Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, August 04, 1909, Image 1

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"TO THINE OWN SELF BE THUIR, AND IT MUST FOLLOW AB THE NIGHT THE DAY: THOU CANST NOT THEN BI FALSE TO A NI MAN." . ; . , ,, -, . ..-rs. .. , . ..,,."1 ? i.'.1-it Bf STECK, SHE LOB & 8CHRODEB. WALHALLA, SOUTH CAROLINA, W E UN MS HAY, AUGUST 4, 190?. New Series No. 588.-Volume LIX_No. 31. I* THE DULL SEASON SALE The Dull Season is with us. Good time to buy something for less than it is really worth. We will- commence Our Annual Mid-Summer Sale K THURSDAY, JULY 29tH, and continue TEN DAYS. Be Sure and Remember the Date Mon's Dress Negligee Shirts, the i Men's Clothing. $1.00 kind, in this Sale at 77c. Men's Dress Negligee Shirts, the OOo. kind, in tin Sale at 38c. Men's B. V. D. Athletic Under wear, in Shirts and Knee Draw ers, in this Sale at, the Suit, 75c. 38 cents for each Garment. This is EXTRA SPECIAL, and won't last long. Men's 50c. Undervests, in the host makes, in this Sale at 38c. DRAWERS TO MATCH. Men's 25c. and 35c. Undervests, in this Sale at 20c. DRAWERS TO MATCH. Ladies' Undervest. 10c. kind in this Sale at 8c. 12c. kind in this Sale at ^ 10c. 15c. kind in this Sale at 12c. Extra Special in Ladies' Hose. Wc expect to sell over J 00 dozen in one single number. 25c. values in this Sale at 18c. 15c. values in this Sale at 10c. These are the ones we expect to sell 100 dozen. 10c. value, the best to be hud, two pairs for 15c. IT IS A HUMMER. These same prices in Half Hose FOR MEN. We have the things in Men's Suits. $15.00 Suits in this Sate at $11.50 $12.50 Suits in this Sale at $9.50 $10.00 Suits in this Sale at $7.50 $8.00 Suits in this Sale at $5.75 Men's Pants and Boys' Knick erbockers Knee Pants in this Sale at greatly reduced prices. Too many to list. Men's Low Cut Shoes. FLORSHEIM $5.00 Oxfords in this Sale at $3.85 $4.00 Oxfords in this Sale at $2.85 $3.50 Oxfords in this Sale at $2.50 $3.00 Oxfords in this Sale at $2.35 Ladies' Queen Quality Oxfords. $3.50 Oxfords in this Sale at $2.85 $3.00 Oy fords in this Sale at $2.35 $2.50 Oxfords in this Sale at $1.95 Forty-eight pairs Queen Qual ity Oxfords, in small sizes, from 1 to 3Vi>; Extra Special for this Sale at $1,50 All other Low-Out Shoes Mon's, Ladies' and Children's in this Sale nt COST. We Have made the price on all Spring and Summer Stuff that will maKe our Mid-Sum mer Sale, as always before, a howling suc cess. % * ******* We are determined, as before, to clean our shelves and counters in these TEN DAYS to maKe room for our Winter Goods. * * IT PAYS TO BUY FOR CASH C. W. & j. E. BAUKNIGHT, WALHALLA, S. C. LOCAIJ MATTERS ABOUT SENECA. Encouragement for tho Automobile Route-Percolilli Items. Seneca, Aug. 3.-Special: Work was begun Monday on Seneca's new depot. The contract is In the hands ot Pettijohn & Co., of Lynchburg Va., and will be rushed through. The old depot ls being moved Up next to the freight depot, the new one to oc cupy the old site, with additional space running east to accommodate its dimensions. The old depot will be moved to Richland when the new one is completed. The plan for the new depot is similar to that of the Greenville depot. It will bb a wooden structure, veneered with brick, will have modern conveniences and will be a distinct ornament to the town. This piece of news is highly gratifying to Seneca people and to the traveling public every where. Following are the names ol the cit izens of Seneca who met Hie Journal representative. Mr. Walters, who p?ssed through Seneca last Friday on a tour of inspection leading to the great automobile route to be built from New York to Atlanta: T. M. Lowery. W. O. Hamilton. G. W. Glg nilliat, L. A. Edwards. W. K. Living ston, J. T. Simpson, M. P. Isbell, Dr. J. S. Stribllng, Dr. D. P. Thompson and Dr. J. H. Burgess. The Farm and Factory's representative, S. C. Witherspoon, was with the party. The party made close connection with the escort accompanying the