y KEOWBE COURIER! 7 (EO'ABUSHEl) 184U.) Published [livery Wednesday Morning Subscription $1 l*er Annuin. / Advertising Rotes Reasonable. -Hy STECK, Sillium ? SCHRODER. Communications of a personal character charged for as advertise ments. Obituary notices and tributes of respect, of not over ono hundred .words, will be printed free of charge. All over thal na inlier must bo paid tor at the rate of oae cent a word. Cash to accompany manuscript. WAU'IA Ul; A, S. C.: UKI1 v?:si>.\ v. \t ita IST til, HMO. OOM LIM:K VIC CEN ERA US. Thirty Olllcers of this Hank Still Living-Their Names. I Richmond Tlmes-Dlspnlch. ) Sono controversy luis arisen j among members of R. H. Lee ('amp. 1 Confederate Veterans, and others as to the number of surviving general! officers of ti\e Confederate service. To settle vii it liar, promised t<> be a heated debate, the matter was re ferred lo Cen. Maiva-: .1 Wright, of Washington, who has access to some J official records, ami who has com piled a list showing that there now j survive of tho armies of the Confed eracy one lieutenant general, four major generals and twenty-live brig adiers. lt should be remembered thal the organisation of the United Confederate Veiorans lias christened many genera!;; in command of vete ran divisions who wore never com missioned during activo service, and I these Cen. W right bars I l oin his list. Ho invites any corrections o'" ! correspondence which will liead '<> thc maintenance of a correct li--t of th? surviving general olllcers of a struggle which ended forty-five years ayo. 11 wo dd appear t hal v or> young men roach tho distinction ol' a commission as brigadier general in .Hie Confederate service. 'Iii.- !?-? compiled bj Cen Wright follows: Lietitenun Honorai s. H. Buck ner. Majo,- Honorais R. E. Hoke, C. W. C. Lee, li L. Lomax. C. .1. Polog II.ic. Ht Igadier (louerais W. L. Cabed, Francis W. Concrell, William R. Cox, J, A, ie Caguoll, (declined nppoint nent 1 . HeniJ H. Davidson. Basti W. Duke, klement A. Evans, Samuel w. EerglK-?Oli. H. C. Covan, .lames W. r,o...dn W. v, . Kirkland, Evander W. Law, Thema- ll. Logan. William Miller, John M. fan -hind. Dandrldge Mci,'.-.e. Willi un McComh, .lohn C. Moore. Patrick ll. Mooro, Erancls T. Nichols. Rogoi A. Pryor, Boverlj ll. Robertson, .tunes P. Simms. Rieh ard Waterhouse, Marcus .1. Wright. "Generally debilitated for years. Had sick headaches, lacked ambi tion, was worn-out and all run down. Burdock Blood Bitters made me a well woman."- -Mrs. Charles frei toy, Moo-up, Conn. io PROVIDE \ TENT. ilea v erda ni A ?isoclat ioii Endeavoring to Secure Better Accommodai ions. IO ff Ol i s a re now hing made to provide a lem for lim Beaverdam Association. There has been a Steady -.row:'? In the .> i >o iat ion e since it organization 11 is now large thal oui churches cannot ac commodate ii. Ai tho last meeting i ho ch rk w ron, nest >d to w rile a communication for tho county patter requesting the pastor- and churches lo tnke some stops io Secure the necessary amount c>f money lo paj foi il tent, lt will probably lake about $,",o0 : > pay for ii and sea: i*. Wc 'nave is churches in the associa-j (ion.* lt will require in average of j $6,2"> per church lo raise the ninouni Westminster, is the chairman of ibo ? executive committee of tho associa tion. Pe ase report lo Ililli what you are wiping lo do. Will say in conn".-; loll with t iii Hint Ibo churches did aol send a much monoj lo the association to pay for mitiuloa a., usual. Several churches did md cont ri bu le any thing. I w int io - cud all I ho churches sonic minutes, hui haven'! the amount ol' mon.'., necessary to (lo lt. The . lunch,',. ; hat haven'i contributed anything, and nt hers thal may wish to Cont "Ibu te, will please -end it lo .lames Seaborn. tren ?tirer, of d' ? assad ilion, Walha!- I la. S. C., and will gi e you credit | for P. Tho nanei.-. ai . in the hands . of Hu ; rilli I ,ud Cc minnie.- will be sont oui ?i?J soon a possible. r. M Ml rod, Clerk. ?non Help. Quench l'ores| I ires. Missoula, Mont., Aug. 25.