Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, October 05, 1910, Image 2

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/ TANNERY'S F?LL CAMPAIGN PRISE SCHOOL SUPPLIES AM) TlOXERY. lc. STA? ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ? ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* . ti* ti* @ t ? f tit Good Pencil, Best Pencils, 5c. Large Tablets. Dc. "A Big Lot." for 5c. Your Money's Worth, 5c. Best Fabric Tablets, 10c. Pest Linen Tablets, 10c. Fabric Envelopes, 6c. .LS Common Envelopes, r.e. Pox Paper, 5, io, 20 and 25c. Box Paper, 2<?<?. 50c, Pox Paper. 35c. Highland Litton Pox Paper Crepe Paper, 5 and 10c. Pest Black Ink, 2 for 5c. Sunday School Bibles, SOC, NOTIONS. ?ti*ti*ti*ti*ti*ti*ti*ti*ti*ti*titti*?ti* ti*ti*ti*ti*.ti ti* ... ?*? wm Sf m ig? Wm if If i f. m 9 #* fl f ? g m ti* g> ti* ?o> 2* ti* ? ? 9 m ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* m m ti* ti* ti* ti* THE BEST GOODS WE CAN GIVE EOR THE MONEY. 35c to $2 Jew itttd M. Helmet's Harmonicas, 25 to 50c. Spechtl lino of 5 and 10c. elry. (Regular Syndicate 5 I Oe. Store prices.) Beautiful Pearl Button Assort ment ; card, 5c. 24 Safety Pins. 5c. Good Needles, lc. Good Plus, le. ti! m f m ff Vit A** ti* <?> . f tit ti* ??j. ti* ? ti* ti* ti* ti* ::; ti* TIN WA HE. Pie Plates, 2 for r.e. Pieced (..ips. 2 for 5e. Big Wash Bowl, 5c. I * i s i i Pan, lite. Milk Bucket, I Oc. Covered Bucket, r.e. Coffee Pol, I Oe. NEW Must LINE ENAMELED WAKE. lb' Seen to Inspect ion Ito Appreciated. Invited. ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* $C* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* Dish Pans, 20c. to $1, Coffee Pols, 20c. to 75e. Wash Bowls. Ide. to 30c Chambers and Cabinets, $1.50. Milk and Water Pitcher* to 7ir.e. Berlin Sauce Pans. In lo nippers. I ti to 25c. !0c. lo ?I Oe WATCH LS AM) CLOCKS. Our Lett der Watch, 7 r.e. Our Special Watch, $1.00. Elgll) Watches, $4.75 to $25. Our Leader Alarm Clock. 45c. Dollar Alarm Clock 50c. 8-Day CMocks. $2.10 to S3.50. SOAPS, PEHFl'.MES AM) i'AL tlM POW DEUS. Meadow Sweet Toilet Soap, 2 for 5c. Butter Milk Toilet Soap, 3 for r.e. Jergou's Violet Glycerine Toilet Soap, the embodiment of Purity, Fragrance and Endurance, in the guest room lt suggests refinement, 10c. the cake, 3 for 2.".c. The King of All Tar Soaps, r.e. lt Floats-Ivory Soap, r.e. Good Laundry Soap, 2 bars 5c. Best Laundry Soap, S bars 25c. Good Talucum Powder. 5c. "Air Float," with tho fragrance and freshness ol' the blooming Howers, I Oe. Sweet Reverie Talcum Powder, Otc. "25c." Talcum Powder, 15c. . "Red Cross," lOe. ''alcuin Pow der, for r.e. Best Shaving Soap. r.e. ( Williatns's or Colgate's.) Flavoring Extracts, 10c. CH Ult NS AM) JUG WAHL, I Oe. Hie Gallon. GALVANIZED WA lt E. Well Buckets. 15 to I r.e. Water Buckets. 1". to 46c. Wash Tubs, 30 to 60c. Foot Tubs. 2 5 to 30c. Dippers. 10c. Dish Pans (large). 25c. Fiber Pails. 25 to 30c. Il ? lt HW AT IE SP EC ' 1 Al d' I ES. I lammers, 5 to 35C. Saws. 10 to 7.>c. Padlocks. 10 to 25c. Shoe Nails (Improved), two boxes for 5e. Brass Shoe Nails, 5c. Screw Drivers, 10c. Fire Shovels, 5 and IOC. Shoe Basts. 35 to 45 c. to l\\ RLE CUTIJEKY. knives and Knives and Knives Our Leader, (six forks), Ute. Our Special Plated Forks, set GOc Rogers' .Nickle Silvei and Forks, SIM $2.50. Pated Ten Spoons. 10 to 35c. Plated Table Spoons. 2o to 4?C. Pre?en Steak Knives, 25c Razors. 25. 50, 75c and $1. Razor Hones. 10 to 75e. Razor St raps, 1 0c. to $ 1. Safely Razors, I Oe. to 50c. 1 Safe! v Razors. 50e. Sole Leather 25c, Coffee Mills, ( half soles) . 