Saturday Ba LADIES* A NU MEN'S SHOES, $I.H>, LARGE DECORATE? HOWLS AND I ME 1,000 PIECES 25C, FANCY' PLATES, HOWLS, DISHES, PITCHI ENAMEL, TIN AND GLASSWARE ' THINK OE (JETTING A DOLL; CENTS. ALL KINDS OE LADIES* GOO' WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHA HOARDS AND PINS. EVERYTHING AT BARGAIN NORMAN'S L( E. E. II A ERIS' ?Ol , A Special Communication of rrr?i Hine Ridge Lodge, N'o. 9 2, A. P. M., will be held next Friday evening, "Jiu li in S o'clock. Work in E. A. J. 13. S. Hendy, W. M. W. O. White, Secretary. **** ***** ***** **** * "v*!* LOCAL AND PERSONAL. * * ** ****************** -Read Norman's new advertise ment on this page. --For Sale--Lot of corn, fodder and pea vine bay. .1. II. Darby. .Senator .1. R. Earle spent Sun day and Monday In Walhalla with Iiis family. -Mr. and Mrs. Lee 0. Hollonian, of Anderson, spent Sunday in Wal halla with relatives. --Hoplnsoph Ofllcei's will be install ed to-morrow night, Every member of Oconee Conclave i.s expected to be present. -Three milch cows for sale. Ap ply to I. Hood, Walhalla, Route Xe. I. -All members ol* Rocky Knoll church are requested to be at the church next Sunday, the 22d. at 2 o'clock, as there is business of im portance to attend to. -A' very pretty line of ladies' and children's hats; also, fancy fea thers and trimmings. In order not to carry over will close ont same at cost. Miss H. Burss. 3* -Miss Clara Rasor bas resumed her dulles as teacher of the second and third grades of the Walhalla Graded School, She bas been unwell for several weeks, and bas been with her parents at Donald's. -The Emery Circle was most pleasantly entertained by Mrs. Geo. Seaborn on Friday of last week. Tho next, meeting will be with Mrs. J. A. Steck on Tuesday, January 24th, In stead of Friday, January 27th, at 2.30 o'clock. -Paints, roofing, guttering, etc. See D. E. Good, Walhalla. -The many friends of E. S. Dodd are pleased to note thal be bas so far recovered from his recent illness as to be able to be up and about his home. He was seriously ill for some days, having been threatened with an attack of pneumonia. -The Lutheran Cemetery Associa tion will hold a meeting at St. John's Lutheran church next Sunday morn ing at 1 1 o'clock, immediately after the Sunday school hour. All mem bers are urged to make a special ef fort to attend this meeting. - .Married, near Town villi?, at the home of the ofllcinting minister. Rev. T. C. Ligon, January 12th. 1911, Miss Ollie Summerei and Joshua Crooks. There are many friends of the young couple to join with Us in extending best wishes and congratu lations. -Dr. 'rhos. G. C. Fahnestock, den list, will be in his office e\ory Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. -Mist, Winona Cary, of Relton, spent thc week-end with her father, VV. H. ('arv, at Lowndesville, and on Priday evening Mrs. Smith, of the Lowndesville Hotel, entertained in her honor. Miss Cary returned to Relton and resumed her school duties on Monday morning. -Chas. W. Pitchford, Jr., of At lanta, spent several days here last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Pitchford. Ile is now engaged in business with a large electric com pany, with headquarters in Atlanta. He has numerous friends here who were glad to meet him again. Attention is directed to Hie an nouncement of Hie Cash Croce ry Company, which will be found on tho eighth page Of this issue. This new company is composed of Otto Schu macher. Jr., and Ceo. I). Schumacher. They will give t he most careful at tention lo all orders for anything in their line. Read their announcement and give them a call. - For Sale-260 acres of land, 2 good dwellings. 2 tenant houses; fine location for store; in Whetstone Val ley. Land lies well, with 40 acres splendid creek bottom, in high state of cultivation. Price right; terms reasonable. Apply to I. w. Henry, Whetstone, S. C. !>-.-,+ Lowry ?fc Holloway, ol" Seneca, have met with such uniform appre ciation of their great sale of hist week that they have decided not only to continue tho great offorings flint announced for the thirteen days of Ibis great salo, but they have added oven greater bargains for tho second week. Read their announcement on the fifth page and give thom a ?all. You will always find that this linn advertises lust what it has and bas just, what it advertises. li .von aro looking for bargains in clothing, shoes, etc., this sale now on al Low ry ?i Holloway's should be of great interest to you. Try thom. ?r WORTH $2.00, PITCHERS, $1.10, WORTH $2.00. X'S PANTS, $1.4?, WORTH $2.00. CHINA CUPS AND SAUCERS, HHS ANT) SUGAR DISH CS, VASES, [.O HO AT 12)00. \ ICS WORTH OF COORS FOR 50 RS, NOTION'S, Ml Mil N ERY, ETC. DIOS, BUTTER MOULDS, WASH PRICES. 