Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, March 02, 1910, Image 8

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?XTRA BARG FOR SATl Norman's Rc 88 SETS FLOWERED AND GOLD KRS AND PLATES FOR ONLY 12 BEAUTIFUL FLO WEBED BO $1.40; WERE $2.00. AliSO A LOT OF BEAUTIFUL I/A .j, .j. ?j. .j.. j. ?j. <- j? .j' ?J-?? .r>*r'*I**t* ?|??|?*|*>|**| ? ? .?!? .$.* ? J. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. . ?4? -h* ?? . .?j? ?J.J j. ?|? ?|? ?T,? ?|? *|*?|* ?J??!*?!**!? ?I'?!*'!**!*'! * -All kinds of metal roofing. Dan iel Good, Walhalla, S. C. -Easter fallo on March 27th. See Carter & Co.'s now advertisement. -Rev. Ii. C. Douthlt, of Georgia, ls spending a few days here with his family. -S. M. Wolfe, Esq., of Anderson, ls in Walhalla to-day on professional business. -J. Reid Garrison, ot Denver, was n business visitor to Walhalla last Thursday. -New goods at J.' H. Adams De partment Store In Seneca. Seo ad vertisement on fifth page. -T. B. Shelor. of Draughon's Bus iness College, Atlanta, spent Satur day and Sunday here with homofolks. -Miss Carrie Stucke returned last week from Atlanta, where she had been selecting her spring line o? mil linery. -Rev. J. A. Bond will preach at Double Springs church next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Public cordi ally Invited. -L. O. White loft last week for Athens, Ga., where bo is engaged In business. Ho bas many friends here who regret his departure. -Mrs. S. J. Hutchison left Inst Thursday for Columbia, where she will be for some timo visiting tho family of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Maxwell. -Dr. Thoa. G. C. Fahnestock, den tist, will bo in his office every Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. -The friends of das. L. 0. Fricks will be pleased to learn that he is improving from his recent severe ill ness. For more than two weeks he has been a great sufferer from pneu monia. -All members of Walhalla Lodge, No. 67, K. of P.. and visitors from other lodges of this order, will be wel comed at the lodge rooms next Mon day night at 8 o'clock. Matters of interest and importance. -The Mission Study Class of the Presbyterian church will meet with Mrs. F. E, Harrison next Friday at 4 p. m. The missionary society will meet Immediately afterward for the annual election of officers. - Mrs. J. T. Clarke, of Havonia, Ga., spent several days last week vis iting her sister, Mrs. .1. W. Davis, who has been seriously 111, hut ls now Improving. Mrs. Clarke returned to her home last Sunday morang. - S. L, Verner spent several days last week in Atlanta, where he wont to see his brother, Will Vernor, who has been quite sick for some days. His Walhalla friends will bo pleased lo learn that he ls Improving. -Rev. W. M. Walker will preach at Cheohee Baptist church next Sat urday afternoon at .! o'clock and on Sunday morning at 1 1 o'clock. Hub lie generally, and members in partic ular, cordially invited to attend. -Miss Caroline Stucke will carry this spring a full line of millinery next door to Strother & Phlnnoy's store lu West Union. Announcement will bc made next week of opening ?lates. She will be pleased to wel come her friends and former patrons. - H. H. (Hist rai), who lives near Walhalla, was in town last Saturday afternoon for the first lime In quite a while. Ile and his wife and (laugh ter have had a long siege of grip, trom which tiley are just recovering. Mrs. Hilst rap is still very unwell, but is slowly improving. - Last Wednesday afternoon P. G. Allen lost one ot' his horses. The ani mal was apparently all right about 4 o'clock and was grazing about the yard and stable, lt went into one of the stalls, however, mid a few mo ments later was stone dead. The ani mal had not been sick at all and its death ls a mystery. -On the fli t Ii pago ol' this Issue will be found the advertisement of tlu> Ox Brand Fertilizers, high grade, which are sold in this county and section by Si roi her & ['lunney, West Union; Knox & Barron, Seneca, w. C. & IO. X. Foster, Richland; W. C. Peden & Co., Westminster: p. p. Sullivan. Madison; .1. R. Harrison, I >on vcr. -John \V. Lee bas bought tho stocks of goods belonging to Allison & Co. and J. C. Rochester, combining the two businesses under on,, man agement at the stand near the Wal halla Cotton Mills. He Informs us thal our statement last week was In error so far as Mr. Alexander's con nection with tli,. new business is con cerned. Mr. Alexander sold his en tire interest in the business ol' Alli son & Co. Mr. Lee has sold his blacksmith and wheelwright plant to .1. W. Das is, who will continue that business at tho ,d stand on Cathe rine street near the Hine Rid go right of-way, Saturday Bi J > tiring At Norman's <JlotliinjL>*, Nhoes, ] Notions, Oroi Wall ?* ftp er and JRDAY AT td Flag Sale. DECORATED CUPS AND SALO 70 CENTS{ WEHE ?LOO. WLS AND PITCHERS FOR ONLY MI'S TO GO CHEAP. -Tho Hoard of County Commis sioners will meet next Friday. -You have until March 10th to make your tax return*-. -Mrs. S. A. Lockwood leaves to day for Washington, where she will be for a short while with her bro ther-in-law, Thos. Caden. -Special Lenten services on Fri day evening at 7.4f> o'clock at the Lutheran church. The topic for pre sentation will bo "The Church's Prayer." A cordial Invitation ls ex tended to all to enjoy these special services with us. Pastor Eptlng. -Court will convene in Walhalla next Monday, Judge J. S. Wilson pre siding. Come and see us. Tho "latch string hangs on tho outside," and we will have plenty of good fire if the weather ls cold, and plenty of good water, regardless of weather. (No fire-water on the menu, how evor.> Anyway, drop in and see us. Wo are always glad to have our friends call. -Married, on Sunday morning at 8 o'clock, at. thc residence of W. A. Grant, Magistrate, near Salem, J. Walter Anderson, of Charlotte, N. C.. and Miss Mamie Addis, of Poplar, lu Oconeo couuty. Mr. Anderson ls a former Oconee young man who num bers his friends by all who know him, and ho ls to be congratulated on winning the heart and hand of so fair a young lady as Miss Addis. They left Immediately for Seneca to board No. 12 for Charlotte, their future home. Many friends Join us in wishing them a happy and pros perous journey through life. -L. C. Drown, of Anderson, ar rived In Walhalla last Monday and has taken charge as telegrapher for the Western Union Company and Dine Ridge Raliway. Dy a recent change, in recognition of the Increas ed business here, the service of both telegraph and railway companies is ' Improved. Mr. Adams now has charge as agent for the railroad, be ing relieved of tho telegraph work; Mr. Drown ls telegrapher and assist ant to Mr. Adams, and Dieppe Bie mann has charge of the freight busi ness. Tills will give opportunity for better service in all departments. -The Emery Club met In delight ful session last Tuesday afternoon With Mrs. J. W. Dell, at her beauti ful home on Main street. Thc guests were ushered Into the bright and attractive reception room, where lively conversation and fancy work were the theme for the afternoon. After spending an hour most pleas antly an appetizing luncheon, con sisting of chicken croquettes, cheese sandwiches, potato chips, cheese straws and olives, with chocolate, was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. J. H. Darby and Miss Eloise Strother. Mrs. Dell's guests included Mesdames S. Adams, E. L. Hern don, C. W. Dauknlght, E. H. Lucas, O. Seaborn, J. D. S. Dendy, J. H. Darby and C. G. .Taynes. The mem bers of the club were Invited by Mrs. .las. H. Darby io meet with her on March St h. -J. & J, S. Carter, of Westmin ster, are preparing to remodel and greatly Improve their store building in the near future, and ill order to reduce their mammoth stock before beginning this work they have inau gurated a ten-day cut-price sale, an nouncement of which will be found on tb?' second page of this issue, in addition to great reductions in price, they are, as another inducement lo buy, offering forty premiums, and each customer will be given a coupon with every one-dollar