PROMINENT AT CONVENTION. Hon. Jos. M. Brown and Julian B. McCurry Successful Candidates. (Atlanta Special to The Athens Ban ner, June 30th.) Standing in the rotunda of the Kimball House Convention one day last week were two picturesque fig ures. They were engaged In a con versation, hut both were frequently interrupted to receive the congratula tions of friends. One was mature in years and had gathered a rich por tion of honors from his party's gar ners; the other young In yoars, but a veteran in political warfare. Both subscribers to the same political doc trine and both flushed with victories from the people. The one Hon. Jo seph Mackey Brown, nominated for Governor, and the other the youngest member of the next Senate, Hon. Julian B. Mc Cu ITV of the 31st Dis trict. . The new Governor and the young Senator have a family history with a great deal In common. Sena tor McCurry's grandmother, Mrs. John B. Benson, who was Miss Eliza beth Norton, was a bridesmaid at the wedding' of Governor-elect Brown's parents. Senator McCurry's great uncle Col. Miles Norton, a prominent South Carolina jurist, who fell In Virginia, at the head of his brave Carolina regiment, married Miss Frances Gresham, an aunt of the nominee for Governor and for whom Senator McCurry's mother ls named. Senator McCurry's uncle, Hon. John T. Sloan, was for fifty years clerk of the South Carolina House of Representatives. John T. Sloan, Jr., was Lieutenant Go\ amor under Gov ernor Heyward. FOI EilSHOm ^TAR fr.rehUdrrni oaf?, aurm* Km on tat?* . ACT QUICKLY. Delny HMS Reen Dangerous In Wal linna. Do the rlKht thins: pt the right time. Act quickly in times of danger. Backache IR kidney danger. Donn's Kidney Pills act quickly. Cure all distressing, dangerous kid ney ills. Plenty of evidence to prove this. W. D. Moss, living-on Main street, Walhalla, S. C., says: "I ha ?j used Donn's Kidney Pills and am p'eased to say that I received great relief. I had set'eral symptoms of kidney dis ease. Occasionally my back would ache and at times the kidney secre tions were irregular in action. I have felt a great deal better since I began taking them. They are all that they are recommended to be and I can endorse them highly as a relia ble kidney remedy." < For sale by. all dealers. Price 50 ? en ts. Poster-MUburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name-Dean's ?iud take no other. Master, Magistrates, Rte. The sub-committee of the County Democratic Executive Committee of this county advise me to publish that the people may nominate in the pri mary election to be held In August Master, Supervisors of Registration and Magistrates, provided candidates for said places file their pledge, and comply wi'.h all rules by July 20, 1908.. J. W. Shelor, County Chairman. Get my "Book No. 4 for Women." It will give weak women many valua ble suggestions of relief-and with strictly contidentlal medical advice is entirely free. Simply write Dr.Shoop, Racine, Wis. The book No. 4 tells all about Dr. Shoop's Night Cure and how these soothing, healing, anti septic suppositories can be success fully. applied to correct these weak nesses. Write fer the book. The Night Cure is sold by Dr. J. W. Bell. BURIED HER BABY ALIVE. Girl Confesses dime, but Takes the Charge Lightly. Haekensack, N. J., July 9.-Com ing out ot the Holy Trinity church after second mass, prayer book in hand, Sophie Collins, 21 years old, a servant employed in the home Of Hewitt E. Fielding, was arrested this morinlng on a charge of infanticide.. The young woman when accused later by Chief of Police Dunn, in the n**csorce of Prosecutor Koester, of having buried her infant alive along side one of the bunkers on the Haek ensack Golf Club grounds, on Fri day night unhesitatingly admitted the chargo and made a full confes sion. There was no sign of remorse for what r he had done, and while her photograph was being taken she smiled as though the whole proceed ing was a huge'Joke. .1 ustiff M. W. Heath