? . -- KEOWEE COURIER ( F S T A H ! -1S lil ; I ) 18 Published Every Wednesday Morning. Hubs? ript HUI, Ki .un fi >r Annum. Advertising Kales Reasonable. -By 8TBCK, SHBLOR & HCHRODICK. Communications or a personal ?character charred for as advertise ments. Obituary notices and tributes of respect, of not over one hundred words, will be printed free of charge. All over that number must be i aid for at the rate of one cent a word. Cash '<> accompany manuscript. WA MIA M.A. S. C.: \\ I.DNLSD.Y v, w.n. io, num. TUM DAM IT .M id STA Condemned by the Legislative Com mission-What Will bc Outcome? Columbia, Keb. I. Thc commis sion appointed by tho last Legisla ture to investigate the dam across thi Savannah riverai Augusta to-day made n report alleging bad faith on thc part of the city of Augusta and a similar commission appointed by the -Governor of Georgia. The Carolina commission reports thai the llsh-wny ls entirely Inade quate, and soys the Goorgla commis don, after agreeing lo remedy ibis .>n the plans of tho Federal commis sion, and at the expense of tho Geor gia owners of the dam, not only re fused to do so. but de< lined io an swer letters and refused lo meet the Carolina commission ill Augusta for a conference. The Carolina commission recom mended legislation to pul o patrol boat oil the Savannah river from Au gusta lo Mi,, coast lo cul up nets and enforce tho fish laws, and thal the attorney general bring suit lo compel the Georgln OWIKM'H of Hie dam to put in proper lish-wnys or abate the nuis ance by destroying the dam. HASKELL WILL NOT RESIGN. inalares Indictment Against Him mis Itel urned I leen lise ol' Malice. Vllltbrle, OUIa.. Keb. I. Frc mis of Governor Charles \. Haskell de nied to-day the truth ol' rumors thal i bc stale's Chief iOxecutivo would re sign Ills O fllce as a resit ll of the ju liet aunt returned against him yes terday by the Kedernl grand jury at Muskogee. Kriends of the Governor staled that the story was absolute!) without foundation in tact. Governor Haskell Hus morning, when asked ii be had further state mcnts to make regarding bis indict ment on a charge of conspiracy against the government In connection with Hie townsite frauds, said: "I will buln lin- case to Hie bittet ?.nd, and carry ii' i>> the highest conns. The evidence submit led io the grand Jury ls false, ami an In dictment was secured only through malice." ? The Goi eim r i ; roi itiful story of a beautiful girl snatched from the streets of Paris and lured to the United States, has resulted in the conviction of Henry Hair, charg ed ' y the government with promot ing "white slave" traille in this coun try. Lair was sentenced hy Judge Landis to serve two years in the government prison at Leavenworth, Kan., and to pay a ifL'.?oo line. The next case to he tried ls that of Lucie d'Arvaille, Lair's supposed wife, who was Indicted with him on charges of importing French girls to this coun try in violation of the immigration laws. Marie Peuroy, nineteen yeats old, was the Chief witness for the govern ment. When fourteen years old, she said, she met in the streets of Paris, .Inlcs Du four, who later Introduced her to Louis Paynt, now in the gov ernment prison at Atlanta. Ga. Paynl induced her to come to Amer ica, and brought her to Chicago, where she full into the hands of Lair, who came from San Francisco. Mlle. Peuroy informed immigration offi cers of her plight, and she was finally rescued. Jules Du four, who met the girl in Paris, is a brother of Alphonse Dltfour, who, willi a woman known as Eva Dufour, forfeited !? 2.1,000 cash bail, following indict ment for white slaving in Chicago, and lied to France, where they were recently convicted in a French court. Hoarse coughs ;.nd stuffy colds that may develop into pneumonia: over nigh! are quickly cured by Fo- j ley's Honey and Tar, and it soot lies j Inflamed membranes, heals the lungs and expels the cold from the system. J. W. Bell, Walhalla; Stonecypher I Pharmacy, West minster. World's K?nning Kccord is Broken. 