UP ON LITTLE HIVER. Miscreants st Work at Night-Inter esting Marriage Occasion. Little Rlvor, Fob. 13.-Special: The farmers of this section have been making good use of the past week with their plows. Our friend, I. E. Collins, ls still very tdek. lt ls hoped this good man may soon he well again. Little Ruby Perry, who has been BO sick, ls better at this time, but her little sister, Naomi, is real sick now. .lohn Coward, of the Whitewater sectior. passed through here on his way to Salem recently. Mr. and Mrs. Major Crow had the misfortune to lose their baby. The cause was thought to be bold hives. The bereaved parents have Ibo deep est sympathy of many friends iii their sorrow. This was their llrst born, which always holds a sacred ?pot in the parents' heart. The re mains were burled the day following nt Whitmire's cemetery. "The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord." 3. C. shockley offers $r? reward for proof to convict the parties who went to his saw mill the last of Jan uary and broke the glass off the steam gauge on bis boiler and 1 wist ed withes and laid thom, with clubs, in the darkey shack. This ls poor bravery. Whoever did the work bad bettor have been at home attending to their own business. Thomas P. Alexander and Mis* Bessie Smith, both of the Salem sec tion, were happily married at the bride's home on hist Sunday morn ing nt 0.30 o'clock by Magistrale W. II. Talley. The parlor was hand somely decorated In holly and fern After the ceremony the guests en joyed some good jokes from Mr. Talley and some nice music by the bride on the autoharp. Most of the party then attended church at Whit mire's. The bride and groom left early Monday morning for the home of the groom's parents, in the Old Plckens section. After a short time they will return to their home with Mr. and Mrs. L. Rogers, the grand father of the groom. The bride is one of Salem's fairest daughters and is universally liked. She is tho only daughter of R. E. Smith. The groom ls a promising young farmer and numbers his friends by the score. We join with many others In wishing thom a long and happy life. M 91:W,825,1I)I> TO SUPPORT NAVY. Provision is Aiso aiauo for TWO 20,000-Ton Battleships. Washington. Feb. ll.-Senator Hale, chairman of the committee on naval affairs, yesterday reported to the Senate the bill making appropri ations for the support of the navy. lt carries $ 13(1,82ii. 1 Dil an Increase of $1,058,428 over the amount car ried by the bill as lt was passed by the House. No (bange was made in the Item providing for the construction of two 26,000-ton battleships. The Senate committee provided that no part of the appropriation for the ma. rino corps may he expended unless the corps is continued in service as heretofore on battlesihps, cruisers and oilier naval vessels. Husband and Wife Remarry. Birmingham. Ala.. Fob. 13.--Af ter separation of 3.r> years. Major Charles Wheelock, prominent citi zen of Birmingham, and Mrs. Fllza Wheelock, who has been living for many years in California, were re married in Birmingham to-day. Mr. and Mrs. Wheelock were first wedded in Los Vegas, Mexico, more than fifty years ago. Four children were born to tho couple, the oldest of which is fifty years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Wheelock were separated r.r> years ago, the husband coming to Birmingham, and the wife going to California, where she lived before the marriage. In Birmingham, about 20 years ago, Mr. Wheelock again took a Wife, whose death occurred about 12 years ago. Since that time the chil dren have endeavored to bring their parents together, and their wishes "were realized to-day. Major Whee lock is one Of tile prominent citi zens of Birmingham, and tho ro mance has proved a matter of ex ceeding lal crest here. SOVEREIGN LOWE GUILTY. Aiken County Man Convicted of Mur dering Ills Wife: Aiken, Feb. ll.-Tho jury in the case against Sovereign I we, charg ed with the murder of his wife, Mrs. Ralney Lowe, rendered a verdict of guilty this afternoon, after having the case under consideration for less than two hours. Tho vordlct car ries with lt a recommendation to tho mercy of the court, and thls^ will save the prisoner's nock. Lowe has not yet been sentenced, but he will receive a life sentence. MHS. SAKAI! A. WILSON DEAD. 1 After Lingering Illness Aged Lady Fussed rem ' Tully Away. Whitewater, Fob. 10.-Special: After a lingering Illness Mrs. Sarah Ann Wilson died last Thursday morning, February C>, at 3 o'clock. She had long been afflicted with heart and stomach troubles, but it was not thought the end was so near. For the last two weeks, how ever, she grew steadily worse. She hore her Bufferings patiently, like a true Christian. Mrs. Wilson was in her seventy-fifth year having been born on the Otb of June, 1831, mak ing her 74 years. 