TROUBLE FOR RICHARDSON* Another Wurr ant 1M issued fur AUeg- I ed Forger in Jail at IiOxington. Lexington, Feb. 18.-There la still more trouble lr. g ore for S. L. Rich ardson, the alleged forger, who bas been In jail here for tho past seve ral months. Sheriff Corley yester day received a warrant from Sheriff W. M. Kay, of Oconee county, re questing him to arrest Richardson for him nB soon a?; the charges rest ing against him here are disposed of Tho warrant accuses Richardson of "selling property on which lien ex isted" to T. F. Fowler. This warrant makes about a half dozen which the Lexington sheriff has In his possession, besides the one upon which he ls bel UK held here, sworn out by the Citizens' Dank ol' Batesburg, charging him with forg ery. All of the warrants, however, except the ono received yesterday, accuse Richardson of forgery and ob taining money under false pretences. He was not tried at tho Sessions Court here week before last, for the reason that Magistrate Shealey, of Leesville, had granted a preliminary at the request of Richardson's at torneys. It is said that Richardson has changed his demeanor somewhat since the conviction of Tom Craft for ?ii?- murder of Garfield Hutto. He bad been praying for the acquittal ol' Craft, lt Is said, and that his pray ers were of no avail seemed lo dla appoint Richardson very much. As has been staled In this correspond ence. Richardson belongs to tho re ligious sect known as the "I'nknown Tongue," and passes the time read ing his Bible and In prayer. lt is stated that he ls of the opinion that "the Lord will come down from above and open tho jail doors and release him from custody." Mrs. Richardson writes to her hus band every day, assuring him of her confidence in him, and expressing the belief thal it will not be long until ho can return to her a free man. Pneumonia Follows La Grippe. Pneumonia often follows la grippe, but never follows the use of Foley's Honey and Tar for la grippe coughs and deep seated colds. Refuse any but the genuine in the yellow pack age. J. W. Bell, Walhalla; Stoneey pher Pharmacy, Westminster. Seneca's Electric Lights. (Anderson Mall.) Tito Piedmont Electric Company ol th's city has been awarded the con tract for installing machinery, wir ing, poles, etc., at the new electric lighting plant of Seneca. The con tract will amount to something like $10,000, and the work will be begun ns soon as the materials necessary, which have been ordered, can be placed on tho ground. The Seneca Fleet rle Company will spend between $2,000 and $5,000 for the building and equipment besides the amount of the contract with the local com pany. L. M. Felton stated to-day that the work will be dom- under the di rection of B. I). Gaillard, and will be pushed as rapidly as possible. lt ls expected that lt will be completed about the first of .lune If no unseen circumstance ?irises to prevent, and it ls possible thal the job will be date. je .clor, 1000 anapolls, Ind., .1 . . . ..., "k from kidney trouble that I could hardly walk a hundred feet. Four bottles of Foley's Kidney Remedy cleared my complex ion, cured my backache and the Ir regularities disappeared, and I can now attend to business every day, and recommend Foley's Kidney Rem edy to all sufferers, as it cured me after tho doctors and other remedies had failed." J. \V. Bell, Walhalla; Stonecyphcr Pharmacy, Westminster. Atlanta Woman Commits Suicide. 18- I n i he pres. ce Powers, a er three-months' M au nd. t wen ly me y eat b . of 541 South Pryor street, this afternoon sent a bullet crashing through her heart. Death was Instantaneous. IM health and the fact that her husbai d, who is a traveling salesman, could not he with her all tho time are given as the cause of Mrs. Maund's ai Mrs. Mau nd left a note which was written In the presence of Mrs. Pow ers, who was rocking the young baby In a crib at the foot of the bed on which Mrs. Maand was lying at the time. The note reads as follows: "To whom it may concern--Oh, Cod, forgive me. I am so tired of this miserable life. No friends, and if my pour soul ls lost, I cannot help lt. P. H. be a good man. Pray for Annie. Hun, you would have stayed with me bad you known this, but lt is too late." Her husbahd Is Preston H. Maand, a traveling salesman. - ? ? To feel strong, have good appetite and digestion, sleep soundly and en Joy life, use Burdock Blood Bitters the groat system tonic and builder. Inw and 12 Oppose lt. Columbia, Feb. 17.-The Senate to-night by a vote of 24 to 12 pass ed the lien law repeal bill, which has been under consideration for the past two days. Nearly every Sena tor has had a say on this measure. It was thought t. at a vote would be reached Immediaic'y on this bill on which all Senators naturally had their minds made up. Senator Kel ley was willing for vote to be taken at once, but discussion arose and continued for the past two days and nights. The House passed the hill by a vote of S."