3 WER STORE, ON, MANAGER. -$1,000 to loan. Apply to Cou rier ollice. -Rev. H. E. llubard will in Hie l?piscopal church next Sunday morning at ll o'clock. Public cor dially invited to altead. --For Salo -Ono opon and one lop buggy, one set buggy harness. Apply at The Courier office. Chance tor bar gains at quick sale. - Paul P. Sullivan, ol' Madison, was in Walhalla yesterday on busi ness. Ile has many friends here who are always glad lo see him. - Pure brown leghorn eggs for sab? by Mrs. I. Good. 50c. per set ting; * 1 it shipped. --Prank ll. Shirley and A. M. Al exander, ol' Westminster, were in Walhalla last P rid a y on business. They are two of Westminster's active] young business mon who always lind a cordial welcome here. - Married, by Rev. C. H. Mann, January nth. Miss Beulah Seaborn and .1. T. Patterson, both ol' the New Hope section. The couple have the best wishes of hosts of friends throughout Hu* county. - Rev. L. M. Lyda will preach (H. V. ) at Bethlehem on the Hist Sun day in February at I 1 a. m. ami Sat urday before at ?I p. m. Members are earnestly requested to attend, as there an? matters of vital importance to be attended to on Saturday. -Have those old lines run and nice plat made of your farm and save future trouble. You are the man I mean. W. M. Fennell, sur veyor, Walhalla, R. F. D. No. 1. -The first quarterly conference of the Walhalla charge will be held at the Walhalla Methodist, church next Sunday afternooa at 3.150 o'clock. Presiding Elder A. J. Cauthen will he present, and it is earnestly hoped that all the church officials of both Wal halla and Seneca churches will be present. The first conference of the year ls a very important one. - Rev. C. S. Blackburn will con duct services at the Walhalla Bap tist church next Thursday (to-mor row) evening at the usual hour for mid-week services, and will also preach in that church Sunday morn ing and evening at the usual hours. On Sunday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock he will hold a service in Hie West Union Baptist church. The public ls I cordially invited to attend all these services. - 1 want to thank the ladies of Walhalla for what patronage I have received. I find thal fakirs have passed through your town, juggling with your sewing machines. I am a specialist, on sewing machines, with over 20 years' experience. I guaran tee my work if not satisfied money will be refunded. 1 trust I may lind work enough to warrant another week's stay. Will call at your home and examine machine. Am at Mrs. Cary's, near depot, I -There will be a horse swappers' convention at Walhalla embracing Thursday. Friday and Saturday, the 201li, 27th and 28th. Everybody who ever swapped a horse, and those also who wish to be initiated into the mysteries of t ha t said-to-be most fas cinating occupation, is Invited at tend. Those interested in promoting the convention are looking for a large crowd. Every preparation will be made for accommodations for all who attend as well as provisions for the housing ol' stock. - Public Sale I will sell, to the highest bidder, at my old home place, at Conneross, on Monday, January .j:'., IOU, at o'clock a. m.. lot ol' fod der, hay and corn; also buggy, wagons, harness and farming tools, lt will pay all to attend this sale. .1. P. W. Stelling, near Conneross. -Jas, L. Hurley and wife, ol' An derson, spent last week in and near Walhalla visiting among relatives and friends. Mr. Burley was recent ly married, his wife being before marriage Miss Ola McKinney, ol' An derson. They were Hie recipients of good wishes from Hie hosts of friends of the groom at this Iiis old home, and Hie latter was congratulated on all sides upon his good fortune in Vinning Hie hand and hean of his air bride. They returned to their homo at Anderson Mond... The Rotary Hook Club will be ope ted to-morrow (Thursday I morn ing from in io M o'clock at Nor man's drug store. Miss Katie Schu macher ls acting as librarian now. ami thc subscribers to the library will find in ber a willing, obliging and most efficient librarian. Miss Schumacher will also keep the libra ry open on Mon dav afternoons from I to 5. Tills will bo quite fl conven ience to a number of subscribers w ho were unable to gol to the library in tho mornings. Miss Schumacher will be glad to take subscriptions from any one desiring to subscribe. Terms, by tim year, %1\ month, 25c; vol ume, inc. Remember the days and hours. Thursday mornings from 10 to ll; Monday afternoons, I to f., at Norman's drug store. J -Mrs. J. D. Smith and MrB. J. W. Smith, with her little daughter, Eliz abeth, all of Atlanta, aro stopping with the family of M. T. Hughs, near (own, for several weeks. -C. W. & J. E. Bauknight are making a specialty of Fl?rsheim shoes at greatly reduced prices. Read their advertisement and give them a call. _^ LOCAL MATTERS FROM SENECA. Delightful Meeting of Truste, s and Faculty-('burch Bulletins. Seneca, .hm. 17..Special: Seneca's new business Brm, Craig & Shirley, are getting ready for business. They are opening up in tho store room ad joining tho Citizens' Rank, and will carry a handsome and complete line of furniture, collins and caskets. Wo bespeak the new firm a liberal share of patronage. Lowry ?Vt Holloway put on all im mense sale last Saturday which will run through this week. The Brm being comparatively a new one. there is no old stuff on hands, but every thing is fresh and in good condition. They made phenomenal sales on Sat urday, Hie opening day, Julius Edwards left this morning for Atlanta. driving his White