EXTRA CHOICE ( ONION SETS, Il and a full linc Seeds, All g Pretty new linc Dry just rc SHOES, HATS, CAPS, F Norman's L l?\ li, UAH Regular Communient ion of ?lilue Ridge Lodge, No. 92, A. F. M.. will be held next Friday evening, MM ii in : o'clock. J. D. S. Dendy. W. M. W. O. White, Secretary. ?!..?% ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?JJ? ???*?*? ?f?*t? ""?''.I* .g. LOCA I J AND PERSONAL. .j? *!**!* t?J??'*??'???J.?J? ?'??.J'> famous musicians will give a matinee tit Clemson College on Thursday, February Sith, al 3.30 p. m. Ad mission, "lie. . I have Mio (iii? st lol ot* mulos Ihn) has been to Westminster in twelve months. Am offering bargain l?ricos l'or lin- next few days. Terms, cash or on Hmo. See nie al Hie oil mill, Westminster. li. C. Marett. -Mrs. Kate I'. Lewis, of Spartan burg, is spending a short while In Walhalla with ber sister. Mrs. S. K. Dendy. She has many friends herc who are always glad to welcome lier back to her (dd home. - You had helter drop Matheson Hardware Co. a lino or so and gol their prices OU windows and doors. People are going for miles around to get their goods. Their pri?es are getting Ibo business for them. ii Miss Bullio Moss left last Men day for Greenville, where she will probably remain for some limo. She is contemplating accepting a position as stenographer for J. K. Sh rine, of that city. She 1ms numerous friends here who will reutet her departure. - For Sale Lol of com. fodder and pen vino hay. J. ll. Darby. The Seneca Hardware Company call attention to the fad thal they are prepared lo meet ;||| your wants in the Uno ol' building material, otc. When ia Se?era give them a call. You will lind this company always ready to servo you In the very best manner. i The [{oyal Tailors can lit and i su i i you. (All pure wool, i Seo i their line of samples and uet a suit, special inducements during the week beginning to-day and ending on tho 1 .'it!i. Moss ? Ansel. Walhalla. Robert s. Rutledge, who bas for I several years been stale Armorer, with headquarters In Columbia, is in | Walli.illa auain. to t he delight ol' iii many I fiends and old comrade-,. V.r. ltutleilge recently resigned his pal lion owing to t he poor health ol some members of his family since re-, siding in Columbia. - Two car loads windows and doors. If you are needing anything in sash and doors lt will pay you lo' drop us a hue and gel our prices. Do it now; don't delay. Matheson Hard-1 ware Co., West minster, S. C. ll There are many in Oconeo who. will learn with sorrow ol' Ibo death ol' Mrs. T. ll. Zachary, which oe-1 curred recently at her home al Cash ier's, X. C., alter illness of a year I or more. Mrs. Zachary was well known lo many in this section. The. North Carolina fnmil.i of Zacharys is closely connected with Ibo family Of I ha I na me in this . on ll 1 y. Automobile for Sale 20-h.p. Flanders roadster, made and guaran teed by the K. M. F, Company; two passeni:er; 100 inch whcol base, WJt > inch wheels; 20 gallon ua olino tank] in rear; equipped wit li lop, etc. Run j ihre.- months or about ">00 miles. In perfect condition. Iteason for soil ing- am buying llve-passengor car of Ibo sam.- make. Demonstrations given. Addre-s A. li. Gardner, Clem son College. S. ('. I'.-T Attention is directed to thc an nouncement of .MU;. about :: months ol. T. Price, ot' Baltimore, president and vice presi dent, respectively, of the Chattooga Uiver Lumber Company, of Madison, are in Walhalla for a few days look in:; alter business interests. -Oliver plows and repairs; poul try wire and Held fence. Regular jobbers' jirices to tile consumer. Matheson Hardware Co., Westmin ster, S. C. l-l? J. C. Shockley, who is now en gaged in business for thc lillie being in Southwest Georgia, spent Insl Sun day and Monday with his family in West Union and muong friends. Mr. Shockley is delighted with the coun try in and around Ainericus, (?a.. and there is a possibility ot' bis moving to that section later, lie is, how-1 ever, making careful study of condi tions before seriously considering the possibility ot' moving permanently. Ile lias many friends hore who hope that he will decide to remain a citizen of Oconoo. lt von are in the market for good farm mules heavy mules to turn your land it will pay you to come and soe the line lot ot' mules thal I have just brought in. They are as line as have ever been io Westmin ster, Terms, cash or on time. 1 will offer bargain pri?es for ibo next few dav-. See nie at the oil mill. West minster, S. C. IO. C. Mar.