Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, October 07, 1908, Image 6

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KEOWEE COURIER (ESTABLISHED 1840.) fnbUslied Every Wednesday Morning. Subscription, $1.00 Tor Annum. Advertising Hates Reasonable. -By STECK. SHE LOR ?V SCHRODER. Communications or a personal character charged for as advertise ments. Obituary uotlces and tributes of respect, of not over one hundred words, will be priuted free of ch?rge. AU over that number must be paid for at the rate of one cent a word. Casb to accompany mauusorlpt. WALKALINA, 8. C.: WEDNESDAY, OCT. 7, 11)08. THE GA KIDSON CASE ENDED. Manslaughter, witli Kocominedatlon to Merry, Says tile Jury. Laurens, Oct. 2.-The jury in the Garrison case, after being out all night, returned a verdict of guilty of manslaughter with a recommendation to mercy. Garrison has not been sen tenced yet. and lt is not known whe ther his attorneys will carry the case to the Supreme Court. Laurens, Oct. 2.-The trial of J. Henry Garrison for the killing of J. Louis Williamson began hero yester day. The principal witness was the de fendant's pretty daughter, Miss Mary Garrison, who testified thal while teaching in York county she had be come engaged lo young Williamson, who for the second time after her return home came to see her at her bom,< at Gray Court, Laurens county, on .Inly 31, 1H08. He arrived at the station about I p, m.. P.nd was met by her father. She and Williamson, after supper, sat on the porch with the family and then went Into the parlor. William son first begged her to marry him, and later, it Is claimed, made Im proper proposals. She was trying to get away when ?he heard her father's voice at the si< R window. She ran out of the room. Williamson jumped up and faced the window, and almost in stantly her father fired his shotgun. Williamson was wounded In the ab domen and died three hours later. When asked to Identify a letter of sympathy she wrote Williamson's mother. Miss Garrison took the letter and tore it up as she stood on the witness stunt. Judge Memmlnger then took the torn letter. On cross-examination Miss Garri son said Williamson was under the Influence Of whiskey when he came to i he house. A ?reinendous crowd was present from ..ll sections of the county. Wil liamson's relatives from Chester and York counties, who are prominent people, are also here. Carload of Little Waifs. Milwaukee. Wis.. Oct. a.-There were 07 of them and (17 different va rieties. They were? babies rom two years up to five, all colors, shapes, sizes and previous conditions of servi tude. Little waifs they were, the discard of New York, out in search o' a home far from the center of sorrows and woes that they were horn to. On the way to St. Paul. Minn., from New York a special car with these babies passed through Milwau kee. With the children there were several sisters of charity and two trained nurse Thc Home-, hiding Society ol' New York is sending them West to deal them out into good homes with the farmers near St. Paul. When the conductor came out ol' the car there was a suspicion of mois, ture in Iiis eyes. The sisters made the babies beds by placing boards across from seat to seat, for the special car was not a sleeping car. Several babies were piled into one "bed.' The one car accommodated the i!7 babies besides the nurses and sisters. Long pieces ot sheeting were stretched across the tops of the seats to cover the "beds" and keep out the cinders and dust. WANTS MAXY AEROPLANES. Frenchman Orders Construction of 50 Machines on Wright Model. Le Mans, Sept. 30.