FA H MIC lt?* UNION* M10ETING8. Meetings in Oeonee tliut Ought to lie Well Attended. Fanners' union rallies have been appointed as follows: Oak Orove, September Otb. Oak way i September 8th. Ticket Post, September 10th. All neighboring unions are urged to co-operate With above named lo cals and assist in Rinking the meet ings a success. Speakers will be secured to ad dress each mooting. State Deputy Organizer and Field Worker J. B. O'Noall Holloway will attend each rally and preiss the cause of the Far mers' Union. Brethren and friends, let's all rally to Ibis great organization and make it accomplish Its mission. j. B. Pickett, County Chairman. Struck a Bleb Mino. S. W. Bondi, of Coal City, Ala., says ,he struck a perfect mino of t. i-... isl., "? Ma,.? T lie T>111a m II ju i'., i? m;, S INUIV JLillO i ino for they cured bim of liver and kid ney troublo after twelve years of Buffering. They are the best pills on earth for constipation, malaria, headache, dyspepsia, debility. 25c. at all druggists. Fi I >WA Bl )S-FA 11N ESTOC Iv. ' Former Walhalla Hoy Tokes Wife from Saluda County. The following Information, which is taken from a dispatch from Sa luda to tho Charleston News and Courier, under date of August 2 1th, Will be of interest to many in Wal halla and Oconee county, tho groom having been born and raised near Walhalla, and has many friends hero und elsewhere throughout the coun ty. The groom is a son of Dr. Thoa. G. C. Fahnestock, of Walhalla. "Uay Leo Fabnesiock, of Green ville; and Miss Maud Lee Edwards, ol' this county, were happily married at the home of the bride's parents Sunday afternoon. Kev. .1. H. Hai ley, of this town, performed the cer emony. Holli the groom and bride are mutes and are graduates of Cedar Springs Instil nie. They were in school together and were class mates. Holli graduated from Cedar Springs two years ago. "The ritual of the P.aptM (dinrel) was used and a beautiful diamond ring was presented to the bride by the groom. Mr. Fa h nos tock is a young business man of the Mountain City, and the bride is tho eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Z. Ed wards, of (his vicinity. "The happy couple left for thc? home of the groom Monday morning, followed liv (be good wishes ol' many friends of the bride." We loin with hosts of friends in extending lo the young groom our hearty congratulations, and to (he young couple our best wishes for their every happiness and prosper ity In buying a cough medicine, don't be afraid lo get Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. There is no danger from ll. and relief is sure to follow. Especially recoin mended for coughs, colds and whooping cough. Sold by L. C. Marlin, Clemson College; Sen eca Pharmacy. REWARD WITHDRAWN. Those Having Charge ol' Emerson Cns?? Satisfied with Itesulls. M. C. Long has bad the reward offered by I he town council of Wal halla, and also the money deposited in the Hank of Walhalla for the capture and conviction of Hie party or pa rt I es who murdered H. C. Em erson withdrawn. The hundred dol lar reward offered by Hie Governor has also hoon withdrawn. The Governor has also been withdrawn. Th. . Governor sent ll. N. Kilman. Jr.. a Pinkerton dectectlve, to Wal halla several weeks ago, and he bas been at work on the casi-. Il is generally understood that those in ch fir go of Ibo case have gathered some valuable information for I In state recently. Mr. Long slates thal his reason for having (he reward withdrawn is thal it has served Its purpose, and thal bis wolli in Hie casu bas been for the good of the community and not for money. If your liver ls sluggish and out of tone, and you fool dull, bilious, constipated, take a dose of Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets to night before retiring and you will feel all right In the morning. Sold by fi. C. Martin, Clemson Collego; Seneca Pharmacy. Notes from .Mountain Best, Mountain Rest. Route No. I, Aug. 20.