-' I. Prof. W. IP Smith, ot" Richmond, Va., arrived in Walhalla Monday and ha? taken up his duties in tho Wal halla High School. Prof. Smith will be engaged in leaching the sixth and seventh grades. Tile addition ot' Prof. Smith lo the facility will be ol' g rea I benefit to the school, ui'viiu!; relier in tin- grades which have hore I of ore boon over-crowded for tho leaching force. Rod rust proof seed oats at Rauknight's. The Caul Kayne Circle held a very delightful mooting with Mrs. W. L. Vernor on Tuesday lad. Tho guests were received by Hie hostess, assisted by Miss Harriet Vernor. Tho parlor was decorated with yellow January jasmine. An interesting progro ii on Prance was rendered, af ter whn h tin' guests were asked into the lovely dining room, where were tables beautifully laid with elegant silver, cul glass and band-painted china. The following menu was served by Misses Sallie and Annal i Strihliug: Turkey , dressing; hard boiled eggs; i leo, gravy; 'not biscuit; j creamed potatoes, spaghetti; broad, j bul ter; olive.-; fruit salad in orange cups; coffee. l?olli service and menu were in white and gold. Hore also were large vases of Iho golden jasmine, and over all was shed the mellow golden lighl from silver can j d?labra. The place cards were hiiiid I painted Cherokee roses, the (dub flower. Those pr?sent were Mes dames J. ll. Darb>, c. NV. Bnuknighl, G. M. Ansel. John Dendy, J. NV. Doll, J. A, Ansel, j. A. Sleek, Frank Car ter. I j. M. Drown, lt. L. Rogers, Ceo. Dluiniler; Misses Jannie Neville, Alice ami Daisy Strong, Mary Ansel. Ruth NVnlkor, Katie Harrison, llcr j I rude Sinitb, Han lei Verlier. Wo can save you "dollars" on ?Windows and doors. Wo haye * 1"' 1 goods, and the juice cannot be met by any concern. Try us and see. Matheson I hird ware Co., Westmin ster, s. C. I-? -Pay your commutation road tax. -Mrs. N. L. Kant ls spending this week in Anderson among relatives and friends. -Blacksmith toola, Oliver plows and repairs. Our price.? are putting these goods into the farmers' hands. Matheson Hardware Co., Westmin ster, S. C. 4-6 - W. S. Haley, of Lavenia, Ga., is tn Walhalla to-day on business and among bis old friends here. -Have those old lines run and nice plat made of your farm and savo future trouble. You are tho man 1 mean. W. M. Fennell, sur veyor, Walhalla, lt. K. D. No. I. Death of W. P. Ou/.ts. (Tugaloo Tribuno,) The spirit of W. !\ Ou/.ts, of Oak way, took its llighl to regions beyond on January 29th. Mr. Ousts was about OG years old. He had been con fined to his bod for over a monti) with a complication of diseases. Ile was twice married, his first wife being Miss Deila Snelgrove, of Anderson, the second Miss Moon, ol' Oak way. Both preceded him to ibo grave. Re sides a host of friends, he leaves two small children to mourn bis death, lb' also leaves two brothers and three sisters-Franklin Ou/.ts, of Anderson county; Jackson Ouzts.of Carnesville, Da.: Mrs. Katie King, of Oakway: Mrs. Mattie Kay. Atlanta. Ga. The remains ?vere laid to rest in the Smith Chapel cemetery, The funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. H. Singleton, assisted by Rev. Carter, of Townville. Tile bereaved ones have our deepest sympathy. I hav the linost lot of mules that has been to Westminster in twelve months. Am offering bargain pri?es for thc next few days. Terms, cash or on time. See nie at the oil mill, Westminster. K. C. Marett. Death of Lewis Cromer, (Anderson Mail.) Lewis Cromer, one ol' the count y's best known citizens, died at bis home near Townville last week at the age of about IS years. Ile had been il! sima? September, and had suffered from something like jaundice. the funeral and interment, took place at Doulile springs Baptist church, near Townville, of which Mr. Cromer was a member. Mr. Cromer is survived by his wife and twelve children. Three of these ar?1 married. Jerone Cromer, who lives in Georgia, and Mrs. J. F. Marett and Mrs. O. S. Mar ett, both of whom live near Town ville. The other children make their home with their parents. Mr. Cromer! was a brother ol' Fd ru Cromer and of l Mrs. J. R. Heller, of the Townville section, and J. J. Cromer, of Seneca Mr Cromer had lived all his life near! Townville, and was a successful tar- j mer. Missouri Capitol Destroyed by Fire. Jefferson City, Mo.. Keb. 5.