Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, April 07, 1909, Image 6

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KEOWEE COURIER (ESTABLISHED 1840.) rnbllshed Every Wednesday Morning. .Subscription, $1.00 Per Annum. Adverting Rates Reasonable. -By ?TECK. SHE LOR & SCHRODER. Communications or a personal character charged for as advertise ments. Obituary uotlces and tributes of tfespoct, of not over one hundred words, will be printed free of charge. AU over that number must be paid Cor a? the rate ol' one cent a word. Cash to accompany manuscript. WALHALLA, 8. C.: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 1009. DEATH OT JA M KS ll. ADAMS. Was Well Known and Greatly Lovell in Anderson. (Anderson Intelligencer, April 2.) Tim news of the sudden death of James ll. Adams at his home In Sen e a will be received with regret by ?he people of Anderson. Ile was a frequent visitor to Anderson and had many friends here. Always in ? \ good humor and always ready for i joke, ho made a friend ol' every .acquaintance. When death summoned him Wed nesday there was taken from his rel ines and friends oii earth a good man. a Chlrstian gentleman, a man who l<-i| a clean life, and who, In all thlng? was conscientious, s ir? ?gut forward and honest. There was nothing pretentious about him. He vas a plain man. true to every trust, however small. God-fearing and God loving. lt Is sad to thus lose an ex emplary citizen. Every community mourns when so bereaved. Yet it is a sola? e to be warranted In honoring good men in death as Seneca to-c i.' honors James ll. Adams. Mr. Adams never paid a visit to Anderson bul that he dropped In to see Thc Intelligencer force, and he usually made his trips to Anderson 'when he know he would strike up ..sith his friend Caul. I). A. Taylor. They were the best of friends, and leither ever fred ol' seeing which could gel off the best joke. Mr. Adams was a good man-a man with a heart as big as they make them, and in his deal li the editor of The Intelligencer feels that he has lost one of lils best friends. We join the friends of the family in extending sympathies. "Dr. Thomas' ?Selectric Oil is the iiost remedy for that often fatal dis case-croup. Has been used with success in our family for eight years."--Mrs. L. Whiteacre, Buffalo, JMew York. Prom Anderson County. Double Springs, Anderson County, April 1.-Special: Rev. R. A. Smith Ulled bis regular appointments here Saturday and Sunday and preached an able and forceful sermon to a .large congregation Sunday afternoon Dr. S. R. Heller and daughter, Miss Bernice; Kdrew Cromer, Mr. and Mrs. Newt Boleman and Samuel G ru bbs, all of Townvllle, were in our midst recently. James, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Kant Marett, is unite sick with measles. Miss Mamie Sullivan has been on the sick list for the past week. A. C. Cole has been quite sick with Ja grippe for the past week, but we ire glad to report he ls better at this vii ting. The farmers of this section are get ting badly behind with their plowing owing to the continued rain. U.K. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Haye Always Bought Bears the Signaturo of Gaffney to Have Sewers. Gaffney, Match 31. That Gaffney is a .vide awake and progressive city Aas demonstrated in no uncertain forms to-day when her citizens by a vote ni 366 in favor of, and six votes against, decided to Issue $120, 000 In bonds for the purpose of in stalling a system of sewerage for the City. This, together with several other large enterprises soon to be launched, insures the city's continue 1 row til. Mob Battles with Officers. Pittsburg, April 2.-A riot oc curred at 3.30 o'clock yeste af ternoon at Cheswlck, Pa., a mining town above this city. Officers shot and killed ono Italian, and several others aro reported seriously wound ed. The trouble arose when an offi cer arrested a miner. His; compan ions, numbering several hundred, at. tempted to rescue him and the shoot ing followed. AGED COUPLE) FOUND BURIED. Discovery Mudo by Neighbor** Search ing Knins of House. Toledo, Ohio, April 1.-The bodies of Ludwig Krueger and his wife Aero found this afternoon buried under the floor of the cellar in their home. The discovery was made by neigh bors while searching the remains of the Krueger home, which burned last night. Mr. Krueger is known to have been paid $2,000 in cash last week by M. Sobeleskl, a tailor, in To ledo, who had purchased the farm. The old couple undoubtedly were murdered by unknown persons with robbery as the motive, and tho bouse set fire to cover up the tragedy. In a cellar floor, underneath which tho bodies were found, the bricks bad been replaced. Southern Policy Uoldera Nov. Safe. Columbia, April 3.