> to 35. The vote in the Senate stood as follows upon Senator Kelley's mo- j Hon to table Senator Montgomery's I motion to strike out the enacting words of the bill: Yeas-Appell, Carlisle, Carpenter. Christensen, Crossen. Barle, Gray don, Hardin, Harvey, Hough, John son, Johnstone, Kelley, Lide, Maul din. McCown, Muckenfuss, Ralns ford, Stewart, Sullivan, Summers. Walter, Weston. Wharton. Total 24. Nays Lass. Black, Croft. C. ri flin. Laney, Montgomery, Otts, Rogers, Sinkler, Splvey, Walker. Williams. Total 12. So the enacting words of the bill ?were not stricken out. When the ! vote wits announced there was a storm of exceptions of counties tobe exempt coming under Senator Mont gomery's amendment to exempl the county of Marion. The exemptions came thick und fast. Including Lan caster, Charleston, etc., etc. The amendment was tabled on a yea and nay vote by 19 to 17, thus bringing all counties under the provisions of the bill. Senator Weston, speaking oil the bill, pointed out the fact that the South furnishes three-fourths of the cotton of the world. "In spite of this we arti the poorest people In the world to-day." he said. "The poor man has the sympathy of ill, and legislation should be directed to j help him out as far as possible." He I referred to the work done by the Southern Cotton Association and the Farmers' union. He praised these organizations, which have done so much for the farmers. lie called attention to the methods by which those who wished to conirol the cot ton market obtain knowledge of the time liens were due. and the cotton had then to be put on the market. "We have become a one crop peo ple," said Mr. Weston, "and because Of the impetus given by the lien merchants. If you repeal this lien law, it will go a long way toward making our people Independent of the corn and meat now received from the West. There may be hard ships at first, bul In the end it will brin.; happiness and prosperity." He argued that Hen givers are rarely ever able to pay out entirely. The man who gives n Hen is In bondage for a while, and then he lias to give up his business entirely. The organizations mentioned have both declared themselves lo be in favor of abolishing the Hen law. "Why should we say we know more about this business than the farm ers themselves?" he asked. Foley's Orino Laxa'ive cures con stipation and liver trouble and makes the bowels healthy and regu lar. Orino is superior to lillis and tablets as it does not gripe or nause ate. Why take anything else? J, W. Bell, Walhalla: Stonecypher Pharma cy, Westminster. Honor Koli Block School. Rimer Land. Bert Craig, Corrie Harden, ("nromer Land, lurline Fri. ". Clayton Price. Kstelle Craig, Henry Harbert, Pauline Craig, Cora Hol brooks, Hepslc Smith. Libel Smith. Bertha Schumacher, Teacher. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is the means of life and enjoyment of life to thousands: men, women and children. When appetite fails, it restores it. When food is a burden, it lifts the burden. When you lose flesh, it brings the plumpness of health. When work is hard and duty is heavy, it makes life bright. It is the thin edge of the wedge; the thick end is food. But what is the use of food when you hate it and can't digest it? Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is the food that makes you forget your stomach. Send thU advertisement, together with name I of paper In which lt appears, your address and four cents to cover portage, and we will send I you a' Complete Mandy Atlas of the World." i ? , ^COTTfi BOWNE. 409 Pearl St. New York Reasons WHY YOU SHOULD USE NOAHS LINIMENT Contains the old-fashioned Ingredients ot' lini ments used by your grandparents, and lt also embodies the latest and up-to-date discover ies. It has therefore the advantage over rem edies that have been before the public 2 5 or :. n years, in that it ls Up-to-date its Ingre dients, lt ls Triple Strength, and the Most IViictrutiug, therefore Most Effective. UNIMENT NERVE, BONE, MUSCLE liest for AH Nerve, Hone and Muscle Aches und Pains, lt s'rikes almost, instantly into the cords, muscles and nerves In any part of the body, r.'vi nu relief more quickly than any other remedy known, because of its peculiar penetrating properties. Absolutely pure, for internal and external uses for man and benst. For AM Creation. Try it. 25c. WHAT THESE PEOPLE SAY OF NOAH'S LINIMENT: SCIATIC RHEUMATISM. Hast Providence, lt. I., March 3 1, l!?ns.