? f JONES REFUSED NEW TKJAL. Union Uxoricido Sentenced to impris onment for lii^o-Tlio Tragedy. Union, Feb. 12.-The motion for a new trial in the celebrated case of W. T. Jones, a wealthy planter of this county, who, after a most sen sational t rial here last week, on tho Charge ol having murdered his beau? t|f*>l wife last July hy administering or causing her to take strychnine, and which resulted In i verdict of guilty whh recommendation to mercy, after the jury had had the mailer under advisement for eigh teen long, tedious hours, was to-day refused by Judge Memmlnger, ?vito presided last week. Jones was refused a new trial al ter many noars of argument. He was sentenced to life imprison nient. Judge Memmlnger in passing sen tence told the prisoner he had hel ter take tho term, for If granted n new trial he believed he would hang. This murder trial of W. T. Jones, 1.ans.- of his standing, ability and wealth, for bo ls a man owning over 3,000 of the most fertile and highly ?aili(vated acres of land in this coun ty, ami besides has a large county ginnery and lived, before the crime lie ls alleged to have committed, In one ol the most palatial country ho.ins in South Cand?na, altogether being worth nearly $100,000, which ls (pille a competence lu this State for a planter, has attracted much attention. Personally, Jones, to most people, is a most affable niau, and on nu merous occasions has shown evi dences of real generosity. He is a fine type ol' physical manhood, being about six feet two Inches In height and weighing shout two hundred and forty pounds. His composure and bearing throughout the trial was one of the marvels of those who saw bini, but he nearly collapsed when the verdict was announced, and has since been (julie 111. lt was on Sunday night, July 5, 1.(08, that a negro lu passing the Jones home at Snntuc, heard a wo man screaming. It was the voice of Mrs. Jones, testified this negro on the stand, and he heard Mr. Jones cursing. Shortly after 12 o'clock that night Dr. J. T. Jeter, the fam ily physician, was summoned and found Mrs. Jones In convilslons from the effects of strychnine poisoning. Jones, the physician swore, seemed unaffected when told that she was dead. At the inquest held the next day testimony of the most sensa tional and revolting nature was In troduced. Three witnesses, one a white man, a magistrate, and two negroes, telling how on separaate oc casions M.rs. Jones had approached them while apparently laboring un der intense excitement, fear and compulsion by some unseen force, to make a proposal both Improper and naturally one n white woman would not make. Other witnesses told of long and continued 111 treat ment for many years of the woman by Jones. As a result of the evi dence brought out nt the Inquest Jones was arrested and committed to jail heve on July fl, 1908, where he has since been. Various efforts were made by appeals to Circuit and Su preme Court Judges io obtain his release on ail, hut in each Instance failed. Though the verdict last Sat urday was a surprise to Jones lt is said that he states that the real fipht In his case has just begun, so that further developments are awaited with Intense interest. A lazy liver leads to chronic dys pepsia and constipation-weakens the whole system. Donn's Hegulets (2"> cents per box) correct the liver, tone the stomach, cure constipation. Was tlc Delirious .? ( From LlpplllCOtt's. ) "Almost every man." says a Bal timore specialist, "learns sooner or later to think of bis doc tor as one of his best friends, but this fact does not hinder the world from laughing at Hie profession. " 'How is our patient this morn ing?' asked a physician, a fellow graduate of mine, ol' a patient's bro ther. " 'Oh, he's much worse.' caine from tile other In a tone ot dejection. 'He's delirious for several hours. At 3 o'clock he said. 'What an old wo man that doctor ol' mine is!' and he hasn't made i rational remark since.' " How's This 7 We offer one hundred dollars re ward for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio. We. the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and fi nancially able to carry out any obli gations made by his firm. Wabling, Klnnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure ls taken Inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Prlco 73c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. TP\O Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. KILLIN? IN BARBER SHOP. - Barnwell Negro Named Oreen Shot by C. P. Baker. Barnwell, ""eb. ll. - Julian Greene, a colored barber, was shot to death In his shop here to-d.iy about 2.3d o'clock. There were no eye-witnesses to the shooting. C. P. Baker was seen coming from tho shop immediately after the shoot ing and was arrested hy Coroner Creech, who happened to be