-- Sp?cial! After several weeks of dry weather WO have had some nice showers, which will cause all crops 10 pul on new Ufo. .H. F. Duncan, one of our aged cit izens, is seriously sick ni this Hmo. Hurt Robins and family have moved into our midst from ('layton. Dr. H. F. Sloan made some profes sional calls here recently in bis anio. Mr. and Mrs. Will Shuttleworth, of Holly Springs, visited recent ly al Ibo borne of Mr. and Mrs. \V, ll. Mon gold. Capt, John C. Neville, Major A. G. S ha ii k 11 II and little daughter vis lied friends here while on 'heir auto trip in the mountains. W. W. West, of Madison, was on 11 business trip bern last week. Our rural route is Increasing in business With Evan Callas as car rier. Ile is always on Hmo and (dover and accommodating, and we think there is no mail service so niel as a r-iral ronlo. Our schools at Double Springs and Whetstone, with o. c. and c. F. Lyles, respectively, as teachers, have a large enrollment, and wo be lieve there are no better schools in the county. m Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Harker are on n business trip lo Seneca. Farmers, jnechnnlcn, railroaders, laborers rely on Dr. Thomas' Eclec tic Oil. Takes t.ie sting out of cuts, burns or bruises at o^co. Tain can not stay where It ia used. 9 THE MATTEN OE GOOD HOADS. Moot his Lust Friday Was Not Large, Hut Did Some Work.. Tho good roads meeting at the Court House last Friday was not as largely attended as was hoped for, but still there waa In tho meeting that quality that means ultimate suc cess for tho movement In Oconee-lt had enthusiasm, and there was "freedom of speech." Tho mooting was called to order by A. P. Crisp, president of the Oco nee County Good Hoads Association. Tho secretary was not present at the opening of the mooting, and Di1. .1. S. Stripling, of Seneca, was chosen ns assistant secretary, lu order that the meeting might not be delayed in transacting Ibo business before it. Members were invited to open a discussion as to tho heeds ot the county in tho matter of ronds mid to nive expression to their views as to the best method of securing ade quate relief from out present unen viable road situation. W. M. Bro xvii was the il rsi lo give his views. lie slated that lie was himself a farmer, and that he wanted io call tho nttontjoil ol' the farmers of the count.v to tho injustice they were doing to themselves and lo the coun ty nt largo by failure to recognise tho importance ol individual effort to keep tho public roads lu good con. dillon, and ho appealed to I hom lo stop tho system of ditching and ter racing their lands, emptying the ditches and terraces into the public roads, tims making Impossible tho keeping in good condition of the roads, no matter how much work might be done by the authorities. Ile said thal he had been guilty of this, but lind soon tho folly of it and had quit, and Iiis idea was to gol other farmers to seo tho matter as ho did I willi the hope Huit they, too, would put a stop lo it, and lend a hand at road hu pro vonton I instead of continu ing a policy thal was proving seri ously detrimental. His idea was that If Ibo far mors will quit this practice of emptying ditches and ter races and throwing obstructions into tho public highways much good viii be accomplished and much unneces sary expense avoided. Capt. .1. .). Hallenger, of lt ich lund, thought Hint the only thing needed was to get Hie COU ll ty road business down lo a system, and he thought .tho system necessary for tho success of the county's business was Hie sys tem of township supervision of all limiters pertaining lo I he pnblh roads, abolishing tho office of count.v commissioner, substituting thcrofor township commissioners, with county supervisor to look after the county al large. .1. H. Pickett espoused the system whereby each property owner should keep In condition Hie public road I brough or in front of his properly, this system appealing, ho thought, lo tho individual pride ol each citizen along the public highway and tend ing to create a spirit ol' competition among thc i old owners, each endeav oring lo have Ibo best road hy his place. A. II. ellison thought possibly Mr, Pickett's plan might work, nut doubted lt, Mr. Hallenger's plait, he said, was unjust owing to conditions prevailing in I he mountain SIM lions of the county. Ho made a motion that Hie association memorialize (he Legislature, asking a lax levy suffi cient lo build good roads in Hie coun ty. The only wax lo get good roads is to levy suniclent laxes. This mo tion lind no second .and was never put to a vole. Dr. .1. S. Si Obiing favored Ce levy ing ol' taxes by townships on the same plan as is in vogue by school dist rids for school purposes. Ile was heartily in favor of higher taxi's if necessary, and favored a hill io authorize township taxes