KEOWEE COURIER (ESTABLISHED 1840.) PubUshc .1 Every Wednesday Morning Bubs,-rip? ion $1 Vet Annum. Advertising Rates Reasonable. -Ry STECK, SHEIJOR & SCHRODER. Communications of a i)orsonal Hha:actor charged for as advertise ments. Obituary notices and tributes of respect, of not over one hundred words, will be printed freo of charge. All over that number must be paid for at the rate of ono cent a word. Casb to accompany manuscript, WALHALLA, S. C.: WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 28, 1010. THE HO!iii WJEEY1L? Ila-; tho boll weevil roached noo nee at last in force.' Thai is a question that is bothering not a few ef the farmers of tho county at pres et.!. We are not sutUeiently well vers. 1 in the mattet ol' bugology to Btale thal hereafter Oconee will have te le against Ibo boll weevil, but it i- cei tain thal this year some of our farmers are up against a propo sition which, if not tho weevil pl.. te, ls ipi il e as serious. li. s. Davis left in Tito Courier Unico yesterday a boll of colton, just on tile verne ol opening, but on ex amination the boil shows that it is tl pn nature opening, due to the di i ol' t he boll ral her t han to ina iurlty. On cutting this boll open fun Pius ami they resemble tho boll wcovil, though considerably lar ger than the weevils WO have h?te lo.'1 o soon were found busy at wo rh destroying the cotton boll, one square being completely "gutted," with work' well on Ibo way on the SCroili iq tl are. This defective boll vi!:' Ibo two lilias was 'akcil from the (lc'.I ol' Alex. Longstreet, color ed, in the Poplar Springs section, timi Mr. Davis stales that Longstreet la about I ? or I acres in the tract affected, and thal the destruction is go'n ; on all over the Held, lt is ev- , idenl that, whether or not we are f nein q the weevil problem, we ar?? at the beginning of a war on -.onie in set that is going to prove ol' great detriment lo t hc coi ton-growing in ila ol' t io county. The work of dost ruction ls not con lined lo one Suction, bul reports of te rion s injury to cot ton como from all 0\ er t he conn ' y. Il is ?t matter timi every fanner Will do well to consider with care lind Stlld.V closely. lt is a matter thai cannot be neglected without Urea I < ost to tho producer of cotton, "li will be better to ne-et the prob lem squarely nt the beginning than to Ignore it now only lo find later thai ive have let the destroying pest i foothold from which it will take years to dislodge it. "An nilli . of prevention ls worth a pound i of cure." ? Money I- light" ul len -t t hal ls whai the New York financiers re pot i I last week. ll has ev idenl ly ; been on ti protracted drunk In this ?.c. ; ?on for t he past few years. * * . * ? The Columbia Stale says: Oconee o> .? of the counties in South Car olina In which Hie laws are enforc ed. The way of transgressors is; bari in Oconee, and it is also ob served thal tito v ot in ; population ol' Oconee ls usually very well Inform ed. ? ? * * f "t Josh" Ashley, of Ander son, vv'no is pleased 'o style himself' the "bill killer" Of Ibo South Caro Jinn Legislature, will ho in ibo next llo ISO. Now il we could III sollie wa.v gol the fool Killer into a Beal in i he louse it would he a might y good thing. II" and Josh bul then. If tho fool killer gol in, where would .'losh be? We thought at first we li?id ll, but really wo see no hope for thc Legislature, A Man of Iron Nerve, Indomitable will and tremendous energy fire never found whore sto lUnch, liver, kidneys and bowel- are Ollt Of order. if you want these qualities and Ibo success they bring, uso Dr. King's Now Lifo Pills, tho matchless regulators, for keen brain and Strong body. 25c, Jit all drug Blore.