WALHALLA DI DEALI Drugs, Medicines, Paints and Oils. Prescriptions Careful . Pharx: You get what you s No Sub? WALHALLA, SOI Wami RX? I?manuL ~ i - -"Old Trusty" Incubator and brooder for sale. B. S. Look. -Chas. Vernor, of Richland, was among friends hero for a short while last week. -Mayor J. E. Sitton, of Seneca,was in Walhalla Monday for a short while on business. -Two of J. S. Entrekin'8 chil dren, Ines and Clyde, of Conneross, are very low with typhoid fever. -Thos. E. Kilburn and John L. Reeder, of South Union, were in Walhalla last Wednesday and Thurs day on business. -See advertisement of T. M. Low ery, of Seneca, and call on him. He is prepared to fit you up in anything for your farm or stables. -The many Walhalla friends of G. T. Grove, of Childress, Texas, will be pleased to learn that he ls conva lescing, after a severe two-weeks' struggle with the grip. -T. M. Lowery, of Seneca, has a large stock of horses, mules, wagonB, buggies, farm Implements and every thing for the farmer, planter or stock man. See advertisement, then see Mr. Lowery. -T. M. Lowery returned last Thursday morning from the great stock markets, where he purchased a big lot of horses and- mules. He Invites you to Bee his stock before buying. -Go to T. E. Alexander for your buggies and harness. -Capt. and Mrs. R. C. Strother returned last Monday to their home In West Union, after an extended visit to their children In Georgia. Their frlendB here are delighted to welcome them back. -Mrs. C. Mi Brennecke returned last Monday from Atlanta, where she spout some time visiting her daugh ter, Mrs. G. T. Baughman, and fam ily. Mrs. Brennecke has been quito sick with'grip during her absence, but returns almost restored to good health. -Rev. A. P. Marett, pastor of tho West Union Baptist church, will preach there on tho second Sunday In each month at ll o'clock a. m. and 7.30 p. m.; on the fourth Sun day night at 7.30 o'clock. Public cordially invited to attend all ser vices and take part in them. Wel come to all. -Rev. Jos. T. Dendy, of Kershaw, (a native, however, of Richland, this county), takes occasion to say, in re mitting for his paper: "The dear old Courier, like a long letter from home, is always read with a great deal of pleasure and satisfaction. I regard it tho best county paper published anywhere, and could not do without it." -Capt. and Mrs. S. K. Dendv left last Monday for I lordell, Okla., where they will spend a month and proba bly longer. They were accompanied by their son, Julian Dendy. Capt. Dendy Ima suffered for quite a while with tho Oklahoma fever, but his friends here hope he will soon re cover and return with his family to Walhalla. -T. J. McKinney, of Bickens coun ty, was In Walhalla last week. He reports that the condition of his brother-in-law, Elbert Corbin, who was recently shot In Oklahoma, is extremely critical. Mr. Corbin was on his way here with bis father, but owing to his serious condition they were compelled to stop at Lawton, where an operation was performed. Little hopes are entertained of Mr. Corbin's complete recovery. -Walhalla Lodge, No. 67. K. of P., will give a banquet at the Wal halla Hotel on the evening of Febru ary 18th. It is hoped to make this one of the best the lodge has ever given, coming as it does when No. 67 is entertaining the delegates to the District Convention. It is thought that the arrangements for the banquet will call for 150 covers, and Mine Host Beard ls preparing an elegant menu for the occasion. Prominent speakers from near and far will attend. -Tannery's, Westminster, S. C. Special: Men's anr Information that will secure her r'jovery. Apply to JOSEPH OWENS, Seneca, S. C. Care Seneca Cotton Mill. 6 THE FINAL PRESENTMENT. Grand Jury Recommends Sitting of Legislature Every Two Yean. South Carolina, Oconee County. (General Sessions Court.)-To the Honorable the Court of General Ses sions: The gand jury begs leave to make its Anal presentment for the spring term as follows: We have passed on all the bills nanded us by the Solicitor, and thlnV lt cause for congratulation that we find auch good order has prevailed throughout tho county since the last term of court. While the attention of the jury has not been called to any flagrant violations of the dispensary law, we feel lt is our duty to say there aro some instances in which Magistrates, constables and other public ofneerp are not as vigilant In this respect as the p-'bllc good requires. In view of the great expense of annual sessions of the General As sembly, we recommend that the law be changed so as to have the General Assembly convene once in two years. We recommend that the commuta lion road tax he made two dollars instead of one dollar, and four days work instead of two. Committees have been appointed on public offices, jail and poor farm, which will report at the next term. The public roads are in fairly good condition with the exception of an almost impassable mud hole on the road leading by Major Wm. J. Stabling's, and a section of the road from the BlocK scbool hon??e to South Union Is In great need of im mediate attention, as well as the >.rldge on the same road. We recommend that the trustees of each school district report the condition of the school houses in their respective districts to the grand jury at the next term. The presiding judge and the other officers of the court have our thanks for the many courtesies extended us. >?? . Respectfully submitted, W. O. Hamilton, Foreman. February 3, 1908. Ask Yourself the Question. Why not use Chamberlain's Pain Balm when you have rheumatism ? We feel sure that the result will be prompt and satisfactory. One ap plication relieves the pain, and many have been permanently cured by its use. 25 and 50 cent sizes. For sale by Dr. J. W. Bell, Walhalla; W. J. Lunney, Seneca. To Puroli^^e Fertilizers. Westminster, Feb. 3.-Editors of Keowee Courier: Please publish that I have been to Greenville and made arrangements about fertilizers for the members of the Farmers' Union of Oconee county, and I want allot the local unions to send their busi ness agent to Westminster on Tues day, the 11th, at ll a. m, to meet me, and come prepared to say how much and what kind wanted. W. H. Cole, Co. Bus. Agent. Colds on the Chest Ask your doctor the medical name for a cold on tho chest. He will say, "Bronchitis." Ask him if it is eyer serious. Lastly, ask him if he pre scribes Ayer'8 Cherry Pec toral for this disease. Keep in close touch with your family physician. We pnblt.h ?mr form ul** fWo bMllk ?loohol from our m.dloin.i ?/w o Tsiter* When you tell your doctor about tho bid tt ? J In your mouth, loss of appetite for breakfast, and frequent headaches, and when he sees your coated tongue, he will say, " You are bilious.*? Ayer** HU* work well in such cases. -M ?do by th? J. O. Ajar Co., fcowtU, Mm. PLOW TIME. We are now prepared for your business. Get our prices on CHILLED STEEL and REVERSIBLE DISC PLOWS CUTTAWAY, SOLID DI?S, and DRAG HARROWS. IN THE LOWERY. BYRD BUILDING. New Fall Stock! DRESS GOODS Broad Cloths, Silks, Pun MOM, Voiles, Popllnettea, flrst-elass line of WAIST OOpDS. otc. READY-MADE SKIRTS Shirk Waists, Under Skirts, Corset Co Te rs, Gowns, etc. ' CLOTHING Beet Une of MEN'S CLOTHING I have ever carried. Also, BOYS' SUITS, Men'B and Boys' Odd Pants. SHOES-Men's, Ladies' and Children's Nothing equals our "Ladlee' Soft Shoes for Tender Feet." One pair will convince y