for road purposes, Hr. C. M. Walter wanted good roads and thought eortnlnl.v lhere vv;es some adequate remedy al hand to soon I'd them und lo gol out ol' the deplorable run into which Hie county as a whole has golton. Ile died as Instances thal good roads can be made Hie two roads already built, one leading from Walhalla lo Wesl minster, Hie other from Richland to Seneca. Ile hoped thal every farmer in the county would lake advantage of these two roads and travel over them in order that they llllglll seo and know lim great advantages they proscill lo Hu- public at large and to every one who lives along the road. W. o. Hamilton favored the issu ing ol' bonds for the purpose of build ing roads ind thought (hal the only leal solution ol' Ibo problem, cited the fad that cities, corpora tions and large business enterprises use ibis mel hod and lind lt Hie cheap, esl and bes!, and thought it only reasonable to conclude thal. If il was a good system for these business cor poral ions it would lu- good for the county ol' Oconee. Hr. H. I-'. Sloan suggested the ad visability of correspondence with the authorities Of (hose counties and Slates that now have model roads in order to lind out tho system under which they were secured, and the cost, in order thal we might profit by the experience of those who have I raveled already I he road upon which we are now entering. H. W. Gignllllal favored Hie bond system. Said he did mil know who was responsible for our present con dition, but Hitit he knew there ls something wrong somewhere. Ho wauled a system whereby each town ship could levy laxes for Itself or issue ils own bonds and have entire charge and control of thoso tax or bond funds ns well as of all general levy funds raised In (hat township for Hie purposes of roads, and bridges. This brought, out consider a bio objection by reason of the fad (hal the conditions prevailing In the mountain sections would make lt Im possible for Ibo mountain townships lo maintain any roads at all, and would practically cul off their soc Hon from Ibo county at largo. P, P, Sullivan favored the bond Issue as tho most practical solution of the problem and the most econom ical. Postorlty, he said, would un questionably share in the benefits of good roads, for they aro permanent, We are not content to sit Idly System. That is tho purpose ol' this made to his own order at a price he Royal cral'tsman in Chicago or Now Heep down in your heart, you copied a factory made substitute Od (Mothes wearer. That envy need no longer reniaii bringing t In? best hand-tailoring We have 500 beautiful Kali am MOSS & ANS and he thought it nothing hut right thai future generations should hear their part of the cost of making good roads. NV. A. Strother favored the issn-: lng ot' iioinls. the ti ho li lion of tho oIllcC of county commissioner and i tim election of a competent man to . the ollleo of supervisor at a salary of $1,500 a yeal'. A salary of $2,f>00 was suggested, ami Mr. Strother said ! ho had no objection. If a man want- ; ed that salary he favored giving ll ' to him, bul give him erad i I for ' $1,000 ol' pa t riot ism. and that would j bring tho salary up lo thc $2,500 mark. Superintendent of klducation Wade C. Hughs slated thal tho pinn ol' special laxes for educational puiv poses, levied hy vole Of HlO citizens i Of the several school districts, was, working admirably and resulting in | great advantage to tho school dis-; i riet? thal have taken advantage of tho system, and' ho saw no reason why the same rule should not work with equally good results If applied lo the mutier of publie highways. lt was evident from the opinions expressed that the general belief is thal lhere must be a radical change I in methods If anything of worth is io be accomplished; thal the ollleo of county commissioner is at best n lil'th wheel thal bas long been out ol' true, and that about ?he only thing it is now lit for ls abolit lon, .Memorialize General Assembly. The association finally adopted a resolut ion thal it was tho sense of the body thal the (louerai Assembly should be memorialized, asking thom to pass an nd al Ibo next session making it possible for the various townships to vote on ii lax not ex ceeding lo mills for road purposes; thal the ofllco of county commission er be abolisjied, ami thal UlO office of township commissioner bo substi tuted therefor, three