-. Public Spirit. '.Mr. Horton has shown RTOal pub lic spirit bj not only making several miles ol' fine streets and giving them to lite city, bul Ito has also given to tho ladies ol tho Civic League i nico pari.. Ile has ihowu his 1 alt li in Walhalla by spending . ver,il hun dred dollars getting hi- property n ady for sale. Oconee <'oin dowers' Associ?t ion, A meeline, of the Oconee Co I'll Growers' Association will be held at Ebenezer (A) school house on Sat urday before tlio se. ond Sunday in < tc! ober a t 1 0 O'clock i. III. We ?10 expecting .-onie very able men to be there to speak. Wc do hop" tho,! all who are Interested In thc main Spring of Ufo Will make ii ?i point to bo there, Come and brim; th" whoh household. '( ls tho greatest prob lem of the world. Wc hope to ha vi a good turn-out of demonstrators present from various paris of tlx COUIlty. Other subject.; will proba bl.v be discussed n I io, Very respectfully, M. 0. Holland Locals trom Holly Springs. Holly Springs, Sept. 2(5.-Special: Wo are having sonic fine weather for foddering. C. D. Blackwell and family visited relative? on Whetstone recently. T. S. Blackwell has entered upon his fall avocation-catching opos sums. 10. J. Blackwell and I). P. Black well are going southeast to farm next year. Mrs. Rhoda Blackwell has moved back from Long Creek. A nico Sunday school ls being run at tho Holly Springs school ho USO. A cordial Invitation is extended to all to lend their help. "Can be depended upon" ls an ex pression we all like to bear, and when it is used lu connection wit li Chamberlain's Colic, ('bolera and Diarrhoea Remedy it means that lt never fails to cure diarrhoea, dysentery or bowel complaints, lt ls pleasant to take and equally valuable for children and adults, sold by Seneca Pharmacy; L. C. Marlin, Clemson College. NOTICIO TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. All persons Indebted to tho Estate of .lame, i. Niminons. deceased, are hereby notified to make payment to tho undersigned, and all persons hav ing claims against said estate will present the same, duly attested, within tho time prescribed by law, or be barred. \V. P. NI M MOXS and ,1. J. STARKS, Executors. Seneca, s. C. September 28, 1 9 1 0. 39-12 NOTICIO OE SPECIAL ELECTION. Notice is hereby given that, pursu. aili to an order of the Couniy Board ol' Education of Oconee county, nu election will bo hold al J. IO. Kelley's store on SATURDAY, the 8th day Ol' October, 11)10, upon the question of levying an extra TWO MILL tax for school purposes on all tho real and personal property within Ta luassoc School District. No. !.">. thc said tax lo bc In addition to thal now ((libeled foi" school purposes as authori'/cd by law; thal said election shall he conducted as provided for tho conduct ol' general cloctions; thal at said election each elector favoring the said proposed additional levy shall casi a ballot containing the word "YES" primed or written there on, and each (doctor opposing said levy shall casi a hallo: containing Ibo word "NO" primed or written I hereon. .1. IO. KELLEY, JOHN PEARSON, JOHN CEOROE, Trustees ol' Dis: rici No. 1ft. September L'S. I '.. I 0. 39- IO SIMMONS FOR RELIEF. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OP OCONEE. (in Court of Common Pleas.) Joseph A, Knox and .Iosep'' C. S pen res, as Executors of thc Last Will and Testament of .lohn S. Dick son, deceased, Plaintiffs, against Earle ll, Dickson, John B. Dickson, W. Bani Dickson, Sloan Darkey, ft, E. 11 arkey, Wade Dickson, Lula But ler, .lohn I). Dickson, Julia Slovens, s. W. Dickson, lOtlie Dickerson, Sal lie Booie. Aden Dickson, Maggie Al exander. Lucy Barnet I. Cora Adams. Sue W" ha ley, children of Benjamin Dickson, deceased, names unknown; S. Mack Dickson, Lula Karney, Leo Hunt. Stiles Hunt, Lizzie Tonsley, depths Dickson, .leny Dickson, Ben jamin Dickson, .lohn T. Dickson, Lizzie (sholl, Hannah Kinn, Hepple Dickson, S. IO. Brown. Sallie M. Ki els. M. II. Burr.di. M. C. Por l, Marj B. Purcell, B. II. Dickson. ' Ihn Mitchell, Sallie Addi... Sue Ps I orson. Eliza D. Bennett, Ella Dick son, Eddie l>. Stoney, Willie Dick son, Sallie Wilson, Betty I >i( l<.-oii. A. L, .MOS . j. A. Massey, Oscar Mills 'Sallie Bagwell, H. M. Craig. Ida 'I abor Clifton Spoarea, J. B. Spearos, Joseph C. Sp ea res, Sallie Cannon. W. J. Reeder, Addle McAI Islor. children of Clark Reeder, de fensed, names unknow n; children of Thomas Iteodor, deceased, names unknown: James I'. Reeder, Maggie llarklns, Wm. J, Roedor, John J. Iteodor, John C. Reeder. Prank Iteodor, Lilian Reeder. Annie Bay Ceder. Carlos Canil. Sallie Crain. Minnie llunnicutt, Wm, I). Cann. Alice Cantl. Hopple Cox. Harrison Campbell, tho children of David Campbell. deceased, names un known: children of Thomas Camp bell, deceased, names unknown; Ceorge Campbell, Hepple Crier, Lula Adams. W. ?'. Barion, Nancy Mc Swane, llenrj Barton, Manie Port ers. Bid? Proderick. Sam Barton, Prod Ballon. Barton Jones. A ll ry lOwing. Annie Doglll, Terrell Jones, Dock .lone-. Waddle Jones, children of Selina M. Rust, deceased, names unknown; John Barton. I.oona Bar ton, Jones Barton. Marj Barton. Da vid Ballon. Warren Ballon. Ania Barton, l'ope Barton, Elizabeth Dy ers. VI ry Lasltor, Eliza Whitby. Aura WilkollS, I >. O. Barton. Nancy IO. Hill. Aura A. odie. William Ctll brilh, Lee Culbrith, doe B, Culbrlth, Dave Culbrith, Sallie M. Swift, Clar issa Clinkscales, S. J. Aldrich, Eliza Harbert and Joseph A. Knox. De fendants. (Summons for Relief.) To i he Defendants A hove Named: You aro hereby summoned and re (lulled lo answer tho complaint. In Ibis action, which has been filed 111 the office of thc Clerk ol' Common Pb UH for thc said county, and to serve a copy of vonr answer lo thc said complaint on tho subscribers at their office on the Public Square,Wal halla Conn llousv. South Carolina, within twenty days after tho ser vice hereof, exclusivo ol' tho day of SUCll service; and If you fall to an swer tho complaint within the Hine aforesaid, tho Plaintiffs in this action will apply to tho Court for tho relief demanded in the complaint, i lated September 91 li, i I 0. IO. L. 1110KN DON, B. T. J A YNES, Plaintiffs' Attorneys. September 28, i ?' i 0. 39-1 "> NOTICE TO MAGISTRATES. lloreafter, when Magistrates have occasion to sentence pi oners to tho chain gang, pienso send thom tlioro direct, giving thc constable tho com mitment, who will place it with thc foreman in charge, and tho Cbnvlo.t will be received, lt is of too much expense to the county to send con victs to tlu> camp by way of tho jail. X. PHILLIPS, Supervisor. James Seaborn, (Merk of Board. September 28. 19 t o. 8jM l Statement of tho Condition of THE BANK OE WALHALLA, located at Walha Hu, S. C., at tho closo of business September 22, UKO. Resources. Loans and discounts. ... $2 1 1 2.57 12 Overdrafts . 7712 75 Hoads and Stocks owned by thu bank. 15000 00 Hanking house. 1500 00 Furniture and fixtures.. 2250 00 Hue from banks and bankers. 7 17:'. 55 Currency. 1983 110 Gold . 1515 00 Silver and oilier minor coin. 499 :. I Total.