Jour nal man, who were Dr. E. B. Yow and J. H. Burton, of Hartwell, the two escorts meeting at Knox's Bridge by appointment. The Seneca party was much encouraged over the pros pect of having the route through Sen eca and the county. The Journal man assured them that the roads leading from Knox's bridge to Sen eca held considerable advantage over the route through Anderson. Heavy rains Sunday afternoon broke the dam at the electric light plant and the town was minus lights Sunday night. News was received here last Sat urday of the death of Mrs. Mary E. Johnson at Enoree, at the homo of her daughter, Mrs. W. P. Reid. This sad intelligence will carry sorrow to a large circle of acquaintances, who knew the sainted friend, and who sympathize with the family on ac count of the bereavement. M rs. John son spent some, years of her life In Seneca, making many friends o. and her gentle influence, both in so cial and religious circles, was always a power for good. She was the em bodiment of refinement and gentle ness, a Tievoul church member, and a beautiful Christian character. The death of this fi lewd ls distinctly felt by the writer, who extends personal sympathie to the family. The latest news from Gen. J. S. Vernor's family at Brevard ls eneour aging. Both Gen. Verner and his daughter, Mrs. J. E. James, are Im proving. Miss Esther Clarkson ls enjoying her vacation with her homefolks in Seneca. Miss Rebecca Todd entertained lier girl friends at her home last Friday afternoon in honor of her attractive guests, Misses Luta and Sarah Frier son, of Anderson. Misses Nellie and Nancy Hines spent last week w'th their friend, Miss Ellie Ravenel, at Keowee. The Misses Harris, of Anderson, are guests.of Miss Marguerite Adams. Mrs. J. H. Thompson has as her guests the Misses Ellis, of Gaines ville, Ga. Mrs. Edwin Mason and children, of Charlotte, are visiting Mrs. W. J. Lunney. The pulpit of the Presbyterian church will be filled next Sunday by Dr. E. P. Davis, of Greenville. Robert Neill is spending his vaca tion with his homefolks at Brevard, N. C. Earle Samuel has returned from a visit to his homefolks in Georgia. Mrs. J. H. Pruitt, of Andalusia, Ala., and Miss Bessie Holland, of Lavonia. spent the past week-end with Mrs. W. D. Holland. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hunter and daughter, Miss Annie, are spending this week at Montrent. R. H. Boyd, of Jordania, suffered a severe accident last week In an at tack by his Jersey bull. Mr. Boyd Is reported as getting on comforta bly. Mr. and Mrs. Joe 0. Stribllng, of Denmark, are visiting relatives here and elsewhere in the county. Your correspondent grossly neg lected to chronicle last week the ar rival of a young man at the linnie of Mayor and Mrs. J. E. Sitton. Mrs. F. S. Ilolleman's condition is not as favorable as her friends would like, she being still confined to her bed. The friends of the family hope to hear of her early improvement. Electric lights are getting to be like automobiles In Seneca-"so com mon they'll let most anybody run "em." Mrs. Alice Doyle Wilson is spend ing to-day with Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Alexander. Her friends are most pleased to see her again. Mrs. Wil son is spending the summer with her mother at Richland. The Misses McCutchen, of Greers, aro visiting their sister, Mrs. C. N. Gignllliat. Seneca's business block will soon present an unbroken line of plate 'glass and iron. The store room of W. S. Hunter & Co. ls undergoing ? extensive repairs, and when finished ? EDUCATE .. Walhalla Invites Oconee C Here on Saturda $ AMPLE PRQVISIOr .> Picnic Dinner Will Be Sc X Grove, and Everybody T Urged tc $Governor Ansel, Prof. D. Wlstar Will Ile tho Speak .U - .J? Everybody conic to Walhalla .j? make yourself "IR home?'1 Come /ens of Walhalla want a largo .?