near the scene of the killing. AL first Maker denied having shot Green, but acknowledged it after he was placed in the guard house. (?icen was shot four times, each ball taking effect. One bullet pierced his len breast in the vicinity of hi? heart and produced death almost In stantly. The cause of the shooting, as brought out al the coroner's Inquest by tue testimony of a small nemo boy employed as boot-black, wa; thal Maker walked In Greene's shop and found Creene eating Iiis dinner. Laker, the boy said, passed him and pinched his ear. Greene remonstrat ed with him and caused him. Maker cursed him back and walked on through tho shop and entered a room in the rear of l he shop. lu a few minutes he came back and spoke lo Creene, asking lum If he meant lo curse him. Greene ad mitted that he bad and repeated his ronner oaths. Baker told him li meant no barm and would not stand for the cursing. He then walked on out of the shop and np the street The boy was then sen! out of tin shop to cut some wood, and in his absence Milker returned and the kill lng occurred. Greene fell In the door of his shoji with an open i>oekot kn..o in bis hand and a pair of brass knucks In his pocket. The jury rendered verdict to the effect that Creen came to his death from a gunshot wound, the gun being In the hands of C. F. Bake:. NOT 11 IX (J IX 1 IS ll -WAV MATTEM. lt is Claimed Carolina Commission was Always Treated Courteously. (Augusta Chronicle, 6th.) The statement from Columbia, pub lished In the Chronicle yesterday morning, regarding the fishway at the Augusta locks dam, caused much comment on the street yesterday, and the people who have been talk ing about lt say that, the criticism about Augusta ls unwarranted. The criticism regarding the fish way, many believe, was made with out a thorough investigation. As a matter of fact the fishway in the Au gusta dam was put in by plans and specifications from the government experts and ls adajited to local con ditions. It ls nlso said that the putting in the river nt Augusta several years ago. by the United States Department of Fisheries, of several million young carp han caused the decrease in all kinds ol fish here with the exception of the carp and the cat fish. Fine shad used to be found in abundance nt and near Augusta, but not one cnn be found in this section now. The earp has been the destroyer of this fish. The South Carolina committee vis ited Augusta a number of times and was on all occasions, with the possi ble exception of their last visit, shown all of the attention possible. On their last visit Mr. Nisbet Wing field was out of the city, hut return ed at 11 o'clock In the morning and went Immediately to the hotel of the South Carolinians. He was informed that they had paid their bills and left. He looked for them several hours, but was not able to locate I hem. The report and criticisms of the committee are not taken very seri ously in Augusta, and at the i>ro|>e time a reply will be made to the charges. There ls no fear, however, of a damage suit being instituted against the city, or the State, as Hu fishway has been made according to the government expert's plans, and was accepted by the government. The Church Home Orphanage now being maintained In Charleston under the guardianship of the Epis copal Diocese ol' South Carolina, i> to be transferred to York ville, and I be removal is to be effected as soon as ii Is possible to make the neces sary preparations for the change. Plant Wood's Seeds For The Garden 6 Farm. Thirty years in business, with a steadily increasing trade every year-until we havo to-day one of tho largest busincBSOB in seeds in this country-is the best of evidence as to Ihe Superior Quality of Wood's Seeds. Wo are headquarters for Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats. Cow Peas, Soja Beans ana &!! F&rm Seeds. Wood'? Descriptivo Catalog the most useful and valuable of Garden and Farm seed Catalogs mailed free on roquest. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, . Richmond, Va. Reasons WHY YOU SHOULD USE NOAHS LINIMENT NOAH Contains tho old-fashioned ingredients of lini ments used by your grandparents, and it also embodies the latest and up-to-date discover ies. lt has therefore the advantage o?er rem edies that have been before the public 2."? or 50 vears. In that it is l'p-to-date in its Ingre dients, it Is Triple Strength, and the Most Penetrating, therefore Most Effective. LINEN NERVE, BONE, MUSCLE Host for All Nerve, Hone and Muscle Aches und Pains, lt strikes almost Instantly Into tho cords, muscles and nerves in any part of the body, giving relief more quickly than any other remedy known, because of Its peculiar penetrating properties. Absolutely pure, for internal and external uses for man and beast. For All Creation. Try lt. :?."