$2lOHIC 2? Liabilities. Cpaltal stock paid ln...$ 50000 00 Surplus fund . 00 Undivided profits, loss current expenses and laxes paid . 1010 01; Hue lo banks and bank ers . loll 12 Individual* deposits sub ject to check . l'a S PT 01 Demand certificates of deposit . 128.1 ls Time certificates of de posit . 124936 53 Hills payable. including certificates for money borrowed. 5000 un Total.$24f)t:?(i lit) Slate of South Carolina, County of Oconee. Ho fore mo came s. L. Ver lier, Assi. Cashier of I lie above named Hank, wno. being duly sworn, says thal tho above and foregoing state ment is a true conditio-: of said Hank, as shown by the books of said Hank. S. L. VLKXKK. Assislaill Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before mo ihis 20th Currency. 700 00 Hold . .: s."> 00 Silver and other minor coin. Jp OL' 13 Checks and ( ash items. . 4 GS 53 Total.$:i(>70 25 Stnto of South Carolina, County of Oconee.--Before? me carno T. Peden Anderson, Cashier of tho above named bank, who, hoing duly sworn, says that tho above and foregoing statement ls a true condition of said bank, as shown by Hie books of said bank. T. PEDEN \NDISRSON. Sworn to and subscribed before mc ibis 20th day ol September. IP lo. ( L. S. ) IA M. CROSS. N >tary Public, S. C. Correct-Attest: M. S. STRIDLING, W. P. ANDERSON, I). L. NORRIS. Directors. * * * * * * * * * * * 4? I LADIES' TA I COAT SUIT * ARE HERE. * - . I have one of the mos Stocks of Coat Suits that * Oconee County. I am prep I* quality and at the right pr * money saving proposition tc -I? thc suits before buying elsey .J- to show you a complete lihc .j. Cali and sec what wc have, ?j? Rcspcc NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION. Notice ls heroby given that, pursu. ant to an order of the County Board of Education of Oconee county, an election will bo hold at Little River School 1 louse cn Sn'urdfty, the 8th day of October, li) 10, Upon tho ques tion of levying an extra Three Mill tax for school purposes on all thc real and personal property within Little Hiver School District, No. 13, the said tax to bo in addition to that now collected for school purposes as authorized by law; thal said election shall be conducted as provided for tho conduct of general elections; that at said election each elector favoring thi! said proposed additional levy shall cast a ballot containing Hie word "YES" printed or written there on, and oacli elector opposing said levy shall cast a ballot containing ibo word "NO" printed or written thereon. H. H. CAIN'T lt El iL, I. S. ALEXA N'DER, J. 1$. BURGESS, JR., Trustees of District No. 43. September 28, I!) 10. 39-40 You've Tried tils Rest, low Try tlie Best. If it ls insurance of any kind you need you had Ind ter see ino. My companies are ali among the best. 'Especially attractive are my tout raids in Tho Mutual Life. Let me show you the 1910 dividends and cash settlements. Walhalla, S C. FOR SALE,. .">.-> ACRES, two milos of Walhalla; about 2 0 acres of bottom and 15 acres up-land in cultivation; all red lal.J. Brice .> i ,000 ; on very easy terms. ACRES, one-half mile from Wost I nion. Price $800. (Hi ACRES, 7V6 miles from Court .IOUSC, known as Mitchell place; very line farming land. Price 52. ONE T Wu-AC RE LOT in Walhalla :i beauty. Now is your chance if you want to move to town. Price $G50. pp UR ONE-HALE ACRE LOTS. Price $300 each. ? If yon want a bargain in a house and lot 1 have several, and it will pay 1 you to come and sec them at once. J. H. DARBY, REA Ii ESTATE. OffVos People's Bani; Building. We carry a full line of COFFINS and CASKETS. MARETT BROS ^air Play, H.