-Lazare Weil 1er, a prominent French financier and aeroplane promoter, announced to-day that he had ordered the con struction of 50 aeroplanes on the Wright model, as he was convinced that the Wright brothers would be able to carry ?ml the contract recent ly signed by Wilber Wright and him self as the representative of a syn dicate which specifies the payment to Mr. W>-!ght of $100.000 by tliie syndicale on the accomplishment of certain conditions and the granting to the syndicate of the sole right to const nu t the Wright type of aero plane In Franco and the colonies. The conditions require thc American inventor to make dights of 50 kilo metres each in a moderate wind, the machine to carty two passen gore or an equivalent weight and sulll cienl gasoline to allaw a Hight of 2(H) kilometres. Wilbur Wright has won the Aero club prize ol $ io,uno for the longest flight over an enclosed ground, the time limit of which expired at sun set to-night. His Hight of one hour, seven minutes ami i . I-f. seconds, made September 28, stands un beaten. The conditions of the prize required thal the Hight should be made before sunset, which debarred from consideration his other record breaking lllghts. Democratic Rice Sold. Lake Charles, La., Oct. L A sack of rice was auctioned to-day for $20 on tho hoard of trade. The high price was caused hy announcement that the proceeds would go to the national Democratic, campaign fund. The rice came from Honduras. COTTON CONDITION DECLINES. Average is 71.1, Agolnst VS. I I .asl Mont li mid 00.5 Last Your. Now York, Oct. 1.-The Journal of Commerce to-day publishes its monthly report ou tho condition of cotton on the average date of Sep tember 24, as determined by 1,675 special reports from correspondents. 7 8.1 n mouth ago, a deterioration of 7 points. This compares with 66.5 last year, 71.9 in 1906, and 69.4 in 1905. The decline is not an unus ual one for September, the year 1907 showing a drop of 7.4 points, 1906 drop of 7.5 points, 1903 a drop of 11.8 points and 1902 a drop ot 6.3 points. Since the commencement of these reports in the year 1901, condition has only once exceeded the present figures, namely, in 1906, when lt was 71.9. The general expectations ot a large crop, however, must be considered modified, unless excep tionally faverable weather should prevail for tho remainedr of the season. Drought and high tempera tures have been the goneral causes of deterioration, added to which boll weevils and boll worms have been active in Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi. Texas has been more fortunate than other States, the loss for the month showing only 3.9 points. Georgia declines 4.6, so that the two largest producing States suffered the least Excessive falling off occurred in the following States: North Carolina 12.6 points, Mis sissippi 10.3 points, Louisiana 13 points, Arkansas 13.6 points, Ten nessee 15.5 points, and Missouri 17.2 points. In South Carolinn the decline was 7.2, Florida 0.8, Ala bama 7.5, and In Oklahoma 5 points. Tint's Pills will save the dyspeptic from many days of misery, and enable him to eat whatever he wishes. They prevent SICK HEADACHE, cause the food to assimilate and Uh the body, give keen appetite? DEVELOP FLESH and solid muscle, coated. Elegantly sugar Take No Substitute. THE FliOOD CAUSE OF A SUIT. riaiutiiY Alleges Southern Hollway Did not Keep Culvert