THE EMPTY (Atilinta C "Please Don't Forge lt we could put our oura << tho humble il resides of the world to night, this ls tin* prayer whose ac cents wo would catch like the uni deal patter of little feet, treading . ho mystic highway: "I'liKAHH DON'T I'OIUiiOT Ml:, SANTA C DA I 'S !" Christinas is hut a short distance off. Tho shop windows are all aglow with beautiful things. The letters to Santa Claus are hastening up the chimney Hues. The mistletoe is glistening on the frosty air: ami the pines and (lie hollies are nodding on the hills. The years Ilia.) '.ave plowed deep furrows since wo older children lis tened for the tinkling ol' Hie sleigh bells; lint the memories of Christ mas ?lays still haunt us like lingering strains of music -Uko flowers which will not wither. Tile ? are of business-tho worries of worl: the heartaches and the vex ations ol' life all vanish into thin air when recollection takes us hack t?? tin' old December days; and, in Hie shadow ol' the old lire-place hangs Hie slinking which mother darned for Santa Claus io lill! We are planning lo make Hie Christmas holidays a season ol' un wonted merriment for Hie little loto al home. Hut lid us not forget the pale faced children ot the poor the chil dren for whom no Christ mas tree viii burn unless we light thc tapers - Hie children of waul and hunger DHAND1CD MKHHACK AS INSI hi. Veiled Th II rsl of ItooMovcll Declared Wallton ?md ('ross Attack. Washington, Doc. 17.-The Se?ale has definitely decided lo ?tiler upon au investigation relative to the por tion ol' the President's annual mes sage, which criticises Hie action of Congress in prohibiting the detail of secret service mell to duty in other depart mcnts. The resolution has been in contem plation ever since the message was received on Tuesday of last week. lt was decided that Senator Aldrich slum hi stand sponsor for Hie mea sure, and the Rhode island Senator preseated a resolution authorizing the Inquiry. Roth measures were promptly in ferred to Hie committee on contin gent expense After a very animated discussion, in which several members of tho Senate spoke very pointedly regard ing the President's utterances, the resolution was adopted. "Wanton Insult." Mr. Dailey objected to the reso lution because il did not direct the committee t?> Inquire into "the very -gross and wanton" words of the Pres ident's message. "So far as I am concerned," he said, "no action should be taken on Ilia! resolution until that point is covered. Bittier Congress is the most infamous body that ever assembled in any country of the world, or it will take some notice of this most wanton and gross Insult ever given any body In ; he world." ) Mr. Hale declared thal Hi,- resolu tion was sufficiently strongly worded to permit the committee on appropri ations to make Hie kind of report desired by Mr. Dailey. Il(> said I bal. ns chairman of the committee on ap propriations, he would prefer to have had the resolution sent lo some oilu r committee; but he promised that Hie committee would not shirk its iluty. Tillman I'scs Pitchfork. "I Would like to i ll qui Te of t Ile Sell - ator from Maine." interrupted Mr. Tillman, in his piercing voice, "who Iher lie thinks the Senate has been Insult?-?! V" Mr. Hale insisted that ever) one had his own opinion on that subject, and any one was as aide as he to form an opinion. Coming n ga i ti to his feel quickly, Mr. Tillman -aid that, nccordlng to i lie Presides!\s message, Congress ls composed of a lot ol "rascals :::. ! scoundrels, who belong io the peni tent Inry." Mr. Dale replied that there had been a great deal of "restlessness and Indignation in the Senate." "There is no restlessness at the White House." repli.-il Mr. Tillman. "They ar?? cool and ?alni as ?an be there." "I think," continued Mr. Balley, "that it is remarkable that tho ques tion whether Hm honor of Congress luis buen Impeached should he In any way connected willi any question of the secret service, except so far as i lie secret Be rv ice was employed t<> investigate members of the two Houses of Congress." Snylng he had not heard thc m?>s . age when lt was read to Hie Senate. .Sr STOCKING. Georgian. ) t Mc, Santa Claus." land destitution, whose breakfast Isl sometimes only a ernst and whose supper a crumb-the .children of oV I plumage, many of whom perchance have been gathered into Institutions ol' charity to partake of better things, but whose wants still call for lunch which we can give them-the chil dren who, nt humble bedsides and with tear-fllled eyes, all over out land, are lifting up the prayer in broken sobs: "PLEASE DON'T KORHKT MK, SANTA CLAUS !" Christ mas ls the day of day's in childhood's ?