- Of Oconee, and all will he prov hi .T? uer will lie spread in the Graded Jw comfortable in Une abade of the 4* Walhalla will not only eildon fort a Ide, hut the program for the dresses on educational matters South Carolina GOVERNOR MARTIX F. AN Walhalla and Oconee county PROP. 1). WI STAR DA NI Rf J, Agricultural College-a speaker oratory, yet whose eloquence ia DR. 1). Ii. JOHNSON, ProHid dustrial College, of Hock Hill the New South. l ach of these Speakers will all of us that will be materially Conto and bo with us! Aug ucatlonni Interests in Oconee na the interests of the future. DRAT ll OF ?. A THORNTON. Died Suddenly an Result of Injuries From Palling Awning. Bounty Land, Aug. 3.-Special: The announcement of tho sudden death of D. A. Thornton, of Hartwell, Ga., was received here with deep regret and was quite a shock to-his family and friends, being the result of Injuries received by the falling of an awning in front of his store on Friday. Tho end came at 1 o'clock that night, and his remains were In terred In the Hartwell cemetery on Saturday at 5 o'clock p. ni. Mr. Thornton was well known in this Community, having married Miss Susie (Millson, daughter of the late .lohn M. 011118011, In 1891, who, with one son and two daughters, ls loft to mourn his untimely death. We ex tend our heartfelt sympathies tc them In their sad bereavement. Jasper Doyle and Elijah Gilllson left Saturday for Hartwell to attend tho funeral of Mr. Thornton. Remember that Ice cream will be sold at the Richland Academy from 4 to 8 o'clock p. m. next Friday by the ladies of the Missionary Aid So ciety. Everybody Is Invited to at tend. 10. M. D. Cashier ?les of Pellagra. Gainesville, Aug. 2.-F. H. Logan, 8 vi years of age, cashier of one of the Montgomery banks, died yester day from pellagra. He had been Ul for several weeks, and came here, his former home, for treatment and rest. He is survived by a wife. will be one of the handsomest lu the place. Miss Eleanor Richardson left Mon. day for a visit io Montrent. Miss Norma Glgnilliat ls visiting friends in Sumter and Chester coun ties. She waa accompanied from Seneca by her friend, Miss Louise Sheldon. Mrs. M. W. Coleman's friends are pleased to know of her return to Seneca. Mrs. Clarence Mason and children, of Charlotte, are with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lunney. Miss Leila, the attractive young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Doyle, of Calhoun, visited in Seneca last week. Miss Pearle Lea voile, of Oxford. Miss., Is tho guest of Miss Carrie I hinter. G. W. Rallei.'?er leaves to-day for an extensivo trip Northwest. Miss Cooper Edwards, of Toccoa, is visiting the faml', of L. A. Ed wards. At a late meet.'ng of the board of trustees of the Seiieca Graded School, the election of teachers was held, resulting as follows: Principal, J. E. Sanders; assistants, Misses Mlnnlfl Kirkpatrick, Maggie Thompson, Susie Mell, Ivor Brown and Margie Ho! 'and. Tho addition of the tenth grade was made, which fact ls hlghly griitifying to the patrons of the scnool. Prof. and Mrs. D. F. Nicholson have returned to Covington, Ga., af ter .a visit of several weeks to Se" eca. M. V S. P. S.-Der Captain has ha.l elec tric lights put In! The Crime of Idleness. Idleness mean? troub'.o for any ono. It's the samo with a lazy liver. It causes consfpatlon, headache, jaundice, sallow complexion, pimples and blotches, loss of appetite, nau sea, but Dr. King's New Lifo Pills soon banish liver troubles and build up your health. 25c. at all drug JAL RALLY! i Citizens to Spend thc Day ^ y, August 14th, M MADE FOR ALL. ? rved in thc Graded School ? is Cordially Invited and 3 Come. Daniel and Dr. I). I). Johnson 4? ors for tlir Day. on Saturday i August ti th, and ?; early and stay late! Tho titi* representation front ?Very section ed for. Au abundant p?enle din School grove, where nil ran be trees, vor tO make all welcome and rom- ?] Educational Hally rails for ad- 4? by titree off the ix's't sneakers of ?J. SEL, of Columbia, a native of your Governor and ours! Professor of English at Clemson whose logie ls not Karri fired to ?J? surpassed by none, emt O? Winthorp Normal 'i?'l Di one of the ?'oremos; t-alue ; ol' .J liavo Komethlng to tell you and 4* l>eneflelnl. i nsf 14th is the I ; : . 