-Tho taking over of the policies of the Southern Lire by the Jefferson Standard Lifo of Haleigh, which occurred at Fa> ettevllle last Wednesday, meets tho enthusiastic approval of South Car olina's Commissioner, Mr. McMaster, as It has the approval of Commis sioner Young, of North Carolina. Mr. McMaster, whose recent severe criti cisms ol' Lacey and Cooper of the Southern Life in revoking that com pany's license, brought forth some sharp retorts from Mr. Cooper, is de lighted ? Lat the South Carolina pol icyholders are to be so thoroughly protected by such a solid company as the Jefferson Standard. ' The Jefferson Standard Life," said Mr. MciMasler, "is one of tho strongest Southern Companies, and I nm much pleased to learn of its purchase of the Southern Life. The Jefferson Standard lias assets of about $511,000, of Which $250,000 is capital and $230,000 general sur plus, making $180,000 surplus to policyholders. The policyholders of the Southern Life are now In a strong company which is above reproach." Foley's Honey and Tar is a safe guard against serious results from spring colds, which inflame the lungs and develop into pneumonia. Avoid counterfeits by insisting upon had ing the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar. which contains no harmful drugs. J. W. Bell, Walhalla; Stone cypher Pharmacy, Westminster. Attacked Girl ; To Hang. . Wilmington, Del., April 1.-Jo seph Sigerella, recently convicted of on attack on eleven-year-old Mildred Virginia Poore, was sentenced to-day to be hanged. The date of the exe cution, which ls said to be the first uno for this offence In this State, al though the law ls an old one, was fixed for July 2 3. N?TIGE. By virtue of power to us given In a past due chattel mortgage from S. L. Richardson to J. A. Fay & Egan Company, we will sell, to the highest bidder, In front, of the Court House door, In Walhalla, S. C., at ll o'clock a. m., on the 10th day of APRIL, 1 909, the following personal prop erty, to wit: One No. 38 Flooring Machine with slotted four-side cylinders, double belted and geared, guide <>x8 Inches, feed rolls, weighted matcher, clip to plane two sides 14 inches wide and 0 Inches thick, 4-15 inch knives on each cylinder; 1 pair 4 slotted 0-inch sied heads, with pair knives on each; 1 pair %x% grooving bitts for each bead, with 4 extra bolts; 4 0 feet :: 7-16-inch shafting; ten (10) 16 to 18 drop hangers, rings, oilers for 2 7-Ui-inch box; 5 safety collars, 2 7-11! compression coupling 2 7-10; one wood split straight face pulley for 2 7-H'. shaft; 12 feet 2 7-1 t? shafting. SHELOR & HUGHS, Agents J. A. Fay & Egan Co. March :: 1. 1909. 13-14 SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. THE STATE OF SOF'l ri CAROLINA, County of Oconee. Court of Common Pleas. (Summons for Relief.- Complaint Served.) liai.; on Wiggins. Plaintiff, against silas Wakefield, Defendant. To the Defendant Above Named: You are hereby summoned and re quired to answer the complaint In tills action, of which a copy ls here with served upon you. and to sorve a copy of your answer to the said com plaint on thc sui;.-criber, at bl? oince, on the Public Square, at Walhalla Court House, South Carolina, within twenty days aller the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fall to answer tho com plaint within the Hmo aforesalu, the Plaintiff in tills action will apply to the Court for tho relief dei i '.lided in tho complaint. Dated this 4th day of March, 1909. (Olllcial) JOHN F. CRAIG. ( Seal. ) C. C. P. and G. S. R. T. JAYNES, Plaintiff's Attorney. To the Absent Defendant, Silas wakefield: Please take notice that tho Sum mons and Complaint in tho abovo entitled action were filed In the of fice of the Clerk of tho Court of Com mon Pleas of Oconee County on the 4th day of March, 1909; that tho object of this action is tho foreclo sure of a mortgage of tho real estate described In tho complaint herein. R. T. JAYNES, Plaintiff's Attorney. March 27, 1909. 13-18 POSITIV? PKOOE. Should Convince thc Greatest Skeptic in Walhalla. Because lt ls the evidence of a Walhalla citizen. Testimony easily investigated. The strongest endorsement of merit. The best proof. Head It: B. R. Moss, of Walhalla, S. C., says: I am recommending Doan'3 Kidney Pills In the hope that other people suffering from kidney trouble may learn of them and be benefited. I was never In a serious condition as the result of kidney complaint, bur. for some months 1 noticed that my kidneys were disordered. I suffered from pains through the small of my back and the kidney secretion? wore irregular In passage and unnatural. I finally procured Donn's Kidney Pills at Dr. J. W. Bell's drug store and it required but a few doses to relieve me. I am now entirely free from kidney trouble and am pleased tc give Dean's Kidney Pills my oil dui bernent.' For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Fosler-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the Uni ted States. Remember the name-Donn's and take no other. SMALLPOX IX DEADLY FORM. Several Deaths nt Vorkvllle, Whore Disease Has lb-come Kpidcmie. Yorkvllle, April 2.