-alendar. it belongs not only to the children of the rich, but to the children of the poor; for the Holy Child who gave it to the world was born in the manger-cradle of tin? Inn at Bethlehem. Then let us loosen the strings of our money-bags . Let us gD'e of our increase to tho worthy charities which are pleading al Ihis Christinas time for help; and in pouring the oil Of gladness into j hungry hearts, we will start the wells to glistening in our own. Lei us multiply the joys .of lids Christ mas season in our homes and , about our own lire-sides by answer ' lng the prayer of the little tot; and j Iel us say in effect to the motherless brood wherever they may kneel: 'Tilinta Claus wiy liol forget you Ile loves Hie children of the rich Hui be will not forget the children of tb?' pool-; because lie loves them, too!" Mr. Culbcrsou said: "It was a dellh crate, studied and gratuitous insult to the Congress by the President." Ho would have preferred to sec still stronger language used in the reso lution, but contented himself with lt, as il had been agreed upon. Senator Newlands spoke at con siderable length, saying thal the question at issue was whether the secret service had been used to i' vestlgate Congressmen in the pursu ance of their legitimate d?tes or .vas only to detect fraud in the dillies de volving upon the Executive depart ments. "But," interposed Mr. Tillman, "the President's message shows that he has Investigated us generally, asd thal wo are a lot of scoundrels that need Investigation. Now there may he men here who feel that way. but God knows I do not." Mr. Newlands said be was not at tempting to apologize for the Presi dent, hut wanted to have thc Senate avoid any hasty and Improper lan guage. Senator MeLaurin, of Mississippi, favored a dignified resentment of the language of the President, and Sena tor Macon declared that. In lils view, the message "was the most deliber ate and carefully worded Insult ever sent to any parliamentary body In this or any other country." He con tinued : "lt is my deliberate judgment thal if the Klug of England had sent such a message to Parliament there would be bul one thing to shield him from the loss of his crown, and that would be the appointment of a regent." The resolution was then passed w it boni a roll call, and no opposing vole was cast. Can't look well, eal well or feel well with Impure blood feeding your body. Keep the blood pure with Burdock Blood Hitters. Eal sim ply, take exercise, keep (dean and you will have long life. TAFT'S MISSION I N TH E SOI TIL Next Presiden! Wishes to (?et Ac quainted With Ibis Section. Washington, Dec. 17.?.??The mis sion of President-elect Tait In tho South-which was commenced to-day when he started for Augusta vvili he one ot conversion, ll i.-> his par po-.' io meet politically and socially all the hading figures of that Bec lion. ll is his purpose to make lin coming administration a Tatt admin istration, and while he will regard the sugg? st lons made to him by ?'res ident Roosevelt, lt has become plain lately that the President-elect pur poses' lo see and (lo for himself when he goes to the White House. Loi thal reason ho decided to go inlo thc rory heart of the South and study conditions, man to man, in order that, so far as that section is con cerned, he may be Independen! of "advisers." patronage distributora and political "bosses." Life Sentence for Birdsong. .lockson. Miss., Doc. 18.-Thomas Birdsong, slayer of Dr. A. B. Pitts, a prominent physician of Hnzlehurst, has entered a plea of guilty in ac cordance with an agreemen between counsel and was given a life sen lenee In the penitentiary. The kill lng of Pitts took plate last week. ? c UTMOST IMPORTANCE TO EYE SUFFERERS. If money could buy sight-Unfor tunates who have neglected to con sul! a comp?tent Bye Sight Sp.iciallst would gladly pay any price. Dr. A. A. Odom, Eyesight Specialist, i I make Spectacles and Eye (?lasses to corie.; all errors ol' slghl after thoroughly examining your "yes by my new methods mid Improved in stru?).eilis. Special attention given to muscular imbalance, double vision, eye strain, headaches, pain in the eyes, near sight, farsight, old siuht, astigmatism, cross eyes straightened without the use of the knife, artificial eyes matched and inserted. My motto: .You satisfied or your money hack.'" has bulli up for us the larges) business in the state. Tn ori-of-town patients, I will deduct ? .our railroad faro from bill for twenty-five miles out, half of tare for fifty miles. We (lo this that our out of-town patients may have the same advantages a.- our ? itv friends. Dr. A. A. Odom, Eyesight Special ist, Millinger lite niobe Optical Co., (Phone IMO. ) 22? X. .Main Street, (.reen ville, S. ( '. Wollum Educator lins Queel' Ik-quest Heston. Dec. 19.