Clean. (Greenville News, October 2.) The first damage suit against a railroad as a result of the heavy rain storm and flood of August 25th has just been filed In the Court of Mag istrate Samuel Stradley, and, lt is said, several suits of a similar char acter and against the same railroad will be filed shortly. The case in question is that of J. B. Neal against the Southern Hallway for tjio sum of oighty-flve dollars. | The grounds upon which the action is based are in substance as follows: The plaintiff owns a tract of land near this city, on the Columbia and Greenville branch of the Southern. The land has been planted In corn and peas, and at a certain point of that part of the railroad which inter sects the land, the company had built a culvert. The railroad had neglect ed to keep the culvert In repair and clean, and on the 25th of August, during the heavy rainstorm, the large volume of water that had gathered there could not ge through the de fective culvert, and consequently not only backed on, but overflowed the land In cultivation, and thereby de stroyed the corn and peas. Hitchcock's Ofllce Hobing. New York, Oct. 1.-It has just been made known that the otilce of the Republican campaign commit tee, was robbed Sunday morning. About 50 private letters and $7 5 worth of stamps were taken. It. ls believed that the stamps were taken as a blind io cover the real purpose of the theft. A strong effort is being made to locate the missing matter, but so far lt has been unsuccessful. Where yon When yon No smoke Oltcn yo in some roi nace does i pick up ar PERFECTION1 (Equipped with Sn to the room you want to heat house. It has a real smokeless smoke or smell-turn the w as low as you like-brass that gives out glowing h ished in japan and ni anywhere. Every Thc i* the Ump (or th? (Indent or ^^^D ruder, lt give* a brillant, steady light that rruket study . pleasure. Made ol bran, nicke wilh the litest improved central draft burner. 1 % Ii you cannot obtiin the Perfection Oil Healer i your dealer write to our nearest agency (or descri STANDARD Oil? COM! / PLOTECT YOUR FRUIT TREES. In Kc -ii i<K to Sun Jose Scale in South Carolina. Tho San Jose (San Hozay) scale is the most pernicious insect pest of fruit and shadp trees In South Caro lina. In some sections the owners of trees are cutting them down, ow ing to the presence of this insect. The division of entomology of thc South Carolina Experiment Station has repeatedly emphasized the fact In the press chat there is uo neces sity for cutting down or otherwise destroying a tree merely because lt ls infested with Sau Jose scale un less the tree ls so far gone that lt has not enough vitality left to re cover after the scale ls killed. Al though one of the worst insects of America, it has been demonstrated over and over again that the pest can be successfully and economically controlled. Fruit growers all over the United States who are troubled with this pest are controlling lt by the sprays devised for that purpose. All citizens of South Carolina who have trees dying or who know that their trees are Infested with scale, or who have trees In an unthrifty condition are invited to write to the Division of Entomology. South Car olina Experiment Station, Clemson College, S. C. Information ls cheer fully given and no, postage ls re quired to Insure n reply. The wholesome, harmless green leaves and tender stemis of a lung healing mountainous shrub, give to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy Its cura