-I have been confined to my room with sciatic rheumatism for the past three months, unable lo walk and suffering the most intense pain in my right hip and leg con tinually. Recently a relative sent me a bottle of Noah's Uniment to try, and 1 found it drove the pain wherever applied. Now I am so I can walk around the house and have no doubt lt will perform a perma nent cure. W. II. FLOOD. USED AT LARGEST STAHLE IX THE WORLD. Richmond, Va., Feh. 28. 1908. I have been using Noah's Lini ment at these stables for the past two months with tlie greatest satis faction, and consider it one of the best. 1 have given, out several bot tles to horse men who have also used it willi good results. A. II. TURNER, With Smith Pros.-MeCh'?.o-McClel lan Co. RHEUMATISM. Swansboro, Va., Oct'. 31, 11)08. About six weeks ago I suffered an attack of rheumatism in my right leg, and it was hard for me to get about. I saw Noah's Liniment ad vertised and I thought I would try it. and I found that lt did nie a whole ?ot of good, in fact, lt took all the pain and soreness away. I have worked at the iron trade (Old Do minion Iron and Nail Works) for about fifty years, and 1 get bruised freqeutnly. I find Noah's Liniment takes all soreness out immediately. 1 recommend Noah's Liniment to any who suffer aches and pains. EDWARD RYAN. NEURALGIA AND TOOTHACHE. Hodges, S. C., April 23, 1908. My wife suffered for several years with neuralgia and toothache. She used half a bottle of Noah's Lini ment and got immediate relief. I would not be without it in my house at anv cost. J. S. FISHER, Policeman. SUFFERED TEX YEARS. Point Eastern, Va., June 18, 190S. I suffered ten years or more with a dreadfully sore pain in my back and tried different remedies, but had a return of the pain and soreness till I tested the "Noah Liniment," of which less than half a bottle seems to have made a perfect cure. I am much stronger indeed. I think it is just grand,, and 1 no hope all suffer ing with rheumatism and all other pains and soreness will test its cura tive powers, especially tho aged, and be healed. I used lt externally only. I shall always keep it on hand. MRS. J. D. B1LLIN?SLEY. BACKACHE AND STIFF JOINTS. Abbeville, S. C., Jan. 9., 1909. I purchased a 2 5c. bottle of Noah's Liniment of C. A. Milford & Co., and used it for rheumatism, stiff joints and backache, and I can say it did nie more good than any pain remedy I ever used. It has also been used in my family for coughs, colds, crani]j and colic, always giv ing immediate relief. REV. G KO. W. SMITH. NOAH'S LINIMENT IS THE GREATEST REMEDY KNOWN FOR ALL FORMS OF RHEUMATISM, NEU RALGIA, STIFF JOINTS, LAMENESS, BACKACHE, TOOTHACHE, STRAINS, AXD SPRAINS, CRAMPS, COLIC, SORE THROAT, COLDS, ETC. IMPORTANT NOTICE Noah's Liniment is .iow sold by nearly all dealers in medicine. Being new in the South, it i? not on sale everywhere, but any painstaking dealer should gladly get it for you. If he will not, a sample bottle will lie mailed free by giving Iiis name on a post-card, and mentioning this paper. Noah's Ark, our trade mark, registered in U. S. Patent Olllce for your protection, is used on every label and carton of the genuine Noah's Liniment, lt is quite important that tho public should note this before purchasing, as also the fact that the words Noah's Liniment always ap pear In red Ink on every original package. None genuine without ?hese distinctive marks. Everyone shoud beware of imitations offered by unscrupulous dealers. We will promptly prosecute every Infringe ment of our rights. NOAH REMEDY CO., Richmond, Ya., and Boston, Mass. Dealers in medicine will find an Interesting proposition by writ ing us direct to Richmond, Va. EXPRESS THIEF CAUGHT. " i o. ll. Hull, Charged with Stealing Money Orders, Captureil in Canada. Savannah. Fob. 17. O. li. Hull, tho relief agent of thc Atlantic Const lune, who stole, it is alleged, a hook of express money orders of thc Sou thern Express Company, and then, after niling them out tor various amounts, sowed them over Savan nah ?nd lied, lias been captured, his arrest taking place in Revelstoke British Columbia, Canada, where he attempted to have one of the money orders cashed. The order blanks were stolen from the office of the express company at Winokur, Charlton county. Ca. The express company achieved the Cap tine. Many thousands of descrip tions wit!? pictures ol Hull were spread over the whole of North America, and its islands, and then over Europe. lie will probably ho Indicted to-morrow and extradition pp pe rs will be sought. Hull's long Hight and lils capture mark his case as unusual, ns weil an the freedom and boldness with which he is said to have scattered the stolen money orders. It ls not expected that there will be any difficulty about bringing him back to Georgia. Hoarse coughs and stuffy colds that may develop Inflo pneumonia over night are quickly cured by Fo ley's Honey and Tar, and ft soothes inflamed membranes, heals the lungs and expels the cold from the system. J. W. Bell. Walhalla; Stonecypher Pharmacy( Westminster. Three Burned to Death. Wheeling, W. Vu.. Feb. 18.