Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, August 11, 1909, Image 4

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KEOWEE COURIER (ESTABLISHED 1810.) Published Every Wednesday Morning Subscription, st.oo Per Annum. Advertising Kales Reasonable. -By STECK, SH Ml/OK & SCHHODEH. Communications of a personal character charged for as advertise ments. Obituary notices and tributes of reupect, of not ovor ono hundred words, will bo prlutod froe of charge. All over that number must bo paid for at the rate of ono cent a word. Cash to accompany manuscript. .. ?. ?-..-.?.-?"-."??.-? -. WAIiHAJiLA, 8. C.: .WEDNESDAY, AUGUST ll, 1 OOO. THE CAMDEN NEWS. We are In receipt of No. I. Vol. I, of the Camden News, a new paper just published at Camden, S. C. Cnder thc head of ' Editorial Policy" wo note those significant remarks: "The News hopes to be able to conduct a vigorous editorial policy, advocating such things as will tend to (he moral and material develop ment of tho territory in which it may find circulation, and condemn ing Bitch things as may lure the ef fect of hindering the progr?s of i hose. "Wo have some conception of the power of the editorial column in shaping and crystallizing public sen timent, and il shall be our aim io use it judiciously for thal purpose, in the advancement of every good and pinfltahie cause." We welcome mosl cordially the Camden News to our exchange tabb'. \ .md we congratulate tho new paper . ni Its beginning and ?Iso on Its edi torial poliej as outlined in Its Mist! issue. .1. W. Hamel, the editor, will timi his work. If he stands squarely by his oui lined policy, aol all plea sure unalloyed, nor yoi all unpleas ant. The d?terminai ion to condemn <i faull as well as to commend a vir tue is calculated lo bring severe criti cism nol Infrequently. We hope. now? ver, to lind the Camden News lumbered among those weekly pa p?is in South Carolina who stand by conscience and duty, and whose ,;i lenee eu II liol bo bought with money or si cu red through fear or favor. LAND IS NOT VALUARLE. Comptroller (louerai .Iones has re- ; turned to his office in Columbia af ter an extended official visit to WU llnmsburg and Georgetown counties. Speaking of facts brought out on this official visit the Columbia Slate says: "Mr. .huies came across sour; striking Inequalities in tax assess ments in Williamsburg. Lands be ing sold at from $400 to $800 an acre are down on , e tax books at from $? to $10 an acre, and other land f -rther from town assessed at $2 an acre has a ready market value at $?0 an acre. Mr. Jones says the township and county oduallzation boards, which lix these values, have gotten into the habit of gauging as sessments by the amount of taxes they think the property holder should pay. In this way the large property holders pay little taxes pro portionately." This is a condition that exists In Oconee cot. .icy and lu Walhalla as well. The great Inequality in as sessments and returns for taxation is a condition that ought to be rem edied by tho tax payer himself, and if not done by him it should he done by the boards of assessors. These hoards as a rule appear to be minus several sections of that very import ant part of the human anatomy known as the vertabrae. or, lu other words, they lack sufficient backbone to equalize assessments on properly. lt ls easy enough to say to the comparatively small lax payer thal his property is worth so much, and that his taxes will amount to, say $25; bili when it conies to the "big tish," whose property is worth twen ty-five times as much as the Utile fellow, it looks too big lo say his property will amount to so much and his taxes will be $62*?. Consequently the valuation is lowered so that one man will not have lo pay so much ol' the taxes. There are glaring Inequalities in the tax assessments