tive properties. Tickling or dry bronchial coughs quickly and safely yield to this highly effective cough medicine. Dr. Shoop assures moth ers that they can with safety give it to even very young babes. - No opium, no chloroform-absolutely nothing harsh or harmful, lt oalms the dis tressing cough, and heals tho sensi tive membranes. Accept no other. Demand Dr. Shoop's. Sold by J. W. Bell. Pointed Paragraphs. Taft says if Bryan ls elected, busi ness will be paralyzed, and Bryan says If Taft is elected there won't be anv business to paralyze.-Elberton Star. There is a split in the Independ ence party in Georgia. Both the vo ters war. ed to stump the State for the party, and the campaign funds were not big enough to stand for lt. -Anderson Daily Mall. If Roosevelt does not take the stump lt will be because the whole cabinet and Taft's other managers are pulling him back- By all means turn him loose in the Republican china shop.--Columbia State. We hope that our esteemed con temporary, The Commoner, when it moves to Washington next March, will not feel too superior to exchange with us.-News and Courier. A Jeweler's Experience. C. R. Kluger, The Jeweler, 10GO Virginia avenue, Indianapolis, Ind., writes: "I was so weak from kidney trouble that I could hardly walk a hundred feet. Four bottles of Foley's Kidney Remedy cleared my complex ion, cured my backache and thf Ir regularities disappeared, and I can now attend to business every day, and recommend Foley's Kidney Rem edy to all sufferer: , as lt cured me after the doctors and other remedies had failed." Sold by J. W. Bell, Walhalla; Stonecypher Drug Co.. Westminster. BS Sundays this Year. ( Johnston News-Monitor. ) There will be 53 Sundays In this year, an occurrence that will not hap pen again for 110 years. This extra Sunday can be utilized In attending church, calling on your host girl, reading the Scripture, playing with the children, breaking In a two-year old colt, or some other way. One hundred and ten years from tills date you will probably be paying the pen alty or enjoying the pleasures of the method in which you choose to speud this extra Sunday. want it want lt -no smell-no tronMe. u want heal in a hurry om in the house the iur iot reach. It's so easy to id carry a I Oil Heater nokeless Device) -suitable ior any room in the device absolutely preventing ?ck as high as you can or (ont holds 4 quarts o? oil leat lor 9 hours. Fin ckel-an ornament heater warranted. ANNI'Ali REPORT -of W. J. SCHRODER, Treasurer of Oconeo County, s. c. To His Honor J. W. Devore, Presid ing Judge of General Sessions, 1 Fall Term, 1908, for Oconee County. Schedule of claims paid from coun ty funds for fiscal year 1907: Hoads und Bridges. 1 O L Thrasher.$ 1"? 75 7 T M Leathers. 7 50 10 Ed Lewis. 16 50 18 Frank Rice. 400 20 O L Thrasher. 31 55 23 J B Burgess, Sr. 8 00 33 J F Knox. 14 26 50 J A Beardon. 17 00 72 K I Roach. 1 00 79 T M Leathers. 7 50 135 S L Crow. 10 00 154 J L McCsrley, asgn. . . 15 00 156 J L McCarley, asgn. . . 16 00 165 T M Leathers. 7 60 236 C E Gambrell. 12 44 238 W L McMahan. 16 87 280 T M Leathers. 7 50 324 Ed Lewis. 15 00 343 J B Burgess. 5 16 346 W J Keown. 4 53 350 R J Vinson. 19 75 369 D A Perritt. 2 40 373 Fred Lee. 8 00 376 T M Leather.8. 7 50 392 Ed Lewis. 15 00 418 O L Thrasher. 9 00 4 20 JR Rogers. 1 50 461 Ed Lewfs. 9 00 462 J L McCarley, asgn.. 6 00 463 T M Leathers. 7 50 476 J S Fowler, asgn. 16 50 480 R T Jaynes, asgn. 22 45 487 J B Burgess. 5 00 494 S M Butt. 2 00 499 J H Hunnicutt. 