committed the woman to the Haekensack jail. "I buried my baby because I thought she was dead," WBB the only explanation the young woman of fered. Heat prostrates the nerves. In the summer one needB a tonic to off set the cujtomary hot weather nerve and strength depression. You will feel better within 48 hours after be ginning to take su v a remedy as Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Its prompt ac tion in restoring the weakened nerves is surprising. Of course, you won't get entirely strong in a few days, but each day you can actually feel the Improvement. That tired, lifeless, spiritless, feeling will quick ly, depart when using the Restora tive. Dr. Shoop's Restorative will sharpen a falling appetite; it aids digestion; it will strengthen the weakened kidneys and heart by sim ply rebuilding the worn-out nerves that these organs depend upon. Test it a few days and be convinced. Sold by Dr. J. W*. Bell. '? ?? --. ?? ? ?'? AUT?I8TS HURT AT ABBEVILLE. Car Goes Uup an Embankment and Two Men are Injured. Abbeville, July 9.-G. A. Harri son, who runs a general repair shop tn Abbeville, and a young l?&n nam ed Norris, a machinist tn his em ploy, were Severely injured In an automobile accident hero yesterday afternoon. They were driving a Maxwell runabout down Mngaziue street, at a high rate of speed, when some part of the steering machin ery' failed to work. The machine ran up an embankment, throwing the occupants out with the result stated. The machine was completely wrecked. Dr. G. A. Neuffer dressed the wounds of the two men and thinks their Injuries will not prove fatal. Was in Poor Health for Years. Ira W. Kelley, of Mansfield, Pa., writes: "I was in poor health for two years, suffering from kidney and bladder trouble, and spent consider able money consulting physicians without obtaining any marked bene fit, but was cured by Foley's Kidney Cure, and I desire to add my testi mony that it may be the cause of restoring the health of others." Re fuse any substitutes. Sold by all druggists. Caril of Thanks. Dalton, S. C., July 9.-Editors Courier: I desire to extend my heart felt thanks to my friends and neigh bors in Cheohee and elsewhere for their kindly ministrations and ex pressions of sympathy during the ill ness and death of my father. May God's richest blessings be theirs, and may the bitter cup never touch their Hps. D. P. Mahaffey. APPORTIONMENT OF SCHOOL MONEY FOR 1007-'08. Below is given a complete statement, showing the total income and from what sources, in all the Districts, also showing the amount spent since July 1, 1907. so as to show the amount to the credit of the Districts July 1, 1908. A few Districts have overdrawn, and to avoid overdrafts in the future, I suggest the following calculation, which will give you your ap proximate Income for the next year: From the total apportionment on this sheet subtract the amount brought forward July i, 1907, and to the remainder add the balance on hand July 1, 1908, which amount will be very nearly your income for the next year. Very respectfully submitted, C. Ii. CRAIG. County Superintendent of Education. Name of District. Townvilli} . Tokeena . Provident^ . Return . Bethel. Fair Play . South Union .... Retreat. Block . Mount Tabor .... Hopewell. Cleveland . Tugaloo. Unity. Toxaway. Holly Springs.... Westminster .... Clearmont. Richland . Bounty Land Conneross . Oak Grove. Changa . Zion ., Neville . Walhalla . West Union. Speed's Creek . . Friendship . Shiloh . Corinth . Stone Church Cherry . Fairview., Wolf Stake. High Falls (A) . . Midway (B). Norton . Warsaw.I Fall Branch. McKinney's Creek, Jocassee .i Salem ., Little River . Cheohee., Tamassee . Flat Shoals. Picket Post . Bear Pen., Cherry HUI. Village Creek Bethlehem.I Mill Creek. Whetstone . Double 8prings .., Belmont ., Mountain Grove . , Rich Mbuntaln .. Poplar Springs ... Long Creek. Brasstown . Damascus . Pulaski .; Seneca . Brewer ., Oconee Station . . Fort George Union. Reedy Fork Ebenezer., Ebenezer (B) Newry ., Earle's . Bear Swamp Red Hill . Crawford., Fort Madison.... Smeltsor. Zimmerman. Totals. 