-A heavy fall of snow lu ibo mountains and rain in Ibo valleys has dono much tower ls brin da ; tho forest fires under control. Th . .dorm has ox fonded over nu nroa >>? loo miles, ?colng as far na as llolenn and lak ing In the Coner d'A leno district. Bilious'1 Kool heavy after din ner? Tongue cor.ted? Bitter taste? Complexion callow? Llror needs1 waking up, Hom's rogulots euro bilious attack;. i>r, cents at any' drug store. I TUN LOCAL OD!? IF.BLOWS. (?rand Muster <>f Order sjH'ak.s of Seneca and \Vnllmlhi. (August S. C. Odd fellow.) Sonera Lodge. Seneca is on tho Air Line about forty milos wost of Greenville and not a great way from the Georgia lino. From this piont ran bo soon rising skyward the Blue Ridge mountains, but don't get it into your hoad tittil thoy hnvo exactly "blue rldgo" weather hero. The calm and serene day and tlie stilt and tlose night s OOO I at t li is point malle me sigh for Columbia's breezes, hui the Odd Fellows aro not responsible for the climate. Pried chicken and a "conglomeration" of good-looking "drummers" cnn di vido this honor. lt was at Seneca that i foll among "a Luid of friends." old and new. lt was here I met my old Columbia friends. McClure and Stroud. lt was kore 1 found faithful .lohn Gregory. lt was hero I saw the earnest olllcors, Noble Grand Paco. Secretary darner, and a coterie of others just as active. Here in tills quiet hut hustling and bustling lit tle jilace I met and talked o one of the best lodges of Odd Follows in South Carolina. This is not flattery, bul a cold, bold statement of lad. They hal a called meeting for my benefit, and a strong representative gathering wag to be seen. | accus ed thom of making their sorry looking follows stay at homo, hut this tiley stoutly denied, and I ac cepted theil" denial in good faith. Seneca allows only good men to be come Iden! ?lied with the order, and .'Shorty" Garner looks after Hie sec retary's work in a "rattling" good way. A cordial reception was mine at Sein? a. and pleasant recollections of I lllj stay and assoc iation willi Close ! brethren will ever be a:, inspiration to do greater and nobler work tor Odd, Fellowship. Sweet memory of these cmnrados can but be mine. Oconeo I anigo. I leached Walhalla Saturday about noon. This is one of Hie oldest towns in this section of Hie State and was founded hy Gormans about lMu. lt was called Walhalla be cause its Scandinavian significance is "A haven of rest." and lo mo it. was at least a rest from some ol' the v arm zephyrs which had boen fan ning nie after leaving Columbia. While this place has not many modern conveniences, such a.. sirco! cars and so forth, io be found in some oilier Carolina towns, still it is a pretty nice place, and there are - "Oe SOOd people hero. Right jil j I his place. In s i -A I il of "Rich" and | "Poor" mountains, your scribe und ' hi- namesake in the form of tho typical up-country ?.Cobbs." You ; probably know thal the climate hore! grows them bigger than the land j from whence I came. These Hoosier Cobb.,, like myself, are looked Upon a- tolvrablv good folks, but they aro unlike ni> race ol' people (immediate at least t in t hat t hey ha v e dyed I hell' hair red. ri:.' lodge at Walhalla was ins: i - mied h.v Captain Neathorry when he was Claud Master, and tho fellows up here .-peak ver.v kindly Ol' that obi, veteran ami stalwart Odd Fol low, At om- time it had a big mem bership, but for some reason it luis dropped considerublv dining the last lev. years. The fad is, ii won't do to iel it drop an.v mor?-, or it may HOI in sighl of tho'bottom round. Good men, though, lhere ate ju (his lodge :otue ot' He- representative eiii/ens ol' thi- section of the Stale. A ?all io the members brough! fhem together al nighl in their hall. Some ot HM- iitember.- are merchants, and ol iiiui:.- they couldn't get out, hut a Hood Iv number ol' the brethren g rei toil m..-. A . hutt talk by t he Grand Master as to the condition ol' the order generally and locally vva> made, ami Hie olllcors called upon tor pledges io bring in now mate rial. Ile was followed b.v his old friend Davis, or c. c. H. Burns, Pasi Grand Master, in a talk full of enthusiasm, and then came Vice Grand Karie, who is the state Sena tor, little Judge Smith and bi;-, Fred, Schroder, each ol whom pledged an Iii ai ion bv next meet lng. Noble (?rand G rn bb* ami Seerclarj Gerber renewed their pledges of loyalty, and Hie lodgO (dosed willi brighter pro- j.eel s for the fu t ii r< Some ot' t lie members at this place a ml .e her lodges ca n draw In spiration from tho warden, Brother I lav ne Jones, who lives ten