Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, December 14, 1910, Image 8

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.j? ?J? ? J. ? J ? ?J? ?I? ?J. ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?] Merry Chri I NORMAN'S 1 WUEIlK VOU WILL FIND Tl EST, AI/SO CHEAPEST PItlCl TOYS AND PRESENTS POIt 0 LARGE LINE XMAS AN AX?) BOOKLETS. NICE LINE CANDIES, I WE WELCOME YO Tho regular communication of Cr?i?l liluo Ridge Lodge, No. 92, A. P. M., will bo held next Friday evening, ICth in stant, at 8 o'clock. Election of offi cers. Tho Craft ls urged to attend. J. R. S. Dendy, W. M. W. O. White, Secretary. * LOCAL AND PERSO NA Ii. ?j. -Rig line post cards at Nor man's. -Miss Bessie McLeod, of Ander son, spent Sunday in Walhalla willi iriditis. I,el us clean and press your suil for Christmas. People's Pressing Club, L. E. Heard, manager. - Paints, rooting, guttering, cte. Soo 1). JO. Good, Walhalla. -Pretty and useful tilings for Christinas-giving for sale al the mil linery store of Ute Misses Bursa. -Miss Annie Riemann returned last Monday from a pleasant visit lo relatives tUUl friends In Charleston. -Dr. Thos. G. C. Fahnestock, den tist, will be In his office every Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. I). II. Rowland, ol' Alkon, is in Walhalla l'or a few days with bis family and looking alter business in t e rests. ---Kev. .1. A. Bond will preach at Poplar Springs on I he fourth Sun day morning in this month. Public generally Invited. - Large lot handkerchiefs, belts, gloves, ties, collars at Norman's store. -J. B. S. Dendy, Esq., ls In Charleston this week attending t lu? meeting of tho Mason lo Grand Lodge ol' South Carolina. - Mrs. S. A. Lockwood left this morning for Asheville and Morgan ton. N. C., where she will spend some time visiting among relatives and friends. --Cut glass, hammered brass and steiiing silver novelties, Rodger's silver ware, carving sets, cutlery, etc., al Hell's drug store. ' - Rev. L. E. Ilubard Will eon duet services at St. John's Kpiscopal church, Walhalla, next Sunday morning al 1 I o'clock. Tho public is cordially invited lo attend the service -Married, at the residence of the officiating minister, on December I, Miss Issabel .lames and A. S. Wil liams, Kev. J. ll. stone performing tho ceremony. The bride and groom are of the Return section. -For Sale.At your own price, pnrlor organ. Apply al this office. Will make a nice Christmas presen! for tho home. -AM members of Walhalla Lodge. No. C7, K? of P., aro urged to attend the rogillar meeting next Monday evening, tho 18th instant, al 7.:n> o'clock. Olllcors will be elected for the ensuing year. Let all attend. -Toys, dolls ami fireworks, and all kinds of banks for the children, III Hell's. -For the benefit of those who cannot come to tho post office during regular hours, up to Christmas tho Walhalla post office will bo open continuously from 6.30 a. m. to :<.:!i> p. ni. All Interested will please take due notice. - Hoys' suits, pants, shoes, sweat ers, at Norman's lower store. - Mrs. M. A. Davis, of Seneca, spent several days in Walhalla last week visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Davis. Hay Moore, of Denver, Colo., is also a visitor at tho nome of Mr. and Mrs. Davis for some V eeks. Picttiies. chlnaware, tea sets, tool boxes, etc., at li. H's drug store. - The Ladies' Aid Society ol' the Lutheran church has been busy for tho past two mont hs making pretty and useful articles suitable for Christmas presents. All seekers af ter Christmas thin!:... are invited to . all and soe the goods now on dis play at Ibo millinery store ot the Misses li Ul'SS, on Main street. The wook before Christmas there will be <>n sale also fresh hone Made candy, pul up in attractive Christmas boxes. -Por Sale al a Bargain- 1 acre lot with 7-room house, In good re pair; necessary outbuildings; splen did well close to house; Main street, < lose to Court House. For furl her information apply to Courier office, Walhalla. Kl* ?J. ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J. ?J..?, .J. ?J, ?J. ?!. ?J. .J. ?J??J? ?J. .J?. SPECIAL ANIV NORMAN'S - I WALHA Ll We are constantly adding to Ol sa ry Drugs and Chemicals, nu lion and care to the COMPOUNDING OP PIIYS1 Ou/ line of Patent Medicines, 'I ls complete, fresh and of the bc We solicit your kind patronat Respectfully, G. A. Normar st mas Times -AT :wo STORES UK LARGEST AND PRHTTI SD, VA HI HT Y OE ALL KINDS Kl) AND YOUNG. I) NEW Y HAR POST CA H HS IO TO 00 CENTS. ?U TO OUIt STOKES! . *I* *I* I* .f* .!* ?I* ?I? ?I* .!