10 to WOODEN WAHL. Rolling Pins. 10c. Goat Hanger, r.e. Chair Seats, 5 and lOc. Brass Head Tacks, 5c. Hold-Fasl Clothes Pins, (keep your clothes from falling to the ground > : dozen for 5c. Floor Mops. 25 to 50c. Wash Boards, good, 25c. Brooms. 20, 25. 35 and 50c. Lunch Baskets, 5 to 40c, Clothes Baskets. 15c. HOSIERY. Best Uno of 10e. Hosiery. Our Hosiery is Sulphur Dyed, and guaranteed not to be tender or "rotten." KNIT UNDERWEAR. Foi Men, Women and Children. No room for prices. Most of ! you know how we -old last year. Same old prices now. No advance I except on our heavy garments. ?8? ti* SLH BUGS. , Rugs, all prices, from 50C. to $3. Our Rugs at $1.50, $2 and $3 are Beauties, and we would like to show yon. Ask to see them, whether you buy or not. CHOCK EBV AN D GLASSWARE. 4S-piece Decorated Dlnnor Set, '$4.25. 50-plece Dhiner Set, best semi Porcelain, guaranteed against cran age, Cold Stamp, only $5.25. Chamber Set, $3.r.o. Decorated (bips and Saucers, per set, GOc. Decorated Dinner Plates, per set. ('.Oe. Plain Covered Dish, 50e. Plenty ol odd piecer at 5 and 10c. LAMPS. Reading i ;>c Bur Rayo Lamps. $1.50. Large Sewing or Lamps, 50c. Beautiful Decorated Lamp, Coed Lamp, with No. 2 nor. 35c. Hand Lamps, 15 to 25e. Wall Lani)).;. 25c. Best Store or Church Lamps, $3.95. CLOTHING. All our Clothing ls NEW, and we are bettor prepared in this depart meat - more room, more light, mote and belter goods. Men's Pants. 75c. to $7.50. .Men's Odd Coats, $2 to $7.50. Men's Suits, $2.90 to $33.50, Boys' Pants, 25c. to $1.25. Boys' Suits. $1.50 to $(.. SHOES. We have remodeled one side of our loo-foot store and devoted it to Shoes. We handle the Fam ous Battle Axe Line--"Chop 'oin open; they are Solid Leather." We sell for CASH, and have only one ?nice. Our Shoes are guaran teed. "Nut ced." TOWELS AND TABLE LINENS. Coed every-day Towels, 1 Oe. the pair. Nice, large Bleached Towels, 20c. Table Linen, 25 to 50c. yard. Lace Curtains. 35c. to $1 pair. Bed Sheets. 50, lid and 75c. Pillow Slips, 10 and 15c. BLANKETS AND QUILTS. , small, 50c. pair. Bed Blunkett Large size Bed Blankets, per pair, $1. Large and Heavy Cotton Blank ets. $1.50 per pair. Wool Stock Blankets, $2.50 per pair. Wool Blankets. $3.50 to $C. Bed Spreads, Quilts. 50c. to $1.50. Bed Comforts, 50c. to $1.50. Bed Comforts, ?xtra vallie, $3 to $5. Sail Hand Hand LEA TH Cases. ' Bags. Bags. ER GOODS. '5c, $1.50, $: Real Leather, 25c. to 95c. $ 1. TO EVERY WOMAN WHOSE EVE-SIGHT IS BEGIN NING TO FAIL: Classes ol' proper strength rest the eyes and prevent many dis comforts, such as headaches, nerv ousness and vertigo, so common to persons whose sight ls falling. Eyes tested free, and a good pair of Classes for only 10c. The same ?is you would get In the largest I Oe. Stores. Best large eye Needles, 5c. Hose Sup)? ti ters. 10 and 25c. 2 Spools Machine Thread, 5c. (! Spools Coats' Thread, 25c. Try a pair of our 20c. Suspend ers. White or Black Ball Thread, lc. Best Shoe Polish, (2-in-l) 1 Oe. Gild Edge Shoe Polish, 20c. Hair Necessities Combs, Brushes diente Values and sfiiiisfer and Ornaments etc., etc.-Syn Prlces. ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* The One Price Store <?* ti* ti*ti*ti*ti*ti*ti*ti*ti*ti*ti* 9 jp. tit ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti*!? ti* $5* ti* w ti u (A (0 < . 0 I u 's. - fe a ." u M efl .*> ? - w * s g s 3 3 g a u. x c s - < S sPs? ?'is r /. ?: v h x ? ^ C w -. '1 X ? C- P o H '/- * /- * H 'A fe S o a S S fe = T* r*3 V{? gjP O B. ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ? ti* f ti* ? @ ti* ? f . i {o* ? og H ?jj H fe g a fe o * S a i .s s >3 s ? s H 9 ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* d 0 U < I I < 't t - M K a H -, < w ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* > S. m H Tl . .r. .i r. MR H H ?.?J r*\ C c * 'y. H fi O /: g g 3 ? g K t- > c fe ?H ^ "= r- r.., ?- a. g fe a y H /. ? 3 ? y. ti* ? , ti* ti* . v. ti* ti* f ti* tit ti* tit ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ft ti* 0 ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti> f ? ti* f ? ti* ti* *;* ti* f ti* ti* ? ti* ti* ti* ?J ti* (5* . ? ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti.1 ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* \"f ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* $* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* $* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti; ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* ti* A UTK;MOS A MOUT RIUIILANM Appreciated-Suitable l'or l's? In Public School Li barries. With many others, I thank (lie ed itor ot Tho Courier for his interest in schools by publishing tho speeches of the speakers at tho reunion. These articles should bo clipped out and put in a serai? hook and placed in riie school libraries of tho county. In fact, a copy of Tho Courier should be Hied in every library, for each number contains an artille which in coming days will be valua ble to the people. Now, Mr. Editor, as you have been SO kind 1 ask you lo extend your kindness a little further and give a write-up of other schools. Not liing builds up a community more (hana write-up of her schools. Ten years ago WC tried lo gel up the history of White Kock school, and we had a biu rally and found many citizens at South I nion who did not know that Governor Perry once lived near lhere. Don't lot your valuable history be forgotten. Write it up; In place of (Hiing tho children's minds with fairy tales, tedi them of the early history of the . ?ou n t ry. I am historian of my chapter of I), A. lt, Why? Hecauso Rebecca Veiner Shelor. a real I). A, lt., (my great anni and slep-grnndmothor), al the twilight evenings would toll mo of tho Indians and her father's tales of the war. and she impressed it on my mind so well I now love it. Toll sour boy tales or the Civil War while you live, and loll him of thc families and their character around >"0U. In this fast time WO rush so we don't have tillie to gather the family around tho fire side for so cial and mutual Improvement, and the old family altar, for evening worship, is a thing of tho past. Our county is rich In history, and it should be kept. There aro so many nice books now about Oeonco's Citizens-"The Maid of tho Koo. Hills," "Iii,tory of Old Stone Church/' "Horse Shoe Robinson," and many others I cannot think of now. No i mt ry can become great that does not Inspiro tho youth by tho past. J was reading of tho great in ternational running race in tho !d country. Ono young man ran and won, received a big purse, bul re fused it, saying, "I ran for my coun try; tho doods ol' my ancestors ?ii Olympin H rod nu?, so I ran tor my conni ry.