FREE. FREE. Thc largest display of Spring Goods you have ever seen in a small town. For twenty years our business has been a success, be ause the very be^t people of the county have been our customers. Now, we feel that it is our time to show them that wc appreciate what they have done for us. Just at the time when most of the merchants have bought very little on account of the Money Panic, wc have kept our eyes open and picked up every lot of bargains in New Goods that we could find, and on SATURDAY, APRIL 4th, we will open our doors to the public and show you the greatest lot of bargains you ever saw in Fine Clothing, Ladies' and Gents' Shoes in many styles, Ladies* Waist? and Skirts in the very latest designs, Muslin Underwear and a Special Display of Ladies' Vests, and Dress Goods in all the new shades and styles. We have so many goods, things we can't mention, but you must remember that our past sales were a success and that we always gave you more than we advertised. This is our greatest Sale and you can not afford to miss a day. If you never were a customer of ours before come and get in line with the best buyers of the county and follow them on April 4th, and we will be sure to shake your hand. -. We will give away Presents every day at 3 o'clock. Get yours. We will have Music every day. Come-it is free to everybody. BEGINS SATURDAY, APRIL 4th, at 10 O'CLOCK. A Complete Change of OD Display Each LASTS TWO WEEKS, CLOSING APRIL 18th, 1908. A Few Prices Below May Interest the Wise Buyer: Men's Jeans Pants, 40 cents. 80 Suits at $2.75 per suit. 50 pairs of Shoes at 50 cents per pair. $3 Razors for 75 cents. Gents' Black, Tan and Gray Hose, 5 cents.' Linen Collars, latest styles, 5c. Men's Latest Style Summer Pants, were $8.50 and $4.50, for only $2. 25 cents Suspenders, 13 cents. 15 pounds of Roasted Coffee for only $1. 15 cents Roasted Coffee at 9 cents. ? 3-pound can of Tomatoes, at 7i cents. 12i cents Percales at 10 cents. 15 cents Percales at 12i cents. Jap Silk Waisting at 25 cents. Mill Ends Bleaching, 6? cents. Men's Summer Coats for only 50 cents. Hair Rolls (Rats), all colors, 20 cents. 25 cents Handkerchiefs for 15 cents. 15 cents Handkerchiefs for 9 cents. 10 cents Handkerchiefs for 0 cents. 5 cents Handkerchiefs, 3 cents. All kinds of Hose, Handker chiefs, Towols, Table Linen and Lace Curtains. GENTS' CLOTHING, The very latest in the high grade and best colors. $25 Suits for only $18. $20 Suits for only $16. $18 Suits for only $13.50. $15 Suits for only $11. $12 Suits for only $8. $10 Suits for only $7. $8 Suits for only $5. Hats in evory size and style. A word to the wise is sufficient. more Thc people kne w that when we advertise a sale there is something: doing and that you will also find greater bargains at our Store than we advertise. We expect people at this Sale than ever before, as we have more to offer the public this time. Fall in line and get the step with the merry crowd and let us fix you with a NEW OUTFIT OF EASTER GOODS. Remember the Date, Saturday, April 4th, Bring all the family and don't miss a day. 5 Si Gi /