RED FLAG BAI NEXT DOOR TO Tl IIO Extra Bargains In ELEGANT LIMO OF New Dry (?owls mid Notions Arrlv House Furnishings. ? .?[. .?'..f* ?. LOCAL A Xl) PERSONAL. 4?. ? ??T? ? ? ?|? ?j? ?|? ?j? ?j? ?i* ?j? ? j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j* ?j? ?i? ?I? - Fine ton ni to seed at Norman's. -Chas. L. Angel, of Atlanta, ls spending several days in Walhalla on business. -Dring your chickens and eggs to me at Cotton Mill Store and get more for them. 11 -Mrs. R. Q. Merrick and child. of Greenville, are visiting at the home of A. C. Merrick. - For Sale-200 bushels Yellow Hunch Yam potatoes. Apply to W. T. Bear den, near Oakway, S. C. 13* -Win. G. Derry, of Greenville, spent Gie Hist part of this week here visiting Ids sister. Mrs. S. K. Dendy. - Don't forget our spring opening Friday and Saturday, March 18th and 1??tli. Misses Fincannon &. .Morgan, Seneca, S. C. - Mrs. R. Callaway announces her millinery opening for the latter part or this week, the 17th, 18th and 19th. See advertisement. -For Sale--A good mare, for general purposes. Apply at this office. -Geo. Keil returned yesterday morning to Charleston to resume his . of Richland, is attending courl Iltis week, Helias numerous friends h.Te who aro glad to see him looking H well. Mr. Dendy pani The Courier an appreciat ed call Mon,lay morning. Opening display of spring pat tern hats and novelties, to which you are cordially invited. March 17 and ls. Miss Hannah Burss, ell ad joining Craig-Vei ner building. --Finest cabbage plant.-, arriving daily; ilsa fine seed Irish and Flor ida sweel potatoes, onion sets; early tomato, beet and swed potato plants, at Norman's, -The many Walhalla and West Union friends of Capt, and Mrs. R. C. Strother aro delighted to welcome thom back lo their home in the lat ter town. They returned yesterday from an extended visir in Atlanta. NORMAN'S D THE OLD I EVERYTHING: FRESH AND uiy WE CAN SCPPLY A LL HEADQUARTERS FOR RGAIN STORE HARDWARE STORE. SIKH'S ami ('Int hill';. EA Ol ES' SHIRT WAISTS. lng Every Week. Everything in Good und Cheap. -All kinds bean seed at Norman's. -Be sare mid attend the literary eoatest at Pitchford's Hall next Fri day night. The admission fee is small-only 25 cents; children 10 cents. Tho proceeds are for the ben efit of the Issnquona Literary Society of the High School. -Wanted-To sell or exchange for stock, 6-h, p. Peerless engine; in good condition. Apply to J. L. Moser, Walhalla, R. P. D. No. 1. 13* -Mrs. J. lt. Hughes lett Monday morning for Columbia to be with hei brother. Samuel Maxwell, wno has been seriously ill for some time. Friends here will be pleased to know that he ls Improving. We hope to hear of his early recovery. - $1,250. on good terms, will buy the Prof. Nicholson house, including I l4 acre lot, If taken at once. Apply J. A. Collins, ('anon, Ga. 1 1* -Tile Issaquena Literary Society of the Walhalla High School will hold its second annual public contest at Pitchford's Hall at !S o'clock Friday evening, March ISth. Five gold medals will be awarded as follows: For best essay, for the best declama tion, for the best recitation, for the liest speech on the affirmative, and for the best on the negative in the debate. -Purina poultry feeds, always in checker-board bags. Feeds of qual ity. C. W. & J. E. Bauknight. (lt pays to buy for cash.) -We regret to learn of the illness of Samuel Crawford, of the South Union section. He has been quite un well for about two weeks. Mr. Craw ford is one of Oconee's oldest and most respected citizens. He is now SO odd years of age. Ills friends here and throughout the county will hear of this piece of news with re gret, but wish for tho agen gentle man yet many years. - For Rent-John H. Lee one horse farm, below West Union. Frank H. Shirley, Westminster, S. C. 1 1 -Announcement has been made by Governor and Mrs. M. F. Ansel of the coming marriage of their daughter. Miss Frederecka Calvert, to Or. Geo. H. Bunch, the marriage to take place at the Executive Mansion soon after Faster. Miss Ansel is popular lu society circles ?it Hie State Capital and Dr. Bunch is a prominent young physician of Columbia. We extend congratulations and best wishes In advance of the happy event. -Miss Caroline Stucke's millinery opening will be on Thursday, Mareil 17th, at her store next door to Stro ther & Phlnney, West Union. A most cordial welcome awaits all her friends and patrons. 