*' Wo have a great country, rich in many ways, hui richer still in a large number of bright children, so I lei Us help them. Shall we build j monuments lo the Confederate dead while the Confederate grandchildren cannot read the inscriptions on them? Again, I thank you for the arti cles, and trust you will got. the trustees interested in writing up tho j history of each district, and that j these will be kept ill tho school li-; I) ra ry. The school ls the center of the community, and at each should bo a kind of museum to store away arlicles of the past. Soon a spin ning whoo! will be unknown to tho people, and if at each school wo would do Ibis as we do al our col leges, bow happy we would be. .lust a lillie thought is all, then action; inst a lillie Sunshine and then our plants will bloom in roses ol' per fection happy and cultured men and women. ' ! go forth 'mong n n not mail ed in scorn, hut in tho armor of puro intent; Creal duties are hel?le nie, and great songs: And, whether crowned or crown less when I fal!, ll mailers not. so God's work is done." .Mary? lt. Sholor. "lt Heals All." This is quoted fro ni a lotter of M. Stockwell. Hannibal, Mo. "I re cen My used Foley's Honey and Tar for tho llrsl lime. To say I am . pleased does aol half express my ! feelings. ii heats all I ne remedies I ever used. | contracted a had cold and was I brea toned with pneumonia. The first doses gave great relief and one hollie completely cured me." Contains no opiates. Harton Phar macy, Walhalla; W. J. Lunney, Seneca. \ S 10,000 I ire. Blackville, S, c.. Sept. 30. Tho old brick warehouse, formerly used for cotton storage, presumably con ! struct ed som.- 15 years ago, and said io contain cantaloupe seed, cantaloupe crates, fertilizer and cot I lon seed, and owned by tho commis sion house of Young ? Mathis, wa? discovered on lire at ("..:*.<? this even ing, and burned down. The origin of the conflagration is unknown. From all information procurable by tho reporter, loss ls estimated at i $10,000, two-thirds ? evered by in surance. i DIA MEADS NEW YORK TICKET. D?mocratie c?tate Chairman Nomi tinted l'or Governor, Rochester, N. Y., Sept. 30.- Tlie Democratic State Convention to night nominated tho following ticket foi' lite nexl Slate election: Joint A. Dix, of Thompson, Wash ington county, for Governor. Thomas E. Conway, of Clinton, fer Lieutenant Governor. lOdwanl Lazansky, of Kings, for Secretary of State. William Sohmor, of New York, for Comp! roller. John J, Kennedy, nf Buffalo, for Slate Treasurer. Thomas J. Cartnondy, of Pen Yan, for Attorney General. John A. Renscl, ol' New York, was nominated for state Engineer and Sn rveyor. '.'roderick Collins for Associate Judge of the Court of Appeals. This list of candidates, prepared after a day of almost, continuous con ferences, went through shortly after midnight wlthohly two halls In its quick progress. This was the pre sentation of the name of Congress man William Stll'/er as the only ri val candidate for Governor. Mr. Sttl/er received IT?? ol' the -ICO voles of the convention and Mr. Dix got the rest. All the other nominations were made hy Sccalninntion. The pleas mt purgative effect ex perienced b> all who use Chamber Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and the healthy condition of (he body and mind which they create makes one feel joyful. Sold by the Seneca Pharmacy; L. c. Marlin. Clemson College. Rlllll Mouse, Cul Owner's Throat. Cincinnati, Sept. ?a.- .Near the burning ruins of his destroyed home Charles Wakefield, a wealthy far mer, of Pleasant Ridge, Ky., was found with bis throat eut early to day. The wounded fanner, still con scious, declared thal he had 1)0011 ii I - tacked by robbers, who burned tho house, gashed his throat and left him for dead. Ile will die. Hoarseness in a child subject to croup is a sure indication of the approach of thc disease, if Cham berlain's Cough Remedy is given at once Ol' even alter the croupy cough has appeared, ii will proven) the at tack. Contains no poison. Sold by Seneca Pharmacy; R. (', Martin, clemson College, HIHMINOIIAM SMASHES KIOCOKI). Pittsburg ol' thc Soull) .Jumps t'i'om 88,418 t<> I:?L?,<JH.