hero in Hie town ot Walhalla, and they should be rem edied at the next assessment. There are Inequalities ali over the county, and tiny, too. should be remedied. All property should yield its just proportion of taxes. ll one man owns so much property that his laxes on a lull assessment would be "too much for one man to pay," let him sell a part of his possessions and ihus reduce the amount of bis taxes. Po lower the valuation because some men have largo holdings and tho ag gregate taxes rino into high figures vs both senseless and unjust. lait ns have a reasonable, just and honest return of property by the tax payer and a sensible and eonscl entious revision of returns by our various boards of assessors. It is next Saturday, the 1 1th of August that you are Invited to be In Walhalla to attond the Educational Rally and tako dinner with the peo ple of Walhalla. All interested In educational matters in Oconee should let nothing prevent their coming. Walhalla urges all citizens of the county to come. HEEKS DEATH IX DEEP WELL. Warrell Guyton, of Anderson, Hope lessly Ul, Kill.H Himself. Anderson, Aug. 8.-Warren Guy ton, a white niau 'A~> years of agt/ committed sutdde at an early hour this morning hy Jumping Into a we!) 35 feet deep. He had been suffering with hemorrhoids for Qve years, und the doctors gave him no encourage ment, This was responsible for his rash act. Guyton had been baggage master on the \V. and A. road, between At lanta and Chattanooga, for several years, and had accumulated u nice sum. At 1 o'clock this morning, his family administered him a dose of medicine. A few minutes afterwards lie was missed from his room. The police department was notified, and a search was Instituted. His hat and coat were found near the well at I o'clock, and on investigation the body was discovered afloat on the water. He was dead, Granulated Sore LWes Cured. "For twetny years I suffered from a bad case of granulated sore eyes." says Martin lloyd, of Henrietta. Ky. "In February, 1903, a gentleman asked me to try Chamberlain's Salve. 1 bought one box and used about two-thirds of It and my eyes have not given nie any trouble since." This salve is for sale by Dr. J. W. Hell, Walhalla; \V. J. Lunney, Seneca. H. H. Orr Will Succeed Harris. (Anderson Mail. 9th.) Al a meeting of the directors of the Orr Mills this morning Henry ll. Orr was elected secretary and assist ant treasurer of the company to suc ceed Calhoun Harris, who was sus pended hy President .1. I). Hammett Inst week. Mr. Orr is a son of the late Col. .1. L. Oil', the founder of the mill. is a bright and energetic young Inisi ness man. ile has been paymaster of the mill for several years, anti is par. tlcularly well fitted for the position of secreta ry. President Hammett stated to-day that there was nothing new in the Calhoun Harris nial ter. The expert accountants ale still going over He books and papers, which .?ere found ill such a chaotic condition, and ii will possibly be a month before they will he abie io arrive at anything like a definite conclusion as to the state of affairs. CREDITORS AFTER MR. ML'LICEY. Tiley are Now Serving Attachment* on His Property. (Anderson Mail, 9th.) During the past few days there have been placed in the hands of Sheriff VV. B. King six warrants of attachment and one summons ot" complaint for relief to be served against VV. M. Mulkey, a well known contractor of the city. Mr. Mulkey I left the city about two weeks ago. and lt has been rumored that he does not Intend to return. This fact hus aroused his creditors to action and led to the issuance of the papers. The amounts represented in the war rants are as follows: H. C. Town send, $173; People's Hank of An derson. $4,253.75; People's Hank of Anderson. $211.76; VV. S. Div ver. $456.73; W. L. Hrlssey, $190.95; L. C. Townsend. Iva, $436.22; Sullivan Hardware Co.. $250. He has property and accounts due him which, it ls believed, will be suf ficient to pay all that he owes. Sundi Carolinian Drowned. Hazlehurst, Ga., Aug. 8.