commissioners from each township in the county, and that tho salary for each town ship commissioner should be $100? per annum. The provision as to vol- I lng on extra laxes by townships is in no way intended to interfere willi tho p rosen I provision of tho nc! whereby townships are authorized lo vote bonds for I he purpose ol' build ing permanent highways. Tho town ship commissioners are given abso lute control of all funds raised hy taxation in their rospoftlivc districts, and Hie funds ari' lo I. used, of course, in tho districts in which they are raised, lt was also sought lo in corporate the provision that all laxes for road and bridge purposes raised under tin? general lax system should be turned ovor io tho town ship commissioners, and expended only in the did rids in which they were paid. This was I he provis ion thai was characterized as unjust io the mountain townships, some of which have nulli) miles of public roads, bul practically no com mu ta llon road lax and comparatively small funds raised from tho general road lax, and Hie provision was withdrawn, as ?I was foll thal Ibo more thickly populated townships should assist tho weaker ones lo some oxton!, li was also voled that i he ellice of county supervisor should be placed on a salary ol' $1,200 a year; thal the supervisor be made responsible for all funds raised hy the gen? ral levy for road purposes. $**i0mfi**m0*0im$Mm MI?? South Geor Il HAVE HI3VEHA?J THOU ION AMI COHN l/A NDS IN ACRES TO fl.OOO A OH ICS. I'RIC $20.00 Pint A CRM, AO?ORDIN ANO IMPROVEMENTS. RU81 I'OltTV VIO A RS. IP' IXTERES Wade Ii. llfiAKETiEY, OA. by and lot any man .suffer Che lilmlll big advertisement, To let every last eau afford. That there is a master York whiting lo tailor his cloth ovei have always coveted tailor-made because of fancied economy. But n ungratified In you. Here ls a tailoi within tho purse reach of all. il Winter Woolens ready to show you EL, DBALI ROYAL TV and thai mi auditing hoard of I h ree members, who shall be the Clerk of Court, Oount.\ Treasurer and County Auditor, bo created, and that sahl board shall he required lo check up tho supervisor quarterly, and that this work shall bo added lo tho dillies 01 these officers without extra com pensation. A committee, composed of Wm. .1. Slrlbltng, .1. .1. Bnllonger and Dr. c. M. Walker, was appointed to con for with members ol Hie House and Sen ale from ibis county for thc purpose of working out other details of tho proposed bill thal will solve the prob lem of good roads for OeoilOC. The association by resolution asked the co-operation of the Walhalla lluslness .Men's League, the West minster Hoard of Trade and the Sen eca Ch non ber m Com merco and all other business or commercial bodies in Hie county to furl her tho ends of Hie association. .1. .1. Bnllonger offered a resolu tion, which was unanimously adopt ed, requesting thal each laud owner through whose properly (be public roads lead work said roads and put them in better shape, thus helping along the cause of good roads until the recommendations contained ill tin' action ol' the Good Bonds Asso ciation could be made effective. New .Members Added. The following names were added to the list of (be association's mem bers: M. A. Moss. S. II. Snead, K. W. Marett. .1. .1. Hallenger, W. M. heinous, .1. B. Pickett. C. W. Giglllt llnt, Dr. .1. S. Stribling, ll. H. Vorner, I). A. Smith and Jacob A. Cook. The BOM! Hour ol' fd fe is when you do some great deed or discover some wonderful lac!. This hour cn ip o to J. H. I i.i of lt ocky Mouin. X. C., when be wn? suffering Intensely, as ho says, 'from the worst cold I ever bad, I then proved lo my great satisfaction what a won derful cold and cough cure Dr. King's Xew Discovery is. Kor, after laking one bottle, 1 was entirely cured. Von can't say anything, too good of a medicine like that." lt's the sure;,I and bosl remedy for dis eased lungs, hemorrhages, hi grippe, asthma, hay fever any throat Ol' lung trouble. .Mic. and .$1. Trial hollie free. Guaranteed hy all drug gists. Shot hy Georgia .lodge. Savannah. Ga., Aug. 29.