21 00 501 R W Vaughn. 6 00 512 T M Kelley. 9 50 513 C D Corbin. 2 25 521 Whit Knox. 6 10 5 30 F G Barker. 2 50 540 W O Johns. 1 85 550 J B Burdette. 10 00 555 Smith & Powell. 33 55 559 Jas D Tollesou. 2 70 560 A C Smith. 1 80 5 65 Ed Lewis. 5 00 5 68 T M Leathers. 7 50 577 Knox & Cannon. 212 40 588 J A McPhall. 47 15 605 T M Leathers. 7 50 608 J B Burdette. 15 00 618 W W Snead. 3 40 619 Keowee Courier, asgn. 2 00 632 J B Burdette....... 30 00 633 T M Leathers. 15 20 635 J B Burgess. 4 50 637 J C Boggs. 1 .35 639 J B Burdette. 19 50 615 T M Leathers. 7 50 646 John O'Leary. 49 57 660 J L Miller, asgn. 10 00 676 Moses Webb. 50 677 W N Todd. 6 00 678 D B Smith. 5 00 680 J N Sears. 24 50 6SI T M Kelley. 19 87 686 F M Simpson. 7 00 689 Neville Bros, asgn... 50 75 700 B E King. 8 00 707 J B Burdette. 23 50 716 C W Pitchford Co.asgn 40 83 720 S L Crow. 7 2; 721 T M Leathers. 7 50 7 25 J W Fendley. 2 00 728 A C Smith. 19 50 739 W M Brown. 3 00 75 2 C W Pitchford Co.asgn 4 75 753 C W Pitchford Co.asgn 10 00 755 John T Jenkins. 2 00 757 Jas F Knox. ll 60 759 M Nicholson. 18 00 761 J M Adams. 4 72 7 62 W T Roach. 7 25 764 B Phillips. 28 00 766 T S Blackwell. 9 50 767 I Good, asgn. 6 50 768 Green & Dyer. 19 13 769 W A Wilson. 13 00 770 W T Adams. 3 50 773 W G Russell. 7 00 774 Jim Sanders. 2 75 775 F H Smith. 19 50 777 J Harbin. 2 60 781 MC Thomas. 3 50 783 Keowee Courier, asgn . 6 75 1 785 R L Madden. 4 75 786 A C Smith. 3 25 787 S W Cox. 9 91 793 C G Jaynes, asgn. 8 55 795 W H Corn. 9 75 798 J W Lee. 2 13 803 T E Sanders. 2 50 S06 J F Hunnicutt. 1 50 809 W J Smith. 1 50 Ml WT Hunt. 4 00 SI 3 Richardson Lumber Co 3 20 S1 ? J F Stewart. 3 00 815 P P Sullivan. 2 00 817 J J Plckens. 5 00 SIS EA Perry. 2 00 S20 W F Casey. 1 00 830 Courtenay Mfg Co... 180 00 834 Bank of Walhalla.asgn 179 73 840 People's Bank, asgn ... 996 37 sr.3 J H Wiglngton. 6 00 855 G C Arve. 3 30 Total.$2733 56 Ronda. 2 R L Thomas.% 6 00 3 W M Stegall. ll 2 5 1 W H Rochester. 4 25 5 J R Rogers. 55 00 13 WC Burnside. 3 25 16 Bank of Walhalla. . . . 267 63 17 S Adams, Agt. 102 12 19 J O Driscoll. 12 00 21 RC Emerson. ..... 15 00 22 J R Rogers. 38 10 24 M C Thomas. 17 25 2 5 W W Marlin. 7 95 26 M G Holland. 25 50 2 7 SK Kertnedy. 12 35 2 8 W M Siegall. 5 00 29 R J Vinson. 7 95 30 J ll Cru m pt on. 10 61 31 Clem Wilbanks. 43 00 35 J L Tow. 2 50 36 R L ('.listrap. 3 00 49 T It Owens. 12 75 Bl R L Madden. 10 00 62 A C Stone. 16 50 64 T F Cannon. 20 9 7 67 R H King. 3 50 69 W T Ramev. 6 50 70 I) J Boat wright. 24 15 76 J W Hester. 8 60 77 .1 T Hamey. 6 00 78 B J Marett. 28 73 80 John A Hicks. 3 00 8 2 J W Reed. 3 30 s3 Thos Littleton, Sr. . . . 1 00 88 W E Julian. 9 38 90 F M Simpson. 23 25 fl WC Simpson. 28 00 92 W H Leo. 32 73 96 L II Rlmrodt. 400 00 97 J M Kelley. 148 40 99 E P Wood. 25 25 100 R C Emerson. 4 4 00 ? 101 W J Duckett. 275 00 102 W 13 Guinn. 58 05 104 J B BurgesB, Sr. 6 00 106 J W Fendley. 9 00 10C J W Fendley. 9 00 107 Mack Heaton. 4 75 108 J D Bowers. 6 50 109 W H Doyle. 21 00 lil J R Roger?. 42 00 114 J F Knox. 65 10 115 J O Driscoll. I. 43 15 119 D J Boatwrlght. 22 00 124 Kdward Harden. 6 25 126 Reuben Leo, Jr. 38 85 127 Oscar Harris. 80 88 128 R L Madden. 13 40 129 Preston Loo .. 14 70 131 W H Alexanc r. 4 00 136 L R Cantrell. 26 00 137 MG Holland. 5 50 138 B F O'Kelley. 2 50 139 J A Ivester. 8 80 142 J N Davis. 62 01 143 S M Hunnlcutt. 4 25 144 F A H Schroder. ll 44 145 Elbert Cobb. 10 75 148 John Satterfield. 1 75 149 L A Lay.% 1 50 151 J W McClain. 