- Fore man VV. E. Kohler, of the Georgia and Florida Steel Hrldge Construc tion crew, which is dredging the Al tamaha, was drowned last night. The foreman fell from tho boat, and, be ing unable to swim, sank before he could be rescued. The body has not been recovered. He was from Co lumbia, S. C., where he has a familv. Tin j., y Cotton Crop Conditions. New Orleans, La., Aug. 0.--In Ar kansas, Georgia, Louisiana, Missis sippi and Tennessee Improvement has been tin? rule. North Carolina as a whole shows no Important change, but there has been a distinct loss in South Caro lina. In Texas and Oklahoma there has been sharp deterioration and the situation is critical. There is complaint of boll weevil in some districts, but the damage cannot be estimated at this time. The crop is very spotted and is peculiarly subject to unfavorable conditions. Cards ol' 'thanks. Editor Courier: We desiri io ex tend our thanks to our friends and neighbors who so kidnly gase their assltance and sympathy during the illness and death of my beloved wife. May Cod's riebest blessing rest upon t hem all. .lohn D. Wj nu. Westminster, U. |?\ D. We desire to extend to the friends and neighbors who did so much for our husband and father, s. C. Smith, (luring his last illness, our heartfelt thanks and appreciation. These friends and neighbors will ever be remembered by us. Mrs. M. K. Smith and Children. 'Twas a Glorious Victory. There's rejoicing in Fedora, Tenn. A man's life has been saved, and now Dr. King's New Discovery is the talk of the town for curing C. V. Popper of deadly lung hemorrhages. "I could not work nor get about," he writes, "and the doctors did me no good, but, after using Dr. King's New Discovery three weeks, 1 feel like a new man, and can do good work again." For weak, sore or diseased hint;-*, cough and colds, hemorrhages, hay fever, la grippe, asthma or any bronchial affection lt stands unri valed. Price 50c. and $1. Trial bot tle freo. Sold and guaranteed by all druggists. SUNSHINE CONVENTION. Hork Springs Church, Richland, Sat imlay, August -Ki h. The public is requested to be pres ent at the organization of Ocone-j Federation of Sunshine Societies. A special invitation is extended to teachers, ministers and editors. Dring a well tilled basket. An Interesting program ls being arranged and will appear next week. The gavel, which has a history, will he presented by the Misses Kelley to the State Leader, who is vice presi dent ol' World's Society, and a mem ber of the press committee of the society. A medal from the general president, Mrs. Alden, will be pre sented to Mrs. Shanklln tor organiz ing the county, by Col. Robert A. Thompson. Don t forget to wear your yellow bow and mail letters and cards at the Sunshine post olllce. Each circle In Oconeo is requested to bring two written (one side of paper) reports of the work of the society. Refreshments will bo sold for the benefit of the society.' A "cradle roll" ls a now feature ot work. Parents of Infants should send the natue and date of birth of their babies and pledge to train them from infancy to do Sunshine work, and be good church men and women and citizens. (Jive the name of your baby to the secretary that day. Trusting to have a good meeting, Faithfully, Marve R. Shelor. State Reader Int. Sunshine Society. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ami RI? aiiiioea Remedy Never Known to Fall. "I have used Chamberlain's Colic, elidiera and Diarrhoea Remedy since it was first introduced to the public in 1S?L'. and have never found one instance where a cure was not speed ily effected by its Use. 1 have been a commercial traveler for eighteen years, anil never start out on a trip without this, my faithful friend," savs ll. S. Nichols, ol' Oakland, Did. Ter. For sale by Dr. J. W. Dell, Walhalla; W. J. Lunney, Seneca. Facts from l aic I'la)*. Fair Flay. Aug. 9.