BARGAir A. NORMAN'? L< PRICES W Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Crockery, Glassware, Tin - Every S i* LOCAL AND PERSONAL. 4. ???.??.?.??..J. ?|??|?*|?*|?#|? *|our last year's tax receipt aol registration cort Idea le and gel read) to cast j our \ ole for I he nom inees of the Democratic primary, as you pledged yourself io do ai said election. ever j registered man io Hi'' county take an hour or two off on thal da) and cast his hallo!. F. W. Harbor! has om- thanks for ile- linos! sweet potato speci men we have seen Ibis \ Mr. Harbor! informed us thai he bas raised about fl I'ty bushel; this year from less than an acre of ground. The om- lie brough! to The Courier office weighed slightly more than f"" f pound, ami w as ol' I he pumpkin yam variety. His entire yield was of large potatoes, hut Hhs was the largest one of the crop. -Dr. Th os. C. C. Ka h n estock. den list, will bo in his office every Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. Here's i ' record breaker for a lady fannel. . o far as we have been nd* ls? d: yesterday morning Mrs. W. M. Hrowil, of Walhalla, sent to The Courier ofllce three sweet pota toes, the three neilin:; I I pounds. Mrs. Brown doe; noi make a busi ness of farming, of course, ami sin lives in town. Bul we lind this ap pended lo her note: ..! say M Y po tatoes 'ocean..- i hough! the potatoes had them bedded, drew the slips and sent thom to tho farm, and had Hu ground prepared and tho lips sci IlkO I W allied il done." |<]\ Idotltl)' Mrs. Brown knows how -we.-t pola loos OUglll to bo cultivated and grown. We an- not Informed jus! what Mrs. Brown had done, but, as i lawyer would insist, "the po ta toe; an' tho bo t e\ ?dence.Sin- take, thc laurels, and wo take, with thanks three of tho biggest potatoes w'< have seen. M SALES DWER STORE, ILL rrisr-iiLi : Caps, Dry Goods. Notions, ware and Enamel, Etc., Etc. ?atti rd ay - j - Read Lowry & Holloway's now ad vortlsoment. - Di*. H. KV Sloan is attondlng tho Stalo Fair tills wook. -.Mrs. .las. M. .Moss lias roturnod front Mount iMoasant, whcro she1 spent sovoral wooks visiting al tho homo of Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Bowen. -A special mooting of tho Luthe ran congregation is called to he held j after services next Sunday. We have a big opportunity to got a good man as pastor. Be sure to he there. - Don't forget the convention of tile Sunday schools of Wagoner town ship at tho Lutheran church to-mor I'IUV Homo ami enjoy tho day. Help i and be helped in tho great work of j the church. A mooting of Oconeo Memorial I Association will ho held at ol?leo of; U. T. .laynos on Friday evening next al ") o'clock. A full attendance is . desired, as matters of importance do- ? niand attention. -;Just received ane'her car load of High Point buggies. Every one ? sold under a personal guarantee. W. M. Brown, Walhalla. - Miss Hatti?? Rutledge, accompa nied by her little nephew, Hurt Kilt-j ledge, left for Columbia this morn- i lng, where they will visit the for mer's lather. Hobt. S. Put lodge. Stat o A rmorer, - On account of making a change in my business, I will commence dos- j lug out nt cost all my pattern and' trimmed hats to-morrow, Thursday, j November 3d. Mrs. R, ('allaway, milliner. Walhalla. S. C. A meeting of tho board of trus tees and bonni of stewards of tho] Walhalla Methodist church is called for Thursday evening at S o'clock al Ibo residence of 13. L. l-lcrndon to j consider important malters. There will bo ;i call mooting of the Civic Leugne on Monday. Novem ber 7th, at ! o'clock, at Mrs. W. M., Itrowu's. All members will please attend promptly, a.s business of Im portance will bo considered. Revival services at thc Baptist church, conducted hy Rev. B. J. Woodward, will continue through1, this week. Services al 10.30 a. m. and 7.:?o p. m. every day. Evory one invited to all the services. - For Salo by J. B. S. Dendy Tract of woodland, four milos from Wost Fnion, on Blue Ridge Railroad, 'containing one hundred and fifty ? aero ;. Price. $ I ,fi JO.00. 1 l Tho ladies of the Episcopal church will serve an oyster supperat Eaton's store room on Friday. No vember 1 Ith, beginning al 0 o'clock. The public is cordially invited to al- ' tend. Oysters will be cooked in any st} lo and served to order. 11 a lie ian's Monkey and Coat Show lias i's lents pitched III South I Broad street, near the Court House, j 1 and is being visited by fairly good ? ( Crowds. They will give another per- ' ?formalice to-night, and will probably remain longer, though thoy came for a two-day show only. Ml s Hattie and T. B. Shelor ? have be, n quite unwell for a week or more, to the regret of their friends hore and elsewhere. Miss Shclor's condition is reported somewhat im proved this morning, hui Mr. Shelor is reported no bettor. Their friends hope for their early recovery. Postmaster A. C. Merrick was quito sic for several days las! week, hut his many friends are pleased loi Know that he has Improved to such an extent as lo be aide to attend to his odlcial duties partially at pres ent. Wo hope that lie may soon be entirely restored lo his usual good health. -For Sale by J. IL S. Dendy- -A farm of ono hundred and fifty acres two and a half miles from Walhalla. Price, ?2,.100.00. Terms to suit pur chaser. 