miles from the cit.v and never misses a lue. ting. A lew others like ililli would make any lodgo prosper. Oeouce's members and officers assured mc that tho work herc would soon lake on new lifo, and WC ho llovo thoro are bolter days looming up before tho Walhalla Odd Pel lows. Tho good brothers here took splendid caro of me-- plenty to cat and plenty of mountain water to drink. The town and streets, pub lic buildings and monuments tone in honor of Wagoner, tho founder of PRATT IHHDFTT CUBED. Ono of tho Many Good Works of the "Sunshine" Workers. Several years ago Pratt Burdett lay for several years in Ids heil suf fering with necrosis. Tho little fel low suffered untold pain, The state leadei of the Sunshine socletj became,Interested in him, and ap pealed to the Sunshine circles and school children of Oconee. Fifty dollars was raised through Dr. Fd. Coleman and his mother, Mrs. Ludio Coleman, the hoy was placed in thu hospital in Atlanta tinder Dr. .Mar ion Hull, and for two year.; he was treated and was made able lo walk. After eight years he now returns to: Oconee on a visit and calls to see the Sunshine leader. He came walking in on his crutches, and her joy was j so great sin- hurst into tears, and j thanked Him for working thia, al- < most a miracle. The family were j poor and large in number, and lh.ey j moved lo Atlanta, turned over al new page, and here is the result. Pratt, who did not know a letter, entored school, ls now in the seventh i grade, and sells papers for a living, : and goes to Sunday school. The whole family has a good rec? rd. One little girl has not been absent from j Sunday school in two years and isl on the honor roll. All this came about by a lit th deed of kindness. The Sunshine workers aro bring- ; ing many families out this way. No one hut the recording ange! knows of the homes in rural communities where the Sunshine has given ?.? lift ing hand. Colton Seed Displaces (he Olive. I i - Washington, Aug. 27.-American cotton seed oil. despite the high du ties against it. is steadily making io-ad way In the markets ol tho world. Through tin- efforts of the bu reau of manufactures of the de partment ot commerce and labor, some packers of sardines in Franco and Norway have promised to benin experiments lu packing tish in the American product instead of olive Oil. Italy is unable to undersell Spain , in the olive oil market, a repon to tin- department says, bul spain pro hibits the importation of cottonseed as an edible, while Italy promotes it. Tho domestic use Of colton seed oil in Italy, as well as in Turkey, I causes nearly all tin- native oil (ol Ive) to be exported. Killed Mau Who Wronged, lier. i New Orleans, Aug. "JT. Kalie! Ktvit-ch, I ;i years old and employed in a local department store, shot and killed Prank Michler, aged L'T. a boilermaker, here Wednesday night. When Cu.- police reached t lie scene t lu- girl was holding tue man's hoad : i-.i her Inp and sobbing. She said j Michler had wronged her. The killing comes on the heels of tin- acquittal ol Mamie .McLaughlin, a young girl, in tin- courts here on Tuesday, on (ht- charge of murder <>f Huey Smith, a saloon keeper. The ci.lim of tho McLaughlin girl' wa.- thal she bad been wronged by Smith and she pleaded Ihe "unwi'lt en law." Death <>l Miss Lou Pitts. (?ld Liberty. Aug. 22. Special: Mrs. True McWhorter is very ill. We hope for her speedy recovery. Hov. lt. L. Davis has just closed a ! successful series ol' meetings at (Md ! Liberty. Wi- feel that much good was done. Twenty were added lo the chu ich. IL L. Powell and family, ol' West-. tninster, visited relatives in this com munil v last week. Oscar Smith and family, of South Georgia, are visiting relatives and friends in this section. .lim Patten and Miss Allie lt ho telier wen- happily married last Sun day morning. Prof. K. L. Hall, of South Union, ha\i been in our midst for Ibo past week conducting song service for tho protracted meeting. Leander Jones's house was burn ed down last Saturday night while lie and bis family were al church. Tile many friends of the invalid. Miss Lou Pitts, were sorry lo learn of her death, which occurred on last Thursday. August 1Mb, about V p. m. Sin- died while in the hospital in A i lauta, Husband Conies Hack; Wife Married Indianapolis. Aug. ?6. After he ing mourned for dead for four years. Samuel Stephens caine back lo lifo and to his wile last night, lo find lier tho Wife Of another, known lo her friends and neighbors as .Mrs William Hall. Just before Mrs. Stephens was arraigned to-day oil a charge of bigamy, made by the po lice. Stephens went io tho home and took away wis bini a son, aged <>, Who was a baby of two when his lather Iel' him. Stephens Iben dis appeared. Ibo town, and Ihe other In honor of ibo brave Confederates, only re cently unveiled? were shown me by Senator Carle. s. SMITH WON IN GEORGIA Majority Smaller than that of Joe Itrown's Two Veal's Ago. Atlanta. (Ja., Aug. 2G.