?c. WHAT THESE PEOPLE SAY OF NOAH'S LINIMENT: SCIATIC RHEUMATISM. Bast Providence, R. I.. March 31, I'.nts.- l have been confined to my room with sciatic rheumatism for the past three months, unable to walk and suffering the most intense pain lr my right hip and leg con tinually. Recently a relative sent nie a bottle of Noah's Liniment to try, and 1 found it drove the pain wherever applied. Now l am so I can walk around tho house and have no doubt it will perform a perma nent cure. W. H. FLOOD. USER AT LARGEST STABLE IN THF. WOUIt?. Richmond, Va., Feb. 28, 1008. I have been using Noah's Lini ment at these stables for the past two months with the greatest satis faction, and consider lt one of the best. I have given out se\ eral bot tles to horse men who have also used It with good results. A. H. TC RN KR, With Smith Bxos.-MeCleary-McClel lan Co. RHEUMATISM. Swansboro, Va., Oct. 31, loos. About six weeks ago I suffered an attack of rheumatism In my right leg, and it was hard for nie to get about. I saw Noah's Liniment ad vertised and 1 thought 1 would try lt, and I found that.It did nie a whole lot of good, in fact, lt took all the pain and soreness away. 1 have worked at the Iron trade (Old Do minion Iron and Nail Works) for about fifty years, and I get bruised freqeutnly. I find Noah's Liniment takes all soreness out Immediately. I recommend Noah's Liniment to any who suffer aches and pains. EDWARD RYAN. NEURALGIA AND TOOTHACHE. Hodges. S. C.. April 23, 1908. My wife suffered for several years with neuralgia and toothache. She used half a bottle of Noah's Lini ment and got immediate relief. I would not be without lt In my house at any cost. J. S. FISHER, Policeman. SUFFERED TEN YEAHS. Point Ea.-tern, Va., .June 18. 1908. I suffered ten years or more with a dreadfully sore pain in my back and tried different remedies, but had a r turn of the pain and soreness till I tested the "Noah Liniment," of which less than half a bottle seems to have made a perfect cure. I am much stronger Indeed. I think It ls just grand, and I do hope all suffer ing with rheumatism and all other pains and soreness will test Its cura tive powers, especially the aged, and be healed. I used lt externally only. I shall always keep it on hand. MRS. J. D. BILLINGSLEY. BACKACHE AND STIFF JOINTS. Abbeville, S. C., Jan. 9., 1909. I purchased a 25c. bottle of Noah's Liniment of C. A. Milford & Co., and used it for rheumatism, stiff joints and backache, and I can say lt did me more good than any pain remedy I ever used. It has also been used In my family for coughs, colds, cramp and colic, always giv ing immediate relief. REV. GEO. W. SMITH. NOAH'S LINIMENT IS THE GREATEST REMEDY KNOWN FOR ALL FORMS OF RHEUMATISM, NEU RALGIA, STIFF JOINTS, LAMENESS, BACKACHE, TOOTHACHE, STRAINS, AND SPRAINS, CHAMPS, COLIC, SORE THROAT, COLDS, ETC. IMPORTANT NOTICE Noah's Liniment is now sold by nearly all dealers In medicine. Being new In the South, lt ls not on sale everywhere, but any painstaking dealer should gladly get. lt for you. If he will not, a sample bottle will be mailed free by giving his name on a post-card, and mentioning this paper. Noah's Ark, our trade mark, registered in U. S. Patent Ofllce for you* protection, ls used on every label and carton of the genuine Noah's Liniment. It is quite important that the public should note this before purchasing, as also the fact that the words Noah's Liniment always ap pear In red Ink on every original package. None genuine without these distinctive marks. Everyone shoud beware of imitations offered by unscrupulous dealers. We will promptly prosecute every infringe ment of our rights. NOAH REMEDY CO., Richmond, Va., and Boston, Mass. Dealers'in medicine will find an interesting proposition by writ ing us direct to Richmond, Va. TOO PROUD TO RETURN? The Girl Who Was lVesortod by a Pake Nobleman? Asheville. N. C., Feb. 12.-Mourn ed as dead since soon after her fate ful wedding, December IC, 1905, to John C. Cavendish, alias "Lord" Percy Reginald Sholto Douglas, the notorious bigamist, who married more than a d'vjn young women in Virginia and North Carolina, Miss Josephine Hood, of Asheville, finally has been located in Tucumcarri, New Mexico. Too pround to return to her family after she found she had been duped by the mnn who posed as the third son of the marquis of Queensberry, Miss Hood began the struggle for her livelihood, and determined to bear her sufferings alone. It was by the merest accident that her family lo cated her after a search over the United States and Mexico, partici pated in by Secretary Root, of the State Department; the American consul at Vera Cruz, and police offi cers in many cities of the South and West. Mrs. John N. Hood, the mother of the young woman, will leave at once for New Mexico and return with