1 I Miss Carrie Darby, of Sandy Springs, i , expected lo arrive in Wost I niou uexl week to assist in Ibo Wost I nion school, which was opened last month with Miss Ora Polle Martinas principal. Miss Marlin is slopping with the Misses Stucke al the West Inion Hotel. Miss Darby will be with her anni. Mrs. .las. Phinncy, The reports from thc Hoys' Corn club Contest aro coming In very slowly. So far only Heven out ol the thirty-five have reported. Don't drop out If your yield happens lo fall short, for ibero will be a prize for the best written report, best ten-oar exhibit, etc. Soiul in your reports at once. Remember tho contest clOSCS November I.'.th. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wiebens, of Chicago, arrived in West Fnion last week and aro slopping al lite home ol' tho Misses SI indee. Mr. and M r.s. Wiebens will probably spend tho win ter here, tho Misses Stucke having opened tho West Union Hotol per manently. Mr. Wiebens ls remem bered boro by Humorous friends, who are pleased lo mool him again. Several from Walhalla attended i (he circus in Anderson last Friday. Some fell victims io pickpockets, bul i enjoyed Ibo show nevertheless. lt I is understood there were seventy nine eases on the Anderson police I court docket tor Friday. Tho ma jor portion of the charges were for pick pocketing. Arnon:: those from Ibis county who fell victim.- io tho light fingered manipulators ..?.ere A. T. Sinllh, W. H. Quinn, J. II. Dendy, Sam McCrary and Dr. W. K. Sharp. There were perhaps others thal WC have not heard of. Several arrests were made on tho passengor train from Anderson to Walhalla Friday night. -See advertisement of bridge let- ; tings next Saturday, tho 5th. -Lost-Between D. P. McAllster's and West Tulon, suit case containing lady's'clot liing. Howard If returned to J. C. Knox. West tinton. -Tho ladies ol' the Civic League will serve a dinner on Wednesday, ' November 9th, from 12 to 3 o'clock, at the old dispensary building, cor- ! nor Malu and Tugaloo streets. Every one welcome and a good dinner for all. Price 25c. a plate. The follow ing menu will he served: Baked hen, boiled ham. inaccaronl, creamed po tatoes, baked beans, rho, slaw, bread, coffee. Pie, ">c; cake, 5c. -Be certain to attend the auction sale at the store formerly occupied ' by A. Charles Br?cke, deceased, in West Linton, s. C., next Saturday, the .">tli instant. A lot of ear corn, fodder, tops, rough and dressed lum ber, one pair Stimson computing scales, show cases, set ot* black smith tools, and many other things, all to go at a bargain for cash. A. W. I,. Br?cke, Executor. ! -Speaking in regard to numerous land sales that Capt. D, A. Taylor has pulled ott" in the recent past and j will conduct in thc near future, the i Anderson Intelligencer says: "On! October 20th Capt. Taylor sold at I Walhalla for the Anderson Real Es- i tate and Investment Co. 72 lots, j This was one ot' the best, sales ever : turned off in this State and the larg est gathering ever seen at an auction salo." -When you want tho best buggy on the market for tho money buy a "Hughes" buggy from T. E., Alexan der, Walhalla. 23tf --Lee Kerr, coroner of Oconeo county, lias accepted a position ?is niulit watchman at Clemson College?. We are glad to note thal he has been given this responsible position, as we are sure that no one would fill il more acceptably than he. Until further notice, If any emergency re quiring him should arise, he can be reached by phone at the treasurer's o nice at Clemson College. Any one desiring to see his books or inspect his records may do so by seeing W. C. Hughs, who has them in charge for Mr. Kerr. -Next Monday and Tuesday nights thc Sylvia Summers Company will ap pear here, presenting two pop lar plays at popular prices. This com pany comes with high endorsement from the public and the press, and will doubtless attract good audiences both nights. Th ls company recently appeared at the theatre in Anderson, and ?it thal lime the Anderson Haily Mail, speaking of the compati'-, said. "The Sylvia Summers Company pul on an unusually good show at tho opera house last night. The house was well filled and the audience was highly pleased with the presentation ol' '.lack's Wife.' The company is an exceptionally strong one and deserves good patronage." The Sylvia Sum mers Company, composed of eight people, will be in Walhalla for two nights only, and the show-going pop ulation can expect two of the best performances that have ever been presented here, according to thc In formation received by us in regard lo the show. ' I IS A PLEASURE TO TRAU WHAT Vor WA