-"Cannon ism" played aa important part In Georgi*, politics during tho past sev eral months, fthd at the Democratic primarle? Tuesday brought the de feu I of L. F. Livingston and NV. M. Howard, in point ot' service tho old est members of the Georgia delega tion in tho National House.' lu tho Fifth District Wm. Schley Howard, a young attorney, won a decisive victory over Livingston. In the Eighth Disti ct the returns show a Convention majority of four votes tor s. J. Trlbble, and Congressman Howard has tiled notice of contest of the election, lt? charges irregu larities al two precincts in tolbert county, which gave Tribblo a major ity of four voles. The other nine members of the Georgia delegation in Congress are assured of renomination. Tho tight against Livingston and Howard was, in each case, based Upon their alleged desertion of the Democratic party when it was sought last December to change the so-call ed Cannon rules of the House. Formor Governor Hoke Smith won the nomination for Governor over the incumbent. .Iosep h M. Drown. Smith's popular majority in tho state was approximately 1,000. Two years ago Brown, whom Governor Smith bad removed as chairman of the- State Railroad Commission, defeated Smith for re election by a popular vote of more than 10,000. Among the few contests for other State ofilces, J. A. Corry won over O. lt. stephens for Railroad Commis sioner; M. L. Brittain defeated B. M. Settler for State School Commis sioner; T. s. Felder won over the incumbent, H. A. Hall, for Attorney (huerai. Be sure and take a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy with you when starting on your trip this summer. It cannot bo obtained on board tho hains or steamers. Change of water ami climate often causo sudden at tacks of diarrhoea, and it ls best to '? be prepared. Sold by Dr. J. W. Bell, Walhalla; Chas. W. Wickliffe, West Union. WILKINSON' (Al.I, DEAD. Was Senator From Florida for Eighteen Years, Washington, AUK. 25.-The fune ral Of tho late Wilkinson Call, aged Til. former t'nited States Senator from Florida, who died yesterday from cerebral hemorrhage, took place this morning. His body was buried in Oak Hill cemetery beside thal of bis wife, who died four years ago. Serving in the ppor branch of Congress eighteen years, from is?'* lo IS'.'T, Mr. Call occupied an Im portaul place on several committees, j Ile was a native Ot Russell ville. Ky. I in bo\hood ho went to Florida. At tho outbreak of the War Bo Iweon tho states. Mr. Call enlisted as a volunteer in the Confederacy, ami before Ibo close of hostilities became adjutant general of Florida t roo ps. He was Presidential elector at large in IS72 and I s 7 . ; : member of the Democratic National Kxecutivo Committee in 1876, and delegate to tho Democratic National Convention in 1 N 7 < . Aller leaving public life. Mr. Call practiced law in Florida. From Sickness to Excellent Health, i So says Mrs. Chas. Lyon, Peoria, 111.: "I found in your Foley Kidney Pills a prompt and speedy cure for backache and kidney trouble, which bothered me for many months. I am now enjoying excellent health, which I owe to Foley Kidney Rills." J. W. Boll. Killed Oxer Chew of Tobacco. Masillon, Ohio. Aug. '?1.