11 > Day for Ed your interest? and ours-as well ?J.?T??J??J? ?T.,T..J,.f..T-, ?f ?,j.?Y.?j. .J.? DEATH OF 8. C. SMITH, Of the Toxaway Section-Local Mut? tors at Madison. Madison, Aug. 2.-Special: 8. Co lumbus Smith died at his horne in the Toxaway section last Thursday. He was abu*.* 60 years of age and had been suffering from a cancer. He had long been a consistent mem ber of the Toxaway Baptist church He was a true Christian and a good neighbor and was loved and respect ed by all who knew him: A. E. Rice has returned from n two weeks' visit to hoinefolks ai Dacula, Ga. The new store room of Jeff D. Jones ls nearing completion. Mr Jones will carry a line of dry goods, groceries and Iced drinks. El?verai of our beaux and belles picnicked at Toceos Falls last Thurs day. They report a glorious time. Jas. Fricks, of the Soldiers' Home, Atlanta, is visiting lils nephew, Jo seph Fricks, of this place. Misses Sallie and Bertha Brown, of Avalon, On., visited Miss Pammie 'l'a y lor recently. * A. L. Gossett, of Westminster, was in town Wednesday. The young set enjoyed an Ice cream festival given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Whitehouse Saturday evening. Miss Selma Hide, of Central, and Miss Carrie Hull, of Westminster, were visitors at the home of J. R. Cleland last week. Madison can boast of one of tho finest ginnery systems In the county, put up by P. P. Sullivan. Some of the flnst watermelons and cantaloupes ?e have seen this season were brought to town Satur day by George Elrod and Mr. Russell, of the Georgia side. The prices are almost as fine ns the melons, too. W. P. Cleland made a business trip to Westminster Saturday. Miss Essie Jones and brother. Roye, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cleland, of Beercourt, Ga. 1 P. M. Lora) News from Salem. Salem, Aug. 2.-Special: Miss Hattie Nix and bi ol her Claud, of the 1 Mil) ('reek section, are visiting their ; aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. i Findley. Little Chester, the two-year-old babe of Dr. and Mrs. S. S. Moroney, t died at their home here Friday morn ing, July 30, at 4 o'clock. Funeral services were conducted at. the home by Rev. J. H. Clark. The remains were interred at Whltmlre cemetery. The bereaved parents have the sym pathy of the entire community. E. D. Lusk, of ( unters ville, Ala., Is visiting his brother and sister, Prank and Miss Kale Lusk. A number of Salem's young peo ple enjoyed a trip to the mountains last week, seeing Lake Toxaway, Whiteside and other points of inter est . The remains of Mrs. F. Houston Pressloy were brought from Wal halla and laid to rest In the Salem cemetery. We sympathize with the bereaved husband. The 3si?"r. iu?"ting ls ntlll pro gressing, with 10 new additions. Rev. Clark and his ab?!?t?*:U? are doing a good work and tho commu nity is spiritually benefited. Misses Addle Grogan, Nan Robert son and Kate Lusk have opened school at Smeltzor, Little River and Norton, respectively. Mrs M. B. Findley entertained the Hiawatha,Sunshine Society Saturday afternoon. Interesting papert> were read by Mrs. Marsengill, Mrs. Dun can and Mis? Addie Grogan. Little NEWS FROM WESTMINSTER. lineal Mention-Enjoyable Enter taimiicnt-Dentil of Mrs. Simpson. Westminster, Aug. 3.