109 82 113 108 193 176 167 63 47 80 30 37 112 50 92 75 448 91 121 104 94 105 47 47 36 384 146 98 102 139 117 81 60 111 105 21 61 52 14 34 34 29 160 21 38 48 29 115 28 12 28 43 20 26 69 9 23 24 30 *1 19 39 25 626 74 30 34 47 60 95 35 187 88 58 40 43 107 23 28 6637 I* 78 189 58 340 161 206 76 133 349 96 204 158 45 327 185 946 56 124 157 71 121 93 163 185 374 84 263 338 438 33?. 89 91 340 318 7 87 285 79 101 124 278 271 61 151 99 121 378 96 95 100 220 104 85 146 108 221 138 99 97 121 169 169 315 231 23 311 60 475 201 122 221 127 03 27 7 5 $13314 12" rt $ 44 46 75 82 129 104 122 4S 25 47 21 29 31 23 42 48 307 51 68 66 23 60 17 31 37 268 96 51 44 60 68 61 29 52 63 ll 32 49 18 H 8 63 19 31 36 34 48 15 4 19 29 8 16 26 18 16 9 19 46 10 28 8 352 46 ** 25 21 29 23 69 25 102 30 26 35 28 72 ll ** 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 0 00 00 0 0 00 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 on 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .18946 W ll 213 160 221 211 378 344 327 123 92 156 58 72 219 98 180 147 878 178 237 203 184 205 92 92 70 752 286 192 199 272 229 158 117 217 205 41 119 101 27 66 66 56 313 41 74 94 56 225 54 23 64 84 39 50 186 17 45 47 58 80 37 76 49 1226 145 58 66 92 117 186 68 366 172 113 78 84 209 46 54 $?3?0FT2 o rt co 76 60 96 164 254 145 273 14 1955 24 295 118 1627 04 56 37 82 70 2096 132 277 $70.58 3 2 2 0 3 H u 14 17 19 22 31 36 39 17 10 12 7 8 9 6 16 13 35 12 20 22 8 20 3 5 10 27 15 16 13 27 16 16 10 20 17 2 10 12 7 7 6 2 13 8 14 20 10 14 7 1 9 12 1 3 x 7 ? 12 10 1 8 15 4 15 2 24 13 ** 14 7 6 ll *. 14 10 10 7 ll 12 21 6 *. 10 $1021 79 ja ?? co :/:::: 560 00 475 00 $1.036 00 s a v I? o H 426 472 470 666 854 739 840 265 260 838 183 314 418 173 566 393 4681 297 745 568 287 407 205 291 303 3049 481 523 595 798 644 324 248 630 661 61 287 448 132 206 211 346 661 130 271 249 222 666 172 124 188 346 153 164 315 ?b6 292 196 185 238 172 289 229 4490 335 97 326 161 458 327 107 954 414 147 124 246 801 189 84 "gt Ss 2 ? o - 46]$ 88| 37 2 0 24 4 5 61 2 3 CC 19 78 86 47 30 24 49, 33 97 IQ 18 03 48 92 20 64 3 8 9 3 66 44 4C 3 7 !)4 7 8 3C 15 79 03 4 5 43 5 8 07 73 1!? 42 42 78 82 OG 89 Ol 01 2 5 17 05 86 43 9 3 51 G 3 4C 5 9 79 39 08 9 6 80 13 74 18 27 CO 07 C8 18 40 31 31 83 88j 400 00 254 45 434 50 382 83 754 98 693 12 754 25 217 80 215 10 333 40 122 60 165 00 150 00 45 00 305 20 228 40 4105 73 256 90 665 30 329 85 340 10 265 60 83 50 208 00 295 42 3003 35 366 90 435 35 323 30 562 10 319 00 235 70 240 20 285 00 566 60 70 00 267 20 203 76 80 '00 130 00 129 25 236 98 373 70 138 00 150 35 227 67 91 00 301 76 78 75 91 48 121 66 220 21 143 05 82 60 235 76 114 78 216 92 51 00 ? 152 00 I 181 25 122 00 210 00 187 48 3761 15 759 38 172 ?? 179 32 293 46 269 88 475 35 257 80 157 19 168 23 246' 05 625 7 7 112 50 60 00 $ 39982 83J $30375 98 ?a - JP ?3* 26 218 35 273 99 146 86 47 45 504 61 149 268 128 261 165 575 41 79 238 141 122 88 8 46 115 88 272 236 32o 89 8 345 104 19 244 62 76 81 108 287 121 22 131 364 94 32 61 126 10 71 79 41 76 145 33 67 60 79 41 728 *97 154 07 11 82 31 ?4! 53 46 04 12 55 CO 65 01 51 0 3 21 59 7 9 91 9 3 80 13 164 67 107 478 166 .6.79 was for books returned by the Trustees. CENTER HIGH 8CHOO?I * ..No report from Treasurer as to these Districts. Received from th a State. $416.89 was spent by the County Board of Education, which ls Received from D'.strlct No. 3 Itemized in the Treasurer's report. ' Received from District )lJ, 5 Received from District No! 7 Received from District No. 9 Received from District No. 71 Received from District No 74 $360 00 96 42 164 29 146 79 30 84 60 92 26 82 Balance July 1st, 1908.$$54 5g Tho Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which has hoon In use for over 3Q years, has horne tho signature of ' - and has hcen made under his per ^2LjLJ&~Ff?j+^h>, sonal supervision since Hs infancy. UswE^yjj /-C