1 1 -The following announcement from the Sunday Atlanta Journal will be read with much interest here and elsewhere: "Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Pitchford, of Marietta, announce the engagement of their daughter. Tom mie, and Claude William Held, of Wal liai la, S. C.. the marriage lo take place March ,'i0." There are hosts ol' Walhalla friends of these young people who will join us in extending thus early congratulations and hearty good wishes. - Easter is only two weeks off. If you don't prepare for it now you will be late. Como in and let us assist you in selecting your Easter hat. We have everything you could desire from the tlnest to the cheapest hal. Opening Friday and Saturday, March 18th and 19th. Misses Fincannon & Morgan, Seneca, S. C. -Miss posa Holt, a daughter of B. Frank Bolt, died at her home near Westminster, last Thursday night, after a short illness. She was about 17 years of age, and was i' young lady of many noble traits ni character. she leaves her father and linee sisters to mourn her death. lier motlier having died several years ago. Funeral services wen' held and the interment took placo Saturday morning. Miss p.oli was taken ilion Wednesday, Hie 2d day of March, and her death was sudden and a groat hock io her family ami many friends. nar opening days ??Thursday, Friday and Saturday of ih?< week. March 17. ls. lil. Don't fail lo call a nd see II. for lam s millinery and notions. We have thc swellest lim (?vor brought io Oconee. Mrs. li. ("al laway, milliner, Walhalla. On Tuesday afternoon, the 8th, Mrs, .1. ll. Darby's hospitable home was thrown open io thal little hand of busy workers, i he Emery Club, 'rh. weather was beautiful, and tho members assembled en masse. With busy needles and cheery cha' thc af ternoon wore ?way. 'I'll?' hostess had arranged a color scheme of yellow and white, beautifully carried ont in decorations, refreshments, and even in her own dainty gown. Particular, ly charming, against the soft greens and gold of the parlor furnishings, were the decorations of jonquils, veri tably tho first breath of real spring I i me. -Timothy hay at $1.25 per hun dred. C. W. & J. IO. Bauknight. ( lt pays lo buy for cash. ) >RUG STORE IO-DA TE. VOI R WANTS. POST CARDS AM) NOVELTIES. -Another big lot enamel, tin and crockery. Red Flag Bargain Store. - Louis O. Russell, of Anderson, ls spending a few days here this week among his many Walhalfa friends. -See our pattern hats and novel ties In millinery .March 2 1 and 25. Mrs. H. V. Smith. Miss Faunie Har bin, in rear of Bee Hive, Seneca. 12 - Rev. F. H. Pressley will preach at Welcome Wesleyan church next Sunday at 1 1 o'clock a. m. and at night at 7.:?0. All members urged to attend. - Mrs. H. Y. Smith and Miss Fan nie Harbin announce their spring millinery opening March 2-1 and 25. Seneca, S. C., at Bee Hive. 12 --Nell Dodd, of Atlanta, has been in Walhalla fur a day or two on bu siness at Court, lie left to-day for his home, having visited his father in-law, Evin Pearson, a ?ul family, near town. -Best bone-dry yellow corn, spe cial, at 9 5c. per bushel. C. W. & J. E. Bauknight. (lt pays to buy for cash.) - Miss Selma Doyle ls quite sick at the homo of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Doyle, near Walhalla. She is suffering from an attack of neuralgic grip. We hope for her early recovery. - Miss Hannah Burss's millinery opening will he Thursday and Fri day, Mardi 17th and 18th, at her store in ?di adjoining C ra lg-Verne v building. -The patrons of High Falls school. District No. 36, A.. are urged to attend tho closing exorcises of Hie school, which will ho held next Sat urday afternoon, commencing at 1 o'clock. lt is important that every patron and trustee shall be present if possible. -All the latest things in millin ery. Opining Mart li 25 and 26, 19 10. Misses 1,. & IO. bumpkin, Westmin ster. S. C. 12 -The fact that Senator B. lt. Till man is scheduled to leave Washing ton to-day for his home nt Trenton, this State, will bo learned with much pleasure by the people ol' Oconee. The Senator's condition has improved more rapidly than Iiis physicians bad dared to hope for. --All accounts and notes due Fd. and IO. & 10. Callas, if not settled or made satisfactory, will be put in hands for collection within a short time. -Rev. A. J. Cnuthen, presiding elder of the Anderson District, was among his hosts of Walhalla friends last Monday. Ile was a welcome visitor at the regular meeting of Walhalla i.odge, No. t'.7. K. of P., on Monday night, and gave the local Knights a splendid talk, which was highly appreciated. -Remember, the millinery open ing Thursday, March 17th. 1 have a handsome line of millinery, pat tern hats, millinery notions. Call and examine my stock. Next door to Strother lety under the trying circumstance! Mr. ami Mrs. Sanders are quite voung couple, and Owens Is about th same ,'ige as Sanders. .Mrs. R. P. Cochran will exhib tho most select line of millinery, li chilling pattern hats and all nc shapes and trimmings, at lowest eas prices, .March lxth and 19th, an each Friday and Saturday throng April. Miss Nora Cooley in chargi in rear of "The Fair," Fast Fuel Mrs. R. P. Cochran In charge, Mal street, West Fud, Seneca, S. C. ??????? 