-Special: F. B. and J. N. Morgan, of Central, spent Saturday and Sunday with W. P. and T. P. Anderson. Mrs. Rosa Wooten and childrou, of Atlantn, have been visiting; Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Miller. Misses Poola and Cora McIIugh. of O reen ville, are spending t ho week with Mr. and Mrs. J. lt. Orr. Miss Verna Strlhllng, of Seneca, was with her cousin, Miss Dessio Foster, last week. Mrs. Nannie Terrell Garner and son, of Lockhart, aro on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Ter rell. These lovely moonlight nights aro Ideal for entertaining. Miss Bouuio Freeman received last Friday even ing in honor of Miss Dunnowny, of Atlanta. The guests were made wel come by Miss Freeman and Mrs. Burt Freeman, of Atlanta. Miss Maude Simpson presented the guests to Miss Dunnowny In the spacious parlor of Dr. Mitchell's lmndsoino residence. After games of heart dice a photo contest was next In or der of amusement. Several songs were rendered by Miss Dunnoway with Mrs. Freeman at tho piano. Bertie Mny Rhyne and Marion Dun noway were the little mnids who served dainty refreshments. Mr. and Mu J. D. Witherspoon aro on an extended visit to Ids par ents at Yorkvillo. Mr. and Mrs. J, Carter have re turned from a stay at Waynosvlll?, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Chestnut, of Gnyle8vllle, Ala., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Haley. Mrs. Ida Reid Simpson had ano ther attack of hoart failure Mondar about noon. Her son, Dr. Furman Simpson, and Dr. W. J. Carter, with Drs. C. M. Walker and W. F. Strick land, worked faithfully to revive her. but the attack was so severe that their effets were in vain, and at 3 o'clock she passed Into the beauti ful beyond. This loving mother hau left to mourn her death six children -Dr. Furman, Guy, Mrs. T. 8. Mil ler, Misses Beside, Ada and Robbie. Mrs. Simpson was a devout member of tho Baptist church, and the fune ral services will be held at the New Westminster Baptist church this af ternoon. Many friends sympathize with the sorrowing ones in their bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bibb's house guests have gone to their various homes, a'ter two weeks' pleasure, here. They were Mr. and Mrs. CE. Mason, Lucile, Dorothy and Claire: Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mnsou, Robert and Burwell. of Charlotte; Mrs. \V. J. Lunney, of Seneca; Misses Chris lino and Nella Jameson, of Macon, G".; Dan Mason, of Charlotte. Col. R. E. Mason spent the week end with his daughter, Mrs. J. H. Bibb. Mesdames W. J. Strlhllng, O. K. Breazeale, J. G. Breazeale, J. H. Bibb, J. R. Moore and others will attend the W. M. U. meeting at Wal halla. Miss Valera Waite ls spending a month with her sister. Mrs. O. T. Brockman, of Greenville. Misses Carolina and Lillian Car ter are visiting their cousin, Miss Nelle Smth, of Cornella, Ga. William Bibb and Col. R. E. Ma son spent Sunday at Fair Play. Mrs. J. E. Dickerson, Julia and Una, aro visiting at Hartwell, Ga. Misses Chrlstlno and Neille Mul key have returnod from a vlr.'t to Toccoa. Misses Fannie Broyles and Grace Routh, of Townvllle, visited Misses Clara Harris and Ida Lou BrQwnleo last week. 8. News Around Poplar. Poplar, Aug. 2.-Special: Thc* meeting nt this place has been large ly attended the past week. It was conducted, by Rev. W. E. Huff. Tho Sunshlno Society met with Mrs. J. M. Sanders Sunday with Jas. Davis as resident. Susie Miller was elected secretary df the society and Tom Davis was elected delegate to the meeting at Richland on August 28th. The many friends of Albert Leo will be glad to learn of his recovery from a very severe case of typhoid fever. Chamberlain's Collo, Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy Never Known to Fail. "I have used Chamberlain's Colic, (moler? and Diarrhoea Remedy since it was first Introduced to tho publie in 1872, and have never found ono Instance where a cure was not speed ily effected by Its use. I have been, a commercial traveler for eighteen years, and never start out on a trip without this, my faithful friend," says H. S. Nichols, of Oakland, Ind. Ter. For salo by Dr. J. W. Bell, Walhalla; W. J. Lunney, Seneca. Pearle Pike gavo a recitation on Sun shine, Those present were: Mea* daises Findley, Pike, Bennett, Mar sing ll, Duncan, ??wases Addle and Clav 3 Grogan. T'io Salem school opened Monday under the ablo supervision of Robt. Craig, with Miss Nannie Edwards aa assistant. Miss Mar8tnglll, an attractive girl from Greenville, spent the past week at the home of her brother, Max. Marstnglll. A. K.