-. As the result of a ipiarrel over \\ chew of tobacco, George Snyder, 1(5 years old, shot and killed Joseph Joseph, Jr., also 1(5. The slayer made bis esra pe. In buying a cough medicine, don't be afraid to got Chamberlain's Gough Remedy. There ls no danger from it, and relief is sure to follow. Especially recommended for coughs, colds and whooping cough. Sold by Dr. J. VV. Bell, Walhalla; Chas. W. Wickliffe, West Union, "Do you blow tho dinner horn hero?" asked tho summer boarder. "No," sahl the boss farmer, sourly. "Tho hands get such good pay now adays thal they all carry gold-case I S-je wei wa lobes," To keep your health sound; to avoid tho Ills of advancing years, to conserve your , hyslcal forces for a ripo and heall h l ui old ago, guard your kidneys by taking Foley's Kid ney Remedy. J, W. Rel). To every 1,000 girls born in long land and Wales In 1009 thor.! were 1,036 boys. TH? BLACHSTON Has ??nco 1X04 urivon "ThorOMgl? llfl Influences at the lowest possible c RESULT; lt is to-dry with ita fan ?ts student body of 400/and its plant THE LKAD?NG 1 RAINING SCI $150 pays all charges for the year, ir heat, laundry, medical attention, phyt except music and elocution. For ca BLACKSTONIC FEMALE IN JAS. CANNON, Jr., M THOS. R. REEVES, Ii .'Muttens Around Richland. Richland. Aug. 22.-Special: We had a light shower yesterday, which was greatly needed. An interesting protracted meeting was conducted here last week. Rev. M. li. Peabody conducted tho ser vices. The al tendance was large, and much Interest manifested, Mrs. Sloan Urne?' and adopted son. .lohn, ot' Avalon, tia., visited rela tives here last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fd. Foster, ol' Ala bama, are spending the summer at the homo o'' I!. !). Foster. Wednesday was 'he day l'or the Sunshine convention al Rock Springs, and also preaching at the Richland Presbyterian church. Preaching services were held al Rock Springs al I 1 o'clock. Aller preaching dinner was served, and the business and reports ol' the du r?rent societies were heard. Mrs. S. I'. StribltUg, ol' Fair Play, spent Wednesday and Thursday at the home ol' T. B. Wy ly. .1. D. McMahan and three sons, lidgnr, David and .leif, spell! Wed nesday and Thursday In Spartanhurg al the reunion. The Richland hall leam went lo Westminster Thursday afternoon, hut without success, losing by Ibo I. Richland bas played and has Inst four and good record. died in Richland Frl Durriss is visiting in TOCCOQ . Black score ol .> lo eight games won four it lid. Rowen dav. Mrs. Lucy West minster. Mrs. John Blackwell, ol' \ isi led a I t be home of J. I well during i ho past week. Rev. (;. M. wilcox went to Retreat Saturday and began a series of meet ings at thai place Sunday morning. The result of our meeting was the addition of nine members to thc chu rr h. CONSUMPTION In the cure of consumption. concentrated,easilydigested nourishment is necessary. * For 35 years ft has been the standard, world-wide treatment for consumption._AU DrmmUt? CROPS ARK BKIXG RPI Xiii), Millions of Grasshoppers ?it Anderson County Purni, i Anderson Mail. 'Jut h. i A vast army of millions of grass hopper's is playing havoc with the crops ai the county ito,ne for the poor. Tiley have pul in an appear ance in great numbers, and at times the corn Holds are black willi thom. The insects are about throe inches long, of a reddish-brown color, and in making their Hight from place to place on the big farm create a great noise by the whir (d' their wings. ant horlties-I bose in fa rm a re worried over and are The county cha rge ol' i bc tl.eir presence a remedy. The first appearance hoppers was when the at loss for of the grass wheat ero,is were ready to lie gathered. They came in millions, and ai thc county faim (leaned and ruined n seven acre lield ol' grain, in addition to damag ing a 'arge por cen? of Ibo other wheal that had been sown. After the wheal had been harvested they disappeared, and remained away un til a short time ago. Xow they are back in greater number; Iban before. Just at this lime tile grasshoppers are playing havoc with the corn clop. A lield Ol' between tell and twelve acres has been literally cul to pieces, so i liai hardly anything wili be gathered. Little was sahl of Ibo mailer at Ural, bm the Insects have now come in such great num bers thal anxiety is felt. There is no way to get rid of them, and I hey threaten Hie whole of tho corn crop with desi rmi ion. Atlanta's Marvellous Growth. Albinia. Aug. 2 I. The population Of Atlanta, as given in the seven decennial censuses, together with tho per cent of increase and rank of the idly as compared with the larger (Hies ol' Hie I'nited Slates, follows: Year. I S .Ml I Mill I 870 issn I sim I OOO I !i I n Populal ion. li.r,72 ;i.:.:.r, . 2.1,780 . 37,402 . 0f>, . S!l,S7'J . I :. 