steamer. He was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Alexander, who will visit relatives in the Cate City. Seneca Lodge, Knights of Hy (bias, are arranging lo celebrate the anni versary of the Lodge by giving a home-comers banquet in February. A large number of visitors is expect ed, and it is useless to say I ho occa sion will reflect distinct credit upon the members, who have always done the handsome on such occasions. T. M. Lowery returned last Friday from a business trip to Ainericus. On. Seneca's early gardeners were busy the past week making ready for early vegetables. Frank Harper has accepted a posi tion with the J. ll. Adams Co. Miss May Hamilton spent the past week-end with the Misses Stribling. at Pendleton. The (itv council is having some good work done on the streets under the supervision of the new ebie.'. C. R. Cornel t. The old school building is being lilted up for a gymnasium for the use of the athletic, team. This will (ma ble thc boys to begin training early and to do regular work till the spring season opens. We heartily commend the step on Hie part of the trustees, A delightful occasion was the as sembling of the facti tl y and trustees of the school, and a few others of our citizens, at the homo of Dr. E. A. Hines last Tuesday evening. The af fair was purely a social one, but was' thoroughly enjoyed. A music pro gram was rendered, and Miss Ada Marett responded to a request fora reading. A delicious two-course luncheon was served. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. .1. C. Huff, who has been seriously ill with pneumonia, is improving. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Holloway will move this week from the Hurgess cot tage, and will occupy rooms with Mr. and Mrs. J. IOustace Hopkins. Misses Maud Hopkins. Stella Fin cannon and Helen Hopkins, and Messrs. Nimmons, Adams and Wyly attended the dance at Pendleton last Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Russell, of Rus sell's, spent last Thursday and Fri day with Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Lowery. Miss Crace Russell, of Westmin ster spent the weekend with the family of T. M. Lowery. At the morning service last Sun day at the Presbyterian church bul letins were issued by the pastor which were gotten out by him and J. W. Todd, by order of the session i of this church. The bulletin marks I the sixth anniversary of the present j pastorate and gives in concise form the history of the church. The mem bers of the (burch are requested to luing their bulletins to prayer meet ing on Wednesday nigh! for the pur pose of making some corrections, (ir idis having been made by the prin ter. '1'. M. Lowery, Jr., was the host to a large number of bis young friends last Friday evening at a so ciable. Hames were engaged in and a good time generally was bad. Late in the eveing a delightful salad course was served. The young host was assisted in entertaining his guests by bis sister. Miss L. K, Low ery, Mis-; Crace Russell, and bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'I'. M. Lowery. The Week ol' Prayer. As a rule the first week in Janu ary ls observed by Woman's Mission ary societies of Rapt ist ( lun ches as week ot' prayer for missions, but the first week this year, being bad wea ther, our prayer services had to be posi poned until the second week. On Monday afternoon, January fl, a very interesting service with live present was held at the home of Mrs. H. A. Mid.ces, and on Wednesday af ternoon the Ladies' Aid Society had an unusually large and enthusiastic meeting at the home of Mrs. N. L. Fant. After usual devotional exer cises and attention to business. Hie ladies were invited into Hie dining room, where refreshments were served by Miss Mira Pant, willie tho ladies spent a delightful half hour socially. Twilight came all too soon, bringing the pleasant and, we ot ilevo, profitable mooting to a (dose. On Thursday afternoon again a goodly number made their way to tho home ol' Mrs. W. H. Cary, where af ter song and prayer, they were most delightfully entertained by an ad dress by Mrs. Irene Carter Stephens, who is on furlough from missionary work in llwangholn, China, whore she and her husband have been for six years. ll was thrilling and In spiring lo listen to her as she talked ol' her work, and showed us so (dearly Hie Importance and need of Christi;!!' education lo Hie Chinese women and girls. Then how touching when at Nie (dose slit? gave us this message from some Christian (-hi?ese women, which, when they learned sim waa coming home, they asked her lo bring to their sisters in America: "Tell them we can never meet them in this world, but we do love them, and thank them so much for Bending . ni sionaries hero to teach us the CONEROSS AND VICINITY. lMcuse for your fast driving, Extension and Canopy Top ? S Surries and Harness to match. Also plenty of thc S ? famous Nissen Wagons and other makes. All sizes, ? I and the PRICES ARE RIGHT. | ? 0 I 25 Head of Mules and Horses, f ? . $ g Everything will bc sold right for cash or good ? 0 notes and security. ^ 1 w. M. BROWN, I I WALHALLA, S. C. I ? ?