1 Savannah, fla.. Feb. 4. - Fred ! Simpson, a Canadian Indian, o roko tile world's record for fifteen m Mes running it in one hour, twenty-seven minutes and four-fifth seconds. A large gallery in automobiles follow ed. Those w lio drove horses were I distanced. More than 2,omi people saw the finish. OCONK1'] liLOCIvADKH ARRESTED; Duri Allciii Who Escaped from the (hing, lias Reen Captured. (Anderson .Mail. 6th.) Deputy Sherih- W. W. Mitchell, of Oconee count v, cunio here this morn ing from Walhalla for Hurt Allen, a white man who escaped from the county chain gang there last March, a few days after he had been sen tenced to serve a term of four months i for blockading. Mr. Mitchell will re tarn to Walhalla with his man tills afternoon. \ Allen was captured by Deputy Sheriff M. M. Stewart yesterday af ternoon at the J. J. Fretwell lumber camp on the Hammond place, a few miles east of the city. The officers here had been on the lookout for him for some time, and in some way got wind that he was working at this camp. Officer Stewart and Tom Davis went there yesterday, and Allen was found in the act of handling a large log. .lust as soon as he saw the two ? strangers, neither of whom he knew, approaching, Allen threw down his log book and headed for the woods at a rapid rate. The officers gave chase for a short distance, but real izing that Allen bad a Steep hill to climb, decided to await develop ments. When he had reached the top lie was so nearly exhausted that he gave up, and was brought to Jail here. Allen ia about six feet In height, Of slender build, and on level ground, no doubt, would have given the ofll-! cers the ( base of their lives, had no shots been (ired. Ile lived near Oak way. A Charlotte .Man Suicides. Charlotte, X. C., Feb. Charles F. W adsworth, one of the most prom inent citizens In the business and social life of lids city, suicided to-day in a Greensboro hotel. Wadsworth wein to Greensboro Saturday on a? business trip. Last night the stran ger registered as R. lt. Varne, Vir- ' ginia. He shot himself in the head,; dying shortly afterward at a hos pital. He has been Identified as Wadsworth, No cause ls assigned for the rash deed. AFTER ROAMING TEN YEAHS Mun Wanted for Murder Surrenders at Dublin, (bi. Dublin, Qa., Feb. 4.-Drawn by Borne Irresistible Impulse to return to the scene where he killed a man when he was fifteen years of age, .Manly B, Tripp, after roaming over a good portion of the world for ten years, to-day surrendered to the she riff of Laurens county. For BOme days he has been hero, and was an interested spectator In the court house during a trial. He was not recognised until he volunta rily surrendered. He was a well known youth, and is prominently connected. He shot .lames Hood down on the street in ISM. He es caped, and effort to capture him failed. i NOAHS LINIMENT For Rheumatism, Sciatica. Lame Hack, Stiff Joints, and Muscles. Sora Throat, Colds, Strains, Sprains, Cuts, bruises .Colic, (."ramps, Indiges tion, 't oothache, and all Nerve, Uoneand Muscle Aches and Pains. The genuine li as Noah's Ark on every nackage. a$c., 50c. and $ 1.00by al IdeaI ersln medicine everywhere. Sample by mallf ree. KOAH UL M LU Y CO.. RICHMOND, VA., A D06TON,MA*a.,U.?.A. World's i Greatest Pain . Killer Train lillis Six Italians. New York, Feb. ?"?.--Six men were killed and several Injured yesterday when a construction train on the New York Central Railroad ran down a party of track repairers near Uni versity Heights in Bronx borough. A gang of laborers, all Italians, were working near a curve when the train swept around the bank, plunged Into the group and hulled the men in every direction. Foley's Honey and Tar Clears the air passages, stops the irritation in the throat, soothes the Inflamed membranes, and the most obstinate cough disappears. Sore and inflam ed lungs are healed and strength ened, and the cold ls expelled from the system. Refuse any but the gen uine in the yellow package. J. W. Bell, Walhalla; Stonocyphor Phar macy, West minster, --?a~-!-!-? P?0 0*m