26 84 152 K C Tannery. 35 17 172 M L Cox. 8 47 173 A J Sanders. 14 30 177 J J Moore. .. 7 85 179 J D Babb. 5 50 181 T B Ables. 1 25 182 J S Entrloan. 5 50 184 Albert Chambers. 1 00 186 Rowland Cobb. 4 50 191 W H Strlbling. 4 50 192 W F Miller. ll 25 193 W O Alexander. 3 00 194 G W and W M Kay. . 10 00 19 5 T D Alexander. 200 00 196 MC Thomas. 18 9C 201 S B Hubbard. 30 62 204 F M Simpson. 15 IC 206 J H Crampton. l oe 207 W E Giles. 20 Si 210 RF Baldwin. 6 5( 211 J B Whitten. 3 0( 216 L W Lusk. 1 2( 23 2 P G Allen. 4 81 2 33 J M Kelley. 148 5( 23 4 W H Alexander. 19 7i 235 J F Alexander. 9 Ol 237 W C Barker. 32 51 2 39 W O Johns. 4 0< 240 W J Keown. 27 3i 241 Clem Wilbanks. 23 5 2 42 E L Collins. 14 0 243 M W Burrell. 23 0 244 J G Lee. 17 24 5 W F Moody. 15 0 246 J B Burgess. 5 0 247 J lt Rogers. 8 0 24 8 W C Cobb. 7 5 250 R J Vinson. 27 5 251 C H Whitmlre. 35 6 252 J D Bowers. 17 253 W E Bowers. 16 0 254 RC Emerson. 26 0 2 55 W B Guinn. 10 0 2 56 Mack Heaton. 18 6 257 D J Boatwrlght. 12 5 258 Preston Lee. 42 7 2 59 R E Keese. 18 5 260 W R Knox. 6 26 3 Mrs A G Sweezy. 3 0 264 John O'Leary. 12 3 2 65 T B Sanders. 7 0 2 66 Oscar Harris. 196 ? 271 J T Wilson. 7 S 272 J S Bntrican. 10 l 277 H J Myers. ll i 279 S J Isbell. If 281 M H Lee. 6 1 283 L A Lay. 10 ( 284 Baxter Roach, Jr. . . . 4 ( 286 J I) Tolleson. Bi 287 R E Fendley. 3 ' 288 W N Todd. 8 ! 2 89 John A Harbin. 2 1 290 J L Hudson. li 291 J T Ramey. 22 ( 293 A C Smith. 8 ; 294 J E Pearson. 3 < 295 A P Tannery. 13 l 29 6 W T Ramey. 6 299 Jos Kerr. 26 301 Sam Elliott. 2 303 Seneca Hdw Co. 23 304 C E O Mitchell. 10 308 J W Lee. i> 3 09 J B Pickett. c 310 J M Cobb. 14 312 E C Tannery. 3 314 J W Alexander. 8 316 J W Miller. 7 317 O L Thrasher. 3 318 J M Brewer. 7 319 JW Ivester. 29 320 Matheson Hdw Co . . . . 16 32 2 W II Lee. 6 323 John A Patterson. 3 325 Seneca Mercantile Co. 59 327 M Abbott. 17 328 Lester Ravenel. 1 3 29 F M Simpson. 32 330 T W Dickson. 10 332 S M Hunnlcutt. 6 3 36 M G Holland. 12 338 J & J S Carter. 5 5 3 10 Oscar Harris. 175 341 JW Fendley. 18 342 S L Crow. 19 344 D J Boatwrlght. ..... 13 345 J M Davis. 9 347 A Gaines. 2 34 8 TR Jenkins. 6 349 L R Cantrell. 7 351 W C Cobb. 9 35 2 J M Kelley. 86 35 3 M Abbott . 6 7 354 J W Lee. 2 0 359 Mitchell & Reeder.... 48 363 R II Sorrells. 17 364 W N Bruce. 9 368 A S Kilburn. 4 37 0 C S Thomas. 6 371 J J Ballenger. 380 372 W C Foster. 183 378 J J Abbott. 14 382 TB Ables. 4 3 83 J A Patterson. 8 3 84 Moss & Ansel. 8 3 85 D F Carter. 12 38 6 S B Hubbard. 6 3SX Seneca Mercantile Co. l l 39 1 N S Bligh. 2 394 T M Lowery. 16*1 395 Dearden & Graham.. f 396 1, E Dealon. ? 39 8 J F Stewart. E .10 1 R M Davis. 402 E W Moore. 4 04 C W Wickliffe. I1 408 Keowee Courier. 410 John Reed. 112 T J Stone. I 414 J C Cole. . I 4 17 David Lee. 1! 12 1 D W Crooks. 9 4 22 J J Plckens. 4 123 J O Driscoll. 430 R B Clark.'. . 431 John Uamby. 1 432 J M Kelley. 14 439 J W Lee. 140 R L Madden. 441 C W Pitchford Co... 2 443 M L Miller. 4 46 Roi"nd Cobb. 4 17 M Abbott . 14 4 52 J S Abbott. 453 W O Johns. 454 W B Guinn. 19 22 10 5i? 2 00 9 30 2 r?? 456 J A Callahan. . . . . . . J Jj 457 Maloy & Breazeale. .. 30 87 465 J A MoPhall.. J QB 466 R F Adams. ?5 SS 467 S N Hughs. 20 00 468 Bearden & Graham. . . 469 W P Mason. 470 N B Shed. 472 L R Cantrell. 474 C W Wickliffe. 477 Jay Abbott. 478 W H Hughs. 481 Geo. M White. 24 50 4 83 H R Bearden. 4 b't 484 Kd Harden. 25 7-> 485 Clem Wllbanks. 30 50 486 Frank Rice. * 488 J R Rogers. ,? ^ 489 J W McClain. ?9 80 190 D W Crooks. 