->. Washington, Sopt. 30.-Birming ham. Ala., is tho wonder ol' t li o 10 10 census returns. The Pittsburg of the South jump ed from 38,415 in 1900 to 132,685 in 10.10, an increase of 245.4 per cent. Her population in 1890 was 20,1 TS. The nearest approach to this rec ord in (?ties of major importance was in Kort Worth, Texas, which in creased 17 1.1 per cent. While it was expected thal the Al nbama metropolis would make a good showing, because ol' the annex ation " of several large suburban towns, the ligures amazed 'the cen sus people, Birmingham corporate limits have an area of 42 square miles. Birmingham moves up next to At lanta according to these ligures. At lanta has 154,839 population, ac cording to the 1910 census figures, and leads Birmingham by only 22, 154. Atlanta's corporate limits have an area of 25 L'-l. square miles. A Heal Medicine-Soi a .Narcotic. (iel tho genuine Foley's Honey and Tar in the yellow package. lt is safe and offectivfe. Contains no opi ates. Refuse substitutes. Harton Pharmacy, Walhalla; \V. .1. Lunney, Seneca. Couldn't Stand for "Scab." New Orleans, Sept. ;!(). -As a re sult of an exchange of epithets grow ing out ol' tho strike of the railroad freight (dorks. Anthony Pollgrinl, a former New Orleans policeman, fia" years old, shot and probably fatally wounded .Joseph Harberot, I ."> years old, to-day. Pcllgrini, a freight handler, was promoted to the position of dork In charge of tho Xew Orleans and Northeastern hay sited when the clerks walked out. Harberot. conductor of a DatlphlnO I car, is alleged to have yelled "set ?it Pellgrlnl as his car passed the hay shed this morning. Tho shooting followed. flood results always follow tho use of Koley Kidney Hills. They con tain just the ingredients necessary lo tone, Strengthen and regulate; the kidneys and bladder, and 'o cure backache. Harton Pharmacy, Wal ' halla ; W. J Lunney, Seneca. SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF OCONEB. (In Court of Common Picas.) Joseph V Knox and Joseph C. Speares, .?. Executors of Hie Last Will and Testament of John S. Hick son, deceased, Plaintiffs, against Baric H. Dickson, John H. Dickson, W. Paul Dickson, Sloan Darkey, R. E. Darkey, Wade Dickson, Lula Dul ler, John D. Dickson, Julia Stevens, S. W. Dickson. Bille Dickerson, Sal-! lie Poore, Aden Dickson, Maggie Al exander, Lucy Harnett, Cora Adams, Sui' Whaley, children of Donjamin Dickson, deceased, name:; unknown; S. Mack Dickson, Lula Rainey, Leo Hunt, Slilos Hunt, Lizzie Tonsley, Jeptha Dickson, Jerry Dickson, Ben jamin Dickson, John T. Dickson, I Lizzie Isbell, Hannah King, Hepple I Dickson, s. E. Brown, Salli?! M. Keels. M. II. Purcell, M. C. Forest, I Mary B. Purcell, B. II. Dickson, Mar tha Mitchell, Sallie Addis, Sue Pat terson. Eliza D. Bennett, Ella Hick son, Eddie I). Stoney. Willie Dick son, Sallie Wilson, Betty Hickson, I A. L. Moss, J. A. Massey, Oscar I Mills, Sallie Bagwell, li. M. Craig, Ida Tabor, Clifton Speares, J. B. Speares, Joseph C. Speares, Sallie Cannon, W. J. Boeder, Addie McAl Istor, children of Clark Boeder, de ceased, names unknown; children of Thomas Roedor, deceased, names unknown; James F, Heeder, Maggie I larkins, Wm. J. Boeder, John J. Reeder, John c. Reeder, Frank Reeder, Lilian Reeder, Annie Ray Reeder, ('arlos (?ann, Sallie Craig, Minnie 11 ii n n icu 11, Wm. E. Gantt, Alie?'