9^?0>999V For n reasonable fee. payable in advance, rho public can g.' the ser vice of an exceptionally :111c Jack that will be kept at Clemson College. He is registered, is thoroughbred, is of splendid conformation, and ls 15 Ms hands high. 10-13 COTTON MILL STORE. 1 have bought the Allison & Com pany Stock of Goods at the Cotton Mill Stand. Bring me your Chickens, Eggs and Butter, and all kinds of Produce. 1 will pay you better prices and sell you Goods cheaper than any one else. I can give you many bargains-too numerous to mention. 1 am offering great inducements to buyers of SHOES, HATS, CAPS, DRY GOODS, CANNED GOODS, Etc. FLOUR, - - - 85c. FAT BACK. -,- - - 14c. Pound. LAUD, - - - 14c. RIB MEAT..17c. IRISH POTATOES. - - 30c. Peck. Everything in proportion to the above prices. Yours for business, J. W. LEJL. AT COTTON MILL. 11 Walhalla, S. c. Dr. Thomson's Home, with four acres of ground. Will sell as a whole or cut up in lots. If you want a bargain in a home, call at once and get prices and terms. Farm Property. One 60-acrc Farm, about three?, miles from town, with rgood improvements, for rent. J. H. DARBY, REAL ESTATE AGENT, People's Hank. Walhalla, S. C. You have tried the rest, Now try the Best. I have the facilities, time and energy to give you best v alucs in all kinds of insur ance. If you are a wage earner, better see me about health and accident policy. I can insure your homes, cattle, mules and horses. Start a savings ac count and protect your families by get ting a life policy. Have a $1000 acci dent policy at $1 per year. JAMES M. MOSS. General Insurance Agency. Office Over O. \V. Pitchford'? Store AVA LH ALLA, S. O. TOTOTOTO?TOTOTOfigSf$fSS2S$S$S8 ik TOTOTO to TO ip $ TO toto tototo ? ?? ? TO?? TO <^>N Ask Your Neighbor- || What? What Kind of Fence He Prefers ! Ho will tell you the kimi Matheson sells. Ves, you tum get lt lu West minster from "Matheson." He does not only furnish Fence In large quan tities to tim people of Oconeo County, hut also sells lu big quantities Build ing Material, such as Windows, Doors, Blinds, Lime, Cement, Hocks, Hinges, Nails, Terra Cotta Pipe. (Five Car Loads Windows and Doors Sold by Vs this Season.) THIS SHOWS YOU WE MOST CER TAINLY HAVE THE HIGHT PRICE. toto toto toto toto toto toto toto toto toto TO toto vIVER CHILLED PLOWS, AVERY STEEL WALKING AND DISC PLOWS. ?PLIES. PAINTS. CORN SHELLERS. ! GOODS, AND DON'T INTEND TO KEEP THEM. Ml YOU. WE DI VIDE PROFITS WITH YOU. .SON HARDWARE CO. WESTMINSTER, S. C. MARTIN, GA. k toto toto toto toto toto to to toto toto toto toto to toto to Yes-This is the Home of Royal Tailor Clothes. EVERYWHERE YOB TURN YOU HEAR OR READ ABOUT THE FA MOPS MA I >H-TO-M EA SI RE ROYAL TAILOR CLOTHES. YOU SEE BIG ADS IN YOUR FAVORITE MAGAZINES. BUT MORE IMPORTANT STILL YOU SEE THE CLOTHES ON THE RACKS OF THE REST DRESSED MEN IN TOWN. WE TAKE THE MEASURES AND SHOW THE BEAUTIFUL ROYAL WOOLENS FOR THOSE FAMOUS TAILORS. C. H. HUMPHRIES, WALHALLA. Farming Implements. Wc have a lot of thc Latest Improved Farming Im plements that will help you make good crops with the least labor possible. Call and sec them and let us tell you about them. We arc making special low prices on all Hardware, so be sure to see us before you buy if you want to save money, ?,* Carter Hardware Co,, WALHALLA, S?. O. " Well-that feels better". Ever say that when you take off your shoes at night? It's a bad sign-means there's something wrong with your shoes. Noxt time you feel like say ing that, just ask yourself "what is that shoe they say 4 Makes Life's Walk Easy?"' Next morning look lor the Crossett dealer He will sell CROSSETT SHOE "MAKES LIFE'S WALK EASY " you shoes* you^can ' wear all day and be sorry to part^com pany with at night.^ $4 to $6 everywhere. -* LEWIS A. CROSSETT, Ino.', Makers . North Abington - . Mau.' CJ. W? ImITGHtFOKI?? WALKAI*Li