newspaper most llkoly to give gen eral notice, or by posted notices of the time and place of such election, ! and the township commissioners shall act as managers, or if there be none, < then the supervisor shall appoint three managers. All qualified elec- ! tors residing In such township shall be allowed to vote in such election. Tho form of ballots shall be: "For I - mills additional road tax," or ! "Against-mills additional road ; tax." Tho township commissioners or managers shall certify tim result 1 of such election to the county super visor and county auditor. If a ma- 1 jorlty of the votes be for the iddl- ' tiona! tax, the county auditor shall 1 levy the same and the county treas urer shall collect lt at the same time and manner as State and county! taxes and place lt to the credit of the township, and shall not be pnld out except upon claims from said town ship allowed by tho township board of commissioners and marked "Spe cial Hoad Fund-Township," and upon the warrant, of the county supervisor, which shall be endorsed "Special Road Fund-Town ship:" Provided, That no particular kind or color of paper or form or size of ballot shall be necessary, but if the ballot be intelligible it shall he counted. When any additional road tax is levied the same shall be levied for each year thereafter,, un less voted off In the same manner herein prescribed. Any increase In the additional road tax levy may be made in the same manner: Provided, That the total shall not. exceed ten mills: Provided, That tho first elec tion for additional road tax under this act shall be ordered by the coun ty supervisor without the petition herein mentioned, to be held on the fourth Saturday in April, 1011, tit tho snme time and place as the elec tion on township government as pro vided In Section 1. We thought best to tlx the day for the election so that tho people would have ample notice to register and get ready. Every white man who wants to have a voice in his town ship affairs should register on the first Monday In March and voto In this election. If the people do not want a change then they can let things run along In the same old way. Next week we will give the appro priations for the different purposes in the county. Tho commutation road tax must be expended in the township where it ls paid. We will make a small general levy lor the county at large and will expect each township to levy the greater part of the funds for road purposes. Oconee County Appointments, The following appointments have been made for Oconee county: Auditor-H. W. dubbs. Treasurer-W. J. Schroder. .Magistrates. M. H. McJUnkln, South Union, S. ll. Marett, Westminster. J. E. Singleton, Taber. J. A. Kubanks. Oak way. H. J. Vinson, Holly Springs. J. I). Sheldon, Fair Play. M. H. Loo, .little Crock. Jesse Hay, Tamassee. ,1, io. Hopkins, Seneca, A. L. McCarley, Maxwell's Bridge. J. M. Whltmlrot Newry; p. A. Brown, Woir stake. W. A. Qrant, Salem. A. P. Crisp. Walhalla. W. X. Woolbrtght, Town ville. J, I). Hull, Madison. Township Assessors. Conter-W. H. Crawford, R. A. [toot es, S. H. King. Chattooga- -Thomas Ramey, J. P. Orr, I? A. King. Keowee -J. Tl. HiinniCUtt, Edward fiant t. W. ll. Talley. Pulaski--Ceo. Matheson, Rev. D F Carter, W. N. tlholetler, Seneca-W. M. Alexander, Oscar Campbell, I). A. Perritt. Seneca (Town)-ft. W. Grant, J. M. Parr?n. W. O. Hamilton. Tugaloo-A. Zimmerman, W. T. Tannery, J, F. Stewart. Westminster-J. (J. Hrca/.calo, W h. England, J, II. Llgon. MATTERS AT WESTMINSTER. Serious Runaway Aceldontr-Revival electing slunvs Great Results. Westminster, Feb. 14.-Special: The series of meetings, which com menced tn tho Baptist church on tho evening of January 3 0th, closed last Friday. The people of Westminster have had a great revival during this meeting, There were over thirty ad ditions lo the church. Rev. S. E. Stevens, of Chefoo, China, preached twice each day during tho mooting, and on Sunday, February 5, ho preached lour limes. Resides his reg ular appointments for morning and nicht he preached to the colored peo ple at ?I o'clock in tli? ritter hoon} and to the children at 4 o'clock. HI.1 sermons were earnest and persuasive. The church has- been richly blessed during this meeting and nundi good has been accomplished.. , Monday night, February 20th, Walden, the great magician, and 1 loverly, the hand-cuff klug, will ap pear as the fourth lyceum number afc the school auditorium at 8.1 fi p. m. This is going to be the best attrac tion of the course. You should buy your tickets early and Insure a good seat. Tlckots on sale at T. N. Car ter's store. W. H. Hammond, a farmer living a few miles from town, had a very serious accident last Monday. Whllo driving to town his horse becamo frightened and ran away, throwing him out of the wagon. Tho wagon ran over him and he sustained a few bruises about tho head and should ers. A. W. Leathers Bpent Sunday with homefolks. The many friends of Miss Nina Wham \fill be glad to know that she Is coming back to assist Miss Annio Smith in her millinery department" soon. Miss Wham was in business here until she sold out to Miss Smith In December. W. o. and T. D. Alexander, of Coneross, boarded No. 39 hero last Tuesday for a prospecting trip in Oklahoma. Rev. and Mrs, Brand, formerly of Hampton, aro now living In tho cot tage at tho rear of the Presbyterian church, formerly occupied by H. B. Gilbert. Miss Irene Miller ls spending seve ral weeks with homcfolks here. Miss Miller has been in Florida for the past few months in the millinery business. Another wedding has been report ed for next Sunday. One a week seems to be our schedule. Miss Bessie Foster entertained tho pupils of the tenth grade Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. Carter and .son John, of Gainesville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Carter last week. They returned to their homes Friday. Last Thursday work on the new depot was begun. Judging from tho plans we will have an up-to-date sta Llon when it is finished. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Burrlss, of An derson, spoilt several days of last week with Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Mit chell. Ed. C. Holland ls clerking in tho ?tore of B. M. England & Co. S. B. Marett, of Lnvonia. has boen In town for the past few days. Earle Seaborn, of Greenville, was In town last. Tuesday. Mrs. J. C. Knox, of West Union, was among Hie visitors In town last iveek. Mrs. G. W. Marett is visiting In Atlanta this week. Mr.,and Mrs. W. A. Matheson, of Poccoa, are visiting their son, P. W. Matheson, this week. W. A. Harrison spent Sunday at f\villon, Ga., with friends. Tile many friends of Mrs. J. S. Darter will regret to hear that she is very ill at this writing, Wo hopo for her a speedy recovery. Accused of Stealing. E. E. Chamberlain, of Clinton, Me., boldly accuses Buck len's Arnica Salvo [>f stealing-the sting from burns or 3. aids-the pain from sores of all kinds-the distress from bolls or piles. "It robs cuts, corns, bruises, sprains and Injuries of their terror," he says, "as a healing .remedy its ?qual don't exist." Only 25o. at all druggists, Remember that tho Oconee County Oratorical ('ontest will be held at Westminster, Friday night of next week, February 24th. Make; your plans to at tend. Tills Kat hering will be of interest to everybody in tho county who ls Interested In matters pertaining to educa tion. We have received an inter esting article in regard to this meeting, but. it reaohod us just ns we are ready to go tri press - too late for publication this week. WW. ****** ****** ***' Wagener-E. Breazealo^ John I). Perry*, c. II. Wbltmlre. Walhalla-G. A.. Norman, 'J. W. Ilauknlght, J. ?. Hendrix. Whitewater--- D. ?, Sheppard, ^. IO. Nicholson, J. B. Burgess. All of the appointments will bo for warded to tho Clerk of Court, whoro ho persons named will Hud thom. Respectfully, J. R. Karlo.