purchase. These forty premiums are enumer ated in their advertisement. The managers rennest Us to call attention to an error which crept Into the ny furnished us. Among the promit, as is gvcn this Item: "Two stoves, $2;') each." This should appear, "Two stoves, $25"-that is, they are val ued at $12.f>0 each. Read their an nouncement carefully and glv(. J. & J. S. Carter a call. lt will pay you. The sale will begin next Saturday, I he .".th. and will last ten days. winiam Oppurmonn, an aged and respected citizen of the Now Hope section of Oconee, tiled at his home last Monday and was buried Tuesday in the Fairview cemetery. Rev. R. R. Doyle conducting the ser vice. .Mr. Oppurmonn was a native of Germany and ( line lo America in 1857, Ile was 8(5 years of age and had resided in Oconee for many years, coming here ns one of the early settlers. Arriving in America, how ever, ho first located at DllCktOWn, Tenn., where he was employed in the copper mines. Ile was twice married, his first wife having been Miss Lena Drucke. His second wife was Miss Harlie Kirby. One son and om; daughter survive him- C. F. and Miss Lena Oppurmonn. In the old country Mr. Oppurmonn was a mem ber of Ibo Lutheran church, but after coming to America had not identified himself will, any church. Ile was an honest, honorable and upright citi zen, and many friends here and else where will join us In extending sym pathy to the bereaved OHOS. irgain Sales . !Vln.i%eli Lower wStore. Window lSIm<l?iw. -Miss Hattie Rutledge has re turned from a brief visit to Columbia and has resumed her duties In the school room at Ebenezer' -Hooks of subscription to the cap ital stock of The Enterprise Hank will be opened at the store of A. P. Crisp next Monday. See notice elsewhere In this Issue. -There will be preaching at Mt. Olivet Baptist church on the first Sunday In each month at ll o'clock a. m. This was Incorrectly printed "Mt. Carmel" last week. - Mrs. John Patterson, of Phila delphia, returned to her home last Wednesday after a short visit to her daughter, Mrs. C. l<\ Hetrlek. Mrs. Patterson's visit here was cut short by reason of Information from a friend that scarlet fever had broken out in the Patterson family. This, however, was found on her arrival in Philadelphia to bo a mistake, there being no member of the family ill. XOTICS FK?M BEAR SWAMI*. Buying (?(Hid Stork for Hog Heising. A Pound Suppor->*?l"ersoaal items. Bear Swamp, March 1.-Special: It has been so long since we have been beard from we think maybe we had better begin to sound our born, or else some of the other sections may think the Swamp has dried up. Hut it has not. we are here to tell you. There ls Just as much of mud and bad roads here as anywhere. This ls mighty ugly weather any way. There ls quite a deal of sickness In our neighborhood. You can hardly get out of the house without meeting a doctor. It must be raining just for the doctors; at any rate, every body but the doctors ls sick. See the trick? No farm work ls going on at pres ent. W. O. Keith is In the hands of the grip, but is doing very well, j W. W. Hurley ls unwell at pres ent. Charlie Hurley ls working at Newry. He is making about eight or ten looms move along al a paying gait. The many friends of George Kell are expecting him home from Char leston In a few days to spend a while. John Brandt has ordered a pair of registered Berkshire pigs. He is con templating going Into the hog rais ing business. L. H. Himrodt has some registered Poland China hogs that are flue. The writer ls going to launch a swine boat In a short while if noth ing happens. He hopes for an une ventful voyage. The Ladles' Sunshine Society met at the home of Mrs. W. M. Fennell on February 2lid and quilted a nice quilt, to be given to some one. I don't happen to know who will re ceive this token of lovelng remem brance from these loving mothers and their daughters. "Let the bless ed sunshine In." On Wednesday night the young sters In and around the Swamp gave a box supper at the school house. It proved a crowning success, and a I snug little sum of Uncle Sam's coln was raised. The proceeds will be I useu fer painting the school house. 