-Badly wounded by I wo bullets, M. A. De witt, a prominent man ol' Kdcn, (?a., is at a local hospital as the rosall of ti difficulty with Judge J. II, Smith, of the City Court of Kdon, Judge Smith is said to have accused De witt ol' hamstringing hogs in tho vicinity of Bidon. lt is said Dewitt passed (he lie and the shooting fol lowed. Devvill may die. Staggers Skeptics. Thal a (dean, nice, fragrant com pound like Buckloil's Arnica Salve will instantly roliovo a bad burn, cut, scald, wound or piles, staggers skeptics. Dui great mires prove it's a wonderful healer ol the worst sores, ulcers, boils, felons, eczema, skin eruptions, as also chapped hands, sprains anij corns. Try it. 2F?C, at all drug stores. gia Farms! i SAND ACIMOS DKVKI, (MU KA HMS BANGING KUOM HO I ; YA III KS KltOM $5.00 TO G TO LOCATION, CHA DI ! MOSS 10STA HHISIIKD O Y Kl? T KD, WHITIO. Powell, BKA ii 10STATI0 A G IO NT, ed flan ? allon ol' poorly fl Lt S ii K clothes because I clothes wearer lu this town know ll measure-laker hore at this store v . those measures in tho latest stylos, clothes- every man has. Some mon n tho envy of Hie man with a good t: Hug service. Hint boca USO of its euora ('all and see thom to-day. Wal SIMMONS IOU RELIEF. THE STATU OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OP 0C0N13I3. In Houri ol' Common Fleas. Malissa A. Cross, Leonora Htldgeiis, Waller s. Oaston, ellwood F. Gas ton and Anna H. Hall. Plaintiffs, against Mlllotl T. Gaston, Defendant. (Summons for Relief,) Tn tho Defendant Above Named: You .?.re hereby summoned and ro .piired to answer tho complaint in lids action, of which a copy is here with served upon you, and to servo a ?opy of your answo" to tho said com plaint on the subscriber, at his ollic.o, on the Public Square, at Walhalla Court House, South Carolina, within twenty days after tho service horeof, exclusive of thc day of such sorvtco; and if you fail to answer tho com plaint within tho Hmo aforesaid, tho Plaintiffs In Ibis action will apply to tho Court for tho relief demanded lu tho complaint. August 5th, 10 10. Iv L. 11 ERNDON, Plaintiffs' attorney. August io, i '.i i o. :?L'-:C7 J. W. GRANT, REPRESENTATIVE, WALHALLA, SOUTH CAROLINA. No malter how simple a monu ment you wish, wo can offer you an assortment of distinctive design and Superior workmanship, at a prlco both mod?rale and competitivo. Our success ls duo to tho quality of our production. Send us your orders or vlsi! our establishment. THE SENECA MARULE AND GRANITE WORKS, SENECA, S. C. We carry a full line of COFFINS and CASKETS. MARETT BROS Copyright 1909 Uy Tho It?vul T ???lois Gets In ! ic does not know Tho Royal Tailors' lint now ho can havo his clothes rutting to lake his measure and a ?ay have smothered pride and a? iillor lies in rooted In every iintailor. ions output, its national field, is halla, So. Ca. KOTIGE TO DEBTORS ANT) CREDITORS. All persons Indebted to tho Es tate of A. G. BR?CKE, deceased, aro hereby notified to make pay ment to the undersigned, and all per. sons having claims against said es tate will present tho same duly at tested within tho timo proscribed by law or bo barred. A. VV. E. BR?CKE, Executor. West Union, S. C., R. E. 1). Xo. 1. August i, 1010. 31*34 ESTATE NOTICE. All persons having claims against tho estate ol' ll. A. H. Gibson, de ceased, are hereby notified to il lo tho same, duly Verified, with tho under signed, and those indebted to said estate will pleaso make payment like wise. ROSA T. HUTCH ISON, WALTER GIBSON. Columbia, S. C., 102 1 Barnwell St. .Inly 2?, HMO. 30-32 FARM?! FARMS ! Now Is your chanco to buy a small Kami on easy terms. No. 1--D6 ncres; about 3 milos of Walhalla, on public road; 10 acres of crook bottom; 20 acres of up land In cultivation. Has two tenant houses. Price, $1,000. No. 2-55 M? ncres, 4 miles of West Union, on public road; only 0 acres In cultivation; good red land. Price, $1,000. No. :i-;">"> acres; 3 Vi milos from Walhalla, on two public roads; in high state of cultivai Ion; good Im provements, and a bargain at this price-yi ,375. No. 4 - 52,acres, half milo of Wal halla; bas good tenant houso mid good red land, and a bargain at tho price-$1,300. If you want a Karin or Town Property, lt will pay you to look over my list. J. M. DARBY, REAL ESTATE. Olllces People's Bank Building. LIVERYMEN, WA Ell A LUA, S. C. Our Stablos aro stocked with good Driving and Riding Horses, NOW Bug gies, Carriages, etc. Everything in lirst-class shape. Our prices aro right. Wo are go ing to do tho Llvory Business of Wal halla If satisfactory sorvlco and rea sonable prices aro an Inducement. Houchins & Brown, PHONE NO. 28, WALHALLA, SOUV?I CAROLINA. ..??}