. Danit. Hepple Cox. Harrison Campbell, Hie children of David Campbell, deceased. names un known: children of Thomas Camp bell, docoasod, names unknown; Ooorgo Campbell, Hepple Crier, Lula Adams, W. P. Barton, Nancy Mc Swane. Henry Barton, Mattie Port ers, Bob Frederick, Sam Barton. Fred Barton, Barton Jones, Au ry lOwing, Annie DogitV, Terrell \Jones, Dock Jones, Waddle Jones, children of Selina M. Rust, deceased, names unknown; John Barton, Doona Bar ton, Jones Barton, Mary Barton, Da vid Ballon, Warron Barton, Aura Barton. Pope Barton. Elizabeth Dy ers, VI ry Las! tor, Eliza Whitley, Aura VVllkons, I). 0, Barton, Nancy IO. Hill. Aura A. Odie, William Cul brlth, Lee Culbrlth, Joe B. Culbrlth, Dave Culbrlth, Sallie M. Swift, Clar issa Cllnkscalos, s. J. Aldrich, Eliza I larbert and Joseph A. Knox, Do fondants. (Summons foe Relief.) To the Defendants Above Named: You aro hereby summoned and ro il ul red to answer tho complaint in this action, which luis been Hied in the offlco of the Clerk of Common Pleas for the said county, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscribers at their offlCO on tho Public Square,Wal halla Court House, South Carolina, within twenty days after tho sor vice hereof, exclusive of tho day of such service; and lt' you fall to an swer the complaint within the Hmo aforesaid, the Plaintiffs in this notion will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated September Mb. 1010. ID. D. HBRNDON, R. T. JAYNES, Plaintiffs' Attorneys. September 2S, 1910. 39-45 I NO TICIO OF SPECIAL EJECTION. Notice is hereby given that, pursu ant to an order of the County Hoard o? Education of Oconee county, an election will be held at J. E. Kelley's store on SATURDAY, the S th day of October, 1910, upon the question of levying an extra TWO MI LL lax for school purposes on all the real and personal property within Ta massee School District, No. -l?, the said lax to be in addition to that now collected for school purposes ?is authorized by law; that said election shall be conducted as provided for tho conduct of general elections; that ?it said election each elector favoring Min* said proposed additional levy shall east a ballot containing the word "YES" printed or written there on, and each elector opposing said levy shall cast a ballot containing the word "NO" printed or written thereon. .1. E. KELLEY, .IOIIN PEARSON, JOHN GEORGE, Trustees of District No. 45. September 28, I !. I '?. 39-40 NOTICE TO MAGISTRATES. Hereafter, when Magistrates have occasion to sentence prisoners to tho (hain gang, please send them there direct, giving the constable the com mitment, who will place it with tito foreman in charge, and the convict will bo received. It is ol' too much expenso to the county to send con victs to tho camp by way of the jail. N. Pill Lb! I'S, Supervisor. Janies Seaborn, Clerk ol' Hoard. September 2S, DM H. ??O- i l NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. All persons indebted to tho Estate of James I. Nlminohs, deceased, aro hereby notified to make payment to the undersigned, and all persons hav ing claims against said estate will present tho same, duly attestod, within tho time prescribed hy law, or bo barred. W. P. NIM MONS and J. J. STARKS, Executors. Seneca, S. C. September 28, 1 !t I 0. 39-42 i OKI'ORi: ordering .MAGAZINES M fl II get our big Clubbing Cata- I li logue and Special Offers. S A V li M O X E Y . Soul bern Subscript ion Agency, 38-50 Raleigh, X. C. (A postal card will do.) Chamberlain's Cough Remet? dues colds. Croup tad Whooping Cough.