1 All present seemed to enjoy them ? selves much. ; The sap ls beginning to rise, and the prospective candidates are be ginning to champ their bits. Look out! Some one is going to get beat again. P. H. S. How Good News Spreads. "I am 7(1 years old and travel most of the time," writes B. F. Tolson, of Elizabethtown, Ky. "Everywhere I go I recommend Electric Bitters, be cause I owe my excellent health and vitality to thom. They effect a cure every time." They never fall to tone the stomach, regulate the kld neys and bowels, stimulate Ibo liver, invigorate the nerves and purify the blood. They work wonders for weak, run-down men and women, restoring strength, vigor and health that's a daily joy. Try them. Only 50c. Sat isfaction is positively guaranteed by all druggists. Prom Bural Westminster. Westminster, R. F. I). No. 2, Feb. L'S. - Special: Mrs. J. \V. II a use rd and Mrs. Lola Jones visited near Fair Play recently. Thomas Perkins, of Martin, Qa., visited here Saturday. Mrs. Stales Hunter and Mrs. Etta Ooforth visited in town one day this week. Miss Ada Simpson, of Westmin ster, was a visitor here the week end. Ephraim Cole, of the Rock Hill section, was hore Saturday last. Miss Sue Perkins, who is teaching school at Toxaway, visited bomefolks here Saturday. Misses Vera and Mamie Simpson, ol' Westminster, visited hero recently. Hov. J. II. Ayers filled his regular appointment at the First Baptist church here Saturday and Sunday. Owing to the rainy weather there was only a small crowd out. * * * $100,000 I ire at McCormick. McCormick, Feb. U.S. Fire was discovered in Fuller it Co.'a store at McCormick about I o'clock Sunday morning. Tho town has no fire pro tection and the llames quickly spread. The buildings of Fuller & Co.. the pos! office, M. L. B. Starkey AL* Co.. J. H. Harman, James Deason, Fanners' Hank. X. G, Brown <V- Son, were burned. Some of the merchants had time to get a few goods out of their stores, hut not a great deal, rite Farmers' Hank people got their books and papers out safely. The total loss amounts to about $ I Ou,OOO, and the insurance will probably amount to half of this. .-? This Will Interest Mothers. .Motlier (Irey's Sweet Powders for Children, a certain rollol for feverishness, heailaoha, bad I stomach, toothing disorders, move and reca?ate j tho howols ?nd destroy worm''. They break up j cobla In 24 hourn. They aro HO pleasant to tho i<> mid harmless as milk. Children i. K<. thom. I t ivor 10,000 testimonials of euros. They never I fall. Sold hy all druggists, 260. Ask "to-day. . Don't accept any substituto. THE WELC? ?? %% ?? ll w^^, ?? ?? ?? *?H?> $$ ?? ?? ?? ?? - A ?KN TS FOR Ol MACHINERY SUI WE HAVE THI THEY ARE F MATHE TOOCOA, GA. ? ?? ? ? ? %% ??@ WANTED.-"Second-hand bags and burlap; any kind; any quantity; any where. Richmond Bag Company, Richmond, Va. MASTER'S SALE. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF OCONEE. In Court of Common Pleas. Pursuant to a decree of the afore said Court, In the case named below, I will offer for sale, to the highest bidder, in front of tho Court House door, at Walhalla, S. C., on Monday, the 7th day of MARCH, 1910, be tween the legal hours of sale, the tracts of land below described: William F. Austin, Plaintiff, against Eme D. Klug, Defendant. All those two certain pieces, par cels or tracts of land, situate lying and bel?g In the County of Oconee, of the State of South Carolina, de scribed as follows, to wit: One tract on branch of Snow Creek, waters of Conneross Creek, on north side of public road leading from Oakway to Tokeena, containing filly-eight acres, more or less, adjoining land? now or formerly owned by Elfie D. King, J. W. Haulbrooks, W. S. Prichard, R. H. King and E. W. Mason, purchased by Effie D. King from Mrs. M. J. Ver nor, and more fully represented by plat made by J. D. Sanders, Sur veyor, on the 21st clay of December, 1898. ALSO. That other tract of land, on