-Fire destroyed : ' miner's home, following a xploslon at the Findlay Co it Collier's, W. Va., a few TI here, to-day. Three per?? urned to death, and a four . Injured. Their family nun oskl. SPECIAL REQUEST. We ask oneil of our subscribers to look ut the (bite on the label of bis paper, ami if subscription is in ar rears, or if it. is about to expire, send us a remittance.. Thc postal laws nre very strict in this matter. It is much easier, too, to keep your sub scription paid np than to let it stand for long periods and then pay several dollars at a time. W. M. Browne Livery, Sale and Feed Stables. Plenty of good Mules and Horses t hat need to lie sold. Buggies, Surreys and Wagons; Saddles. Bridles, Collars and Blan kets, Whips, Hobes, etc. Just received a car load of High Point Buggies and Surreys. This is the nicest lot of Buggies and Surreys ever shipped to Wal halla. Every one a "Beauty," and they are sold under my personal guarantee. I also have a special lino of Light Two-Horse Wagons-in fact, any thing in the Buggy or Wagon line. Brown has lt, or Brown gets lt. Come and let me show you before buying. I make the prices and terms to suit. W. M. BROWN, WAIJHAI?IJA. 8. C. KILL.THC COUCH AND CURE TH? LUNGS with Dr. King's New Discovery AND AU. THROAT AND LUNO TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY! OR MONEY REFUNDED. MASTER'S SALE STATIC OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF OCONEE. I? Court of Common Pleas. Pursuant to a decree of the afore said Court, in tile case named below, I will offer for sale, to the highest bidder, in front of the Court House door, at Walhalla, S. C., on MON DAY, the 1st day of MARCH, 1909, between lite legal hours of sale, the tract of land below described: Ellzaoeth J. King et al., Plaintiffs, against Elisha Knox and Harrison Karie, De fondants. All that certain tract of thirty four acres, situate in County, State of South Carolina, known as tlie Elisha Carter place, adjoining lands of William Bibb, R. H. Smith son, J, J. Haley and others. The above tract of land will be sold subject to the lease of the de fendant Harrison Kaile. Terms of Sale: Cash on day of sale. That in the event of tho fail tire of the purchaser or purchasers to comply with the terms of sale promptly on the day of sale, that the Master do resell the said premises on the same or some convenient sales day thereafter, at the same place and on the same terms ns heretofore set out, at the risk of the former pur chaser or purchasers, and that ho continue so to do until he has found a purchaser or purchasers who shall comply with the terms of the sale. Purchaser to pay extra for papers. W. O. WHITE, Master for Oconee County, S. C. February 10, 1 90?. 0-8 Bruce Brown. DYER CLKANEK RE PAT KER All cleaning, dyoing, repairing and pressing dono noatly and delivered promptly. Prices rea sonable. Phone No. 105. :t People's Pressing Club, Walhalla. S. C. Oura? Golds i Pro vanta Pneu moni MASTER'S SALE. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF OCONEE. In Couta of Common Pleas. Joseph J. Norton, Plaintiff, against Green Cleveland, Defendant. Pursuant to judgment of foreclo sure and sale In the above entitled action I will sell, at public auction, In front ot' Walhalla Court House door, on sale day in March, If 09, within the legal hours of sale, che following described tract of land, to wit: AU that certain piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and be ing in the County of Oconee, of the| State of South Carolina, on waters of Cane creek, waters of Little River, waters of Kcowee River, adjoining lands now or formerly of Mary Can trell, H. W. Kuhtmahn and others, and being the place known as tho homestead place of Green Cleveland, and whereon ho resided on July 8, 189 0. Terms of Sale: One-half cash, bal ance on credit o' ono year, with note and mortgage of premises sold to secure the credit portion. Purchaser to pay extra for papers. W. O. WHITE, Master for Oconee County, S. C. February 3, 1909. 5-8 ANGEL'S STABLES. Livery, Feed and Sale. I have opened up a General Livery Business in tho Brown Building, cor ner Main and College Streets, and am prepared to accommodate the publio promptly and satisfactorily. See me when in need of any kind ol . ?nvoyance, Saddle Horses, etc. 1 od service: reasonable rates, ir patronage will be appreciated. < L. ANGEI , WALHALLA. S. C. .top?tb?oouKh ?nd lung?