7 months and 21 days old. In early life she united with the Methodist church, and was a consistent member until her death. Her maiden mime was Moody, she being a daughter of the late Martin Moody, she was twice married. When about IC years old she mar ried George Coward, of Jackson county, North Carolina. Five chil dren were born to them. When the war came on George Coward enlist ed and never returned, dying from fever in Richmond, Va. After the war she married Win. Wilson. Three children were born to them.- All the children but two, of both unions, are left to mourn her death. He sides ti bil ge family conni ellon, e:c tending over several States, out of a large family of brothers and sisters there are but two left- H. J. Moody, of Salem, a brother, and Mrs. Eliza beth Rochester, of OCala, N. C. Af ter a long and useful life may she rest in peace. Friend. Statue of Calhoun. F. W. Rucks tu hi met the Calhoun Statue Commission in Columbia last week and submitted photographs of the clay model for the Calhoun statue. After duly examining the photographs the commission express ed itself ns highly pleased with the work as far as it had been carried out. The clay model, which was cast Into plaster In Paris, ls now In Italy and ls being carved In marble. The carving will take about six months. Mr. Ruckstuhl will leave New York for Florence, Italy, in April and will himself finish the carving there. The statue will be seven feet high and stand on a pedestal about three and a half feet high, a total of about ten and a half feet In height. lt will be placed In position about September 1 in the Capitol at Wash ington and be v .veiled with appro priate ceremonies early In Decem I oer ot mis year. Shot Into Crowd of School (?Iris. Spartanburg, Feb. 10.-A special to the Journal from Landrum, in the upper edge of this county, says that two boys visited the Bennett school near that place several days ago and frightened the girls by their outra geous conduct, which was extremely disgusting. One of the boys fired a shot gun into the crowd, several of tbe shot striking Miss Smith, a pupil of the school in the face. Fortunately the young lady was some distance away when the shot was fired and was not badly hurt. SAVED FROM AN OPERATION By Lydia E. Pinkhatn's Vegetable Compound Louisville, Ky.-"Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound has cer tainly done me a worla of good and I cannot praise it enough. I suffered from Irregularities, dizziness, nervous ness, ana a severe female trouble. LydiaE.Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound has restored mo to perfect health ana kept me _from the operating table. 1 will never be without this medicine In the house."-Mrs. SAM'L LEE, 3r?23 Fourth St., Louisville, Ky. Another Operation Avoided. Adrian, Ga. -"I suffered untold misery from female troubles, and my doctor ?aid an operation was my only chance, and I dreaded it almost as much as death. Lydia E. IMnkham's Vegetable Compound completely cured me without an operation.' -LENA V HENRY, R. F. I). 8. Thirty years of unparalleled suc cess confirms the power of Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound to cure female diseases. The great vol ume of unsolicited testimony constant ly pouring in proves conclusively that Lydia E IMnkham's Vegetable Com pound li ft r*rnarVo>)t? rnrn?\H v fOT thO?? distressing feminine lill from which io many women suffer. DAYS OF DIZZINESS Come to Hundreds of Walhalla People. There are days of dizziness; Sp. Us of headache, sldeache, back ache; Sometimes rheumatic pains; Often urinary disorders. All tell you plainly the kidneys are sick. Doan's Kidney Pills cure all kid ney Ills. Can Walhalla residents doubt this statement? Mrs. Clara Hines, 209 Townes street, Greenville, S. C., says: "About llfteen years ago I began to suffer from kidney trouble and al though I doctored extensively, I ob ? allied only temporary relief. The urtll ache in my back was almost constant and was often accompanied by a pain in my sides. Dizzy spells and headaches were frequent, anti at times my eyesight became Impaired. I v as very nervous and was both ered by the irregular passages of the kidney secretions. About a year ago I decided to try Doan's Kidney Pills and obtained a box. They helped me at once, and alter using (hem a short time, I was entirely relieved. Since then my kidneys have been normal and I have been In excellent health." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Fostor-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the Uni ted States. Remember the name-Doan's and take no other. This Man Spanked Roosevelt. Creely, Colo., Feb. 15.