branch of Snow Creek, waters of Conneross Creek, on north side of public road leading from Oakway to Tokeena, containing thirty and one-tenth acres, more or less, adjoining lands now or formerly of Effie D. King, Ed. D. King, J. W. Haulbrooks, N. J. Gum brell and E. W. Mason, being part of the tract of land bought from Mrs. M. J. Verner by Ed. D. King, and conveyed to Effie D. King by said Ed. D. King. TERMS OF SALE: CASH. That In event of failure of the purchaser or purchasers to comply with the terqis of salo within five days from day of sale, the Master do re-adver tise and resell said premises on the following salesday or some conven ient salesday thereafter, at the same place and on the same terms as here tofore set out, at the risk of the for mer purchaser, or purchasers, and that he do continue so to do until he has found a purchaser, or purchasers, who comply with the terms of sale. Purchaser to pay extra for papers. Sold at the risk of the former pur chaser, .1. S. Klug, who failed to com ply. W. O. WHITE, Master for Oconee County, S. C. February 16, 1910. 7-9 SPANISH JACK. I am offering the services of my Spanish .lack Hie presest season at, my stable one mlle south of Walhalla, on the Westminster road, near Flat Rock colored church. He Is six years old, in fine condition and well de veloped. Fee $7.'?0. This Jack is one of the bea to be had, and stock rals I ors should see him. CHAS. W. DURNSIDE. February 10, 1910. 7-tf Town Property. Dr. Thomson's Home, with four acres of ground, jj Will sell as a whole or cut up in lots. If you want a bargain in a home, call at once and get prices and terms. Farm Property. One 60-acrc Farm, about thrcel miles from town, with fgood improvements, for rent. |J. H. DARBY, BEA Ii ESTATE AGENT, People's Bank. Walhalla, S. C. 999999999999999999999999999999 99 99 99 999 9999 99 99 9999 999 9999 99 99 Ask Your Neighbor What? What Kind of Fence He Prefers ! Mo will toll you the kind Matheson sells. YON, you can get it in West minster from "Matheson." He does not only furnish Fence In large quan tities to the people of Oconee County, hut aiso sells tn big quantities Huild lng Material, such as Windows, Doors, i tl iuds, Lime, Cement, Locks, Hinges, Nails, Terra Cotta Pipe. (Five Car Loads Windows and Doors Sold by Us this Season.) THIS SHOWS YOU WK MOST CER TAINLY HAVE THE HIGHT PRICE. 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 WESTMINSTER S. 17. MARTIN, GA. | 99 '999999999999999999999999999999 ' 999 99 9999999999999999999999 999 [AVER CHILLED PLOWS, AVERY STEEL WALKING AND DISC PIA)WS. [?PLIES. PAINTS. CORN SHELLERS. 9 GOODS, AND DON'T INTEND TO KEEP THEM. OR YOU. WE DIVIDE PROFITS WITH YOU. SON HARDWARE CO. 4 ?rn $16 To $35 For The Finest EASTER SUIT IN TOWN. Wc will undertake a contract from you to have The Royal Tailors build to your order the handsomest Easter Suit you ever bought in your life-made to your order, mind you-and the price to be somewhere between $16.00 and $35,00? We will guarantee the cloth to be All Pure Wool-the construction to be of thc finest-and your satisfaction to be perfect-or you need not accept ft ! ?J* ?J* C. H. HUMPHRIES, WALHALLA. Farming Implements. s We have a lot of the Latest Improved Farming Im plements that will help you make good crops with the least labor possible. Call and sec them and let us tell you about them. We arc making special low prices on all Hardware, so be sure to see us before you buy if you want to save money. *< Carter Hardware Co?, WALHALLA, S. CJ. "Well-that feeli better". Ever say that when you take off your shoes at night? lt's a bad sign-means there's something wrong with your shoes. Next time you feel like say ing that, just ask yourself "what is that shoe they say ' Makes Life's Walk Easy? ' " Next morning look for the Grossctt dealer He will sell CROSSETT SHOE "MAKES LIFE'S WALK EASY" you shoes'you*can wear all day and bc sorry to part^com pany with at night. ( $4 to $6 everywhere. * LEWIS A. CUOSSETT, Ino., Makers - North Abington - *.' Mn?S. ?j. WV Wv&emwowto* WA&?AMEAA?