-Miss Mary E. ! Robbins, an instructor at i m mons College, has accepted the baby left her by the will of a young married couple, both of whom died. Miss Hobbins met the pair abroad and formed an acquainatnee. Re cently a trained nurse called at her Apartment in Brookline, a suburb, with an infant, saying that the mo ther and fat lier had left instructions for Miss Robbins to accept it. Documents bron >t by the nurse substantiated her statements, and the strange legacy was accepted. Don't use harsh physics. Tho re action weakens the bowels, leads to .bionic constipation. Get Donn's Regulets. They operate easily, tone he stomach, ( tue constipation. ^ To Aid Colton doods Trade. A Washington dispatch says that Representative Wiley, of Alabama, has Introduced a bill appropriating S I nu.omi io be used a employing six Agents to \i it china and other East ern countries for the purpose of pro moting better trade relations with those countries: to have the boycott taken off Americas goods, and to dis play samples of American cotton goods. How Jo Gain Flesh Persons have been known to gain a pound a day by taking an ounce of Scott's Emulsion. It is strange, but it often happens. Somehow the ounce produces thc pound; it seems to start the digestive machinery going properly, so that the patient is able to digest and absorb his ordinary food which he could rot do before, and that is the way the gain is made. A certain amount of flesh is necessary for health; if you have not got it you can get it by taking SCOTT'S EMULSION Rend this, together with name of paper in which it appear?, your addrett And four cents to cover pottage, and we will (end you a "Complete Handy Alla? of the World." SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl St., New York STATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF OCONEE. In Court of Common Pleas. Pursuant to a decree of the afore said Court, In the case named below, I will offer for sale, to the highest bidder, in front of the Court House door, at WALHALLA, S. C., on MONDAY, the Ith day of January, 1909, between the legal hours of sale, the lots of land below de scribed: Wm. Oscar Johns, Plaintiff, against Alice Miller et al., Defendants. One lot of land In the Town of Westminster, containing seven and three-tenths acres, more or less, on which is located a five-roomed house, Jargo barn and other out-buildings, and adjoining track or right of way of the Southern Railway and Lot No. of the lands sold in this case. ALSO, One lot of land in the Town of Westminster, containing three ocres, more or less, and adjoining the seven acre lot of land in this case. Terms of Sale: Cash on day of sale. Purchaser to pay extra for papers. W. (). WHITE, Master for Oconee County, S. C. December 0, 1 HOS. r>0-f>:> W. M. Brown's Livery, Sale and . Feed Stables. Plenty of good Mules and Horses that need to be sold. Buggies, Surreys and Wagons; Saddles, Bridles, Collars and Blan kets, Whips, Robes, etc. .lust received a car load of High Point Puggics and Surreys. This is the nicest, lot of Buggies and Surreys ever shipped to Wal halla. Every one a "Beauty," and they are sold under my personal gua ranice. I also have a special line of Light Two-Horse Wagons-in fact, any thing in tho Ruggy or Wagon line. Drown has lt, or Drown gets it. Come and let me show you before buying. I make the prices and terms to suit. W. M. BROWN, WALHALLA. S. C. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. All persons are hereby notified and warned not to trespass on any lands owned hy us or under our control. Any entry on said land, for the pur pose of hunting. fishing, digging roots or herbs, cutting timber for any purpose whatsoever, is hereby pro hibited under the full penalty of the law. ELIZABETH SPENCER ELIZA SPENCER, SALINA C. SPENCER, . GEO. W. SPENCER. December 0, 1 !?08. 60-53 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MENT AND DISCHARGE.-Notice ls hereby given that tho undersigned will make application to D. A. Smith, Judge of Probate for Oconee County, in tho State of South Caro lina, at his office at Walhalla Court House, on Thursday, December 3 1st, 1908, at ll o'clock in the forenoon, or as soon thereafter as said applica tion cnn be heard, for leave to make final settlement of the Estato of Geo. S. Hamilton, deceased, and ob tain final discharge as Administrator j of said Estate. W. o. HAMILTON, Administrator. December !?, 1908. ?0-.">'{ Blacksmith and Repair Shop. 1 have opened, in connection with my ot lier business, a Blacksmith and Repair Shop, on the Corner of Main and Tugaloo streets, opposite C. L. Reid old stand, and keep al ways on hand ail kinds of Material, Paint, (dc, ready to do your work while you wait. Can build you a Wagon any size, und gunrnatee sat isfaction, Repair and Paint your Bug gies and Carraiges. New Cushions, Extra Wheels, Tops, eic, kept In stork. Horse-shooing a specialty, and if not ali: lai lory I do lt for nothing. Give in'' a I rial and sec il I don 'I do the work right. VV. ,Y\. BROWN, WALHALLA, S. C. KOA I) TAX NOTICE. .otho ls hereby given that tho books are open for receiving tho Commutation Road Tax of $1 for Ho; year limit. All persons between I the ages of 18 and BO (not excmpt I ed hy law) arc liable to this tax. Th'J time for paying road tax ex pires February L'8, 1909. W. J. SCH RODER, County Treasurer. December it, 1908. fiO-f)."