-Several deaths have resulted from smallpox in the city during the hist few days and new cases are developing dully. The situation lias become so serious that the Slate board of health has taken the matter up. This city and Lan catser, where the disease has broken out In a malignant form also, will probably be quarantined by order of the board. The people of the two cities are almost panie stricken. Occasional cases of smallpox in a mild form have not been unusual here dilling the past few years, but it was seldom that a death occurred from lt. The present outbreak is nothing less than an epidemic and the disease seems to be of ti deadly form. Improvise 1 pest houses are being used and every means will bo brought to bear to stamp out the disease. A BRIDE SPRAINS HER ANKLE. While changing from one train to another a few days ago a bride wrenched her ankle very badly. She was afraid sha would be lanie for some time, for the ankle pained ber and was swelling rapidly. One of her fellow passengers brought her ri bottle of Sloan's Liniment. The Lini ment stopped the pain at once and took down the swelling and next day her ankle was almost as strong as ever. L. Roland Bishop, of Scranton, Pa., says: "On the 7th of this pres ent month, as I was leaving tho build ing at noon for lunch, I slipped and fell, spraining my wrist. I returned In the afternoon, and at 4 o'clock I could not hold a pencil In my hand. I returned home at 5 o'clock and purchased a bottle of Sloan's Lini ment and used lt five or six times be fore I went to bed, and the next day I was able to go to work and use my hand as usual. I thought sure I would be laid up, and as we are busy I was very much worried. I cheerfully recommended Sloan's Lin iment to all persons who may Injure themselves In any way." Senator Ott? Made Solicitor. Columbia, April 1.-Governor An sel this afternoon appointed Sena tor J. C. Otts, of "Hffney, solicitor for the Seventh Circuit, effective April 15, for the unexpired term of Titos. S. Sease. who was elected judge. fl^^ ?j. .?? ?j. ?J. ?J? ?J. ?j? >J. ??? ? FOR SPRITS OR SUM* Lo\ For Men, New and ? CARTI .rc* *!* P. S.-A few Good "* * * ?I- * ?I* *<?I? . (iKKK.N VIKI.K CASK DKCIDKI). 1 Recorder Stone Loses fight With Mayor (i. il. .Mahon. Greenville, April 1.-Judge S. \Y. (i. Shi pp to-day handed down a de cision dismissing the rule requiring (!. ll. Mahon to show hy what au thority he holds the office of re corder. Judge Shi pp holds that the , city had the right to abolish the office, w li ich was formerly held by K. (!. Stone and to put the work on Mayor Mahon. Stone alleged that Mahon had 'usurped the office with out warrant and without authority, j claiming that although he bad been I elected for a four-year tenn, he was 1 forced to give up the office to the mayor after serving one year. ORINO Laxative Fruit Syrup Pleasant to take The new laxative. Does not gripe or nauseate. Cures stomach and liver troubles and chronic con stipation by restoring the natural action of the stom ach, liver and bowels. Refuse substitute*. Prloe OOo* J. W. BELL, Wallmlla. Stonccypher Drug Co., Westminster. Five Laborers Cremated. Colon, April 1.-A Ure broke out at an early hour this morning on board the Hamburg-American steam er Sarnia, which was lying alongside her pier. The fire was In some cot ton and kerosene between decks, and the quartermaster and Ave West In dian laborers were burned to death. The Sarnia, later in the day, was able to proceed to fl rey town. *j* ** +L ** ** ** ?* ** *L 4*1. .Ri r ** ** ** ?4>?**_?_?_? 4* 4* 4* , 4: fJ'JJKAAl' JpJF^W?Li fnt?p^SpifrSp^ # * * 4? 4? 4? -Pr 4? 4? 4? 4? 4- 4- 4 Clothing 4,j4* 4*.4* *!+ ++ *!* IG AND .1ER. pOR MEN AND ^ OR BOYS. v=Cut Shoes Women and Children, stylish, Just Received at ER & CO., .T.I.'. 4-4 4-4? 4 WALHALLA, 50. CA, 4* 4? Ai. 4-K Horses and Mules Cheap for Cash or on Time. 4*1* .\ ?j. ??. ?j. .j. ??. ?J. .?. ??. ??. ?J? ?J? ??. ??. ?J? -??_??-_gtsjw ^.?T"?j7%?~??7^r^?^?^^7" .^^^^T"^r"^r?j7"?j? .j? 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* "X-^t?^ "JUST RIGHT" and "WALKOVER" Shoes for Men. KRIPPENDORFF-DITTMAN" Shoes for Ladies. Every pair guaranteed. MOSS & ANSEL, CEMENT FRONT. WALHALLA, S. C. President Taft's First Pay Day. Washington, April 1.-This was President Taft's first pay day as Chief Executive, the amount of his check, which a treasury messenger carried to the White Mouse to-day, being $5,625.01. ?J. ?J. .J? ?J* ?J? .J? ?J? ?J. .|? ?J? ?J? ?j. t SALE OF ?> * STOCK * I MERCHANDISE! i 4? The undersigned desir- 4? * ing to retire from the 4? 4* mercantile business, of- j* |4? fers his entire stock of A Imerchandise, consisting .j.' .j. of dry goods,notions and .j. groceries, for sale to J . some one who would like to engage in mer- * chandising at the thriv 4? * ing town of Clemson 4? * College, J* Reasonable 4? 4* terms will be made to 4? suit purchaser, j* Pres- ^ 4? cnt building can be . .?. rented by purchaser. * -_ 4? i- E.A.Teeims * .I? Clemson College .j. 4* So\itn Carolina ^ 4? 4* 4? 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4? 4? 4* 4* Bruce Brown. DYER CLEANER REPAIRER All cleaning, dyeing, repairing and pressing dono neatly andj delivered promptly. Prices rea sonable. Phono No. 105. : : : People's Pressing Club, Walhalla, S. C.