ber daughter to Asheville. Miss Hood was married to the no terions b'r.amlst at New Iberia, La., after a short courtship, and went with him to Mexico, where he told her and her family that he owned vast mining and fruit properties, it was there that Miss Hood was de serted. Foley's Honey and Tr ae air pansages, stops the In the throat, soothes ti ul membranes, and the nu to cough disappears. Sore , ri ed lunga are healed ai . . a ened, and the cold is e m the system. Refuse any i ulne In the yellow pacli V. Bell, Walhalla; Stonoc: Ph r macy, Westminster, SPECIAL REQUEST. Wo ask cadi of our subscribers to look nt thu date on tho label of his paper, and if subscription is in ar rears, or if it is about to expire, send us a remittance.. The i>ostal laws aro very strict in this matter? It is much easier, too, to keep your sub scription paid up than to let it stnud for long periods and then pay several dollars at a time. W. M. Brown's Livery, Sale and Feed Stables. Plenty of good .Mules and Horses that need to be sold. Buggies, Surreys and Wagons; Saddles. Bridles, Collars and Blan kets, Whips, Robes, etc. Just received a car load of High Point Haggles and Surreys. This is the nicest lot of Buggies and Surreys ever shipped to Wal halla. Every one a "Beauty," and they are sold under my personal guarantee. I also have a special line of Light Two-Horse Wagons-in fact, any thing in the Buggy or Wagon line. Brown has it, or Brown gets it. Come and let mo show you before buying. 1 make tho prices and terms W. M. BROWN, WALHALLA. S. C. Kl LL TH? COUCH ?NB CURE TH? LUNGS wiT Dr. King's Nsw Discovery FOR CS?8 irflpft. AWD ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLE?. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED. MASTER'S SALE. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLIN,*, COUNTY OF OCONEE. In Court of Common Pleas. Pursuant to a decree of the afore said Court, in the case named below, I will offer for sale, to the highest bidder, In front of the Court House door, at Walhalla, S. C., on MON DAY, the 1st day of MARCH, 1909, between the legal hours of sale, the tract of land below described: Elizabeth J. King et al., Plaintiffs, against Elisha Knox and Harrison Earle, De fendants. All that certain tract of thirty four acres, situate In Oconee County, State of South Carolina, known a:< the Elisha Carter place, adjoining lands of William Bibb, R. H. Smith son, J. J. Haley and others. The above tract of land will be sold subject to the lease of the de fendant Harrison Karie. Terms of Sale: Cash on day of sale. That in the event of the fail ure of the purchaser or purchasers to comply with the terms of sale promptly on the day of snle, that the .Master do resell the said premises on the same or some convenient sales day thereafter, at the same place and on the same terms as heretofore set out, at the risk of tho former pur chaser or purchasers, and that he continue so to do until he has found a purchaser or purchasers who shall comply with the terms of the salo. Purchaser to pay extra for papers. W. O. WHITE, Master for Oconee County, S. C. February 10, 1909. 6-8 Bruce Brown. DYER CLEANER REPAIRER All cleaning, dyeing, repairing and pressing dono neatly and dolivered promptly? Prices roa sonable. Phono No. 105. : : : People's Pressing Club, Walhalla, S, C. Ours? Goldei Prevents Pneumonia MASTER'S SALE. STATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OP OCONEE. In Court of Common Pleas. Joseph J. Norton, Plaintiff, against Green Cleveland, Defendant. Ptirstinnt to judgment of foreclo sure and sale In the above entitled nctton I will sell, at public auction, in front of Walhalla Court House door, on sale day in March, 1900, within the legal hours of sale, the following described tract of land, to wit: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and be ing in tho County of Oconee, of the State of South Carolina, on waters of Cane ? reek, waters of Little River, waters of Keowee River, K ' nthg lands now or formerly of Mary Can trell, H. W. Kuhtmann and others, and being tho placo known ns tho homestead place of Green Cleveland, and whereon ho resided on July 8, I SIM). Terms of ?nie: One-half cash, bal ance on credit of one year, with note and mortgage of premises sold to secure the credit portion. Purchaser to pay extra for pnpers. W. O. WHITE, Master for Oconee County, S. C.s February 3, 1909. 6-8 ANGEL'S STABLES. Livery, Feed and Sale. I have opened up a General Livery Business In the Brown Building, cor ner Main and College Streets, and am prepared to accommodate the public promptly and satisfactorily. See me when in need of any kind of conveyance, Saddle Horses, etc. Good service; reasonable rates. Your patronage will be appreciated. C. L. ANGEL, WALHALLA, S. C. atopstfrtti- ti mud **?*?!?Tunrf*