--The Missouri Capitol building was de stroyed by fire to-night. Many of the records of the government and State offices were lost. Lightning, which struck the cupalo of the dome shortly after 7 o'clock, spread the Hames to the roof of the House ol' Representatives, and the building was doomed. Tile Legislature will determine to morrow whether to continue its ses sion herc or elsewhere in the State. The loss of the House records prac tically necessitates the work of the present session being done over. Ml ITAL LIFF MARKS A GK.VC Y CIIANGFS. Annual Dividends Show Increase. F. H. Hyatt, of Columbia, S." C., manager for Hie Mutual Lifo Insur ance Company of New York, an nounces that, it has become necessary to make some changes in their Green ville agencies, and he has designated James M. Moss a district superintend ent. Mr. Moss will place several re liable and competent agents in thc field and tho Mutual Life expects to get its share of tl c fir. ; class business written in (! reen ville. The Mutual Life now writes an nual dividend policies exclusively nnd Hie dividends for 1'.ll 1 show the seventh consecutive increase, which is something entirely new in lite in surance circles. Men of character desiring to repre sent the company in Greenville coun ty may communicate with either Mr. Moss or with Mr. Hyatt direct. I Are You I .j. If so, wc can save you mc $ barn or a commodious dwe! If you are erecting; a If. yard or farm, we have pri y FARMING Our linc of Farm 1 penters* Tools is complete. ENEGA HAF 4 I ? SENEC. t I / This is your Invitation to attend the Grand Spring Opening of The Royal Tailor Line February 8th to 15th this store wil) hold its An nual Spring Opening of Styles and Fashions in Men's Tailored-to-wear clothes. The object in this early opening is not alone to take your measure for your Spring or Easter suit and overcoat-but to entertain you with an exhibit of the handsomest cloth novelties, the classiest style-innovations, the newest fashion ef fects in male apparel to bc found in America. And even though you have no im mediate intention of buying Spring clothes-wc invite you to come and feast your eyes on The Spring Royal Exhibit of Regal Richness for Spring, v t lt ls as though The Royal Tailors had dumped tho richest creations o? the whole Spring Woolen Market Into a great magie sieve. And then had silted out the heart of them all into the Royal Sliting line. For this magnificent Spring array truly comprises the very golden wheat--the richest selections-the blue ribbon "prise winners' of till the woolen innovations that the world-wide looms have turned out for Spring. That is the tremendous advantage thrt a nation-blanketing and world reaching Institution like this has over even the most aristocratic of local tailors. For no one woolen market's wonders alone pass the Royal scrutinizing eyes the entire woolen world is the Royal buying place. Whatever is new-and live-and appealing-and authentic in Spring Woolen Styles, whether it comes from the North of England-the East of Scotland--or from right here in our home domestic mills- that attract ive pattern is bought for the Royal Spring Line. And placed in your hands for your delectation and choice. Dozens of ideas are shown hero to pleas, you. Come in whether you plan to buy to-day-to morrow-or in March, You will learn more about men's clothes for Spring from a single call here than you could learn in any other way. MOSS & ANSEL, Royal Tailoring All Pure Wool WALHALLA, S. C. derry Moore (Jets Rihhon. HEARTS Columbus. Ohio, Feb. 4. - Prize winners in corn, grain and seed com petitions tit the National Corn Show were announced to-day. Stephen Henry, of Melrose, Iowa, and .leny Moore, of Winona, S. C., hoys of 1"., who won prizes offered by the Secretary of Agriculture for the best production per acre of corn, wore awarded an automobile and a ribbon, respectively, by the exposi tion management. lt. P. Hayes, of Asheville. N. C., won tho world's prize for the best j pop corn. Thirty Veals Together. 'Phi rt \ years of association-?bink of it. How the merit of a good thing stands out in that time-or the worth lessness of a bad one. So there's no guesswork in this evidence of Titos. Arlss, Concord, Mich., who writes: "I have used Dr. King's New Discovery for ::u years, and it's the best cough and cold cure I ever used." Once it linds eut ranee in a home you can't pr> it out. Many families have used it forty years. lt's the most infalli ble throat and lung medicino on earth. Unequalled for la grippe, asthma, hay fever, croup, quinsy or sore lungs. Price 50c. and $ 1. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by all drug gists. ?I"I*v j.??? ?????.?t,?j..f.??..j?.f?.?? ?!?.?.?!?.). ?i? Building? >ney, whether it bc a small liing. fence around your garden, ces that will interest you. i TOOLS. "ools, Blacksmith and Car IDWARE CO., \, s. c. ASE TRUMPvSsssr r"B?RR