- Special: Carl Harris, of Townvllle, and Ronnie Harris, of Elberton, tia., were re cent guests at the home of Mrs. T. R. i larris. Misses Pearle and Ethel Marett visited at Ret bel Sunday. They were accompanied by the latter's brother, c. 1 ). Marett. Mrs. M. K. Layton and interesting little daughter. Margaret, of Hous ton. Texas, who have been visiting the families ol' W. L. and .1. E. Dobbs, left for Athens, Ga., last Mon day. .Miss Pearle Marett has returned home from a visit to Atlanta, Ga. .1. E. Dobbs made a business trip to Lavenia last Monday. Several of our citizens will attend the Beaverdam Association this week Dr. J. R. Heller has purchased an automobile. Clinton and Leon Harris visited at Portman Shoals and Anderson last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Callaham and little daughter, Viola, visited at Cross Roads Sunday. The body of Robert Ables was In terred In the Baptist cemetery on last Thursday In the presence of a large concourse of sorrowing rela tives and friends. Mr. Ables had been sick for some time with ty phoid fever, and all that loving friends and skilled physicians could do did not stay the hand of the mon ster death. He leaves a wife, who was Miss Ida Sullivan, and five chil dren to mourn his death. To the heart-broken ones is extended the sympathies of many friends. A good, kind neighbor, a loving father, an affectionate husband, has gone to his i eward. The Sunbeam Band of the Beaver dam Baptist church, under the lead ership of Miss Anna Marett, ls doing a line work. During this year they have contributed the following: To Sunbeam chapel, Cardenas, Cuba, $5.50; to foreign missions, $1; to Canton. China, $1.25; to Mission Training School at Louisville, Ky., 30 cents for Bibles; to Connie Maxwell Orphanage, $6.45; Christmas box, $."?. Total, $20.r.O. W. What is Best for Indigestion? A. Robinson, of Drumquln, Onta rio, has been troubled for years with indigestion, and recommends Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets as "the best inelicine I ever used." If troubled with indigestion or con stipation give them a trial. They are certain to prove beneficial. They are easy to take and pleasant in ef fect. Price 25c. Sa mp lesa free at Dr. .1. W. Bell's, Walhalla, and W. .1. Lunney's, Seneca. Dogs Attack Aged Farmer. Douglas. Ca., Aug. 8.- P. C. Bults. | an aged farmer, is said to be dying at his home in this county as the re- j suit of a savage attack made upon him by two bloodhounds owned hy a neighbor. The man's neck, body and arms and legs were lacerated hy the teeth of the animals. '''be aged man's cries for help brought aid al most too late. The dogs were finally beaten off, but the wounds they in flicted are said to be almost neces sairly fatal, when the farmer's age ls taken Into account. NOTICE TO COUNTY ROAD OVERSEERS. The Overseers ol the roads are urged to meet al the Court House on TUESDAY. AUGUST 17th, 1909, nt 1 1 a. m. to discuss the. road prob lems for this county. All other per sons interested are Invited to at tend. The members of thc General Assembly are expected to bo present. Notice ls also given that the County Commissioners have no funds in hand at present available for pay ment of claims already audited or for other county work In the future. N. PHILLIPS. County Supervisor. COl'NTV CLAIMS AUDITED. At the regular monthly meeting of the Board of County Commission ers, held on Friday. Aug. 6, 1900, the following claims were audited: Ronda, No. Amt. of Claim. 448 Allison, J P-Dist 46...$15 00 449 Morgan. D J-Dlr.t 68.. 