109 1J 492 W W Snead. 2 . 80 493 C H Whltmlre. 15 80 495 J C Lee. 6 00 496 Elbert Cobb. ? 50 497 J S Smith. 23 76 498 K L Richey. ? 00 500 W T Hamey. ?5 lo 502 R L Gllstrap. 14 63 506 J L Miller. 2 50 507 W J McCrary. 4 40 509 J H Crump ton. 510 B M Lee. 1 00 511 L A Lay. J 75 614 J M Kelley. 163 98 515 M Abbott. 147 15 516 ML Harbin. 75 518 JW Lee. 19 00 520 J W Miller. 1 60 523 F II Smith. 1 00 531 J S Stewart. 6 00 533 W N Woolbrlght. 3 00 534 R E Fendley. 9 60 536 J F Alexander. 1 00 54 2 B C Mnrett & Son. ... ll 49 :>43 B J Marett. 20 50 545 W C Simpson. 6 38 547 T B Ables. 9 00 549 A S Kilburn . .-. 1 00 554 T M Lowery. 38 25 557 W F Smith. 12 00 5 58 J S Entriean. 1 25 5 62 W E Giles. 8 50 567 W N Todd. 50 569 Bank of Walhalla. .. . 40 25 570 1) W Crooks. 154 40 571 J M Kelley. 201 93 573 SB Hubbard. ll 85 574 M Abbott. 100 40 576 W ll Crawford. 579 S M Hunnlcutt. 580 J J Abbott. 581 C L Foster. 583 W L Thomas. 584 J E Simpson. 585 J B Phillips. 589 L E Sanders. 590 M R Hunnlcutt. 591 B J Marett. 592 ll C Moorehead. 694 J A Patterson. 595 M L Cox. 596 J M Phillips. 597 J D Martin. 598 John T Rohletter. 599 D R Shelor. 600 Carter Hdw Co. 601 T J Stone. 602 A M Brown. 603 Moss & Ansel. 60 4 JR Cleland. 606 J A Harbin. 607 T E Strlbllng. 609 J W Lee. 610 J O Campbell. 611 lt E Fendley. 614 T M Lowery. 616 Carter ? Co. 617 MS Cromer. 620 H J Myers. 621 W E Julian. 62 2 MF Simpson. 623 R L Crocker. 62 4 Wm J Strlbllng. 625 Keowec Courier,asgn 6 26 A M Brown. 627 Jesse V Woodall. 636 J W Lee. 640 J B Whitten. 643 Neville Bros. 64 4 M Abbott . 22 40 14 75 2 25 19 05 10 62 19 20 4 00 2 15 41 85 38 56 31 15 6 00 3 40 21 63 30 00 4 00 3 50 51 04 10 90 13 90 39 99 17 76 23 25 3 00 9 78 4 00 6 00 26 00 10 50 2 50 10 75 1 75 6 4 0 1 00 9 50 1 00 2 00 24 25 7 55 12 50 250 00 20 15 647 People's Bank. 2057 40 659 J L Miller. 1 05 661 J J Abbott. 1 00 66 4 B L Owens. 100 665 M Abbott . 4 4 30 675 W R Cobb. 100 00 687 J P Powell. 6 15 693 W H Lee. 4 00 694 S P Jenkins. 36 00 695 Clem Wllbanks . 70 50 69 6 W A Cox. 2 00 699 W C Barker. 9 30 702 J E Collins. ll 75 706 W E Nimmons. 2 00 70S W O Singleton. 1 00 . 709 H C Huskamp. 20 20 #? 710 J H Cannon. 19 92 713 E & Z Supply Co.... 47 16 717 C W & J E Bauknlght. 236 28 719 Moss & Ansel, Asgn.. 46 84 723 B J Marett. 34 90 727 M G Holland. 21 00 730 W Lt McMahan. ll 95 737 J P Strlbllng. 76 45 738 R E McLees. 1 00 742 Citizens' Bank, asgn.. 32 7 2 7 4 5 H R Bearden. 2 00 7 16 C W & J E Bauknlght. 105 50 7 47 J B Whitten. 9 772 J M Cobb. 3 782 E J Blackwell. 17 784 J M Trnntham. 1 790 Mitchell & Reeder... 4 792 J W Baker. 1 799 J P Jones. 44 45 802 Good Roads Machinery Co. 404 57 804 J J Hunnlcutt. 2 00 805 O C White. 2 50 810 G W Carnes. 10 72 821 M L Cox. 1 60 822 C P Deal. . . ,. 1 00 826 W O Johns. 1 00 829 Courtenay Mfg Co.... 126 00 831 A Bearden. 1 50 SIS Seneca Mercantile Co. 5 15 S.">7 Keouee fourier, asgn. 1 00 s58 II E Cox. 1 6r. 859 Ed Harden. 4 00 S65 W 0 Driver. 1 00 00 LO 6 9 I I I 1 I 5 32 34 37 45 47 5 2 6 3 66 cs 71 7 3 7 1 Total.$1 Bridges. J V Kennedy.$ Roland Cobb. American Bridge Com pany of N. Y. J T Crane. W M Fennell. I) W (hooks. Gus Hawkins. E R Whittier. J J Bickens. J R Sanders. J W Lee. American Brldgo Com pany of N. Y. American Brldgo Com pany of N. Y. W N Woolbrlght. C M Suininoroll. Il c Moorehead. R A Talley. J R Zachary. 1951 26 11 3 5 10 00 2715 00 4 00 15 04 5 00 12 42 6 00 li6 00 9 60 4 75 56 70 3785 00' 56 4 5 8 00 7 75 1 00 18 40 (Continued on Seventh Page.)