NT, AND KNOW .I I "ST BIGHT. WE HAVE BEEN LON? TIME AND CLAIM THAT SOMETHING, AND APTER TUES WE COULD NOT APPORD TO DI<: RUT WE STRIVE ALL THE TIM TER OOODS, ON A PAIR RUSINE NOTHING WE CAN SELL YOU A WITH VOf, EXCEPT MEN'S CLO DIES' WRAPS." THESE WE WI VOICE. BUT IP VOf WILL (?I WILL GUARANTEE YOU WILL MON EV, AND THE BEST VA IA' TRIAL. IP VOf NEVER 11A V !.! SEE OUR IA DI ES1 AND CH DEPARTMENT. IT IS COMPLE HAD, W. S. HI (SUCCESSOR TO W. Why Ps Pri< rs k lil Carter Han WATaiAl -Cort will convene next Monday. This ls also legal salesday for No vember. A large crowd ls expected In town on that day. It will be a good time to meet your friends from all over the county. Make lt a point to call at The Courier o (lice for a few minutes. We Rre always glad to see our friends and patrons; also, to make new friends and patrons. Wc will try and have fresh water and a warm place for you. -H. C. Miller, Esq., left Monday for Greenville, where be will be lo cated for the future, and al which place he will practice law in connec tion with B. A. Morgan, Esq. Dur ing Mr. .Miller's short stay In Wal halla he made numerous friends, who will join with us in wishing him every success In bis new home. Ho ls a young man of ability, and we regret bis departure from Walhalla. in speaking of his removal Mr. Miller was unstinted In his praise of the people of Walhalla, who had receiv ed him most cordially, and for Whoin he formed a great attach ment. -On Tuesday. October 25th, Ibo Paul blayne Circle held a business meeting at the home of Mrs. .1. A. Steck. At this meeting the election of officers for the year 11)11 took place, and was as follows: Mrs. E. !.. Ilerndon, president; Mrs. .las. ll. Darby, vice president; .Miss Ruth Walker, secretary; Mrs. W. L. Ver lier, corresponding secretary; Mrs. lt. L. Hogers, treasurer. The course of study decided on was France and Austria. After other minor business the club adjourned, and was served hy Mrs. Stock and Mrs. Adams to a cup of very refreshing coffee with crackers. THE Sylvia - Summers Co WU.H APPEAR AT Wiener Theatre, WALHALLA, 2- NIGHTS -2 jMonday and Tuesday. Nov. 7 and 8. DOORS OPEN 7.:?) O'CLOCK; PER FORMANCE 8.00 O'CLOCK. Popular Prices, 8 - P E o P L E - 8 One of the liest Shows on the road, under the Management of Al fred Pierce. See EARL BEARD, LOCAL MANAGER. ?E WHERE YOI CA N GET JUST TIM: QUALITY AND PRICE STUDYING THIS BUSINESS A OCR REPUTATION IS WORTH IE LONG YEARS OF BUILDING ISTROY, IF WE SO DESIRED, H TO GIVE OCR TRADE BET? !SS MARGIN, AND THERE IS T COST, AND HE HONEST ?THING AND LAST LEAR .?LA ILL, AM) SHOW YOI THE IN YE CS YOUR FALL RILL WE GET AS MUCH FOR YOUR ES TO HE HAD. (?IVE US A ! YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF, ILDREN'S READ Y-T( ?-WEA 11 ?TE WITH THF, BEST TO RIO UNTER, i9 S. C. S. HUNTER ? CO.) ty High Des for Sewing Machines |?? when you can get m ;>:>j the very best Stand . ard Machine from us at a Reasonable price -Casii or Credit. dware Co., High Quality Clothes E HANDLE a linc which gives you every desirable feature of up-to-date Ltyle, and is de pendable for good service and shape-holding. If there was a better line of clothes, we would have it-nothing but the highest clothing values are up to thc standard of this store, and for that reason we feature Adler's Collegia^ Clothes This well-known linc offers styles attractive and suitable alike for the young man, who wants thc more pro nounced styles, and thc more mature business or profes sional man, who is more subdued in his preferences. Thc best of sty le, good taste, and values, arc what we offer in this well-known line of clothes. Let us show how perfectly wc can fit you. LOWRY HOLLOWAY, SENECA, S. C OATS! OATS! 300 bushels of Appier Oats, grown by Dr. J. S. Stribling from seed bought of T. W. Wood and Sons. Come quick; they wont last long. BYRD & CROMER, SENECA. S. C. A Progressive Age .I* ?I? 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* v *!* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* *l* 4* 4* 4* .I* rt a, s o G ** y* U* u* ?* ?fi 4- h08 ** J* J* u* H* J* 4* *H ? ?J. HH * ? 4? O fr fr While this age has been termed a progressive one from all standpoints, thc progressiveness of Farming has attracted a more wide atten tion than any linc of business. This agc has taught us well that Cotton, while a money crop, cannot bc relied upon entirely, for to keep up our soil we must rotate. It has been well proven that thc open furrow system is the only successful way of sowing grain, and that it docs not pay to sow with out fertilizer. We have placed in stock just a few of thc Famous Farmers' Favorite Grain Drills, in thc light two ^r^^iv^? ^5r^^|(^i ?u^f ?^ horse size, w h i c h are made up with thc many im portant fea tures. We are going to sell these Drills at a very reasonable margin, within the reach of all farmers. Let us show you thc many ad vantages it has, 4* 4? 4* * 4- 4? 4? * 4- 4* ?fr 4* * 4* * 4? 4 fr *