1.839 Per cent. !7 I L'S I . (1 Rank. I nu I s '13 I I /oley Kidney Pills. Tonic in quality and action, quick In results. For backache, headache, dizziness, nervousness, urinary Irreg. ularitlos and rheumatism. J. W. Boll. ?tTUCttOtl under noKlHvidy Christian OSt." illly of 32. n hoarding patronage ot 328, worth 81 tO,' )0 IOOL FOR GIRLS IN VIRGINIA .eluding tahle board, room,lights, steam neal culturo, amt tuition in allHubjects talogue and application blank address, ISTITUTE, Blackstone, Va. i \ } Associate Principals. News t'p on Littlti Uiver. Little Uiver, Aug. *3.-Speetal: Tin1 campaign mooting i. this place passed off very ntceh willi tho at tendance very small. A third of the crowd seemed to he running for some ellice. There was some good speaking. Franklin Moody aiding as chairman. Alter the speaking was over there was one small wagon load ol' melons .on the ground, and they were consumed hy the crowd, each man buying for himself, and the can didates dill likewise. Several of them made the remark that lt was too had lo have to hay a melon and sit down and eat if without asking his neighbor or friend to eat. with him, but such was the case on this occasion. The next day the candi dates moved on to Salem, where the crowd was a little larger, hut notas large as usual. Miss Mary Burgess ls leaching the Smelt/.er school this term. She ls a faithful instructor in the school room and bids fair io make ber mark among the teachers ol' Coonee. The many friends of I). O. Shep pard, of the Cheohee section, will be sorry io hear that he is seriously sick at this lime. lt is hoped, how ever, that this good man may soon ' be well again. Miss Naninia Alexander is spend ing a while in Bickens. She ls en gaged in school work ?.lille lhere. H. P. (?rant, alter .. ioilg siege of typhoid fever, is able to be out again to the delight of his many friends. His wife is very sick at this lillie with 'he same disease. We hope ?ho may soon be restored to her usual health. The protracted meeting ai Whit I dre's (dosed last Sunday night with two additions lo Hie church, Kev. H. Hudson, ol' North Caroli na, was circulating among friends in i his section I he past \, eek. Rev. C. h. Craig lilied his appoint ment at this place last Sunday. Mrs. Janies Madden is very sick at lilla time. lier many friends hopi': lo see brr eui again soon. They Have a Definite Purpose. Foley Kidney Fills give quick re lief In cases of kidney and bladder ailments. Mrs. Rose (Daser, Terre Haute, ind., tells tho result In her case. "After suffering for many years from a serious case of kidney (rouble and spending much money for so-called cures, I found Koley Kidney Rills the only medicine that gave me a permanent cure. I am again able to be up and attend to my work. 1 shall never hesitate to rec ommend thom." J. W. Bell. "B" is a : ra iisforms "bra i list om dangerous letter; it. ii "rainstorm" Into a WORTH MOUNTAINS OF During Change of Life, says Mrs. Crias. Barclay (iv; nitt vii! rought bei vt, I l-l.' ra - " f ol i i?'i i rom andel ' Bj mpt cnn ir rmmm pound .vorth \v;>s passing i'.?iii surYoreu iinrvoit -.ness I'iMiVioying and I v lhat . ?inni's Com proved nt" K.l'l i ti L>? h:;s mountains of gold to nie, as it, restored my health mal strength. I never forget to tell my friends what I .ydialS. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound has done for mo during this trying period. Complete restoration to heall h means so much to me that for ibo sake of oilier suffer ing women I am willing to make my I rouble public so you may publish Ibis loiter." MUM. CHAS, BAHCLAY, ll. F.D.,Granite ville, Vt. No other medicino for woman's i 11 H has leroi v? il sm-:, \\ i de-spread and un i|iialinod i i dot .e nen!. No other med icine WC know ol bas such a record of cures of fe ma In li's as has Lydia E. Piukhnm's Vegetable Compound. Pi r io ve '! kn 30 years ll has been curing fi malo complaints such aa inflammation, ulceration, local weak nesses, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic, pains, backache, indigestion and nervous prostration, ana it is unequalled for carrying women safely through the period of Chango of lifo. It costs but little to try Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound, and, as Mrs. Barclay say8.it is "worth mourt? tains of gold " to suffering women.