} FOLEYSHONEYHTAR .tops tb* oeurfh and baals Io?rf? ANGEL'S STABLES. Livery, Feed and Sale. I have opened up a General Livery Business In tho Brown Building, cor ner Main and College Streets, and am prepared to accommodate the public promptly and satisfactorily. See nie when in need of any kind of conveyance, Saddle Horses, etc. Good service; reasonable rales. Your patronage will be appreciated. C. L. ANGEL, WALHALLA, S. C. NOTICE TO T1IK Il EIRS-AT-LAW OF JOSEPH BLACK, DECEASED. J. A. Black et al., Plaintiffs, against .lohn G. Black et al., Defendants. Notice? ls hereby ?hen to the heir 8 at-law of Joseph Black, deceased, to prove their identity as such heirs be fore me, at my olllce, in Walhalla, S. C., on of before the 4th day of March. 1909. W. O. WHITE, Master for Oconee County, S. C. December 2, 1008. 40-52 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND OHED? ITOBS.-All persons Indebted to tho Estate of Janies P. Hoke, deceased, are hereby notified to make payment to the undersigned, and all persons having claims against said estato will < present the sam- duly attest^u with in the Hmo prescribed bv lav or be barred. (MISS) ANNIE HOKE, Qualified Administratrix. December 2, 1908. 49-52 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MENT AND DISCHARGE.-Notice ls hereby given that tho undersigned ', will make application to D. A. Smith, Judge of Probate for Oconee County, in the State of South Carolina, at bis olllce at \valhalla Court House, on Thursday, December ?list 1008, at ll o'clock In the forenoon, or as soon thereafter as said application can be beard, for leave to make final settle ment of the Estate of Jas. P. Hoke, deceased, and obtain final discharge as Executrix of said estate. (MISS) ANNIE HOKE. Admlnist ratrlx. December 2, 1908. 49-52 COME OCT AND MAKE YOUR TAX RETURNS. The Auditor's office will be open from the 1st day of January, 1909, to the 20th day of February, for tho purpose of receiving returns of Per sonal Property for taxation is Oco nee County, South Carolina, for the year 1909. For the convenience of tax-payers the Auditor or his depu ties will also receive returns at the following times and places: Mt. Tabor, Monday, January 4. Retreat, Tuesday, January 5. South Union, Wednesday, Jan. 6. Fafr Play, Thursday, January 7. W. N. Woolbrlght's, Friday, Jan. 8. Friendship, Saturday, January 9. Tokeena, Monday, January ll. Oakway, Tuesday, January 12. Westminster, Wednesday and Thursday, January 13 and 14. Adams' Crossing, Friday, Jan. 15. Clemson. College, Saturday, Jan. 10. Newry, Monday, January 18. Seneca, Tuesday and Wednesday, January 19 and 20. Clark's Store, (near High Falls,) Thursday, January 2 1. Salem, Friday, January 2 2. Little River, Saturday, January 2!t. A. L. Wlhtmire's, Monday, Jan. 25. Tamassee, Tuesday, January 2fi. Cherry lilli, Wednesday, Jan. 27. Mt. Rest, Thursday, January 28. Henry's Store, Friday, January 29. Cannon's Store, Saturday, Jan. 30. M. H. Lee's Store. Monday, Feb. 1. Tltgaloo Academy, Tuesday, Feb. 2. Madison, Wednesday, Feb. 3. Richland. Thursday, Feb. 4. Returns will be taken at all places from 10 o'clock In thc morning until o'clock in the afternoon. Every male citizen ind ween tho ages ol' 2 1 and 00 years, except ex Confederate soldiers and those Inca pable ol' earning a support from being maimed, or from other causes, shall he deemed taxable polls. Xote all transfers ol' real estate since making your last return; from whom acquired or to whom sold. All taxpayers are required to nive the Hin?ber of their School Dis trict. Tliey are also requested to State whether the property ls situ ated in town or country. lt is absolutely necessary to make all returns bet?re the 20th of Feb ruary. After that dato 50 per cent pena Itv for non-returns ls prescribed by law. H. W. ORD BBB, Auditor Oconee County, S. C. December 10, 1908. 51-2 NOTICE TO DEBTORS and CRED ITORS.-All persons Indebted to the Estate of J. F. lllnckle, deeonsed, are hereby notified to make payment; to the undersigned, and all persons hav ing claims against said estato will present the same duly attested within the time prescribed by law or be barred. J. EUSTACE HOPKINS, Administrator. December 16, 1908. 