*.!. ?I* ?I* *I? ?I? ?I? ?I -Toilet and manicure sets, lap desks and work baskets, at Dell's. -There will be no services at Double Springs Methodist church next Sunday. However, H. H. Doyle will fill bis regular appointment in next month. -Doll carriages, wagons at Nor man's. - I have purchased tho entire stock of goods at tho Norman old stand, anti will be glad to servo all my old customers. Yours for busi ness, H. T. Crenshnw. -Air rilles, foot balls, horns, etc., for tho boys, nt Bell's. John M. hod ford and family have moved to Central, Picketts county, to make their home. They have numerous friends who regret their departure and wish them well in their new home, - Ginning days during the month of December Fridays and saturdays only, Walhalla Gin Co. ."-0 .Mrs. U. A. P. Dean, of Avalon, Ga., was in Walhalla for a short while this morning looking after business interests. She is on a short \isit to relatives and lr louds in the Conoross section, and among her many friends Ol' this community. -See I.. E. Heard before sending Off your magazine orders. Special attention given to club orders. - Mesdames .las. M. Moss ami George Seaborn returned yesterday from Anderson, where they ba?) been spending a few days Visiting among relatives and friends. They were driven through tho country by Mrs. Lee G. Holloman In her autmobtle. Furniture, Collins and Cashels I have added a linc of furniture, col lins and caskets to my stock of gene ral merchandise. My stock is com plete In all lines, and I am offoflllg a great many special bargains to cash buyers. P. P. Sullivan, Madison. Oconcc County, s. C. ;.n-l Remember that yo? will haven good opportunity to-morrow to buy a nice lot in "Sunset Park," Walhal la. These lots are going to be sold at auction, and you will hast' oppor tunity to get unod property al your own price. The sale will begin al ! 1 o'clock. Be on hand. -Just received another car load of High Point buggies. Every ono sold under a personal guarantee. W. M. Brown. Walhalla. ?-Having just gone in the pro duce business, with poultry. eggs and butter ?is a specialty, I am pre pared to handle your turkeys, chick ens, eggs and butter, anti will al ways pay tho highest cash market prices. Turkeys mid O.S?KS in good demand. Don't hohl too late for ? Christ mas. See inc before you sell them. My place of business is near the hotel anti livery stable, on the side street. John Joost. Walhalla. .ff you don't patronize "Tho People's Pressing Club" wo both bise. L. E. Beard, manager. Club rates, $1; or four suits for $1. Keveline O Ulcers Orr anti Reid completed another raid yesterday af ternoon, when they brought to Wal halla a large copper still, cap and condenser. The still was captured and destroyed about six mil s west ol' Walhalla, on Ramsay's Creek, lu connection with the still thine wine len fennenlers, Hake stand and a low wine tank. About 600 gallons of beer and lol Ol' mash were also de stroyed. The still had been in ope ration quite recently, but was cold when the officers got on the scene. They have pretty gootl evidence as to who owned the plant, but as yoi no arrests have been made. - Having customers for fresh poi k i whole hogs I, and being pre pared to handle same. 1 would like people who have hogs lo sell to call and see mo for prices and dates to deliver, in case we can trade. John Joost, Walhalla. Cl-f.O --News roached Walhalla last Monday of the tragic death, at Cal vert, N. C.. of Prof. Owen, pricipal o? tin; school al thal place, which occurred near thal town Saturday afternoon. Prof. Owen and two of Ins pupils were tint hunting anti bail located a rabbit in a brush pile, from which they wore al tempting to scare it. All three were Standing with cocked guns, when Prof. Owen Stepped toward tho brush pile, but bis lOOt slippetl and his body lurch ed forward, striking ono of tho boys, whose gun was discharged, the load taking effect in Prof, Owen's body, death resulting almost instantly. Prof. Owen was known to a number of pcoplo In OcOnoo, who will regret to know of Iiis untimely end. 10UNCEMENT, )RUG - STORE. ItA , S. C. ur stock nil the best and noces d will give 11101*0 especial ntton ?CIA X'S PRESCRIPTIONS. Tollet Articles and Fancy Goods st to l>e hail, ;e, assuring you our appreciation. Licensed and Registered y Pharmacist of Many Years' * Experience. ? -Your girl like? Huylor's-at Hell's drug store. , -At the rogulnr meeting of Oco , nee Lodge, No. 64, 1. O. O. F., held , last night, tho following ofllcors woro , elected for the ensuing torin: Nohlo , Grund, J. It. Barle; Vice Grand, H. , G. Jones; Secretary, Anton Gerbot ; , Treasurer, P, A. II. Schroder; Chap , lain, D. A. Smith; Outside Guardian, , lt. W. G ru hhs; Trustees, John F. , Craig, W. D, Moss, J. VV. Lee. The , olllcers will be Installed the first . Tuesday night lu January. -For Reil. -W. C. Keith old homo 1 place, containing 52 acres; 30 ucros ' In cultivation, balanco in pasture; 1 ' ten-room house; i tenant houses. ' Land In high state of cultivation. ' Apply to J. H. Keith, Anderson, S. C. ' -Ginning days during the month ol' December Fridays and Saturdays only. Walhalla Gin Co. 50 -Thc stores of Walhalla have taken on the holiday appearance In earnest. The stocks carried this year aro unusually handsome and at tractive. There aro now only nine days for preparation for Christraas, and lt would be well for all to real ize this fact. Don't wait until the last moment to do your Christmas shopping. You not only unduly rush the merchants at the last moment, but do a decided injustice to your self. SHOP FAULY! -Do your Christmas shopping early. See a nice line at Hell's drug store. -J. A. singleton, of Gainesville, (?a., spent a short while In Walhalla last week with his brui ber. Jas. F. Singleton, and family. Mr. Single ton left Oconoe some years ago and has made quito success ol' fanning in his Georgia home. He came to Oconoe this time to visit relatives for the Hist time in several years. He was accompanied by his wife, who stopped at Newry on account of the serions illness nf her mot ber. Mrs. Sanders. They have many friends in Oconoe who are always glad to meet thom. -llave those old lines run and nice plat made ol' your farm and save future trouble. You are the man I mean. W. Al. Fennell, sur veyor, Walhalla, R. F. D. No. 1. Chas. Pilgrim, who was convict ed at the last terni of court for Oeo nec on the charge of assault and bat tery and sent up for two years, es caped from the county chain gang last Friday afternoon. Pilgrim was a blacksmith by trade and was sent from the gang to a blacksmith shop, sonn? distance away, to sharpen tools, and being temporarily from under the eye of tho guards, made good his escape. lt is reported in Walhalla this morning that Pilgrim was captured in Lavenia. Ca., yes terday afternoon. Ile will be brought back to Oconoe at once. -When you want tho best buggy on the market for the money buy a "Hughes" buggy from T. 10. Alexan der, Walhalla. 23tf Rev. 'I'. H. Epilog and family left last Monday for Brunswick Ga., where they will make their bonn- in the future, Mr. Fpting having re ceived a call to work in that Held. There are many who regret exceed ingly the departure of Mr. and Mrs. Fpting from our midst. During tho past few years they greatly endear ed themselves to the members of St. John's Lutheran church, which has been greatly built up through thc earnest work of Pastor Fpting and Iiis faithful wife. We join wit'i many others in extending to them 'he best wishes for their every sue C0SS in their new field of la nor. - -Pig lot beautiful dolls at Nor man's. -The children of the Lutherar and Methodist churches of Walhall; will enjoy Christ nias exercises atti trees at their respectivo Sunanj school rooms on the night of Mon day, December 26th. Both of thc entertainments for the little onoi will be quite extensive and claborati and promise well for the enjoymen Of the Sunday school children, all o whom are urged to attend prom pt 1: and take their respective parts il the exercises and to receive the! shares of the good things to bo dis tributed. These exercises will Ix held at i,15 o'clock on the evonlni of the 26th. Bear the time in mind See our line ol' holiday station erv; also Bibles and Testaments, a Boll's. Young Girl Hangs Herself. Lake City. S. C.. Dec. 1 2. - Mis Susie Hore, fourteen years old, o Vineland, N. c.. committed suicid to-day at McA lister's Mill, fou miles from here. She was vistiin her cousin, Mrs. Eddie Ant wine who saw her last alive at. 10 o'clock The body was found about mid night, hanging by a rope from joist in the barn. EvidOUtly th desperate girl stood on a barrel, He the rope around her neck an jumped off. A letter was found near the bod: stating that it would be best for he to kill herself and then her nam would not be in everybody's monti and requesting to be buried at lu home. A half finished loller to lu father, Henry (?ore, was also fount She was well developed for her a fi and of very prepossessing ap pea ance. Magistrate Baldwin held til Inquest lo-lllghl and a verdict ( suicide was returned. Nan Paliei'SOn \o\v a Bride. Seattle, Wash., Dec. 0.- -Nan Pa ' lerson, tho dionis girl, twice tri? , for the murder of Caesar Young , New York, is living in Seattle, tl ' wife of Capt. Summer Prescott, hei of a manufacturing concern at Mai , nette, Wis., where ho formerly live Tho couplo were married in St. Pa 1 in the latter part of October, coi , lng to Seattle Immediately aftc , ward. Capt. Prescott last night a . mitted tho identity of his bride, ' the same time expressing regret th , the secret had been discovered. Evi , PrsCOtt'a parents, who live in Cl . cago, and are said to bo wealth woro kept in ignorance of thc , daughter-in-law's identity. A Big Cutting Scrape in Seneca LOWRY & HOLLOWAY Show the Other Boys What Cutting Really Means. Suit and Overcoat Prices go Below Zero; $27.50 Suits and Ovecoats reduced to $18.34 25.00 22.50 20.0O 18.00 15.00 >5 .M ff ff .> ) f f .il ff 16.67 15.00 13.34 12.00 9.00 These prices so into effect RIGHT NOW, and will last one, two or maybe three weeks, when this BRAND NEW STOCK from the famous facto ries of David Adler & Sons, Milwaukee, Wis., and The Dayton-Wile Co., of Rochester. N. Y., will all be gon?. No "Dog Tail" Stuff to Offer You at any price. Come early and get your size and pattern. We Never Misrepresent. LOWRY & HOLLOWAY SENECA, S. C. P ATlllOD KIDDED, SON WOUNDED Fatal Shooting Affray Near Harts, ville-Slayer .Makes Escape. llartsvillo, S. C., Dec. 12.-E. D. Doseman, a fariner about 05 years old, was shot to (lentil and his son, Otto Doseman, aged 22, badly if not fatally wounded, by Coy Blackman, a youth of 22 years, to-day about 12 o'clock. Black niau made his escape. The shooting began in the house of Cicero Byrd, a negro, who lives on tho plantation of S. W. Byrd, a prominent farmer, living about Ave miles west of Hallsville. The two young men bad met at the house, supposedly to get something to drink, and a quarrel arose over the ownership of a pistol, which was in Blackman's possession, but which the younger Bosom a n claimed be longed to him. Ile demanded that the weapon be given him and ad vanced on Blackman, brandishing a beer bottle. Blackman fired, the ball taking effect, but not making a serious wound. Blackman retreated to the yard, and was followed by the younger Bosoman and his father, who bad come to the negro's house also. In the yard Blackmail resumed tiring, his (Irs! ball striking the elder Mr. Bosoman in the heart, killing him instantly. Ho then shot the young man and seriously wounded him. The physician who was called says that it. will be Impossible to toll whether the wound will be fatal un til after an operation, which will be performed to-morrow. Otto Bosomrfn and Blackman were companions and had formerly work ed together at Roanoke Rapids, N. C. lt is understood that they had a tight once before and the trouble to day probably resulted from a re newal of the old quarrel in a slightly different form. Killed by His Stop-Son. Spnrtanburg, Dec. 12. - While protecting his mother from an at tack made on her by her husband, who was lils step-lather. Jim Cham bers shot and killed Corey Palmer, near this city. Husband and wife were quai l cl ing over some minor matter, when the son walked in and attempted to quiet the pair. Palmer was In the act of striking lils wife, when Cham bers shot him. Tho top of lils hoad was blown entirely off. Saved from Awful Death. How an appalling calamity in his family was prevented is told by A. I). McDonald, of Fayetteville, N. C., R. F. D, No. 8: "My sister had con sumption," ho writes. "She was very thin and palo, had no appetito and seemed to grow weaker every day, as all remedios fnllod, till Dr. King's New Discovery was tried, and so completely cured her, thnt she has not been troubled with a cough since. It ls the best medicino I ever saw or heard of." For coughs, colds, la grippe, asthma, croup, hemor rhages, all bronchial troubles, it has no equal. 50c. and $1. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed hy all druggists. 1 W. P. Nimmons, Seneca, S. C., Is making specially low prices for tine next 30 days on the following merchandise: Buggies, Harness and Surrc ys. One car Mitchell Wagons. One car Iron King Stoves. Two cars Sash, Doors and Blinds. I can save you IO to 20 per cent on Doors and Sash below manufac ieurs' prices, as these goods were bought before the advance. Clothing', Dress Goods. We are now receiving a big lot of brand new Clothing--newest and latest patterns and styles for Fall and Winter. A full and complete stocK of Dress Goods, Shoes, Hats and Caps. ardware, Tinware, Etc. A full and complete s toe Hi Tinware, Hardware, Paints, and Oils. Lime and Cement. Dynamite at lowest prices. Do not fail to examine our stocK and get our prices on what you may need. We will sell you better goods for less money. We pay the highest market price for Cotton and Cotton Seed. With each hill of Dry Goods, Clothing and { Shoes amounting to $ IO.00 I will sell 25 pounds of New York Standard Granulated Sugar for $1.15 W. P.NIMMONS, SENECA, SO. CA.