6 00 450 Orr, J K-Dist Bl. 6 50 451 Satterfleld. J B-Dist 45 lt 60 452 Land, A li.Dist ll 3 00 4 53 (?lbson. M VV-Dist 7. . . 3 25 4 54 Wood, B I'-Dist 35.... 15 00 455 Garrison, I L...Dist 47 18 50 456 (?Iles. W E-Dist 29... 18 75 457 Smith, Taylor-Dist 13. 2 00 458 Smith. J G-Dist 12... 6 00 45!) Vernor. E E-Dist 19.. 16 87 460 Miller, J W - Dist 25... 9 00 461 Hulsey, T .1-Dist 60.. 9 50 462 Barron, J II-Dist 20.. 9 7! 463 Abbott. J S-Dist 21... 5 60 164 Rainey, T J-Dist 52.. 23 50 If,:. Moore, T F-Dist 4.... 2 50 466 Cox. VV S-Dist 77.... 4 00 467 Uimrodt, K H-Dist 72. 16 00 468 Keaton. T W-Dist 73. 4 50 Bridges. 469 Foster, WC.$ 5 1 0 470 Alexander, J Fred..;. 1 75 471 Bowers. WK. 7 10 4 72 Duckett, W J. 270 00 17:: Hall. TN. 14 75 17 1 Burns, .IV. 4 00 175 Smith, W P. 3 00 176 Strlbllng, JP. 12;' 477 Moser, J L. 2 75 478 Phillips. Miles . 5 00 170 Lee, BM. 5 00 480 Abbott, .IS. 4 50 181 Lynch, WK. 6 20 482 White. RE. 2 00 483 ("ox J .1. 13 70 ts i Grogan, I! J H. 1 65 1ST? Disallowed, (not author ized) . 10 00 Hoads and Bridges. I ST, Myers. Il .J. $n; 80 isl Hunt, w R. :: 50 I SS McMahan. W L. 7 35 189 Tims. K C. 37 44 Hoad Machine. 490 (' G Jaynes. $44 61 Ci 1 Abbott. M. 21 Tl 492 Kee, John W. . 16 5S 493 ('arter. M W. 25 35 494 Kay. Jesse. 4 40 195 Gambrell, T E. 1 35 49G Carter, T, o. it Ot) Public Building*?. 107 Williams. C. $ 50 ios Abbott, i) s. ;; S5 4 00 Seaborn, .IC. 1 00 500 Kay. Jesse . 2 20 501 Schroder. W John. 14 00 Aid to Sollliers. 5 0 2 Brea zea le. J Q.$ 6 00 5 05 Byrd. J \V & Co. 16 On 50 ! Phillips, J M. 4 00 Lunacy Cases. 505 Wickliffe. Dr J W.$10 00 ."?06 Kay, w M. conveying... 22 7 507 Kay. W M. com eying 2. 3 6 00 508 Smith. D A. proceedings. 30 00 Constable. . 509 Harbin. H C. $57 40 510 Stewart. R M. 5 10 5 1 1 Stewart, RM. 10 50 512 Neal. H K. 3 5 13 Neal. H K. 2 7 5 514 Fitzgerald. J N. 37 00 Kia gi strates, 5 15 Marett, S II, salary and contingent .$39 75 516 Hopkins, J E, salary 2d quarter . 5 0 00 Halarles for July. 517 Crabbs, R W.$31 91 518 Kay W M. salar) and contingent . 88 83 519 Butler, E C. janitor. ... 7 0C 520 Phillips, N. salary and contingent . 58 58 521 Schroder. W J. 31 94 522 Hill, J Bennett . 33 33 523 Allen. J ll. 33 33 524 Seaborn, Jas, salary and contingent . 17 4 S .Miscellaneous. 525 Biter. T P, contingent ^ 1 00 526 Hughs. W C. postage.. 2 36 527 dubbs. R W. postage. 2 00 528 Kay. W M. conveying prisoner from Ohio. ... 171 57 529 Kay. W M. dieting pris oners . 38 10 530 Darby, J H. corn. 168 00 531 Walker, Evans & Cogs well Co. stationery.... 18 05 532 Knox, J C. blacksmith ing . 2 00 533 Bauknlght. C W & J E. Itemized account . 680 80 534 Husk. W II, bridge. ... 6 00 535 HunnlCUtt, M R. roads. 16 50 536 Brock. T W. roads. ... 24 34 537 Sjnith, M D & Il L. 2 tents.. 15 7? 53S Burrell. Wm. roads.... 35 00 Road Machine. 530 Cain. Walker .$2 1 50 5 10 Callas. Sam. 28 00 :> 1 I Vissage. R L. ... 2 50 N. PHILLIPS, County Supervisor. JAM KS SEABORN. Clerk of Board of Co. Com's. Ice, Ice, Ice. We deliver Icc in any quantity anywhere in Walhalla. Books of Icc Tickets in conven ient form, J? Full weight guaranteed. It is our effort to please all customers in quan tity, quality and polite and satisfactory ser vice. You get pure Icc from our wagon. LIVINGSTON WE WANT TO BUY SEED RYE. C) Quote Us Prices Delivered in Seneca. Now is the time to sow your turnips. Wc keep the best Seed. Always fresh. ??* ?** .?* Be sure and sow Crimson Clover., Nothing im proves your lands as much. Worth more than Commercial Fertilizer. We have the Seed in stock now. J*?j*??t?#tjiit)ftj*?i+Jt F. B. Johnson & Co., SENECA, S. C. HOT WEATHER IS HERE. Two Thing You Need and Need Badly. ^ The Completest and Prettiest Line of Screen Doors and Win- r dows in town. Neat, substantially made. All sizes. They are so cheap you can't afford to do without them. Ice Cream Freezers. I sell only the best makes-Arctic and White Mountain. They are tne best made. Disinfect-large shipment of Lime now on hand. C. W. PITCHFORD, WALHALLA, O. Your Money's Worth! Jut a Little Talk witt Yon, YOU Tie One New Reading this Article. We wonder if you felt that you were buying some splendid goods for the money; that you were getting good values-a little more than you could get anywhere else-If you would not buy a nice Buggy or Wagon this spring? Wre believe we have just what you want. We believe you know good value when you see lt; we believe you are a sufficiently good judge to know whether or not you are get ting good value for your money. We know you appreciate a good value when you see lt, and for these reasons, we Invite you to call and examine our line of Buggies, Wagons I and Harness before you buy. Our large store rooms are now filled with nice new goods. We know people are kicking all over the county about the Poor Grade of Buggies they have been buying. Now, talking about Buggies: Wo wish to call your special attention to our Wheels. Everybody knows that the life of any vehicle depends large ly on the kind of wheels used. The timber used In tho construction of our High Point Wheels ls of the Best Carolina Upland Second-Growth Hickory-the kind that all wheel builders say ls superior to that found anywhere else. Besides, only skilled workmen are employed In the con struction of these Buggies through out. Now, just a word about Wagon* : Why pay $00 to $75 for a Two-Horse Wagon when you can buy just as good for $50, and One-Ilorse Wagons from $.50 to $37.50, and a whole house full to select from? You will open your eyes when you find how much wo can snve you on Harness, Saddles, Bridles, etc. In addition to tho values we are giving in the above lines, 1 am going to give away, absolutely 'freo of charge, one $75 High Point Buggy. You get a chance wit' each $10 pur chase, either for casu or on time. This is a chance of a life-time tn get a good Buggy FREE. Anything in the Buggy, Wagon or Harness line-BROWN has lt, or BROWN gets lt. Prices and terms to suit all. Remember, you run no risk when you buy from me. Wo guarantee the goods. You will find us in the largo con- ! crete block building, Walhalla, S. C. Yours truly. W. M. BROWN. FOR SALE-A good farm, con taining 47 acres; about 30 acres cleared, 10 of which are bottom land on a good branch. Located 1 Vii miles from Richland, near main road leadiDg from Richland to Walhalla. For terms and further information, write Mrs. S. H. COE, Richland, 8. C. T. E. ALEXANDER, The Land Man WALHALLA, 8. C. Want Mules ! I have a nice lot of Horses and I want, to es change for GOOD HEAVY MULES. Doi t arc ii they are thin, but must not have too much age. TO REDUCE STOCK OF BUGGIES. I will sell SOME Styles of Medium Grade Work and all the strictly High-Class Work / (for Spot Cash) at actual costs f If you want time will add a small profit. Bargains here, if you want them. T. M. LOWERY, Seneca. Westminster. ^ End of Season Sale! TREMENDOUS SACRIFICE. Anything in Trimmed Hats and Summer Goods at HALF PRICE. $5 Hats at $2.48. $3 Hats at $ J .48 and on Down the Linc. Don't fail to attend this Sale as you can save money on your Millinery purchases. Sale will begin promptly on JULY 1st. First to come get the pick of the stock. The good things wont last long. R. CALLA WAY <SL CO. WESTMINSTER, S. O. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND OREO? ITOR8.-All persons Indebted to the Eatnte of W. B. V. Corbin, doceased,^ are hereby notified to make payment to the undersigned, and all persona having claims against said estate will present the t> *ne duly attested with in tho timo prescribed by law or be barred. MUS. MARY S. CORBIN, Administratrix. J. T. MCKINNEY, Administrator. Aug. ll, 1909.