51-1 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Cure* Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. f \ Plows CO. so. CA. NOTICIO OF ANNUAL MEETING. Notice ls hereby given that the Hoard of County Commissioners for Oconeo county will hold their annual meeting on Friday, January 1, 1909, at 10 a. m., in their ofllce at Wal halla Court House, S. C. Claims MUST be filed not later than Decem ber 31st, 1908. Claims Hied on said Brst day of January will not bo pass ed upon by the present Board. All parties having accounts against the county for the year 1908 should have them before this board or they will he barred. Same may be Hied in per son or by mall. All parties having county tools In their possession must furnish the hoard with a list of the same. D. F. MCALISTER, Supervisor. December 9, 190S. C> 1 -52 CITATION NOTICE.-Tho State of South Carolina, County of Oconee. in Court of Probate.-By D.A.Smith. Probate Judge.-Whereas, JESSE LAY, JR., has made suit to me to grant him Letters of Administration of tho Estate of and Effects of JESSf^jL^ LAY, SR., deceased- W Those are, therefore, to cite and admonish nllandsingu'ar Hie kindred and creditors of the said JESSE LAY. SH., deceased, that they be and appear bofore mo, in the Court of Proba'te, to bo heb! at Walhalla Court House, South Carolina, on Thursday, the 24th day of December, 1908. af ter publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in tho forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why tho said administra tion should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal this Sib dav of December, A. D. 1908. (Seal.) D. A. SMITH, Judge of Probate for Oconeo Coun'.y, South Carolina. Published on the 9th and 1 Gib days of December, 1 90S, In The Koo- r woo Courier and on tho Court House door for the time prescribed by law. December 9, 190S. 50-51 SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. PHE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF OCONEE. (Court of Common Pleas.) Georgia R. VanDlvioro, Administra trix of (he Personal Estate of M. R. VanDlvioro, deceased, Plaintiff, against Matilda Chambers, Ellon Lyles, Roxy Roach, Hampton Chambers, Lucy Roach, Albert Chambers, a Minor, Defendants. Summons for Relief. (Complaint not Served.) To the Defendant, Lucy Roach: You are hereby summoned and re quired to answer the complaint In this action, which was flied in the office ot' the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for the said county, , on the 3d day of June, 1908, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscri ber at his olflce, on the Public Square, at Walhalla Court nouse, South Carolina, within twenty days iifter tho service hereof, exclusive of tho day of such service; and if you fail to answer tho complaint within tho time aforesaid, tho Plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In the com plaint. Dated at Walhalla,?November 24, A. D. 1908. [Sealj C. R. D. BURNS. C. C. P. ROBT. A. THOMPSON, Plaintiff's Attorney. To Lucy Roach: Take notice, that the Summons and Complaint In this action, for the Foreclosure of Mort gage given by Patrick Chambers to M. lt. VanDlvIere, has hoon flied In tho office of the Clerk of the Court at Walhalla, South Carolina. ROBT. A. THOMPSON. Plaintiff's Attorney. November 25, 1908. 48-53 SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. THE STATE OF SOUi ri CAROLINA County of Oconeo. Court of Common Pleas. Elizabeth J. King. Ida T. Dillard, Ollvia N. Pitts, Susie L. Bennion, Cora E. Mason and Rosa W. Mar tin, Hetrs-at-Law of Joseph T. King, deceased. Plaintiffs, against Elisha Knox and Harrison Earle, De fendants.-Summons for Relief.-" (Complaint Served.) To the Defendants Above Named: You are hereby summoned and re quired to answer tho complaint In this action, of which a copy ls here with served upon you, and to serve a oppy of your answer to the si.ld com plaint on Lho subscriber, at his of!?T., on the Public Square; nt Walhalla Court House, South Carolina, within/' twenty days niter ne service ' ereof, exclusive of Ibo day of such sorvice; and if you fall to answer the com plaint within (ho (Imo aforesaid, the Plaintiffs in this action will apply to tho Court for the relief deina Jed in tho complaint. Dated November IGth, 1908. WM. J. STRI BLI NO, Plaintiffs' Attorney. To tho Absent Defendant, Elisha Knox: TAKE NOTICE: That tho purpose of this action ls tho partition of the real estnte of tho lato Joseph T.* King, deceased, described In ' tho complaint, among thc parties to this action according to their respective legal rights, and that no personal Judgment is demanded against you. WM. J. STRIBLING, ? 47-5?? Plaintiffs' Attorney. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Cure* Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough.