Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, May 06, 1908, Image 7

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HOL? YOUR SPOT COTTON. Reduce Acreage-Plant Crops that Can be Eaten and Fed to Stock. 9 Pendleton, April 28.--The manu ctun-rs of North and South Caro lina have decided to close down the mills July 1st. If the cloth market is so bad, lt looks like it would be good Judgment to close earlier, SB by July 1st the closing will be compul sory. Holders of spot cotton, take a firm hold, and do not be bluffed as you have been in the past. Cotton is scarcer than it has been in years, and the mills are about out of cotton not enough on hand to run thirty ays, and goods have not fallen in rice. . Cotton gets, high w! an it gets out of the producers' hands. ; The government wants to buy five ?o ten million dellars' v/crth o? duck ing, which will, take some cotton, Fall goods have not been contracted for yet, but will have to be soon. Hold your cotton for the minimum price. Cotton exchanges and their agents have been trying to create public sen timent that fifteen cents ls too hight and on account of the holding cam paign of the farmers the financial centre in New York has been shaken. Widespread panic prevails. If it ls a fact that the Farmers' Union lias in so short a time shaken the great Gibraltar of stock gam blers, we should accept lt as the high est tribute to unity among the farm ers, and call upon every loyal farmer in the South to join us, then with a firm hand obllter?te this dsn gerous systom of doing business, which only can be done by thorough organization of farmers. This ls a day of organization. It seems the crop Is two or three weeks late and the seed bed worse prepared than In many years, as the spring and winter has been BO wet that lt was Impossible to plow deep, which means poor stands and short crop. Don't forget the 1907 crop ls 4, 500,000 bales short. Hold to your cotton, futures cannot be spun and woven into cloth, If lt, could spot would not be worth gin ning. B. Harris. President, Farmers' Union. Tired nerves, with that "no ambi tion" feeling that ls commonly felt In spring or early ?ummer can be easily and quickly altered by taking what is known to druggists everywhere as Dr. Snoop's Restorative. One will absolutely note a changed feeling In 48 hours after beginning to take the Restorative. The bowels get sluggish In the winter time, tho. circulation often slows up, the kidneys are Inac tive, and even the heart in many In stances grows decidedly weaker. Dr. Shoop's Restorative is recognized everywhere as a genuine tonic to these vital organs, lt builds up and strengthens the worn-out, weakened nerves; lt sharpens the falling appe tite and universally aids digestion. It always quickly brings renewed strength, life, vigor and ambition. Try lt and be convinced. Sold by Dr. J. W. Bell, Walhalla. UNDER BEAMS OF SUNSHINE. Sonic of the Good Work of thc Sun shine Society. The International Sunshine Society, with a membership of 300,000, and 3,000 branches, is doing a grand work over the world. The society's object is to perform kind and help ful deeds, and "bring sunshine and happiness In to ?he greatest possible number of hearts and homes; dues are paid in kind deeds; you give as the spirit moves you. The society is interdenominational and interna tional. Mrs. Cynthia Westover Al den, a distinguished writer, is presi dent general. No officer receives pay. The society ls kept up by gifts fr?m members and well-wishers. The most noted men and women of the world are members of this so cletp, yet they adir" any one, even a street sweeper, lt ne will be sunny. The world's convention will meet in May, in Houston, Texas. Miss MPTye R. Shelor, one of the interna tional officers, and leader for South Carolina, sends in ? most encourag ing report from this State. The do nations for the past months of 1908 are larger than the whole of last year. In April Miss Shelor wrote 193 letters for the society. The Sunshine Column in The State (Sunday), ed ited by Miss Shelor, makes appeals for ala, which are answered beauti fully, shut-ins have been given every comfort; aged, poor and many classes oLpeople have boen given aid. On Kastor, Miss Shelor received stamps and, greetings from twelve States, and from her friend, Madame Marie Terry, Madrid, Spain. Madame Terry is a noted writer in French, and ls a couutess, and has aided greatly in Sunshine work. Tho*work in Sooth Carolina 1B for Compulsory, education; education of defective children, arid to improving rural homes. The Sunshine Society will have a <8unsbine oomer at tho Stata Fair. * "Dr. Thomas* Electric Oil Is tho best remedy for that often fatal dis ease-croup. Has boen used with success In our family for eight years."-Mn. L. Whltoacre, Buffalo, KV. Trv NC NERVI L. i rs World's ( for All 25c. nv ALI IN HI VERILY COTTON IS KING. -: An Interesting Survey of Situation Published by Prominent Paper?: (H.H. Edmonds, In Youth's Com pau.'on.) The South ls producing an average of a.Wit twelve million bales of cot ton a year. The time is rapidly com ing when this must be increased to twenty million bales or more to meet the world's requirements. The gain in consumption will require an aver age of half a million bales a year. At this gain it v..xild require button years to make lt hecessary for the South to raise seventeen million, or eighteen million bales annually. There ls no reason why the world will not eventually need forty million or fifty million bales or more of Southern-grown cotton; and with good prices and an increase in the labor supply, even this would not be the limit of the South's ability. The practical monopoly of cotton production ls a potential power for the South as great as would be an equally strong domination of the world's iron ore supply. Sooner or later, when this section fully comprehends this great power, lt will make the world pay tribute to its coffers, just as would England or any other country which owned the world's iron ores. ' By reason of this condition cotton IgrowerB ought to be the most pros perous farmers in the world, and In time they doubtless will be. For a mild, easy action of the bowels, a Single dose of Donn's Reg ulets ls enough. Treatment cures habitual constipation. 25 cents a box. Ask your druggist for them. Chester County Convict Killed. (Chester Lantern, 28th.) John McDowell, who was serving a sentence of sixty days on tho chain gang, was Instantly killed yesterday afternoon by accident. The steel roller, weighing several tons, was In motion, and a loose bolt was rolling around inside of it. McDowell, think ing to save tho bolt from being lost, reached In to get it out. but bis shoulder was caught and his head bent down, and the top of his head was crushed like a gourd. He would not have been permitted to expose himself to the danger had he not done so before he was seen or could be stopped. 'He'was a trusty and a good hand. He was sent to the gang for some offense committed at Great Falls, where he had been working. His Lome was in Columbia, whither his remains will be taken by his wife this ovetting. MVPills After eating, persons of a bille is habit win derive great benefit by taking: One of these pills. If you have been DRINKING TOO MUCH, they will promptly relieve the nausea, I SI CK HEADACHE - and nervousness which follows, restore the appetite ?nd remove gloomy feel ings. Elegantly sugar coated. Take No Substitute. Hobbed of $18,000. mu idle ld, W. Va., April 30 - Armed men this week held up guards who were conveying $ is,ooo from Welch to Gary, W. Va., to pay off the employees of the united States Coal and Coke Company, a subsid iary company of the United States Steel Corporation, The money had been shipped by tho McDowell Coun ty National Bank at Welch., There is no duo to the robbery, but a sheriff's, posse Is scouring the sur rounding country. >8J Th?*fh&pf?&4# pale children is magic*!. It makes them plump It contain" Cod' Liver and Glycerine, to make! I and so put together tba by little folk. M| T3??UL DRU0QI8TS} a FOR ALI. CREATION )AH'S It BONK AND MUSCLE I I M ESNJX jreatest Pain Killer Aches and Pains . DEALERS I NOAH REMEDY CO. O ICI NE 8 I IIOMMON?, VA., MB lOltON, HM?, TWO PORTRAITS OP TILLMAN I Ono is for Clemson College and One for Winthrop. ? (From the Columbia State.) Two life t izo portraits of Senator Tllman are nearing completion and are about to be shipped to South Car olina. The artist is Minn Clara Bar rett-Strait, who painted several of the portraits at the South Carolina Uni I versity. One of these portraits is for I Winthrop and the other for Clemson I College. The first painted 1B to take the place of the one now in the front j parlor of Winthrop and which, the ?Senator says, is a "monstrosity" for which he is not longer willing to stand. He employed Miss Barrett Si mit,accordingly tO get up one not quite BO monstrous. This she has suc ceeded in doing and the portrait, made the same size as the one now at Winthrop, will be shipped some time within the next week or ten days. The senator liked lt so well that he decided to have another pain", ad to be presented to Clemson. The sec ond one is now about finished. Both of them are in the Senator's commit tee room of the Five Civilized Tribes, : A Marrett-Strait is adding [the last touches. It was Intended that the two faces I should be exactly alike, although the position of the hands is slightly dif ferent. The >enator never has his hands in the sanio place for long. I This, however, is also true of his face, which is scarcely the same twice, so that in very truth to look at tho two pictures side by side one can dete:t I a decided difference of expression. There is something about the Win throp picture which imparts more benlgnance, or as some would doubt less prefer to put it, less mallgnance. The Clemson picture is a little moro stern looking, th? well known fierce look of the Senator coming out a lit tle sterner. Miss Barrett-Strait says this is flt and proper, for the Senator ought to look somewhat stern when he faces thc boys at Clemson, while at the girls Le should look beaming ly. In very truth there ls not much difference, but there ls enough to give color and correctness to this Import ant adaptation of the plastic counte nance to the character of the be holders. . Weak women should read my Book No. 4 for Women. It was written ex pressly for women who are not well. The Book No. 4 tells of Dr. Shoop's "Night Cure" and just how these soothing, healing, antiseptic suppos itories can be successfully applied. The book, and strictly confidential medical advice, is entirely free. Write Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. The Night Cure Is sold by Dr. J. W. Bell. CONVICTED OF GREAT FRAUDS. J_ President of Dry Fork Distilling Go. Given Four Years. Danville, Va., April 29.-T. M. An gle, president of the Dry Fork Dis tilling Company, was found guilty In the Federal Court here to-day of having committed extensive revenue fraunds on the government. Imme diately after the verdict was rendered Judge McDowell sentenced Angle to four years In the penitentiary and Imposed a fine of $16,000. Attorneys for the defense noted an appeal and ball was fixed at $20,000. The bond was furnished at once. Angle is also under sentence In the State ot North Carolina for violation of tho revenue laws. The cases of the other officers of the Dry Fork Distilling Company and the govern ment officials charged with collusion to defraud have all been continued. Kidney complaint kills more peo ple than any other disease. This ls due to the disease being so insidious that lt gets a goon hold on the sys tem before it ls recognized- Foley's Kidney Cure will prevent the devel opment of fatal diseases if taken lu time. Sold by all druggists. lTnf)r) noi'joti moy Xi y kZrhk?Mon on thin. rwy, active, Happy. Oil, Hypophosphite* i fat, blood and bone. I lt lt ?a ai ly digested ijk'* l*;l IjnpJ 9iH ?ttl OO. AND $LOOJ ********** GOVERNORS APPEAL FOR AID. -St Tho Suffering Caused by Cyclone is Greater than was Supposed. -_ Atlanta, Qa., April 2?.-Governor Hoke Smith to-day issued an appeal to the people of Georgia for immedi ate aid for the sufferer? in last week's destructive :.torm at Chipley, Griffin, Sttnson, Hanls and Cave City, Geor gia. In his appeal the Governor sayB reports received by him indicate a far greator degree of suffering than Aras at first supposed. The department of the Gulf ls ac tive in relief measures and sent offi cers to several points to report on the situation. The Southern Georgia and North Florida floods are threatening towns and villages along the Chattahoo chee and Flint rivers, which are re ported tc be well above flood Btages. The weather bureau to-day sent out flood warnings for these sections. Governor Noel, of MlssisslpDl, to day asked the department of the Gull for 150 ten tn to be sent to Jaskson, Miss., 150 to Natchez, and nf rv to Fayette. Tents now at Fort Jack son were ordered sent to these points. Governor Blanchard, ot Louisiana, wired the department that 500 tam iles were in need of assistance, and nuked that 60 tents be sent to tho chairman of the New Orleans relief committee for distribution. This re quest was complied with. Capt. Clark, chief commissary, has reported to the department after a visit to Griffin, Ga., that the damage by the storm at that place approxi mated $100,000, and that 200 per sons would have to be fed for thirty days. "Health Coffee" is really the clos est coffee imitation ever,., yet pro duced. This clever coffee'substitute was recently produced by Dr. Shoop, of Racine, Wis. Not a grain of real coffee in it either. Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee ls made from pure toasted grains, with malt, nuts, etc. Really lt would fool an expert-who might drink lt for coffee. No 20 or 80 minute? tedious boiling. "Made in a minute," says the doctor. Sold by A. P. Crisp. . -?o Vonni.' Woman Found Dead. Spar tan burg, April 29.-Mary Mayes, a young white woman, aged 20 years, was found dead in her room at Enoree .last night. Her mother said she heard a struggle in the girl's room and when she entered the room found her daughter dwad. This morning black marks were noticed about the throat and there was sus picion that her death was caused by violence. Coroner Turner held an inquest to-day, but there was no evi dence to bear out the foul play the ory. The physician stated that death was from natural causes and that tho dark spots on the neck were caused by the bursting of a blood vessel. NATURE AND A WOMAN'S WORK Nature and a woman's work com bined have produced the grandesl remedy for woman's ills that the world has ever known. In the ?rood old-fashioned days ol our grandmothers they relied upor the root s and herbs of the field tc euro disease and mitigate suffering The Indians on our Westen Plains to-day can produce roots anc herbs for nye ry ailment, and our? disoases that baffle the moat skill M Shysioians who have spent years ii tie study of drugs. From the roots and herbs of th? field Lydia E. Pinkham more th*! thirty years ago gave to the womer of the world a remedy for their pe culiar ills, more potent and effie* oious thi n any combination of drugs Lydia E. PinkhanVs Vegetable Compound is now recognized aa th? standard remedy lo? woman's ills. Mi*. Bertha Muff, of 010 N.C. St louisiana, Mo,, writes : Complete restoration to heaRl meaos so muoh to me that for the a*k< et other suffering women X am willlaf to make my troubles pabilo. "FortWei* years I-kaibeen suffer inj with the wornt form* of female DU i Darin* that time X had eleven diff eren physician* without help. Np tongu? can toll what I suffered, and at ??Sea ] could hardly Walk. About two yann ago I wrote Mrs. Pinkham for advice I followed it, and can truly say that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable) Com pound and Mrs. Pinkhams advice re stored health and i.trength. It ii worth mountain* of gold to suffering women." Q What Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound did for Mrs. Huff it will do for other suffering women ? ;-^??.in.iiiit?iija Hi ?IW?I?MMM ?i " "il l " " ?Ye?c.tahle Preparation For As - sln?latlng Hie Food andl?et? ula - ling rJieSlomttchs and Bowels of Promotes DigestionJCheerful rossaridRest.Contalns neither Opium.Moipr?ne nor Mineral. WOT ?iARC OTIC. /?*v* of MJ. lirSAMUEL PtTGWf? Aperfecl Remedy for Consiipa lion, Sour Stotnach.D?arrlwea Worms .Convulsions.Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Fae Simile Sitfnj^ur* o7 NEW YORK. A I I) i iii ) i i l h .'. v . 1 ?1 EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Il An Alibi. A new story comes out of the West, which runs like this, according to the Tarkio Herald: A Sunday school teacher asked his class who lod the children of israel out of Egypt. No one answer ed. He again put the question a lit tle more pointedly. Still silence reigned. The teacher became impa tient, and said: "Johnny, who led the children of Israel out of Egypt?" Johnny began to cry and said: "Please, slr, it wasn't me. We just moved here this week." KILL.T* COUGH AND CURB THE LUNGS WITH Dr. King*! New Discovery FOR AND ALI THROAT AND HUMO TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED. REAL ESTATE. We are off erin , for a limited time, some ' SPECIAL BARGAINS IN LAND ! 170 ames at $6 per acre. Will cut in half to suit purchaser. D. F. Nicholson 2-acre lot. Will out in lots. If all sold at once you get better price. Small farm three miles from Wal halla. A bargain. 2 Vi acre lot and house and out buildings, in Midway. All Bargains for quick purchasers. BURTON ? BENTLEY, Walhalla, S. C. LOTH'S STOVES AND RANGES. CHICAGO AND COLUMBIA AIR TIGHT HEATERS. VIN WA RE, ENAMEL AND STOVE WARE. KITCHEN FURNITURE. GENERAL REPAIRING AND TIN WORK. --CALL ON 8. MK, HUH I ll. C. R. Ho?chins. WE ARB DETERMI LIVERY 1 JL . .. For Infanta and Children. fha Kind You Have Always Bough? Thirty Years CASTORIA THC CtNTAUn COMPMir, rn? von? .ITV. PROFESSIONAL GARDS. \V. J. GARTER, M. I)., Dentist. Office two doora above tbe Bartk, la Garter's Pharmacy, WESTMINSTER, S. O. DR. W. F. AUSTIN, Dentist, Seneca, South Carolina. Office over J. W. Byrd A Co. DR. D. P. THOMSON, Dentist, ' Walhalla, South Carolina. 1 Office over CW. Pitchford Co's Store Phono No. &6. DR. J.H. BURGESS, Dentist, Seneca, South Carolina. Office over Witsell Bro.'s Store, Clinksnalcs-Harper Building. Office Hours:-9 A. M. to 1 P. M. 2 P. M. to 6 P. M. AV. M. FENNEIili, Land Surveyor, Walhalla, S. C., R. F. D. No. 1. PROMPT ATTENTION. B. A. BENTLEY, lt. T. JA YNES, Manager. Attorney. OCONKK COLLECTION AGENCY. Special attention given to collec tions in the county. Try us. Ad dress all communications to B. A. BENTLEY, Manager, _Walhalla, S. O. K. Ii. HERNDON, Attorncy-nt-Law, Walhalla, South Carolina. PHONE No. 61. J. P. Carey, J. W. Shelor, rickens, S. C. Walhalla, S. O. W. C. Hughs, Walhalla. GARBY, SHELOR A HUGHS, Attorneys and CounseUors, Walhalla, S. O. Practice In State and Federal Courts. R. T. JAYNES. Attorney-at-Law, Walhalla, South Carolina. Practice in State and Federal Court?. Bell Phone No. 20. J. 3. McSWAlN, Attorney-at-Law, GREENVILLE, 8. CAROLINA. H. C. LONG, Attorney-at-Law, (Offlea Over Post Office,) Anderson, 8. C. Will practice in all Courts in South Carolina. 46-'08 Louis A. Kins. NKI> TO DO THE .USINESS FOR THIS COMMUNITY. ... COMM ON AND GET YOUR TEAMS. HAULING" TEAMS, SINGLE AND DOUBLE BUGGY TEAMS AND SADDLE HORSES, ALWAYS ON HAND. Prompt and polite .enrica at roa eonabla prie?-. Teams sent out a? any hour, dayl oe night. Phone 10 or ll for quick teams. %l ii HQUCHINS A KING, ffi.lUftlfcsttlD?IS vW?lhAiU- * ?V I