TOPSY HOSIERY MILLS CHANGE. Jas. 1). Massey, Former Oconee Boy, Ono of tho Now Owners. (Columbus, Qa., Ledgor, 11th.) One of thc most important deals announced In this city In several months was that of to-day when it was stated that tho owners of tho Topsy Hosiery Mills had sold the property to G. Gunby Jordan, C. L. Perkins, lt. C. Jordan and Jas. D. Massey. While the figures involved in tho trade were not given out, lt ls under stood that they nro in the neighbor hood of $100,000, which makes the trade one of unusual Importance. The mill ls located In Jordan City, and since its erection, several ye:irs ago, has been one of the leading in dustries of Columbus and has con tributed no small part to the city's financial success. The new owners purchased the property from thc Ely & Walker Dry Goods Company, of Saint Louis, Mo., and they took charge of tho property this afternoon, and there will be no Interruption of the business of tho mill other than that made necessary by taking stock and arranging the details for the transfer. H was announced Immediately hy the new purchasers that tho mills would continue to operate, a shut down being necessary only long enough to take account of stock, and that the output of tho mill would be greatly Increased at an early date. Whether tho company will Incorpo rate or make extensive Improvements at an early dato have not yet been determined. The purchasers are all well known Columb. s men. G. Gunby Jordan and J. 1). Massey are well known ofll cials of (he Eagle & Phenlx Mills; C. L. Perkins is manager of the Per kins Hosiery Mills and R. C. Jordan ls Interested lu several nourishing enterprises about the city. A Night Alarm. Worse than an alarm of Uro at night la the metallic cough of croup. Careful mothers keep Foley's Honey and Tar In (ho house and give lt at I be Hi st si AU of danger. Foley's Honey and Tar bas saved many little lives. No opiates. .1. W. Dell. How to Apply Manure. t Progressive Farmer.) Manure should in most cases-In practically all cases, it is safe lo say -be applied broadcast. The scatter ing'ol' small amounts in the drill or row is a wasteful and unprofitable pracotice. If enough is put In to be of any marked value as a source ol' plant food, there is danger, unless ll is very fine, that it may dry out and "fire" tho crop if a drouth comes. If the manure ls made fl?<* and mixed with the soil, lt will decay and aid greatly In the holding of moisture. This fining of manure ls another point that needs emphasizing. A big lump of manure is of comparatively little use to the plants, because the plant food In ll ls held so that lt can not be dissolved by the soil waler. lt ls a mero clod, and a plant can starve among the richest sort of clods. These, then, are the two great points to bo remembered in applying manure: (1) ll should be made as Hue as possible, and (2) mixed thoroughly and uniformly through the soil. The manure spreader lias made it much easier to get the manure out on (be soil, and bas enabled lt to he put there In much better shape than was possible by band. Manure should never be piled In small heaps In the field, ns lt ls n\\rn to lose much of Hs nitrogen when left In this shape. When taken to the field the proper thing ls to spread lt on the land at once. In disorders and di eases of children drugs seldom do good and often do harm. Careful feeding and bathing are the babies* remedies. is the food--medicine that not only nourishes them most, but also regulates their digestion. It is a wonderful tonic for chil dren of all ages. They rapidly gain weight and health on small doses. FOR SAI,K HY AI,I, DRUGGISTS Send 10c., name of paper and thin ad. for our beautiful Savings Bank and Cliild'H 8ketch-nook. Kach bank contains n Good I.uck Penny. SCOTT Sc BOWNE, 409 Pearl St., N. Y. 1000 COTTON CROP LESSONS* Sonic- Thin}1,* Learned by thu United SUites Department of Agriculture. Tile souson of 1909, while ono of the worst we have ever known for tlie colton crop in all hut the Atlan tic States, taught some valuable les sons: First. It demonstrated that a crop of cotton, under heavy boll weevil in festation, could bi made after July 1st, provided the farmers pick up the punctured squares and work tho Held intensively. In fact, there were very few boils on thc cotton plants tu Louisiana and Southwest Mississippi on July 1st, 1909. The weather then became dry and warm, and such as followed the Instructions of the gov ernment demonstration work made a fair crop of cotton, both on tho allu vial bottoms and on tho hill lands, and tho planters who failed to follow such Instructions made very little. LoUislana has always had years of a short cotton crop, due to adverse weather conditions. The crop of 1905, though practically unaffected by tho weevil, was only 511,738 bales, which ls less than half the product of 1904. Owing to loss of labor and fear of the boll weevil, about 30 per cent less than normal acreage was planted to cotton In 190!?, and when practically no cotton was made up to July 1st, such was tho alarm thal a large area ol* cotton was plowed up and planted lo other crops. The amount plowed up or abandoned ls estimated by good judges at 10 per cent. But allow that it. was 20 per cent, deducting from the probable -op lu such a sea son, (to wit, 511,738 bales I, the 30 per cent not planted and 20 per cent plowed up or abandoned, and the crop of Louisiana, without allowing anything for weevil damage, should have been about 286,57 lo 17c, country prices, lt pays lo produce lt. The more cco nomlcally lt can be produced mid Ibo more of the feed raised nt home, tho grenier tho pay for tho labor Involv ed. Incidentally, a farm where many bogs are kept will never run out, hut will Improve year by year. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTORIA WM WANT our friends and patrons to loavo their Printing and,Engraving orders with us. Prompt attention and boat sorvlco. Call and s?o oui lino of samples. THE KEOWEE COURIER, Walhalla, S. C. Free Let me mail you a Sample of our Remedy Why Suf : Wm am anxious to have you become acquainted with the meriti Noah's Liniment, and will with pleasure, send you a ft for man or beast, internal and external do all that is claimed (or it, or your mot Noah's Liniment is the Best F Sciatica, Neuralgia, Lame Back, Stilt Colds, Sprains, Strains, Cuts, Burns, 1 .nd all Nerve, Bone and Muscle Ache Noah's Liniment is sold at i all dealers in medicine. Th? cul at the right ?1 an exact copy of our reauteret. of lha genuine Noah . Liniment, fl it quits impoitanl alto the (act thal the wordi Noah's Liniment ajwa) dutinctivc marlu. Everyone ihould bewaie of imitations pcoxcute every infringement ol our righu. Noah Marti The Southern Remedy Made in Richmond TO DKAUERS If TOO want lo sdi thc most satisfac tory Para FI<.-.'> no tV rwKU, ono that inxats, wits lor icy prepcsilin. Cut thia Coupon oui and Me Noah Martin, Richmond, Va. Please Mail me a Free Sample of No 1 coci?te two 2 cent (tamps for poa ti Name_ Address. G'.y rr Tmvn GUARANTEED AND SOI.I) BY DR. J. \V. BELL, WA I il IA LA A, AND MCIJCIHIOH'S Dismissal ."Mittle Final. Killed Family ami Himself. >tlanta, March 19.-S. G. McLon dcn. former member of the railroad com nlssion of Georgia, who was re moved from office by former Gover nor Hoke Smith on June 24, 1 ?>00, has lost his light in the courts for vindication and reinstatement. Holding thal tho authority of the Governor to remove a railroad com missioner from office, and that the authority of the (louerai Assembly to sustain tho removal or to restore him to Iiis position, is unlimited, and that tho law under which a commissioner may be removed in no con diets with a State or the Federal constitu tion, the Supreme Court of Georgia, in an opinion handed down yester day, reversed at every point the de islon of Judge Charlton, of the East ern Circuit, and sustained the action of the ex-Governor in discharging McLendon from his office. The opinion, which covers some Su-odd pages and contains about 20, 000 words, was written hy Justice Holden, and all the justices con curred with the exception of Chief Justice Fish, who was absent on ac count of Illness. Captain Bognrdns Again Hits the Bull's Eye. This world-famous rifle shot, who holds the championship record of 100 pigeons In 100 conse utlve shots, ls living at Lincoln, 111. Recently Inter viewed, ho said: "I have suffered a long time with kidney and bladder troubles and have used several well known kidney remedies, all of which gave me no relief until I started tak ing Foley's Kidney Pills. Before I used Foley's Kidney PUL I was sub ject to severe backache and pains In my kdneys, with suppression and of ten times a cloudy voiding, while upon arising In the morning I would get dull headaches. Now I have ta ken three bottles of Foley's Kidney Pills and feel 100 per cent better. I am never bothered with my kidneys or bladder and once more feel like my own self. All this I owe solely lo Foley's Kidney Pills, and always rec ommend them to my fellow suffer ers." J. W. Bell. Many of the troubles that we see coming down the road toward our farm pass hy without stopping. Houston, Texas, March IS.-This afternoon a policeman broke Into thc home of Tad Schultz and found the dead bodies of Schultz, his young wife, two children and Walter Fieh ntan, a printer. Fielt ma n was a hoarder at the Schultz home, lt ls not known when the murders and suicide took place. Schultz, it is believed by the police, rei tu ned homo unexpectedly last night and found Elchman and his wife together and slashed them to pieces with a butcher knife, lt is believed that Schultz after shooting Iiis little children then shot himself. Foley's Kidney Pills What They Will Do for You They will cure your backache, Btrengthen your kidneys, cor rect urinary irregularities, build up the worn out tissues, and eliminate the excess uric acid that causes rheumatism. Pre vent Bright's Disease and Dia? bates, and restore health and strength. Refuse substitutes. J. W. BELL, WALHALLA. North Carolina's First Electrocution. Raleigh, March 18.-Walter Mor rison, colored, was electrocuted this morning at the State penitentiary for the crime of rape. ' He was brought Into the execution room at 10.18 and \vac. pronounced dead at 10.26. Two shocks were given at 10.19 and 10.21. Morrison made no statement for the public. Father Price, a local I priest, was with him at tho end. This i j IR the first execution lu this Stato under Hie now law, which requires I that all executions he at the State penitentiary and by electrocution. Why Sutler ? Are you one of the thousands of women wEo suffer from female ailments? If so, don't'be discour aged, go to your druggist and get a bottle of Wino of Cardui. On tho wrapper are full directions for use. During the last half century, Cardui has been established in thousands of homes, as a safe remedy for pain which only women endure. It is reliable, contains no harmful ingredients and can be depend ed on in almost any case. If Will Help You J 34 Mrs. Charles Bragg, of Swectser, Ind., tried Cardui. She writes: "Tongue cannot tell how much Cardui has dono for me. Before I began taking Cardui I could not do a day's work. I would work awhile and Ho down. I shall always give praise to your medicine." Try Cardui. AT ALL DRUG STORES .THSSP i of The Great Pain Remedy, ec sample on request, h is good I use, and is positively guaranteed to icy will be refunded. temedy for Rheumatism in all forms, Joints and Muscles, Sore Throat, Bruises, Colic, Cramps, Toothache, s and Paint. 55c, 50c, and $1.00 per bottle by I lit .Jr- m ?ile which !. Jted on evenr label and carton ; that the public ,1?.ult! note thia before purchasing, a* i appear in re