-Ernest Mlnckwltz. formerly chembl in the Windsor BU gar factory, enjoys thc distinction ot* being the only man In Colorado who spanked Theodore Roosevelt, when thc latter was a boy. He says President Roosevelt was 14 years old, his mother placed him In the Mlnckwltz family at Dresden, Germany, to learn German. One day young Roosevelt put on some boxing gloves and gave the German lad a punch, saying: "This ls the way we do it in America." Whereupon the stout German lad took him across his knee and admin istered a spanking, saying: "This ls the way we do lt In Germany." Mlnckwltz says that three years ago he was at the White House, and President Roosevelt recalled the in cident. Counterfeit money is good enough for counterfeit roofing, but when vou Bpcnd real money, get REAL HOOFING! Our Vulcanita Roofing ia A*A-*Ao{*t|n|W /foVm same insuranco rato as slato or metal) water-proof and rot-proof. It will outlast the building, and assures absolute protection to con tents. For 60 years it has constantly proven its supe riority over everything of its kind. If your dealer hasn't it, write us direct. Before you buy or repair, write for our free booklet, "Thc Right Roofing and the Reasons Why." Westminster, S, C. VULCANITE ROQANG 12,81 1,(MU> BALES TO FEB. 0. Report is Issued by National Gln ners' Assicatlon. Memphis, Tenn., Fob. 12.- The amount of cotton ginned to Febru ary fi ls placed at 12.814,000 bales . y the National Dinners' Association in a report issued Wednesday. This amount as compared with 10,593, 000 bales ginned to February 8 of last ye.ir. The amount ginned since the dat. of the last report, January 16, is placed at 147,000 bales. Continuing, the report declares that ginning ls completed In all ex cept six counties In Mississippi, five in Arkansas and six in Texas. Okla homa has yet some scattering cot ton to gin, but the majority of the gins have closed down. OABTOHIA. Bean th? ?* Tho Kind You Hare Always BOU?M A CO-OPERATIVE COTTON MIDD. Every Employ?e will Share in Prouts of 91,000,000 Boston Plant. Boston, Feb. ll.-One million dol lars worth of stock will be offered to the public within a few days by Eugene N. Foss and his associates to finance the building of the great cotton mill and power plant In East Boston, to be known as the "Recipro city Milla." The promoters of this immense In. dustry, which they say ls bound to work wonders in the upbuilding of Boston's trade and commerce, an nounce that every employee of the mills will share In the profits. The holp will also be represented in tho board of directors of the corporation. SOMETHING TO YOUR INTEREST! We have a few good Horses and Mules for sale cheap. Bc sure to see them for this is a chance that does not present itself every day. Come in and let us talk to you about Fertilizers and Plantation Supplies. We also have a good stock of those celebrated Corbitt Buggies, and Birdscll and Thornwell Wagons. WE SELL CHEAP FOR CASH OR ON TIME. Carter & WALHALLA, S. C. His Conundrum. (Chicago Post.) "What ls tho difference," asked the man with the erratic eyebrow, "between a tali, stout man whose wife has purchased for him a palo pink smoking jacket with yellow fac ing and a pocket that ls utterly out of convenient reach at a dry goods store late in the afternoon of the day before Christmas, after having put off the purchase for two weeks because she had to attend half a dozen bridge parties and a large jo vial Russian nobleman who has been convinced of the brotherhood of man and who ls devoting himself to the laudable work of converting the peo. pie on his estates?" "How's that?" asked the mau with tue dilatory moustache. The man with the erratic eye brows repeated the query, and the other man, of course, refused to an swer, saying that if he replied to hypothetical questions he must de mand an expert's fee. "Oh, well," exclaimed the man with the erratic eyebrows, "It ls sim ple enough. One pays for the pres ent and the other prays for the peas ant." HexamethylCnetetramine. The ?tiuv? is me name 01 a uer man chemical, which ls one of the many valuable ingredients of Foley's Kidney Remedy. Hexamethylenetet ramlne ls recognized by medical text books and authorities as a uric acid solvent and antiseptic for the urine. Take Foley's Kidney Remedy as soon as you notice any Irregularities, and avoid a serious malady. J. W. Bell, Walhalla; Stonecypher Pharmacy, Westminster. Greeks Supplant. Negroes. Spartanburg, Feb. 12.-Falling to find colored labor satisfactory. J- C. Dunn, contractor of the Carolina, Clinchfield and Ohio road, has en gaged 100 Greeks to work at his camps near Pacolet and Broad river. Forty Greeks arrived in the city last night and were sent out on tho road this morning. Monday morning GO additional Greeks will reach here to start work. Mr. Dunn said that col ored iabor was too uncertain, caus ing too much delay. SlIOliS ! SIIOIIS ! "JUST RIGHT" and "WALKOVER" Shoes for Men. ".KRIPPENDO RFF-DITTM AN' ' Shoes for Ladies. Every pair guaranteed. \_ MOSS & ANSEL, CEMENT FRONT. WALHALLA, S. C. B. S. LOOK. Heating Stoves, Cooking Stoves, Tinware. All kinds of repairing, WALHALLA, S. C. DANIEL E. GOOD, Walhalla, ?. C. Roofing, Guttering, Painting, Rte. Repairing of Al) Kinds. All Work Attended to Promptly. Satisfaction Guaranteed. PAINTS-ALL COLORS TO THINK OWN SELF BE TRUl* AND IT MUST FOLLOW AS TUE NIOUT THE DAY, THOU CANSTyNOT THEN BE FALSE TO ANY MAN. Y JAYNKS, 5HELOR, SMITH & STECK. WALHALLA, SOUTH CAROLINA, MAY 15, 1907. NEW SERIES, NO. 473._VOLUME L VIII_NO. 20